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Related topics × Teams meeting topics Teams login * How to Login * Use Teams on the web Join a meeting * Join a meeting in Teams * Join without a Teams account * Join on a second device * Join as a view-only attendee * Join from Google Schedule a meeting * Schedule a meeting in Teams * Schedule from Outlook * Schedule from Google * Instant meeting * Add a dial-in number * See all your meetings * Invite people * Meeting roles * Add co-organizers * Hide attendee names * Tips for large Teams meeting * Lock a meeting * End a meeting * Manage your calendar Participate in meetings * Meeting controls * Prepare in a green room * Present content * Share slides * Share sound * Use video * Apply video filters * Mute and unmute * Spotlight a video * Multitasking * Raise your hand * Live reactions * Take meeting notes * Join a breakout room * Customize your view * Laser pointer * Cast from a desktop * Use a green screen * Join as an avatar * Customize your avatar * Use emotes, gestures, and more Make it immersive * Get started with immersive spaces * Use in-meeting controls * Spatial audio Teams Premium * Overview of Microsoft Teams Premium * Intelligent productivity * Advanced meeting protection * Engaging event experiences Meeting options * Change your background * Meeting themes * Audio settings * Manage attendee audio and video * Reduce background noise * Voice isolation in Teams * Mute notifications * Use breakout rooms * Live transcription * Language interpretation * Q&A * Live captions * End-to-end encryption * Watermark * Presenter modes * Call and meeting quality * Meeting attendance reports * Using the lobby * Meeting options Recording options * Record a meeting * Meeting recap * Play and share a meeting recording * Delete a recording * Edit or delete a transcript * Customize access to recordings or transcripts Live events * Switch to town halls * Get started * Schedule a live event * Invite attendees * organizer checklist * For tier 1 events * Produce a live event * Produce a live event with Teams Encoder * Best practices * Present * Moderate a Q&A * Allow anonymous presenters * Attendee engagement report * Recording and reports * Attend a live event in Teams * Participate in a Q&A * Use live captions Webinars * Get started * Schedule a webinar * Customize a webinar * Publicize a webinar * Manage webinar registration * Manage what attendees see * Change webinar details * Manage webinar emails * Cancel a webinar * Manage webinar recordings * Webinar attendance report Town halls * Get started with town hall * Schedule a town hall * Manage town hall emails * Customize a town hall * Host a town hall * Use RTMP-In * Attend a town hall * Chat in a town hall * Town hall insights * Manage town hall recordings * Cancel a town hall Troubleshooting * Can't join a meeting * Camera isn't working * Microphone isn't working * My speaker isn’t working * Can't record a meeting * Breakout rooms issues * Immersive spaces issues * Meetings keep dropping Skip to main content Microsoft Support Support Support * Home * Microsoft 365 * Office * Teams support * Topics * Meetings * Chat * Notifications & settings * Teams & channels * Calls & devices * Files * Apps & services * Quick start * Chat * Group chat * Notifications * Teams * Channels * Calls * Files * Apps * Loop components * What's new * Resources * Video training * Troubleshoot * Here in Teams * Accessibility * Teams features by platform * Microsoft Teams (free) * Community forums * Tech community blog * Instructor-lead training * For admins and IT pro * For Education * More * Buy Microsoft 365 * All Microsoft * GLOBAL * Microsoft 365 * Teams * Copilot * Windows * Surface * Xbox * Deals * Small Business * Support * Software Software * Windows Apps * AI * Outlook * OneDrive * Microsoft Teams * OneNote * Microsoft Edge * Skype * PCs & Devices PCs & Devices * Computers * Shop Xbox * Accessories * VR & mixed reality * Certified Refurbished * Trade-in for cash * Entertainment Entertainment * Xbox Game Pass Ultimate * PC Game Pass * Xbox games * PC and Windows games * Movies & TV * Business Business * Microsoft Cloud * Microsoft Security * Dynamics 365 * Microsoft 365 for business * Microsoft Power Platform * Windows 365 * Microsoft Industry * Small Business * Developer & IT Developer & IT * Azure * Developer Center * Documentation * Microsoft Learn * Microsoft Tech Community * Azure Marketplace * AppSource * Visual Studio * Other Other * Microsoft Rewards * Free downloads & security * Education * Gift cards * Licensing * Unlocked stories * View Sitemap Search Search for help * No results Cancel Sign in to your account Sign in Sign in with Microsoft Sign in or create an account. Hello, Select a different account. You have multiple accounts Choose the account you want to sign in with. Related topics Teams meeting topics Teams login * How to Login * Use Teams on the web Join a meeting * Join a meeting in Teams * Join without a Teams account * Join on a second device * Join as a view-only attendee * Join from Google Schedule a meeting * Schedule a meeting in Teams * Schedule from Outlook * Schedule from Google * Instant meeting * Add a dial-in number * See all your meetings * Invite people * Meeting roles * Add co-organizers * Hide attendee names * Tips for large Teams meeting * Lock a meeting * End a meeting * Manage your calendar Participate in meetings * Meeting controls * Prepare in a green room * Present content * Share slides * Share sound * Use video * Apply video filters * Mute and unmute * Spotlight a video * Multitasking * Raise your hand * Live reactions * Take meeting notes * Join a breakout room * Customize your view * Laser pointer * Cast from a desktop * Use a green screen * Join as an avatar * Customize your avatar * Use emotes, gestures, and more Make it immersive * Get started with immersive spaces * Use in-meeting controls * Spatial audio Teams Premium * Overview of Microsoft Teams Premium * Intelligent productivity * Advanced meeting protection * Engaging event experiences Meeting options * Change your background * Meeting themes * Audio settings * Manage attendee audio and video * Reduce background noise * Voice isolation in Teams * Mute notifications * Use breakout rooms * Live transcription * Language interpretation * Q&A * Live captions * End-to-end encryption * Watermark * Presenter modes * Call and meeting quality * Meeting attendance reports * Using the lobby * Meeting options Recording options * Record a meeting * Meeting recap * Play and share a meeting recording * Delete a recording * Edit or delete a transcript * Customize access to recordings or transcripts Live events * Switch to town halls * Get started * Schedule a live event * Invite attendees * organizer checklist * For tier 1 events * Produce a live event * Produce a live event with Teams Encoder * Best practices * Present * Moderate a Q&A * Allow anonymous presenters * Attendee engagement report * Recording and reports * Attend a live event in Teams * Participate in a Q&A * Use live captions Webinars * Get started * Schedule a webinar * Customize a webinar * Publicize a webinar * Manage webinar registration * Manage what attendees see * Change webinar details * Manage webinar emails * Cancel a webinar * Manage webinar recordings * Webinar attendance report Town halls * Get started with town hall * Schedule a town hall * Manage town hall emails * Customize a town hall * Host a town hall * Use RTMP-In * Attend a town hall * Chat in a town hall * Town hall insights * Manage town hall recordings * Cancel a town hall Troubleshooting * Can't join a meeting * Camera isn't working * Microphone isn't working * My speaker isn’t working * Can't record a meeting * Breakout rooms issues * Immersive spaces issues * Meetings keep dropping JOIN A MEETING IN MICROSOFT TEAMS Unlock Microsoft Teams for free Collaborate and communicate in real-time. Activate now Join Teams meetings anytime, anywhere, from any device. For the best experience, join from the Teams desktop or mobile apps. If you're having trouble joining a Teams meeting, try these tips: I can't join a Teams meeting. DesktopMobile IN THIS ARTICLE Join by link Call in Join a meeting organized by a Teams personal account user Join anonymously or from a different account Join from calendar or ID Connect to a room while you join Join in a channel Join a meeting as an avatar Join from chat JOIN BY LINK In your meeting invite, select Join the meeting now to join on Teams for web or desktop. If you already have the Teams app, the meeting will open there automatically. * If you don’t have a Teams account and the organizer has allowed it, you can enter your name to join the meeting. * If you have a Teams account, select Sign in to join with access to the meeting chat and more. You'll then join the meeting right away or enter the lobby until an organizer admits you. JOIN A MEETING ORGANIZED BY A TEAMS PERSONAL ACCOUNT USER Use your Teams account to attend a meeting set by a Teams personal account user. You can join from your Teams calendar. If someone sends you a meeting invite in Chat, select the link and select Join now. 1. In Teams, select Calendar to see your meetings. 2. Find the meeting you want to attend and select Join. You’re not required to switch between Teams personal use and Teams (work or school). If you join a meeting on Teams for personal use, you’ll join the meeting with your personal Teams account. The Microsoft Privacy Statement governs data for meetings with personal Teams accounts. Note: Some meeting features may be unavailable for Teams personal accounts. Learn more about meeting experiences for Microsoft Teams (free) participants. IF YOU'RE AN ADMINISTRATOR... If you’re an IT admin, manage external meetings and chat with people and organizations using Microsoft identities. If you’re an IT admin, manage chats and meetings with external Teams users not managed by an organization. If you’re an IT admin, manage external users profiles. JOIN FROM CALENDAR OR ID 1. Select Calendar on the leftmost side of Teams. 2. Find the meeting you want and select Join. JOIN WITH A MEETING ID FROM YOUR TEAMS APP 1. Select Calendar on the leftmost side of Teams. 2. Select Join with an ID. 3. Enter a meeting ID and passcode. You can find the meeting ID and passcode: * In the meeting details from your Teams calendar. Select Details > Show meeting info. * At the bottom of your Teams meeting invite email. 3. Select Join meeting to join the meeting as a participant. JOIN IN A CHANNEL If a meeting takes place in a channel, you’ll see an invitation to join, relevant content, and who’s in the meeting right in the channel. Just select Join . JOIN FROM CHAT To start or join an instant meeting from a group chat: 1. Open the group chat you want to start an instant meeting in. 2. At the top of the chat, select Meet now. * If an instant meeting starts in a group chat, you'll be able to see see from the chat list that a meeting has started. * You can open the group chat and select Join to enter the meeting. 3. Select the live indicator at the top of the group chat to view participants. 4. Select Ring others to join to notify others in the group chat about the instant meeting. 5. Select Leave from your call window to leave the meeting. To learn more, see Start an instant meeting in Microsoft Teams. CALL IN If you can't use the Teams app or Teams for web, join some meetings by phone number. Learn more here: Join a Teams meeting by phone. If you find a phone number and conference ID in the meeting invite, dial the number to join. If you're the meeting organizer, you'll need to enter the dial-in PIN when you call in to a meeting. Need help finding the dial-in PIN? Select Reset dial-in PIN on the meeting invite. Make sure you save the PIN somewhere; you can only view it once when you reset it. If you forget your dial-in PIN, reset it again. JOIN ANONYMOUSLY OR FROM A DIFFERENT ACCOUNT To join a Teams meeting with a different account: 1. Select the meeting in your Teams calendar. 2. Select Join. 3. Select Change at the top of the meeting pre-join screen. 4. Select the account you want to join the meeting with. * If you don't see the account you want to join from, select Add another account. Then, add an existing account, or select Create or use another account to create or sign into a new one. 5. Select Join to enter the meeting. To join a Teams meeting anonymously: 1. Select the meeting in your Teams calendar. 2. Select Join. 3. Select Change at the top of the meeting pre-join screen. 4. Select Join without signing in. 5. Type your name in at the top of the pre-join screen. 6. Select Join to enter the meeting. CONNECT TO A ROOM WHILE YOU JOIN Before you join a Teams meeting, you can connect to a meeting room and use its audio and video devices. To connect to a room: 1. Join your meeting. Before you enter, wait for a room to be detected. Important: Enable Bluetooth on your device to detect rooms nearby. 2. Select Room audio and confirm the room you want to connect to. Note: Select X to close a suggested room and search for a different one. Rooms with the Cast icon are in close proximity. 3. Select Join now. JOIN A MEETING AS AN AVATAR You can join any Teams meeting as a personalized avatar by following the instructions here . There are many ways to join a Teams meeting from a mobile device. Note: The first time you join a Teams meeting or call on a device running iOS 14, you might see a message from your browser indicating that Teams is requesting local network access. This is due to a change in privacy enhancements for iOS 14. Teams needs local network permissions to support peer-to-peer (P2P) architecture in meetings and calls. IN THIS ARTICLE Join by link Join from chat Join a meeting organized by a Teams personal account user Dial in Join from calendar or ID Join anonymously or from a different account Join from a notification Join on multiple devices Join in a channel Join with Apple CarPlay OVERVIEW Watch this video for a quick overview of joining a Teams meeting on mobile. Note: If you join from a mobile device, your device's screen will stay on as long as you have the meeting window open. If you turn your screen off, you'll stay connected but the device will lock. JOIN BY LINK Tap Join the meeting now in your meeting invite to open the Teams app and join the meeting. If you don’t have the app, the app store will open for you to download it. Note: Try to download the app before the meeting starts. It might take a minute or two, depending on your internet connection. If you already have the Teams app, the meeting will open there automatically. * If you don’t have a Teams account, tap Join as a guest and enter your name to join the meeting. * If you have a Teams account, tap Sign in to join with access to the meeting chat and more. You'll then join the meeting right away or enter the lobby until an organizer admits you. JOIN A MEETING ORGANIZED BY A TEAMS PERSONAL ACCOUNT USER Use your Teams account to attend a meeting set by a Teams personal account user. You can join from your Teams calendar. If someone sends you a meeting invite in Chat, select the link and select Join now. 1. In Teams, select Calendar to see your meetings. 2. Find the meeting you want to attend and select Join. You’re not required to switch between Teams personal use and Teams (work or school). If you join a meeting on Teams for personal use, you’ll join the meeting with your personal Teams account. The Microsoft Privacy Statement governs data for meetings with personal Teams accounts. Note: Some meeting features may be unavailable for Teams personal accounts. Learn more about meeting experiences for Microsoft Teams (free) participants. JOIN FROM CALENDAR To join a meeting from your Teams calendar: 1. Tap Calendar . 2. Tap the meeting you want to join. 3. Tap Join. JOIN WITH A MEETING ID FROM YOUR TEAMS APP 1. Tap Calendar . 2. Tap More > Join with meeting ID. 3. Enter a meeting ID and passcode. You can find the meeting ID and passcode: * In the meeting details from your Teams calendar. Open the meeting info and tap Details > See more. * At the bottom of your Teams meeting invite email. 4. Tap Join meeting. JOIN FROM A NOTIFICATION When a Teams meeting starts, you’ll get a notification that’ll bring you directly to the meeting. Just tap the notification to join. JOIN IN A CHANNEL If a meeting takes place in a channel, you’ll see an invitation to join, relevant content, and the organizer right in the channel. Just tap Join. JOIN FROM CHAT If the meeting or meeting chat has already begun, it appears in your recent chat list. Open the chat and then tap Join at the top of the chat. DIAL IN Some meetings let you join by dialing a phone number if you're unable to use the Teams app. If there's a phone number in the meeting invite, tap it to dial the number and the conference ID. Once you're connected, dial 1 to join the meeting. If you're the meeting organizer, you'll need to enter the dial-in PIN when you call in to a meeting. Need help finding the dial-in PIN? Tap Reset dial-in PIN on the meeting invite. Make sure you save the PIN somewhere; you can only view it once when you reset it. If you forget your dial-in PIN, reset it again. JOIN ANONYMOUSLY OR FROM A DIFFERENT ACCOUNT Join a Teams meeting anonymously or from a different account by switching accounts on the pre-join screen. To switch accounts: 1. Tap a meeting on your Teams calendar. 2. Tap Join. 3. Under your video preview, check which account you're signed into. 4. Tap Switch to change accounts. 5. Choose an account under Signed in accounts, or tap Use another account to add a different one. 6. Tap Join now. To join anonymously: 1. Tap a meeting on your Teams calendar. 2. Tap Join. 3. Tap Switch > Join without signing in. 4. Enter your name. 5. Tap Join now. JOIN ON MULTIPLE DEVICES Join a meeting on more than one device for more collaboration and content-sharing options. For example, if you're in a meeting on your laptop, join on your phone as well to share live video, control a presentation, and more. To join on multiple devices: 1. Join your meeting from your primary device. 2. Open the Teams app on your mobile device. Make sure both devices are signed in to the same Teams account. 3. You’ll see a notification at the top of your mobile screen with a Join the meeting on this device option. 4. Tap Join the meeting on this device to add your mobile device to the meeting. Your mobile device speaker and mic will be muted automatically to prevent an echo effect. To learn more, see Join a Teams meeting on a second device and Share content in a meeting. JOIN WITH APPLE CARPLAY Dial into your next scheduled meeting on the road safely with Apple CarPlay. To use CarPlay with Teams, you'll need: * A vehicle that supports CarPlay * An iPhone * The Teams mobile app for iOS (version released Aug. 31, 2021 or later) To join a Teams meeting from CarPlay: 1. Connect your iPhone to your vehicle using Bluetooth or a USB cable. 2. Tap Teams to prompt Siri. 3. Use Siri voice commands to join your meeting. Say something like, "Call next meeting using Teams." Note: If Siri voice commands don't work for you, check with your IT admin to make sure they allow using CarPlay with Teams . 4. Use the Teams meeting controls on your car's display. Tips: * You can join a meeting as early as 15 minutes before and as late as five minutes after the meeting starts. * If you have conflicting meeting times, Teams joins the meeting that starts first. If both start at the same time, Teams joins the meeting with the title that comes first alphabetically. * The Teams calendar doesn't update unless you have the app open. It's possible a recent meeting invite won't be reflected in your calendar. * You can only use Teams audio. * When you join a meeting, your mic is muted. To learn more, see Place Microsoft Teams calls with Apple CarPlay. RECOMMENDED ARTICLES Video: Join a Teams meeting Teams meetings basics Join a meeting without a Teams account SUBSCRIBE RSS FEEDS NEED MORE HELP? WANT MORE OPTIONS? 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