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Discovery, the Critical Care Research Network
Clinical Investigators Meetings


Network, learn, and discuss major topics in a welcoming environment.

Advance research and attend a Clinical Investigators Meeting. Held by the
Society of Critical Care Medicine's (SCCM) Discovery, the Critical Care Research
Network, these meetings give investigators the opportunity to:
 * Network with other investigators
 * Learn about Discovery programs and new clinical proposals
 * Communicate with program officers from various funding agencies
 * Present new clinical proposals in an inclusive and supportive environment

Upcoming Meeting
September 28-29, 2023
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Theme: New Health Information Technologies Implementation: Who, How, Why, and





Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers developed methods and technology
to open new avenues of investigation. Now that these new tools are available,
how else can they be used? What’s next for ICU research? 

This two-hour Clinical Investigators Meeting will focus on these questions and
more. Proposals will cover such topics as: 

 * Exploring the uses of emulated clinical trials and patient-centered outcomes

 * How machine learning can be used to prioritize critical patient care

 * The benefits of multinational research groups and how to create them

This free meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. Let SCCM know you’re coming.
RSVP now!

April 10, 2023
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Central Time 
See additional time zones 

 RSVP Now 
 * Registration
 * Agenda
 * Subject Matter Experts
 * Hotel



 SCCM Customer Service at +1 847 827-6888

Limited in-person registration available. In-person registration closes
September 14, 2023.
Virtual registration closes September 27, 2023.

Register Now
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In Person


 * American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa credit cards are accepted.

 * Check or international money order, payable to SCCM, may be used to register
   via mail only.

 * Fees must be paid in U.S. funds and checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank.

 * For information on paying via wire transfer, please contact SCCM Customer
   Service at +1 847 827-6888.

 * Inquiries can be emailed to support@sccm.org.


Registrants may be eligible for refunds of activities at SCCM’s discretion. If
you have not accessed the activity’s materials, have not completed a significant
portion of the activity, and/or the content does not meet your needs, you may be
eligible for a refund. A registrant’s cancellation of an in-person activity may
incur a fee, at SCCM’s discretion. To reschedule an in-person activity, please
contact SCCM Customer Service at least 30 days before the activity. If SCCM
cannot hold an activity as intended, SCCM shall not be liable for any costs,
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Theme: New Health Information Technologies Implementation: Who, How, Why, and

Advances in electronic medical records, clinical informatics, and artificial
intelligence impact patients, clinicians, and healthcare systems. Widespread
implementation of health information technology solutions has been limited
because of a lack of knowledge about implementation methods and end results. The
upcoming Discovery Clinical Investigators Meeting will focus on implementation
science and how to bring best practices to the ICU bedside.

Check back soon for a full agenda.




Melissa L. Thompson Bastin, PharmD, BCCCP, PhD, FCCM
Critical Care Pharmacist, Medical Intensive Care Unit/Pulmonary
Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science
University of Kentucky HealthCare College of Pharmacy
Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Vitaly Herasevich, MD, PhD, FCCM
Professor of Anesthesiology and Medicine
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, Minnesota, USA



Bethesda Marriott
5151 Pooks Hill Road
Bethesda, Maryland

Conveniently located two miles from downtown Bethesda, Maryland, with a free
local shuttle, the hotel's ideal setting places guests near the Strathmore Music
Center, Walter Reed Medical Center, the NIH, and a short drive from Washington,
DC. The hotel features a complimentary, state-of-the-art fitness center, a
farm-to-table restaurant, and meeting space.

SCCM rate*: $219
*Rate does not include applicable taxes.
Book Now

Parking rates: $19 self-parking per day

Reservations:  Make your hotel reservation by August 30, 2023, to receive SCCM’s
discounted rate for stays between September 27 and 29, 2023. 


 * Data Science Campaign
 * Submit a Proposal
 * Discovery Activities
 * Discovery Resources
 * Clinical Investigators Meetings



Are you a clinical investigator seeking ways to advance your research? Discovery
provides a platform to submit and showcase new clinical proposals, offering
various benefits. You can receive valuable feedback during the review process,
and your proposal has the potential to become an Endorsed Project or even a part
of the Discovery Program. Don't miss this incredible opportunity.

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