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Submitted URL: http://www.sneakerreps.org/quickview/index/view/id/1316
Effective URL: https://www.snkrsrep.org/quickview/index/view/id/1316
Submission: On February 10 via api from US — Scanned from US

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        <h1>Air Max 97 "Black - White"</h1>
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      <div class="short-description ">
        <h2>Quick Overview</h2>
        <div class="std">Condition: <strong>New; Box = Original Box</strong><br> Colorway: <strong>Black/White</strong><br> Release Date: <strong>August 1, 2017</strong><br> SKU: <strong>921826-001</strong><br> Version: <strong>Best Quality Version,
            The Same Look and Feel As the Original </strong><br>
          <br> ● How Long Does Shipping Take?<br> ● Default Shipping Methods: FedEx, DHL<br> ● Processing Time: 1-3 Days<br> ● Shipping Time: 6-10 Days<br> ● Receiving Time = Processing Time + Shipping Time
      <div class="product-info">
          <p class="availability in-stock">Availability: <span>In stock</span></p>
          <div class="price-box">
            <span class="regular-price" id="product-price-1316">
              <span class="price">$119.00</span> </span>
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                <option value="74040" price="0">Women EUR36.5 = US6 = UK3.5 = JP23CM </option>
                <option value="74041" price="0">Women EUR37.5 = US6.5 = UK4 = JP23.5CM </option>
                <option value="74042" price="0">Women EUR38 = US7 = UK4.5 = JP24CM </option>
                <option value="74043" price="0">Women EUR38.5 = US7.5 = UK5 = JP24.5CM </option>
                <option value="74044" price="0">Women EUR39 = US8 = UK5.5 = JP25CM </option>
                <option value="74045" price="0">Men EUR40 = US7 = UK6 = JP25CM </option>
                <option value="74046" price="0">Men EUR40.5 = US7.5 = UK6.5 = JP25.5CM </option>
                <option value="74047" price="0">Men EUR41 = US8 = UK7 = JP26CM </option>
                <option value="74048" price="0">Men EUR42 = US8.5 = UK7.5 = JP26.5CM </option>
                <option value="74049" price="0">Men EUR42.5 = US9 = UK8 = JP27CM </option>
                <option value="74050" price="0">Men EUR43 = US9.5 = UK8.5 = JP27.5CM </option>
                <option value="74051" price="0">Men EUR44 = US10 = UK9 = JP28CM </option>
                <option value="74052" price="0">Men EUR44.5 = US10.5 = UK9.5 = JP28.5CM </option>
                <option value="74053" price="0">Men EUR45 = US11 = UK10 = JP29CM </option>
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0 Review(s)


Condition: New; Box = Original Box
Colorway: Black/White
Release Date: August 1, 2017
SKU: 921826-001
Version: Best Quality Version, The Same Look and Feel As the Original

● How Long Does Shipping Take?
● Default Shipping Methods: FedEx, DHL
● Processing Time: 1-3 Days
● Shipping Time: 6-10 Days
● Receiving Time = Processing Time + Shipping Time

Availability: In stock

-- Please Select --Women EUR36 = US5.5 = UK3 = JP22.5CM Women EUR36.5 = US6 =
UK3.5 = JP23CM Women EUR37.5 = US6.5 = UK4 = JP23.5CM Women EUR38 = US7 = UK4.5
= JP24CM Women EUR38.5 = US7.5 = UK5 = JP24.5CM Women EUR39 = US8 = UK5.5 =
JP25CM Men EUR40 = US7 = UK6 = JP25CM Men EUR40.5 = US7.5 = UK6.5 = JP25.5CM Men
EUR41 = US8 = UK7 = JP26CM Men EUR42 = US8.5 = UK7.5 = JP26.5CM Men EUR42.5 =
US9 = UK8 = JP27CM Men EUR43 = US9.5 = UK8.5 = JP27.5CM Men EUR44 = US10 = UK9 =
JP28CM Men EUR44.5 = US10.5 = UK9.5 = JP28.5CM Men EUR45 = US11 = UK10 = JP29CM

* Required Fields


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