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urlscan Pro
Public Scan
Submitted URL: http://ec2-100-20-220-134.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=32599013&l=e40dca2d-1389-4009-b6d4-d3cc88bae677&r=aac8bd2e-2fc3-4776-b2cf-7e493f25064c
Effective URL: https://www.getsnackable.com/
Submission: On June 16 via manual from IN — Scanned from US
Effective URL: https://www.getsnackable.com/
Submission: On June 16 via manual from IN — Scanned from US
Form analysis
3 forms found in the DOMPOST https://api.leadpages.io/integration/v1/forms/U5LH4sKTdvyN9d3cSmahkD/submissions
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Text Content
Our Work Pricing Get a Quote Our Work Pricing Get a Quote HIRE RECIPE VIDEO EXPERTS, WITHOUT BREAKING THE BANK. Quick turnarounds. Snackable is a lean recipe video production agency with a streamlined remote process. Produce on-brand recipe videos with outputs for all your social channels. Get a Quote HIRE RECIPE VIDEO EXPERTS, WITHOUT BREAKING THE BANK. Quick turnarounds. Snackable is a lean recipe video production agency with a streamlined remote process. Produce on-brand recipe videos with outputs for all your social channels. Get a Quote HIRE RECIPE VIDEO EXPERTS, WITHOUT BREAKING THE BANK. Quick turnarounds. Snackable is a lean recipe video production agency with a streamlined remote process. Produce on-brand recipe videos with outputs for all your social channels. Get a Quote WHAT WE OFFER HIGH-QUALITY, AFFORDABLE, ORIGINAL CONTENT * Quick Turnaround Get recipe videos delivered on time -- every time. First draft within 2 weeks. * Experienced Production Team Leverage a remote team of seasoned culinary and creative experts. * Dedicated Support Enjoy an easy and streamlined process with a dedicated account manager. “[Snackable is] an absolute pleasure all around - the videos always turned around top-notch, they are pleasant, easy & fast and their prices can't be beat for what you get.” Sergio Pérez Trapero Associate Brand Manager, Ferrero (Nutella) “[Snackable is] an absolute pleasure all around - the videos always turned around top-notch, they are pleasant, easy & fast and their prices can't be beat for what you get.” Sergio Pérez Trapero Associate Brand Manager, Ferrero (Nutella) OUR WORK OVER 3000+ RECIPE VIDEOS, AND COUNTING “[Snackable delivers] content that meets our brand standards and exceeds expectations. They are responsive, professional and always deliver.” Deb Turoczy Sr. Consumer Engagement Manager, Just Born Inc. (PEEPS®) “[Snackable delivers] content that meets our brand standards and exceeds expectations. They are responsive, professional and always deliver.” Deb Turoczy Sr. Consumer Engagement Manager, Just Born Inc. (PEEPS®) PRICING SAVE UP TO 4X ON YOUR RECIPE VIDEOS FOOD BLOGGERS Produce high-quality branded videos to keep up with your content calendar. Starting at USD$600/video Get a Quote FOOD & KITCHEN BRANDS Showcase your food, beverage or kitchen appliance products with engaging recipe videos. Starting at USD$1500/video CTA-foodbrands FOOD BLOGGERS Produce high-quality branded videos to keep up with your content calendar. Starting at USD$600/video Get a Quote FOOD & KITCHEN BRANDS Showcase your food, beverage or kitchen appliance products with engaging recipe videos. Starting at USD$1500/video Get a Quote HOW IT WORKS SIMPLE PROCESS, QUICK TURNAROUND, WOW RESULTS You request a video Fill out the intake form -- tell us exactly what you need. You confirm the details Snackable reviews your request, clarifies details, and confirms outputs & timeline. You receive a draft Your first draft arrives in your inbox within 2 weeks. You note any revisions (it's easy). You receive your final videos Once approved, you receive a link to all your downloadable outputs. TESTIMONIALS DON'T BELIEVE US? BELIEVE OUR CLIENTS 🤓 * Deb Turoczy Sr. Consumer Engagement Manager, Just Born Inc. (PEEPS®) Snackable has provided the PEEPS® Brand with high quality recipe and craft video content that meets our brand standards and exceeds expectations. They are responsive, professional and always deliver. * Sergio Pérez Trapero Associate Brand Manager, Ferrero (Nutella) We've worked with Snackable multiple times, and they are an absolute pleasure all around - the videos always turned out top-notch, they are pleasant, easy and fast and their prices can't be beat for what you get. We are looking forward to working with them again! * Allie Puccio Marketing Assistant, BeBold Bars I have nothing but positive feedback! We absolutely love the video and are very impressed by your team's ability to make changes in a timely manner! We really appreciate everything! * Giancarlo Trimarchi Managing Partner, Vince's Healthy recipe videos have been on our to-do list for a while, but we could never find the time or budget to do it well and consistently. Buffet has made it easy for us to provide our online audience with branded recipe videos at a reasonable cost. It was a no-brainer for us. * Averie Sunshine Founder & CEO, Averie Cooks I just saw the video. Looks great! Seriously BEST first-time-out-of-the-gate video I have ever seen from a trial with a videographer. You are definitely hired! * Philia Kelnhofer Founder, SweetPhi I'm so impressed with your work - the videos you create are amazing! You do a fantastic job lighting and mimicking the style on my blog. Thank you so much!!! * Stephanie Parker Author & Recipe Developer, Plain Chicken Your videos are exactly what I wanted - I love them and have recommended you to others! * Jessica Williams Founder & CEO, Butter with a side of Bread It's an absolute pleasure working with you. Your content and shots are fantastic - THANK YOU! * Carolyn Tanner Cohen Founder, deliciousdish.ca I'd never made a video before. You made it so easy. The process was super easy, they made all the changes I wanted, and the final video turned out fantastic. I'd recommend Snackable in a heartbeat! See All See Less START NOW HIGH-QUALITY, AFFORDABLE RECIPE VIDEOS. Get a Quote START NOW HIGH-QUALITY, AFFORDABLE RECIPE VIDEOS. Get a Quote Company About Us Pricing Our Work FAQs Contact Us hello@getsnackable.com Sign up for our newsletter Please enter your Please enter a valid If you are human, leave this blank. 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