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3 forms found in the DOMName: s — GET;_ylt=AwrEn0JxRP1kd_I6aCkPxQt.
<form method="get" name="s" id="sf" role="search" action=";_ylt=AwrEn0JxRP1kd_I6aCkPxQt." accept-charset="utf-8"><label for="yschsp" class="off-left">Search query</label>
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<div class="text">Allow microphone access to enable voice search</div>
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"use strict";
var a = {
enable_voice_trending: !0,
lang: "en-US",
text: {
start: "What would you like to search for?",
listening: "Listening...",
nomatch: "Didn't get that.",
error: "Please check your microphone and audio levels.",
retry: "Try again.",
or: "or"
trending: {
market: "en-us"
function e(e) {
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i = i || webkitSpeechGrammarList,
o = o || webkitSpeechRecognitionEvent;
n.recognition = new t;
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n.recognition.start(), n.permissionGuideTimer && c.clearTimeout(n.permissionGuideTimer), n.permissionGuideTimer = c.setTimeout(function() {
n.isRecognitionStart || n.showPermissionGuide(n)
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n.isRecognitionStart || (n.recognition.start(), n.sendBeacon("clk", "voicesearch_panel_retry"))
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n.recognition.stop(), n.sendBeacon("clk", "voicesearch_cancel_outside"), n.closePanel(n)
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n.recognition.stop(), n.sendBeacon("clk", "voicesearch_cancel"), n.closePanel(n)
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n.recognition.stop(), n.sendBeacon("clk", "voicesearch_permission_close"),, n.hidePermissionGuide(n)
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function() {
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}, 1e3)
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}, n.recognition.onerror = function() {
n.speechText && (n.speechText.innerText = n.config.text.error), n.hideTrending(n), n.showRetryLink(n),
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n.speechButtonContainer && n.speechButtonContainer.classList.add("listening")
}, n.recognition.onaudioend = function() {
n.speechButtonContainer && n.speechButtonContainer.classList.remove("listening")
}, n.recognition.onsoundstart = function() {
n.hideTrending(n), n.noSpeech = !1, n.speechButtonContainer && (n.speechButtonContainer.classList.remove("listening"), n.speechButtonContainer.classList.add("speaking"))
}, n.recognition.onsoundend = function() {
n.speechButtonContainer && n.speechButtonContainer.classList.remove("speaking")
}, n.recognition.onstart = function() {
n.recognitionInit(n), n.startRecognition(n)
}, n.recognition.onend = function() {
n.isRecognitionStart = !1, 0 == n.noSpeech && "" == n.speechResult && (n.speechText && (n.speechText.innerText = n.config.text.nomatch), n.hideTrending(n), n.showRetryLink(n),
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n.voiceButton && n.voiceButton.classList.add("hide");
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e.prototype.recognitionInit = function(e) {
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n.config.enable_voice_trending && n.trending && (e = "" + + "&features=trending.voice", n.ajaxReq(e, function(e) {
e && e.response && && &&["trending.voice"] && (n.trendingData =["trending.voice"].data, n.showTrending(n))
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var n, t = e.trendingData;
!Array.isArray(t) || t.length < 3 || e.trending && e.termSpans && e.termSpans[0] && (n = "", n += '"' + t[0].text + '", ', n += '"' + t[1].text + '" ', n += e.config.text.or + " ", n += '"' + t[2].text + '"', e.termSpans[0].innerText = n, e
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e.retryLink && e.retryLink.classList.add("hide")
}, e.prototype.startRecognition = function(e) {
e.hidePermissionGuide(e), e.getTrending(e),, e.speechText && (e.speechText.innerText = e.config.text.start, c.setTimeout(function() {
e.speechText.innerText = e.config.text.listening
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}, 100)
}, e.prototype.handlePunctuation = function(e) {
var n;
0 < e.speechResult.length && ("." !== (n = e.speechResult.charAt(e.speechResult.length - 1)) && "?" !== n && "。" !== n && "?" !== n || (e.speechResult = e.speechResult.slice(0, -1)))
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new RegExp(n.speechResult, "gi").test(e.text) && (n.searchBoxForm.fr2.value = n.config.tnFr2 || "p:s,v:w,m:voice-search,ct:trending")
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i = c.YAHOO.SB || {};
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_I: i.config.i13n.pvid,
actn: e,
sec: "search",
slk: n
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if (200 === s.status) {
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} else n(i)
},"GET", e, !0), s.timeout = 1e4, s.send()
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"lang": "en-US",
"trending": {
"market": "en-us"
"text": {
"start": "What would you like to search for?",
"listening": "Listening...",
"nomatch": "Didn\u0027t get that.",
"error": "Please check your microphone and audio levels.",
"retry": "Try again.",
"or": "or"
<div class="sa-tray-ctn">
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Text Content
SYNDIC8 YAHOO WEB SEARCH Syndic8 Yahoo Search query Waiting for permission Allow microphone access to enable voice search Try saying 1. * Anytime * Past day * Past week * Past month Anytime 1. UNKNOWN (2011 FILM) * Email * Facebook * X * LinkedIn * Copy link PG-132011 · Mystery · 1h 53m * Overview * Cast * Watch now * Reviews * Trailers & Clips 1. Dictionary * * Un·known /ˌənˈnōn/ adjective * 1. not known or familiar: "exploration into unknown territory" Similar undisclosedunrevealedundivulgeduntoldunspecifiedsecretmysteriousdarkhiddenconcealedundeterminedundecidedunresolvedunfixedunestablishedunsettledunsurependingunascertainedundefinedindefiniteinconclusivein the balancein limboup in the airunexploredunchartedunmappeduntraveledundiscoveredvirginremoteexoticoutlandishunidentifiedunnamednamelessanonymousundesignatedincognitomysteriousrare:innominateunfamiliarunheard ofunprecedentednewnovelstrangeexoticobscureunheard oflittle knownunsungminorinsignificantunimportantundistinguishedunrenownedinconsequentiallowlyunhonoredforgottenOpposite knowndecidedfamiliarwell traveledidentifiednamedfamiliarfamouscelebrated * ▪ (of a performer or artist) not well known or famous: "unknown artists of the avant-garde" noun * 1. an unknown person or thing: "she is a relative unknown" * ▪ that which is unknown: "our fear of the unknown" * ▪ an unknown quantity or variable: "find the unknown in the following equations" Derivatives * 1. unknownness noun Scrabble Points: 14 * U 1 * N 1 * K 5 * N 1 * O 1 * W 4 * N 1 Powered by Oxford Languages More Definitions, Word Origin & ScrabbleShow less 2. CAST * Liam Neeson Dr. Martin Harris * Diane Kruger Gina * January Jones Elizabeth Harris * Aidan Quinn Martin B * Bruno Ganz Ernst Jürgen * Frank Langella Rodney Cole Show more 3. WWW.MERRIAM-WEBSTER.COM › DICTIONARY › UNKNOWNUNKNOWN DEFINITION & MEANING - MERRIAM-WEBSTER › dictionary › unknown * Cached 1. : one that is not known or not well-known. especially : a person who is little known (as to the public) 2. : something that requires discovery, identification, or clarification: such as. a. : a symbol (such as x, y, or z) in a mathematical equation representing an unknown quantity. b. 4. WWW.MERRIAM-WEBSTER.COM › THESAURUS › UNKNOWN102 SYNONYMS & ANTONYMS OF UNKNOWN - MERRIAM-WEBSTER › thesaurus › unknown * Cached Synonyms for UNKNOWN: unfamiliar, unbeknown, unbeknownst, unrecognized, unsuspected, unaware, unperceived, unmindful; Antonyms of UNKNOWN: familiar, old, hackneyed, tired, traditional, conventional, established, tried 5. EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG › WIKI › UNKNOWN_(2011_FILM)UNKNOWN (2011 FILM) - WIKIPEDIA › wiki › Unknown_(2011_film) * Cached Unknown is a 2011 action-thriller film directed by Jaume Collet-Serra and starring Liam Neeson, Diane Kruger, January Jones, Aidan Quinn, Bruno Ganz, and Frank Langella. The film, produced by Joel Silver , Leonard Goldberg and Andrew Rona, is based on the 2003 French novel by Didier Van Cauwelaert published in English as Out of My Head which ... * Budget: $30–40 million 6. People also ask What is an antonym for unknown? * stranger, alien, unknown noun. anyone who does not belong in the environment in which they are found. Antonyms: illustrious, far-famed, noted, renowned, glorious, identified, known, better-known, well-known, suspected, legendary, proverbial, celebrated, familiar, famed, notable, best-known, famous, onymous. Synonyms: WHAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF UNKNOWN - THESAURUS AND WORD TOOLS See all results for this question What does unknown means? * Unknown means something that people are not aware of or familiar with. A brand new taste that you have never tasted before is an example of something that you would describe as an unknown taste. (mathematics) A quantity of unknown numerical value. A person who is not well known, as to the general public. UNKNOWN DEFINITIONS | WHAT DOES UNKNOWN MEAN? | BEST 17 ... See all results for this question What does unknown mean in math? * n. 5. an unknown person, quantity, or thing. 6. (Mathematics) maths a variable, or the quantity it represents, the value of which is to be discovered by solving an equation; a variable in a conditional equation: 3y = 4x + 5 is an equation in two unknowns. unˈknownness n. UNKNOWN - THEFREEDICTIONARY.COM See all results for this question What is the meaning of the word unknown? * This particular word is used as a noun or an adjective within a sentence. The Cambridge English Dictionary defines unknown (as an adjective) as not known or familiar. As a noun, it is used to refer someone or something that is not familiar or known. WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THE WORD UNKNOWN? – REHABILITATIONROBOTICS.NET See all results for this question 7. WWW.YOUTUBE.COM › WATCHUNKNOWN - TRAILER - YOUTUBE › watch * Cached 2:33 Dr. Martin Harris (Liam Neeson) awakens after a car accident in Berlin to discover that his wife (January Jones) suddenly doesn't recognize him and another m... * Views: 2.7M * Author: Warner Bros. Pictures 8. DICTIONARY.CAMBRIDGE.ORG › ENGLISH › UNKNOWNUNKNOWN | DEFINITION IN THE CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH DICTIONARY › english › unknown * Cached noun. us / ʌnˈnoʊn / uk / ʌnˈnəʊn /. C1 [ S ] what is not familiar or known: Racism is in some ways just a fear of the unknown. [ C ] a person, especially a performer or sports player, who is not famous: For her latest film she deliberately chose a cast of unknowns. [ C ] mainly US. 9. IMAGES * * * * * View all 10. WWW.ROTTENTOMATOES.COM › M › UNKNOWN_2011UNKNOWN - ROTTEN TOMATOES › m › unknown_2011 * Cached Movie Info After a serious car accident in Berlin, Dr. Martin Harris (Liam Neeson) awakes to find his world in utter chaos. His wife (January Jones) does not recognize him; another man is using his... * 55% (207) * Category: Mystery & thriller, Drama * Content Rating: PG-13 11. DICTIONARY.CAMBRIDGE.ORG › DICTIONARY › ENGLISHUNKNOWN | ENGLISH MEANING - CAMBRIDGE DICTIONARY › dictionary › english * Cached unknown definition: 1. not known or familiar: 2. what is not familiar or known: 3. a person, especially a performer…. Learn more. 12. WWW.DICTIONARY.COM › BROWSE › UNKNOWNUNKNOWN DEFINITION & MEANING | DICTIONARY.COM › browse › unknown * Cached adjective not known; not within the range of one's knowledge, experience, or understanding; strange; unfamiliar. not discovered, explored, identified, or ascertained: the unknown parts of Antarctica. not widely known; not famous; obscure: an unknown writer. noun 13. WWW.VOCABULARY.COM › DICTIONARY › UNKNOWNUNKNOWN - DEFINITION, MEANING & SYNONYMS | VOCABULARY.COM › dictionary › unknown If something is unknown, it's not familiar understood, like the unknown path through the woods you've never explored or your brother's unknown reasons for staying late after school. 14. WWW.IMDB.COM › TITLE › TT0450340UNKNOWN (2006) - IMDB › title › tt0450340 * Cached Nov 3, 2006 · Unknown: Directed by Simon Brand. With Jim Caviezel, Greg Kinnear, Bridget Moynahan, Joe Pantoliano. Five men wake up in a locked-down warehouse with no memory of who they are. 15. WWW.IMDB.COM › TITLE › TT1401152UNKNOWN (2011) - FULL CAST & CREW - IMDB › title › tt1401152 * Cached Unknown (2011) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Menu. Movies. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies ... 1. RELATED SEARCHES ACTORS & ACTRESSES * BRUNO GANZ * STIPE ERCEG * SEBASTIAN KOCH * OLIVIER SCHNEIDER * JANUARY JONES * DIANE KRUGER * FRANK LANGELLA * LIAM NEESON * AIDAN QUINN * RAINER BOCK Show moreShow less MOVIES & TV SHOWS STARRING LIAM NEESON * RESTING PLACES * MARTIN LUTHER * RETRIBUTION * THE INNOCENT * MEMORY * CROSSING THE LINE * BRAVE BLUE WORLD * THE ICE ROAD * THE MARKSMAN * IN THE LAND OF SAINTS AND SINNERS * SWEET AS YOU ARE * BLACKLIGHT * 1916 THE IRISH REBELLION * MARLOWE * IF TOMORROW COMES * THE HUNGER * RUBY CAIRO * JOURNEY INTO AMAZING CAVES * MANNY Show moreShow less MOVIES & TV SHOWS * UNKNOWN (2006 FILM) * A WALK AMONG THE TOMBSTONES (FILM) * EAGLE EYE * RUN ALL NIGHT (FILM) * THE NEXT THREE DAYS * TAKEN 2 * TAKEN 3 * TAKEN (FILM) * THE A-TEAM (FILM) * THE GREY (FILM) * THE COMMUTER (FILM) * NON-STOP (FILM) Show moreShow less 2. RELATED SEARCHES unknown mortal orchestraunknown soldierinto the unknown lyricsunknown clothingunknown callerunknown synonym 1. 12345 Next 2. People also search for 1. WATCH NOW Apple TV$1.00 Watch Prime Video$2.99 Watch VUDU$2.99 Watch iTunes$2.99 Watch Google Play Watch YouTube Watch Show moreShow less ABOUT OFFICIAL TRAILER YouTube · 01:53 * 6.8/10 6.8/10 IMDb * 55% 55% Rotten Tomatoes After a serious car accident in Berlin, Dr. Martin Harris (Liam Neeson) awakes to find his world in utter chaos. His wife (January Jones) does not recognize him; another man is using his identity, and mysterious assassins are hunting him. The authorities do not believe his claims, and he must go on the run alone. With an unlikely ally (Diane Kruger), Martin leaps into a perplexing situation that will force him to discover how far he is willing to go for the truth. Wikipedia After a serious car accident in Berlin, Dr. Martin Harris (Liam Neeson) awakes to find his world in utter chaos. His wife (January Jones) does not recognize him; another man is using his identity, and mysterious assassins are hunting him. The authorities do not believe his claims, and he must go on the run alone. With an unlikely ally (Diane... More * Release date: February 16, 2011 * Director: Jaume Collet-Serra * Producer: Sarah Meyer, Andrew Rona, Leonard Goldberg, Joel Silver, Peter McAleese, Steve Richards, Susan Downey * Writer: Oliver Butcher, Stephen Cornwell, Mandy Richardson * Music: John Ottman, Alexander Rudd * Studio: Dark Castle Entertainment, Panda, Babelsberg Studio * Budget: $30 M PEOPLE ALSO SEARCH FOR * Non-Stop (film) 2014 * Taken 2 2012 * The Commuter (film) 2018 * Run All Night (film) 2015 * Taken 3 2015 * Taken (film) 2009 * The Grey (film) 2012 * A Walk Among the Tombstones (film) 2014 * The Next Three Days 2010 * The A-Team (film) 2010 Show more 1. Trending Movies * The Little Mermaid (2023 film) Romance * The Equalizer 3 Action * My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 Comedy * Dangerous Game: The Legacy Murders Mystery Show more 2. SEE RESULTS ABOUT * UNKNOWN (2006 FILM) 2006 film by Simon Brand * Settings * Help * Suggestions * Privacy * Terms * Privacy Dashboard * Advertise * About ads * About this page * Powered by Bing™ Which predictions were inappropriate? The predictions selected above are: * Sexually explicit, vulgar or profane * Harmful to children * Hateful towards groups * Sensitive or disparaging for individuals * Promoting suicide or self-harm * Promoting terrorism or violent extremism * Violent or gory * About dangerous or harmful activities * Other Go to the Help page for the Yahoo Search auto-complete policy. CancelSend Thank you for your feedback Your responses help to improve the search experience. Done