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Published by
Lionel Sujay Vailshery
Lionel Sujay Vailshery
Research expert covering the consumer electronics industry
Get in touch with us now
Nov 9, 2023
The expected time for the return of investments in cloud technology varies
between IT-leaders and C-Suite executives. The majority of the surveyed C-Suite
executives expect the ROI for cloud investments to be around one year, stated by
approximately 21 percent of the respondents, while most of the IT-leaders
respondents expect cloud technologies' ROI to be around six months, representing
roughly 29 percent of the answers. Nevertheless, the majority of respondents
combined expect the ROI for cloud investments to be seen in around six months.

Read more


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Lionel Sujay Vailshery
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The most important statistics
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The most important statistics
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 * Premium Statistic Public IT cloud services global market growth 2011-2024
 * Premium Statistic Cloud ecosystem index ranking APAC 2022, by country
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APAC overview

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 * Premium Statistic CAGR of public cloud services APAC 2022-2026, by segment
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 * Premium Statistic Public cloud revenue South Asia 2018-2027, by segment
 * Premium Statistic Public cloud revenue Australia and Oceania 2018-2027, by

IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS

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Data centers

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 * Premium Statistic Spending on cloud and data centers 2009-2022, by segment
 * Premium Statistic Share of global hyperscale data center capacity 2022, by
 * Basic Statistic Number of data centers APAC 2023, by country

APAC companies

 * Premium Statistic China's cloud infrastructure service market Q4 2019-Q3
   2022, by company
 * Premium Statistic Cloud business revenue of Huawei 2018-2021
 * Premium Statistic Cloud business revenue of Tencent 2018-H1 2022
 * Premium Statistic Baidu's cloud service revenue 2018-2022
 * Premium Statistic Trend Micro's net sales FY 2013-2022
 * Premium Statistic Oracle Japan's revenue FY 2014-2023
 * Premium Statistic Most popular cloud services South Korea 2022
 * Premium Statistic Naver's revenue from Cloud sector 2019-2023

Cloud service usage

 * Premium Statistic Cloud service usage rate among business enterprises Japan
   2016-2022, by industry
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   Japan 2022, by type
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Unisys. (June 26, 2023). Return of Investment (ROI) of cloud technologies
worldwide as expected by IT leaders and C-Suite executives in 2023 [Graph]. In
Statista. Retrieved February 20, 2024, from
Unisys. "Return of Investment (ROI) of cloud technologies worldwide as expected
by IT leaders and C-Suite executives in 2023." Chart. June 26, 2023. Statista.
Accessed February 20, 2024.
Unisys. (2023). Return of Investment (ROI) of cloud technologies worldwide as
expected by IT leaders and C-Suite executives in 2023. Statista. Statista Inc..
Accessed: February 20, 2024.
Unisys. "Return of Investment (Roi) of Cloud Technologies Worldwide as Expected
by It Leaders and C-suite Executives in 2023." Statista, Statista Inc., 26 Jun
Unisys, Return of Investment (ROI) of cloud technologies worldwide as expected
by IT leaders and C-Suite executives in 2023 Statista,
(last visited February 20, 2024)
Return of Investment (ROI) of cloud technologies worldwide as expected by IT
leaders and C-Suite executives in 2023 [Graph], Unisys, June 26, 2023. [Online].

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