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Text Content

 * About
    * About the Congress
       * WPC Award
       * Wellness Way
       * Book Nook
       * #WPC4YOPD
    * Sobre el Congreso
       * Bienvenida de Nuestros Co-Presidentes
    * Volunteer
    * Committees
    * WPC Ambassadors
       * Parkinson Ambassadors
       * Science Ambassadors
    * Media
       * Social Media
    * Help Us Promote WPC
    * WPC Store
    * FAQs
    * About WPC Inc
    * Subscribe to eNews

 * Program
    * Program-At-A-Glance
    * Scientific Program
    * Faculty
    * Session Types
    * Abstracts
       * About Abstracts
       * Call for Abstracts
       * Abstracts Embargo
       * Designing Your Poster
    * Health Professional Networking

 * Registration
    * Registration
    * Congress Details for Delegates
    * Group Registration
    * Media Registration
    * Continuing Education
    * Buddies Program

 * Housing & Travel
    * Travel Info for Spain
    * Hotels
    * Visa
    * Invitation Letters
    * Travel Grants
    * Making Barcelona Parkinson’s Ready
    * Bike to Barcelona

 * Sponsor & Exhibit
    * Sponsor & Exhibit
    * WPC 2023 Sponsors
    * WPC International Partners

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WPC 2023 Choir

What’s synuclein, got to do, got to do with it… My Grandma had dementia. She was
never formally diagnosed because she only saw a primary care doctor who was not
an expert in geriatric medicine. However, the antipsychotic medication she took
worldpdcongress.org | 7 days ago

Participating in Research Studies: Myths and Legends For more than 2,000 years,
humans have been applying the "scientific method" in fields such as astronomy,
physics or mathematics, creating for example empirical forms of measurement that
have been ...
worldpdcongress.org | 13th Mar 2023

Participating in Research Studies: Myths and Legends Participando en estudios de
investigación: Mitos y Leyendas For more than 2,000 years, humans have been
applying the "scientific method" in fields such as astronomy, physics or
mathematics, cre...
worldpdcongress.org | 13th Mar 2023

Team from Spain The team from Spain consists of five cyclists who are coming
from various parts of Spain and who will be biking from Valencia to Barcelona.
They will be cycling for approxiamtely 24 hours and 33 mi...
worldpdcongress.org | 8th Mar 2023

Team from Spain The team from Spain consists of five cyclists who are coming
from various parts of Spain and who will be biking from Valencia to Barcelona.
They will be cycling for approxiamtely 24 hours and 33 mi...
worldpdcongress.org | 8th Mar 2023

A Personal Perspective Why on earth would an otherwise level headed Person with
Parkinson’s (PwP) decide to cycle from the UK to the World Parkinson Congress? A
flight would take 2.5hours, cycling will take around 2.5 we...
worldpdcongress.org | 6th Mar 2023

COVID-19 and Parkinson’s Disease The rapidity with which coronavirus disease
2019 (COVID-19) has swept across the globe has favored the proliferation of
studies usually lacking scientific rigor and the literature on Parkinson’s di...
worldpdcongress.org | 23rd Feb 2023

Bike to Barcelona WPC 2019 in Kyoto was my first WPC Congress. The first of what
will now be many. How did I feel coming from Australia to another country
surrounded by people from all over the world, either providi...
worldpdcongress.org | 21st Feb 2023

Bike to Barcelona WPC 2019 in Kyoto was my first WPC Congress. The first of what
will now be many. How did I feel coming from Australia to another country
surrounded by people from all over the world, either providi...
worldpdcongress.org | 21st Feb 2023

Exercise Is Only A Click Away: Delivering Exercise In An Online World The
emerging care models for Parkinson’s disease (PD) are using technology to
deliver a hybrid approach to care, where in-person and online sessions can
complement each other.  The use of technolog...
worldpdcongress.org | 16th Feb 2023

The Importance of Modeling Peripheral Nervous System Dysfunction and Old Age in
Parkinson’s Disease Despite decades of Parkinson’s disease (PD) research, there
is still no cure, and patients are often diagnosed when it is too late to
intervene. Why is that? Well, you may know PD as a disease of t...
worldpdcongress.org | 9th Feb 2023

Pedalling with Parkinson’s I don’t honestly remember where I saw the ad about a
cycle challenge to Barcelona. It was when I was newly diagnosed with Parkinson
Disease and was spending (too much) time trolling the net, lookin...
worldpdcongress.org | 9th Feb 2023

El 6º Congreso Mundial de Parkinson (WPC 2023), que se celebrará del 4 al 7 de
julio de 2023 en Barcelona (España), ofrecerá un foro internacional e
interdisciplinario sin par para poner de relieve las últimas novedades del mundo
en la enfermedad de Parkinson. La participación está abierta a todas las
personas vinculadas a esta enfermedad.
Lea aquí la carta de Bienvenida de Nuestros Co-Presidentes.


DEADLINE: Buddies Program
March 17, 2023

DEADLINE: Early Bird Registration
March 24, 2023

DEADLINE: Late Breaking Abstracts
April 2, 2023

6th World Parkinson Congress
July 4-7, 2023


1359 Broadway
Suite 1509
NY, NY 10018 USA
EIN# 57-1206493

WPC 2023

 * About the Congress
 * WPC Award
 * Wellness Way
 * Book Nook
 * Sobre el Congreso
 * Bienvenida de Nuestros
 * Volunteer
 * Committees
 * WPC Ambassadors
 * Parkinson Ambassadors
 * Science Ambassadors
 * Media
 * Help Us Promote the WPC
 * WPC Store
 * FAQs
 * About WPC Inc.
 * Subscribe to eNews


 * Program-At-A-Glance
 * Scientific Program
 * Faculty
 * Session Types
 * Abstracts
 * About Abstracts
 * Call for Abstracts
 * Abstracts Embargo
 * Designing Your Poster
 * Health Professional Networking


 * Registration
 * Congress Details for Delegates
 * Group Registration
 * Media Registration
   Continuing Education Buddies Program


 * Travel Info for Spain
 * Hotels
 * Visa
 * Invitation Letters
 * Travel Grants
 * Making Barcelona Parkinson’s Ready
 * Bike to Barcelona


 * Sponsor Exhibit
 * WPC 2023 Sponsors
 * WPC International Partners

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