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Imagining a better world! We are a 3D virtual world based on OpenSimulator. :)
A peaceful community to explore, make friends from all over the world, and
create beautiful places.

We offer a secure environment where residents and content creators can thrive!

Come join us!   Registration, as well as your own virtual home, are free!


360 degree Panoramas


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Get the Viewer
  ...setup instructions


Status: Still groovin! 👍
In-world now: 6
Total Local Users: 164
Unique 30d Active Users: 516
Total Regions: 8201 (standard 256m)
Land ownership: 69% of users
Region ownership: 20% of users


Currently popular regions

Free Park

1 avatars
Port Agee

1 avatars

1 avatars



Just yesterday, the Firestorm team released the Firestorm Viewer
Although they only advertise the new version for Second Life, the OpenSim
variants have been upgraded, too.

So @Juno Rowland, my little in-world sister, helped me test it and travelled
around a bit.

Firestorm 7 introduced three major changes. The first one is the introduction of
Physically-Based Rendering. The second one, along with it, is that the Advanced
Lighting Model is now permanently on. This caused a lot of commotion in the
Second Life and OpenSim communities and fearmongering that Second Life and
OpenSim will now require high-end gaming machines.

The third change, however, is the introduction of multi-threading. Up until
Firestorm 6, the viewer was single-threaded, and only one CPU core was ever
used. So if your Firestorm was slow, that probably wasn't because it drove your
hardware to its limits but because it actually didn't. In contrast, Firestorm 7
makes use of all CPU cores. And the test drive was done on a
not-quite-new-anymore AMD CPU with six cores and a dozen threads.

So after Juno had logged in, Firestorm produced a rather stable 60fps. Then
again, that wasn't too unusual, given she didn't exactly login with a toaster,
and the graphics settings were lowered somewhat. So she turned ambient occlusion
on. Still 60fps. She turned shadows on. Still 60fps. Then she went for the new
settings. Screen Space Reflections. Still 60fps, although there wasn't that much
around her that was reflective. Even with mirrors on and reflection detail set
to realtime, the fps didn't drop, only the CPU and GPU fans howled increasingly.

It did show that the new Firestorm and its new rendering engine are still a bit
rough around the edges. Ambient occlusion under nothing but sunlight and ambient
light seems a lot grainier now. The water surface is somewhat prone to tearing.
And with mirrors on, it produces nasty cyan, magenta and yellow artifacts.

Still, Firestorm 7 stayed blazing fast. So we decided to challenge it a bit.
Juno put on a Clutterfly Ruffled Bottom Dress, notorious for raising your avatar
rendering complexity by a whopping half million, and then she went to Lbsa

Lbsa Plaza promised to be a challenge for two reasons. One, it's Blinn-Phong
galore now with a floor texture that's both specular-mapped and normal-mapped,
and it has a lot of stuff standing around that'll demand its share of graphics
power. Since its redesign, it looks like Nexus Storm of Neverworld fame had a
part in it because she actually did. Two, you're practically never alone, and if
there's something that eats into your graphics performance, it's avatars.

At this time of day, only few avatars were around plus the usual few animesh
figures. With three or four avatars on-screen and shadows and ambient occlusion
still on, Firestorm still delivered 50fps or more. Even with eight avatars, it
didn't go under 40fps. Firestorm 6 would be lucky to reach 20fps without shadow
and without ambient occlusion in the same situation on the same hardware.

Also at Lbsa Plaza, there is a sci-fi helmet on display with very detailed
glossy surfaces and various bruises on it. It really demonstrates what the new
Firestorm can do. I'm not sure, but it may actually already have been built
using PBR materials. After all, this should be possible, seeing as OSgrid still
is the same experimental grid as which it was launched back in 2007, and Lbsa
Plaza runs on a development version of OpenSim from Wednesday evening. But that
helmet didn't cut into the performance at all.

Something else we've noticed: When an avatar with a facelight teleports out, the
illumination by the facelight disappears immediately.

Juno's next stopover was the Dereos Grid, the PSSMG Freebie Mall, to be more
specific. It's a very detail-rich mixture of classic prim construction and
custom meshes. This particular sim, being an "official" sim of the grid, runs on
a special version of OpenSim. It used to be the ArribaSim fork, but Arriba
itself stopped being developed even before OpenSim It was then forked
by Freaky Tech and eventually forked again or taken over by grid admin Akira
Sonoda. In fact, it doesn't even have all features of OpenSim included;
for example, it still doesn't support universal layers, nor does it support BoM
scripting. In fact, Bakes-on-Mesh itself was backported from a newer vanilla
version because Arriba's development came to a halt before BoM was introduced to

And so the newest and most advanced Firestorm met a not really up-to-date

First of all, the FPS dropped to something between 20 and 35 while looking at
the town from an elevated location, depending on what was visible. This has to
be due to the many details and being out in the open.

I've also noticed a reflective ground that didn't reflect a building immediately
adjacent. Otherwise there was no trouble that I might attribute to the new

One bug that persists, however, is that Firestorm renders certain surfaces on
certain mesh objects persistently and reproducibly as plain white.

All in all, however, I'll stick with the new version, seeing as how performant
it has grown.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse
#VirtualWorlds #PhysicallyBasedRendering #PBR #Firestorm #FirestormViewer

@stefan (シュテファン) Erster Voreindruck vom Firestorm 7.1.9 aus OpenSim:

Er ist grafisch schneller. Viel schneller. Und meine Maschine (Ryzen 5 3600X,
Radeon RX590) ist nun wirklich nicht high-end.

Events mit vielen Avataren habe ich noch nicht getestet, dafür hätte der neue
Firestorm einen Tag eher kommen müssen, aber generell kann ich ihm grafikmäßig
sehr viel zumuten und habe trotzdem stabil meine Obergrenze von 60 fps. Ambient
Occlusion, Schatten, Screen Space Reflections, immer noch 60 fps.

Da merkt man die Multithreading-Fähigkeit. Wo die älteren Firestorms in die Knie
gingen, holt der neue sich einfach mehr Leistung von der Hardware, und die
Kühlung der Maschine fönt mehr.

Erst wenn die Schattenqualität auf Fotoniveau hochgedreht wird, geht die
Framerate in die Knie. Aber beim alten Firestorm war da schon längst Diashow

Grafisch merkt man noch, es ist ein erster Schuß. Ambient Occlusion ist entweder
neuerdings ziemlich verrauscht, oder das fällt mir erst jetzt auf.
Wasserreflexionen scheinen gerade in Bewegung noch so etwas wie Tearing zu
zeigen, und mit Spiegelung zeigen sich deutliche Artefakte auf dem Wasser in
Cyan, Magenta und Gelb. Daß das am Standardwasser in OpenSim liegt, glaube ich
weniger, das tritt nämlich auch bei Wasser auf, das von Windlight nach EEP
konvertiert wurde. Außerdem spiegeln Spiegel nicht unbedingt das Innere eines

PBR-Content ist mir noch nicht untergekommen, aber irgendwo gibt's schon eine
Versuchssim mit PBR.

#OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #PhysicallyBasedRendering #PBR
#Firestorm #FirestormViewer

#OpenSim #OpenSimulator #officeHours

Résumé en fr de la réunion des développeurs :

18-06-2024 :

* Changements : corrections du code du terrain PBR, code redondant
* Bugs : SqLite, bug de recherche sur avec les UUID de parcelles
* Impact des changements du code Linden Lab sur OpenSim
* Firestorm : terrain PBR, VR Mod
* Shrapview :actualités, WGPU, RUST

* Thèmes des réunions triés par domaine :

Bonne lecture et bonne semaine OpenSim !

So @Jupiter Rowland and I are at the Wolf Fest, courtesy of @Lone Wolf who's
attending another one of the three parallel events on the same sim.

@Rogue Galaxy is singing, or she's trying to. She has spent four and a half
hours singing yesterday, and her voice is kind of shot.

When she called for people in the audience to join her as dancers or musicians,
Jupiter did. And he whipped out a whole bunch of synths out of nowhere.

#OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #VirtualEvent #WolfTerritories
#WolfTerritoriesGrid #WolfGrid #WolfFest

What really gave me to think when looking at Hypergrid Business' OpenSim
statistics for May was the varying discrepancy between active users,
Hypergridders included, and land mass on the various grids.

The biggest grids in land mass are both special cases. Being the second-largest
grid with 29,248 standard regions, the Wolf Territories Grid is one because it's
largely varsims, and at least the mainland is varsims from 4x4 upward. Whereas
other grids are dominated by standard-region-sized sims, a typical Wolf
Territories sim is 16 of these. Also, @Lone Wolf himself is probably still the
owner of the most land in the metaverse. At the same time, the Wolf Territories
Grid tops the list of most active grids with 6,232 MAUs.

OSgrid, largest with 32,547 standard regions, easily leaving Second Life in the
dust, and second-busiest with 5,186 MAUs, is a special case because it doesn't
offer land rentals. Everything that isn't an official sim is attached to the
grid and hosted by its users. Size-wise, that goes from single personal sims
hosted at home to whole archipelagos of varsims like Tropicana Estates (which
used to be a whole lot bigger even) or Nautilus Estates. Technically speaking,
OSgrid is the one grid with the most region servers. Also, for this reason,
OSgrid's land mass always takes a little dive whenever they do a clean-up and
remove dead sims from their map because many don't shut their sims down properly
when removing them. At the same time, of course, OSgrid is a popular destination
for Hypergridders even beyond parking your avatar at Lbsa Plaza.

Now let's take a look at some other grids.

Kitely is the third-largest grid with 18,077 standard regions, but the
20th-busiest grid with only 627 MAU. But it's a popular builders' grid due to
its stability. Kitely's trick to cope with that much land is to shut all sims
down when they aren't populated and start them up again when someone wants to
enter them, a trick that was later re-implemented by DreamGrid.

ZetaWorlds is the fourth-largest grid with 12,910 standard regions, but only the
21st-busiest grid with only 596 MAU. I doubt that this includes the 3rd Wind
community. Still, one reason ZetaWorlds is so large and underpopulated is its
huge ocean, consisting of dozens upon dozens of varsims; I think it was 3x3s.
It's so big that it takes well over five minutes to cross in a motor boat at
full speed. Even Stark, a nudism-encouraging archipelago of 14 4x4 vars, that's
still 224 standard regions in the hands of three owners, doesn't make up a large
percentage of ZetaWorlds' land area. The lack of MAU can be explained by
ZetaWorlds not letting avatars from lots of grids in for reliability reasons.

Alternate Metaverse is actually balanced. It's the fifth-busiest grid with 2,025
MAU and the fifth-largest grid with 10,178 standard regions. This may not seem
balanced, but AMV residents love to build big, too. Grid owners Cataplexia
Numbers and Clifford Hanger seem to almost always build vars because they always
need lots of room. Welcome and Annex are exceptions because they're practically
entirely indoors. Chris McCracken builds vars so big that even he gets lost
without a proper map. And AMV was where Jimmy Olsen inflated Norway-themed
Alfheim from an already respectable 4x4 with lots of details to a 10x10 giant
before it sadly vanished. At the same time, AMV has loads of events which also
attract Hypergridders.

GroovyVerse, sixth-largest at 7,837 standard regions and 23rd-busiest with only
514 MAUs, is a community effort in building a whole lot of land. It's actually
building a sim-crossing railway network which by now may be larger than the one
in the Wolf Territories, and that one already takes quite some time to travel.
One reason for the lack of activity may be because only few sims are advertised
on OpenSimWorld, and so only few people know about them in the first place.
That's partly because of @Hyacinth 🏳️‍⚧️ ☮️'s very justified love-hate
relationship towards OSW to say the least. In fact, she "loves" OSW so much that
she is working on an alternative to replace it.

Shoalwater Bay is another interesting case: The tenth-largest grid with 1,072
standard regions isn't even in the top 25 of busiest grids. The reason becomes
apparent if you look at its grid map, and the grid name is a dead giveaway: It's
a sailing grid with only 49 adjacent sims, six of which are 8x8 vars, the other
43 being 4x4 vars. Over half a dozen sims don't even seem to have any actual
land on them.

The GBG Metaverse, formerly GreekLife Breath Grid, is the opposite case. It's
the third-busiest grid with 2,239 MAU, but only the tenth-largest grid with only
956 standard regions. This is astounding for two reasons. One, GBG is the result
of two grid mergers. First, the Tranquility Grid was merged into the younger
Little Breath Grid. And then Little Breath merged with GreekLife. Two, GreekLife
used to make renting at least one sim mandatory for every resident. GBG has
switched to a different model: Your inventory is limited to 5,000 items unless
you rent land or donate. Still, I wonder where the discrepancy comes from,
seeing as GBG doesn't have any super-popular events or freebie sims.

Even more extreme: Darkheart's Playground and WaterSplash are number seven and
eight in MAU, both between 1,600 and 1,700. But neither is even in the top 40 of
largest grids. However, both are famous for one very popular freebie sim each,
Darkheart's Boutiques and iPleasure respectively, the latter being the home of
the R. Lion "brand". I think both grids have only got about half a dozen sims
each or so. So either the stats are vastly dominated by Hypergridders, or people
create alts on these grid to make grubbing freebies and passing them on to their
mains easier and circumvent grid blocks. For example, AFAIK, ZetaWorlds has
blocked both, and in the case of Darkheart's Playground, the block is mutual.
I'd really like to see the faces of the users when they discover that most
content offered on both grids is no-transfer.

Last but not least, Neverworld makes me wonder, too. It reported 1,101 MAUs,
ranking ninth, on only 343 standard regions, ranking 22th. And that's
considering this grid is mostly vars, too. Most of it is joined together in one
big mainland connected by a network of streets. A lot of it is owned by grid
owner Govega Sachertorte and split into parcels for everyone to rent for free,
even Hypergridders. Still, most of that land is vacant, maybe also because you
can't set your home out in the Hypergrid, so it isn't quite useful as a
dwelling-place unless you're a Neverworlder. What probably causes the most
traffic, however, are Nexus Storm's several large freebie sims.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse
#VirtualWorlds #Grid #WolfTerritories #WolfTerritoriesGrid #WolfGrid #OSgrid
#Kitely #ZetaWorlds #AlternateMetaverse #AMV #GroovyVerse #ShoalwaterBay #GBG
#DarkheartsPlayground #WaterSplash #Neverworld #OpenSimStatistics

@kaleb Okay, a few bits of good advice.

First of all, your feet are partially white because you're wearing classic
"shoes". You can tell them by the shoe symbol on something you're wearing.

If you don't absolutely need them, take them off. If you need them, edit them.
Edit the texture. Set it to transparent. Save the shoes afterwards. Take them
off and put them on again to be sure.

Next, your shorts don't fit your body. Just like in Second Life, your clothes
should always match your body. You can't wear clothes for Signature Gianni on an
eBody body and expect them to fit. The only difference is that the names in
OpenSim can be different from Second Life, and that OpenSim uses a mish-mash of
Second Life and OpenSim names.

You're obviously wearing a BoM mesh body. Which one is it?

If it's an Adonis 4 (that's actually Slink Physique Male), you should only wear

with "Adonis" on them
with "Slink" on them
with the Sacrarium logo and/or typical Sacrarium brand names on them, e.g.
MGmen; I think they were all originally rigged for Slink Physique Male

If it's some Apollo upgraded to BoM or a Signature Gianni, you should only wear
clotheswith "Apollo" on them
with "Signature" on them
with "Gianni" on them
with "Decadence" on them
in those typical boxes with the wide black margin on the left and white writing
on the margin; go visit any copy of Grimm to see what I mean what they look
If it's some Ares upgraded to Bom or a Belleza Jake, you should only wear
with "Ares" on them
with "Belleza" on them[/list]
Never mix one body with clothes made for a wholly different body unless you know
what you're doing.

If your body should still clip through the clothes, attach the HUD that came
with the body. You'll find a front view and a rear view of the body somewhere,
divided into small pieces. Click them and watch what's happening to your body.
The corresponding areas of your body should disappear, and when you click them
again on the HUD, they should re-appear.

Congrats, you've learned how the alpha HUD works. Now you can simply switch all
parts of your body that clip through your clothes to invisible, and they no
longer clip.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse
#VirtualWorlds #Avatar #Avatars

This is my OpenSim avatar. The best avatar that I did. I am not very good in
doing nice avatar #opensim

les stats #opensim .

#OpenSim #OpenSimulator #officeHours

Résumé en fr de la réunion des développeurs :

11-06-2024 :

* Ajout d'un support complet pour les terrains PBR
* Nouveaux tests unitaires avec Xunit
* Fonctionnement des recherches d'assets (SL versus OS)
* Viewers : PBR pour Dayturn et Firestorm. Nouvelle version pour Sharpview.
* Erratum patch hauteur de terrain.

* Thèmes des réunions triés par domaine :

Bonne lecture et bonne semaine OpenSim !

By the way: 3rd Rock Grid was apparently shut down two days ago, the night from
9th to 10th at midnight, almost four weeks after the announced shutdown date.

#OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #3rdRockGrid

@juno_rowland ... Ich wollte mal virtuell einen weiblichen Anime-Charackter
Cosplayen und war auf der Suche nach einem langen bis zu den Knöcheln fallenden
Faltenrock. Ich habe ewig gesucht und bei diesem dann Gefundenen habe ich dann
auch die Schwierigkeiten in der Animation für manche Positionen erkannt. Aber
man kann es nach einer gewissen Zeit im Alltag gut händeln. :-)

#opensim #secondlife

Version 2 of the Mardyke Fort. Note that it would have been disused by the time
the New Quay was built. As it stands it might have done a decent job guarding
the river but its squareness isn't doing it any favours beyond that. Tempted to
go hexagonal or round but I'm not sure that would help.

I haven't checked interlocking fields of fire etc but having four cannon per
side would have helped with the fact that they'd ultimately overheat if fired
more than once every 10 minutes or so.


At least @Jupiter Rowland and I managed to find out halfway in time about the
3rd Wind introduction event that happened over the last weekend. We joined in on
Sunday for some five hours of music and tours. We've seen places that would
really be a loss if they had to perish along with 3rd Rock Grid, especially the
science-fiction-themed sims.

Good thing I've brought a bag with extra beachwear plus my bunny accessories
because there's also a club where wearing them is at least recommended.

#OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #3rdRockGrid #3rdWind

@stefan (シュテファン) Bei uns scheint das Ziel von beinahe jedem weiblichen Avatar
mit Meshbody zu sein, möglichst sexy daherzukommen.

Superkurze Röckchen und Kleidchen dominieren sowohl die Avatare selbst als auch
die Freebie-Sims, und das versucht heutzutage niemand mehr, mit Schwierigkeiten
beim Rigging zu rechtfertigen. Lange Hosen sind nicht nur fast ausnahmslos
hautenge Jeans, sondern sie werden fast ausnahmslos bauchfrei getragen.
Überhaupt scheint kaum jemand Oberteile zu tragen, die nicht bauchfrei sind.
Sogar die meisten Weihnachtsoutfits sind entweder bauchfrei oder Kleidchen.

Dazu sind gefühlte 98% aller Schuhe, die ihren Weg aus SL hierher gefunden
haben, für die hohe Fußposition, und davon wiederum haben die allermeisten
Stilettoabsätze, und 90% der weiblichen Avatare haben die Fußposition permanent
auf hoch gestellt. Der Anteil von Plateauschuhen wird immer größer, und der
Trend geht zu 15-cm-Sohlen mit 30-cm-Absätzen. Und wenn man sich die "Beute" der
letzten Jahre ansieht, ist alles, was nicht Stiefel ist, Sandale.

Natürlich wird behauptet, das kann man immer und überall tragen. Dann sieht man
jede Menge nackte Haut auf Weihnachtssims mit Schnee und Eis ebenso wie
monströse Plateauschuhe an tropischen Sandstränden.

Irgendwie ist es auch verrückt. Ich trage überhaupt nichts, was aus SL geklaut
wurde, allenfalls Meshes, die Damien Fate vor vielen Jahren der
OpenSim-Community kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt hat. Für meinen Body gibt es
an genau dafür gemachter Kleidung genau einen langen Rock.

Und trotzdem kann ich mich allem Anschein nach vielseitiger und passender
kleiden als die zahllosen Avatare, an denen alles geklaut ist.

Vielleicht liegt das auch daran, daß ich bei Unterwäsche, Lingerie, Badesachen,
Strumpfwaren und den meisten anderen hautengen Sachen auf Layerkleidung
angewiesen bin und daher damit keine Berührungsängste habe. Und so bin ich einer
von nicht einmal einem Dutzend weiblichen Avataren in OpenSim, die auch mal
Strumpfhosen tragen.

#OpenSim #OpenSimulator #SecondLife #Metaverse #VirtuelleWelten

@juno_rowland Ja du hast recht. Ist recht selten in der vr und manchmal fühlen
sich meine Avi’s auch recht oft overdressed. Aber dabei heißt es doch, dass
Kleider Leute machen. 👍🤣 #secondlife #opensim

Regarding my recent #opensim post. I realize that there are other grid owners
here, and their grids really are excellent too. I would like to put forward the
notion. We are kind of like the chieftains of our collective world. We have a
responsibility to protect our people and provide leadership in the wider

If I may be so bold,I would like to suggest to the other grid owners to place a
similar anti-bullying message on their pages. We have a diverse community, it
benefits us all.

I am very happy I will have more time to devote to our virtual world.

GroovyVerse is an #opensim grid, and one of the larger ones in HG Business' top
20, and #6 in land.

Recent bullying in the #opensimulator community has made us realize that there
is a need for a safe, peaceful place to call home, where LGBT people are
respected,valued and loved. We will be opening our doors to new members over the
coming weeks.

I'd love to hear what people's needs are, and how we can better serve you

Testing Mastodon share from my wordpress site.

GroovyVerse Railroad


My friend has been advocating for quite a while, that we should be including alt
text in our images, describing the scene for vision impaired readers. I am going
to try to be better about doing it, and I encourage others to do so as well.

Below is a picture of our railroad in our virtual world, GroovyVerse.

#opensim #opensimulator #vr #virtualworlds #secondlife

Excited. I got PeerTube installed on one of our servers. Now I am trying to
grigure out how to get hooked up to relays.

#opensim #peertube



Random | About |

GridPuppy! - Less barking, more fun.

JeTaimes Paradise
Looking to have fun and enjoy! I love to make mesh and system clothing for my
Avatar. I know Blender, Avastar, Photoshop CS6, Marvelous Designer, Maya,
Camtasia and other programs. If you need help and I have an answer, I will help
you. ASK! Enjoy

Safari clubhouse

AMV News
AMV News - Alternate Metaverse Grid Zine

Luscious Adult Resort
ADULT Beach Resort - Nudity or swimwear suggested. A fun place to hang out and
explore. Try our our new, experimental surfing! Lots of places to cuddle and
shag. Perpetually under construction. No child avatars please.

Spooky City
Tryads Kunstaustellung. An urban styled sim with an Art gallery Please put your
windlight settings to midnight for a better experience

The Rendezvous 2
The Rendezvous Regions (The Rendezvous & The Rendezvous 2) - Adults Only Resorts
- Sexually open resorts - open for all adults on Alternate Metaverse Grid, and
visiting ADULTS- No Child Avatars- you MUST agree to Terms Of Service on Regions
and must be

Daydream - Adult Fantasy Romantic Playground
Welcome to Daydream - Adult Fantasy Romantic Playground! Explore Forests,
Beaches, Fairielands, Dancing, Swimming, Horseback riding, Hiking! Private Adult
animated spaces & cuddle spopts. Open to all! An Alternate Metaverse Grid
sponsored region.

Koryphon - A Dreamscape of Art & Music
Koryphon is a 5x5 VAR filled with Clubs:- Club Synergy, SK8 Rollerclub, The
Hollow, Tiki Cove, The Coffee House Also: The Visual Poetry Art Gallery Art by
Cataplexia Numbers

Baboosic Lake
Part of our Amherst Green Project. Baboosic Lake was once a tourist attraction
with camps and a ballroom that hosted well know n Big Band jazz musicians.

Pangea ARTS Center

Willywag Boat Launch
A great little place to hang out or launch a boat and explore the northern seas!

Meridian Outlands S2
Meridian Airport - A 5x5 Region Bordering Meridian and connecting it to the Main
Grid Meridian -Deep seas - Alternate Metaverse Grid

Auroras Realm
Medeival adult role play.

Where ancient places and ways, meet the future! A community for Pagan and other
nature / earth centered spirituality.

A little bit of everything, sofa, chair, table, dining, fireplace, lights, lamp,
patio, bathroom, living room, dining, bar, gorean, bed, dresser, bedroom,

Illusions- Where dreams become reality!! Boating, swimming, surfing,fishing,
scuba diving, hang gliding, flying, rentals, beaches, game room, movies, spa,
clubs and night life, and dont forget FUN!!! Come get lost in Illusions!

Lofoten, a fjord-strewn landscape in northern Norway not far from the Arctic
Circle. Sailing, yachting, fishing camp, Viking museum and much more. Boats are
available in the harbors or you can rez your own boat. Come, see, be amazed and
have fun.

BOMBSHELL! Barbarellas Clutterfly Mall!
Nice Linda Kellie / Clutterfly stuff. LOTS of free shop space available for
anyone who wants to do a legal freebie shop. The more the merrier! :)

Aurora II Luxury Liner, SevenSeas
SevenSeas is the home of the luxury Cruise Ship Aurora II, a world class luxury
liner featuring rentable cabins, Multiple shops, dining areas, club, ballroom,
game room, theater, gardens & more!

Black Rock Desert
The Black Rock Desert Nevada USA.

The Big Mamou!
A beautiful, funky shopping village and welcome area :)

NYC Speedway
Grab a bike and go for it!. Have Fun!

AquaReal - Ignis Fatuus

Wakanda Town and Elephant Sanctuary
Wakanda come and explore ! Open to the public. Come and meet the Olies ride an
elephant. Explore and relax at Cozy Cafe Visit Chanty Town , Pamukale baths and
lots more. Rumage through our freebies or just come and hang out at wakanda bar.


Great Western Railway
From Paddington to Penzance through the English countryside Ridable engines
depart from platforms 1 & 2 at regular intervals. Circle Line for Dawlish Warren
and Bath. ... Have Fun. :)

Welcome Home

wip wip wip hourra!!
que du mesh copy modif un laboratoire toujours en travaux. *guide*

Moonrose Shopping
Moonrose a shopping experience of a special kind we are diverse offer women as
well as men clothes Mesh body for women Arthemis as well as for men Chonsu body.
We are always looking for new challenges. We are everything, but not simple.

New York City
NYC is back, Subways running, Maceys and Ikea open, Kamikaze cab drivers
everywhere.. Tourist areas safe and well policed but venture over Manhatten
Bridge at your own risk. :)


Hypergrid Happenings
Find the places, skip the drama. Click to open map

Event Plaza 24 avs Plaza
Jungle Bikers Cars 18 avs Bikers Cars
Happy_Anniversary_NLI 15 avs
Nabilas Party ❧adult 14 avs Party
Yin Yang Town ❧adult 9 avs Yang Town
Gilleys Ranch 7 avs Ranch
An Alternate Metaverse 2 6 avs Alternate Metaverse 2
Hypergrid Games 6 avs Games
Xenotown ❧adult 6 avs
Le Beau Retrouve ❧adult 5 avs Beau Retrouve
Nihilon 5 avs
East Coast 80s 5 avs

Sonnys Home (PRIVATE) Coast 80s
Tiki Cove 4 avs Cove
Atlas-Fashion 4 avs
Stark ❧adult 4 avs
Gentle Fire Grid 4 avs Fire Grid
Extreme Surfing ❧adult 4 avs Surfing
Trianon Complex ❧adult 4 avs Complex
Chez-Eden 3 avs
Celyddon 3 avs
Unbreakable Love 3 avs Love
5th Avenue 3 avs Avenue
CarpeNoctem 3 avs
The Pier 3 avs Pier
Arkham Grid 3 avs Grid
Atlas 3 avs
Amoa Nude Beach Swingers Resort ❧adult 3 avs

Amoa Nude Beach Swinger Resort  A public ADULTS ONLY high quality nude beach and
swinger resort for you to enjoy. Human and Nude Only. High complexity level and.
Coastal Afternoon windlight recommended. Experience Nude Samoa! Nude Beach Swingers Resort
NYSA ❧adult 3 avs
Shinobar Annex 3 avs

Welcome Center, Shinobar Annex  Welcome Center of Shinobar in JOG Annex
Lbsa Plaza 3 avs

Lbsa Plaza  Welcome to Social lounge - Check the Users Panel in the
SouthWest corner to get started, if you have any questions just shout them
out.Please follow rules, this is not a brothel or nudist camp. Plaza
ImperialRome ❧adult 2 avs
Arts-&-Friends 2 avs
Infinity 11 ❧adult 2 avs 11
Kitsilano 2 avs

Gulf Islands
angel oar 2 avs oar
Soul-Shopping-Sky [G] ❧adult 2 avs
Elysion ❧adult 2 avs
Beach Dust ❧adult 2 avs

Community Land of  Welcome to Beach Dust Community. Dust
Kalispera ❧adult 2 avs
Mexico Lindo ❧adult 2 avs

El yate  Mexico Lindo Lindo
Club Rotation ❧adult 2 avs Rotation
Mariner's Bay ❧adult 2 avs's Bay
HGWelcome 2 avs
Ruritania ❧adult 2 avs
Ocean 2 avs

Accueil  Accueil Ocean-grid, ouvert au public, les copie-boot sont interdit ban
serveur, les objets sont gratuit demander svp  recontre, voyage, ecole,
Eden Travels ❧adult 2 avs Travels
GrandCayman 2 avs
Nautilus Anchorage Landing ❧adult 2 avs Anchorage Landing
ArcadiaShop ❧adult 2 avs
Phantasyland 4 2 avs 4
Store 2 avs
Zweet ZurroundingZ ❧adult 2 avs ZurroundingZ
Serenity Cabins 2 avs Cabins
Welcome Area ❧adult 2 avs Area
Virtualgrid ❧adult 2 avs

A town long forgotten  Enjoy
Paradise Beach Cove ❧adult 2 avs Beach Cove
Agora ❧adult 2 avs

Agora  Shopping Mall , Freebies, Mesh, Complete avatars, Clothes, Hellas, Agora
   Liars and pedophiles with their friends are for ever banned
Valeria's Avatars 2 2 avs's Avatars 2
ShoppingDance ❧adult 2 avs
Moccis Land 1 avs Land
Halloween City 1 avs City
Santas Planets 1 avs Planets
AMV Community Farm 1 avs Community Farm
OpenSimWorld 1 avs
Home of Merci 1 avs of Merci
Welcome ❧adult 1 avs
Your Dream ❧adult 1 avs


hop:80:Your Dream
FreeHouseNewLife 1 avs

Free House New Life
Spirit Rock Ranch 1 avs Rock Ranch
Steam Sky 1 avs Sky
ANVIL-Island 1 avs
AnsjelaGrid Welcome 1 avs Welcome
Nautilus Tuscany Villa Island ❧adult 1 avs Tuscany Villa Island
VVM Mall 1 avs Mall
Everlove 1 avs
Catronian Archipelago 1 avs Archipelago
Brotown ❧adult 1 avs
Mumble 1 avs
FLORA 1 avs
CMFreedom 1 avs
Coopersville 1 avs
The Furniture Vault 1 avs Furniture Vault
ShapeShifter 1 avs

City Lights 1 avs Lights
Maze of the Mind Free Houses 1 avs of the Mind Free Houses
Blindside Estates 1 avs Estates
Akemi 1 avs
Sandbox 1 avs
Cartabria ❧adult 1 avs
Abraham 1 avs
Ambiland 1 avs
Klamotto 1 avs
Friends ❧adult 1 avs
Event Jungle 1 avs Jungle
Plymouth Crucible 1 avs Crucible
Marigold Bay ❧adult 1 avs Bay
Sirocco 1 avs