iba.login.vwfs.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://iba.login.vwfs.com/
Effective URL: https://iba.login.vwfs.com/default.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f
Submission: On May 31 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

POST ./default.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f

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Text Content




Passwort vergessen?


Volkswagen Financial Services AG

Gifhorner Straße 57
38112 Braunschweig
Telefon (05 31) 2 12 38 88

Head office of the company: Braunschweig
Braunschweig District Court: HRB 3790
VAT Identification No.: DE 811115544

Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Hans Dieter Pötsch

Members of the Executive Committee
Lars-Henner Santelmann (chairman of the board)
Dr. Mario Daberkow
Frank Fiedler
Christiane Hesse
Dr. Michael Reinhart

If you would like more information, please write to the above address or use our
contact assistant.



Welcome to Volkswagen Financial Services AG. We are delighted about your visit
to our website and thank you for your interest in our company. The protection of
your privacy when using our websites is very important to us.

Anonymous data collection and processing
You can visit the website of Volkswagen Financial Services without letting us
know who you are. We can only see the name of your internet service provider,
the website from which you are visiting and which of our web pages you visit.
This information is evaluated for statistical purposes; you will stay anonymous
as an individual user.

Collection and processing of personal data
Personal data will only be collected if you state it voluntarily, for example
for the execution of a contract, for a survey or when registering for
personalised services. The data is transmitted in coded form in order to prevent
the abuse of the data by third parties. Your data is saved and processed within
the Federal Republic of Germany.

Usage and disclosure of personal data
The personal data collected in connection with the websites of Volkswagen
Financial Services is only used for the purpose of processing your requests. Any
additional processing or usage of your data for the purpose of consultation,
advertising, and market research will only take place if you have agreed to it

Your data can be passed on to the companies of the Volkswagen Group or to other
third parties mentioned in the declaration of consent only for the purposes
mentioned in the aforementioned declaration. Your data will not otherwise be
forwarded. You can withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future.

If you have questions regarding the subject "data privacy policy at Volkswagen
Financial Services AG" please have a look at our FAQs page. Furthermore, you are
welcome to send requests and suggestions via post to the following address at
any time:

Volkswagen Financial Services AG
Gifhorner Str. 57
38112 Braunschweig


Your data will not usually be passed on to third parties. A transfer of
information to the companies of the Volkswagen Group or other third parties
mentioned in the declaration of consent will only take place with your explicit
agreement. Furthermore, the transfer of information will only take place if the
recipient has committed himself towards Volkswagen Financial Services AG to
comply with the regulations concerning data privacy. Service providers are
contracted to support the processing of your requests and your usage of our
services. These service providers are legally obliged to keep the data privacy


A cookie is a small data set that can be stored on your hard drive. This data
set is generated by the web server with which you have made a connection via
your web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator) and then, it is
sent to you. The cookie enables us to recognise you when you revisit the website
meaning you do not have to re-enter any information. Thus, we ensure that you do
not have to identify yourself by entering your user ID on each individual page
of the offer when you are using personalised services. Most browsers are now set
to automatically accept cookies by default. However, you can set your browser to
either block or display cookies. Furthermore, you can delete cookies from your
system (e.g. Windows Explorer) at any time. Please use the help function in your
operating system.


Volkswagen Financial Services AG saves your connection data (e.g. your session
ID) when you visit the websites. The data will not be processed or used after
the end of the connection.


Personal data is information that can be attributed to your person. This
includes, for example, your name, company, address, telephone number and your
email address. Information that is not directly attributed to your actual
identity (as for example your favourite websites) are not included. When you
wish to use one of our personalised services, order a product or make a
subscription, we ask you for particular personal data.


 * Impressum   AGB   Datenschutz   Neuregistrierung

© Volkswagen Financial Services 2018