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Advanced Energy System Clearing and Alignment for the Energy Millenium

According to Nancy Risley, "We have entered the Energy Millenium, a time of
accelerated manifestation for those who know and use their energy systems

Success is the natural result of clarity and confidence which is the natural
state of an aligned and clear energy system. When you are clear and aligned, you
have the confidence to take action which is required to achieve your goals,
mission or vision. It's an enlightened state where you are present in the moment
and self-actualized. This is what it feels like to be in your power and it's the
way you were meant to be.

How it works:

Your energy system has an energetic pull similar to gravity, attracting the
experiences that resonate with your energy system. When you clear and strengthen
your energy system, you attract more positive energy and experiences. When there
are blocks in your energy system that damage, leak or consume your energy, you
struggle to manifest your potential.

What causes the blockage?

The physical, emotional and psychological experiences of life create damage or a
residue in the energy system that limits your ability to obtain subtle and
important signals from the energy dynamics around you. The repetition of these
dysfunctional energy patterns creates a habitual pattern. The longer you have
the dysfunctional pattern, the stronger it becomes and the more it controls all
aspects of your life.

However, you can change your energy field. It's very dynamic and responds
quickly to intention. Through consciously clearing the residue and repairing the
damage to your energy system, your clarity and intuition becomes stronger,
allowing you to have the knowledge and confidence to act and achieve the life
you want. Over time, you become your new energy system and your live changes as
a result.

What is Ryse?

Realizing Your Sublime Energies (RYSE) is the foundation of moving into your
clarity, creativity, and personal power so you can act and make the changes you
need to succeed.

Developed by Nancy Risley in 1987 as an extension of working with hundreds of
polarity practitioners and other therapists who were building professional
practices, RYSE quickly evolved into an education that was equally valuable for
a wide range of issues and situations. Realizing Your Sublime Energies turned
out to be a valuable addition for massage therapists, psychotherapists, healers,
people who did yoga and meditation as well as for parents, managers,
salespeople, teachers, artists, actors and musicians.

A unique and very important part of the training is the recording used to
reinforce the clearing so you can create and maintain a healthy energy system.
Your energy system is the result of years of repetition of energy habits that
are inherited from your life. You can replace these patterns with intention and
the help of a RYSE teacher and using the recordings as much as possible after
the clearing.

The initial clearing is an important part of the RYSE education, but having the
recordings gives you the tools to keep building on the clearing. Just like with
your teeth, it's what you do daily that makes the greatest difference. The more
you use the recordings to build on your initial clearing, the faster you will
progress. And if you experience a setback (like a difficult relationship or
event) the recordings are there to help you get back on track. Use them while
you sleep or during the day when you feel the need. (Please don't use them while
driving or using machinery or any other demanding tasks.)

RYSE Teachers

In 1999 Nancy expanded RYSE into training for teachers who could perform the
RYSE energy clearing techniques and educate clients in how to maintain better
energy system repair and balance. The RYSE Teacher Training is a significant
breakthrough in the field of energy system healing and repair. The training is
carefully structured to produce a consistent result supported by a book and 15
recordings that are used by the client and the teacher to reinforce what is
taught in the RYSE training.


 * Improved sense of well being
 * More emotional and intellectual clarity
 * Heightened intuition and perceptual clarity
 * Increased confidence based on feeling more in control
 * Better understanding of vulnerabilities and energetically toxic influences
 * More creativity and energy to move forward
 * Improved relationships at work and home
 * Ability to take action and create what you want


An important element that is unique to RYSE is the combination of self-clearing
energy techniques coupled with audio designed to assist and reinforce the
clearing process through repetition. The audio tracks step you through the RYSE
process along with the harmonic sound of 18 Quartz Crystal bowls played by Kris

As a polarity therapist and energy worker, Kris discovered the best way to use
sound to affect the energy system and captured it on the recordings. Since these
are the same recordings used in the clearing education and session, when you
meditate on your energy system with the soundtrack, you entrain with the energy
work that was performed on you by a RYSE teacher. The power of repeatedly
clearing your aura, chakras and other energy patterns is at the core of the
effectiveness of RYSE.

But the most important part of RYSE is the unique way in which Nancy Risley,
BCPP, RPE, mastered the energy work and found a way to synthesize it into a
teachable form. Focusing on your energy systems directly allows you to
fast-track your healing and personal growth process. And the work goes into
advanced levels of using your energy system to clear deeply rooted issues that
are caught in your historic energetic patterns that have been repeated for
decades. Whether it's clearing the energy system patterns tied to your childhood
traumas or addressing intergenerational energy patterns picked up from your
family, the work is extremely profound in bringing you to new levels of clarity.

Which brings us to the most important part of the work: It's about creating what
you want in your future. Many healing modalities get focused on the problems and
forget that the purpose of the work is to help you create the future you want.
It's easy to get trapped in a loop of healing where there is always another
problem to address. With RYSE you are focused on how you can move quickly into
manifesting your future. As you become clear, aligned and balanced, you gain
access to your intuition, clarity and the ability to move away towards your
highest potential. This shift is the key to manifesting what's important to you.


Whether you read the blogs on this site, order the RYSE, Tools for Life book and
recordings or sign up for a clearing and training, we look forward to supporting
you in the process. You can use the order form on this site or contact a RYSE
teacher in your area.

RYSE, Tools For Life can change your life in ways that are hard to imagine. If
you want to take the fast track to manifesting more of what you want and less of
what you don't want, sign up for RYSE, Tools For Life with a RYSE Approved
Teacher here. 

We look forward to working with you.

Sign up for RYSE!




If you have questions about RYSE, problems with a transaction or a suggestion,
please use this contact form. Because of our travel and teaching schedules, it
may take several days for us to respond. Thank you. 

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