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Submitted URL: https://hearinglife.net/
Effective URL: https://www.audikagroup.com/
Submission: On August 11 via api from US — Scanned from NL

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                      <h2>Love Your Ears</h2>
                        <span class="bigger">At Audika Group, we want to help people take good care of their ears. Our hearing care experts are highly specialized and dedicated to helping people find hearing solutions that work for them, so they can
                          stay connected and live the life they want to live..</span>
                      <p><a href="/love-your-ears" class="btn--corporate">Read more</a></p>
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                <h2 style="text-align: center;">We deliver life-changing hearing care</h2>
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                <p style="text-align: right;">When you lose your hearing, you lose touch with people. That’s how vital our hearing is for our ability to connect. And that’s why a hearing loss is also a loss in quality of life. </p>
                <p style="text-align: right;">But because our hearing is as unique as our fingerprint, treating a hearing loss takes more than a one-size-fits-all solution. </p>
              <div class="spot-text-left">
                <p>Therefore, at Audika Group, you receive personalised hearing care from hearing care experts. We will provide you with a solution that is as unique as you. </p>
                <p>Because we’re here to help you regain your ability to communicate and participate actively: To restore your connection to the world around you. In other words, we’re here to deliver life-changing hearing care. </p>
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              <h2 style="text-align: center;">Personalised solutions</h2>
              <p style="text-align: center;"><span class="bigger">At Audika Group, we make an effort to understand your hearing and your life, all while taking all the little nuances into account. Because it takes personalised solutions to deliver
                  truly life-changing hearing care.<br>
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                    <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Psychological nuances</strong><br> We discuss lifestyle, personality and motivation to understand who you are and what you need.</p>
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                    <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Audiological nuances</strong><br> We evaluate your hearing through an examination of your ears and so called pure-tone air audiometry, pure-tone bone audiometry and masking.&nbsp;</p>
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                    <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Cognitive nuances</strong><br> We evaluate how you perceive different types of sounds through speech audiometry and word recognition.</p>
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                    <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Subjective nuances</strong><br> We identify your personal preferences for sound, comfort, fitting, hearing aid style, features and accessories — and we discuss personal wants and goals.</p>
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At Audika Group, we want to help people take good care of their ears. Our
hearing care experts are highly specialized and dedicated to helping people find
hearing solutions that work for them, so they can stay connected and live the
life they want to live..

Read more


When you lose your hearing, you lose touch with people. That’s how vital our
hearing is for our ability to connect. And that’s why a hearing loss is also a
loss in quality of life.

But because our hearing is as unique as our fingerprint, treating a hearing loss
takes more than a one-size-fits-all solution.

Therefore, at Audika Group, you receive personalised hearing care from hearing
care experts. We will provide you with a solution that is as unique as you.

Because we’re here to help you regain your ability to communicate and
participate actively: To restore your connection to the world around you. In
other words, we’re here to deliver life-changing hearing care.


At Audika Group, we make an effort to understand your hearing and your life, all
while taking all the little nuances into account. Because it takes personalised
solutions to deliver truly life-changing hearing care.

 * Psychological nuances
   We discuss lifestyle, personality and motivation to understand who you are
   and what you need.

 * Audiological nuances
   We evaluate your hearing through an examination of your ears and so called
   pure-tone air audiometry, pure-tone bone audiometry and masking. 

 * Cognitive nuances
   We evaluate how you perceive different types of sounds through speech
   audiometry and word recognition.

 * Subjective nuances
   We identify your personal preferences for sound, comfort, fitting, hearing
   aid style, features and accessories — and we discuss personal wants and


Love your ears

© Audika Group 2018
Privacy Policy