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Name: builder-form

<form id="_builder-form"
  style="background-color:#6d7779;color:#undefined;border:2px dashed #CDE0EC;border-radius:5px 5px 0 0;max-width:580px;width:100%;margin-top:;border-color:#CDE0EC;padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:0px;padding-left:20px;padding-right:20px;box-shadow:0;margin-bottom:0;"
  name="builder-form" class="ghl-survey-form" data-v-92ea5fef=""><!---->
  <div class="ghl-question-set" style="margin-top:2px;" data-v-92ea5fef=""><!--[-->
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            <div class="form-builder--item form-builder--item-input" data-v-92ea5fef=""><label class="item-description"></label><label>When do you plan on retiring? <span>*</span></label><!--[-->
              <div class="in-r-c"><input id="I'm already retired_s9IO2Nyd4So7hQSsSJ3F_0_ex22v44xzol" value="I'm already retired" name="I'm already retired" type="checkbox" data-required="true"><label style="margin-left:10px;"
                  for="I'm already retired_s9IO2Nyd4So7hQSsSJ3F_0_ex22v44xzol">I'm already retired</label></div>
              <div class="in-r-c"><input id="Within 3 years_s9IO2Nyd4So7hQSsSJ3F_1_ex22v44xzol" value="Within 3 years" name="Within 3 years" type="checkbox" data-required="true"><label style="margin-left:10px;"
                  for="Within 3 years_s9IO2Nyd4So7hQSsSJ3F_1_ex22v44xzol">Within 3 years</label></div>
              <div class="in-r-c"><input id="Within 4 to 5 years_s9IO2Nyd4So7hQSsSJ3F_2_ex22v44xzol" value="Within 4 to 5 years" name="Within 4 to 5 years" type="checkbox" data-required="true"><label style="margin-left:10px;"
                  for="Within 4 to 5 years_s9IO2Nyd4So7hQSsSJ3F_2_ex22v44xzol">Within 4 to 5 years</label></div>
              <div class="in-r-c"><input id="Within 6 to 10 years_s9IO2Nyd4So7hQSsSJ3F_3_ex22v44xzol" value="Within 6 to 10 years" name="Within 6 to 10 years" type="checkbox" data-required="true"><label style="margin-left:10px;"
                  for="Within 6 to 10 years_s9IO2Nyd4So7hQSsSJ3F_3_ex22v44xzol">Within 6 to 10 years</label></div>
              <div class="in-r-c"><input id="I don't know_s9IO2Nyd4So7hQSsSJ3F_4_ex22v44xzol" value="I don't know" name="I don't know" type="checkbox" data-required="true"><label style="margin-left:10px;"
                  for="I don't know_s9IO2Nyd4So7hQSsSJ3F_4_ex22v44xzol">I don't know</label></div><!--]--><!----><!---->
    <div class="form-builder--wrap-questions ghl-question" data-v-92ea5fef="">
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          <div class="f-even form-field-container" data-v-92ea5fef=""><!---->
            <div class="form-builder--item form-builder--item-input" data-v-92ea5fef=""><!----><label>What part of the guaranteed retirement account appeals to you most? <span>*</span></label><!--[-->
              <div class="in-r-c"><input id="Guaranteed money during retirement_RpGxfLO7rbUnDdCrS6Sq_0_ex22v44xzol" value="Guaranteed money during retirement" name="Guaranteed money during retirement" type="checkbox" data-required="true"><label
                  style="margin-left:10px;" for="Guaranteed money during retirement_RpGxfLO7rbUnDdCrS6Sq_0_ex22v44xzol">Guaranteed money during retirement</label></div>
              <div class="in-r-c"><input id="Protection from market downturns_RpGxfLO7rbUnDdCrS6Sq_1_ex22v44xzol" value="Protection from market downturns" name="Protection from market downturns" type="checkbox" data-required="true"><label
                  style="margin-left:10px;" for="Protection from market downturns_RpGxfLO7rbUnDdCrS6Sq_1_ex22v44xzol">Protection from market downturns</label></div>
              <div class="in-r-c"><input id="Preservation of your capital_RpGxfLO7rbUnDdCrS6Sq_2_ex22v44xzol" value="Preservation of your capital" name="Preservation of your capital" type="checkbox" data-required="true"><label
                  style="margin-left:10px;" for="Preservation of your capital_RpGxfLO7rbUnDdCrS6Sq_2_ex22v44xzol">Preservation of your capital</label></div><!--]--><!----><!---->
    <div class="form-builder--wrap-questions ghl-question" data-v-92ea5fef="">
      <div class="fields-container row" data-v-92ea5fef=""><!--[-->
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          <div class="f-even form-field-container" data-v-92ea5fef=""><!---->
            <div class="form-builder--item form-builder--item-input" data-v-92ea5fef=""><!----><label>What type of retirement plan are you investing in now? <span>*</span></label><!--[-->
              <div class="in-r-c"><input id="Company 401(k) or 403(b)_xDzayzxYFPsbI2Yv4JxI_0_ex22v44xzol" value="Company 401(k) or 403(b)" name="Company 401(k) or 403(b)" type="checkbox" data-required="true"><label style="margin-left:10px;"
                  for="Company 401(k) or 403(b)_xDzayzxYFPsbI2Yv4JxI_0_ex22v44xzol">Company 401(k) or 403(b)</label></div>
              <div class="in-r-c"><input id="Personal IRA_xDzayzxYFPsbI2Yv4JxI_1_ex22v44xzol" value="Personal IRA" name="Personal IRA" type="checkbox" data-required="true"><label style="margin-left:10px;"
                  for="Personal IRA_xDzayzxYFPsbI2Yv4JxI_1_ex22v44xzol">Personal IRA</label></div>
              <div class="in-r-c"><input id="Mutual funds or other investments_xDzayzxYFPsbI2Yv4JxI_2_ex22v44xzol" value="Mutual funds or other investments" name="Mutual funds or other investments" type="checkbox" data-required="true"><label
                  style="margin-left:10px;" for="Mutual funds or other investments_xDzayzxYFPsbI2Yv4JxI_2_ex22v44xzol">Mutual funds or other investments</label></div>
              <div class="in-r-c"><input id="Stocks_xDzayzxYFPsbI2Yv4JxI_3_ex22v44xzol" value="Stocks" name="Stocks" type="checkbox" data-required="true"><label style="margin-left:10px;" for="Stocks_xDzayzxYFPsbI2Yv4JxI_3_ex22v44xzol">Stocks</label>
              <div class="in-r-c"><input id="I'm just getting started_xDzayzxYFPsbI2Yv4JxI_4_ex22v44xzol" value="I'm just getting started" name="I'm just getting started" type="checkbox" data-required="true"><label style="margin-left:10px;"
                  for="I'm just getting started_xDzayzxYFPsbI2Yv4JxI_4_ex22v44xzol">I'm just getting started</label></div><!--]--><!----><!---->
    <div class="form-builder--wrap-questions ghl-question" data-v-92ea5fef="">
      <div class="fields-container row" data-v-92ea5fef=""><!--[-->
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          <div class="f-even form-field-container" data-v-92ea5fef=""><!---->
            <div class="form-builder--item form-builder--item-input" data-v-92ea5fef=""><!----><label>Is your account protected from stock market crashes, declines and fluctuations? <span>*</span></label><!--[-->
              <div class="in-r-c"><input id="Yes_GEOueJhnVGNy8DGb4bTx_0_ex22v44xzol" value="Yes" name="Yes" type="checkbox" data-required="true"><label style="margin-left:10px;" for="Yes_GEOueJhnVGNy8DGb4bTx_0_ex22v44xzol">Yes</label></div>
              <div class="in-r-c"><input id="No_GEOueJhnVGNy8DGb4bTx_1_ex22v44xzol" value="No" name="No" type="checkbox" data-required="true"><label style="margin-left:10px;" for="No_GEOueJhnVGNy8DGb4bTx_1_ex22v44xzol">No</label></div>
              <div class="in-r-c"><input id="I'm not sure_GEOueJhnVGNy8DGb4bTx_2_ex22v44xzol" value="I'm not sure" name="I'm not sure" type="checkbox" data-required="true"><label style="margin-left:10px;"
                  for="I'm not sure_GEOueJhnVGNy8DGb4bTx_2_ex22v44xzol">I'm not sure</label></div><!--]--><!----><!---->
    <div class="form-builder--wrap-questions ghl-question" data-v-92ea5fef="">
      <div class="fields-container row" data-v-92ea5fef=""><!--[-->
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          <div class="f-even form-field-container" data-v-92ea5fef=""><!---->
            <div class="form-builder--item form-builder--item-input" data-v-92ea5fef=""><!----><label>Do you have a 401(k) or 403(b) from a previous career? <span>*</span></label><!--[-->
              <div class="in-r-c"><input id="Yes_k5N5j6WRMxzV13xIikXg_0_ex22v44xzol" value="Yes" name="Yes" type="checkbox" data-required="true"><label style="margin-left:10px;" for="Yes_k5N5j6WRMxzV13xIikXg_0_ex22v44xzol">Yes</label></div>
              <div class="in-r-c"><input id="No_k5N5j6WRMxzV13xIikXg_1_ex22v44xzol" value="No" name="No" type="checkbox" data-required="true"><label style="margin-left:10px;" for="No_k5N5j6WRMxzV13xIikXg_1_ex22v44xzol">No</label></div>
    <div class="form-builder--wrap-questions ghl-question" data-v-92ea5fef="">
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        <div class="col-12" data-v-92ea5fef="">
          <div class="f-even form-field-container" data-v-92ea5fef=""><!---->
            <div class="form-builder--item form-builder--item-input" data-v-92ea5fef=""><!----><label>Can you give us a rough estimate of how much you have saved for retirement? <span>*</span></label><!--[-->
              <div class="in-r-c"><input id="Under $100,000_3nlwsHHMHFtuIfQRKxjZ_0_ex22v44xzol" value="Under $100,000" name="Under $100,000" type="checkbox" data-required="true"><label style="margin-left:10px;"
                  for="Under $100,000_3nlwsHHMHFtuIfQRKxjZ_0_ex22v44xzol">Under $100,000</label></div>
              <div class="in-r-c"><input id="$100,001 to $250,000_3nlwsHHMHFtuIfQRKxjZ_1_ex22v44xzol" value="$100,001 to $250,000" name="$100,001 to $250,000" type="checkbox" data-required="true"><label style="margin-left:10px;"
                  for="$100,001 to $250,000_3nlwsHHMHFtuIfQRKxjZ_1_ex22v44xzol">$100,001 to $250,000</label></div>
              <div class="in-r-c"><input id="$250,001 to $500,000_3nlwsHHMHFtuIfQRKxjZ_2_ex22v44xzol" value="$250,001 to $500,000" name="$250,001 to $500,000" type="checkbox" data-required="true"><label style="margin-left:10px;"
                  for="$250,001 to $500,000_3nlwsHHMHFtuIfQRKxjZ_2_ex22v44xzol">$250,001 to $500,000</label></div>
              <div class="in-r-c"><input id="$500,001 to $1,000,000_3nlwsHHMHFtuIfQRKxjZ_3_ex22v44xzol" value="$500,001 to $1,000,000" name="$500,001 to $1,000,000" type="checkbox" data-required="true"><label style="margin-left:10px;"
                  for="$500,001 to $1,000,000_3nlwsHHMHFtuIfQRKxjZ_3_ex22v44xzol">$500,001 to $1,000,000</label></div>
              <div class="in-r-c"><input id="Greater than $1,000,000_3nlwsHHMHFtuIfQRKxjZ_4_ex22v44xzol" value="Greater than $1,000,000" name="Greater than $1,000,000" type="checkbox" data-required="true"><label style="margin-left:10px;"
                  for="Greater than $1,000,000_3nlwsHHMHFtuIfQRKxjZ_4_ex22v44xzol">Greater than $1,000,000</label></div><!--]--><!----><!---->
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Reason 1: Many financial advisors don’t even know about this. Nor, do they know
how to utilize it properly to get you the most value..

Reason 2: Financial advisors recommend financial vehicles that pay them the
highest commissions rather than put your interests at heart.

Reason 3: The advisor can’t charge you yearly management fees so it’s not worth
it for them to use it.

As a result, less than 20% of Americans have what we call a "SRA" account set
up—while more than half the population lets their money just sit as a lump sum
without proper protection from running out.

With A Tax-Deferred 401(k) or IRA:

❌ You have fees: Whether you know it or not you have a handful of fees that are
slowly draining your retirement savings.

❌ Your money is not liquid: You can’t access your money any time you want, and
if you do, you’re fiscally penalized.

❌ Your money is not guaranteed and protected: The money in your 401(k) or IRA
moves with the market, and has very limited downside protection

❌ If you live long enough, you will run out of money: Eventually, you will run
out of money once you begin to take out withdrawals.

With a Secure Retirement Account:

✅ You don’t have any plan fees: Keep 100% of your hard earned money as you

✅ Your interest rate is predetermined: Your money grows at the same yearly rate
as when you opened your account— even if the market crashes.

✅ Your money is Liquid: All money put into and made in your account is cash—you
can withdraw a certain percentage each year—at any time—without penalty.

✅ Your money is protected: Regardless how the market performs, you will have the
peace of mind knowing that you will never lose money and is 100% protected from
all creditors. Creditor protection in 401(k)s and 403(b) accounts may be

✅ Your money will last throughout your lifetime...and beyond: You can elect to
maximize your income during your life or set the account up to provide a legacy
for your loved ones or a charity of your choice when you pass away.

And there are many more wonderful fiscal things you can do with an account like


Is It "Too Good To Be True," You Ask?

Nope. It’s very real.

In fact, an Account like a SRA is not a new investment strategy.

Accounts like these have been used by wealthy individuals and families for over
100 years to build, then pass on fortunes in a safe and secure environment.

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN had an account like this.

So did Babe Ruth, Cleveland, McKinley, Harding, and FDR (FDR, in fact, held a
large portion of his estate—$562,142 or over $7 million in today's
dollars—inside his account...)

The only question is...

Do You Qualify For A Secure Retirement Account?

A SRA account is NOT available just to the super-rich…

However: an account like this can only be technically set up if you or your
family qualify for it.

To discover if you qualify for a SRA, take our 30 second survey below.

When do you plan on retiring? *
I'm already retired
Within 3 years
Within 4 to 5 years
Within 6 to 10 years
I don't know
What part of the guaranteed retirement account appeals to you most? *
Guaranteed money during retirement
Protection from market downturns
Preservation of your capital
What type of retirement plan are you investing in now? *
Company 401(k) or 403(b)
Personal IRA
Mutual funds or other investments
I'm just getting started
Is your account protected from stock market crashes, declines and fluctuations?
I'm not sure
Do you have a 401(k) or 403(b) from a previous career? *
Can you give us a rough estimate of how much you have saved for retirement? *
Under $100,000
$100,001 to $250,000
$250,001 to $500,000
$500,001 to $1,000,000
Greater than $1,000,000
First Name *

Last Name *

Email *

Phone *

Zip Code *

I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. I confirm that I want to
receive helpful info and discounted offers from this company using info I
provide. I can opt out anytime by replying STOP.



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message, or email (even if registered on the DNC). I understand that my
telephone company may impose charges on me for these contacts, and I am not
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