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Skip to content SIGN UP LOG IN ESL Brains ESL BRAINS * Lesson Plans * Level * A2 / Pre‐Intermediate * B1 / Intermediate * B2 / Upper Intermediate * C1 / Advanced * C2 / Proficiency * Category * Business * Design & Art * Global Issues * General * Technology * SEE ALL LESSONS * Pricing * Blog & News * About Us * Contact CAN YOU FIGURE IT OUT? ESL VOCABULARY PUZZLES * B1 * B2 * Business This is a set of ESL vocabulary puzzles rather than a typical ESL Brains lesson plan. Each of the puzzles can be used separately as a time filler, a warm-up, etc. SEE OUR LATEST LESSON PLAN ESL BRAINS We create original ESL lesson worksheets for adult learners based on authentic videos, thought-provoking ideas and up-to-date topics. Explore our materials designed for teaching online and offline. Read more about us SUBSCRIBE TO GET MORE CONTENT Join ESL Brains, save time and up your teaching game with our ready-to-use lesson worksheets and flipped classroom lesson plans, both in digital and printable formats. Subscribe OUR LATEST LESSON PLANS A2 / Pre‐Intermediate Standard Lesson 60 min Add to saved lessons WHEN I WANT TO FEEL COMFORTABLE, I WEAR… General In this lesson, students learn how to use the verbs look (like) and feel (like) and watch an ad for a shirt. They also do several A2 speaking activities, which gives them plenty of opportunities to talk about clothes. Unlimited Plan Show B1 / Intermediate | B2 / Upper Intermediate Standard Lesson 75 min Add to saved lessons THE RIGHT TO REST AND OTHER EMPLOYMENT LAWS Business In this lesson students learn vocabulary related to the topic of employment law, watch a video about a new law passed in Portugal and share their views on employment regulations around the world. Premium Plan Show C1 / Advanced Flipped Lesson 60 min Add to saved lessons LYING IN YOUR GARBAGE General Global Issues In this lesson plan on zero waste students learn new vocabulary related to the word garbage while reflecting on small changes they could make to live a more eco-friendly life. They also watch two videos and practise their listening skills. Unlimited Plan Show B2 / Upper Intermediate | C1 / Advanced Critical Reading Club 30 min Add to saved lessons WHY IS QUITTING A JOB WHILE WORKING REMOTELY SO DISTRESSING? Business In this lesson students discover some expressions related to leaving a job and share their views on some stressful aspects of starting and ending a job while working remotely. Unlimited Plan Show A2 / Pre‐Intermediate Standard Lesson 45 min Add to saved lessons WHO AM I? – GUESSING GAME General In this lesson students play an A2 guessing game which creates a lot of opportunities to practise forming yes or no questions in the present and in the past and have some fun while doing it. Premium Plan Show B1 / Intermediate | B2 / Upper Intermediate Standard Lesson 45 min Add to saved lessons CAN YOU FIGURE IT OUT? ESL VOCABULARY PUZZLES Business This is a set of ESL vocabulary puzzles rather than a typical ESL Brains lesson plan. Each of the puzzles can be used separately as a time filler, a warm-up, etc. Premium Plan Show A2 / Pre‐Intermediate Standard Lesson 60 min Add to saved lessons THE BEST FOOD IS IN… General This lesson plan includes tasks on food-related words and a lot of activities for talking about food. Your students will also watch a video about dishes from different countries and discuss their eating preferences. Unlimited Plan Show C1 / Advanced Critical Reading Club 30 min Add to saved lessons WHY DO PEOPLE CHEAT IN ONLINE VIDEO GAMES? General In this lesson, students practise some language related to breaking and following rules, and discuss the reasons behind cheating in online games. Unlimited Plan Show C1 / Advanced Standard Lesson 60 min Add to saved lessons WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH? (SYNONYMS FOR LAUGH) General In this lesson students study advanced synonyms for laugh, watch a video about laughter and discuss different aspects of laughter. Free+ Show C1 / Advanced | C2 / Proficiency Standard Lesson 60 min Add to saved lessons LAYOFFS AND CUTBACKS CAN LEAD TO START-UPS (PHRASAL NOUNS) Business General In this lesson, students read a short article about a start-up surge and learn some phrasal nouns by working out their meaning from the context. They also use the phrasal nouns in a discussion and a crossword. Unlimited Plan Show C2 / Proficiency Critical Reading Club 30 min Add to saved lessons BITCOIN GOES MAINSTREAM! IS CRYPTOCURRENCY HERE TO STAY? Business General In this advanced lesson, students learn some language related to money and cryptocurrencies and discuss what the fact that Bitcoin has gone mainstream entails. Unlimited Plan Show C1 / Advanced Standard Lesson 60 min Add to saved lessons WILL YOUR FUTURE CLOTHES BE MADE LIKE THIS? Design & Art General In this lesson students practise their listening skills while watching a video about 3D printed clothes. They also work with advanced synonyms for make and discuss the implications of 3D printing technology. Premium Plan Show A2 / Pre‐Intermediate Standard Lesson 60 min Add to saved lessons WHEN I WANT TO FEEL COMFORTABLE, I WEAR… General In this lesson, students learn how to use the verbs look (like) and feel (like) and watch an ad for a shirt. They also do several A2 speaking activities, which gives them plenty of opportunities to talk about clothes. Unlimited Plan Show B1 / Intermediate | B2 / Upper Intermediate Standard Lesson 75 min Add to saved lessons THE RIGHT TO REST AND OTHER EMPLOYMENT LAWS Business In this lesson students learn vocabulary related to the topic of employment law, watch a video about a new law passed in Portugal and share their views on employment regulations around the world. Premium Plan Show C1 / Advanced Flipped Lesson 60 min Add to saved lessons LYING IN YOUR GARBAGE General Global Issues In this lesson plan on zero waste students learn new vocabulary related to the word garbage while reflecting on small changes they could make to live a more eco-friendly life. They also watch two videos and practise their listening skills. Unlimited Plan Show B2 / Upper Intermediate | C1 / Advanced Critical Reading Club 30 min Add to saved lessons WHY IS QUITTING A JOB WHILE WORKING REMOTELY SO DISTRESSING? Business In this lesson students discover some expressions related to leaving a job and share their views on some stressful aspects of starting and ending a job while working remotely. Unlimited Plan Show A2 / Pre‐Intermediate Standard Lesson 45 min Add to saved lessons WHO AM I? – GUESSING GAME General In this lesson students play an A2 guessing game which creates a lot of opportunities to practise forming yes or no questions in the present and in the past and have some fun while doing it. Premium Plan Show B1 / Intermediate | B2 / Upper Intermediate Standard Lesson 45 min Add to saved lessons CAN YOU FIGURE IT OUT? ESL VOCABULARY PUZZLES Business This is a set of ESL vocabulary puzzles rather than a typical ESL Brains lesson plan. Each of the puzzles can be used separately as a time filler, a warm-up, etc. Premium Plan Show A2 / Pre‐Intermediate Standard Lesson 60 min Add to saved lessons THE BEST FOOD IS IN… General This lesson plan includes tasks on food-related words and a lot of activities for talking about food. Your students will also watch a video about dishes from different countries and discuss their eating preferences. Unlimited Plan Show C1 / Advanced Critical Reading Club 30 min Add to saved lessons WHY DO PEOPLE CHEAT IN ONLINE VIDEO GAMES? General In this lesson, students practise some language related to breaking and following rules, and discuss the reasons behind cheating in online games. Unlimited Plan Show C1 / Advanced Standard Lesson 60 min Add to saved lessons WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH? (SYNONYMS FOR LAUGH) General In this lesson students study advanced synonyms for laugh, watch a video about laughter and discuss different aspects of laughter. Free+ Show C1 / Advanced | C2 / Proficiency Standard Lesson 60 min Add to saved lessons LAYOFFS AND CUTBACKS CAN LEAD TO START-UPS (PHRASAL NOUNS) Business General In this lesson, students read a short article about a start-up surge and learn some phrasal nouns by working out their meaning from the context. They also use the phrasal nouns in a discussion and a crossword. Unlimited Plan Show See all worksheets BROWSE LESSON PLANS BY TOPIC TRAVELLING TED TALKS INTERACTIVE VIDEO FAMOUS PEOPLE FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE WORD FORMATION CULTURE VULTURE LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS See all topics SUBSCRIBE TO GET PREMIUM CONTENT Join ESL Brains, save time and up your teaching game with our ready-to-use lesson worksheets and flipped classroom lesson plans, both in digital and printable formats. Subscribe STAY UPDATED Get info about new lesson plans and website updates straight to your mailbox! 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ESL vocabulary puzzles * The best food is in… * Why do people cheat in online video games? * What makes you laugh? (synonyms for laugh) © ESL Brains 2020 We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website, personalize content and analyze website traffic. For these reasons, we may share your site usage data with our social media, and analytics partners. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. PRIVACY SETTINGS Decide which cookies you want to allow. You can change these settings at any time. However, this can result in some functions no longer being available. For information on deleting the cookies, please consult your browser’s help function. Learn more about the cookies we use. 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