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Submitted URL: http://funded.global/
Effective URL: https://www.funded.global/
Submission: On February 22 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.funded.global/
Submission: On February 22 via api from US — Scanned from DE
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Rules Functions Championship Affiliate Blog Help Center En PL Join Giveaway FUNDED GLOBAL STARTING SOON! IN THE MEANTIME, YOU HAVE A CHANCE TO WIN A PRIZE FROM A TOTAL POOL WORTH OVER $700,000 IN CHALLENGES, AS WELL AS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF HUNDREDS OF PROMOTIONAL CODES OFFERING SIGNIFICANT DISCOUNTS. Read more about Giveaway JOIN GIVEAWAY! The launch of our innovative prop-trading application is fast approaching, so we invite you to participate in the giveaway now. There are prizes to be won that will give you a significant bonus to start in Funded Global. Below you will find a timeline that presents the dates of each stage Giveaway Start 10.01.2024 Giveaway End 21 days : 1 hour : 21 mins : 41 sec Announcement of Results 18.03.2024 Official Launch of Funded Global 25 days : 1 hour : 21 mins : 41 sec GIVEAWAY RULES Below you will learn about the rules of our giveaway and discover the pool of all prizes. For each task completed from the list below, you earn points. Every point you earn participates in a drawing. The greater the number of tasks completed, the greater the total sum of all points, which increases your chances of winning prizes. Points that you will receive and tasks to be completed 1 point Follow our profile on Instagram 2 points Share the Giveaway post on your Instagram stories 2 points Tag 2 people interested in trading in the comment 1 point Follow us on X 2 points Share Giveaway post on X 1 point Subscribe to our Youtube channel 1 point Like our profile on Facebook 1 point Join us on Telegram 1 point Join us in Discord PRIZE POOL TO BE DRAWN Challenges 1x $200k Challenge 2x $100k Challenge 2x $50k Challenge 4x $25k Challenge 5x $10k Challenge 10x $5k Challenge Promo codes 10x 30% promo code 25x 25% promo code 50x 20% promo code 120x 15% promo code Every participant in the Giveaway, in addition to the chance of winning one of the main prizes, will receive a guaranteed reward in the form of a 10% promotional code!. Information about the results will be sent to the email address provided in the filled-out form below. Join the Giveaway now! Check out our social media FUNDED GLOBAL IS A PROP-TRADING PLATFORM THAT PLACES A STRONG EMPHASIS ON CLEAR RULES, USER CONVENIENCE, AND INVESTMENT STABILITY IN ITS MISSION. FUNDED GLOBAL WAS CREATED BY TRADERS FOR TRADERS, LEVERAGING THEIR EXPERIENCE WITH A VISION OF EXCELLENCE TO PROVIDE SUPPORT TO HELP ITS CLIENTS ACHIEVE FINANCIAL SUCCESS KEY FEATURES Discover what sets Funded Global apart from other prop-trading platforms. 1 TRANSPARENT CHALLANGE MONITORING Viewing all metrics and goals is now easier than ever, thanks to a live-updated interactive chart. We've gathered all the key information about the challenge in one clear place, enabling quick verification of progress towards goals. 2 NEW PATH OF TRADING TOURNAMENTS Develop and showcase your trading skills by participating in trading tournaments. We offer both monthly contests and exclusive annual events - the Grand Trading Championship. To honor the most talented traders, we have prepared not only monetary prizes but also unique trophies. 3 DEDICATED REWARDS TAB We like to reward for exceptional achievements at every stage of collaboration, so we have prepared a special tab where certificates await you along with the opportunity to receive a WelcomeBox with gadgets sent directly to your address! 4 AND MUCH MORE! At Funded Global, in addition to the best affiliate commissions, we offer current notifications, quick payouts, advanced analytical tools, personalized support, and market news in multiple languages. And many other features that make our platform stand out in the market. WHY CHOOSE US? We are innovators in the prop-trading market, introducing new ideas and creating new paths. Every element of our platform has been created by traders for traders. Unlimited Scailing Plan With each payout, we scale your account while simultaneously increasing your maximum allowable drawdown level. Enhance your account without limits and trade without boundaries! Below you will find an example. Slide to see calculations for an account with a $100,000 balance 1 Set Your % of the Gains 10 % 1% 25% 2 Your Global Account Reward Withdrawal $ 8000 3 Continue Trading with higher balance & increase drowdown $ 110 000 Your New Balance $ 11 000 Higher Drowdown CELAR RULES Clear rules are our priority. We explain each rule clearly, with specific examples. No fine print, no surprises. Your confidence and comfort in trading are of utmost importance to us. EASY & FAST PAYOUT We understand that the ability to quickly withdraw funds is crucial. That's why our panel has been designed for you to initiate withdrawals swiftly. We process them quickly and efficiently, offering convenient options such as bank transfer or cryptocurrency payments. Your profits, your rules. NO TIME LIMIT Both during the challenge and on the Global account, there is no time pressure. We enable you to focus on achieving your goals without stress. Freely implement your strategy, having full control over the pace of your work. Your comfort and focus in trading are our priority. GRAND TRADING CHAMPIONSHIP Our proprietary annual tournament, the Grand Trading Championship, is a unique opportunity for traders. The tournament offers not only high monetary prizes but also a special trophy. It's more than a contest – it's a celebration of trading skills. MAKE MONEY WITH AFFILIATES We offer the highest affiliate rates in the market. By sharing promotional materials with you, we strive for success together. Join our affiliate program and start earning today by promoting our Funded Global platform. EDUCATION& VIDEO MATERIALS Our educational video materials, available in multiple languages, help understand the rules and the prop-trading market. With them, you will gain the knowledge necessary for effective trading OUR CHALLENGE MODEL Clear rules and many challenge configuration options have been created especially for your requirements. P1 Phase 1 P2 Phase 2 G Global Account Balance $5 000 $10 000 $25 000 $50 000 $100 000 $200 000 Profit Target P1 9-10% Profit Target P2 5% Maximum Daily Loss P1 P2 G 5% Maximum Overall Loss P1 P2 G 8-10% Minimum Trading Days P1 P2 4 days Maximum trading days P1 P2 No Time Limit Welcomebox See More Details Drawdown: Balance Based Global Account Reward: 80% Lavarage: 1:30 / 1:50 Scaling: Each Withdrawal News trading: Optional EA Usage: Holding Positions Over the Weekend: Trade Copiers: Official launch date of Funded Global 25 days : 1 hour : 21 mins : 41 sec You Can Choose Your Trading Platform MetaTrader 4 or MetaTrader 5 HOW IT WORKS? Join Funded Global and start your journey to success in trading, utilizing flexible challenge customization options and professional tools. 1 CONFIGURE YOUR CHALLENGE Choose the account size that interests you and tailor the challenge to your preferences. You can increase leverage to trade more freely and even facilitate the first stage of the challenge by reducing the profit target. Our platform offers flexibility that allows you to adjust to your trading style, giving you greater control over your investment strategy. 2 COMPLETE THE CHALLENGE AND GET EARNING After successfully completing both phases of the challenge, you will gain access to a Global account. This account not only opens up new opportunities for you but also provides access to advanced tools available in the Dashboard, which will help maximize your potential profits. 3 VERIFY YOUR PERSON & PAYOUT Before you gain access to the Global account, you will undergo a simple KYC verification process. This is a necessary step to ensure safety and compliance with regulations - this is how we maintain transparency in our operations. After successful verification you will be able to withdraw up to 80% of the profits generated on this account. 4 GET WELCOMEBOX Complete the challenge with a minimum balance of $100,000, and you will be awarded a unique gift – the WelcomeBox. Inside you'll find carefully selected gadgets and a certificate of challenge completion, attesting to your success. This personal and exclusive package will be sent directly to your address, as an appreciation of your achievements and skills in trading. Official launch date of Funded Global 25 days : 1 hour : 21 mins : 41 sec ABOUT US A platform created by traders for traders. Get to know us and our mission more closely. EVERY CHALLENGES NEEDS CLEAR RULES. At Funded Global, we believe that transparency and understanding are the foundations of success for every trader.We strive to create an environment where every participant feels confident and is well-prepared to make informed decisions. Our rules are designed to support your development and goal achievement, ensuring fair and clear conditions at every stage of the challenge. HELP CENTER FAQ IS THERE SOMETHING YOU WOULD LIKE TO KNOW ABOUT FUNDED GLOBAL AND THE GIVEAWAY? Here you will find the most frequently asked questions about the operation of Funded Global and the organized giveaway. When will I receive my giveaway prize? Prizes from the giveaway will be distributed within 7 days of the official start of the Funded Global project. Make sure you have provided the correct email address in the application form so we can inform you about the win and the prize collection process. Can everyone participate in the giveaway? Yes, everyone can participate in the giveaway, but this is only possible once. We ensure equal opportunities for all participants, so each person has the opportunity to register for the giveaway only once. What are the main advantages of using the Funded Global platform? Our platform offers clear challenge monitoring, new paths of trading tournaments, a dedicated rewards tab, and many other features. We emphasize the best affiliate commissions, quick withdrawals, and access to advanced analytical and educational tools. What is Funded Global? Funded Global is an innovative prop-trading platform created by experienced traders for traders. Our goal is to provide clear rules, user convenience, and stable collaboration to support our clients in achieving financial success. If I win the main prize in the giveaway, will I also receive the guaranteed prize? Yes, if you win the main prize, you will also receive the guaranteed prize. At Funded Global, we ensure that winners of the main prizes will also receive 10% promotional codes, which are guaranteed for all participants of the giveaway. NEWSLETTER Thank you! Your submission has been received! Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form. Get monthly updates, blogs and news. No SPAM, only useful information. Official launch date of Funded Global 25 days : 1 hour : 21 mins : 41 sec Privacy Policy Terms&Conditions © Funding Global, All rights reserved Brand & WebDesign by: SymbolStudio Join Giveaway now! Complete the tasks, fill out the form and join our fun! 1. Like our Instagram profile1 point 2. Share the Giveaway post on your Instagram stories2 points 3. Tag 2 people interested in trading in Instagram2 points 4. Follow us on X1 point 5. Share Giveaway post on X1 point 6. Subscribe to our Youtube channel1 point 7. Like our Facebook profile1 point 8. Like our Telegram profile1 point 9. 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