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"ARE YOU READY TO TAKE YOUR TRAINING TO THE NEXT LEVEL?" Explore this website and discover the best strength and conditioning along with volleyball drills, skills, game strategies, and much more. Often the most successful players have learned the importance of being creative when practicing skills and tactics for game situations. I'm frequently adding new drills, playing tips, techniques and strategies to the site. I expect you'll read some things you've never thought of before. This truly is the greatest sport in the world and I'd love to share it with you. Below you'll see hundreds of pages of information related to volleyball. I have organized the site into easy-to-follow sections so that you can go straight to the information you need. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPLORE MY SITE... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARE YOU A COACH, PLAYER, OR PARENT LOOKING FOR VOLLEYBALL TRAINING ADVICE? What would it feel like to have all the volleyball training information at your finger tips to enable you to coach your players more effectively on how to: * Pass every serve perfectly. * Increase your vertical 4 to 8 inches. * Not only never miss a serve, but serve every zone at will. * Spike hard and never get blocked. * Outlast your opponent because of superior conditioning. * Improve foot speed and quickness resulting in effortless plays. * Read the attack so effectively the ball never hits the floor. 2Save -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEVELOP UNIQUE VOLLEYBALL DRILLS Coaches need to design volleyball drills and conditioning that's not only unique to their team, but to each individual player on the team. 2Save Important things to consider... * What drills will help your team succeed? * How is your teams passing and defense? * Does your team need to work on attacking? * What about individual player skills? * Are drills specific to both individual and team goals? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT ABOUT FOOTWORK? What about the approach to spike? Does all your teams attackers approach to hit correctly? How about setting? How is your setters footwork? Often just by developing consistent footwork, a setter increases quickness. Can all your players on the team set cleanly? Is there anyone on the team that needs to improve their setting skills? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW ABOUT SERVING? Does everyone on the team serve tough or do you have players that just try to serve the ball in the court? I believe serving well is very important to winning. Serving is the one skill you have complete control over how well you execute it. These are just some of the questions you should be asking yourself both as a player or coach. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESIGN BETTER WEIGHT TRAINING PROGRAMS Along with conditioning volleyball drills, a players level of strength training is an important factor to being a successful player. Design workouts that are specific to your sport. Even better, perform assessment tests to discover your individual strengths and weaknesses. Develop powerful movement with functional training. Increase your strength and power by developing your core muscles. By understanding weight training variables such as exercise order and training load you will be able to design workouts that are specific to your own strength development. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEVELOP THE RIGHT ENERGY SYSTEMS Every sport uses biological energy systems in different ways. Learn about the concept of sport-specificity and how valuable it is to develop sport specific strength and power. By learning about how to develop the right kind of fitness, you will know how to develop the energy needed to continue to approach faster, jump higher, and hit harder throughout a match or tournament. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- START THINKING DIFFERENTLY If you want the same results that you've always been getting, then continue to do what you've always done. To take your game to the next level, you're going to have to start thinking differently and thinking more. "Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own." - Bruce Lee -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO BE THE BEST, YOU THINK AND TRAIN LIKE THE BEST Navigate this website and absorb what it takes to be a great player. Read quotes by famous players, coaches, and athletes. Use their inspiration to help you start developing the volleyball mind set you need to succeed. Be sure to subscribe to my free monthly newsletter, Volleyball Training Journal. Along with new strength and conditioning tips, playing strategies, and volleyball drills, I'll share with you the secrets to my success in volleyball. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KNOW AND UNDERSTAND THE RULES Do you know when a libero can legally attack the ball? How about when the ball is passed tight to the net? Do you know what a back row setter should do in this situation? What about first team contacts? 2Save Do you know the official volleyball rules for contacts on the first team hit compared to the second and third team hits? Knowing the rules can have a big impact on the outcome of matches. As a coach, you save yourself from a lot of frustration by understanding rules, terms, and common lingo used in the game. 10 Volleyball Strength Exercises that Will Crush Your Core Just enter your best email then click the "Instant Access" button. Email: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join My Volleyball Community & Receive My Free Training! Name: Email: Who are you: I'm a coachI'm a playerI'm a parent Your experience: beginnersome experienceadvanced We respect your email privacy As a bonus, you'll get a copy of my volleyball strength training ebook THE BIG SIX - The Six Best Volleyball Strength Training Exercises. Absolutely free. × search Custom Search Sort by: Relevance Relevance Date -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ShareFacebookXPinterestTumblrRedditWhatsAppMessenger × search Custom Search Sort by: Relevance Relevance Date * Home * Newsletter * What's New * About Me * Contact Me * Donate * TRAINING SECRETS * Strength Secrets * Setting Secrets * CONDITIONING * Conditioning * Strength Training * Smarter Training * DRILLS * Techniques * Strategies * Drills * Coaching * Books * RULES * Officiating * Basic Rules * Official Rules * History * Terms * BASICS * Basics * How to Play * Club * Beach * FUN * Famous Players * Beach Players * Beach Photos * Quotes * Online Games * Clipart * Equipment * ARTICLES * Sitemap * Site Search * Website Policies * Privacy Policy SAY HI ON SOCIAL: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Receive Free Volleyball Tips Name: Email: Where do you need the most help? strengthspeedjumpspikingsettingpassingservingbeach -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X Smarter Volleyball Training to Help Maximize Sports Performance © 2024 Strength and Power for Volleyball. 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