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Favorite Share Flag FLAG THIS ITEM FOR * Graphic Violence * Explicit Sexual Content * Hate Speech * Misinformation/Disinformation * Marketing/Phishing/Advertising * Misleading/Inaccurate/Missing Metadata movies THE MOON IS BLUE by Otto Preminger Publication date 1953 Topics Comedy, Romance Publisher Otto Preminger Films Title: The Moon Is Blue Summary: Two aging playboys are both after the same attractive young woman, but she fends them off by claiming that she plans to remain a virgin until her wedding night. Both men determine to find a way around her objections. Directed by: Otto Preminger Actors: William Holden, David Niven, Maggie McNamara Production Company: Otto Preminger Films Release Date: 8 July 1953 (USA) Aspect Ratio: 1.37 : 1 Successful architect Don Gresham (William Holden) engages a young actress, Patty O'Neill (Maggie McNamara), in conversation on top of the Empire State Building, and she accepts his invitation to dinner. Dropping in at his apartment on the way, they decide to dine there as Patty announces herself an excellent cook. Don slips out to buy food, and Patty is briefly visited by his ex-fiancée, Cynthia Slater (Dawn Addams), and not too briefly, by Cynthia's father David (David Niven), a middle-aged, practiced charmer who, on her invitation, stays to dinner. A slight accident at the table occasions Patty to change her dress for Don's bathrobe. While Don is away placating the jealous Cynthia, David loses no time in offering Patty a proposal of marriage and a six hundred dollar gift. She accepts the latter and is surprised by Don in a grateful kiss to David. Don is still enraged with Patty when her father arrives, and, outraged to discover his daughter in a bachelor's apartment, knocks him ... Length 99 min Addeddate 2013-10-31 18:59:06.872205 Aspect_ratio 1.37 : 1 Director Otto Preminger Genre Comedy,Romance Ia_orig__runtime 99 minutes 34 seconds Identifier MoonIsBlue Imdb Release_date 8 July 1953 (USA) Run time 1:39:34 Sound sound PLUS-CIRCLE ADD REVIEW COMMENT REVIEWS Reviewer: mstambourinekass - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - November 11, 2017 Subject: Loved it This movie is now on my fav movies list. 15,638 Views 61 Favorites 1 Review DOWNLOAD OPTIONS download 1 file ITEM TILE download download 1 file MPEG4 download download 1 file OGG VIDEO download download 1 file TORRENT download download 108 Files download 6 Original SHOW ALL IN COLLECTIONS Feature Films Movies Uploaded by Unknown on October 31, 2013 SIMILAR ITEMS (BASED ON METADATA) PLAY PLAY ALL Feature Films 61,758 62K Reaching for the Moon Oct 18, 2011 10/11 by joseph m. schenck movies EYE 61,758 FAVORITE 24 COMMENT 2 Bing Crosby in his first solo film performance. -One of several shortened versions of the film. ( 2 reviews ) Topics: Comedy, Romance, Musical Books for People with Print Disabilities 324 324 Blue Moon Jan 9, 2013 01/13 by jill marie landis texts EYE 324 FAVORITE 7 COMMENT 0 Topics: Romance, Fiction - Romance, Fiction, Romance - Historical, Fiction / General Feature Films 1,404 1.4K The Eclipse: Courtship of the Sun and Moon Dec 8, 2012 12/12 by star-film movies EYE 1,404 FAVORITE 10 COMMENT 0 Title: The Eclipse: Courtship of the Sun and Moon Summary: As the clock strikes twelve, a weary astronomer attempts to answer the impertinent enquiries of his young students by scrutinising an impending lunar eclipse, as an effeminate and delicate moon caresses the mighty sun's hungry cosmic rays. Directed by: Georges Méliès Actors: Directed by Georges Méliès. With Mlle. Bodson, Manuel, Georges Méliès. As the clock strikes twelve Production Company: Star-Film Release Date: 1907 (France)... Topics: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Short Manga: Unsorted Collection 278 278 MANGA: Moon Ah Dec 13, 2017 12/17 by panma texts EYE 278 FAVORITE 2 COMMENT 0 Moon Ah, the wandering physician has has come with her assistant, to cure the disease of a high-class boy. After curing and helping the boy, it's time to part. However, the boy has grown attached to Moon Ah and finds himself in love with her. He wishes to journey with her. With a new companion, Moon Ah continue to stride through the land of gods and mysteries. Topics: Adventure, Comedy, Historical, Manhwa, Romance Manga: Unsorted Collection 579 579 MANGA: Take Moon Dec 12, 2017 12/17 by type moon texts EYE 579 FAVORITE 10 COMMENT 0 A TYPE-MOON staff member artist Takenashi Eri has created many side stories to most of the group's projects; 'Tsukihime' & 'Kagetsu Tohya', 'MELTY BLOOD', 'Fate/stay night' -- you'll find your favorite characters in various hilarious situations that weren't covered by any of the original products. Topics: Adventure, Comedy, Romance, School Life Manga: Unsorted Collection 361 361 MANGA: Moon Boy Dec 14, 2017 12/17 by lee young you texts EYE 361 FAVORITE 3 COMMENT 0 Pretty boy-crazy 5th grader, Myung-Ee, doesn’t really want to waste her time on class president, Yu-Da Lee, who doesn’t meet any of her requirements for eye candy… (Too short! Too young!) But when Yu-Da disappears one day, no one except Myung-Ee seems to remember him. Teased about her “invisible boyfriend,” Myung-Ee transfers high schools five years later in search of greener pastures (read: prettier boys). Only she finds herself face-to-face with some of the most beautiful boys... Topics: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Psychological, Romance, Shoujo Manga: Unsorted Collection 183 183 MANGA: Sky Blue Dec 24, 2017 12/17 by kobayashi daiki texts EYE 183 FAVORITE 1 COMMENT 0 Kazama’s family died in a mysterious explosion when he was still young and since then, he has not been able to come to terms with their deaths or even with himself. He emotionally distances himself from everyone and his aggressive nature gets him the nick name “Real Life Combat Game Character.” Years later, Kazama, now in high school, gets close to death after a car accident. As he accepts his fate, Sky Blue enters his consciousness. Somehow related to the multicolored meteors that were... Topics: Action, Comedy, Romance, Shounen Manga: Unsorted Collection 188 188 MANGA: Blue Ramun Dec 14, 2017 12/17 by yuuki ryou texts EYE 188 FAVORITE 0 COMMENT 0 A girl named Jessie Jackson comes from a special tribe of Blue Ramun (Blue Blood). Their blood is used as medicine and healing agents for almost any sickness whether in its purest form or mixed in with other herbal remedies. As Jessie comes of age at 15, she must leave their tribe to help those in need and she is assigned to the Lezak district with the handsome captain named Eagle and happy-go-lucky doctor/priest Randy. As she is now alone without her tribe members with her, Jessie strives to... Topics: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance Manga: Unsorted Collection 333 333 MANGA: Full Moon Joker Dec 14, 2017 12/17 by takamiya satoru texts EYE 333 FAVORITE 2 COMMENT 0 Yukihara Mutsuki is a first year of Mitsuki Gakuen high school. She has a somewhat strange [self-ability], the ability to understand people's feeling. However, usually she acts like a normal girl who is looking for love. One day, Mutsuki meets again with a boy who sat beside her ... Topics: Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, School Life, Shoujo Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014)