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Submission: On September 25 via manual from US — Scanned from DE
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Submission: On September 25 via manual from US — Scanned from DE
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<span id="95397755rating_question">Teleflora's Shining Spirit Bouquet</span><br>
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CountryChanged(country, 'othercountrydiv', 'state', 'otherstate');
for (var i=0; i<country.length; i++)
if (country.options[i].value == countryname)
country.selectedIndex = i;
CountryChanged(country, 'othercountry', 'state', 'otherstate')
found = true;
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if(siteid == '30217'){
state.selectedIndex = 1;
} else {
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state.selectedIndex = i;
if (!found)
state.style.display = 'none';
$get('otherstate').style.display = 'block';
$get('otherstate').value = statename;
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Skip to Content Customer Satisfaction Survey Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and will be used to better inform and assist future spedales.com customers. Please rate the product/s you purchased below: Teleflora's Shining Spirit Bouquet I would describe this product as a: (Select Option) Great Buy Great Price Great Deal Great Value Write a review of this product to share with others... Only 50 characters left to turn your standard review into a featured review! Please leave some feedback on the products you purchased. Please Accept the consent to share your reviews I hereby consent and agree to the By submitting a review, you grant permission to Shopper Approved to display and share your name, review, and any content submitted, in an effort to help future spedales.com customers make better buying decisions. Personal information collected or provided in connection with your review is treated as set forth in our Privacy Policy located at https://www.shopperapproved.com/privacy.php and is subject to spedales.com’s Privacy Policy as well. We are not responsible for spedales.com’s privacy practices and you should review spedales.com’s website directly to determine their privacy practices. For any content submitted, you grant Shopper Approved a non-exclusive license to use, copy, modify, delete and/or distribute such content without compensation to you. YOU ALSO REPRESENT AND WARRANT THAT: * You are an active paying customer of spedales.com. * You will not submit any content that is known to you to be false, inaccurate or misleading. * You have not been incentivized to leave this review. Survey Guidelines. Please enter an email and confirm that you are an actual customer. Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and will be used to better inform and assist future spedales.com customers. How would you rate your overall shopping experience? How satisfied were you with your order delivery time? How satisfied were you with the overall price that you paid? How satisfied were you with the products/services that you received? Did you contact spedales.com for any customer service issues? Yes No How satisfied were you with the customer service you received when you contacted spedales.com? According to your ratings, it appears that you may have had an issue regarding your order. Would you like to discuss this with a spedales.com representative, to see if there's anything that they can do to help you? Note: If you select this option, you may not have another chance to resolve your issue using the Shopper Approved Customer Care Resolution Service. Please explain your issue: Please tell us about your overall experience with spedales.com: Note - This information will be added to spedales.com's Shopper Approved certificate for future customers to read, therefore, we ask that you please keep your comments professional and courteous. For comment guidelines, click here. Comment Guidelines: The comment section is a unique tool designed to help educate and inform future spedales.com customers about your personal shopping experience. You are welcome to share your experience, thoughts and comments whether good or bad, but we ask that you please be professional and courteous in doing so. In general, comments should be relatively short - a few sentences, and offer some kind of a recommendation if appropriate. Please note that this is not a complaints board, and should not be used as such. Your comment may be reviewed by the business owner and/or verified by Shopper Approved before being added to the Shopper Approved system. Links are not allowed in comments. Only 50 characters left to turn your standard review into a featured review! Please leave a comment regarding your experience Customers like to read reviews that have a personal touch, which is why we add a display name to each review that we post. Display Name Country (Select One) Australia Canada United Kingdom United States Ireland (Other) State / Province (Please Select a Country) Your email is safe. It will only be used for order confirmation and customer care. I hereby consent and agree to the By submitting a review, you grant permission to Shopper Approved to display and share your name, review, and any content submitted, in an effort to help future spedales.com customers make better buying decisions. Personal information collected or provided in connection with your review is treated as set forth in our Privacy Policy located at https://www.shopperapproved.com/privacy.php and is subject to spedales.com’s Privacy Policy as well. We are not responsible for spedales.com’s privacy practices and you should review spedales.com’s website directly to determine their privacy practices. For any content submitted, you grant Shopper Approved a non-exclusive license to use, copy, modify, delete and/or distribute such content without compensation to you. YOU ALSO REPRESENT AND WARRANT THAT: * You are an active paying customer of spedales.com. * You will not submit any content that is known to you to be false, inaccurate or misleading. * You have not been incentivized to leave this review. Survey Guidelines. Please enter an email and confirm that you are an actual customer. Please leave a comment regarding your experience Share an image of your purchase (.jpg,.gif,.png). Upload another file. Choose file I consent that Shopper Approved and spedales.com may share my uploaded image(s) and written comment for the purpose of sharing my feedback with other potential customers in the following ways: Social Networking (Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram) Promotional Marketing Materials Please Accept the consent to share your reviews Shopper Approved is an independent, 3rd party customer rating and review service, that collects valuable customer feedback from actual paying customers of various types of businesses. Once collected, this information is then used to help new potential customers of these businesses to be able to get unbiased feedback, so they can make better decisions about what they buy and who they buy from. Shopper Approved - All Rights Reserved. Thank you for providing feedback. You will now be redirected to