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I’ve wanted to direct films since high school, back then I thought you had to be
an actor before you could be a director, I enjoyed acting so I went down that
path at 15 years old. By the time I reached college, I started learning
production, working with cameras, editing, etc. The 2008 recession made it hard
to find work so I started freelancing, offering my filmmaking skills where I
could to earn a few dollars, it was around this time that I also discovered the
work of Steven Soderbergh, who became one of my biggest influences and
inspirations. Not many people know it, but he often directs, shoots, and edits
his films. I’ve spent approximately 10 years doing the same, emulating his style
of filmmaking and enjoying the sense of craftsmanship that comes with it. I was
fortunate enough to watch him at work as an extra on season two of “The Knick”.
My time in this profession has brought me more downs than ups, but filmmaking in
all of its forms has become my life’s work and passion.


Here, you can read stories about my work, experiences, insights, and



I’ve directed, shot, and edited a few short films and music videos. My best
short film “Not Guilty” was made in 2014 and won the Viva Latino Film Festival’s
Best Short Film in 2015.


I’ve worked as a one-man band covering everything from events, conferences, and
interviews, I’ve also worked on numerous live switched shoots as a camera


Photography has mostly been a hobby, but my work has been valued enough for me
to be hired to cover press conferences, panel discussions, and other performance



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