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Enviar búsqueda CargarDescarga gratis durante 30 díasIniciar sesión FOOD & AGRICULTURAL ORGANIZATION 20 dic 2017•Descargar como PPTX, PDF• 70 recomendaciones•50.162 vistas Descripción mejorada por IA MAHESWARI JAIKUMAR Seguir The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that was established in Quebec City, Canada in 1945. The FAO aims to defeat hunger and works with both developed and developing countries to help eliminate hunger, increase agricultural productivity, reduce poverty, and build more resilient livelihoods. The FAO is headquartered in Rome, Italy and has 194 member states as well as regional offices around the world.Leer menos Leer más Galería Denunciar Compartir Reportar contenido Galería Denunciar Compartir Reportar contenido 1 de 30 Descargar ahora 1 2 Lo más leído 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Lo más leído 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Lo más leído 25 26 27 28 29 30 RECOMENDADOS FAO por MDRASHIDULISLAM5 FAO MD RASHIDUL ISLAM 18.7K vistas•15 diapositivas The document provides an overview of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) including its history, mission, roles, and work in Bangladesh. Specifically, it discusses that the FAO was established in 1945 with the goal of eliminating hunger through increasing agricultural productivity. It coordinates efforts between governments and organizations on agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and land/water resources. In Bangladesh, the FAO has worked since 1973 on agriculture, food, forestry, fisheries, livestock, rural development and climate change to help increase production, develop fisheries/livestock, provide policy assistance, and address climate change issues in agriculture. food and agricultural organization (FAO) por sahelimanti food and agricultural organization (FAO) saheli chakraborty 18.6K vistas•19 diapositivas The document summarizes the key food and nutritional agencies, focusing on the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). It describes that FAO was established in 1945 and is directed by a Conference of Member Nations that meets every two years. FAO's objectives include eliminating hunger, increasing sustainable agriculture/fisheries, reducing poverty, and establishing technical standards. It has eight departments and works on programs like the Right to Food guidelines and integrated pest management training. FAO also promotes investment in agriculture and sustainable forest management. fao-190717090350.ppt por PradeepDb1 fao-190717090350.ppt PradeepDb1 705 vistas•7 diapositivas The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is the oldest permanent specialized agency of the United Nations, established in 1945 to eliminate hunger and improve nutrition by increasing agricultural productivity. FAO coordinates efforts between governments and organizations on agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and land and water resources programs. It collects, analyzes, and shares information, provides independent policy advice, and offers development assistance to help countries improve their agriculture. What is FAO? por copppldsecretariat What is FAO? copppldsecretariat 4.5K vistas•33 diapositivas The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger. It was founded in 1945 and currently has 192 member countries and over 4,000 staff members. FAO works to achieve global food security and reduce poverty through technical assistance, capacity building, knowledge sharing, policy support, and partnerships with countries and other organizations. CARE por maheswarijaikumar CARE MAHESWARI JAIKUMAR 35.7K vistas•18 diapositivas CARE is an international humanitarian organization founded in 1945 that operates 880 projects in 90 countries. It is led by Secretary General Wolfgang Jamann and Deputy Secretary General Abby Maxman. CARE delivers emergency relief and long-term development programs, reaching over 72 million people in 2014. It focuses on issues like emergency response, food security, water, education, and health. CARE began operating in India in 1950 and has funded various programs there like school meals, healthcare, and vocational training. UNDP por saurabhsingh1153 UNDP Saurabh Singh 32.7K vistas•15 diapositivas UNITED NATION DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME is the united nations global development network established in 1965. its headquarter is in new york city and current head is ACHIM STEINER. Cooperative for assistance and relief everywhere (CARE) por sahelimanti Cooperative for assistance and relief everywhere (CARE) saheli chakraborty 19.4K vistas•14 diapositivas CARE is an international non-governmental organization working in 84 countries to fight poverty. It supports over 1000 projects annually reaching over 122 million people. CARE delivers emergency aid during crises and helps communities become self-sufficient long-term by addressing the underlying causes of poverty through programs in agriculture, education, health, economic development, water and sanitation, HIV/AIDS, climate change, and nutrition. CARE's mission is to serve the world's poorest communities through innovative solutions, advocacy, and promoting lasting change. WHO (WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION) por saurabhsingh1153 WHO (WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION) Saurabh Singh 39.6K vistas•30 diapositivas World health organization will help you to gain complete knowledge regarding WHO. it is one of the largest and essential international health agency in the world Unicef por surakshyapoudel Unicef Surakshya Poudel 15.6K vistas•43 diapositivas UNICEF was established in 1946 to provide emergency relief to children following World War II. It has since expanded its mission to promote children's rights and support their health, education, and protection worldwide. UNICEF has over 190 country offices and works in partnership with governments, NGOs, and other UN agencies. In Nepal, UNICEF has worked since the 1960s on issues like immunization, education, nutrition, and child protection. It currently focuses on health, WASH, social protection, and emergency response, and runs campaigns like GOBI-FFF to promote low-cost, high-impact interventions for children. Indian red cross society por AbinoDavid Indian red cross society Abino David 114.6K vistas•15 diapositivas The Indian Red Cross Society was formed in 1920 as a humanitarian organization headquartered in New Delhi. It aims to inspire and encourage humanitarian activities through disaster relief efforts, preparedness initiatives, and community health and care programs. Key aspects include operating across 35 state branches, responding to disasters through refugee assistance, and engaging volunteers including youth volunteers through programs that develop personal skills. FAO - FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION -Power Point Presentation por TheRoyAshish FAO - FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION -Power Point Presentation TheRoyAshish 1.9K vistas•12 diapositivas The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) was established in 1945 as the first specialized agency of the UN. Headquartered in Rome, Italy, FAO leads international efforts to defeat hunger by serving both developed and developing countries. It has 194 member states and focuses on helping eliminate hunger, increasing agricultural productivity, and promoting sustainable forestry and fisheries practices. UNFPA (united nation fund for population activities) por saurabhsingh1153 UNFPA (united nation fund for population activities) Saurabh Singh 15.9K vistas•15 diapositivas UNFPA is a united nation's agency which provides fund for the reproductive and sexual health of girls and women, women empowerment and for other population activities to the developing countries. International health agencies (danida & sida) por atulkumargangapur International health agencies (danida & sida) Atul Kumar 10.7K vistas•24 diapositivas The document provides information about two international health agencies: DANIDA and SIDA. DANIDA is Denmark's development cooperation agency, established in 1962 and headquartered in Copenhagen. It aims to combat poverty through human rights and economic growth. SIDA is Sweden's international development cooperation agency, formed in 1995 and headquartered in Stockholm. It allocates resources and knowledge to reduce poverty in partner countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America. Both agencies provide development assistance to India, including support to health programs focused on tuberculosis, blindness, and leprosy. DANIDA por maheswarijaikumar DANIDA MAHESWARI JAIKUMAR 50.8K vistas•20 diapositivas The Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) is the brand used by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark to provide humanitarian aid and development assistance to other countries, with a focus on developing nations. Founded in 1962, DANIDA is headquartered in Copenhagen and provides development finance, small business loans, export/import financing, and foreign investment capital. It has been granting development assistance since World War II and works with organizations like the UN, World Bank, and EU on coordination. In India specifically, DANIDA supports three national health programs for leprosy, tuberculosis, and blindness. UNICEF por saurabhsingh1153 UNICEF Saurabh Singh 78K vistas•23 diapositivas it is a united nation agency which full form is United nation international child emergency fund. This will help to nursing student and teachers also INDIAN COUNCIL FOR CHILD WELFARE por maheswarijaikumar INDIAN COUNCIL FOR CHILD WELFARE MAHESWARI JAIKUMAR 59.4K vistas•31 diapositivas The Indian Council for Child Welfare is a non-profit organization that works to serve children in distress, especially orphans and destitute children, through various programs. Its vision is for a society that prioritizes children's needs and protects their rights to develop fully. It runs over 5,300 government-funded child care centers across India called creches that provide day care and preschool education for young children of working mothers. The organization also advocates for children's rights and sponsors education programs for underprivileged children. integrated child developmental scheme(ICDS) por nazatun integrated child developmental scheme(ICDS) Naza Fameiza 237.5K vistas•20 diapositivas The ICDS program was launched in 1975 to provide early childhood development services including nutrition, health care, immunization, and preschool education. It aims to improve nutrition, reduce mortality and morbidity, and enhance early childhood development for children under 6 and their mothers. The key services provided are supplementary nutrition, health checkups, referrals, and preschool education at anganwadi centers staffed by frontline workers. It is one of the world's largest programs focused on early childhood development. United nations educational, scientific and cultural organizations por HamzaShaheen6 United nations educational, scientific and cultural organizations Hamza Shaheen 21.4K vistas•21 diapositivas UNESCO is a United Nations organization that aims to contribute to peace by promoting international collaboration in education, science, and culture. It has 195 member states and focuses on providing quality education for all, applying science to sustainable development, addressing social challenges, and fostering cultural diversity. UNESCO supports research, expertise, and projects to strengthen countries' education, culture, and science through activities like designating important heritage sites and promoting ideas. USAID por SarzooMaharjan USAID Sarzu Maharjan 17.6K vistas•21 diapositivas The document discusses the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which provides economic and humanitarian assistance to countries around the world. It was established in 1961 to promote economic growth, advance democracy, deliver humanitarian aid during crises, and protect public health. In Nepal specifically, USAID has supported the country's health programs for over 50 years, focusing on areas like family planning, maternal and child health, and HIV/AIDS. Major programs led by USAID in Nepal include SuaaHara, SATH-SATH, and Feed the Future. WHO ppt. por aishwaryashiremath WHO ppt. aishwaryashiremath 190K vistas•29 diapositivas The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that focuses on international public health. It was established on April 7, 1948 and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. WHO aims to coordinate international health initiatives and promote healthcare for all people. It works with 194 member states through regional offices and provides technical support to build sustainable public health programs worldwide. COLOMBO PLAN por maheswarijaikumar COLOMBO PLAN MAHESWARI JAIKUMAR 21.1K vistas•20 diapositivas The Colombo Plan is a regional intergovernmental organization established in 1950 with the goal of promoting economic and social development in Asia and the Pacific through technical cooperation and sharing of resources. It has 27 current member countries. The organization focuses on human resource development and facilitating technology transfer and sharing of development experiences between member nations. Key activities include long-term scholarship programs, advisory programs on issues like drugs, and programs to support private sector development and public administration. ILO por saurabhsingh1153 ILO Saurabh Singh 11.8K vistas•14 diapositivas The International Labour Organization (ILO) is a United Nations agency dealing with – ❖labour issues, ❖relating to international labour standards, ❖ social protection, and work opportunities for all Indian Red Cross Society por ArchanaSyiem Indian Red Cross Society Archana Syiem 41.7K vistas•23 diapositivas The Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS) was established in 1920 and is a voluntary humanitarian organization with over 1100 branches throughout India. It provides relief during disasters and emergencies and promotes health care for vulnerable communities. As a member of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, IRCS adheres to the seven fundamental principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity, and universality. IRCS's programs focus on promoting humanitarian values, disaster response, disaster preparedness, and health in communities. Voluntary health agencies por DrSUHASINIKANYADI Voluntary health agencies Dr SUHASINI KANYADI SHETTY 99.9K vistas•51 diapositivas Voluntary health agencies are non-profit organizations administered by autonomous boards that collect private funds to provide health services, education, research, or legislation. They supplement government agencies by pioneering new approaches, providing education, demonstrations, and advocating for legislation. Major agencies in India include the Tuberculosis Association of India, Hind Kusht Nivaran Sangh for leprosy control, and the Family Planning Association of India. International organizations like Rotary International and Lions Clubs also conduct health programs globally. World health organisation.pdf por ShubhangiHedau World health organisation.pdf Dr Shubhangi (Kshirsagar) Hedau 17.6K vistas•20 diapositivas This ppt contains all the information about World Health Organization (WHO). It is useful for students of the medical field learning Preventive and social medicine, Swasthavritta (Ayurved) and everyone who is interested in in knowing about it Role of international voluntary organisation por tms3292 Role of international voluntary organisation Suresh Murugan 10K vistas•9 diapositivas The document discusses international voluntary organizations. It defines an international voluntary organization as a non-governmental, non-profit organization that helps people volunteer abroad to assist those in need. The main objectives of these organizations are to provide voluntary services worldwide, bring together people of different cultures to help others, help the needy and poor, and improve economic, social, and educational conditions in developing countries. Some key roles of international voluntary organizations are providing education, empowering women, environmental protection, medical assistance to the poor, and fulfilling basic needs. Examples provided include Global Vision International, One Heart Source, and Habitat for Humanity. Unicef por AbinoDavid Unicef Abino David 113.6K vistas•15 diapositivas The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) was formed in 1946 to provide humanitarian assistance to children in developing countries. It aims to develop community services to promote children's health and well-being in areas such as nutrition, immunization, water and sanitation, education, and child protection. UNICEF operates in 191 countries through country programs and national committees, guided by a 36-member executive board. It focuses on issues like nutrition, immunization, HIV prevention, water and sanitation, education, and protecting children from violence. The prevention of food adulteration act, 1954 por dipteshpatil32 The prevention of food adulteration act, 1954 diptesh patil 114.6K vistas•16 diapositivas The Prevention of Food Adulteration Act was enacted in 1954 to prevent adulteration of food items in India. It defines food, adulterated food, and misbranded food. It establishes various administrative bodies like the Central Committee for Food Standards, Central Food Laboratories, Public Analysts, and Food Inspectors. Food Inspectors are responsible for inspecting establishments, investigating complaints, collecting food samples, and enforcing the Act. The Act also specifies permitted colours, antioxidants, and preservatives in food and penalties for violations. fao-171220092952.pptx community health nursing por AkshayaKiran2 fao-171220092952.pptx community health nursing AkshayaKiran2 112 vistas•23 diapositivas The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) was established in 1945 as the first specialized agency of the UN. It is headquartered in Rome and works to defeat hunger by serving as a neutral forum for nations and a source of knowledge and information to help countries modernize agriculture, fisheries, and forestry practices and ensure food security. FAO has 194 member states and is composed of departments focused on agriculture, fisheries, forestry, economics and more. It initiates programs and projects on issues like nutrition, food quality and safety, and controls diseases. Role of international_organisation_in_rural_development por EKTAKAPRI Role of international_organisation_in_rural_development Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University 1.9K vistas•41 diapositivas International organizations like the WHO, FAO, UNICEF, UNDP, ILO, and IFAD provide rural development assistance to developing countries like India. They provide financial and technical assistance for projects focused on health, nutrition, education, rural development, immunization, childcare, and more. These organizations work collaboratively on issues like food security, poverty reduction, and sustainable development. Their goals are to improve standards of living, raise nutrition levels, and enhance rural welfare. MÁS CONTENIDO RELACIONADO LA ACTUALIDAD MÁS CANDENTE (20) Unicef por surakshyapoudel Unicef Surakshya Poudel 15.6K vistas•43 diapositivas UNICEF was established in 1946 to provide emergency relief to children following World War II. It has since expanded its mission to promote children's rights and support their health, education, and protection worldwide. UNICEF has over 190 country offices and works in partnership with governments, NGOs, and other UN agencies. In Nepal, UNICEF has worked since the 1960s on issues like immunization, education, nutrition, and child protection. It currently focuses on health, WASH, social protection, and emergency response, and runs campaigns like GOBI-FFF to promote low-cost, high-impact interventions for children. Indian red cross society por AbinoDavid Indian red cross society Abino David 114.6K vistas•15 diapositivas The Indian Red Cross Society was formed in 1920 as a humanitarian organization headquartered in New Delhi. It aims to inspire and encourage humanitarian activities through disaster relief efforts, preparedness initiatives, and community health and care programs. Key aspects include operating across 35 state branches, responding to disasters through refugee assistance, and engaging volunteers including youth volunteers through programs that develop personal skills. FAO - FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION -Power Point Presentation por TheRoyAshish FAO - FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION -Power Point Presentation TheRoyAshish 1.9K vistas•12 diapositivas The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) was established in 1945 as the first specialized agency of the UN. Headquartered in Rome, Italy, FAO leads international efforts to defeat hunger by serving both developed and developing countries. It has 194 member states and focuses on helping eliminate hunger, increasing agricultural productivity, and promoting sustainable forestry and fisheries practices. UNFPA (united nation fund for population activities) por saurabhsingh1153 UNFPA (united nation fund for population activities) Saurabh Singh 15.9K vistas•15 diapositivas UNFPA is a united nation's agency which provides fund for the reproductive and sexual health of girls and women, women empowerment and for other population activities to the developing countries. International health agencies (danida & sida) por atulkumargangapur International health agencies (danida & sida) Atul Kumar 10.7K vistas•24 diapositivas The document provides information about two international health agencies: DANIDA and SIDA. DANIDA is Denmark's development cooperation agency, established in 1962 and headquartered in Copenhagen. It aims to combat poverty through human rights and economic growth. SIDA is Sweden's international development cooperation agency, formed in 1995 and headquartered in Stockholm. It allocates resources and knowledge to reduce poverty in partner countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America. Both agencies provide development assistance to India, including support to health programs focused on tuberculosis, blindness, and leprosy. DANIDA por maheswarijaikumar DANIDA MAHESWARI JAIKUMAR 50.8K vistas•20 diapositivas The Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) is the brand used by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark to provide humanitarian aid and development assistance to other countries, with a focus on developing nations. Founded in 1962, DANIDA is headquartered in Copenhagen and provides development finance, small business loans, export/import financing, and foreign investment capital. It has been granting development assistance since World War II and works with organizations like the UN, World Bank, and EU on coordination. In India specifically, DANIDA supports three national health programs for leprosy, tuberculosis, and blindness. UNICEF por saurabhsingh1153 UNICEF Saurabh Singh 78K vistas•23 diapositivas it is a united nation agency which full form is United nation international child emergency fund. This will help to nursing student and teachers also INDIAN COUNCIL FOR CHILD WELFARE por maheswarijaikumar INDIAN COUNCIL FOR CHILD WELFARE MAHESWARI JAIKUMAR 59.4K vistas•31 diapositivas The Indian Council for Child Welfare is a non-profit organization that works to serve children in distress, especially orphans and destitute children, through various programs. Its vision is for a society that prioritizes children's needs and protects their rights to develop fully. It runs over 5,300 government-funded child care centers across India called creches that provide day care and preschool education for young children of working mothers. The organization also advocates for children's rights and sponsors education programs for underprivileged children. Unicef por surakshyapoudel Unicef Surakshya Poudel•15.6K vistas Indian red cross society por AbinoDavid Indian red cross society Abino David•114.6K vistas FAO - FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION -Power Point Presentation por TheRoyAshish FAO - FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION -Power Point Presentation TheRoyAshish•1.9K vistas UNFPA (united nation fund for population activities) por saurabhsingh1153 UNFPA (united nation fund for population activities) Saurabh Singh•15.9K vistas International health agencies (danida & sida) por atulkumargangapur International health agencies (danida & sida) Atul Kumar•10.7K vistas DANIDA por maheswarijaikumar DANIDA MAHESWARI JAIKUMAR •50.8K vistas UNICEF por saurabhsingh1153 UNICEF Saurabh Singh•78K vistas INDIAN COUNCIL FOR CHILD WELFARE por maheswarijaikumar INDIAN COUNCIL FOR CHILD WELFARE MAHESWARI JAIKUMAR •59.4K vistas SIMILAR A FOOD & AGRICULTURAL ORGANIZATION (20) fao-171220092952.pptx community health nursing por AkshayaKiran2 fao-171220092952.pptx community health nursing AkshayaKiran2 112 vistas•23 diapositivas The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) was established in 1945 as the first specialized agency of the UN. It is headquartered in Rome and works to defeat hunger by serving as a neutral forum for nations and a source of knowledge and information to help countries modernize agriculture, fisheries, and forestry practices and ensure food security. FAO has 194 member states and is composed of departments focused on agriculture, fisheries, forestry, economics and more. It initiates programs and projects on issues like nutrition, food quality and safety, and controls diseases. Role of international_organisation_in_rural_development por EKTAKAPRI Role of international_organisation_in_rural_development Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University 1.9K vistas•41 diapositivas International organizations like the WHO, FAO, UNICEF, UNDP, ILO, and IFAD provide rural development assistance to developing countries like India. They provide financial and technical assistance for projects focused on health, nutrition, education, rural development, immunization, childcare, and more. These organizations work collaboratively on issues like food security, poverty reduction, and sustainable development. Their goals are to improve standards of living, raise nutrition levels, and enhance rural welfare. C26 P03 FAO AND WORLD BANK Community Medicine.ppt por ShivamJindal71 C26 P03 FAO AND WORLD BANK Community Medicine.ppt ShivamJindal71 45 vistas•29 diapositivas Community Medicine FAO - contribution in fisheries sector por Rajarajan75 FAO - contribution in fisheries sector Raja rajan 1.6K vistas•45 diapositivas The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) was established in 1945 and is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger. FAO is headquartered in Rome, Italy and has 194 member states as well as the European Union and other related organizations. FAO aims to help eliminate hunger, improve agriculture and protect livelihoods through various programs related to food, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, and more. It produces statistics, guidelines, and publications to support its work. health agencies.ppt por swarnalakshmi35 health agencies.ppt swarnalakshmi35 1.9K vistas•51 diapositivas This document provides information on various international health agencies. It begins by listing international agencies like WHO, UNICEF, UNDP, World Bank, and regional organizations. It then discusses the objectives and roles of specific agencies in 3 sentences or less, including WHO's goal of attaining the highest level of health for all people, UNICEF's work in children's health and nutrition, UNDP's assistance in development projects, FAO's aims of raising living standards and improving agriculture, and the Red Cross' relief efforts for victims of war and disasters. The document concludes by defining health agencies and their nonprofit and health-related purposes. community.pptx por NTGaMinG8 community.pptx NTGaMinG8 46 vistas•98 diapositivas The document discusses various international health agencies including WHO, UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA, FAO, ILO, and the World Bank. It provides an overview of each organization including their history, structure, objectives, and work in India. It also discusses bilateral health agencies like USAID and development programs like the Colombo Plan. IFDC Report 2012 por ScottMall1 IFDC Report 2012 Scott Mall 216 vistas•21 diapositivas 1) IFDC has worked in Africa since its founding in 1975, first providing assistance to Ghana's fertilizer sector and later establishing an Africa Division office in Lomé, Togo in 1987. 2) In the 1980s, IFDC conducted research through its African Fertilizer Research Program network across 17 African countries to promote the use of locally available resources to address food shortages and increase production. 3) IFDC and others continue working over 25 years later with African partners to improve soils and yields, though challenges around fertilizer access and affordability remain, which IFDC is committed to helping address. International health por vandanaverma395 International health Vandana Verma 2.4K vistas•24 diapositivas The document provides an overview of international health organizations and their roles. It discusses the history of international cooperation on health issues dating back to 1851. It describes the structure and functions of major intergovernmental organizations like WHO, World Bank, UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA, UNAIDS, as well as examples of bilateral agencies (SIDA, DANIDA) and non-governmental organizations (Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, CARE, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) involved in global health. It also outlines WHO's role and collaboration with India on various national health programs. fao-171220092952.pptx community health nursing por AkshayaKiran2 fao-171220092952.pptx community health nursing AkshayaKiran2•112 vistas Role of international_organisation_in_rural_development por EKTAKAPRI Role of international_organisation_in_rural_development Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University•1.9K vistas C26 P03 FAO AND WORLD BANK Community Medicine.ppt por ShivamJindal71 C26 P03 FAO AND WORLD BANK Community Medicine.ppt ShivamJindal71•45 vistas FAO - contribution in fisheries sector por Rajarajan75 FAO - contribution in fisheries sector Raja rajan•1.6K vistas health agencies.ppt por swarnalakshmi35 health agencies.ppt swarnalakshmi35•1.9K vistas community.pptx por NTGaMinG8 community.pptx NTGaMinG8•46 vistas IFDC Report 2012 por ScottMall1 IFDC Report 2012 Scott Mall•216 vistas International health por vandanaverma395 International health Vandana Verma•2.4K vistas PRESENTACIONES PARA TI (20) A una nariz poema de francisco de quevedo por perjad888 A una nariz poema de francisco de quevedo Alberto Díaz Perdomo 22.6K vistas•1 diapositiva Este poema describe de manera humorística y exagerada una nariz extremadamente grande. La nariz se compara con varias cosas grandes como un elefante, una pirámide egipcia y las doce tribus de Israel. La nariz es tan enorme que sería un delito en la cara de Anás, un sumo sacerdote judío conocido por su crueldad. La Peste Negra por jayabero La Peste Negra Jorge Amarante 25.1K vistas•10 diapositivas La Peste Negra fue una pandemia mortal en Europa durante el siglo XIV causada por la bacteria Yersinia pestis transmitida por pulgas de ratas. Se originó en Asia y llegó a Europa a través de las rutas comerciales, propagándose rápidamente y matando a aproximadamente el 30-60% de la población europea. Aunque actualmente se controla mejor, la peste sigue siendo endémica en algunas partes del mundo y causa miles de muertes cada año. mapa conceptual química por XimenaRendon2 mapa conceptual química Ximena Rendon 15.7K vistas•3 diapositivas Este documento describe los elementos químicos y su clasificación. Explica que los elementos se clasifican como metales o no metales dependiendo de sus propiedades físicas. También describe la tabla periódica de los elementos, la cual ordena los elementos por número atómico y agrupa elementos con propiedades similares. Finalmente, explica cómo varias propiedades atómicas como el radio atómico, la energía de ionización y la electronegatividad cambian periódicamente a través de la tabla. Vasos sanguíneos por iessuel Vasos sanguíneos IES Suel - Ciencias Naturales 63.9K vistas•5 diapositivas Los vasos sanguíneos como las arterias, capilares y venas transportan la sangre por el cuerpo. Las arterias llevan la sangre desde el corazón a los órganos, los capilares permiten el intercambio de oxígeno y sustancias entre la sangre y los tejidos, y las venas devuelven la sangre al corazón. El sistema circulatorio incluye la circulación sistémica que suministra nutrientes por el cuerpo y la circulación pulmonar que oxigena la sangre en los pulmones. El Manierismo por Isra El Manierismo Israel Hurtado 16.8K vistas•12 diapositivas El manierismo fue un estilo artístico que surgió en Italia entre el Alto Renacimiento y el Barroco, caracterizado por alejarse de la armonía clásica en busca de expresar sentimientos de forma subjetiva e irreal. Sus figuras se representaban con extremidades y cabezas desproporcionadas en posturas difíciles. Los colores eran extraños y violentos en contraste con la naturaleza. Miguel Ángel, Cellini y Giambologna fueron destacados artistas manieristas cuyas obras como la Pietá Rondanini Descalcificacion del hueso por ediccuno Descalcificacion del hueso Rodolfo Edison Ccuno 34.3K vistas•11 diapositivas Este documento describe un experimento para demostrar cómo el vinagre causa descalcificación en los huesos. Se colocaron dos huesos de pollo, uno en agua y otro en vinagre. Luego de varios días, el hueso en vinagre tenía un color amarillento, textura blanda y olor fuerte a vinagre, mientras que el hueso en agua se mantuvo blanco y duro. Esto sugiere que el ácido del vinagre extrae el calcio del hueso, debilitándolo, simulando la osteopor Índice General de la Monografia por MonografiaMorero Índice General de la Monografia Monografia Morero 153.2K vistas•3 diapositivas Este documento presenta el índice de un trabajo de investigación. El índice describe los diferentes capítulos que componen el trabajo, incluyendo la introducción, el marco teórico, el marco metodológico y las conclusiones. El marco teórico revisa conceptos clave como la Coca-Cola, las ratas y la composición química de la Coca-Cola. El marco metodológico detalla el tipo de investigación, diseño, población, muestra, técnicas de recolección de datos y análisis est Oraciones Yuxtapuestas Y Coordinadas por javilasan Oraciones Yuxtapuestas Y Coordinadas javilasan 178.8K vistas•18 diapositivas Este documento explica los tipos de oraciones compuestas, incluyendo oraciones coordinadas y subordinadas. Las oraciones coordinadas se dividen en copulativas, adversativas, disyuntivas, distributivas y explicativas. Las oraciones coordinadas tienen sentido independiente y están unidas por conjunciones como "y", "pero" y "o". Las oraciones subordinadas tienen una relación de dependencia donde una oración desempeña una función sintáctica dentro de otra. A una nariz poema de francisco de quevedo por perjad888 A una nariz poema de francisco de quevedo Alberto Díaz Perdomo•22.6K vistas La Peste Negra por jayabero La Peste Negra Jorge Amarante•25.1K vistas mapa conceptual química por XimenaRendon2 mapa conceptual química Ximena Rendon•15.7K vistas Vasos sanguíneos por iessuel Vasos sanguíneos IES Suel - Ciencias Naturales•63.9K vistas El Manierismo por Isra El Manierismo Israel Hurtado•16.8K vistas Descalcificacion del hueso por ediccuno Descalcificacion del hueso Rodolfo Edison Ccuno•34.3K vistas Índice General de la Monografia por MonografiaMorero Índice General de la Monografia Monografia Morero•153.2K vistas Oraciones Yuxtapuestas Y Coordinadas por javilasan Oraciones Yuxtapuestas Y Coordinadas javilasan•178.8K vistas MÁS DE MAHESWARI JAIKUMAR (20) CLASSIFICATION OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT por maheswarijaikumar CLASSIFICATION OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT MAHESWARI JAIKUMAR 41.7K vistas•32 diapositivas The document discusses the classification of medical equipment according to risk levels set by the FDA and protection against electric shock. Medical equipment is classified into three classes based on risk, with class I being low-risk non-electric devices and class III being high-risk life-sustaining devices. Electrical medical equipment is further classified based on its method of protection against electric shock as class I, II, or III. Class I uses a protective earth, class II uses double insulation, and class III operates at safety extra low voltage not exceeding 25V AC or 60V DC. HEPATITIS "B" por maheswarijaikumar HEPATITIS "B" MAHESWARI JAIKUMAR 6.7K vistas•67 diapositivas Hepatitis B is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and causes liver infection and inflammation. It is transmitted through contact with infected blood or bodily fluids. HBV can cause both acute and chronic infection. Chronic infection may lead to serious complications like cirrhosis and liver cancer. Hepatitis B is preventable through vaccination, which induces protective antibody levels in over 95% of people vaccinated. PLASMA THERAPY por maheswarijaikumar PLASMA THERAPY MAHESWARI JAIKUMAR 4.2K vistas•18 diapositivas Plasma therapy uses antibodies from the blood plasma of recovered COVID-19 patients to treat those currently infected. The antibodies are extracted from donated blood and can target and help eliminate the virus. The concept is that the antibodies developed in the recovered patient can be transferred to others currently sick through plasma transfusion. However, there are some risks like potentially transferring other infections, enhancing the current infection, or suppressing the recipient's immune system. INFUSION PUMPS por maheswarijaikumar INFUSION PUMPS MAHESWARI JAIKUMAR 39.7K vistas•53 diapositivas This document discusses infusion pumps, which are external medical devices that deliver fluids like nutrients and medications into a patient's body in controlled amounts. It describes different types of infusion pumps based on their size, portability, and mechanism of delivery. The key types discussed are gravity infusion devices, volumetric pumps, patient-controlled analgesia pumps, and syringe pumps. The document also outlines important safety factors, components, and functions of infusion pumps. BLOOD PLASMA por maheswarijaikumar BLOOD PLASMA MAHESWARI JAIKUMAR 12.7K vistas•30 diapositivas Plasma is the liquid component of blood that holds the blood cells in suspension. It makes up 55% of the blood's total volume and is mostly composed of water (92%) and dissolved proteins (8%). Plasma carries nutrients, hormones, carbon dioxide, and oxygen to tissues and transports waste products away from tissues. It plays a vital role in maintaining electrolyte balance and protects the body from infection. Plasma is separated from blood cells when a tube of blood is spun in a centrifuge. EPIDEMIOLOGY OF TUBERCULOSIS por maheswarijaikumar EPIDEMIOLOGY OF TUBERCULOSIS MAHESWARI JAIKUMAR 13.7K vistas•119 diapositivas - Tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and primarily affects the lungs. It spreads through airborne droplets from the lungs of infected individuals. - Case finding through sputum smear microscopy is the main method for tuberculosis control. Patients with at least 10 bacilli per 100 oil immersion fields in their sputum are considered positive and most infectious. - The standard WHO recommended treatment regimen for new sputum-positive pulmonary TB cases is 2 months of isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol, followed by 4 months of isoniazid and rifampicin. Effective treatment reduces infectivity by 90% within 48 hours. PULSE OXIMETRY por maheswarijaikumar PULSE OXIMETRY MAHESWARI JAIKUMAR 9.6K vistas•47 diapositivas Pulse oximetry is a noninvasive test that uses light to measure the oxygen saturation level in a person's blood. A clip-like probe is placed on the finger or earlobe and uses red and infrared light wavelengths absorbed differently by oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin to calculate the oxygen saturation percentage. This information helps healthcare providers determine if a patient needs supplemental oxygen or how well treatment is working. However, pulse oximetry has limitations as it does not measure other blood gas levels, ventilation, or oxygen metabolism and can be affected by factors like carbon monoxide, anemia, blood flow, and skin pigmentation. CAPNOGRAPHY por maheswarijaikumar CAPNOGRAPHY MAHESWARI JAIKUMAR 12.9K vistas•45 diapositivas This document discusses capnography, which is the monitoring of carbon dioxide levels in exhaled breath. It can be used to assess ventilation, circulation, and metabolism during anesthesia and intensive care. The document defines capnography and describes the capnogram waveform and how it reflects respiratory parameters. Abnormal waveforms can indicate various lung diseases. Capnography is useful for confirming endotracheal tube placement and detecting malpositions. It provides advantages over pulse oximetry during procedures done under sedation. The principles of mainstream and sidestream capnography devices are outlined, as well as clinical applications in emergency medical services and indications for diagnostic usage. CLASSIFICATION OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT por maheswarijaikumar CLASSIFICATION OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT MAHESWARI JAIKUMAR •41.7K vistas HEPATITIS "B" por maheswarijaikumar HEPATITIS "B" MAHESWARI JAIKUMAR •6.7K vistas PLASMA THERAPY por maheswarijaikumar PLASMA THERAPY MAHESWARI JAIKUMAR •4.2K vistas INFUSION PUMPS por maheswarijaikumar INFUSION PUMPS MAHESWARI JAIKUMAR •39.7K vistas BLOOD PLASMA por maheswarijaikumar BLOOD PLASMA MAHESWARI JAIKUMAR •12.7K vistas EPIDEMIOLOGY OF TUBERCULOSIS por maheswarijaikumar EPIDEMIOLOGY OF TUBERCULOSIS MAHESWARI JAIKUMAR •13.7K vistas PULSE OXIMETRY por maheswarijaikumar PULSE OXIMETRY MAHESWARI JAIKUMAR •9.6K vistas CAPNOGRAPHY por maheswarijaikumar CAPNOGRAPHY MAHESWARI JAIKUMAR •12.9K vistas ÚLTIMO (20) Actualización en el tratamiento local y sistémico del Mesotelioma Pleural Mal... por brnmomentum Actualización en el tratamiento local y sistémico del Mesotelioma Pleural Mal... brnmomentum 14 vistas•33 diapositivas Targeted drug delivery system, Sem-VII, As per PCI Syllabus por AkshataJain17 Targeted drug delivery system, Sem-VII, As per PCI Syllabus Akshata Jain 158 vistas•30 diapositivas Targeted drug delivery implies for selective and effective localization of pharmacologically active moiety at pre-selected target(s) therapeutic in concentration. Pinpointing Pain- Where Does Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Hurt the Most.pptx por FFragrant Pinpointing Pain- Where Does Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Hurt the Most.pptx FFragrant 32 vistas•12 diapositivas The pain associated with PID varies from person to person, influenced by individual physical conditions. Generally, natural medicine Fuyan Pill can help you eliminate pain and other symptoms. the role of physiotherapy in musculoskeletal disorder.pptx por Inassealarousi the role of physiotherapy in musculoskeletal disorder.pptx Inassealarousi 128 vistas•10 diapositivas My participation in the World Physical Therapy Day at the Libyan Academy for Postgraduate Studies and the World Physical Therapy Day Forum organized by the General Syndicate of Physical Therapy at the Libyan level. PATIENT COUNSELLING FOR DIABETES MELLITUS .pptx por drsriram2001 PATIENT COUNSELLING FOR DIABETES MELLITUS .pptx drsriram2001 17 vistas•6 diapositivas Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period. It occurs when the body either does not produce enough insulin (Type 1 DM) or does not respond effectively to insulin (Type 2 DM). Symptoms can include increased thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, and blurred vision. Long-term complications may affect the heart, kidneys, nerves, and eyes, making management crucial through lifestyle changes, monitoring blood sugar levels, and medication. Approach to shock .pdf por AbenezerLemma5 Approach to shock .pdf AbenezerLemma5 26 vistas•47 diapositivas After this presentation attendees are expected to: 1. Define and understand the physiological determinants of shock 2. Know the epidemiology of shock is and the causes of shock 3. Understand the pathophysiology of shock 4. Have a good understanding on how to diagnose and manage shock Environmental Physiotherapy: A Transformative Ecological Movement Toward Plan... por JoostvanWijchen Environmental Physiotherapy: A Transformative Ecological Movement Toward Plan... JoostvanWijchen 374 vistas•55 diapositivas Environmental Physiotherapy: A Transformative Ecological Movement Toward Planetary Health – Presented at the CSP Congress 2024 by the Environmental Physiotherapy Association, this slide deck explores the interconnectedness of individual health and ecological sustainability. Through philosophical reflections, practical applications, and a focus on environmental justice, these slides capture the insights shared by speakers Filip Maric, Matthew Low, Danielle Munford, and Joost van Wijchen. This presentation challenges physiotherapists to embrace a broader role, advocating for sustainable practices that align with both human and planetary well-being. Diagnostic Imaging in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery por MuhammedMNasser Diagnostic Imaging in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery MuhammedMNasser 125 vistas•119 diapositivas The imaging modalities classified into: I. Invasive or interventional imaging II. Non –invasive imaging II. Non –invasive imaging divided into: 1. Conventional radiography (Plain x-ray): Intra oral & Extraoral 2. Ultrasonography (USG) 3. Computed tomography scanning (CT scan) 4. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 5. Radionuclide (scintigraphy or skeletal scan) Actualización en el tratamiento local y sistémico del Mesotelioma Pleural Mal... por brnmomentum Actualización en el tratamiento local y sistémico del Mesotelioma Pleural Mal... brnmomentum•14 vistas Targeted drug delivery system, Sem-VII, As per PCI Syllabus por AkshataJain17 Targeted drug delivery system, Sem-VII, As per PCI Syllabus Akshata Jain•158 vistas Pinpointing Pain- Where Does Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Hurt the Most.pptx por FFragrant Pinpointing Pain- Where Does Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Hurt the Most.pptx FFragrant•32 vistas the role of physiotherapy in musculoskeletal disorder.pptx por Inassealarousi the role of physiotherapy in musculoskeletal disorder.pptx Inassealarousi•128 vistas PATIENT COUNSELLING FOR DIABETES MELLITUS .pptx por drsriram2001 PATIENT COUNSELLING FOR DIABETES MELLITUS .pptx drsriram2001•17 vistas Approach to shock .pdf por AbenezerLemma5 Approach to shock .pdf AbenezerLemma5•26 vistas Environmental Physiotherapy: A Transformative Ecological Movement Toward Plan... por JoostvanWijchen Environmental Physiotherapy: A Transformative Ecological Movement Toward Plan... JoostvanWijchen•374 vistas Diagnostic Imaging in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery por MuhammedMNasser Diagnostic Imaging in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery MuhammedMNasser•125 vistas LIBROS RELACIONADOS Gratis con un periodo de prueba de 30 días de EverandVer todo LibroAgainst All Odds: Transforming African AgricultureLeon Hesser ☆☆☆☆☆0 / 5 LibroAfrican Successes, Volume IV: Sustainable Growth- ☆☆☆☆☆0 / 5 LibroPhilippines - Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide to Customs & CultureCulture Smart ★★★☆☆3 / 5 LibroMaking Development Sustainable: Redefining Institutions Policy And Economics- ☆☆☆☆☆0 / 5 LibroFood for All in Africa: Sustainable Intensification for African FarmersGordon Conway ☆☆☆☆☆0 / 5 LibroFarmers' RightsFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ☆☆☆☆☆0 / 5 LibroGlobal Marine Biological Diversity: A Strategy For Building Conservation Into Decision Making- ☆☆☆☆☆0 / 5 LibroFaith in Development: Partnership between the World Bank and the Churches of Africa- ★★★★★5 / 5 AUDIOLIBROS RELACIONADOS Gratis con un periodo de prueba de 30 días de EverandVer todo AudiolibroThe Prosperity Paradox: How Innovation Can Lift Nations Out of PovertyClayton M. 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INTRODUCTION • Food & Agricultural Organization (FAO) was the first specialized agency of UN established after II world war in 1945 in Quebec, Canada which subsequently moved in to Rome. * 3. FORMATION • 16 October 1945, in Quebec City, Canada. • TYPE : Specialized Agency * 4. HEAD QUATERS-ROME Palazzo FAO, Rome, Italy * 5. REGIONAL OFFICES REGION PLACE AFRICA ACCRA, GHANA ASIA BANGKOK, THAILAND EUROPE & CENTRAL ASIA BUDAPEST, HUNGARY LATIN AMERICA CARRIBEAN, SANTIAGO NEAR EAST CAIRO, EGYPT * 6. HEAD (2015) • José Graziano da Silva(current) * 7. PARENT ORGANIZATION • UN Economic and Social Council • * 8. • Is an agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger. • Serves both developed and developing countries. * 9. HISTORY • The idea of an international organization for food and agriculture emerged in the late 19th and early 20th century, advanced primarily by the US agriculturalist and activist David Lubin. * 10. • In May–June 1905, an international conference was held in Rome, Italy, which led to the creation of the International Institute of Agriculture * 11. • Later in 1943, the United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt called a United Nations Conference on Food and Agriculture. * 12. • Representatives from forty four governments gathered at The Homestead Resort in Hot Springs, Virginia from 18 May to 3 June. * 13. • They committed themselves to founding a permanent organization for food and agriculture, which happened in Quebec City, Canada on 16 October 1945 with the conclusion of the Constitution of the Food and Agriculture Organization * 14. • The First Session of the FAO Conference was held in the Chateau Frontenac at Quebec, Canada, from 16 October to 1 November 1945 * 15. MOTTO • Its Latin motto, fiat panis, translates as "let there be bread". * 16. MEMBERS • As of 8 August 2013, FAO has 194 member states, along with the European Union (a "member organization"), and the Faroe Islands and Tokelau, which are associate members. * 17. STRUCTURE • FAO is composed of seven departments: Administration and Finance, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Economic and Social Development, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Forestry, Natural Resource Management and Environment, and Technical Cooperation. * 18. STRUCTURE HEAD QUATERS REGIONAL OFFICES SUB REGIONAL OFFICES LAISION OFFICES * 19. BUDGET • FAO's Regular Programme budget is funded by its members, through contributions set at the FAO Conference. * 20. DIRECTOR GENERALS No GENERAL COUNTRY PERIOD 1 José Graziano da Silva Brazil January 2012 – July 2019 2 Jacques Diouf Senegal January 1994 – December 2011 3 Edouard Saouma Lebanon January 1976 – December 1993 4 Addeke Hendrik Boerma Netherlands January 1968 – December 1975 5 Binay Ranjan Sen India November 1956 – December 1967 * 21. José Graziano da Silva * 22. ACTIVITIES • FAO acts as a neutral forum where all nations meet as equals to negotiate agreements and debate policy. * 23. • FAO is also a source of knowledge and information, and helps developing countries and countries in transition modernize and improve agriculture, forestry and fisheries practices, ensuring good nutrition and food security for all. * 24. PRIORITY WORK AREAS • Help eliminate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition. • Make agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and sustainable. * 25. • Reduce rural poverty. • Enable inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems. • Increase the resilience of livelihoods from disasters. * 26. • In this context, FAO initiated “ A World Freedom from Hunger campaign during 1960 and disseminated nutrition information and education to people. * 27. • In Dec 1992, an international conference on Nutrition was held in Rome in collaboration with WHO. • They jointly sponsored a large number of expert committees on Food & Nutrition. * 28. • Several projects have been developed on nutrition education, food quality and safety, micronutrient deficiency and nutrition surveillance. * 29. • FAO also shares interest in the control of brucellosis and other zoonosis. * 30. 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