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Sign In Sign Up support@compliancekey.us Call Us : +1 717-208-8666 Toggle navigation * Home * Webinar 1. Upcoming Webinar 2. Past Webinar (Recorded) * Seminar 1. Upcoming Seminar 2. Past Seminar(Recorded) * HIPAA Webinarnew * Skills Webinar * Packagesnew * Membershipnew * LMSoffer * Best Seller * Our Experts * Contact Us 1. Home 2. Upcoming Webinar 3. View Details Problem adding to the cart.Please try again. Please select price. W-9S AND 1099S Miles Hutchinson Miles Hutchinson is a keynote speaker of ComplianceKey. He is a CGMA and experienced businessman. He has been an auditor with PriceWaterhouseCoopers and the Chief Financial Officer of a $1 billion real estate development company. Miles is a professional speaker and consultant who has presented over 2,700 seminars and training sessions on a myriad of business and financial topics, like financial analysis and modeling, accounting, strategic planning, and compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. He is recognized as an expert in payroll and sales & uses tax as well as financial modeling & analysis........ Read More Overview For years the IRS has struggled with the independent contractor and tax collection. In assessing opportunities to close the tax gap (taxes due but not reported or paid), one of the greatest opportunities comes from expanding the information reporting on taxpayers by payors - the 1099. This time consuming reporting obligation can be streamlined in a number of ways. Join us to learn more. Why should you attend this webinar? What are the rules regarding paying and IRS reporting on Independent Contractors? How do I avoid the IRS CP-2100 (B-Notices)? What if my vendor claims exemption; must I obtain a W-9 anyway? What are the best practices? How can I minimize risk of improper exemption claims by my vendors? Get the answers to these and related questions to reduce your risk of huge penalties from the IRS. Learn the rules requiring W-9 documentation and 1099 reporting. Learn how to establish the independent contractor relationship with the right documentation. Understand the rules and keep your company in compliance. Ensure that your records will stand the scrutiny of an IRS 3rd Party Documentation and Reporting audit. Avoid the onerous penalties for noncompliance and build the best defense against the 972-CG Notice of Proposed Penalty Letter. Areas Covered in the Session: * Starter Question: How can we best set up an independent contractor in our vendor payment system to ensure compliance with the IRS reporting rules? * Protocols for setting up new vendors (ICs) * When to require a Form W-9 * How to test the accuracy of the W-9 information with the IRS's records - for free! * Who and what you pay determines whether you must report (1099 reporting) * Forms to use to document your independent contractor as reportable or non-reportable * Required governmental reporting on ICs * Form 1099-NEC - New for 2020, this form addresses Non-employee compensation * Form 1099-MISC - guidelines for proper use and classification of diverse payments on this form * Best practices for filing 1099s with the IRS - TIP: never file early! * The government wants to remove the exemptions - what this means to you Who can Benefit: * Bank Managers * Compliance Officers * Information Reporting Officers * Tax Managers * CFOs * Controllers * Accounting Managers * Auditors * IT Managers * Compliance Managers * Risk Managers Webinar Id: CKMH008 Training Options: Duration: 90 mins 31-Aug-2021 10:00 AM PT | 01:00 PM ET Single Attendee: [Only for one participant] $189 (Live) $290 (Live + Recorded) Multiple Attendee: [For a group of 2-5 participants] $468 (Live) $811 (Live + Recorded) Corporate Attendee: [For a group of 6-10 Participants] $1001 (Live) $1324 (Live + Recorded) Recorded: [Six month unlimited access] $195 (Single Attendee) $699 (Unlimited Attendee) Webinar Packages(Live/Recorded): Our representative can help curate a webinar package for you.Talk to us by clicking this link. In-Class training: We can help organize In-Class training for your organization.Talk to us by clicking this link. Buy Now Add to Cart Refund Policy Upcoming Webinar of Miles Hutchinson W-9s and 1099s Presenter: Miles Hutchinson When: 31-Aug-2021 | 10:00 AM PT |01:00 PM ET Price: $189 More Webinar Past Webinar of Miles Hutchinson W-9s and 1099s Presenter: Miles Hutchinson 6 months unlimited Price: $241 Form W-8 & 1042-S Nonresident .... Presenter: Miles Hutchinson 6 months unlimited Price: $241 More Webinar × For further queries please contact customer support * Call Us: +1-717-208-8666 * Email Id:support@compliancekey.us NEWS LETTER LIKE US ON FACEBOOK FOLLOW US: INFORMATION * About Us * Contact Us * Client Speaks * Host Webinar * Terms and Conditions * Privacy Policy * Refund Policy * Partners * FAQs * Support * Our Experts * Unsubscribe TWITTER @ COMPLIANCEKEY POWERED BY SKILLS TRAINING WEB PARTNER Copyright © 2020 Compliance Key . All Rights Reserved. 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