www.rosehair.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://www.rosehair.com/products/rose-hair-black-roots-ombre-warm-chocolate-brown-body-wave-lace-frontal-wig/
Effective URL: https://www.rosehair.com/products/rose-hair-black-roots-ombre-warm-chocolate-brown-body-wave-lace-frontal-wig
Submission: On March 11 via manual from RS — Scanned from CA

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     * 13x4 HD Lace Wig
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     * 5*5 Lace Closure Wig
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   * Featured
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   * Colorful Wigs
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     * #613 Blonde Wigs
     * Burgundy Red Wigs
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   * 5x5 HD Lace Wig
   * 13x4 HD Lace Wig
   * 13x6 HD Lace Wig
   * V Part Wigs
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   * Human Hair Bundles
     * 3 Bundles 15A Grade
     * 3 Bundles 10A Grade
     * 4 Bundles 10A Grade
     * 3 Bundles Super Full Drawn
     * 1 Bundle 10A Grade
     * Colorful Hair Bundles
   * Bundles with Closure and Frontal
     * 3 Bundles with 4*4 Closure
     * 3 Bundles with 13*4 Frontal
     * 4 Bundles with 4*4 Closure
     * 4 Bundles With 13*4 Lace Frontal
     * 3 Bundles with 5*5 HD Lace Closure
     * 3 Bundles with 13*4 HD Lace Frontal
   * Lace Closure and Frontal
     * 4*4 Lace Closure
     * 5*5 Lace Closure
     * 6*6 Lace Closure
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     * 8*8 Lace Closure
     * 13*4 Lace Frontal
   * Bundles Style
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   * Package Deal
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    * Catalog
       * 13x4 HD Lace Wig
       * 5*5 HD Lace Wigs
       * 13*6 HD Lace Wigs
       * 13*4 Lace Frontal Wigs
       * 4*4 Lace Closure Wigs
       * 5*5 Lace Closure Wig
       * 13*6 Lace Frontal Wigs
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    * Featured
       * Transparent Lace Wigs
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       * Super Long Hair Wigs
    * Shop By Style
       * Straight Wigs
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       * Kinky Curly Wigs
       * Big Curly Wigs
       * Yaki Wigs
    * Colorful Wigs
       * Highlight Wigs
       * #613 Blonde Wigs
       * Burgundy Red Wigs
       * Colorful Short Wigs

    * 5x5 HD Lace Wig
    * 13x4 HD Lace Wig
    * 13x6 HD Lace Wig

    * V Part Wigs
    * U Part Wigs

    * Human Hair Bundles
       * 3 Bundles 15A Grade
       * 3 Bundles 10A Grade
       * 4 Bundles 10A Grade
       * 3 Bundles Super Full Drawn
       * 1 Bundle 10A Grade
       * Colorful Hair Bundles
    * Bundles with Closure and Frontal
       * 3 Bundles with 4*4 Closure
       * 3 Bundles with 13*4 Frontal
       * 4 Bundles with 4*4 Closure
       * 4 Bundles With 13*4 Lace Frontal
       * 3 Bundles with 5*5 HD Lace Closure
       * 3 Bundles with 13*4 HD Lace Frontal
    * Lace Closure and Frontal
       * 4*4 Lace Closure
       * 5*5 Lace Closure
       * 6*6 Lace Closure
       * 7*7 Lace Closure
       * 8*8 Lace Closure
       * 13*4 Lace Frontal
    * Bundles Style
       * Straight
       * Body Wave
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       * Kinky Curly
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       * Funmi

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15% off All Site, Code:RH15, Extra $30 OFF over $140 Code: ROSE30
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 * Home
 * Rose Hair Black Roots Ombre Warm Chocolate Brown Body Wave Lace Frontal Wig

30% off


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$147.50 Regular price $210.70
$79-$15 Code:ROSE15 | $140-$30 Code: ROSE30 | $250-$60 Code: ROSE60 | $360-$90
Code: ROSE90 | $450-$130 Code: ROSE130

Density 130% 150%
 * 130%
 * 150%

Length 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 22" 24" 26" 28" 30"
 * 10"
 * 12"
 * 14"
 * 16"
 * 18"
 * 20"
 * 22"
 * 24"
 * 26"
 * 28"
 * 30"

130% / 10" 130% / 12" 130% / 14" 130% / 16" 130% / 18" 130% / 20" 130% / 22"
130% / 24" 130% / 26" 130% / 28" 130% / 30" 150% / 10" 150% / 12" 150% / 14"
150% / 16" 150% / 18" 150% / 20" 150% / 22" 150% / 24" 150% / 26" 150% / 28"
150% / 30"
Quantity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ Quantity
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Total price:$245.20$337.70

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   8 8 88 10 1210 10 1010 10 1210 12 1210 12 1412 12 1212 12 1412 14 1412 14
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   28 3028 28 3028 30 3030 30 30$97.70$127.00

 * Description
 * Discount Code
 * Return and Refund

Hair Quality No Chemical No Smell No Tangle No Shedding, Last For One More Year
Hair Material 10A Grade High Quality 100% Virgin Human Hair Wigs Feature 13*4
Lace Front Wig Mix Color, Straight and wave Hair,130%/150% Density, Can Be Dyed
And Ironed By Your Favor Cap Size Medium Size (21.5-22.5 inches) Lace Color
Swiss, Light Brown Free Gifts
Wig cap, Eyelash, Comb, Tweezer, Exquisite Gift Packs, Total: $29.  Shipping
Express Shipping By FedEx or DHL Within 3-5Days (Po.Box address is not accepted)
Production Time 3-7 Business Days Returns 15 Days Return/Refund With Hair In
Original Condition Note
 * If you need a bigger or smaller cap or adjustment strap and other special
 * Please remember to take a note on the cart or send us the Email.
 * All the item when shipping out by FedEx or DHL will be tagged as Synthetic
   Hair for fluently Custom checking,
 * Or maybe our customers will have to pay the extra Custom Tax, I hope your
 * We promise all the products are 100% Human Virgin Hair.

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Please find "DISCOUNT CODES" section in order information page, then just enter
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Your satisfaction is our goal. If you are unhappy with your purchase, please
make sure to contact us with email at first. The unauthorized returns will not
be accepted. All merchandise returns must be unworn, unwashed, original lace(
uncut ), original curl pattern( undispersed ), and still, have the original
package & gifts attached. 

All transactions and service on https://www.rosehair.com  are processed by

Helpful Hint: 

1.We recommend shipping packages back using USPS Flat Rate shipping with a
tracking number  for convenience, as we are not responsible for lost packages or
stolen packages. Without proof of receipt and delivery, we will not issue return
credit. You will be responsible for covering shipping costs to return items and
shipping charges must be prepaid. 

2.Returned items must be unworn and unwashed and uncut and unstyled (free of any
stains from makeup, deodorant, or wear) with gifts and product
package attached. Defective items must be reported with Email within 2 days of
receipt. If not reported, we will not issue credit. If you believe you have
received an incorrect item, please contact us within 2 days of receiving your
package. Report email: service@rosehair.com

3.Please note that original shipping fees will be removed from refund and return
shipping costs are the customer's responsibility, if the returning is due to
buyer’s problem. We does not provide return shipping labels. A restocking fee
will be assessed on orders that are refused by the customer at the time of
delivery or returned due to an "un-deliverable" address. When delivered, the
unauthorized rejection is not allowed, and the cost of unauthorized
rejection/return will be borne by the buyer.


1.If the returning is due to our problems (Such as: Incorrect products, Quality
problem of products), we will provide a full refund for you; But
!  Return/Refund With Hair In Original Condition. 

2.We don’t accept used hair returning and any claim about not matching
description. Besides, if you just don't want the item and want a refund, please
also contact us within 10 days after you receipt it, and you will be charged up
to $20 restocking fee. If the problem is that the buyer does not want the
product. (custom products and special color products) We will deduct 30% of the
total order amount as a handling fee. All rights to interpret are reserved by
rosehair.com (Our refunds are unified and they are refunded through our website.
this is with held from refund)

3.Once your return is received and inspected, we will send you an email to
notify you that we have received your returned item. We will also notify you of
the approval or rejection of your refund. If you are approved, then your refund
will be processed, and a credit will automatically be applied to your credit
card or original method of payment, within a certain amount of days. If you no
longer use the original card, please contact us in advance.

4.If you have any problems with order/products/payment, please contact with us
at first. If you return the items without contacting us, or if there is no
reason to dispute, we will not ensure your refund and make a complaint according
to the policy.

Unsuccessful delivery:

1.If the parcel is delivered unsuccessfully because of wrong address offered by
buyer. We are not responsible for any loss caused

2.If the parcel is sent to a wrong address or lost by the shipping company, we
can resend the parcel to you or offer you a refund. Item not as described: You
are encouraged to open the parcel to check the item once it is delivered to your
house. You should contact us within 15 days if you are not satisfied with the

Cancellation & Exchange:

We can cancel the order for you if you contact us in time after your purchase.

1. If contact us within 24 hours after your payment finished, 5% of the order
total will be charged as transaction fee.

2. If after 24 hours, 5%~20% of the order total will be charged as transaction
and handling fee.

3. Orders can't be canceled once the parcel is shipped out or we have already
begun to custom the hair extension.

4.All custom products and special color products. Successful production cannot
cancel the order.

5.When the buyer got it, there is no problem with product quality. If the
problem is that the buyer does not want the product. We will deduct 30% of the
total order amount as a handling fee. All rights to interpret are reserved by

6. If choosing the paypal echeck to pay, it needs 5-7 days for PayPal to
complete the settlement. during this time, if the customer wants to the refund,
5% of the order total will be charged as handling fee. All rights to interpret
are reserved by rosehair.com

Exchange Products

1. If because the buyer does not want or like it. The buyer requests a
replacement.Please contact us first. let us know. The buyer Return it With Hair
In Original Condition.After we received the item and checked it without
problems.We will arrange a second order for the production buyer again.

2.  If the buyer wants to exchange another product. the first. The buyer's
second order amount is more than the first order amount. Then customers need to
pay extra fees. second. If the second order amount is less than the first order
amount. We will refund part of the amount to the customer through the website.
The buyer has to pay the returned shipping fee.

Contact us:
     1. Service Email: service@rosehair.com
     2. WhatsApp: +86 136 5374 7726

Note: If requesting for repair or exchange or cancel your order, you shall
firstly contact us.  We will not provide any exchange, return or repair service
on returned hair extension without our permission, and all loss will be afforded
by customers. Return With Hair In Original Condition.

Reserved Rights Regarding Returns:

We reserves the right to solely define and limit, refuse, and/or reject returns
from customers at any time due to:

1.An irregular or excessive returns history;

2.An irregular or excessive returns history involving worn, altered, laundered,
damaged, or missing items; 

3.Potential fraudulent or criminal activity.

The incorrect items sent to us will be discarded upon receipt.

Excessive Returns: Our Customer Protection Team also handles situations in which
a customer return history may be indicative of fraudulent activity . In these
situations, the Customer Protection Team will reach out to discuss the situation
and work with you to either resolve the issue or determine if we need to refuse
service going forward. While we never want to reject a customer, we must ensure
the safety, welfare, and comfort of all customers across the globe.


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