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Early Bird Registration Before July 30, 2021


It is our pleasure to invite all scientists, academicians, young researchers,
business delegates and students from all over the world to attend the
International Conference on Renewable and Sustainable energy conference will be
held in Dubai, UAE during March 21-23, 2022.

RENEWABLEMEET 2022 Conference provides a platform of international standards
where you can discuss and share persuasive key advances in Renewable and
Sustainable Energy. In addition to Presentations, Workshops, and Discussions,
the conference also offers a unique venue for renewing professional
relationships, networking and for remaining up-to-date variations in our
challenging and expanding discipline.

RENEWABLEMEET 2022 we have not only increased the number of opportunities for
you to network with colleagues from across the world but also introduced more
focused sessions that will feature cutting edge presentations, special panel
discussions, and livelier interaction with industry leaders and experts. We’re
looking forward to an excellent meeting with scientists from different countries
around the world and sharing new and exciting results in Renewable and
Sustainable energy.





200 Limited to 200 attendees
16 + Topics
18 + Plenary & Keynote talks
35 + Countries

Find the best solutions from people who share same interests by joinig your
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through our multi-dimensional activities.


Nazeeruddin Md. khaja

Federal Institute of Technology

>> Biography


Prof. Mohammad K. Nazeeruddin current research at EPFL focuses on Dye Sensitized
and Perovskite Solar Cells, CO2 reduction, Hydrogen production, and
Light-emitting diodes. He has published more than 530 peer-reviewed papers, ten
book chapters, and inventor/co-inventor of over 65 patents. The high impact of
his work has been recognized by invitations to speak at over 150 international
conferences. Nazeeruddin has been named Thomson Reuters “Highly Cited
Researcher” and one of the 19 scientists identified by Thomson Reuters as The
World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds 2015 from all scientific domains. He
appeared in the ISI listing of most cited chemists, and has more than 55 000
citations with an h-index of 110. He is teaching “Functional Materials” course
at EPFL, and Korea University. He is appointed as World Class University (WCU)
professor by the Korea University, Jochiwon, Korea, Adjunct Professor by the
King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Visiting Professor at King Saud University,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and Eminent Professor at Brunei.

Hua Zhang

City University of Hong Kong

>> Biography


Prof. Hua Zhang is the Herman Hu Chair Professor of Nanomaterials in City
University of Hong Kong.He has filed74 patent applications (including 8 granted
US patents,1 China patent and 1 Singapore patent), and published over 510
paperswith citations of over 83,600 (H-index of 142, Web of Science), and over
98,000(with H-index of 153, Google Scholar)on6 Feb. 2021. He is
co-Editor-in-Chiefof SmartMatand Co-Chairmen of the Editorial Board of
ChemNanoMat, and sits on the Editorial/Advisory Board of more than 20 scientific
journals including Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, ACS Nano,
etc.He was elected as a Foreign Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences
(2020), an Academician of the Asia Pacific Academy of Materials (2015), and a
Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (2014). In 2014-2020, he was listed in
the "Highly Cited Researchers" in Chemistry(2015-2020) and Materials
Science(2014-2020) (Clarivate Analytics/Thomson Reuters). In 2015, he was listed
as one of 19 “Hottest Researchers of Today” in the World’s Most Influential
Scientific Minds 2015 (Thomson Reuters, 2015). In 2014, he was listed as one of
17 “Hottest Researchers of Today” in the World’s Most Influential Scientific
Minds 2014 (Thomson Reuters, 2014). His numerous awards include the
Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholar Award (University of Wollongong,
Australia, 2016), ACS Nano Lectureship Award (2015), World Cultural Council
(WCC) Special Recognition Award (2013), SMALL Young Innovator Award (Wiley-VCH,
2012),Nanyang Award for Research Excellence (2011), etc.

Shizhang Qiao

The University of Adelaide

>> Biography


Dr Qiao is a Chair Professor at the School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced
Materials of the University of Adelaide (UoA). His research expertise is in
nanomaterials for new energy technologies (electrocatalysis, photocatalysis,
batteries). He has co-authored more than 438 papers in refereed journals with
73,500 citations and h-index of 143. In recognition of his achievements in
research, he was honoured with inaugural UoA Vice-Chancellor's Award for
Excellence in Research (2019), prestigious ARC Australian Laureate Fellow
(2017), ExxonMobil Award (2016), ARC Discovery Outstanding Researcher Award
(DORA, 2013), Emerging Researcher Award (2013, ENFL Division of the American
Chemical Society) and UQ Foundation Research Excellence Award (2008). He has
also been awarded an ARC ARF Fellowship and an ARC APD Fellowship. He is an
Associate Editor of Journal of Materials Chemistry A, a Fellow of Institution of
Chemical Engineers (FIChemE), Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) and Royal
Australian Chemical Institute (FRACI). Dr Qiao is a Thomson Reuters/Clarivate
Analytics Highly Cited Researcher in two categories of Chemistry and Materials

Wonyong Choi

Pohang University

>> Biography


Wonyong Cho received B.S. from Seoul National University (Korea) in 1988, M.S.
fromPOSTECH (Korea), andPh.D. from CALTECH(USA) in 1996.He then worked at NASA
Jet Propulsion Laboratory from 1996 to 1998 as a postdoctoral scholar.
HejoinedPOSTECHin 1998 as an assistant professor and became a full professor in
2008. His research interests are mainly focused on semiconductor
photo(electro)catalysis and photochemistry for solar energy conversion and
environmental applications, advanced oxidation processes, and environmental
chemistry. Dr. Choi has published more than 315 articles which have been cited
more than 42,700 times in scientific journals to date (H-index 90). He was
appointed as Namgo Chair professor (POSTECH) in 2012, elected asAcademician of
Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST) and Fellow of Royal Society of
Chemistry (FRSC) in 2014.He received Young Scientist Award (KAST) in 2005,KAST
Science and Technology Award in 2015,Korea Engineering Award in 2018, Doosan
Yonkang Environment Award in 2020, and was selected as Highly Cited Researcher
by Clarivate Analytics in 2019 and 2020.He is currently serving as an
editor-in-chief of ACS ES&T Engineeringsince Jan. 2020 andhasserved as an
associate editor ofEnvironmental Science & Technology (2017-2019) andan editor
of Journal of Hazardous Materials (2008-2017).Hehas been also on the advisory
board ofNature Sustainability (since 2020),Energy and Environmental Science
(since 2008)andACS Earth and Space Chemistry (since 2017).

Alex Jen

The City University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong

>> Biography


Alex Jen is the Lee Shau-Kee Chair Professor of Materials Science and Chair
Professor of Chemistry and Materials Science of the City University of Hong
Kong. He also served as the Provost of CityU during 2016-2020. He received his
B.S. from the National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan and Ph.D. from the
University of Pennsylvania in USA. Before arriving the CityU, he served as the
Boeing-Johnson Chair Professor and Chair of the Department of Materials Science
& Engineering at the University of Washington, Seattle. He was also appointed as
Chief Scientist for the Clean Energy Institute endowed by the Washington State
Governor. He is a distinguished researcher with more than 940 publications,
68,000 citations, and an H-index of 133. He has also co-invented 63 patents and
invention disclosures. His interdisciplinary research covers organic/hybrid
functional materials and devices for photonics, energy, sensors, and
nanomedicine. For his pioneering contributions in organic photonics and
electronics, Professor Jen was elected as an Academician by both the European
Academy of Sciences and the Washington State Academy of Sciences. He is also a
Fellow of several professional societies, including AAAS, MRS, ACS, PMSE, OSA,
SPIE. He was named by the Times Higher Education (THE) in 2018 as one of the
“Top 10 university researchers in Perovskite Solar Cell Research”. In addition,
he was recognized by Thomson Reuters as one of the "World’s Most Influential
Scientific Minds of 2015 and 2016 and as a "Highly Cited Researcher" in
Materials Science from 2014-2020.

Renata Reisfeld

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

>> Biography


Renata Reisfeld was born in Poland. She came to Israel in 1950, he graduated
from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Her husband Reisfeld Lazare Eliezer,
her children Danny and Gideon. Reisfeld became head of the research group of
Sciences, Institute of chemistry the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in 1975.
Reisfelds research interests of fluorescent solar concentrators to reduce the
cost of solar electricity, the interaction of nanoparticles with fluorescent
species, an anti-reflecting coating, and Sol-gel glass. She began developing
solar concentrators with her research team in 1978. From 2007 to 2010, Reisfeld
acted in GreenSun Energy And the chief scientist. Reisfeld, together with
Professor Georges Boulon, Lyon, France 6, French-Israeli scientific conferences
on solid-state lasers and related disciplines. Reisfeld also organized the
Israeli-Polish scientific conferences with Professor V. Strek, J. Legendziewicz
Professor A. Suchocki, Professor M. Pietraszkiewicz, Professor E.
Rysiakiewicz-Pasek. International research cooperation in Reisfeld included
Professor A. Vaseashta, USA, Professor G. Boulon France, Professor G.
BaldacchiniItaly, Professor M. CasalboniItaly, Professor S. Klingshorn Germany,
Professor D. Enke of Germany, Professor W. Strek, J. Legendziewicz Professor M.
Pietraszkiewicz, Professor B. Jasinska, Professor A. Grabowska, Professor E.
Rysiakiewicz-Pasek, Professor M. Greenberg, Dzh. Profwssor Misiewicz, Dr. K.
Wodnicka Poland, Professor J. Daniel Spain, Professor I. N. Mihailescu of
Romania, Professor O. Malta, Brazil, Professor A. Patra India, Professor J C. G.
Bunzli, Switzerland, Professor Yuri Latvia Dehtjars, Professor B. Orel of
Slovenia. On July 4, 1976, Reisfeld was among the 102 hostages rescued by
Israeli forces at Entebbe airport, Uganda. A week earlier she was a passenger
aboard "air France" flight 139 from tel Aviv via Athens to Paris, who was
abducted by Palestinian commandos and German air pirates, trying to free the 55
are mostly of Palestinian prisoners in Israel and other countries on terrorism
charges. Reisfeld was one of several witnesses who shared their experiences in
media interviews immediately after their return to Israel, and to mark the
events 40th anniversary.

Marc Rosen

University of Ontario Institute of Technology

>> Biography


Marc A. Rosen is a Professor at the University of Ontario Institute of
Technology in Oshawa, Canada, where he served as founding Dean of the Faculty of
Engineering and Applied Science. Dr. Rosen was President of the Engineering
Institute of Canada. He is a registered Professional Engineer in Ontario, and
serves as Editor-in-Chief of several journals and Director of Oshawa Power and
Utilities Corporation. With over 60 research grants and contracts and 600
publications, Dr. Rosen is an active teacher and researcher in sustainable
energy, environmental impact, and energy technology (including renewable energy
and efficiency improvement). Much of his research has been carried out for
industry, and he has written numerous books. Dr. Rosen has worked for such
organizations as Imatra Power Company in Finland, Argonne National Laboratory
near Chicago, and the Institute for Hydrogen Systems near Toronto. Dr. Rosen has
received numerous awards and honors.

Elena Gaura

Coventry University

>> Biography


Elena received her PhD in Intelligent Sensor Systems in 2000 (Coventry
University); she was awarded a Professorship in Pervasive Computing, at the same
university in 2009. Over the course of her career, Elena has accrued a sturdy
academic reputation in the area of Cyber Physical Systems - specifically MEMS
based smart sensing systems, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and the Internet of
Things (IoT). She routinely engages with national and international advisory and
grant awarding bodies in the areas of sensing and distributed energy solutions.
She chaired (2007–2013) the UK Wireless Intelligent Sensing Interest Group
(WiSIG) within the Electronics, Sensors, Photonics Knowledge Transfer Network
and is an expert reviewer and assessor for the European Commission (EC),
Leverhulme trust, UK Research Councils, Finland Academy of Science and other
international funders. She is a full member of the UK’s Engineering and Physical
Sciences Research Council College of Peers (www.epsrc.gov.uk) and the UKRI
Future Leaders Fellowships Peer Review College and serves on the British Council
Newton Fund Panels. She is an EPSRC affiliated member of the Women’s Engineering
Society. She is actively involved with the European Commission and regional
government organizations to promote the knowledge transfer from academia to
industry and society at large, particularly focusing on the use of sensing
technologies for reducing poverty, increasing health, enabling social mobility,
and towards the adoption of wireless technologies, Artificial Intelligence and
the Internet to tackle global energy challenges.Her work is sponsored by the
EPSRC, Innovate UK, Royal Society, European Programmes, British Council,
Singapore- MIT Alliance and benefitted from direct sponsorship from industry
(Jaguar Land Rover, Orbit Housing Association, NP Aerospace, Meggitt Ltd, etc).

Hongxia Wang

Queensland University of Technology

>> Biography


Dr. Hongxia Wang is a full Professor at Queensland University of Technology
(QUT), Australia and a theme leader in two research centres at QUT (Centre for
Materials Science and Centre for Clean Energy Technology and Practice). Her
research has been primarily focus on development of new routes to enhance
performance and stability of next generation solar cells and energy storage
devices. She has carried out extensive research in the area of dye/quantum dots
sensitized solar cells, perovskite solar cells, CZTS based thin film solar cells
as well as supercapacitors, batteries. She has published over 160 peer-reviewed
scientific articles with total citation over 5000 times and two book chapters to
date. She has h-index=43.She is also inventor of four patents in the area of
energy materials. She has co-organized two scientific special issues in the area
of solar cells and supercapacitors as Guest Editor. She was recipient of“Solar
Energy Journal Best Paper Award for 2016 in the topic of Photovoltaics” by
International Solar Energy Society. She was also recipient of several
prestigious fellowships including “Australian Research Council (ARC) Future
Fellowship”, “ARC Postdoctoral Fellowship (Industry)”, “Queensland University of
Technology Vice-Chancellor Senior Research Fellow”. She was awarded QUT’s “
Vice-Chancellor’s Performance Award for Best Research with Real World Impact” in
2015 an 2017 respectively. Currently she is a member of Autralian Research
Council (ARC) College of Expert.

Gao Liu

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

>> Biography


Gao Liu is a Senior Scientist and Group Leader of the Applied Energy Materials
Groupin the Energy Storage and Distributed Resources Division at Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory. His laboratory combines synthetic chemistry,
composite engineering and electrochemistry to solve interdisciplinary problems.
Liu Lab’s current research in battery and energy storage include silicon
materials and electrode binders for advanced lithium-ion battery, lithium-sulfur
battery, solid-state battery, and electrode interfaces. His lab also performs
research in hydrogen generation, plastic recycling, and advanced manufacturing.
More information about the Liu Lab can be found at the Lab’s website:

AbuBakr Bahaj

University of Southampton

>> Biography


Professor AbuBakr S Bahaj, leads the 55-strong Energy & Climate Change Division
and the Sustainable Energy Research Group (ECCD, www.energy.soton.ac.uk)at the
University of Southampton, where he completed his PhD, progressing from a
researcher to a Personal Chair in Sustainable Energy. For more than 30 years,
Professor Bahaj has pioneered sustainable energy research and established the
energy theme within the University. His major research programmes include
Renewable Energy, Energy Access, Cities & Infrastructure, Buildings &
Communities, and Behaviour & Modelling – details are within the ECCD research
portfolio booklet. Professor Bahaj’s work has an h-index of 48 and resulted in
over 300 articles, published in academic refereed journals and conference series
of international standing. In 2013, he founded the International Journal of
Marine Energy (IJOME) followed in 2018 by the International Marine Energy
Journal (IMEJ) for which he was/is the Editor-in-Chief. Prof Bahaj also holds
visiting professorships at the Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology
(XAUAT), Xi’an, China, (2017 – ), the Ångström Laboratory and Engineering
University of Uppsala, Sweden (2011-15) and holds King Salaman bin Abdulaziz
Visiting Chair for Energy Research, at King Abdulaziz University (KAU), Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia (2014 – ). He is a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers
(FICE), Institution of Engineering Technologies (FIET) and the Royal Academy of
Arts (FRSA). In 2012, Prof Bahaj was appointed Chief Scientific Advisor to
Southampton City Council—believed to be the first such appointment in the UK. In
2014, he was named by the UK’s Science Council as one of the UK’s 100 leading
practising scientists.

Andrew R. Barron

Swansea University

>> Biography


Professor Andrew R. Barron is the Sêr Cymru Chair of Low Carbon Energy and
Environment, where his research involves the application of nanotechnology to
fundamental problems in energy research. He is the founder and director of the
Energy Safety Research Institute (ESRI), a £38 million investment on the new
Science and Innovation Campus which will concentrate elements of the
University’s energy research with a unique focus on safety. Educated at Imperial
College (London), Professor Barron has held posts at the University Texas at
Austin and Harvard and he continues to hold the Charles W. Duncan, Jr. - Welch
Chair of Chemistry and Professor of Materials Science at Rice University.
Professor Barron is the author of over 400 publications, 20 Patents, 5 books,
and is the recipient of numerous awards including the Hümboldt Senior Scientist
Research Award, the Corday Morgan Medal, the Meldola Medal, and the first Welch
Foundation Norman Hackerman Award. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of
Chemistry, and in 2009 was appointed as the Prince of Wales Visiting Innovator.
In 2011 he won both the Houston Technology Center's Lifetime Achievement Award
in Nanotechnology and the World Technology Award for Materials.

Tierui Zhang

Chinese Academy of Sciences

>> Biography


2009-present Full Professor Key Laboratory of Photochemical Conversion and
Optoelectronic Materials, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry (TIPC),
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China 2007-2009 Research Associate
University of California, Riverside, CA, USA (with Prof. Yadong Yin and Prof.
Yushan Yan) 2005-2007 Research Associate University of Arkansas, Fayetteville,
AR, USA (with Prof. Z. Ryan Tian) 2004-2005 NIH Research Associate National
Institute for Nanotechnology, NRC & University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
(with Prof. Hicham Fenniri) 2003-2004 Alexander von Humboldt Fellow Max Planck
Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam, Germany (with Prof. Markus
Antonietti and Prof. Charl F. J. Faul)

Marco Liserre

Christian Albrechts University

>> Biography


Marco Liserre received the MSc and PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from the
Bari Polytechnic, respectively in 1998 and 2002. He has been Associate Professor
at Bari Polytechnic and from 2012 Professor in reliable power electronics at
Aalborg University (Denmark). From 2013 he is Full Professor and he holds the
Chair of Power Electronics at Kiel University (Germany). At Kiel University he
is leading a team of 25 researchers with a 2 Million Euro annual budget through
third-party funded projects, with a Power Electronics Laboratory, a Medium
Voltage Laboratory and a Laboratory on Batteries and Energy Conversion, in
cooperation with colleagues in material science, approved for 2 Million Euro. He
has been leading in the last 7 years’ third-party projects for more than 13
Million Euro (of which 5 % direct company assignment) having responsibility
role, among the other, within the strategic governmental 10 years’ initiative
“Copernicus” in Germany for the Energy Change towards 80 % renewable based
energy society and in a priority program of the German research Foundation DFG
within a cooperative project with EPFL. Notably he has been awarded in 2013 with
an ERC Consolidator Grant (European Excellence Grants) for the project “The
Highly Efficient And Reliable smart Transformer (HEART), a new Heart for the
Electric Distribution System”. He has published 500 technical papers (1/3 of
them in international peer-reviewed journals) and a book. These works have
received more than 35000 citations. Marco Liserre is listed in ISI Thomson
report “The world’s most influential scientific minds” from 2014. He is fellow
of IEEE (achieved at the age of 38) and member of IAS, PELS, PES and IES. He has
been serving all these societies in different capacities. He has received the
IES 2009 Early Career Award, the IES 2011 Anthony J. Hornfeck Service Award, the
2014 Dr. Bimal Bose Energy Systems Award, the 2011 Industrial Electronics
Magazine best paper award and the Third Prize paper award by the Industrial
Power Converter Committee at ECCE 2012, 2012, 2017 IEEE PELS Sustainable Energy
Systems Technical Achievement Award and the 2018 IEEE-IES Mittelmann Achievement
Award, which is the highest award of the IEEE-IES.

Qiuwang Wang

Xi'an Jiaotong University

>> Biography


Dr. Qiuwang Wang is now a full professor of School of Energy and Power
Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University. He was a visiting scholar at City
University of Hong Kong from May 1998 to March 1999, a guest professor at Kyushu
University of Japan from September to December2003, and a senior visiting
scholar atRutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA from December 2012 to
June 2013. His research interests include heat transfer enhancement and
itsapplications, high-temperature/high-pressureheat transfer and fluid flow,
transport phenomena in porous media, numerical simulation, prediction
&optimization, etc.He is a Fellow of ASME(American Society of Mechanical
Engineers), the China Delegate of Assembly for International Heat Transfer
Conference (AIHTC), a member of Scientific Council of International Centre for
Heat & Mass Transfer (ICHMT), a Vice President of Chinese Society of Engineering
Thermophysics in Heat & Mass Transfer, an Associate Editor of Heat Transfer
Engineering, and Editorial Board Members for several international journals such
as Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Energy Conversion and Management,
Energy, Applied Thermal Engineering, International Journal of Green Energy.He is
the Initiatorof International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy
Conservation and Pollution Control (IWHT) (every two yearssince 2011). He has
also delivered more than 40 Invited/Keynote lectures in international
conferences or foreign Universities.He has also been authors or co-authors of 4
books and more than 200 international journal papers. He has obtained more than
40China Invent Patents and 3 US Patents.

Fulei Chu

Tsinghua University in Beijing

>> Biography


Professor Fulei Chu received his PhD from Southampton University in UK. He is
now a full professor of mechanical engineering at Tsinghua University in
Beijing. He is the Vice President of the Chinese Society for Vibration
Engineering (CSVE) and Chairman of the Technical Committee for Machine Fault
Diagnostics of CSVE. His research interests include rotating machinery dynamics,
machine condition monitoring and fault diagnostics, nonlinear vibration and
vibration control. His research results have been extensively used in the
condition monitoring of water turbines and wind turbines. He has published more
than 300 papers in peer review journals with citations of over 11000 (H-Index of
50, Google Scholar). He has received many awards in China, including the
Outstanding Young Researcher Award from the Natural Science Foundation of China.


Nikos Hatziargyriou

National Technical University of Athens

>> Biography


Nikos D. Hatziargyriou is professor in Power Systems at the National Technical
University of Athens. He has over 10 year industrial experience as Chairman and
CEO of the Hellenic Distribution Network Operator (HEDNO) and as executive
Vice-Chair and Deputy CEO of the Public Power Corporation (PPC), responsible for
the Transmission and Distribution Divisions. He is honorary member of CIGRE and
past Chair of CIGRE SC C6 “Distribution Systems and Distributed Generation”. He
is Life Fellow Member of IEEE, past Chair of the Power System Dynamic
Performance Committee (PSDPC) and currently Editor in Chief of the IEEE Trans on
Power Systems. He is the 2017 recipient of the IEEE/PES Prabha S. Kundur Power
System Dynamics and Control Award. He has participated in more than 60 RD&D
projects funded by the EU Commission, electric utilities and manufacturers for
both fundamental research and practical applications. He is included in the
2016, 2017 and 2019 Thomson Reuters lists of the top 1% most cited researchers
and he is Globe EnergyPrize laureate2020.

Igor Pioro

University of Ontario Institute of Technology

>> Biography


Ph.D. (1983); Doctor of Technical Sciences (1992); Professional Engineer
(Ontario, Canada) (2008); Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) (2012), Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers (CSME) (2015), and
Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) (2013); member of the American Nuclear
Society (ANS) (2004) and Canadian NS (CNS) (2010); is an internationally
recognized scientist within the areas of nuclear engineering (thermalhydraulics
of nuclear reactors, Generation-IV nuclear-reactor concepts, etc.) and thermal
sciences / engineering (boiling, forced convection including supercritical
pressures, etc.)
(https://nuclear.ontariotechu.ca/people/faculty/dr-igor-pioro.php). He is
author/co-author of more than 500 publications - 12 technical books, 32 chapters
in encyclopedias, handbooks and books, 99 papers in refereed journals, 285
papers in refereed proceedings of international and national conferences /
symposiums, 26 patents and inventions, and 47 major technical reports. Dr. Pioro
has supervised / co-supervised 3 Ph.D., 16 M.A.Sc., 4 M.Eng. students with
projects, 53 design-group students and 21 summer students, who have completed
their studies successfully. Dr. Pioro graduated from the National Technical
University of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute" with M.A.Sc. in Thermal
Physics in 1979. After that, he worked on various positions including an
engineer, senior scientist, deputy director, professor, director of a graduate
program in nuclear engineering, and associate dean. Currently, he is associated
with the Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science, University of Ontario
Institute of Technology (Oshawa, Ontario, Canada). Dr. Pioro is a Founding
Editor – Editor-in-Chief of the ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and
Radiation Science. He was a Chair of the Executive Committee of the Nuclear
Engineering Division (NED) of the ASME (2011-2012) and a Chair of the
International Conference On Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-20) (2011-2012).
Professor Pioro has received many international and national awards and
certificates of appreciation including Harold A. Smith Outstanding Contribution
Award from CNS (2017), Medal 60th Anniversary of NED (Nuclear Engineering
Division of ASME) (2016); Service Recognition Award from the ASME (2014);
Honorary Doctor’s Degree from National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev
Polytechnic Institute” (2013); The CNS Education and Communication Award (2011);
UOIT Research Excellence Award (2011); ICONE Award from ASME (2009); etc.

Winfried Hoffmann

Applied Solar Expertise-ASE

>> Biography


Winfried Hoffmann graduated in physics and worked in the PV field since 1979.
Until 2005 he was CEO of "Angewandte Solarenergie - ASE GmbH (later RWE SCHOTT
Solar GmbH) which was at the time one of the 5 biggest solar cell and module
producing companies globally. In 2007 he joined Applied Materials to become
Chief Technology Officer and Vice President of the Solar Business Group and
member of the Management Board of the German based Applied Materials GmbH. From
November 2010 until 2012 he served with his consulting company Applied Solar
Expertise - ASE to the solar business of Applied Materials. He was member of the
supervisory board of SMA Solar Technology AG and chairman of the supervisory
board of Solar-Fabrik AG. He served many years until 2008 as member of the Board
of the German Solar Economy Association (Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft – BSW
Solar), at last as president. Until March 2014 he was for 17 years member of the
board and half of this time president of the European Photovoltaic Industry
Association (EPIA, today SolarPower Europe). He was member of the Board of
Trustees of the Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research (ZSW), the
Fraunhofer institute ISE (Institute for Solar Energy) and Helmholtz Center
Berlin (HZB) as well as chairman of the scientific board of DLR Institute of
Networked Energy Systems. He is currently member of the Board of the EPC-company
Solnet Group, and member of the Scientific Board of the Institute for Solar
Energy Research in Hameln (ISFH). Since 2011 he gives lectures about 100%
Renewable Energy at the universities Konstanz, Freiburg and Hannover. In 2012 he
received the John Bonda prize from EPIA and the prestigious “European Becquerel
Prize for Outstanding Merits in Photovoltaics” from the European Commission. The
World Renewable Energy Network (WREN) awarded him as “Solar Pioneer” in 2014. In
2019 he was recognized by the Solar Business Club as “Visionary Solar Advocate”.

Suk-Ho Choi

Kyung Hee University

>> Biography


Suk-Ho Choi is a professor in the Department of Applied Physics at Kyung Hee
University. He received BS degree from Seoul National Univ. and MS/Ph.D. degree
from KoreaAdvancedInstituteofScienceandTechnology. He spent sabbatical years at
NationalInstituteofStandardsandTechnology in the USA, Australian National
University, and Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology. He worked as a
director at the Institute of Natural Sciences at Kyung Hee University for 10
years, and was appointed as Fellow Professor from 2009. Prof. Choi has been
involved in areas of fabrication and characterization of semiconductors over the
last 4 decades. During this time, he has designed, developed, and constructed
various chemical vapor deposition (CVD) systems including graphene/2D materials
CVD, and PL/EL, I-V, C-V, dark- and photo-conductivity systems. In recent years,
Prof. Choi has established two major areas of research, one on the optical and
electrical properties of low-dimensional materials such as quantum
dots/nanowires/graphene/2D materials and their heterostructures, and the other
on fabrication/characterization of the low-dimensional-materials-based
electronic and optical devices including LEDs, solar cells, piezoelectric cells,
photodetectors, non-volatile memories, and sensors. He has published over 225
papers in the relevant research area.

Manuela Sechilariu

Alliance Sorbonne University

>> Biography


Manuela Sechilariu is Full Professor at Alliance Sorbonne University – School of
Engineering Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France, Department Urban
Engineering, and Director of the interdisciplinary research unit AVENUES (EA
7284), which research area focuses on urban system modeling. Her broad research
interests focus on the power and energy systems, smart grid, microgrids,
electromobility, distributed generation, photovoltaic-powered systems, energy
management, optimization, intelligent control, and Petri Nets modeling. She has
delivered several invited lectures and has published more than 100 refereed
scientific and technical papers in international journals and conferences, with
over 2000 citations. Her research has been funded by agencies and sponsors
including the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) andADEME (French
agency for ecological transition), FEDER (European Fund for Regional Economic
Development). She has managed several international and national research
projects and industrial research contracts, including IEAPVPSTask17. Since 2018
she is Deputy Director of French research CNRS group GDR SEEDS (Electric Power
Systems in their Social Dimension). Since 2016 she is the founder of the French
Working Group Microgrids (included into GDR SEEDS supported by CNRS France) and
coordinates activities and several research teams working on microgrids.His
current researches are clarification on PV benefits in transportation,
electro-mobility and microgrids optimization applied to urban areas utilizing
renewable energy actively.

Akira Nishimura

Mie University

>> Biography


Dr. Akira Nishimura is an associate professor in Division of Mechanical
Engineering at Mie University, Japan. He received the B.S. Eng., the M.S. Eng.
and Dr. Eng. degrees in Chemical Engineering from Nagoya University, Japan in
1995, 1997 and 2000, respectively. He worked at Center for Integrated Research
in Science and Engineering, Nagoya University as research associate from 2000 to
2002. He moved to Mie University in 2002 as an assistant professor and promoted
to associate professor from 2014. His current researches are clarification on
energy supply chain combining renewable energy and hydrogen, smart city
utilizing renewable energy actively, heat and mass transfer mechanism of polymer
electrolyte fuel cell, CO2 reduction by photocatalyst and H2 production from

Phoebe Koundouri

ATHENA Research and Innovation Center

>> Biography


Prof. Phoebe Koundouri is a world-renowned environmental economics professor and
global leader in sustainable development. She is widely recognized as a pioneer
in innovative, human-centric, interdisciplinary systems for the sustainable
interaction between nature, society, and the economy. Prof. Koundouri is listed
in the most-cited women economists in the world, with 15 published books and
more than 465 published peer reviewed scientific articles, book chapters and
reports. Prof. Koundouri is University Professor (the university’s highest
academic rank) at the School of Economics, Athens University of Economics and
Business, an elected fellow of the World Academy of Art & Science and the
President-elect of the European Association of Environmental and Natural
Resource Economists for the period 2019-2025 (EAERE) with more than 1200
scientific member institutions, from more than 75 different countries). Prof.
Koundouri is the Founder and Scientific Director of the Research Laboratory on
Socio-Economic and Environmental Sustainability (ReSEES) at Athens University of
Economics and Business, focusing on interdisciplinary research on socio-economic
and environmental systems. She is also Affiliated Professor at the ATHENA
Research and Innovation Center, where she founded and scientifically directs the
Sustainable Development Unit and the EIT Climate-KIC Hub Greece of the European
Institute of Innovation and Technology , the latter focusing on accelerating
technological and social innovations for use in the transition to a climate
neutral economy. Prof. Koundouri is also the co-Chair of United Nations
Sustainable Development Network (UN SDSN) –Europe. The leadership of UN
SDSN-Europe is constituted from existing National SDSN European networks and its
mission is to serve as a science driven interface with European Commission
policymaking. Prof. Koundouri is also the Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board
of the International Centre for Research on the Environment and the Economy
(ICRE8) and Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of the European Forest
Institute. Prof. Koundouri is one of the Commissioners of the prestigious Lancet
Commission on COVID-19 for which she co-chairs the “Jobs-based Green Recovery”
Task Force. She leads the UN SDSN Senior Working Group on “Transformation
Pathways for the implementation of EGD and the SDGs”, co-leads the UN SDSN
Sustainable Shipping and Ports and Shipping Initiative, and the UN SDSN 4-seas
(Mediterranean, Black, Caspian and Aral Seas) Blue Growth Initiative. She is a
member of the CEPR (Center for Economic Policy Research) Network (RPN) on
Climate Change, member of the Priministerial Committee for the Recovery and
10-year Development Plan of Greece, the National Climate Change Committee of the
Greece, as well as chair or member of numerous European and International
Scientific, Research and Policy Boards and Committees. Prof. Koundouri acts as a
scientific advisor to the European Commission, World Bank, European Bank of
Reconstruction and Development, OECD, UN, NATO, WHO, World Water Council and
various other Multilateral Institutions, as well as numerous national and
international foundations and organizations. She also advises national
governments across the world. Prof. Koundouri is editorial board member of more
than 20 prestigious scientific journals. Since 1997, she has coordinated more
than 100 interdisciplinary research projects, in all five continents, focused on
combinations of Sustainable Development, Climate Change Mitigation and
Adaptation, Behavioural Economics and Econometrics, Economics of Wellbeing and
Happiness, Natural Resource-Food-Energy Nexus, Smart Water Systems, Ecosystem
Services Valuation, Blue Growth, Circular Economy, Systems Innovation,
Innovation Acceleration and Commercialization, and has attracted significant
competitive research funding. Prof. Koundouri and her large interdisciplinary
team (more than 200 researchers) have produced research and policy results that
have contributed to accelerating research and innovation for the enablement of
Sustainable Development and has contributed to shaping European and National
policies. Over the last two decades, Professor Koundouri has given keynote and
public lecturers, at high level forums all over the world, and received various
prizes for academic excellence, including best paper awards, highest policy
impact paper award, European Research project award, etc. as well as the
prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Synergy Grant (2020-2027), which
focuses on design of the next generation of urban water systems, via the
combination of water science, systems and control theory, economics,
decision-science and machine learning. This is the biggest research project in
the world at the moment working on urban water systems. Prof. Koundouri was born
and raised in Cyprus. During the period 1991-2006, she studied and held academic
positions in the UK. She holds a PhD and MPhil in Economics and Econometrics
from the University of Cambridge. For her studies she received a full
scholarship from the University of Cambridge and the Cambridge Commonwealth
Trust. She then held academic positions at the University of Cambridge,
University College London, University of Reading, London School of Economics.
Since 2006 she lives in Greece (Athens) with her husband, Prof. Nikitas Pittis,
and their three daughters: Chrysilia, Billie and Athena.

Martin Kalbac

Charles University
Czech Republic

>> Biography


Martin Kalbac graduated in inorganic chemistry from Charles University, Prague,
Czech Republic, (1998), where he also received his Ph.D. degree in 2002 and has
been habilitated in the field of inorganic chemistry (2019). Since 2001 he has
worked at the J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of
Sciences of the Czech Republic. Currently, he is a vice-director of the
institute and the head of the Department of Low dimensional Systems. His
research interests include carbon nanotubes, 2D materials, Raman spectroscopy
and spectroelectrochemistry, isotope engineering of carbon nanostructures and

Kamiel Gabriel

Ontario Tech University

>> Biography


Dr. Gabrielis an elected member of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and the
former A/Deputy Minister at the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation. In
1990, Dr. Gabriel attendedthe prestigious, MIT-founded, International Space
Universityand received a diploma in Space Sciences. For over 14 years, Dr.
Gabriel led an international team in the research efforts spearheaded by NASA to
design, test and operate a thermal management system for the International Space
Station (ISS). In 2004, Dr. Gabriel was invited to lead the development of the
research and innovation ecosystem in a newly announced university. He assumed
the position of the founding AVP research and graduate programs at Ontario Tech
University (formerly known as University of Ontario Institute of Technology) in
Ontario, Canada. Under his leadership, Ontario Tech University was ranked as one
of the top Canadian higher learning institutions in the categories of innovation
and leaders of tomorrow.

Tayebeh Ameri

University of Edinburgh

>> Biography


Dr Tayebeh Ameri became a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in the Institute
for Materials and Processes, Chemical Engineering discipline at the University
of Edinburgh in December 2020. She carried out her PhD research in Konarka GmbH
Austria and received her PhD degree in Engineering Sciences from the Johannes
Kepler University Linz, in 2010. Afterwards, she conducted her postdoctoral and
Habilitation research in the institute of Materials for Electronics and Energy
Technology (i-MEET), Department of Material Science and Engineering at the
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU). From 2018 till 2020, Dr Ameri was a team
leader and lecturer in the chair of Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry
at the University of Munich (LMU). She is also the scientific mentor of the
start-up SERINO, recently founded by the Medical Valley Award, on development of
the next generation of IR-detectors for medical applications. Dr Ameri’s
research involves development of printed optoelectronics with a focus on
photovoltaic and photodetector technologies. She has authored over 120
peer-reviewed publications/book chapters, which are cited over 8900 times
(Google Scholar). Dr Ameri has received several prestigious awards including
Christiane-Nüsslein-Volhard-Stiftung, Wolfgang Finkelnburg, and Arnold
Sommerfeld Awards. In November 2020, she has been awarded with a fellowship in
the Heisenberg Programme of the German Research Foundation (DFG). Dr Ameri is
selected as one of the WES Top 50 Women in Engineering (WE50) 2021: Engineering
Heroes. Academic Qualifications

Guangqi CHEN

Kyushu University

>> Biography


Prof. Guangqi CHEN is currently both a Professor of Faculty of Arts and Science
and a Professor of Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Graduate
School of Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan. He received a Doctoral Degree
of Science from the University of Tokyo in 1993 and worked as a lecturer at the
Department of Civil Engineering of Kyoto University before transferred to Kyushu
University in 2000. His research background includes geophysics, seismology,
plate technics, earthquake engineering, geo-disaster prevention, numerical
simulation and risk management. He has more than 200 peer-reviewed papers and
the following 10 papers represent his most recent research interesting: 1)
Improvement of DDA with a New Unified Tensile Fracture Model for Rock
Fragmentation and its Application on Dynamic Seismic Landslides , ROCK MECHANICS
AND ROCK ENGINEERING 54(3), 1055 – 1075, 2021; 2) A possible mechanism of
earthquake-induced landslides focusing on pulse-like ground motions, LANDSLIDES,
2021; 3) Three-Dimensional Numerical Manifold Method Based on Viscoelastic
Constitutive Relation, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS, 20(9), 2020; 4)
OpenMP-Based Parallel Two-Dimensional Discontinuous Deformation Analysis for
Large-Scale Simulation, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS, 20(7), 2020; 5)
Exploring inelastic collisions using modified three-dimensional discontinuous
deformation analysis incorporating a damped contact model, COMPUTERS AND
GEOTECHNICS, 121, 2020; 6) A full-stage parallel architecture of
three-dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis using OpenMP, COMPUTERS AND
GEOTECHNICS, 118, 2020; 7) Development of a Coupled DDA-SPH Method and its
Application to Dynamic Simulation of Landslides Involving Solid-Fluid
Interaction, ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING, 53(1) 113 – 131, 2020; 8)
Distributed-Spring Edge-to-Edge Contact Model for Two-Dimensional Discontinuous
Deformation Analysis , ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING, 53(1) 365 – 382,
2020; 9) Extension and application of Discontinuous Deformation Analysis with a
SCIENCES, 123, 2019; 10) Practical application of the coupled DDA-SPH method in
dynamic modeling for the formation of landslide dam, LANDSLIDES, 16(5) 1021 –
1032, 2019

Deb P Jaisi

University of Delaware

>> Biography


Deb P Jaisi is Associate Professor Department of Plant and Soil Sciences at the
University of Delaware.USA Research and Professional Experience Years Position
2017-date Associate Professor, Department of Plant & Soil Sciences, University
of Delaware 2018-2020 NSF Visiting faculty fellow, Division of Geological and
Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology 2011-2016 Assistant
Professor, Department of Plant & Soil Sciences, University of Delaware 2007-2010
Interdepartmental Bateman Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University. Publications:
Total 99 (2005-2021) Google indices: h-index: 31; i10-index: 59; total
citations: 4682 ResearchGate index: 37.65

Zheng Zijian

Hong Kong Baptist University

>> Biography


Prof. Zijian Zheng is currently Full Professor at the Institute of Textile and
Clothing (ITC) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research interests
are surface and polymer science, nanofabrication, flexible and wearable
electronics. Prof. Zheng received his B. Eng. in Chemical Engineering at
Tsinghua University in 2003, and PhD in Chemistry at University of Cambridge in
2007 (Supervisor: Prof. Wilhelm T. S. Huck). In 2008, he worked as postdoctoral
researcher with Prof. Chad A. Mirkin at Northwestern University. He joined ITC
as Assistant Professor in 2009, and was promoted to tenured Associate Professor
in 2013 and Professor in 2017. He has published >100 papers in high-impact
international scientific journals including Science, Nat. Materials, Nature
Communications, Advanced Materials, Journal of the America Chemical Society,
Angewandte Chemie. He also files 25+ patents and is recipient of more than 15
academic awards. He serves as Guest Editor of Advanced Materials and Small, and
Editor-in-Chief of EcoMat, a flagship open-access journal in green energy and
environment published by Wiley. He is elected as Founding Member of The Young
Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong.

Arnold Gad-Briggs

EGB Engineering

>> Biography


Arnold is the Exec. Director of EGB Engineering (http://egb-eng.com), and
Founder and CEO of Ventiarge (http://ventairge.com). He holds a B.Sc, M.Sc and
Ph.D in Engineering from Cranfield University, United Kingdom. He has leadership
and technical experience in the field of power and propulsion within the energy
(including renewables), aerospace, defense and nuclear industries. He has been
involved in EPC contracts on several projects in Europe and Africa and has
provided advisory services to institutions and government departments on
aerospace, energy and nuclear. He is an expert on rotating complex machineries
and systems including the techno-economical and environmental risk analysis of
power projects and energy economics, aircraft engine development and
certification activities, civil nuclear power, and marine technology. He is a
Chartered/Professional Engineer (CEng) with the UK Engineering Council and a
European Engineer (Eur. Ing) with the European Federation of National
Engineering Associations. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical
Engineers (FIMechE) and a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and
Technology (FIET). He also has active memberships and affiliations with the
Institution of Power Engineers (MIPowerE) and the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME). He is the Chairman of the IET Aerospace Technical Network, a
Visiting Fellow at Cranfield University, and has authored numerous journal
papers and conference proceedings in the field of power and propulsion.

Zhifeng Huang

Hong Kong Baptist University

>> Biography


Dr. Zhifeng Huang obtained B.Sc. in Chemistry (in 2000) and M.Sc. in Physical
Chemistry (in 2003) at Xiamen University (China), and Ph.D. in Science and
Engineering of Materials at Arizona State University (US, 2007). After working
as a postdoctoral fellow in Department of Electrical and Computing Engineering
at University of Alberta (Canada, Jan. 2008 – Aug. 2009), Dr. Huang joined
Department of Physics at Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) as an Assistant
Professor, and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2015. Dr. Huang is
Associate Director (Nanomaterials) in Golden Meditech Centre for
NeuroRegeneration Sciences at HKBU, is member of The Hong Kong Young Academy of
Sciences, and serves as Vice President in Hong Kong Materials Research Society.
Dr. Huang is devoted to fabricating sculptured nano thin films to study chiral
nanoplasmonics, surface enhanced chiroptical spectroscopies, enantioselective
synthesis, photochirogenesis, enantiodifferentiation, trace (bio)molecular
detection, bio-nano interaction, specific differentiation of stem cells,
functional optic coating, and flexible/wearable energy generation and storage.
He contributed to two book chapters, and published his studies in high-impact
journals, such as Nat. Chem., Nat. Nanotechnol., Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem., Adv.
Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., Nano Lett., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Adv. Sci., and Small.
Dr. Huang was awarded with Outstanding Research Achievement (APSMR, 2017 and
2018), the Prof. Rudolph A. Marcus Award 2016, the Incentive Award for
Outstanding Research Achievement (Faculty of Science, HKBU, 2015), and
National-level Technology Project Award for Advanced Individual (2012, 2014). He
is serving as Review Editor for Frontiers in Chemistry, Associate Editor for
Science Advances Today and Science Letters Journal (Cognizure). Dr. Huang,
together with Prof. Ken Yung (Department of Biology, HKBU), co-founded a
spin-off, Mat-A-Cell Ltd., to commercialize a new-generation medical device for
cell culture. The invention was awarded with 2019 TechConnect Innovation Award,
and Gold Medal with Congratulations of Jury (The 46th International Exhibition
of Inventions of Geneva, 2018).

HO Johnny Chung Yin

Hong Kong Baptist University

>> Biography


Dr. Johnny Ho is an Associate Head and a Professor in the Department of
Materials Science and Engineering as well as a core member in the State Key
Laboratory of Terahertz and Millimeter Waves at the City University of Hong
Kong. He got his BS, MSc and PhD degrees at the University of California,
Berkeley, USA, in 2002, 2005 and 2009, respectively. Dr. Ho was a post-doctoral
researcher in the Nanoscale Synthesis and Characterization group (Materials
Science Division) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, California, USA
(2009-2010). His current research interests focus on the synthesis,
characterization and applications of nanoscale materials for electronic,
optoelectronic, sensor and energy harvesting devices. Over the years, Dr. Ho has
won a number of awards, including President’s Awards & Outstanding Research
Awards at the City University of Hong Kong, World Cultural Council Special
Recognition Award, Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) Fellowship Award, and
recently elected to be a Founding Member in the Young Academy of Sciences of
Hong Kong, etc. To date, Dr. Ho has published more than 190 journal articles
with an H-index of 53 and a total citation of over 11500 (Google Scholar March
2021). Visit his web for more information

Eleonora Riva Sanseverino

University of Palermo

>> Biography


Ab. Halim Bin Abu Bakar

University of Malaya

>> Biography


Prof Dr Ab Halim Abu Bakar received the B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering
from the University of Southampton, United Kingdom,M.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees from
the University of Technology. He spent 30 years of industrial experience with
Tenaga NasionalBerhad (TNB) before joining University of Malaya. Prof Ir Dr
Halim is a Fellow of the Institute of Engineers Malaysia, Member of IEEE, Cigre,
Chartered Engineer (UK) and P.Eng (Malaysia). Currently he is a professor with
the UM Power Dedicated Advanced Centre (UMPEDAC), University of Malaya,
Malaysia. He is an established academician and a practical engineer. He has
to-date published 93 ISI and 141 Scopus papers in journals and 47 papers in
proceedings internationally. He hassuccessfully supervised to completion 16 PhD,
4 master by research (M.Eng.Sc), 1 master of philosophy (M.Phil) and 50 Masters
by course work project (M.Eng) and has Web of Science H index of 25and Scopus H
index of 27. He is also involved as a reviewer for several Web of Science
internationaljournals andseveral internationalconferences. Prof Ir Dr Halim won
several excellent awards during his professional and academic carrier. In 2008
he won IEEE PES Malaysian Chapter Outstanding Engineering Award and MNC Cigre
Contribution award 2018. His research interest includes power system protection
and power system transients.

Adriana Greco

University of Naples Federico II

>> Biography


Adriana Greco is Full professor of Thermodynamic and Heat Transfer at Department
of Industrial Engineering, University of Naples Federico II. The scientific
activity is related to following arguments: energetic and exergetic analysis,
experimental evaluation of the energy performances of substitutive refrigerant
fluids in vapour compression plants; transcritical cycle working with carbon
dioxide (CO2); numerical and experimental evaluation of the energy performances
of solid- state refrigeration systems based on caloric effects. Renewable energy
sources with special focus on geothermal energy- based systems. She is member of
the editorial board of 7 international journals. Moreover, she is Coordinator of
the Project financed by the Italian Ministry of the University FISR 2019 for the
development of innovative cooling system based on solid-state caloric effect
materials. She is author and co-author of more than 120 publications as paper
contribution on international journals, book chapters and conference proceeding
on topics inherent to her research activities.

Vasudevan P. Biju

Hokkaido University

>> Biography


Vasudevanpillai Biju studied chemistry at CSIR-RRL and the University of Kerala
and obtained his PhD in 2000. After postdoctoral research in Japan and the USA,
he was a scientist in AIST, Japan. In parallel, he was a visiting scientist at
the University of Texas at Austin and a JST PRESTO Researcher. Since February
2016, he has been a Professor at Hokkaido University. His research interests
include semiconductor quantum dots, photo-functional molecules, and
single-molecule techniques. His research activities are recognized with various
awards by the Ozaki Foundation (Gennai Award), the Japanese Photochemistry
Association, the Asian and Oceanian Photochemistry Association and the Chemical
Society of Japan. Since 2011 he has been a Fellow of the Royal Society of

Dongsheng LI

Shantou University

>> Biography


Dr. Dongsheng Li is distinguished professor at Shantou University and director
of Guangdong Engineering Center for Structure Safety and Health Monitoring.
Before joining Shantou University in 2018, he served as an engineer in industry
for five years and worked at Dalian University of Technology as a
lecture/associated professor for 16 years. Dongsheng Li received his B.S. degree
in mechanical engineering from Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China, in
1994; his M.S. degree from the Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China,
majoring in engineering mechanics; and Ph.D. degree from the University of
Siegen, Germany in 2012. His research interests include structural health
monitoring of large-span bridges and wind turbines, including fiber Bragg
grating sensing, damage identification under varying environment, optimal sensor
placement, and random loading identification. He conjectured the existence of
mode localization phenomenon in wind turbine blades and afterwards proved it. He
developed a novel loading-dependent sensor placement theory that depends on both
structural characteristics and actual loading conditions. His contributions also
include the strain transferring mechanism in optical fiber sensors. He is the
recipient of the 2008 Dominick J. DeMichele Scholarship Award by the Society of
Experimental Mechanics, and China National Award for Technological
Invention(2ndPrize). He is currently the Editor of Structural Durability &
Health Monitoring,Frontiers Research of Architecture and Engineering, and
Advances in Civil Engineering (Indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded).He
has published more than 80 technical papers in international refereed journals
and conferences. His paper was cited more than 1000 times.

Tian Wenxi

Xi'an Jiaotong University

>> Biography


Prof. Wenxi Tian is now the dean of School of Nuclear Science and Technology,
director of Shaanxi Key Lab on advanced nuclear energy technology, Xi'an
Jiaotong University, China. He obtained his Ph. D on Nuclear Science and
Technology from Xi'an Jiaotong University in 2006. From Oct. 2007 to Apr. 2010,
he did his post-doctor research in the University of Tokyo. In Dec. 2014 he was
promoted to be Professor. His research interests cover advanced nuclear reactor
system, Nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics and safety, two-phase flow and heat
transfer etc. He already published more than 150 journal papers, two monographs
and one text book, fifteen invention patents. He servers as the Editor-in-Chief
of International Journal of Advanced Nuclear Reactor Design and
Technology(JANDT), Associated Editor of Frontiers in Energy Research-Nuclear
energy Section, Editorial member of Annals of Nuclear Energy etc..

Alessandro Romagnoli

Nanyang Technological University

>> Biography


Alessandro obtained his Ph.D. from Imperial College London in 2010 and in 2014
hehas been appointed as Associate Professor in the School of Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), and as
Cluster Director of Multi-Energy Systems and Grids (Thermal Energy Systems) at
the Energy Research Institute @ Nanyang Technological University (ERI@N). In
September 2020, Alessandro has been appointed as the Co-Director of the Surbana
Jurong Corporate Lab @ NTU, a S$61M effort co-funded by the National Research
Foundation of Singapore,aimed to develop next-generation sustainable solutions
to tackle industrial and complex urban challenges including research to explore
underground storage systems, sustainable indoor solutions for buildings, and
digital technologies to scale up productivity in the built environment.
Alessandro’s research focus is on industrial energy efficiency, power generation
- from large scale to distributed energy generation applied to micro-grids, and
energy systems integration for different energy mix - including renewable and
energy storage. Particular focus is being spent on Liquefied Natural Gas storage
and supply, Cryogenic energy storage (including Hydrogen), Cryogenic Carbon
Capture and studies on the Cold-Economy for developed and developing countries.
Research on heat recovery looking at Geothermal energy (in Singapore) and Waste
Heat is also being pushed forward by Alessandro.

Bin Zhu

Southeast University

>> Biography


Bin Zhu,Chief scientist(professor) in Energy storage joint research center,
Southeast University. He received M.Sc., in 1987 from University of Sci. & Tech.
of China and PhD in 1995 from Chalmers University of Technology, Physics and
Engineering Physics, Sweden and during 10/ 95-12/97 worked as Postdoc. in
Uppsala University (in Ångström Lab). Since 1998, Dr. Zhu moved to KTH and in
1999 became associate professor /PhD supervisor in Dept of Chemical Engineering
and Technology, and then in Dept of Energy Technology, KTH until 2018. He is
visiting professor in Aalto University and Nanyang Technological University as
well asin several Chinese universities to co-supervise research projects and PhD
students. From 2018-now, Zhu has been appointed as visiting professor position
in Loughborough University, UK, and 2020 assigned for the new post in
SoutheastUniversity. Selected by Hubei Provincial 100-oversea talents program in
2013, Zhu has establish100-talent teams in two Chinese universities (Hubei
University and China University of Geoscience (Wuhan) in cooperation with EC -
China NANOCOFC (Nanocomposites for advanced fuel cells) research network,
www.nanocofc.com. Dr. Zhu has more than 300 publications in nano-composites and
new functional semiconductor-ionic materials for advanced fuel cells/solar cells
from material to device, technology for polygeneration systems, innovations made
on low temperature, 300-600°C SOFCs, electrolyte (layer)-free fuel cell (EFFC),
new functional semiconductor-ionic materials, single layer fuel cells (SLFCs),
semiconductor-based fuel cell as next generation high-efficient
fuel-to-electricity conversion. He has also devoted to establish frontier
disciplinary of Semiconductor-Ionics and Semiconductor Electrochemistry for fuel
cells and other energy storage devices, e.g. solid batteries. Zhu has H-index 53
(@ google scholar) and citation over10000. He is one of the Most Cited scholars
in China (Energy sector, Elsevier) continuously every year since 2014-. In the
latest Stanford University released the "world's top 2% scientists list" 2%
Scientists 2020). The list is divided into "lifetime science influence ranking"
(1960-2019) and "science influence ranking in 2019". Zhu has been selected into
the double list.Mendeley Data - Data for "Updated science-wide author databases
of standardized citation indicators"

Adarsh Kumar Pandey

Sunway University

>> Biography


Dr Pandey is currently working as an Associate Professor at Research Centre for
Nano-Materials and Energy Technology (RCNMET), School of Engineering and
Technology, Sunway University, Malaysia. He is leading the Ph.D. in
Sustainability Science and Technology program at Sunway University. Prior to
this, he worked at the University of Malaya Power Energy Dedicated Advanced
Centre (UMPEDAC), University of Malaya, Malaysia. He did his Ph.D. in Energy
from SMVD University, India. He has published more than 111 research papers as
per the Scopus database as well filed 5 patents on different solar energy
technologies. Besides, he is author of book, reviewer of many journals and
Editorial board member of International journals. He is listed in top 2%
Scientist in the world by Stanford University. Till now he has secured and
managed more than 1.5 million Ringgits of research grants as PI/CO-PI. Dr.
Pandey delivered more than 25 keynote/invited lectures in International
conferences/Workshops and Seminars. His current area of research involves but
not limited to Sustainable Energy Technologies, Phase Change Materials as
Thermal Energy storage, Nano Dispersed Phase change materials (NDPCMs), Advanced
functional materials, Solar PV and PVT, Dye-sensitized solar cells etc.

Lin Chen

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

>> Biography


Dr. Lin Chen is now a full professor in the Institute of Engineering
Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and jointly at the University of
Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.R. China. He is currently one Board member of the
Experts Commission of China Energy Society. He was previously a JST-CREST and
JSPS Research Fellow in the Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, and
an Assistant Professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering, Tohoku
University, Japan. He obtained his B.E and Ph.D. in Mechanics (Energy and
Resources Engineering) from Peking University. His current research topics
include energy resources, supercritical fluids,soil remediation, microscale
compressible fluid flows, and multiscale heat/mass transfer. In recent years, he
has authored over 140 well-cited international journal papers and/or conference
presentations, and 7 chapters, 3 books, including the most famous one on energy
conversion (“Advanced Applications of Supercritical Fluids in Energy Systems”,
IGI Global, 2017, 680 pages). He has an h-index of 23 according to google
scholar's record. His doctoral thesis was also selected and published as a
Springer book (“Microchannel Flow Dynamics and Heat Transfer of Near-Critical
Fluid”, Springer, 2016, 153 pages). He revealed the heat transfer laws and
stability conditions of supercritical fluid-based natural circulation loop (NCL)
(with applications in solar, geothermal, chemical fields), which is in the TOP5
most-cited list of Elsevier (2013-2016). Recently, he developed a robust model
for utilizing oceanic methane hydrate (CH4•6H2O) and proposed the first
strategic production system with CCS process. Dr. L. Chen is a winner of the
President Scholarship, National Scholarship (MOE), Elite Scholar (PKU) and many
other honors/awards. He received the Innovation Award in 2011, 2012, and 2014,
the Best Paper of the Chinese Association of Refrigeration (2015), and the
Elsevier Excellent Reviewer (2013, 2014, 2015). He was the winner of the Young
Scholar Award of the Asian Union of Thermal Science and Engineering (AUTSE) in
2018 due to his contribution in supercritical fluid thermodynamics. He is also a
Reviewer, an Editorial/Advisory Member, and the Guest Editor of many renowned
international journals. He is currently an Associate Editor of the ASME Journal
of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science and an Editorial Board member of
the Journal of Supercritical Fluids (Elsevier).


Masafumi Yamaguchi

Toyota Technological Institute

>> Biography


Masafumi Yamaguchi has received his ph.D. degree from Hokkaido Univeristy, Japan
(1978). He is now Professor Emeritus and Senior Research Scholar at the Toyota
Technological Institute, Japan, Visiting Professor, Kyushu University, Chairman
of the PV-Powered Vehicle Strategy Committee under the NEDO, former Project
Leader of the PV R&D Project under the NEDO, former Research Supervisor of the
Creative Clean Energy Generation using Solar Energy under the JST. He has
received numerous awards such as the Becquerel Prize from the Eurpean Commission
in 2004, the William Cherry Award from the IEEE in 2008, the PVSEC Award in
2011, the WCPEC Award in 2014 for his outstanding contribution to the
development of science and technology of photovoltaic solar energy, and to the
International collaboration and cooperation.

Michael Young Mok Kim

President of Grace & Mercy Foundation

>> Biography


Mr. Kim was a career diplomat of Korea since he entered the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs in 1976. He assumed different positions in the Ministry until the
retirement in 2012 including director and deputy director – general of North
American Affairs, political minister at the Korean Mission to the United
Nations, director- general of international cooperation at the North Korea Light
Water Reactor (Nuclear Power Plant, Korean HQ for Agreed Framework follow-ups)
project headquarter. He was assigned to the Ambassador to Iran, Consul General
to New York. Mr. Kim completely retired from the Korea Government in 2016 after
serving as President and Chairman of “Korea International Cooperation Agency”,
which implements Korea’s Grant ODA to developing countries. Inclusive
partnership and climate change were focused goals among others. Mr. Kim
undertook different missions as coordinator and negotiator with regard to North
Korean Nuclear development program including the Genève Agreement in 1993 and
subsequent negotiations leading to the Nuclear Power Plant Construction by
Korean Energy Development Organization (KEDO), a multilateral consortium for
resolving North Korea nuclear issue. He assumed executive deputy director
general of that organization. He graduated from Seoul National University,
International Institute of Public Administration (currently ENA) France. He
attended professional scholar program at SIPA, Columbia University, New York. He
is chair-professor at Young Nam University for international development. Mr.
Kim is currently President and Chair of Grace & Mercy Foundation, Korea, a
philanthropic, cultural foundation.

Martin Pasqualetti

Arizona State University

>> Biography


Dr. Martin J. Pasqualetti is Co-Director of the Energy Policy Innovation (EPIC)
at Arizona State University. He also holds positions as Senior Sustainability
Scientist in the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability and
Professor in the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, also at
ASU. His research, publishing and teaching fall at the intersection of energy
and society. He has applied that interest to studies on the acceptance of
renewable energy landscapes, nuclear power plant decommissioning and waste
disposal, and the food/energy/water nexus. Routledge re-published his book
Nuclear Decommissioning and Societyin 2019. Most recently, he edited and
contributed to The Renewable Energy Landscape, also published by Routledge.Other
current appointments include ASU liaison to the International Renewable Energy
Agency (IRENA) in Abu Dhabi, Board of Directors of the Land Art Generator
Initiative (LAGI), and the editorial boards of a dozen journals. In Arizona, he
co-authored the energy emergency response plan and was appointed Chair of the
Solar Energy Advisory Council by successive governors. He has served as an
advisor to several agencies and NGOs, including the U.S. Department of Energy,
the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the U.S. Office of Technical
Assessment, the National Academy of Sciences, the Arizona Office of Energy
Policy, the Union of Concerned Scientists, and Natural Resources Defense
Council. In 2015, he received the Alexander and Ilse Melamid Gold Medal from the
American Geographical Society for his international contributions to energy
studies. In 2018, he was named Alumnus of the Year by the University of
California (Riverside); and in 2019, he was elected Fellow of the American
Association of Geographers. His latest book is The Thread of Energy, forthcoming
from Oxford University Press.

Michael Burt

Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

>> Biography


Michael Burt, BA. Architecture & Amp; T.P. – 1963; D.Sc. -1967. Teaching and
research at the Technion, 1963- 2006. 8 years Dean of the Architecture. & Amp;
T.P. Faculty. Research: Structural Morphology; Marine Development. Books
(Technion Publications) ‘Spatial Arrangements and Polyhedra with Curved
Surfaces’…. (D.Sc. Thesis) -1966. ‘Infinite Polyhedra’ - 1974; 2005 ‘The
Periodic Table of the Polyhedral Universe’ – 1996. ‘The Israeli Marine
Option’….-2012 Dozens of Exhibitions in Israel & Amp; abroad. MUAR –Moscow –
2003 Arch. Biennale – Paris, 1969; representing Israel. AWARDS: Minerva Grant
(1985). Japan Foundation Fellowship (1992). Pioneers Award, IASS, G.B. (2002).
Israeli Architects Association Honorary Fellowship (2014), Synergy Collaborative
Honors, USA – RISD, (2016).

Celso C. Ribeiro

Fluminense Federal University

>> Biography


Celso C. Ribeiro is a Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and of the
National Order of the Scientific Merit In Brazil. He is a Full Professor at the
Department of Computer Science of Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil. He
chaired the Departments of Electrical Engineering (1983-1987) and Computer
Science (1993-1995) of the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He was
the Director of the Department of Modernization Programs of the Brazilian
Ministry of Education (2005-2007) and acted as Subsecretary of Education of the
State of Rio de Janeiro (2007–2008). He obtained his doctorate in Computer
Science at Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, France, in 1983
and his Habilitation at Université Paris XIII, France, in 1990. He was a
President of the Brazilian Operations Research Society (1989-1990), a President
of the Latin-American Association of Operations Research Societies (1992-1994),
and a Vice-President of the International Federation of Operational Research
Societies (1998-2000). His research is funded by the Brazilian Council of
Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and by the Rio de Janeiro State
Foundation for Research Support (FAPERJ). He is the editor of six books and the
author of more than 140 papers in international journals and 25 book chapters.
He has supervised 29 doctorate dissertations and 37 master theses. Dr. Ribeiro
is the General Editor of the journal International Transactions in Operational
Research. He is also the coauthor of the book “Optimization by GRASP: Greedy
Randomized Adaptive Search Procedures”, published by Springer in 2016.

Ephraim Suhir

The Portland State University

>> Biography


Ephraim Suhir is on the faculty of the Portland State University, Portland, OR,
USA, Technical University, Vienna, Austria and James Cook University,
Queensland, Australia. He is also CEO of a Small Business Innovative Research
(SBIR) ERS Co. in Los Altos, CA, USA, is Foreign Full Member (Academician) of
the National Academy of Engineering, Ukraine (he was born in that country); Life
Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the Society of Optical
Engineers (SPIE), and the International Microelectronics and Packaging Society
(IMAPS); Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS), the Institute of Physics
(IoP), UK, and the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE); and Associate Fellow of
the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). Ephraim has
authored 450+ publications (patents, technical papers, book chapters, books),
presented numerous keynote and invited talks worldwide, and received many
professional awards, including 1996 Bell Laboratories Distinguished Member of
Technical Staff (DMTS) Award (for developing effective methods for predicting
the reliability of complex structures used in AT&T and Lucent Technologies
products), and 2004 ASME Worcester Read Warner Medal (for outstanding
contributions to the permanent literature of engineering and laying the
foundation of a new discipline “Structural Analysis of Electronic Systems”).
Ephraim is the third “Russian American”, after S. Timoshenko and I. Sikorsky,
who received this prestigious award. His most recent awards are 2019 IEEE
Electronic Packaging Society (EPS) Field award for seminal contributions to
mechanical reliability engineering and modeling of electronic and photonic
packages and systems and 2019 Int. Microelectronic Packaging Society’s (IMAPS)
Lifetime Achievement award for making exceptional, visible, and sustained impact
on the microelectronics packaging industry and technology.

Fumihiko Seta

University of Tokyo

>> Biography


Fumihiko Seta is currently an associate professor of the Department of Urban
Engineering (DUE), School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo. He was born
in 1972 in Tokyo, graduated the University of Tokyo in 1995, and worked at the
University of Tokyo from 1998 to 2005 and Osaka City University from 2005 to
2012. His major is regional and urban planning in Japan and foreign countries
for both growing and depopulating cities and towns. His contribution to
publications include Japan's Population Implosion: The 50 Million Shock (ed.
Yoichi Funabashi, Springer, 2018) and Community Livability Second Edition (ed.
Fritz Wagner and Roger W. Caves, Taylor, and Francis, planned in August 2019).
He is currently a member of some committees to support the central government of
Japan regarding national spatial strategies and national land-use plans in the
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT).

Naoyuki Yoshino

Keio University

>> Biography


Dr. Naoyuki Yoshino is Professor Emeritus at Keio University (Economics), Tokyo,
Japan and was Dean/CEO of the Asian Development Bank Institute
(ADBI)(2014-2020). He served as the Lead-Chair of T20-Japan in 2019. He obtained
his PhD from Johns Hopkins University under supervision of Sir Alan Walters who
was an economic advisor to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of UK. He received
honorary doctorates from University of Goteborg (Sweden) and Matin Luther
University of Halle-Wittenberg (Germany). Dr. Yoshino has been a visiting
scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States) and a
visiting professor at various universities including the University of New South
Wales (Australia), FondationNationale des Sciences Politiques (France), and
University of Gothenburg (Sweden). He has also been an assistant professor at
the State University of New York at Buffalo and an economics professor at Keio
University (1990-2014). Dr. Yoshino's professional career includes membership in
numerous government committees. He has served as Chairperson of the Japanese
Ministry of Finance's Council on Foreign Exchange as well as its Fiscal System
Council (Fiscal Investment and Loan Program Section). Additionally, he has been
a Board Member of the Deposit Insurance Corporation of Japan and President of
the Financial System Council of the Government of Japanand President of Japan
Academic Association of Financial Planning. He was named Director of the Japan
Financial Services Agency's (FSA) Financial Research Center (FSA Institute,
Government of Japan) in 2020and he is also currently an AdjunctProfessor at
GRIPS and visiting Lecturer at University of Tokyo. He is nominated as Top 10
scholars in green finance based on recent publications by Energy Policy in 2021.

Jan Stąsiek

Gdansk University of Technology

>> Biography


Professor Jan A. Stasiek received an undergraduate degree in Engineering Science
from Gdansk University of Technology (GUT), Poland in 1972, followed by a PhD
and DSc in 1975 and 1985 respectively. He went through the academic ranks until
becoming a professor in Mechanical Engineering. He was awarded the professor
title given by President of Poland in 1998 and since 2005 he has been employed
as a Full Professor at GUT. From 2008 to 2016, he was the dean of the Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology. An undeniable
achievement of Prof. J.A. Stasiek is obtaining the second PhD (1992) and
DSc(1995) from City University, London , United Kingdom, which he joined as a
professorial research fellow from 1989 until 1995. He had previously held
visiting fellowships in RWTH Aachen (1986) and University of Munich (1989-DAAD
scholarship) Germany. Throughout his career he has actively researched in the
areas of thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer, energy conversion, flow
visualization and renewable energy resources. He published well over 315 papers
and book chapters and acted as a guest editor on numerous projects. He is a
highly distinguished scientist and internationally recognized expert and member
of various national and international scientific journals boards and committees.
He was an outstanding expert of the European Union Framework Programmers as an
evaluator and reporter. These achievements resulted with his cooperation with
numerous universities and research institutions in various countries as a
Rector's proxy e.g. City University ,Brunel University London, UK; Royal
Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden; University of Genoa, University of
Palermo and University of Rome “La Sapienza” Italy.

Kokusho Takaji

University of Tokyo

>> Biography


Researcher/Manager/Director in Central Research Institute of Electric Power
Industry, Japan 1969-1995 Professor of Civil & Environment Engineering in Chuo
University 1996-2015 Research topics: Dynamic soil properties and their
evaluation Dynamic response of ground Liquefaction of sand/gravelly
fines-containing sands Earthquake-induced slope failure Siting technology of
energy facilities Publications in English Innovative Earthquake Soil Dynamics
(2017): CRC Press, London. Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical
Engineering - from Case History to Practice- edited and written (2009): CRC
Press, London. Earthquake Geotechnical Case Histories for Performance-Based
Design: edited and written (2009): CRC Press, London. plus more than 100
reviewed papers on Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering and Energy

Fabiola Sandoval salas


>> Biography


I have professional training in Philosophical Engineering Graduated with
honorable mention from the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (France)
and Biotechnology Master Degree from CINVESTAV-IPN (Mexico); with 29 years of
experience as a professor and researcher in renowned institutions in the
country. In another side, I am a member of the National Researchers System,
level 1. I have recognition as a Desirable Profile from PRODEP-TecNM. During my
stay in the InstitutoTecnológico Superior de Perote (México), I participated in
the creation of the Investigation area and the opening of 3 research
laboratories.I have coordinated and participated in more than 25 research
projects. I transferred technology for the public and private sector. I have
mentored at least 80 engineering, masters, and doctoral students. I have
published more than 17 research articles in international journals, more than 10
research articles in national journals, 10 books and chapter books. I am a
member of the Nanotechnology Editorial Committee of the Environmental
Engineering Journal and I am the Editor-in-Chief of the REVICYT Journal
(Innovation scientific and technology journal) of the InstitutoTecnológico
Superior de Perote. I received scholarships for research stays in Spain
(Carolina Foundation and the University of Castilla-La Mancha), Canada (Quebéc
Fund for Natural Resources Research), Italy (ICGEB), and Mexico (Secretary of
Foreign Relations and CONACYT). I have participated in oral conferences in
Colombia, Canada, and Mexico in topics as bioenergy production, biomass
transformation, biofuels productions and relationed.

Habibullo I. Abdussamatov

Pulkovo observatory of the RAS

>> Biography


Abdussamatov Habibullo Ismailovich: born October 27, 1940 in Samarkand.
Education: Samarkand State University (1962), faculty of physics and
mathematics; graduate courses in Leningrad State University (1965-1967);
postgraduate course in Pulkovo Observatory of the RAS (1966-1969). He works in
Pulkovo Observatory since 1964: researcher trainee, junior researcher, senior
researcher, leading researcher, and head of the Space Research laboratory. Now –
head of the Space Research Sector of the Sun and head the Lunar Observatory
project on Monitoring of the Climate. He is featured on page 140 of the 2009
U.S. Senate Report of More Than 700 Dissenting Scientists Over Man-Made Global
Warming. The European Scientific Industrial Chamber in 2013 awarded him with a
gold medal and presented a DIPLOMA DI MERITO for exceptional achievements (No.
0188). He is the author of some 200 publications, including four scientific
monographs and Book chapter “The New Little Ice Age has started”, also seven
scientific patents.

Abraham Kribus

Tel Aviv University

>> Biography


Prof. Abraham Kribus has been conducting research the field of energy for 30
years. He received a B.Sc. Summa Cum Laude in Mechanical Engineering from Tel
Aviv University (Israel), and a Ph.D. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
from Cornell University (USA). In 1991 he joined the Weizmann Institute of
Science in Israel and worked on high temperature solar thermal conversion,
including optics, heat transfer and power cycle thermodynamics. He joined the
Faculty of Engineering at Tel Aviv University in 2001. Since then he has been
working on thermal, photovoltaic and thermionic conversion of solar energy, on
thermodynamic and thermo-chemical cycles for power and for production of
alternative fuels, and on energy storage. He has consulted for many energy
companies, co-founded a solar energy startup in Israel, and served as Chief
Technologist at eSolar (USA) during a Sabbatical leave. He also served as
Associate Editor of leading solar energy journals, and as Chairperson of the
Israel Section of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES). Prof. Kribus
has served as head of the Department of Fluid Mechanics, head of the M.Sc.
program in Environmental Studies, and Chair of the Appointments and Tenure
committee at the Faculty of Engineering. He was selected 7 times for excellence
in teaching awards, and 6 times for best paper/presentation at international
conferences. He has authored 88 journal papers, 2 book chapters, 190 conference
papers and abstracts, and 8 patents.

Szpunar Jerzy

University of Saskatchewan

>> Biography


J.A. Szpunar received his PhD and DSc. degrees from Academy of Mining and
Metallurgy in Cracow, Poland. He joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering
at the University of Saskatchewan in August 2009, as Tier I Canada Research
Chair. He came from McGill University where he was Professor of Materials
Science and Birks Chair in Metallurgy. His research interests extend to various
areas of materials related investigations. In particular he has longstanding
interests in deformation and recrystallization processes in metals; in structure
and properties of thin films; in electronic interconnects; in high temperature
oxidation and corrosion; in synergy of wear, erosion and corrosion; in the
applications of X-ray and neutron diffraction techniques to analysis of
structure of grain boundaries and other interfaces; in hydrogen generation and
storage: in intergranular fractures; processing pipeline steels; failure of
industrial materials and special properties of nanocrystalline metals. He has
done pioneering work in several area related to texture investigation, and
proposed neutron diffraction and energy dispersive X-ray diffraction methods of
texture investigation. During last 10 years, Professor Szpunar research is
focused on nuclear fuel and nuclear fuel cladding. He is working mainly on
Accident Tolerant Fuel processing and the simulation of properties and
performance at high temperatures. More recently, his team study problems related
to materials and fuels for Small Modular Reactors SMR. Professor Szpunar has
supervised large number of HQPs, and 60 PhD and 33 MSc graduated under his
supervision. He was a leader of 49 major research projects – mostly materials
related investigations. The results of his research are presented in 1070
research papers including more than 660 journal publications.

Vítězslav Benda

Czech Technical University
Czech Republic

>> Biography


• Vitezslav Benda was born in Dvur Kralove n.L. (Czech Republic) in 1944. • He
graduated at MSc level in Solid State Physics at the Czech Technical University
in Prague in 1967. • From 1967 to 1973 he worked in the R&D department of CKD
Semiconductors. Since 1973, he has been at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering
of the Czech Technical University in Prague, where he was awarded a doctoral
degree in Electrotechnology (PhD) in 1976. From 1983 to 2001 he was Associated
Professor at the Department of Electrotechnology , Czech Technical University in
Prague. Since 2001 he has been a Professor in Materials and Technology for
Electrical and Electronics Engineering at the Department of Electrotechnology of
CTU in Prague, where based in 2010 Laboratory of photovoltaic systems
diagnostics. He specialises in electronic materials and devices, especially in
the physics, technology and diagnostics of power semiconductor devices and in
photovoltaics. He is supervisor of PhD students. He was awarded the Czechoslovak
State Prize for Technology in 1980 and the Merit Award for inventors in 1989. He
also obtained the CTU award for the best prestige publication in the year 2000.
He is author or co-author of 14 textbooks, 19 Czechoslovak patents and more than
100 papers. Prof. Benda is a Fellow of the IET, and serves as Chairman of the
IET Czech Network. He is also a committee member of the Association of
Innovative Entrepreneurship of Czech Republic. He has served as a member (or as
chairman) of the organising or programme committee of several international
conferences and as a referee for conferences and international journals and as a
member of editorial board or a guest editor of international journals. He is
also active in ETIP-PV and ETIP-SNET.

Aissa Boudjella

Tokyo City University

>> Biography


Professor Aissa Boudjella has a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Tokyo City
University, Japan. He has been working with different international institutions
for more than 20 years, teaching, conducting, and developing research in
different topics (Electrical Engineering, Renewable Energy, Applied Mathematics,
Digital Image Processing, Applied Physics, Data Science & Analysis, Machine
Learning, natural language processing, Deep Learning. Gas discharge,
Nanotechnology, Business, etc...). As a visiting professor atthe University
Hospital of Oran (EtablissementHospitalierUniversitaired'Oran-EHUO). He is
leading the research team. His research work focuses on the development of new
computational methodologies using Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence,
Machine learning Applications in Medical Image Analysis to current problems of
different diseasesto diagnostic their status such as Breast
cancer,Covid-19,Vertebral Column, Cerebral Tumor, Alzheimer,Parkinson's disease
( PD), Epilepsy, Diabetes, etc. Many GUI applications have been
developed.Professor atBircham International University since 2014, a member of
the academic Board of distance learning system. He is in charge of designing
programs, evaluating, and supervise student works. He joined the American
University of Afghanistan at the department of information technology and
computer science (2017-2019). He worked at the department of information
technology, Al Khawarizmi international college,Abu Dhabi (2012-2016). He has
served as an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer and Communication
Technology,Tunku Abdul Rahman University,Malaysia(2008-2012). At
EcolePolytechnique, Montreal Canada, as a research associate, his research work
focused on molecular nanodevices (2001-2004). Prior, he was employed by Algerian
public universities for many years: University of sciences & technology,
University of Mostagnem, and University of Chlef/Algeria. Dr. Boudjella is also
a reviewer for many international conferences and journals. He is currently a
committee member of WASET, International Association of Engineers (IAENG),
Malaysia Nanotechnology Association (MNA), International MultiConference of
Engineers and Computer Scientists (IMECS), International Conference on
Electrical Engineering (ICEE), etc... He published several articles.His research
work has appeared on the transaction of the institute of electrical engineers of
japan, Japanese journal of applied physics, International Conference on
Mechatronics and Computational Mechanics, Journal of Power and Energy
Engineering, International Microprocesses, and Nanotechnology Conference/japan,
International Forum on Mechanical and Material Engineering, Advanced Materials
Research Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, Applied Mechanics and Materials
Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland,American Institute of Physics.

Decheng Wan

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

>> Biography


Prof. Decheng Wan received his Ph.D. from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU),
China in 1994. He was promoted to a full professor of SJTU in 2006. He was
selected as a distinguished professor of Shanghai Eastern Scholar in 2008, and a
chair professor of Chang Jiang Scholar of China in 2014, as well as a
distinguished professor of SJTU in 2015. Currently, he is Head of Computational
Marine Hydrodynamics Laboratory (CMHL) at SJTU. His research interest is mainly
on computational marine hydrodynamics, simulation based design for offshore and
polar structures, renewable energy in deep sea, nonlinear wave theory, wave
loads on structures, etc. In these areas, he has published over 530 papers and
carried out more than 30 projects on marine hydrodynamics and computational
hydrodynamics, received many awards, such as Moan-Faltinsen Best Paper, CH Kim
Award, ISOPE Award, etc. He is Board of Directors and Chair of International
Hydrodynamic Committee (IHC) of International Society of Offshore and Polar
Engineering (ISOPE), Member of Advisor Committee of International Towing Tank
Conference (ITTC), Member of Steering Committee of CFD Workshops in Ship
Hydrodynamics, Standing Council Member of Association of Global Chinese
Computational Mechanics, Standing Council Member of International Workshop of
Ship and Ocean Hydrodynamics, etc.

Hugh Ross

Regent University

>> Biography


Hugh Ross education, Bachelor of Science in Physics, University of British
Columbia (1967) Master of Science in Astronomy, University of Toronto (1968) PhD
in Astronomy, University of Toronto (1973) career Research Fellow in Radio
Astronomy, California Institute of Technology (1973-78) Minister of Apologetics,
Sierra Madre Congregational Church, (1976-present) President, Reasons To Believe
(1986-present) Scientist in Residence, College of Arts & Sciences, Regent
University (2017-present) Adjunct Professor, Southern Evangelical Seminary
(2014-present) awards Texas A&M University Trotter Prize (2012) academic debates
the following scientists: Peter Atkins, Jerry Coyne, Paul Davies, Danny
Faulkner, Deborah Haarsma, Eugenie Scott, Michael Shermer, Victor Stenger, Peter
Ward, Lewis Wolpert university lectures at over 200 North American universities
and colleges and at over 50 overseas universities

Amos Bardea

Holon Institute of Technology

>> Biography


Dr. Amos Bardea is a senior lecturer and the head of the undergraduate program
at the Faculty of Engineering in Holon Institute of Technology (HIT). He got in
2000 his Ph.D. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem for his thesis on
developing high-sensitivity electronic sensors. After graduating, Bardea worked
at Intel company for several years as a senior engineer, and led implementation
of advanced technologies of micro and nano processors in manufacturing. Joined
the Department of Chemical Physics at the Weizmann Institute of Science (2007),
he has developed a novel method for nano and molecular patterning by applying
magnetic fields, known as "Magnetolithograpy." This new method has been applied
for developing ultra-sensitive sensors based on Molecular Photonics and other
application such fabrication of micro reactors. In 2011 Dr. Bardea joined to the
Faculty of Engineering at HIT. A pioneer in teaching nanotechnology in higher
education, he developed the first course about this subject in 2005. Since then,
Dr. Bardea has taught graduate students at Bar-Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology
& Advanced Materials (BINA) and at the Faculty of Engineering in HIT. Dr. Bardea
is a member of the board of the Israel Vacuum Society (IVS). He has organized
already five conferences of "Nanotechnology from Academia to Industry" (NTAI)
that build a bridge between Academia and Industry in Nanoscience field.

Takayuki Ichikawa

Hiroshima University

>> Biography


Takayuki Ichikawa was born on April16, 1974 in Okayama, Japan.In 2002, he
obtained Ph.D from Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University in
the field of theoretical physics, then immediately he joined in the School of
Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University as research associate. At
this time, he started the research and development in the field of hydrogen
energy. In 2003, his affiliation was changed to Natural science center for basic
research and development., Hiroshima University. In 2006, he was promoted to
associate professor and also moved to Institute for Advanced Materials Research,
Hiroshima University. Then, in 2015, he was moved to Graduate School of
Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University. In 2017, he was promoted to
Professor and moved to Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University.
Recently in 2020, the organization in Hiroshima university was re-constructed
and then re-named as Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering,
Hiroshima University. His research focuses on solid-state hydrogen storage
materials in metallic and non-metallic states, Li-ion batteries, ammonia storage
materials, and thermo chemical hydrogen production. The number of his
publication is more than 200, and total citation is over 5000.

Jinjia Wei

Xi’an Jiaotong University

>> Biography


Jin-Jia WEI is a professor of Xi’an Jiaotong University and the dean of School
of Chemical Engineering and Technology. He is national coordinator of China in
Task II of Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems (Solar PACES) of
International Energy Agency(IEA) and is also the editorial member of 5
international journals. He got degree of Dr. Eng. from Xi’an Jiaotogn University
in 1998 and PhD from Kyushu University in 2002. His research interests include
two-phase flow and heat transfer, solar thermal and chemical utilization. He
published more than 200 international journal papers and 5 monographs or
chapters, gave more than 20 invited talks in international conferences, got
authorization of 30 national invention patents, and got two first-grade
ministerial or provincial level science and technology awards. He is the winner
of national natural science fund for distinguished scholars.

Eugene A. Katz

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

>> Biography


Eugene A. Katz received his MSc degree (1982) in Semiconductor Materials Science
and Ph. D. (1990) in solid-state physics from the National University of Science
and Technology “MISIS”. In 1995, he joined the Ben-Gurion University of the
Negev and has been working in the Department for Solar Energy and Environmental
Physics ever since (now as a full professor). His research interests include a
wide range of photovoltaic materials and devices, such as organic and
perovskite-based photovoltaics, concentrator solar cells operated at ultra-high
solar concentration (up to 10,000 suns), etc. He has published about 140
peer-reviewed papers on these topics (including those in Nature Energy, Advanced
Materials, Energy & Environmental Science, etc). In 2018 Prof. Katz was awarded
the IAAM Medal (by the International Association of Advanced Materials) for the
outstanding research in the field of New Energy Materials & Technology.

Tetsuya Hiraishi

Kyoto University

>> Biography


Tetsuya Hiraishi is a professor of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute,
Kyoto University, Japan. His majors are the coastal engineering, especially the
transformation of sea waves in a shallow water area, the wave overtopping on
seawalls, the infra-gravity long wave phenomena, the tsunami hazard mitigation
and the storm surge prevention. His laboratory is located in the south part of
Kyoto City (World Heritage) and it has a large tsunami basin 4m wide and 44m
long. Hiraishi is a good operator of generator and has carried out many large
size experiments concerning to tsunami. He started his career as a researcher at
a governmental institute (the Port and Airport Research Institute) in 1982. For
about 25 years, he engaged in the wave experimental and numerical modeling.
During his working date, he studied in the National Research Council, Canada to
test the directional random waves. He obtained Dr. Degree from Kyoto University
by “the Application of Directional Random Waves” after coming back to Japan. He
moved to the present position in 2010.


Head of the Chair Renault-CN on EV / HEV

>> Biography


Prof. Malek GHANES is currently the director of the Chair on Electric Vehicle
(EV) and Hybrid EV (HEV) performances between Renault and Centrale Nantes (CN)
where several patents were published, mainly related to torque monitoring and
sensorless control as well as battery and series HEV energy management.
Integrating process of developed techniques is in progress on EV/HEV. In the
framework of this Chair, he is the coordinator of the first program on electric
vehicle propulsion and its control (E-PiCo) in Europe
(https://master-epico.ec-nantes.fr/). This program was accredited and supported
in 2019 by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, label of excellence.
Since 2020, Prof. Malek GHANES is the co-head of the LS2N Control team
(https://www.ls2n.fr/membresequipe/commande/?lang=en). From September 2006 to
April 2016 he has been with ECS-Lab, Quartz, ENSEA, where he was an Associate
Professor and the Head of the Department of Automatic and Electrical
Engineering. He received the M.Sc. degree and Ph.D. in applied automatic and
informatics both from IRCCyN (now LS2N), CN, in 2002 and 2005, respectively.
From sept. 2005 to sept. 2006, he was a Postdoctoral position at GReyC. In
2000-2001, he received the engineer’s and magister degrees in control systems
from UMMTO. His research interests include observation and control of nonlinear
systems, with applications mainly to electric systems. Prof. Malek GHANES was
recipient of the Best Paper Award 2014
(http://www.ifac-control.org/awards/journal-awards) from the Journal of Control
Engineering Practice (CEP) and the Applied Research Award 2015
from the Federation of Electronic, Electrical and Communications Industries
(FIEEC). He has published several journals, conferences and patents. He served
as Associate Editor for the CEP journal from 2012 to 2020 and his now an
associate editor of Energies (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/wevj/editors) and
World Electric Vehicle (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/wevj/editors) journals.

Marceliano Oliveira

UEA Amazon State University

>> Biography


Graduate and Master Degree in Physics UFMT Brazil. Doctor Degree in Physics UFC
Brazil with research on Computational Physics and Petroleum Reservoir Simulation
at LSN Lab which was supported by PETROBRAS. Act as Professor at UEA Amazon
State University, Parintins, Amazon since 2012 to present days. Their research
includes Computational Physics Simulations and Applied Physics for New
Technologies. 2015 Samuel Benchimol Prize Laureate, 1st Place on Category
Supporting Regional Development with project Producing Electricity Using
Concentrated Solar Power Energy CSP. Actually studying alternative Large Scale
Concentrated Solar Power fields with Fresnel Lens and Solar Energy Applications.

Meir Teitel

ARO Volcani Center

>> Biography


Meir Teitel is a Senior Scientist in the Department of Sensing, Information, and
Mechanization Engineeringin the Institute of Agricultural Engineering of the
Agricultural Research Center (Volcani Center). He was head of the department
during the years 2018 – 2021. He graduated from the Faculty of Engineering of
Tel Aviv University and obtained M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical
Engineering. He has been involved in various aspects of Agricultural Engineering
research for nearly 30 years in work related to greenhouse/screen house
microclimate using experimental and numerical techniques. His research interests
include greenhouse management and control (ventilation, heating, CO2 enrichment,
shading, structure); Energy in agriculture; Computer controlled data acquisition
and instrumentation; Fluid mechanics and heat transfer in agriculture. He has
published over 110 papers in reviewed journals and conference proceedings and
presented his studies in many international conferences. He has often been
invited as a speaker in professional and international meetings. He has actively
participated in international and national research projects; he is a member of
scientific organizations and relevant societies and a reviewer of international
journals in agricultural and environmental engineering. He teaches graduate and
undergraduate courses on greenhouse technologies in the Robert H. Smith Faculty
of Agriculture, Food and Environment of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. From
2021 he is an associate editor of Biosystems Engineering journal (Elsevier).

Rakesh Agrawal

Purdue University

>> Biography


Rakesh Agrawal is the Winthrop E. Stone Distinguished Professor in the Davidson
School of Chemical Engineering at Purdue University. Before joining Purdue in
2004, Agrawal had a fruitful and productive carrier at Air Products and
Chemicals rising to its highest technical position of Air Products Fellow. He
received a B. Tech. from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, and an
M.Ch.E. From the University of Delaware and an Sc.D. in chemical engineering
from MIT. His research includes novel processes for the fabrication of low-cost
thin-film solar cells, energy systems analysis, shale gas processing, biomass to
liquid fuel conversion, synthesis of efficient multicomponent separation
processes using distillation, membranes and adsorption, and basic and applied
research in gas separations and liquefaction. Agrawal has published 235
technical papers and has given 263 invited lectures. He holds 126 U.S. and more
than 500 foreign patents. These patents are used in over one hundred chemical
plants with total capital expenditure in multibillion dollars. He has served on
technology and engineering advisory boards of a number of companies. Agrawal has
received dozens of awards and honors, including Purdue’s Philip C. Wankat
Graduate Teaching Award, Shreve Award for excellence in undergraduate teaching,
and the Morrill Award for excellence in research, teaching and service. From the
AIChE he has received Gerhold award in separations, the Institute Award for
Excellence in Industrial Gases Technology, the Chemical Engineering Practice
Award, Alpha Chi Sigma and the Founders Award. He received Award in Separations
Science and Technology from the ACS. He delivered Peter V. Danckwerts Lecture at
the 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering. He is a member of the U.S.
National Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and
Sciences, a Fellow of the US National Academy of Inventors and a Fellow of the
Indian National Academy of Engineering. Agrawal received the National Medal of
Technology and Innovation from President Obama in 2011.

El-Sayed Salama

Lanzhou University

>> Biography


Dr. El-Sayed Salama earned both his MSc and PhD degrees in “Earth Resources and
Environmental Engineering” from Hanyang University (HYU), South Korea. He
accomplished an experience of ~3-years as a Post-Doctoral Researcher and
Assistant Professor under the BK21 plus program funded by the Korean government
in HYU. Currently, Dr. Salama is workingas Professor under the “High-Level
Foreign Talents” Program, at the Department of Occupational & Environmental
Health, School of Public Health, Lanzhou University (LZU), China. Recently, he
isalso appointed as “Distinguished Expert of Science and Technology in the
Ecological Industry” of Gansu Province, China. Dr. Salama is head of Green
Environmental and Energy Laboratory (GEEL) in LZU, leading a research group of
12 (PhD & MS) students, and is PI of 2-national and international research
projects. Dr. Salama has potential contributions to the scientific society
through 56-SCI papers in internationally reputed journals with an average impact
factor (IF)of 6.5 and 20H-index. Dr. Salama published his research work in
high-level journals such as “Progress in Energy and Combustion Science
(IF=30.711)”, “Trends in Plant Science (IF=14.416)”, Trends in Microbiology
(IF=13.546), and “Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (IF=12.110)”.His work
is cited more than 1400 times in the peer-review press, with a total IF of more
than 350 (H-index of 20). He registered 5-Korean patents and 1-USA patent. He
was awarded 2-times from “Korean Society of Environmental Engineering” and
“Korean Society for New and Renewable Energy”. Based on “WOS”, two of his
publications were recognized as High Cited Papers (HCP). Dr. Salama has
delivered over 40 invited talks to various national and international forums
such as the American Chemical Society (ACS), International Conference on
Alternative Fuels and Energy (ICAFE), International Conference on Environment
and Natural Science (ICENS), International Conference on Contaminated Land,
Ecological Assessment and Remediation (CLEAR), and International Conference on
Biological, Chemical and Environmental Sciences (ICBCES). He is appointed as
“International Technical Committee Member” for International Conference on
“Environmental Ecology, Animal Physiology, and Health Science” (EEAPHS). Dr.
Salama is currently serving as Chief-in-Editor of “BioEnvironmental Science and
Engineering (GS Indexed)” and Editor of “Geosystem Engineering (Taylor &
Francis)”, Editorial board member of “World Journal of Microbiology and
Biotechnology (Springer)”, and “Annals of Bioremediation and Biodegradation” and
the (guest) Editor members of “Frontiers in Microbiology (Frontiers)” and
“Energies (MDPI)”.

Shuji Owada

Waseda University

>> Biography


Born in 1956. He got a Doctor of Engineering from Waseda University in 1984.
After being a research associate, lecturer, associate professor, he became a
professor of Waseda University in 1995. In the university he was assigned to the
posts of Director of Research Collaboration and Promotion Center, Associate
Director of Environmental Research Institute, and Vice-Dean of School of Science
and Engineeringtwice. Outside the university, he experienced many roles in
academic institutes, such as President of the Mining and Materials Processing
Institute of Japan (MMIJ), President of the Resources Processing Society (RPSJ)
of Japan, and many governmental committee members in the field of recycling and
environmental science and engineering. He is also visiting professors of Univ.
Tokyo, Tohoku Univ. and Akita Univ. He has held many key positions in government
agencies, including the chair of the Councils. His present research interest is
in (1)Liberation analysis of natural (mineral) and artificial (waste) resources,
(2)Development of new comminution process to improve liberation among
compositional elements, and (3)Application of solid phase separation
technologies to waste materials, e.g. E-waste, scrap automobiles, and other
metal bearing scrap materials.

Issa Walid

Sheffield Hallam University

>> Biography


Walid Issa received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from
Islamic University of Gaza (IUG), Palestine, in 2007 and 2011, respectively; and
his PhD in Renewable Energy from University of Exeter, United Kingdom in 2015.
He is currently working as Assistant Professor at Sheffield Hallam University
(SHU), UK. His main research interests include power electronics, power
converters control and energy systems within microgrids and smart buildings. He
worked at University of Exeter as a postdoc for two years leading a funded EPSRC
project (RESCUES) with Indian partners. He got several internal grants for power
electronics converters development and worked with industry and European
companies for EV projects. He is a reviewer for several IEEE Transactions and
Elsevier journals and is EPSRC Associate College Members.

Zhe Wang

Dalian Maritime University

>> Biography


Prof. Zhe Wang, PhD, Associate Professor of Marine Engineering in Dalian
Maritime University (DMU). He successively conducted doctoral and post-doctoral
research in the School of Engineering, Lund University, Sweden, and the Energy
Research Institute, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. At present, he
is mainly engaged in design and optimization of renewable energy systems and
equipment for marine vessels, multi-energy flow collaboration technology in
complex energy systems, energy conservation issues in low carbon/zero carbon
fuel acquisition, refueling, storage and transportation, and the use of cold,
hot and power, as well as system-to-equipment digital twin simulation methods
and intelligent control technologies. In recent years, more than 50 peer
reviewed papers have been published in international journals in related fields,
and more than 10 patents have been applied/approved.Has been invited to serve as
a reviewer and speaker at several Journal(Energ. Rev., Energy, Appl. Energy,
Energ. Convers. Manage). and international conferences.Up to now, he has
presided over and participated in more than 10 projects of the National Natural
Science Foundation of China, key research and development programs, the 13th
Five-Year National Science and Technology Support Plan, and
industry-university-research projects.

Andre Felipe Simoes

University of São Paulo

>> Biography


Associate Professor at the University of São Paulo – USP, Brazil. Graduated in
Metallurgical Engineering, Master’s degree in Metallurgical Engineering with
emphasis in Materials Science, Doctorate in Energy Planning and Post doctorate
in Energy Systems Planning from the State University of Campinas – UNICAMP.
Prof. André Simões teaches at the Bachelor Course in Environmental Management at
the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities of the University of São Paulo –
EACH/USP. Also acts as Prof. Dr. in three postgraduate Program of USP: (1)
Energy at the Institute of Energy and Environment – IEE/USP, (2) Social Change
and Political Participation at EACH / USP, and (3) Sustainability at EACH/USP.
Until now, he has published 35 scientific manuscripts in national or
international journals, 4 books and 8 book chapters. He has supervised, so far,
7 master's dissertations and 4 doctoral theses, in addition to more than 20
undergraduate studies at UFRJ, UNICAMP and, mainly, USP (all of them
successfully defended). Prof. Simões, usually, acts as official member of the
Brazilian Delegation in the Conferences of the Parties (COP) of the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), advising, by the
scientific perspective, the Brazilian and G77+China diplomats on the climate
international negotiations. Due to his expertise in 29 research and consulting
projects, has experience in the area of Energy and Environmental Planning.
Reviewer of the 5th IPCC Assessment Report (AR5). Reviewer of the journals
"Climate and Development", "Regional Environmental Change" and "Journal of
Environmental Management". In April 2015, Prof. André Simões won the Vale-CAPES
Science and Sustainability Award. During COP 23, held in Bonn, Germany, in 2017,
he gave a lecture at an official event supported by the United Nations. During
COP 24, held in Katowice, Poland, in 2018, gave a lecture focused on the theme
"Generation and consumption of energy in Brazil in the context of mitigation of
climate change" in the context of an official event organized by the Brazilian
Government and under the UNFCCC seal. Reviewer of the IPCC 6AR (current action).
He is the current President of the Institute of Anthropology and Environment –
IAMÁ –, an NGO that influenced public environmental and human rights policies in
Brazil in the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s, and was awarded internationally, by
UNESCO, in 1998.

Prativa Mahato

Concordia University

>> Biography


Education: MASc, Civil (Environmental) Engineering, Concordia University, Canada
2020. Bachelors in Technology, (Civil Engineering), Punjab Technical University
2015. Work Experience: Research Assistant, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,
Sherbrooke, Canada (2019-2020) Project Assistant, Indian Institute of
Technology, Varanasi, India (2017-2018). Research Interests: Anaerobic
Digestion, Biogas/ RNG production, Organic waste, and animal manure management,
Wastewater treatment, Membranes.

Manoel Henrique da Nóbrega Marinho

University of Pernambuco

>> Biography


Graduated in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Paraíba UFPB
(1999), Campus Campina Grande, currently transformed into the Federal University
of Campina Grande - UFCG, Master in Civil Engineering from the State University
of Campinas - UNICAMP (2002) and PhD in Electrical Engineering from State
University of Campinas - UNICAMP (2005). He is currently linked to the faculty
of the Polytechnic School of the University of Pernambuco, assigned to the Basic
Engineering Course and Permanent Professor in the Systems Engineering Graduate
Program (PPGES). He works as a researcher in research & development projects and
in addition to teaching and extension activities in the areas: probability,
statistics, stochastic processes, water resources, time series forecasting, Box
and Jenkins models, artificial neural networks, renewable energies and energy
planning. He works as a teacher in post-graduate courses (lato sensu) at POLI /
UPE: Specialization in Construction and Assembly Engineering, Quality /
Productivity Management and Automotive Engineering. He is currently coordinator
and professor of the Specialization Course in Reliability Engineering, in the
area of Life Data Analysis, Repairable Systems and Extreme Conditions of Use.

Roberto Fernandez Martinez

University of Basque Country

>> Biography


Roberto Fernandez Martinez is a professor at Department of Electrical
Engineering at the University of Basque Country, Spain. Previously he served as
PhD researcher at University of La Rioja at the Department of Industrial
Engineering and after that as a postdoctoral researcher at University of Basque
Country. Among others, one of his research areas is related with the use of data
mining and wireless sensor networks in industrial, electrical and environmental
scenarios, topic on which he wrote his doctoral thesis in 2012. This primary
research goal is directed toward getting knowledge from large data bases related
with industrial, electrical and environmental processes. Beyond my research
successes (including more than 50 journal papers and 70 international
conferences), he has been fortunate to obtain a wide range of research and
teaching experiences. He was awarded scholarships throughout his academic life,
and also awarded as best PhD dissertation of University of La Rioja 2012, and in
some conferences and for his work in his research group too. Previously, he also
was working as computer network, systems, and database administrator in a
Spanish company for 7 years.

Edgard Gonzales Zenteno

National University of San Agustín of Arequipa

>> Biography


Degrees - Geophysical Engineer (UNSA) - Master in Mining and Environment (UNI).
- Doctorate in Industrial Engineering, (UNSA) - Doctoris Philosophiae (Phd) in
Water Resources (candidate to obtain the degree); University National Agrarian
La Molina - 2nd specialty in Hydrogeology; UNSA - 2nd specialty in Risk
Management; UNSA - 2nd specialty in Project Formulation and evaluation; UNSA
Specializations in Geosciences: ⁻ University of Geological Survey; Kansas, USA ⁻
Advanced Geosciences Inc. Texas, USA ⁻ Colorado School of Mines, Denver,
Colorado, USA ⁻ Iris Instruments, Orléans, France ⁻ International Training
Course on Seismology, GeoForschungsZentrum, GFZ, Germany ⁻ Courses and
Congresses; Spain, Italy, China, Tailandia, Vietnam, Russia, Canada, Germany,
Colombia, Canary Islands, Chile, - Researcher qualified as a CONCYTEC
Researcher, Renacyt Code: P0011380

Yupeng Wang

Xi’an Jiaotong University

>> Biography


Professor Yupeng Wang is a full professor and the assistant dean of the School
of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering in Xi’an Jiaotong University,
China.He obtained hisMaster and Ph.D. (2012) degree from the Faculty of
Environmental Engineering, the University of Kitakyushu, Japan. Then he joined
the Heat Island Group in Concordia University, Canada, for sustainable urban
planning from 2012 to 2016, funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Council of Canada. He obtained a post-doctoral position in the period between
2013 and 2014 at Peking University, China, and carried out urban environmental
study under the background of high speed developed Chinese cities. In 2016 he
joined the School of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering in Xi’an Jiaotong
University, started to conduct researches on urban climate information mapping
and environmental urban typology evaluation. Professor Yupeng Wang have received
a “Hundred Talents Project” of Shaanxi Province, China in 2017, “Person of the
Year” from Scientific Chinese magazine in 2018, “AIUE-O Prize” from Asia
Institute of Urban Environment in 2019, and “The ISBE Award of Excellence Young
Scholar” from the International Society of the Built Environment in 2020.

Umara Noreen

Prince Sultan University Riyadh
Saudi Arabia

>> Biography


Umara Noreen is working as an Assistant Professor at Finance Department, Prince
Sultan University Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. She completed her PhD from Foundation
University Islamabad, Pakistan in 2010. Her area of specialization is finance.
She has an extensive teaching experience of 22 years at undergraduate, graduate
and post graduate levels. She has 24 refereed and indexed Journal publications,
15 conference proceedings and a published book to her credit. She is a
professional ISO certified trainer for the USAID program, with Asia Foundation,
Islamabad Pakistan. She has also developed training manual for non-profit
organizations under The Asia Foundation USAID project at CIIT. She has delivered
five rounds of trainings to executives and senior level management of under this
program. She has delivered a training program to the executives of Riyadh Bank,
Saudi Arabia and training under Elite Monsha’t PSU program to entrepreneurs held
at Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia.

Mahmood Shafiee

University of Kent

>> Biography


Dr Mahmoud Shafiee (PhD, CEng, MIMechE, MIET, MIMA, FHEA, PGCHE) is the Deputy
Head of School of Engineering, Head of Mechanical Engineering Group, and
Programme Lead and Reader in Mechanical Engineering at University of Kent in
Canterbury, United Kingdom. Dr Shafiee as had several managerial and research
positions, including: Head of Research Group, Master’s Course Director, Research
Scientist, Senior Research Fellow, Research Associate, Visiting Researcher, etc.
at very prestigious universities in the world. He has led several government and
industry funded research projects within different industry sectors, and worked
with a number of academic and industry partners worldwide. He has also
supervised over 100 PhD and Master students through to completion of their
studies. Dr Shafiee sits on the Energy Committee in the European Safety and
Reliability Association (ESRA) and is a Committee Member of the Institution of
Mechanical Engineers (IMechE). He is also an active member of professional
societies, consortia, and volunteer organisations such as the Renewable UK and

Evgeny Blokhin

Tilde Materials Informatics

>> Biography


MSc in quantum chemistry from St. Petersburg State University, Russia, PhD in
electrochemistry from Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Germany,
lead software developer of the materials design databases in Fritz Haber
Institute and Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany, an experienced scientific
entrepreneur, founder of the young scientific startup Tilde MI, Germany and UAE,
director of the curated materials data provider company MPDS (project Pauling

Koji Enoki

University of Electro-Communications

>> Biography


Prof. Dr. Koji Enoki is an Associate Professor at The University of
Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan. He received his Ph.D. from Kyushu
University in 2013. His research is mainly focused on the characteristics of
vapor-liquid two-phase flow in circular and non-circular mini channels. He
clarified the effects of channel shape (circular, rectangular, and triangular)
and flow direction (vertical and horizontal) on the flow boiling heat transfer,
flow regime, and pressure drop in mini channels. His efforts were recognized
with the JSRAE Science Award (2014) and other awards.

Fushuan Wen

Tianjin University

>> Biography


Professor Fushuan Wen received the B.E. and M.E. degrees from Tianjin
University, Tianjin, China, in 1985 and 1988, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree
from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in 1991, all in electrical
engineering. He joined the faculty of Zhejiang University in 1991, and has been
a full professor and the director of the Institute of Power Economics and
Information since 1997, and the director of Zhejiang University-Insigma Joint
Research Center for Smart Grids since 2010. He is now a Professor in Energy
Systems at Tallinn University of Technology, taking leaves from Zhejiang
University. He has been undertaking various teaching, research and visiting
appointments in National University of Singapore (NSTB Postdoctoral Fellow,
Research Fellow), Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Research Fellow, Visiting
Assistant Professor), University of Hong Kong (Research Assistant Professor),
South China University of Technology (University Distinguished Professor),
University of New South Wales in Australia (ARC Project Senior Fellow, Senior
Visiting Fellow), Queensland University of Technology in Australia (CSIRO and
ARC Project Visiting Fellow), Brunei University of Technology (Professor in
Power Systems), Technical University of Denmark (Otto Monsted Guest Professor in
Power Systems), Nanyang Technological University in Singapore (Visiting Fellow),
Murdoch University in Australia (Adjunct Professor), Hangzhou Dianzi University
in China (Yusheng XUE Education Foundation Distinguished Professor),
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) in
Australia (Honorary Visiting Scientist), Shenzhen Institute of Artificial
Intelligence and Robotics for Society (Visiting Principal Research Fellow). His
research interests include: 1) power economics and electricity markets; 2) power
system investment, planning and operation optimization; 3) smart grids and
electric vehicles; 4) power system alarm processing, fault diagnosis and system
restoration; 5) artificial intelligence applications in power and integrated
energy systems. He has published 200+ SCI-indexed papers, 610+ EI-indexed
papers, and 710+ Scopus-indexed papers. His publications have been cited for
15400+ times. He has completed and is undertaking more than 170 grants and
projects from governmental organizations and industry. Prof Wen received many
awards both at the national level and provincial level, including the most
prestigious National Natural Science Award of China. He has been listed in "Most
Cited Chinese Researchers" in six consecutive years since 2015 by Elsevier, and
is the author of one of the China's 100 Most Influential Domestic Academic
Papers in 2016. Prof Wen is the editor-in-chief of Energy Conversion and
Economics (IET, Wiley), the deputy editor-in-chief of Journal of Automation of
Electric Power Systems, an editor of IEEE Transactions on Power Systems and IEEE
Power Engineering Letters, a subject editor in power system economics of IET
Generation, Transmission and Distribution, associate editor of Journal of Energy
Engineering and Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy. He is also on
the editorial boards of more than 10 journals.

Nataly Carolina Rosero-Navarro

Hokkaido University

>> Biography


Dr. Nataly Carolina Rosero-Navarro is currently an Assistant Professor at the
Division of Applied Chemistry, Hokkaido University, Japan. Her predoctoral
studies were developed under the guidance of Prof. Alicia Durán and Dr. Mario
Aparicio at the Institute of Ceramic and Glass, Spain. She designed and
developed hybrid and inorganic coatings with unique corrosion inhibition,
bioactive and chemical-resistance properties by solution process providing
significant knowledge in the area of ecofriendly sol-gel coatings and multilayer
systems. She got Doctor in Chemistry from Autonomous University of Madrid,
Spain, in 2011. She extended her knowledge, through 2 postdoctoral positions at
the University of Aveiro (Portugal) and Hokkaido University in collaboration
with Dr. Filipe Figueiredo and Prof. Kiyoharu Tadanaga, respectively. She has
implemented novel soft chemical routes to prepare protonic hybrid membranes,
sulfide and oxide solid electrolytes, materials for electrode/electrolyte
interfaces and composites electrodes for all-solid-state batteries and,
electrocatalysts for fuel cells and metal-air batteries providing new insights
and concepts for the improvement of energy generation and storages. Her includes
the design and synthesis of functional materials, inorganic and hybrid
materials, for the next “green” energy generation and storage that allow cleaner
and more sustainable technologies.

Avi Niv

Ben-Gurion University

>> Biography


Dr. Niv Recieved his Ph.D. from the Technion (Israel) in 2008. Since 2014 he is
an Associate Professor at the Institute for Energy and Environmental Physics of
the Ben-Gurion University (Israel). Avi Niv specializes in Solar cell optics,
thermodynamics of radiative systems, and nano and nonlinear optics.

Fredy S. Monge-Rodríguez

National University of San Antonio Abad of Cusco

>> Biography


Dr.Fredy S. Monge-Rodríguez, is professor in the National University San Antonio
Abad del Cusco.He is editor-in-chief of the journal Environment, Behaviour and
Society. He has won the award as a Researcher in Psychology in 2017, by the
College of Psychologists in Peru.He has been a visiting researcher in the
Department of Geography at the University of Leeds and the University of Hull in
UK. Holds a PhD in Psychology from the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, a
European Master's Degree in Research Designs and Applications in Psychology and
Health from the University of Granada - Spain and a Master's Degree in Clinical
Psychology from the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. He has specialised
courses in Climate Change at the University of Exeter (United Kingdom), in
qualitative methodology at the University of Zurich (Switzerland), in research
methods and scientific writing at the University of Zurich (Switzerland), and in
ethics and scientific publication at the Peru-Belgium agreement. He is a member
of the American Psychological Association (APA), member of the Interamerican
Society of Psychology (SIP). He leads a research team on perceptions of
deglaciation and climate change. Recently participated in projects on energy and
water conservation. He has published several scientific articles in JCR journals
(Journal Citation Report), and has participated in more than a hundred
conferences as a speaker and lecturer, is the author of two book projects in his

Paula Llanquileo Melgarejo

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

>> Biography


Paula Llanquileo-Melgarejo is Dra. In Engineering Sciences, Civil Engineering
area of the Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering of the
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She is a Chemical Engineer, and her
beginnings as a professional were in the agricultural, cosmetic and renewable
energy industries, participating in production and management processes. In
2017, she entered the Doctorate program at Pontificia Universidad Católica de
Chile, where her objective was to contribute with solutions applicable to the
industry and academic. Her research and work interests include waste management,
circular economy, evaluation of technical-economic projects of an environmental
nature, renewable energies, chemical processes and projects in the cosmetic,
agricultural and food industries. Moreover, she has presented her research on
Waste Management at conferences in Chile, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain. She and
she maintains a constant collaboration with mainly Italian and Spanish
researchers. She also collaborated in the Climate Change Challenges project
organized by the University of Otago (2020), New Zealand, and Romanian
researchers in Waste Management in rural populations, focusing on Latin America.
She is active as a peer reviewer for related environmental journals and wants to
continue contributing where needed, constantly applying science to the real
problems we are currently experiencing worldwide.


Autonomous University of Baja California

>> Biography


MARÍA ISABEL ESCOBOSA GARCÍA, DR Professor at the Institute of Agricultural


Xi’an Jiaotong University

>> Biography


Dr. Chen Bin is a full professor and vice director in State Key Laboratory of
Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University. He received his
Ph.D in 2002 from Xi’an Jiaotong University, China. Thereafter, he worked as
Postdoctoral Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science from
2002 to 2004. For more than two decades, Prof. Chen has devoted his efforts to
the research in multiphase flow and thermal-physics in high-efficient
utilization andconversion of fossil energy and mass production of renewable
energy. He has published over 90 peer-reviewed international journal papers and
more than 20 keynote lectures. Owing to his achievements, He was awarded as New
Century Excellent Talents in University (2007) and National outstanding leading
scientist of China (2018).

Evangelos Kordatos

Sheffield Hallam University

>> Biography


Dr Evangelos Kordatos graduated with an MEng degree in Materials Science and
Engineering from the University of Ioannina, Greece, in 2008. He received his
MSc in Chemistry and Materials Technology and his PhD in Materials Engineering
from the University of Ioannina in 2013. Upon the completion of his PhD, he
became a Postdoctoral research associate at the Texas A&M University, Texas
(USA), working on Non-Destructive assessment of aerospace materials, shape
memory alloys (SMAs). Evangelos joined Sheffield Hallam University in 2013 as a
Lecturer in Materials Engineering and became a Senior Lecturer in 2016.
Evangelos is the Course Leader for the BEng and MEng Materials Engineering
courses at Sheffield Hallam University, UKand he led the MEng Materials
Engineering course successful accreditation by the Institute of Materials,
Minerals and Mining (IOM3).Evangelos’ research is focused on the study of the
mechanical and thermal behaviour of advanced materials, such as Metal Matrix
Composites (MMCs), Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs), Carbon Fibre Reinforced
Polymers (CFRPs), Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs), smart materials, etc. He has
worked extensively on the non-destructive monitoring of materials behaviour
developing advanced NDE (Non-Destructive Evaluation) methodologies based on
Infrared Thermography, Acoustic Emission and Ultrasounds. He ismember of the
International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) and The Institute of
Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3). He is also a Fellow of the Higher
Education Academy.

Tony Green

Speaking Green Communications

>> Biography


Clean-tech and Sustainability educator/professional, Tony Green is known as a
voice of sustainability and the adoption of alternative energy technologies.
Using his 20+ years of experience in high-tech and clean-tech as an engineer and
later in sales and marketing and teaching allow him to speak “engineer” as well
as “people” while explaining complicated topics in easy-to-understand
terminology. Tony’s education includes a Bachelor of Science in Chemical
Engineering from the University of Delaware as well as an M.B.A. with a focus on
Technology Management for the University of Phoenix.

Tomoo Nakai

Miyagi Prefectural Government

>> Biography


Tomoo Nakai received a Ph.D degree in electrical engineering from Tohoku
University in 2005, and presently a general researcher of electrical and
information technology department of Industrial Technology Institute, Miyagi
Prefectural Government. He has worked on magnetic sensor, sensor network, energy
harvesting, and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) technology. The Magnetic
Society of Japan, The Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers, The Japanese
Society of Non-Destructive Inspection, and IEEE member.

Florian Huchet

Gustave Eiffel University

>> Biography


F. Huchet is researcher from the French Ministry for an Ecological Transition.
After a doctoral and post-doctoral training at French National Center for
Scientific Research, he was recruited in 2008 at the French Central Laboratory
of Roads and Bridges. He has coordinated and participated to several national
and international research programs in the fields of energy intensification and
sustainable processes. Its activities are devoted to the development of modeling
tools to characterize momentum, heat and mass transfer in a complex systems for
construction and building materials purposes.

Sumaya Yusuf Hasan

Arabian Gulf University

>> Biography


Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering, College of Graduate Studies,
Department of Natural Resources and Environment. Ph.D.& MPhil.in Engineering
specializing in Environmental Engineering and Sustainability, WMG, University of
Warwick, UK, MSc. in Environmental Management from AGU in 2011. High Diploma &
PGCin Bio-system Sustainability as a Japanese Government fellow, Hokkaido
University, Sapporo, Japan. BSc. in Biology, University of Bahrain Winner of
Venus International Women Award 2021 (Outstanding Woman Achiever in
Environmental Engineering and Sustainability), Venus International Women Award
2016(Outstanding Women Achiever). ECO-MENA role model for Arab Women who made
typical contributions in the field of Waste Management in their countries.
Laureate of LO’REAL-UNESCO Pan-Arab Regional Fellowship Award “For Women in
Science 2013. Brand AmbassadorofABC and SEWA 2018, UAE. Member in EUROMA &
EIASM, UN-ESCWA expert group. Speaker in local, regional and international
Conferences.Volunteer in environmental events. Published scientific papers and
book chapters on waste management, waste-to-energy technologies, bioenergy,
public awareness, socio-economic analysis. Founder and coordinator of
Professional Certificate of Waste Management program. Contribute in many
regional environmental projects. Editorial board member in open access journal
“Advances in Earth and Environmental Science”. Active reviewer of high impact
“ENERGY” journal by Elsevier. Recently classified as one of the top 3 most
influential women in science and technology in 2020 in the Arab World by Women’s
News Agency.

Ren Jianwei

University of Johannesburg
South Africa

>> Biography


Jianwei Renis currently working at University of Johannesburg as a 4IR Professor
and deputy director of a newly launched ‘International Centre for Atomic Layer
Deposition (ALD) and Advanced Nanotechnology’.His expertise is in the field of
materials science, renewable energy, system integration, and particularly,
automatic measurement & control. He has over 20 years’ experience in his
profession, and devoteshimself to South African science society. He is the
registered professional member of South African Council for Natural Scientific
Professions (SACNSP), the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA), the
International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), the Royal Society of Chemistry
(RSC), and has also rated by the South African National Research Foundation
(NRF) as an Established Researcher. He serves as the panel member for ECSA, NRF,
the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAF), the National Business Initiative
(NBI) and the South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement
(SAASTA). He severs as the reviewer for over 50 high-level international
journals. He has been supervising post-graduates regularly. He often meets with
industries to seek the way forward to market, industrial applications and public
services. He has published 70 journal articles, 40 conference proceedings, 2
patents, 5 book chapters and also presented in over 60 international and local
conferences. He is the international advisory board member of the Journal of
Arts Science and Technology. He was appointed as an adjunct professor at Vellore
Institute of Technology (VIT), India in 2019. Non-scientific interests include
sports, history and travel.

Nikolaos Farantouris

University of Piraeus

>> Biography


Dr. Nikolaos E. Farantouris is Jean Monnet Professor in Competition, Energy &
Transport at the International & European Studies Department, University of
Piraeus, Greece. He studied law at the University of Athens and completed a
Master’s degree (MJur) in European and Comparative Law and a Doctorate (DPhil)
in European Law, both at the University of Oxford. His work focuses on EU
business law, competition law including state aids, energy law and regulation,
shipping law, environmental protection and international trade law. He has
published 10 monographs, textbooks and edited volumes and more than 50 papers in
scientific legal journals and periodical editions including European Competition
Law Review (ECLR), Revue du Marché Commun et de l’Union européenne (RMCUE),
Revue de l’Energie, Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law,
Revue des Affaires Européennes (RAE), European State Aid Law Quarterly (EStAL).
He has held posts as adjunct professor, research associate or visiting professor
at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Dresden University Germany, Athens University,
European University Cyprus, Bahçeşehir University Istanbul, Oxford University et
al. He has worked in Goldman Sachs’ Legal & Compliance Department in London and
in Norton Rose LLP Competition & EU Law Department in London, Brussels and
Athens, where he handled major antitrust, merger control, multinational cartel
and state aid cases in the banking, energy, maritime and air transport sectors,
before national and international authorities, the EU Commission and the
European Court of Justice. He has also gained experience as a Board member of
Hellenic Competition Commission, a member of the Legal Committee of the Union of
Greek Shipowners and a member of the Board of Directors, General Counsel and
Chairman (caretaker) of the Public Gas Corporation of Greece (DEPA) S.A. Between
2014 – 2017 he organized and was appointed Director of the MSc Program in Energy
Strategy, Law & Economics at the Dept. of International & European Studies,
University of Piraeus, Greece – the first and the most popular interdisciplinary
Master’s in Greece and one of the few postgraduate programs in Europe devoted to
Energy strategy, law & economics. He is a member of the Energy Committee of the
Academy of Athens and Chair of the Legal Affairs Committee of EUROGAS.

Miaomiao Hou

Tongji University

>> Biography


Miaomiao Hou is presently working as a visiting scholar at the Center for
Environmental Building & Design (CEBD) and the Thermal Architecture Lab (TAL) of
the University of Pennsylvania, specializing in evaluating and designing the
environmental performance of buildings. She is also a research associate in the
Key Laboratory of Ecology and Energy-Saving Study of Dense Habitat of Tongji
University. She is currently finishing her PhD in Architecture at Tongji
University. Her research interests lie at the intersection of the built
environment, indoor environmental analysis and occupant wellbeing, seeking to
understand and influence building design using multidisciplinary simulation,
experimental, and field study approaches. With an architecture background and
practice experience in design roles, she works on the interdisciplinary research
of architecture, engineering and environmental study. Her current research
projects include a holistic environmental assessment of housing using e[m]ergy
analysis, environmental accounting of carbon in buildings, ventilation study of
a hospital room with Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation devices, a study of
thermal sensation in urban canyon in collaboration with the University of
Arizona and Princeton University.

Ali Hadigheh

The University of Sydney

>> Biography


Dr. Hadigheh is an Australian Research Council (ARC) DECRA Fellow and a Lecturer
in the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Sydney. He focuses on
multidisciplinary themes to develop and implement innovative materials and
systems in order to provide sustainable, more durable and less
resource-intensive infrastructure. He investigates the intricate behaviour of
interface in composite systems and how they interact at multiple scales from
macro- to nano-levels via experimental, advanced computational modelling, and
machine learning techniques.His research interests include a) development of
smart and sustainable materials for use in construction, b) recycling and
utilisation of composite wastes, and c) structural health monitoring using deep
learning techniques.Ali has also been involved in design and construction
projects related to repair/strengthening of infrastructurefor more than 10
years. He is a committee member of Concrete Institute of Australia (CIA).

Yonis M. Yonis Buswig

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

>> Biography


Yonis.M.Yonis Buswig was born in Benghazi, Libya, in 198. He received the
B.Eng.in electrical and power engineering from Omar Al-Mukhtar University,
Libya, in 2008. The M.Sc. of electrical engineering from Universiti Tun Hussein
Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, in 2011. In August 2015, he has awarded his Ph.D
degree from Department of Power Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). He is a member of IEEE, and a
registered graduate engineers Malaysia (BEM) in the electrical track. Currently,
he is a senior lecturer at the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak,(UNIMAS), Malaysia since
November 2016. He has authored and co-authored number of well recognized
journals and conference papers. His research interests are in DC-DC converter,
renewable energy applications, and control of power electronic systems

Mohammad Lutfi Othman

Universiti Putra Malaysia

>> Biography


Ir. Dr. Mohammad Lutfi Othman, PEng CEng REEM CPMV,received the B.Sc. degree
with honor distinction (Magna Cum Laude) in electrical engineering from the
University of Arizona (UofA), Tucson, Arizona, USA, in 1990, the M.Sc. and Ph.D.
degrees in electrical power engineering from the Universiti Putra Malaysia
(UPM), Serdang, Malaysia, in 2004 and 2011 respectively. Currently, he is an
Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia. He is a Researcher and the
founding member of the Centre for Advanced Power and Energy Research (CAPER)and
now renamed as Advanced Lightning, Power and Energy Research (ALPER), UPM. He
also practices as an Electrical Engineering Consultant in electrical services
installation works bydiversifying as an Electrical Director/Partner in a local
engineering consulting firm. He has over 29 years of professional experience in
design, tendering, contracting and project administration of electrical works
consultancies. Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Lutfi’s areas of research interest include,
among others, power system protection (protective relay operation modelling and
analysis, computational-intelligence-based data mining for knowledge discovery
in relay database, application of artificial intelligence in protection
algorithms, adaptive numerical protective relays, development of numerical
protective relays), power system operation (power quality, smart grid,
distributed generation), electrical services installation works (design and
project administration consultancy) and energy efficiency management (demand
side management, building energy management system).He is an advocate of Rough
Set Theory applications in electrical power system researches. Due to his rich
involvement in building services installation works, his researches also
involvebuilding energy management studies. He has developedprotection related
software such as Power System Protection (PSP, a power system protection
interactive multimedia simulator and expert system software) and Protective
Relay Analysis sYstem (PRAY, a distance protective relay performance analysis
expert system). He has developed a copyrighted algorithm of Power Swing Blocking
in Distance Protective Relay as an improvement to that available in the
commercially renowned power system transient analysis tool, PSCAD. He is a
principal author of numerous manuscripts of high impact factor journals such as
IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery, International Journals of Electrical Power
and Energy Systems (Elsevier), Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier), Simulation:
Transactions of the Society forModeling and Simulation International, other
SCOPUS indexed journals and conference proceedings. He is a Technical Editor for
journals of Asian Network for Scientific Information, a Reviewer of various
manuscripts submitted for journal and conference proceeding publications and a
Technical Evaluator of university research grant applications.He has been a
Keynote Speaker and Session Chair of international IEEE conferences. He is a
Professional Engineer withPracticingCertification(PEPC) registered under the
Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM), a Chartered Engineer (CEng) registered under
the Engineering Council UK, a Professional Technologist (PTech) registered under
the Malaysian Board of Technologists, a Registered Electrical Energy Manager
(REEM) under Energy Commission Malaysia,a Certified Professional in Measurement
and Verification (CPMV) under Malaysian Green Technology Corporation (under
KETHHA), a Corporate Member of the Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM), a
Senior Member ofthe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
USA, a Senior Member of the IEEE Power and Energy Society (IEEE-PES), a Senior
Member of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (IEEE-CIS), a member of
the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) UK, a member of the
International Rough Set Society (IRSS), a member of the Asian Council of Science
Editors (ACSE), a member of the AcademicKeys Who's Who in Engineering Higher
Education (WWEHE), a member of the International Rough Set Society (IRSS), a
Graduate Technologist under the Malaysia Board of Technologist (MBOT) and a
member of Phi Kappa Phi () Honor Society, The University of Arizona. His
biographical profile is mentioned in the Marquis Who's Who in the World 2016
(33rd Edition). As a Professional Engineer, he is a Mentor and Professional
Interviewer for IEM/BEM Professional Engineer as well as the Engineering Council
UK Chartered Engineer aspirants.

Laura Inzerillo

University of Palermo

>> Biography


Laura Inzerillo is Associate Professor at University of Palermo within the
Department of Engineering. Graduated cum laude in Management Engineering at
University of Palermo, 1995. Ph.D in Digital Survey and Representation of the
landscape and Architecture at University of Palermo in 1999. She won a
fellowship ata Columbia University from 1999 to 2000 with the confirmation of
researcher at Columbia University from 2000 to 2003 at MUD. She won a post PhD
fellowship at Univesrity of Palermo from 2000 to 2004 when she became
researcher. Her field of expertise are the digital survey, 3D representation,
Descriptive Geometry, reverse Engineering, monitoring. She is editorial member
of several International Journals, reviewer member in other several
International Journals, chief in editor of a special issue in MDPI Journal. She
is actually authors of about 150 paper, 3 monographies, 2 chief in editor books
and she won a best award paper. She has been involved in several international
and national projects. Actually she is involved in SMARTI ETN - Sustainable
Multi-functional Automated Resilient Transport Infrastructures European Training
Network HORIZON20-20; in REMED - Application de l'innovation pour le
développement de l'économie circulaire pour une construction durable en
Méditerranée ENI CBC MED European Union.

Rini Singh

Hiroshima University

>> Biography


Rini Singh received is working as an Assistant Professor at the Graduate school
of Advanced science and engineering, Hiroshima University Japan. She is
currently working with Prof. Takayuki Ichikawa, Hiroshima University Japan. She
has completed her Ph.D. from Banasthali University, Rajasthan India in 2019. She
also worked as a Project fellow in Malaviya National Institute of Technology
Jaipur, India. Currently, her major area of research is Electrochemical energy
storage, all-solid-state li-ion batteries, and energy conversion. She has more
than 18 research publications, book chapters in refereed and journal
publications, and more than 10 conference proceedings.

Stefano Rinaldi

University of Brescia

>> Biography


Stefano Rinaldi received the M.S. degree (Hons.) in electronic engineering and
the Ph.D. degree in electronic instrumentation from the University of Brescia,
Brescia, Italy in 2006 and 2010, respectively. He is Senior Assistant Professor
with the Department of Information Engineering, University of Brescia. He is
author of more than 160 research papers. His current research interest includes
industrial real-time Ethernet network, communication and automation systems for
smart grid and renewable generators, Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical
System, cognitive buildings, electric vehicles and charging systems. He is
member of IEEE1588 WG and of the IEEE TCFA F4 technical subcommittee.

Noman Khalid Khanzada

City University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong

>> Biography


Dr. Noman Khalid Khanzada is working as a Postdoctoral fellow both at EPRO
Advanced Technology, Hong Kong, and the City University of Hong Kong. He has a
Ph.D. degree in Energy and Environment from the City University of Hong Kong, He
received a Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical from NED University of
Engineering and Technology and a Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering
from the National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Pakistan. Dr.
Khanzada published several articles (i.e., research paper, review paper, and
book chapter) in high-impact journals and has more than seven (07) years of
research experience in the area of desalination and water/wastewater treatment
using conventional and renewable energy resource.

Heyam Kh. J. Al-Najjar

BOKU university

>> Biography


Heyam Kh. J. Al-Najjar. BSc in electrical engineering (control and
communication) from Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) 2003. Master degree in
Information technology (IT) from IUG 2015. Currently finishing PhD in Austria,
Vienna, BOKU university (renewable energy system). Two major experiments as
electric design engineer, and IT teacher. Current researches topics interested
in are renewable energy, biomass energy technology, sustainability, energy
convention technologies, and energy storage.

Muhammad Awais

University of Victoria

>> Biography


Muhammad Awais joined IIASA in 2019 and is a research assistant in the Energy,
Climate, and Environment (ECE) Program, where he is contributing to the
development of a multi-scale and multi-sector integrated assessment model within
the MESSAGEix ecosystem in the ECE program. He is also a Ph.D. candidate at the
University of Victoria, Canada. His main research interests include integrated
assessment modeling for accessing sustainable pathways for water-energy-land
challenges to support policy analysis at national and basin scales. His MS
Thesis was about quantifying costs of environmental flows in Indus River Basin
using the NExus Solutions Tool (NEST) model developed by IIASA. Mr. Awais
obtained his master's degree in Hydro Science & Engineering from the Technical
University Dresden, Germany (August 2019) and his bachelor's degree in Civil
Engineering from the National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences,
Pakistan (May 2016). In addition, he has one year of experience working with an
engineering consultancy firm on designing electrical transmission lines and
reviewing hydraulic designs of hydropower projects.

Farshid Norouzi

Delft University of Technology

>> Biography


Farshid Norouzi is a PhD candidate at the DC systems, Energy Conversion &
Storage Group. He also has close cooperation with TU Delft’s Faculty of
Technology, Policy and Management. Following his undergraduate studies in
Electrical Engineering, he earned his Mater’s degree in Electrical power
Engineering at the University of Newcastle, England, in 2012. After working five
years as an energy management advisor for industrial corporations, including
large metal manufacturing companies, he commenced his PhD to work on energy
transition in the electrical system. His central research focus is ‘acceleration
of adoption of Smart grid and Microgrid innovations’. With an interdisciplinary
approach, he analyses the barriers of these innovations from technical and non-
technical points of view. For non-technical factors, he contributes to
understanding ‘Policy and Governance of energy transition towards Smart
Microgrids’, and scalability and replicability of the current small-scale smart
grid projects from a technical perspective. He applies both qualitative and
quantitative methods in his expertise on: - Policy and technical innovation
systems - Controlling and optimization of Microgrids Scalability and
replicability analysis Economic analysis of Storage devices

Osama Mansour

Western Kentucky University

>> Biography


Dr. Mansour has been teaching and researching in the areas of Architecture,
Building Construction, and Sustainable Design since 1997. He is an Architectural
Engineer with PhD in Environmental Design from University of Calgary. His
current research is focusing on indoor environmental quality and Post Occupancy
Evaluation of high-performance buildings, In addition to designing and managing
several residential, commercial, and hospitality projects, he also spent three
years as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Arizona

Eugene Frumker

Ben-Gurion University

>> Biography


Dr. Eugene Frumker is a head of attosecond science and nanophotonics group in
the Department of Physics of Ben-Gurion University and fellow of Institute of
Quantum Science and Engineering of Texas A&M University. Frumker received his
Ph.D. in physics at the Weizmann Institute of Science in 2007. As a Marie-Curie
postdoctoral fellow, his research focused on attosecond science at Joint
Attosecond Science Laboratory of the Canadian National Research Council /
University of Ottawa (JasLAB) and at Texas A&M University; and the Max Planck
Institute of Quantum Optics (Germany). His research interests include ultrafast
nonlinear optics, nanopotonics and attosecond science.

Tianzhen Wang

Shanghai Maritime University

>> Biography


Tianzhen Wang received the B. Eng. and a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering
from the Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai, China, in 2006, respectively.
She made post doctor in Naval Academy Research Institute of France, Brest,
France from 2007 to 2008. Since 2006, she joined Shanghai Maritime University,
where she is currently a full Professor of Electrical Engineering and
automation. She is an IEEE Senior Member, she is also the Research Affiliate and
doctoral supervisor of Institut de Recherche Dupuy de Lôme of France since 2016.
Her main research interests and experience include Fault Diagnosis and tolerant
control methods for Converters, Marine Current machines,s and so on. She
published more than 100 international journal papers and 3 books, got the
authorization of 21 China patents and one USA patent.

Kamil Kaygusuz

Karadeniz Technical University

>> Biography


Professor Kamil Kaygusuz currently research professor of chemical engineering at
the Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey. In 1984, aftergraduation
from the Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey, heaccepted a research assistant
position at the Karadeniz Technical University, where he developed a renewable
energy laboratory and conducted research on renewable energy and energy storage.
He received his MS in chemical and mechanical engineering in1988 from the
Karadeniz Technical University, at the Department of Chemical and Mechanical
Engineering. He received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering in 1993 from the
Karadeniz Technical University. In 2000, he was awarded a professor in physical
chemistry from the Karadeniz Technical University, Department of Chemistry.
During his 20 years of tenure at that University, he did research on
thermodynamics, energy storage and renewable energy. He published 200 scientific
papers related energy storage and renewable energy sources. He also member of
Turkish Academy of Science.

Hammad Alnuman

University of Sheffield

>> Biography


Hammad received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Aljouf
University, Aljouf, KSA in 2012, the M.S. degree in electrical and computer
engineering from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA in 2014, and the
Ph.D. degree in electronic and electrical engineering from the University of
Sheffield, Sheffield, U.K in 2021. He is currently an assistant professor at
Aljouf University. His research interests include energy efficiency in electric
railways, railways simulation, railways operation and control, and hybrid energy
storage systems for integrated energy applications.

José Saldanha Matos

University of Lisbon

>> Biography


José Saldanha Matos is Full Professor at the University of Lisbon (IST-UL),
Portugal, where is sharing water supply, urban drainage and water quality
courses at Master and PhD level, in Civil Engineering and Environmental
Engineering. Member of the Governing Board of the International Water
Association between 1996 and 2000 (IWA, at the time IAWQ). President and
founding member of the Sewer Systems and Processes Working Group of the Joint
Committee on Urban Drainage (SS&PWG-JCUD) of the IWA and IAHR, between 2005 and
2008. President of APESB, the Portuguese Association for Sanitary and
Environmental Engineering, between 2007 and 2011. Council member, since 2005,
and Vice -President ( 2015-2017) and President of the European Water Association
(EWA), between 2017 and 2019. President of the Portuguese Partnership for Water
(2020- ). Member of the Scientific Committee of the PhD on Environmental
Engineering (UL) and the PhD on Climate Change and Sustainable Development
Policies. Author or editor of more than 300 publications. Supervisor of more
than 50 Master and 20 PhD thesis. Member of standardization Committees and
Working Groups of CEN (European Committee for Standardization) 1991-2003, and
ISO (International Standardization Organization), 2013- 2021. Author of
different pieces of legislation on plumbing systems and water quality issues,
including water reuse, for Portugal, and Cape Vert Governments Bodies. José
Saldanha Matos is Managing and Founding Partner of HIDRA, Hydraulics and
Environment Ltd, created in 1992. Author or co-author of more than 350 projects
on the water sector in Portugal, Central Asia ( Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan) and
in African Countries, mainly Angola, Cape Vert, Tanzania and Mozambique,
including the National Plan for Investments on Water Supply and Sanitation for
the Short, Medium and Long Term of Mozambique, founded by USA-MCA (2013-2014),
the Drainage and Sanitation Master Plan for the Greater Maputo Area, Mozambique
(2014-2016), and the Expansion of the Dar-El Salem Water Supply, both funded by
the Word Bank, and the Coastal Towns Wastewater Management Study for landana,
N’zeto, Cabinda and Soyo Towns, in Angola, 2019-2021, funded by the African
Development Bank.

Maria Vicidomini

University of Naples Federico II

>> Biography


Maria Vicidomini was born in 1988 and graduated cum laude in Environmental
engineering at the University of Naples Federico II, Italy in 2013. From 2013 to
2014, she was a fellow researcher at the University of Naples Federico II. She
obtained the Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering in 2018. In 2019 she has
been entitled as Researcher at the University of Naples Federico II. Her
research activity has been mainly focused on the development of dynamic
simulation models for the energy, exergy, economic and environmental analysis
and impact of innovative systems for distributed polygeneration systems,
supplied by renewable energy (geothermal, solar, wind energy) and natural gas.
Building Integrated Solar Thermal Systems and internal combustion engines for
the production of heat, cool and power. Solar heating and cooling systems. Solar
desalination systems. Hybrid renewable system based on wind, solar and
geothermal energy. Electrical storage. Electric vehicles. Her research activity
is also developed in cooperation with several international institutions
(Portugal, Iran, Turkey, Denmark, China, Croatia, Poland, Germany, Canada). She
was a supervisor of several BsC, MS and PhD students at the University of Naples
Federico II. She is a reviewer of about 15 international Journals. She was guest
editor in special issues on International Journals. She is a member of the
scientific committee of several international conferences and she is also
involved in the organizing committee of the CEER 2020 Conferences. She was a
conference chair and presenter in several sessions of International Conferences.

Saurabh Shukla

National University of Ireland

>> Biography


Dr Saurabh Shukla joined the National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG) as a
postdoctoral researcher in the Unit of Semantic Web, Data Science Institute
(DSI), Insight SFI Centre of Data Analytics in October 2020. He received PhD
from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia in the research area of
healthcare Internet-of-Things (IoT) in August 2020. He was awarded M.Tech from
the Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Allahabad, India in 2010
in the research area of an intelligent system. He had completed B.Tech from Dr
A.P.J Abdul Kalam Technical University, Uttar-Pradesh (U.P), Lucknow, India in
2008. His research interests are Healthcare Internet-of-Things (IoT), Fog
Computing (FC), cloud computing, machine learning, and the blockchain mechanism.
He is currently working on Cooperative Energy Trading System (CENTS) project for
an efficient Peer-2-Peer (P2P) energy trading system in a Smart Grid (SG)
network. He has academic experience of more than 7 years and published around 20
papers in various international journals and conferences.

Jiehui Yuan

Yichun University

>> Biography


Dr. Jiehui Yuan is now anassociate professor of School of Economics and
Management, Yichun University, Jiangxi, China. He is the supervisor of Institute
of Resource & Energy, Environment and Economy, Yichun University. He received
his PhD from China University ofPetroleumBeijing in 2015 and conducted
postdoctoral research at Tsinghua University Beijing from 2015 to 2017.His
research interests include energy system analysis, technical and economic
evaluation of energy, life cycle analysis, energy policy, etc. Over these years
he has published high-qualitypeer-reviewedpapers including Applied Energy,
Energy,Energy Policy and Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering.He has
also been authors or co-authors of 4 books.

Francesco Calise

University of Naples Federico II

>> Biography


Francesco Calise was born in 1978 and graduated cum laude in mechanical
engineering from the University of Naples Federico II, Italy in 2002. He
obtained the Ph.D. degree in Mechanical and Thermal Engineering in 2006. From
2006 to 2014, he is a Researcher and Assistant Professor of applied
thermodynamics at the University of Naples Federico II. In 2014 he has been
entitled as Associate Professor at the University of Naples Federico II. His
research activity has been mainly focused on the following topics: fuel cells,
advanced optimization techniques, solar thermal systems, concentrating
photovoltaic/thermal photovoltaic systems, energy saving in buildings, solar
heating and cooling, Organic Rankine Cycles, geothermal energy, dynamic
simulations of energy systems, renewable Polygeneration systems and many others.
He was invited lecturer for some courses or Conferences (UK and Finland). He
teaches several courses of energy management and applied thermodynamics at the
University of Naples Federico II for BsC, MS and PhD students. He was a
supervisor of several Ph.D. degree theses. He is a reviewer of about 30
international Journals. He was involved in several Research Projects funded by
EU and Italian Government. He is Member of the Editorial Board of 10
International Journals. He was a Conference Chair and/or member of Scientific
Committee in several session of International Conferences. He is Vice-Chair
Cross Reader for the FET OPEN Projects funded by EU.

Cagin Ozcivit

Vekmar Elektrik Sistemleri Yatırım ve Tic. A.Ş.

>> Biography


M.Sc. Electrical Engineer specializing in low voltage & medium voltage projects
and renewable energy. Experienced with all stages of the generator projects,
sales and marketing on low voltage & medium voltage and renewable energy
projects. Well-versed in numerous sales and marketing processes including import
and export. Strong background in sales and project management and customer
relations. Experience: Area Sales Manager - 01/2017 - present Vekmar Elektrik
Sistemleri Yatırım ve Tic. A.Ş. - Istanbul

Jura Arkhangelski

University of Paris

>> Biography


Jura Arkhangelski received the engineer Diploma from the Belarusian National
Technical University (BNTU-Minsk, Belarus) in 2013 and the Master’s degree from
University of Paris-Saclay, France, in 2017. Since 2017, he is completing his
PhD at University Paris East Creteil, France, with topic “Self-Consumption and
Building Energy Management Optimization”. His current interests include energy
transition, collective and individual self-consumption, transactive control,
microgrids and intelligent day-ahead optimal power flow control.

Weixiao Han

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

>> Biography


Dr. Weixiao Han received his BS degree in Mathematics and Applied Mathematicsand
BM double degree in Business Administration from the China University of
Petroleum: Qingdao, China, in 2014; MS degree in Physical Oceanography from the
First Institute of Oceanography, SOA and Ocean University of China: Qingdao,
China, in 2017;from September 2017 to now: Ph.D. in Cartography and Geography
Information System from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,
China and the Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, China.From February 2019 to July 2019, he was a
Research Scholar with the Division of Geographic Information Science, Nanjing
Institute of Geography and Limnology: Nanjing, China.His research interests
include Google Earth Engine, machine learning, remote sensing big earth data,
lake and reservoir, and water level change for hydrology and cryosphere science.
In this field, he has published over8research articles in international
journals, 2book chapters, one dataset, involved 11 projects, reviewed 8 research
articles (include Remote Sensing of Environment, Journal of Lake Sciences,
et.al.). He is a member of the China Association for Science and Technology:
Beijing, China.

Maria Helena Braga

University of Porto

>> Biography


Maria Helena Braga is anAssociate Professor and the Head of the Engineering
Physics Department at the University of Porto. From 2016 to 2019, she was a
Senior Research Fellow, in the Materials Institute at the University of Texas at
Austin collaborating with Prof. John B. Goodenough, Nobel Prize of Chemistry
2019. Throughout her career, Braga was Research Scholar and Long Term Visiting
Staff Member at Los Alamos National Laboratory (2008-2011). She has contributed
research in light alloys, lead-free solders, and hydrogen storage materials, and
she is credited with creatingferroelectric-glass electrolytes and novelenergy
harvesting and storage devices. She was the recipient of the 2020 “Personality”
award of “ExameInformatica / Visão” publications with SIC TV (Portuguese /
Nationals) for her work and in 2021 the BIP-Proof prize for developing a
commercial battery prototype.

Guilherme Ferretti Rissi

University of São Paulo

>> Biography


Guilherme Ferretti Rissi was born in Araras, Brazil, on August 28, 1985. He
graduated in Electrical Engineering in 2009 from the University of São Paulo,
took an MBA in finance from Saint Paul business school in 2017, and is
developing his master's degree as a special student at UNUCAMP. He has worked at
CPFL since 2010, working in several areas, he is currently responsible for the
R&D project that studies the benefits of battery storage systems connected to
the wind generation, among other projects. He is the author or co-author of
several articles published nationally and internationally. And he was a reviewer
at a relevant seminar in the Brazilian electricity sector.His areas of interest
include innovation, new technologies, energy storage and renewable generation.

Tsvetkov Oleg boris

ITMO University

>> Biography


Tsvetkov Oleg boris, b. 7 September 1939, Leningrad, USSR. Professor of
Thermophysical Properties of Fluids. Education: Diploma in Engineering,
Technological Institute of Refrigeration (TIR), Leningrad, 1961; PhD,TIP,1965;
DSc, TIP,1983; Postgraduate, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA,
1979-80; TIP, Leningrad, 1980-83; University of Maryland, Washington DC,
1987-88.Appoinments^ Research Assistant Professor, TIR, 1964-68; Associate
Professor, Royal University, Phnom-Pehn, Cambodia, 1968-70; Acting Director,
research Department, TIR, 1970-79; Pro Rector of of Research, State Academy of
refrigeration and Food Technology (SAFT former TIR), St. Petersburg, Russia,
1983-98, Head of Department, SARFT, St Petersburg, 1991-. Publications: Numerous
articles in professional journals. Honours include: Vice Chairman, 14th World
Congress of Refrigeration, Moscow, 1975; Vice-President Com B1, International
Institute of Refrigeration, 1972-75, 1995; Medal, USSR Ministry of Higher
Education, Moscow. 1981; President Science and Technology Society of Food
Industry, St Petersburg, 1990-98; Recipient Excellence in Teaching and research.
1993; Vice-President, International Academy of Refrigeration, 2998; Research
Grantee, International Science Foundation, 1994; Medal, Fifty Years of Victory
in Second World War, 1995; Depyty editor-in-chief Proc. Of the International
Academy of refrigeration, 1997; Research Grantee, EU Contract, 1998-2001;
OrofessorEmeritus,1999. Memberships: International Academy of Sciences in Higher
Education, 1992-; Member, Editorial Board, Kholodilnaya Tekhnika, Moscow, 1992-;
Member, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 1994-; Member,
Editorial Board, Refrigeration Business, 1995-; Member National Committee on
Thermophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1997-; Address: 31 Moika Embankment,
Apt. 54, 191186 St Petersburg, Russia.

Avel Adolfo Gonzalez Sanchez

Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán

>> Biography


Full-time Academic since May 2012. Head of the Chromatography and
Physicochemical Methods Area, Department of Environmental Engineering at
Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, México. Master’s in chemical and Biochemical
Science from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Major in development of
novel analytical methods for the detection and quantification of environmental
pollutants, products of bioremediation and recycling processes. Publications in
journals such as “Science of the total environment”, “Materials”, “groundwater
monitoring & remediation”, where highlights the global need to develop recycling
processes and obtaining bioenergy with low environmental impact, as well as the
importance that these technologies can reach isolated rural communities.

Ren Yameng

Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne

>> Biography


Dr. Yameng Renis a research scientist at the Laboratory of Photonics and
Interfaces (LPI, director: Prof. Michael Grätzel), École Polytechnique Fédérale
de Lausanne (EPFL)in Switzerland. He is working on molecular photovoltaic and
metal-halide hybrid perovskite solar cells including design and synthesis of
organic/nanomaterials with exotic photoelectrical properties, improving the
performance and stability of solar cells. He set two world efficiency records
for dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) presented in NREL’s Best Research-Cell
Efficiency Chart and he is a current record holder. Dr. Yameng Ren received his
Ph.D. in Chemistry at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,China
in 2018. He conducted his graduate research at State key laboratory of polymer
physics and chemistry, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Changchun,China (2013 –2015), and Department of chemistry, Zhejiang
University, Hangzhou, China (2015 –2018). Since Jan. 2019, he joined in LPI in
EPFL. He has published seminal papers in international journals of the highest
standing with first/corresponding authors, including Nature Communications,
Journal of the America Chemical Society, Angewandte Chemie, Advanced Materials,
Energy&Environmental Science, Advanced Functional Materialsetc..

Sergio Santaeufemia Sánchez

University of Warsaw

>> Biography


Hani A. Albalawi

University of Tabuk
Saudhi Arabia

>> Biography


HANI A. ALBALAWI received his B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from King
Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, in 2008, the M.S. degree in
automatic control system engineering from the University of Sheffield,
Sheffield, UK, in 2011 and the Ph.D. degree from Clemson University, Clemson,
SC, USA in 2016. He is a Faculty Member at the Department of Electrical
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, at the University of Tabuk, Tabuk, Saudi
Arabia. His research interests include renewable energy, energy management,
energy storage, power system quality, power system planning and operation, and
power system control.

Ivan Rafael Macias Ruiz

University of San Luis Potosí

>> Biography


M.I. Ivan Macias Ruiz graduated from the Autonomous University of San Luis
Potosí, México in 2013 as a Mechatronics Engineer and obtained a Master's degree
in Electrical Engineering with Orientation in Transformers at the Autonomous
University of Nuevo León, México in 2019. He worked at the National
Supercomputing Center in conjunction with the Italian Space Agency as Software
Analyst for the creation of a satellite image processing system from 2013 to
2015. Has been working at Prolec GE as Software Engineer for the development of
the Distribution Transformer design system since 2015. His work at Prolec GE and
his knowledge in renewable transformers and finite element software have allowed
him to develop transformer design proposals according to customer
specifications. His work on simulating the effect of inverter harmonics towards
the pedestal transformer in solar farms was published in 2021 in the Energies
MDPI magazine (https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/14/5/1362/ htm) under the title
"Design Implication of a Distribution Transformer in Solar Power Plants Based on
Its Harmonic Profile". His versatility in the research and production area has
allowed him to be the bridge that connects state-of-the-art knowledge with
processes in the industry.

Shunli Wang

Southwest University of Science and Technology

>> Biography


Prof. Shunli Wang is an authoritative expert in the field of new energy
research, the head of DTlab and the new energy measurement& control research
team, modeling and state estimation strategy research for lithium-ion batteries.
He has undertaken more than 40 projects and 30 patents, published more than 100
research papers as well as won 20 awards such as Young Scholar, Science and
Technology Progress Awards, and University & Enterprise Innovative Talent Team
et al, developed multiple generation battery systems to improve the reliability
and expand the application field with significant social and economic benefits.
The following links will briefly introduce our DTlab research team.

Wei Xu

Huazhong University of Science and Technology

>> Biography


Wei Xu (M’09-SM’13)OneFullProfessorwithHuazhong University of Science and
Technology (HUST), China. His research topics mainly focus on design and control
of linear machines and drive systems. He made Postdoctoral Fellow with UTS, Vice
Chancellor Fellow with RMIT, JSPS Invitation Fellow with Meiji Univ. during
2008-2013, respectively. He has 110+ papers accepted or published in IEEE
Transactions Journals, three books published by Springer or China Machine Press,
and 130+ Invention Patents granted or pending. He is Fellow of the Institute of
Engineering and Technology (IET), Chapter Chair for IEEE IES Wuhan Chapter, and
(Associate) Editor for 6 IEEE Journals, and will serve asGeneral Chair for LDIA
2021 and PRECEDE 2023,Wuhan, China, respectively.

Francesco L. Cappiello

University of Naples Federico II

>> Biography


Francesco L. Cappiello was graduated cum laude in Aerospace and Astronautical
Engineering at the University of Naples Federico II, Italy in 2017. Since2018,he
is a PhDstudent at the University of Naples Federico II in Industrial
Engineering. His research activity mainly deals with renewable smart energy
grids. In particular, he focused on the following topics: sustainable mobility;
electric vehicles fed by renewables; polygeneration plants; district
heating/cooling networks (4th and 5th gen); cogeneration/trigeneration;
reduction of primary energy consumption of residential districts, energy measure
for reducing the primary energy consumption of hospitals and healthcare
facilities, reverse osmosis coupled with renewable energy sources, dynamic
simulations of energy systems, energy saving in buildings and many others. He
spent six months at Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart, developing dynamic models
of several modular trigeneration layouts for a bighospital of Stuttgart. This
analysis also included the hybridization of the trigeneration plant with
photovoltaic technology. His research activity is also developed in cooperation
with several international institutions (Spain and Germany). He is a reviewer of
about 5 international Journals. He was topic editor for 2 International
Journals. He is guest editor in a special issue on an International Journal.He
was a supervisor of several BsC, MS students at the University of Naples
Federico II. He was a conference presenter in several sessions of International
Conferences. He was chair at Energy and water efficiency session of SDEWES 2019
and 2020 conferences.

Yaohui Bai


>> Biography


Prof.Yaohui Bai obtained his B.Sc. degree from the Department of Biology,
Sichuan University in 1998. He then completed his Master's degree at the School
of Environmental Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University in 2005, and
obtained his Ph.D. degree at the College of Environmental Sciences and
Engineering, Peking University in 2009. Between 2008 and 2009, he was an
exchange Ph.D. student at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Princeton University, USA. In 2011, He joined RCEES as an Assistant Professor
(Associate Professor from 2013 to 2020). At RCEES, he continued his research
into controlling water pollution with an emphasis on microbiological technique.
From 2013 to 2014, he worked at the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science
and Technology (Eawag) as a research scientist. Currently, he is a professor
(since 2020) at RCEES and his research mainly focus on (i) new biological water
treatment techniques, and (ii) microecology process & manipulation. He has
published more than 90peer-reviewed papers and his works were funded by more
than 10 research projects including 7 national projects.

MD Wayesh Qarony

University of California at Berkeley

>> Biography


Dr. Wayesh Qarony is currently working as a postdoctoral scholar at the
Molecular Foundry division of Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and the EECS
department of the University of California at Berkeley, CA, USA. He was a
postdoctoral research scientist and postdoctoral fellow at the ECE dept. of
University of California Davis, CA, USA, and Applied Physics dept. of Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, respectively. After studying MSC in Telecommunication
Engineering at the University of Trento, Italy, and Electrical Engineering at
Jacobs University Bremen, Germany with a scholarship and Hempel Fellowship, Dr.
Qarony conducted his Ph.D. study in Applied Physics at The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University with a prestigious Hong Kong Ph.D. Fellowship Scheme. He was also a
Senior Lecturer in the Electrical and Electronic Engineering department at
American International University-Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Dr. Qarony
focuses on novel materials and device designs of photosensors with ultrafast and
high sensitivity for emerging applications, highly efficient solar cells, and
quantum light sources for applications of quantum computing. So far, he has
published more than 35 high-quality SCI journal publications with over 550
citations and presented >30 times in renowned conferences.

So’bah Ahmad

Universiti Teknologi MARA

>> Biography


Ts Dr. SO’BAH BINTI AHMAD Food Science & Technology Programme School of
Industrial Technology Faculty of Applied Sciences Academic Qualification:
Bachelor of Engineering Process and Food, UPM, Selangor (2007) MSc (Food
Engineering), UPM, Selangor (2010) PhD (Food Engineering), UPM, Selangor (2018)
Field of Specialisations: Drying Technology, Powder Technology, Extraction

Qasem Abu Al-Haija

University of Petra

>> Biography


QASEM ABU AL-HAIJA received his Ph.D. from Tennessee State University (TSU), USA
in 2020. He is currently an Assistant Professor at department of data Science &
Artificial Intelligence, University of Petra (UoP), Jordan. His research
interests include but not limited to Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, IoT/CPS
Modeling, Embedded System Design, and Time Series Analysis.

Goshtasp Cheraghian

Technische Universität Braunschweig

>> Biography


Goshtasp Cheraghian is a research associate at Braunschweig Pavement Engineering
Centre (ISBS) at the Technische Universität Braunschweig since May 2018. As a
young multidisciplinary scholar, he received numerous honors and awards. He has
published over 40 papers in the leading worldwide journals, has presented over
30 articles at scientific and technical conferences, and holds seven patents. He
serves as the editor/guest editor and reviewer of 48 scientific journals from
Elsevier, Springer Nature, Wiley, MDPI, ACS, ASME, and Taylor & Francis
publications. His interest research subjects include polymer nanocomposites,
characterization of bitumen, nanofluids, asphalt materials, enhanced oil
recovery (EOR), asphaltene, and wax studies. His research focuses on
polymer/nanocomposites in order to understand nanoparticles interactions at the
nanoscale and rheological properties of them in complex fluids.

Mohammad Salay Naderi

Smart Energy Solutions Group Pty Ltd

>> Biography


Mohammad SalayNaderi (M’10 – SM’11) received his B.Sc. in electric power
engineering (1996) and M.Sc. (1998) in electrical engineering from Sharif
University of Technology (SUT). In 2006, he finished his PhD at the same
university, which was on partial discharge monitoring and localization within
power transformer based on modeling. He joined energy systems research group in
the school of electrical engineering and telecommunications (EE&T) at UNSW in
2004 as visiting research associate and continued his research work until late
2005. He worked with Iran power generation, transmission, and distribution
management company (TAVANIR) as deputy managing director of the bureau of
technical and transmission network administration from 2005 to 2010. In 2010, he
joined the school of EE&T at UNSW as a lecturer in energy systems group.
Subsequently, in 2013, he joined the electric power industry in Australia and
worked as a senior high voltage testing and commissioning engineer and then as
an engineering manager leader. He was involved in advance testing and
commissioning of power transformers and switchgear. In addition, he gave
consultancy to Australian and International companies in the areas including
smart energy solutions, development and requirements of smart cities, power
products manufacturing, strategic relationship management with industry and
academia to foster new business, science and commercial opportunities, high
voltage engineering, condition monitoring of power equipment, and sustainable
energy systems analysis and development. He has been serving as the managing
director at Smart Energy Solutions Group (SESG) Pty Ltd since 2016.

Avraham I. Kudish

Ben-Gurion University Of The Negev

>> Biography


Avraham I. Kudish: Date and place of birth: June 8,1943; New York, N.Y., U.S.A.
Date of immigration to Israel: September 4, 1970 Research interests: Conversion
of solar to thermal energy; measurement and analysis of global solar
irradiation; measurement and analysis of UVB and UVA irradiation; application of
UVB irradiation for the treatment of psoriasis and other skin diseases at the
Dead Sea.

Andreas Theocharis

University of Patras

>> Biography


Andreas Theocharis received his BSc in Physics (2000), MSc in Electrical
Engineering (2001) and PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2009)
form the University of Patras, Greece. In his research interests, power systems
transients, renewable energy systems and artificial intelligence for
transactivemicrogrids are included. He is currently working as Associate
Professor at Karlstad University in Sweden, for the Department of Engineering
and Physics, Faculty of Health, Science and Technology.His teaching activities
focus on electrical power and renewable energy systems. Andreas Theocharis
worked as Postdoc researcher at TUDelft, Electrical Sustainable Energy for the
Intelligent Electrical Power Grids group (2012-2014) and at University of
Patras, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science for the
Electrical Power Systems group (2009-2011). He got several grants with different
industrial partners for power systems research and he is a reviewer for several
IEEE Transactions, Elsevier and MDPI journals.

Seyed Hamidreza Aghay Kaboli

University of Malaya

>> Biography


Dr. Seyed Hamidreza AghayKaboliobtained his Master's degree in Electrical
Engineering, Power Systems from University of Malaya, Malaysia (UM) (UM ranks
59th in the 2021 QS World University Rankings) in 2013, and his PhD from same
university in 2018. In the past years, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow
within the Sustainable Energy Research Center, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman.
He has worked on various projects relating to the planning and operation of
electric powers systems. Hamidreza joins the Power Systems and Market Research
Group (PSMR), University of Mons (UMONS), Belgium as a Postdoctoral Researcher.
He investigates/develops data analytics techniques to facilitate the deployment
of Renewable Energy Communities in Belgium.

Xianting Li

Tsinghua University

>> Biography


Mr. Xianting Li is a full professor at Dept. of Building Science, School of
Architecture, Tsinghua University (Beijing, China), and Head of Dept. of
Building Science. He got his PhD degree in 1995 at Tsinghua University. He is
now the President of E1 Commission, International Institute of Refrigeration
(IIR), Administrator of CAR-ASHRAE Beijing Group; editorial board member of
Energy and Buildings, Indoor and Built Environment, International Journal of
Ventilation, Journal of Building Engineering etc.; a fellow of International
Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ) and fellow of International
Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA). Since 1995, Dr. Li has been
the PI or Co-PI for more than 90 sponsored research projects. Dr Li’s research
interest includes: (1) Demand-oriented non-uniform indoor environment; (2)
Energy-efficient air-conditioning and heat pump system; (3) Efficient
utilization of natural energy for cooling and heating. Up to now, Dr. Li has
published 8 books or chapters in book (3 are in English), 170 peer-reviewed
journal papers in English, 100 journal papers in Chinese, 60 conference papers
in English. He holds70 Chinese patents.

Carmen Diaz Lopez

University of Malaga

>> Biography


Architect from the University of Malaga. I am currently finishing my PhD in
Civil Engineering at the University of Granada, my field of research is focused
on resilient and sustainable building, mitigation and adaptation of
architectural projects to climate change, circular economy, life cycle analysis
(LCA ) of the building and assessment methods for sustainable buildings. I have
participated in several national projects on building adapted to climate change,
energy saving and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). I also participate in
the pilot phase of the common framework of sustainability indicators "Level (s)"
defined by the European Commission in 2017, through the evaluation of
single-family homes in the Autonomous Community of Madrid.

Jan Barwicki

Institute of Technology and Life Sciences

>> Biography


Technical University of Warsaw, Poland – Mechanical Engineering - M.sc.
International MBA– Warsaw University of Agriculture, Warsaw, Poland and
Wageningen University, Netherland Institute of Technology and Life Sciences –
PhD – Warsaw Poland

Farooq Sher

Coventry University

>> Biography


Dr Farooq Sher is a Lecturer in the School of Mechanical, Aerospace and
Automotive Engineering at Coventry University, UK. His undergraduate degree was
in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, followed by MSc Chemical Engineering
from the University of Leeds UK. He was awarded PhD in Chemical and
Environmental Engineering from the University of Nottingham UK.Dr. Sher is
working towards renewable energy fuels, advanced wastewater treatment, green
synthesis, novel electrodes for hydrogen gas production and low carbon
technologies.Dr. Sher has published several research papers, book chapters and
editorials apart from this he is the editor of different international
scientific journals. He has reviewed hundreds of research papers for several
high impact journals. Dr. Sher has been awarded a top reviewer for Engineering
in 2018 and 2019 from Publons Academy. Dr. Sher is a member of departmental and
faculty committees. Externally, he is an associate member of Institute of
Chemical Engineers (IChemE), senior member of the American Institute of Chemical
Engineers (AIChE) and professional engineer member of Engineers Australia
(IEAust). Dr. Sher is also interested in various forms of community work both
within the University and outside such as British Red Cross, where he is a
refugee support worker, a school governor and as a STEM Ambassador for
youngsters to value them in their lives and careers.

Khairul Nizam Tahar

Universiti Teknologi MARA

>> Biography


Khairul Nizam Tahar is currently a Senior Lecturer in Centre of Studies for
Surveying Science and Geomatics, Faculty of Architecture Planning and Surveying,
UniversitiTeknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia. He obtained his Dip Geomatic Science
(GIS), BSc (Hons) Surveying Science and Geomatics and MSc (GIS) degrees from
Department of Surveying Science and Geomatics, UiTM, Malaysia in 2005, 2007 and
2008 respectively and PhD degree from UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia (UTM),
Malaysia in 2013. His major research includes geomatics field such as aerial
photogrammetry and close range photogrammetry especially on UAV applications. He
has published 1 book, 1 book chapter and over 60 articles in journals and
conference proceedings. He also received a number of research grants from
university and ministry. He conducts a few research as the principal
investigator and co-investigator on UAV positioning, building footprint
extraction using UAV, rapid airborne geospatial mapping system and automatic
counting of shipping containers using UAV.

Iqbal Taufiqurrahman

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

>> Biography


Detail-oriented Mechanical Engineer with 4+ years' combined experience as a
Construction Engineer, Material Engineer, and Welding Engineer. Experienced in
Side Collision Analysis of Electric Bus Superstructure, Mechanical Properties
Analysis as a Laboratory Assistant of Materials Engineering Laboratory, Arc
Welding, and Resistance Spot Welding Analysis using commercial software, manual
calculation, and experimental approach. Having good interpersonal and teamwork
quality proven with experienced in managing for 150+ organizational members for
more than 4 years. EDUCATION Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Perak, Malaysia MSc,
Mechanical Engineering, Materials, and Welding Engineering, (expected) May 2021
Research Title: “A Study on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Dissimilar
Resistance Spot Welding of Stainless Steel 316L and Ti6Al4V Titanium Alloy using
Aluminum Alloy Interlayer” Supervisors: Dr. Azlan Ahmad and Dr. Mazli Mustapha

Mostafa Hajiaghaeikeshteli

Tecnologico de Monterrey

>> Biography


Prof. Keshteli is a Research Professor at the Department of Industrial
Engineering, School of Engineering and Science, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Puebla
Campus, Mexico. He is also the member of Optimization and Data Science research
center at this university. He has got all his bachelor, master, and Ph.D.
degrees in Industrial Engineering. Research Background: His main research areas
are Sustainable and Smart Logistics, Supply Chain Integration and Optimization,
Industry 4.0 and 5.0, and Combinatorial Optimization. He has firstly designed
and developed some food and agricultural supply chains such as Citrus, Rice,
Sugarcane, Avocado, Walnut, etc. in this research area. He is also the inventor
of some famous and capable Metaheuristics Algorithms in optimizations such as
Keshtel Algorithm (2012), Red Deer Algorithm (2016), Social Engineering
Optimizer (2018), and Tree Growth Algorithm (2018). He has published several
book chapters, books, and more than 100 papers in international conference as
well as more than 60 papers in Q1 journals, and also worked as a peer reviewer
and editor in top- ranked journals like EJOR, COR, INS, CAIE. He has done more
than 10 national projects and attracted grants for the universities and research
centers. Also, he has supervised more than 15 PhD dissertations as well as more
than 50 master theses. Industrial Background: He has strong international
collaborations and background in academia, international projects, and
industries, especially in European automotive industries, as a general manager,
site manager, project manager, head of planning department, business development
manager, senior consulter, and member of the board at SAP, Siemens, Savana, and
Heavy Diesel Engine Manufacturer companies such as MTU, Wartsila, and MAN. He is
also able to speak German, Spanish, Persian, and Arabic languages as well as
advanced English. Besides, he is skilled in programming in MATLAB and Python,
and usually mentors and teaches in international professional workshops such as

Majid Sartaj

University of Ottawa

>> Biography


Education: Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, University of Ottawa, Canada, 2001.
M.A.Sc., Civil (Environmental) Engineering, University of Ottawa, Canada, 1994.
B.A., Civil Engineering, Shiraz University, Iran, 1990. Research Interests:
Municipal and Industrial/Hazardous Solid Waste Management (Bioreactor
Landfilling Technologies, Anaerobic Digestion, Biogas/Bioenergy/Renewable
Natural Gas (RNG) production) Bioremediation of Contaminated Soils Industrial
Wastewater Treatment (Adsorption, Ion-Exchange, Chemical Precipitation, etc.)
Water Quality Modeling

Amin Shaban

Lebanese University

>> Biography


Dr. Amin Shaban is a Director of Researcher at the Lebanese National Council for
Scientific Research (CNRS-L)& Professor at the Lebanese University. In addition,
he has been nominated as a Consultant for several international entities (e.g.
UN-ESCWA, UNESCO, IHP,ENPI-CBCMES-European Commission, etc.) He has a Master
degree from the American University of Beirut, Ph.D. from Bordeaux-I University,
and he has achieved a Fulbright Program in the United States, at Boston
University. He is specialized in the use of satellite images to study water
resources including the monitoring of water resources, groundwater exploration,
and watershed management, climate change impact on watergeothermal water
sources. Dr. Shaban is the representative for the National Hydrological
Committee - IHP of Lebanon (Focal-point). He is also the CNRS-L representative
of the National Committee for combating pollution in the Litani River and the
Qaraaoun Reservoir. Moreover, he is a membership of several scientific
assemblies, such as American Geophysical Union (AGU) and International
Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS).Dr. Shaban has been given several
honorary awards, including the Award for Career Excellence in Scientific
Research and Award of Distinguished Researchers; Award of Best Arab Researcher
in Integrated Water Resources Management. Dr. Shaban has about 60 Publications
in International Journals, as well as published in more than 50 International
Processings,a number ofscientific books on water resources, and produced several
book chapters.Dr. Shabanis the Principal Investigator for more than 15 research
projects and participated in more than 25 projects. He has a teaching experience
of more than 15 years, and supervised many Master and Ph.D. students. He also
participated in a wide spectrum of seminars and workshops worldwide, plus many
technical studies. Thus, he contributed in putting the water principles for
Lebanon and proposed several approaches for water resources investment

Jakub Čurpek

Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava

>> Biography


Dr. Čurpek is researcher at Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovak University of
Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia. He obtained the PhD. degree in Building
Engineering in 2019 with Rector's Award. His dissertation thesis was focused on
double-skin facades with building-integrated photovoltaic systems coupled
withthe phase change material. He ismember of research team “Climate responsive
components integrated in energy and environmentally efficient building envelope”
at Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic. He ismember of International
Association of Building Physics,International Building Performance Simulation
Association, andSlovak Chamber of Civil Engineers. His research is focused on
adaptive façadesystems, integration of BiPV systems, latent heat energy storage
materials - PCM, building energy performance simulation, CFD analysis,
transparent insulation material - TIM, experimental outdoor test cell. He has
been speaker at several international conferences and seminars and reviewer of
scientific papers for international journals.

Tahar Tayachi

University of Bahrain

>> Biography


Tahar Tayachi joined Effat University, Saudi Arabia in 2014; before that, he was
in the University of Bahrain, Bahrain and University of Monastir, Tunisia. I
have a large experience in teaching courses in finance and accounting, such as
Accounting Theory, Advanced Accounting, IFRS, Risk Management, Financial
Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Banking, Corporate Finance, Special topics in
Finance, Internship and more. Furthermore, I am an active researcher with
numerous publications in highly ranked peer-reviewed journals in Corporate
Finance, Islamic Finance and Risk Management. I am the department chair of
Finance and director of the Master of Science in Finance Program, also I am
supervising Master students’ theses and undergraduate students’ dissertations. I
am the project manager of National Accreditation NCAAA for both programs, and
member in the AACSB accreditation for the College of Business. I am working in
the NECHE accreditation process for the institution. My area of research is:
risk management, corporate finance, clean energy and fintech.

Mara Rubia da Silva Miranda

Federal University of Uberlândia

>> Biography


Graduated in Production Engineering, she holds a Master's Degree in Chemical
Engineering from the Federal University of Uberlândia - UFU (2011) and a PhD in
Mechanical Engineering from the University of Brasília - UnB (2017). In 2019 she
did the Post Doctoral Internship in the Postgraduate Program in Production
Engineering at the Federal University of Goiás - UFG. In the industry, he has
experience in the area of Quality Engineering with operations in multinational
companies. In teaching, she was coordinator of the Production Engineering course
for 5 years at CESUC Faculty in Catalão-GO. He worked as a professor at the
Graduate Institute (IPOG), teaching modules in areas related to his training, as
well as topics related to sustainability engineering. In 2019 she worked as a
Substitute Professor in the Production Engineering course at the Federal
University of Goiás (UFG) and in the same year she went to the Federal
University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) as a teacher with exclusive dedication.
He has 10 years of experience as a teacher in higher education teaching subjects
in the Administration, Production Engineering, Civil Engineering and
Environmental Engineering courses. She is currently a professor at the Federal
University of Uberlândia (UFU) and works in teaching, research and extension.
His research is focused on the Sustainability Engineering area, with an interest
in waste energy conversion technologies, especially gasifiers and biodigesters.
In his research he studies several types of biomass, and energy efficiency to
optimize the processes and products generated. In Brazil, he participates in
research groups focused on new bioenergy production routes, in addition to
having partnerships with renewable energy industries and centers

Lopez Alcolea Jesus

CEBAS fruit

>> Biography


Florina Scarlatache

Technical University of Iasi

>> Biography


FlorinaScarlatacheis Lecturer in the Department of Power Systems, Faculty of
Electrical Engineering at “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi. She
received theB.Sc.in electric power engineering (2009) and M.Sc. (2010) inenergy
systems managementfrom “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania.
In 2012, she finished the Ph.D. at the same university, which was on advanced
techniques in modeling and optimal control of power systems in presence of
renewable energy sources.Hercurrent research activities focus on the power
systems, operation, planning and optimal control of distributed generation in
micro-grids associated with decision making methodologiesin optimal planning and
operation of hybrid energy systems (HES).She has published more than 70 refereed
scientific and technical papers in international journals and conferences and
6bookschapters which addresses on micro-grid planning and integration of
renewable energy sources.

Huan Xi

Xi’an Jiaotong University

>> Biography


Huan Xi received the Ph.D. degree in 2017 from the School of Energy and Power
Engineering,Xi’an Jiaotong University. He was a visiting researcher at Queen
Mary University of London in 2016. Since 2017, he joined Xi’an Jiaotong
University as a lecture, where he is currently an Associate Professor. His main
research interests and experience include waste heat recovery, organic Rankine
cycle, energy storage technologies and so on. He published more than 20 journal
papers, and currently in charge of several fundings to support my work,
including the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Postdoctoral
Innovative Talent Support Program of China and so on.

Gabriel Nasser Doyle

National Electric Energy Agency

>> Biography


Electrical Engineer from Federal University at Rio Grande do Sul State - UFRGS.
Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from UFRGS and in Economics, Regulation and
Competition in Public Services from the University of Barcelona - UB. He has
worked as a teacher in the electricity field, as a planner for the expansion,
concession and regulation of electricity transmission systems. Since January
2007 he has been a Specialist in Regulation of Public Energy Services, a career
public server at the National Electric Energy Agency - ANEEL. Finishing in 2021
a Master Degree in Renewable Energies at Federal University at Paraíba State-

khalid Almutairi

University of Hafr Al Batin

>> Biography


General Supervisor of Technical Affairs and Services (1/2020-14/1/2021) Advisor
to His Excellency the Rector of University of Hafr Al Batin (2020-2021)
Chairperson of Mechanical Engineering Technology Department (10/2019-present)
General Supervisor of Public Relationships and Media (9/2019-14/1/2021)
Spokesperson of the University of Hafr Al Batin (9/2019-14/1/2021) Supervisor of
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Office (6/2019-14/1/2021) Assistant Professor
(5/2019-Present) Graduate Research Assistant (8/2013-11/2017) Manufacturing
Laboratory, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, MU, Columbia, MO
Teacher (5/2001-5/2019) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jeddah College of
Technology, Jeddah, Makkah

Suresh Aluvihara

University of Peradeniya
Sri Lanka

>> Biography


Mr. Suresh Aluvihara is a postgraduate research scholar at the Department of
Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. He has
received his B.Sc. (Hon’s) degree in the year 2017 under the specialized scopes
of Earth Science and Mineral Science from a state university of Sri Lanka.
According to his current study fields, he has achieved a series of scientific
research publications under the scopes of Earth Engineering, Chemical
Engineering, Material Engineering and Environmental Engineering. In addition
that he has contributed on review processes of some advanced journals, a guest
editor for special issues, an editorial board member of scientific journals and
a keynote speaker for some reputed conferences.

Abdullah Saad AL-Malaise AL-Ghamdi

King Abdulaziz University
Saudi Arabia

>> Biography


Abdullah Saad AL-Malaise AL-Ghamdiis a Professor in Software and Systems
Engineering, Information Systems Department, Faculty of Computing and
Information Technology, King Abdulaziz University (KAU), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from George Washington
University, USA, in 2003. He is currently performing his duties as a Head of
Consultants Unit to the Vice Chancellor for Development Office, KAU. He also
performed his duties as a Vice Dean of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research,
Faculty of Computing and IT, KAU. In addition to teaching several courses to
Master and Ph.D. students, he is actively supervising many postgraduate internal
and external student’s thesis. He has been a part of different evaluation
processes such as Curriculum Evaluation, Promotion Evaluation, and Research
Proposal Evaluation. He is an active member of KAU Scientific Council,
Scholarship and Training Committee, and others. His area of Research and
Interest are Software Engineering and Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Data
Analytics, Business Intelligence, IT-Business oriented architecture, Business
Process Re-engineering, Data Mining, and Decision Support System. He has
published two books and around 70 research articles in well-known venues such as
Web of Science, Springer, IEEE, Taylor and Francis and others. The current
researches under development include, AI in digital education, machine learning
approach on Corona disease, and Cognitive Assessment on Medical data.

GM Shafiullah

Murdoch University

>> Biography


Dr GM Shafiullah is currently a Senior Lecturer in Electrical Engineering at
Murdoch University, Australia. After completing PhD in 2013 from Central
Queensland University, Australia, GM joined as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
at Electrical and Renewable Energy Engineering, Deakin University, Australia.
GM’s research interests include power systems stability, energy efficiency,
renewable energy and its enabling technologies, microgrid and smart gird. He has
coauthored of more than 140 refereed published book chapters, journal articles,
and conference papers including IEEE Transactions, Elsevier, IET, Wiley, MDPI
and AIP Journals. He has an h-index of 25 and over 2100 citations. He has a
field-weighted citation impact of 2.51 in the field of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering. GM is currently supervising eight HDR students and extensively
involved in a number of projects that include integration of PV systems in
remote diesel network; high penetration of distributed energy resources into the
grid and off-grid networks; innovative control strategies development for
microgrid; microgrid-based power systems for the rural community and renewable
energy for developing countries. GM has also been involved in
industrial/consultancy projects on microgrid, and renewable energy integration
in the grid-connected and off-grid systems and attracted about $4.5M research
funding. GM is a senior member of IEEE and IEEE PES. He is currently editing
special issues for Energies- MDPI, Sustainability- MDPI and Smart Grid
-Frontiers in Energy Research. He is also the Associate Editor for Smart
Grid-Frontiers in Energy Research. He is the General Co-Chair for the 2019 ICPES
to be held in Perth in addition to actively involved in few other reputed

Abdul Hafidz Yusoff

University Malaysia Kelantan

>> Biography


Dr Hafidz serve as theDirector of Research and Management Division, University
Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) and assistant professor at the Department of Mineral,
Material and Energy, Faculty of Bioengineering and Technology, UMK. His research
interest comes under the immensely broad heading of Environmental Geochemistry.
He has published more than 30 scientific papers in national and international
journals relating to his research area. He is reviewer of scientific articles
for international journals and has been speaker at several international
conferences and workshops. His research group works closely with the government
agency and industries. Recently, his group has collaborated with state
government to develop the new Mineral Research Center, which is located at Kota
Bharu, Kelantan Malaysia. Dr Hafidz also has received many grants from
university, government, agency and industries. Currently, he conducts more than
10 national and international grants as principal investigator and members as
well. As a registered Professional Chemist and Technologist, Dr Hafidz also
serves as Technical Advisor for number of mining companies. At the international
level, he has been involved with several international research collaboration
projects namely the South China Sea Fluvial Sediments and Environmental Changes
(FluSed) UNESCO/IOC-WESTPAC, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
ASIAN CORE – COMSEA and First Institute of Oceanography, China.

Masih Alavy

University of Toronto

>> Biography


Dr. Alavy has more than ten years of research, innovation, and hands-on
experience in the geothermal industry. He is the architect of revolutionary
algorithms that are used to optimize the design of geo-exchange systems in North
America and Europe and was instrumental in helping MCR develop Thermal Caissons.
He has a PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Toronto and a Master’s
degree in mechanical engineering from Ryerson University. He has held two of the
most prestigious awards in North America, namely, Alaxendar Graham Bell NSERC
Canada Graduate fellowship, and the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration,
and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Grant-in-Aid award. He has experience
teaching sustainable energy technology related courses in various institutions,
such as, University of Toronto, Ryerson University, McMaster university, and
Seneca College.

Jianxiong Zhu

Southeast University

>> Biography


Dr. Jianxiong Zhu is an associate Professor from Southeast University, China. He
received d Ph.D. from the University of Missouri Columbia in 2015. After that,
he worked as assistant professor in Beijing institute of Nanoenergy and
Nanaosysem. He also worked as postdoc in KAIST, Korea, and National University
of Singapore for several years. His research interests are focused on MEMS
zero-power sensor, wearable flexible sensor, and gas sensor.


University of Ferrara

>> Biography


Silvio Simani was born in Ferrara in 1971. He received his Laurea degree (cum
laude) in Electronic Engineering from the Department of Engineering at the
University of Ferrara, Italy, in 1996, and was awarded the Ph.D. in Information
Science (Automatic Control) at the Department of Engineering of the University
of Ferrara and Modena, Italy, in 2000. Since February 2002 he was Assistant
Professor at the Department of Engineering of the University of Ferrara, and
since December 2018 he has been Professor at the same Department. Since 1999 he
is member of the IFAC Technical Committee 6.4 on Fault Detection, Supervision
and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS); since 1998 he is member of the
IEEE Society, and since 2016 he is Senior Member IEEE. Prof. Simani has
published more than 260 refereed journal and conference papers, several book’s
chapters, and four monographs. His research interests include fault diagnosis
and fault tolerant control of linear and nonlinear dynamic processes, system
modelling, identification and data analysis, linear and nonlinear filtering
techniques, fuzzy logic and neural networks for modelling and control, as well
as the interaction issues among identification, fault diagnosis, fault tolerant
and sustainable control. These techniques have been applied to power plants,
renewable energy conversion systems, aircraft and spacecraft processes.

Zhu Rui

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

>> Biography


Dr. Zhu is an Assistant Professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
focusing on the study of Solar Cities. Dr. Zhu was a Postdoctoral Associate at
MIT Senseable City Laboratory at Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and
Technology. Dr. Zhu obtained PhD from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong
Kong SAR) with an exchange study at Université Laval (Canada), MSc from KTH –
Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), and BSc from Nanjing Normal University
(China). Dr. Zhu’s study in modelling 3D solar cities and using solar energy
with high efficiency has been reported by Singapore TV, MIT News, Lianhe Zaobao,
Topos Magazine, and Portfolio Magazine, etc.

Zhen Cao

und University

>> Biography


Zhen Cao is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Energy Sciences, Lund
University, Sweden. He received his B.Eng. and M.Sc. at North China Electric
Power University, Beijing, China in 2012 and 2015, respectively, and Ph.D. at
Lund University, Lund, Sweden, in 2019. He is currently working in the area of
boiling heat transfer and microfluidics, and he alsohas extensive experience of
CFD in heat transfer enhancement and heat exchangers. He was nominated the
EUROTHERM Young Scientist Award in 2020, and he was also awarded travel grants
by ÅForsk, Royal Physiographic Society of Lund, and Lund University.Up to date,
he has published more than 25 papers in journals and conferences

Zhao Xing

Nanjing University

>> Biography


Dr. Xing Zhao received his B.Eng. degree in Electrical Engineering from the
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China, in 2014. He then
served as an Engineer in aircraft industry for two years. He obtained the Ph.D.
degree in Electrical Engineering from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong
Kong SAR, in 2020. From July 2019 to January 2020, he was a Research Scholar
with the Center for Advanced Power Systems, Florida State University, United
States. Since July 2020, he has been with the Department of Electrical
Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, where he currently holds a
position of Research Assistant Professor. His research interests include
electrical machines, motor drives, and power electronics for electric propulsion
and renewable energy systems. In this field, he has published over30 technical
articles in international journals and holds 6 granted patents. He is an
Associate Editor of IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society.

Itai Sened

University of Rochester

>> Biography


Itai Sened received his Ph.D. from the University of Rochester in 1990. He rose
to the rank of a senior lecturer with tenure at the Department of Political
Science at Tel Aviv University, while maintaining a regular visiting scholar
position at Washington University in St. Louis. In 1997 he moved permanently to
St. Louis. Between 2001-2013 he served as the Director of the Center for New
Institutional Social Sciences (CNISS) at Washington University in St. Louis.
Promoted to Full Professor in the Department of Political Science in 2004, he
served a full term as Chair of the Department between 2004-7. During his tenure
the Department rose in the ranking to be considered among the top 10 departments
in the U.S. His main interests are the comparative study of institutions, game
theory, applied mathematical modeling and public policy – renewable energy in
particular. His first book,The Political Institution of Private Property, was
published by Cambridge University Press in 1997 (new edition in paper back
published in 2007). His second book,Political Bargaining: Theory, Practice and
Process, co-authored with Gideon Doron, was published by Sage Publication in
2001 (available in paper back edition and has just been chosen to be included in
the new eBook collection of Sage). He published numerous articles in all of the
top refereed journals in Political Science including, The American Political
Science Review,The American Journal of Political Science, The Journal of
Politics, The British journal of Political Science, the European Journal for
Political Research, the Journal of Theoretical Politicsand many others. He is
the co-editor, with Jack Knight, of Explaining Social Institutions from the
University of Michigan Press (1995, a paperback new edition was printed in
2005). In 2006 he co-authored with Norman Schofield: Multiparty Democracy,
publishedby Cambridge University Press, also in paper back. Most recently he
published his fifth book, an edited volume with Sebastian Galiani, entitled:
Economic Institutions, Rights, Growth, and Sustainability: The Legacy of
Douglass North, again with Cambridge University Press. Since his return to
Israel, he served as the Chair of the Department of Public Policy,the Founding
Head of the School of Social and Policy Studies and the Founding Head of the
Boris Mints Institute for Strategic Policy Solution to Global Challenges. On
August, 1, 2020,he was appointed Dean of the Gershon H. Gordon faculty of Social
Sciences at Tel Aviv University.He is a regular and popular lecturer on many
international venues with recent lectures focused his current interest in the
transition to renewable energy.

Sellami douja

University of El Manar

>> Biography


Dr. Douja Sellami, hasher Master degree from the Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte
-Tunisia, 2006 and a PhD in Biology from the Faculty of Sciences of Tunis of the
University of El Manar-Tunisia since 2020. Shehas her competence in the study of
greenhouse crops and her passion for their improvement. Its open improvement
model is based on new ways of using renewable energy. She built this model after
years of experience in research, both in biology laboratories and in thermal
process laboratories.

Carlos Acosta

University of Texas

>> Biography


Carlos Acosta, Ph.D. received a M.Sc. in mechanical engineering as well as a
M.Sc. and PhD in computer and electrical engineering all from the University of
Texas at San Antonio. He has been working on the HVAC industry as a research
scientist for the last 7 years designing and developing controlling schemes for
multi-evaporator HVAC systems. His research interests range for numerical and
experimental characterization of multi-phase flows to the design and fabrication
of ferroelectric micro-shells for small scale sensors.

Hossein Ameli

Imperial College London

>> Biography


Dr Hossein Ameli is a research associate at Imperial College London. He got his
PhD degree from Electrical and Electronic Engineering department at Imperial
College London. His research is mainly focused on interaction of gas/hydrogen
and electricity systems from operation and planning perspectives. In this
context, the modelling is carried out for e.g., GB energy system in 2030 and
2050, where a significant part of heat and transport sector should be
electrified. Furthermore, cost-effective transition to lower-carbon energy
system achieved by employment of flexibility options (i.e., demand side
response, electricity storage, flexible gas plants, multi-directional
compressors, and interconnections) in the integrated operation and planning of
different energy vectors (mainly gas/hydrogen, heat and electricity) is
investigated. He contributed in many scientific papers as well as research
projects related to energy industry such as projects for Committee of Climate
Change (CCC) and Ofgem.

Ali Farshid

Salt Lake Valley in Utah

>> Biography


Ali's research focuses on optimizing stormwater management in the Salt Lake
Valley in Utah, USA. Ali works full time as an Engineer at Salt Lake City Public
Utilities while completing his PhD. Ali joined Utah State University as a PhD
student in 2019. As part of the team, Ali's preparing a stormwater master plan
for Salt Lake City in Utah, considering climate change and searching for climate
adaptation strategies to sustainably manage stormwater

Jorge Luis Loredo Perez

University of Oviedo

>> Biography


School of Mining, Energy and materials Engineering. University of Oviedo.
Independencia, 13. 33004 Oviedo, Asturias, Spain

Hanan Mubarak Saadalla Albuflasa

University of Bahrain

>> Biography


An assistant professor of renewable energy, head of Department of Physics,
University of Bahrain. Albuflasa has a Ph.D. and M.Sc in Renewable Energy from
Centre of Renewable Energy System Technologies, CREST, Loughborough University,
UK.Albuflasa is Bahrain representative for the GCC Technical Standard Committee
on Renewable Energy and Energy Storage Systems, Participating member of the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) for TC 82 and TC 88, National
GHG inventory team member andthe GLOBE NENA representative in the Evaluation
Working Group.She is the Principal Investigator of UK-Gulf institutional
grantwith Loughborough University in the UK. Also Principal Investigator for the
three years joint research project between University of Bahrain and Aston
Universityand Four years joint project with University of Oxford.

Sanjukta Subudhi

University of Delhi

>> Biography


Sanjukta Subudhi is a microbiologist and working as senior fellow at The Energy
and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi. She has obtained PhD in molecular
microbiology from University of Delhi, Delhi, India and perused her postdoctoral
research in algal biotechnology from National Centre for Genetic Engineering and
Biotechnology (BIOTEC), National Agency for Science and Technology Development
(NSTDA), Bangkok, Thailand. Dr. Subudhi worked as a faculty scientist
(2004-2008) at Pilot Plant Development Technology Research Institute (PDTI),
King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), Bangkok, Thailand
until she joined TERI in 2008. She leads the advanced microbial biofuel &
biochemical research group at TERI. Research explorations of her group span the
domain of; microbial production of clean fuel (bio-hydrogen bio-methane,
bio-butanol from 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation feed stocks)and green chemicals
(2,3 Butane Diol, lactic acid, lipase, bioflucculant). She had the opportunity
to work in several bilateral and multilateral collaborative research projects.
She has over 100 research publications, conference papers, and proceedings to
her name, which includes 39 high impact factor peer-reviewed international
publications (with RG score of 29.39 and 955citations, h-index, 18, I10 index,
23), four patents, and three book chapters. Major research achievements include
biohydrogen and bioethanol production from 1st and next generation feed,
biomethane from organic matter, microbial production of 2,3 Butane Diol and its
downstream purification, algal production of value added biopigments.

Mehmanparast Ali

Cranfield University

>> Biography


Dr Ali Mehmanparast (PhD, MBA, CEng, CMgr) is an Associate Professor at
Cranfield University with his research focussed on design and integrity
assessment of floating and fixed-bottom offshore wind turbines. He has won and
led research projects for the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, EPSRC-funded
Supergen Wind and Supergen ORE Hubs and the Carbon Trust Offshore Wind
Accelerator (OWA) Programme. He is the Principal Investigator and Manager of the
Cranfield-Oxford-Strathclyde Universities REMS CDT and participated in the SLIC
JIP as a member of the technical delivery team.

Zafar Said

University of Sharja

>> Biography


Dr. Zafar is currently an Assistant Professor at Department of Sustainable and
Renewable Energy Engineering (SREE) at University of Sharjah. He worked
previously as a post-doctoral researcher in the iSmart group in the Department
of Engineering Systems and Management, Masdar Institute, U.A.E. He has completed
his PhD from University of Malaya. He has graduated with B.S. in Mechanical
Engineering (Hons.), University Tenaga Nasional, and Malaysia. He is the
reviewer for several international journals. He works in the field of Renewable
Energy, Energy and Exergy Analysis, Solar Energy (Solar PV, Solar Collector,
Energy Efficiency, Efficiency Improvement), Heat Transfer (Heat Transfer,
Cooling and Heating), Nanofluids (Thermophysical properties, optical properties,
Application of nanofluids), Underhood Thermal Management ( RadTherm, HyperMesh,
Radiator, exhaust system and vehicle simulation model) and Active Thermography (
Pulse Thermography, Lock-in Thermography, Composite Structures) and 3D printing.
He is the author and co-author of more than 26 research paper and 8
international conference proceedings. Dr. Zafar has 208 citations with an
h-index of 7. Dr. Zafar is currently working with industrial collaborative
projects which are confidential. Dr. Zafar is also serving at the Editorial
Board Member for three ISI Journals.

Giorgio Graditi

University of Palermo

>> Biography


Dr. Eng. Giorgio Graditi - PhD in Electrical Engineering / Director of the
Department of Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources of ENEA (Italian
National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic
Development), Rome, Italy. He received the doctoral degree and the Laurea degree
(cum laude) in Electrical Engineering from the University of Palermo (Italy).
Since July 2020, he is the Director of the Department of Energy Technologies and
Renewable Sources of ENEA. Since 2000, he is a Researcher at ENEA. From 2011 to
2017, he was the head of the Photovoltaic Systems and Smart Grid Unit of ENEA,
whereas from 2018 to 2019 he was the head of Solar Thermal and Smart Network
Division of ENEA. From April 2019, he is the President of MEDENER, Mediterranean
Association of National Agencies for Energy Management for energy efficiency and
the development of renewable energy sources, and from May 2019 is the
Coordinator of the Scientific Technical Committee of National Energy
Technological Cluster under the Ministry of Education, University and Research.
He is a member of IEA task 11 “PV Hybrid systems within mini-grids” and task 14
“High penetration of PV systems in electricity grids” and of Italian
Electrotechnical Committee (CEI) CT 82 “Solar photovoltaic”, CT 316 “Connection
to LV, MV and HV distribution networks” and CT 313 “Smart grids”. In 2017, he
received the Italian National Scientific Qualification as Full Professor in the
sector of electrical energy engineering. He is operating as Italian member for
Mission Innovation Challenge 1 “Smart Grids” and Challenge 2 “Off-grid access to
electricity”, and he is a member of the H2020 National Steering Board for the
"Safe, Clean and Efficient Energy" Cluster, and member of the working group of
the thematic area "Industrial Energy” for the “Climate, Energy and Sustainable
Mobility” area set up by the Italian Ministry of University and Research within
the drafting of the national research plan 2020-2027. He is the vice-coordinator
of the Joint Programme on Smart Grid (JP SG) within European Energy Research
Alliance (EERA) and the responsible of many National and European (FP7, H2020)
projects on the topics of RES, integrated energy networks and smart grid. His
main research interests are in: design, modelling and tools development for the
control and management of Smart Grids and microgrids in the presence of DER;
energy conversion components and systems design and characterization;
performance analysis of integrated energy networks by multi-objective
techniques; design, modelling, and analysis of multi-energy hubs; management and
operation optimization of local and renewable energy communities; design,
characterization and testing of concentrated solar power and photovoltaic
components and plants; RES production and demand forecasting based on artificial
intelligence techniques (machine learning). He has supervised several MSc and
PhD theses. He is also peer review, associated editor, member of editorial and
advisory board of scientific journals, and chairman in international conference.
He is also responsible of many R&D contract and agreement in the energy sector
with international and national stakeholders. He is author of more than 250
scientific papers (with Scopus H-index 33) published in international journals
and proceedings of international conference most of them awarded as highly-cited

Raphael Heffron

University of Dundee

>> Biography


Raphael Heffron is Professor for Global Energy Law & Sustainability at the
Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy at the University of
Dundee. As of July 2019, he is also a Jean Monnet Professor in the Just
Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy awarded by the European Commission. He is
also Senior Counsel at the law firm Janson in Brussels (Belgium). Professor
Heffron is a qualified Barrister-at-Law, and a graduate of both Oxford (MSc) and
Cambridge (MPhil & PhD). All his work has a principal focus on achieving a just
transition to a low-carbon economy and combines a mix of energy law, policy and
economics. He has published over 140 publications of different types and is the
most cited scholar in his field worldwide (1150+Scopus). Professor Heffron has
given just over 125 keynote or guest lectures in 44 countries worldwide. Raphael
was elected to the Royal Society of Edinburgh Young Academy of Scotland in 2018.
His research and teaching has been recognised by the award of a Jean Monnet
Professorship by the European Commission twice in 2016 (-2019) and 2019 (-2022).
His teaching has also been recognised in the UK by becoming a Senior Fellow of
the UK Higher Education Academy in 2018. In addition, Raphael is a Fellow of The
Royal Society of Arts. He is a reviewer for the next IPCC Report. Raphael is on
the Editorial Board of the International Energy Law Review, the Renewable Energy
Law and Policy Review and is Consulting Editor of the current Halsbury’s Laws of
England volumes on Energy Law (the leading practitioner energy law series).
Raphael is also co-editor of the forthcoming Oxford University Press Handbook
for International Energy Law and Editor-in-Chief of the Edinburgh University
Press journal Global Energy Law & Sustainability. Raphael is currently or has
been in the past the following positions: the Co-Chair of the UK Energy Law and
Policy Association; Visiting Professor in Energy Law at the International
Hellenic University (Greece); an Associate Researcher at the Energy Policy
Research Group at the University of Cambridge (current); a Visiting Professor at
Paris-Dauphine University (Paris, France – current), Queen Mary University of
London (UK – current), the University of West Indies (Trinidad-based), Javeriana
University (Colombia) and University Eduardo Mondlane (Mozambique – current); a
Visiting Lecturer at the ESCP Business School (London and Paris); and a Visiting
Scholar at MIT (US), University of Sydney (Australia) University Of Texas at
Austin (US) and the British Institute for International and Comparative Law
(UK). Raphael read for his PhD at Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge. He is
also a trained Barrister-at-Law and was called to the Bar in July 2007 in the
Republic of Ireland. He holds degrees from the University of Cambridge
(MPhil-Darwin, PhD-Trinity Hall), the University of Oxford (Christ Church) (MSc)
the University of St. Andrews (MLitt), and Trinity College Dublin (BA, MA).

Giuseppe Leonardo Cascella

Polytechnic University of Bari

>> Biography


Giuseppe L. Cascella received his MSc degree with honours (2001) and his PhD in
Electrical Engineering (2005) from the Politecnico di Bari (Italy). He won two
EU Marie Curie Fellowships in the Nottingham University (UK) and the University
of Malta. He completed his PostDoctoral Research project (2008) "Adaptive
Memetic Algorithms for Electric Drives". He published 50+ peer-reviewed
scientific papers on industry4.0 and AI applications in energy efficiency, has
been the coordinator of 30+ R&D industrial projects and received the following
awards: • 2018 AWS Activate Builder, "Cloud Data Analytics for Energy
Efficiency", Amazon Web Services, 2018. • best experiment in Open Call 2,
BEinCPPS, H2020, EU funded, project 680633, 2018. • "SmartSupervisor for
Cognitive Energy Efficiency", A&T award for the best innovative i4.0 solution,
2017. He is member of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
and of the Italian National Order of Engineers.

Ali Ekhtiari

University College Dubli

>> Biography


Dr Ali Ekhtiari has a PhD in chemical engineering awarded from University
College Dublin (UCD). He is the specialist of energy and environment systems
with more than 10 years of experience in the engineering design, modelling,
optimisation, data analysis, feasibility studies of industrial and research
projects in the worldwide scale. Already, he is senior researcher of University
College Dublin, school of Mechanical and Material Engineering working on data
analysis of air emissions and energy use in the transport segment of Ireland.
Ali strived to establish a prominent and internationally recognized specialist
portfolio in modelling of reliable, flexible and sustainable energy systems to
transform national and international industrial and community priorities to
competitive Research and Development projects. Based on this background, Ali has
built a unique model for optimising integrated gas and electricity systems
associated with increasing the renewables share in the current Irish energy
system. Also, he modelled inclusion of green hydrogen (from Power to Gas (P2G)
settings) in a gas network to investigate how hydrogen can impact on operational
variables and how it can have minimum variation in the energy density of
end-users. To investigate what capacities of P2G can be used to generate and
blend hydrogen into the gas network, a statistical data analysis approach (data
clustering) to look at the distribution of the daily excess wind values was
used. Ali has an outstanding track record of research relative to my current
career stage with published papers, and a handbook of “Finite Element
Programming by APDL”. Based on his academic and research achievements, Ali
achieved the “Gold Medal” of Geneva invention competition for “Solar Fan-Tunnel
Dryer". He was the inaugural recipient of the MacElroy Energy Research Award in
the UCD School of Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering. The MacElroy Energy
Research Bursary is awarded to an outstanding research graduate student based on
a submitted essay which demonstrates a deep understanding of their aspect of
Energy Research and outlines their contribution to the field.

Ali Hasan

Higher Colleges of Technology

>> Biography


Ali Hasan received B Eng in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the
Hashemite University in Jordan in 2005. Dr. Hasan completed his M Eng in
Electrical Engineering from North West University in 2010 and his D Ing (PhD)
degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in the year 2014 from University
of Johannesburg in South Africa respectively. Dr. Hasan is currently an
Assistant professor at the department of electrical engineering at the Higher
Colleges of Technology in Abu Dhabi, UAE.Dr. Hasan research work mainly focuses
on the applications of Artificial Intelligence applications in energy and
renewable energy, Power systems and Noise mitigation. Dr. Hasan has published
more than 45 papers in international conferences and journals and supervised
several masters and PhD students.

Jaser Saed

Birzeit University

>> Biography


Dr. Jaser Sa’ed is an Assistant Professor at the Electrical and Computer
Engineering Department at Birzeit University, Palestine. Dr. Sa'ed held
different administrative positions including chairperson of the Electrical and
Computer Engineering Department and director of Master Program in Electrical
Engineering. Dr. Sa'ed participated in many national and international
projects/activities. He received his B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from
Birzeit University in 2005, and the M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from
Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan, in 2007. From 2007 to 2011,
he was an instructor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Birzeit
University. He received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from
University of Palermo, Italy, in 2015. Dr. Sa’ed teaching “Smart Grids”,
“Control Systems”, “Power Systems”, “Automation and Protection in Electrical
Power Systems”, also Dr. Sa’ed has supervised many graduate projects and master
theses in the field of smart grid technologies and applications. Dr. Sa'ed has
published many articles in refereed journals and conferences. His research
interests include renewable energy systems, smart grids, integration of
renewable energy sources in power systems, distribution systems operation and
planning, power systems protection, energy efficiency and energy saving, control
systems modeling and simulation.

Piotr Maśloch

War Studies University Warsaw

>> Biography


Piotr Maśloch is a Professor at Was Studies University in Warsaw, Management and
Command Faculty. Prof. Piotr Maśloch is an officer of the PolishArmy and Dean's
Representative for EU projects. He is an author and manager of international
projects (founded by UE) in the field of new technologies and modern education.
He is an active teacher and researcher in management, sustainable energy,
sustainability, and environmental impact. He is a reviewer of scientific
publications of the bestPolishUniversities and international publishing houses,
is an author and co-author of more than 100 publications as a paper contribution
on international journals, book chapters, and conference proceedings. His
research interest includes energy, management, global aspects of energy
transformation, green energy, globalization. Prof. Maśloch has prepared
development strategies based on green energy. In next years prof.
Maslochwouldlike to start with the implementation of green energy ideas to the
army (a strategy with the management of green energy).

Ahmed Mohamed

The City University of New York

>> Biography


Ahmed Ali A. Mohamed (El-Tallawy) is an Associate Professor of Electrical
Engineering (EE) at the City College of the City University of New York (CUNY).
He is the EE PhD Program Advisor, and the director of the CUNY Smart Grid
Interdependencies Laboratory (http://smartgrid.ccny.cuny.edu). Prof. Mohamed
received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Florida
International University in 2013. His research work is supported through funds
from various companies and national funding agencies, e.g. the US National
Science Foundation and New York State Energy Research and Development Authority.
His research interests include critical infrastructure interdependencies, smart
grid resilience, microgrids, and transportation electrification. He has numerous
publications in these fields as book chapters, and articles in premier journals
and conference proceedings.Prof. Mohamed is the recipient of the 2019 NSF CAREER
Award, among several other honors and awards. Several of Prof. Mohamed's papers
received prestigious awards.Prof. Mohamed served on review panels for several
national and international funding agencies, e.g. the US Department of Energy,
the US National Science Foundation and the Chilean National Science and
Technology Commission. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, and has held several IEEE
executive positions.

Tareq Abuhamed

The Arava Institute for Environmental Studies

>> Biography


Tareq Abu Hamed holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering from Ankara University. He
did his first post doctorate research at the Weizmann Institute of Science in
Israel, where he worked at Environmental Sciences and Energy Research
Department. His second post doctorate was at the University of Minnesota, at the
Solar Energy Laboratory of the Mechanical Engineering Department. Tareq has
published profusely in a wide variety of journals, and received several awards
(Dan David Prize). Tareq served as the Vice Chief Scientist and The Director of
Engineering Research at The Ministry of Science, Technology and Space. Tareq is
currently the Academic Director and the head of the Renewable Energy Center at
the Arava Institute and a researcher at the Dead Sea and Arava Science Center.

Emmanuel Karapidakis

Hellenic Mediterranean University

>> Biography


Prof. Dr Eng. Emmanuel Karapidakis is Dean at School of Engineering and Director
of Energy, Environment and Climate Change Institute (IEECC) in Hellenic
Mediterranean University. He has published more than 40 papers in International
Journals; as well as more than 50 papers in international conferences. He is/was
scientific coordinator of 11 European financed projects, 7 National programmes
and more than 20 private funded projects. His research interest focuses on
Energy Policy, Power Systems Operation, Diverse & Dispersed Generation,
Micro-Grids, Renewable Energy Sources, and Energy Trading

Kody Powell

University of Utah

>> Biography


Prof. Kody Powell has been a faculty member in the Department of Chemical
Engineering at the University of Utah, USA since 2016. His research work focuses
on design, simulation, automation, and optimization of complex energy systems.
One key objective of his research is to use systems engineering tools to
determine the optimal design and operation of hybrid energy systems and to
identify and exploit synergies between different energy types and technologies.
His findings demonstrate that by designing flexibility into energy systems via
hybridization, the system can achieve better results than by designing
stand-alone systems. This work on hybridization extends into technologies such
as solar, wind, nuclear, carbon-based fuels, and energy storage. He is also the
Director of a U.S. Department of Energy Industrial Assessment Center, which
specializes in identifying energy savings opportunities for the manufacturing
sector. Prior to joining the University of Utah, Dr. Powell worked at ExxonMobil
Research and Engineering, where he specialized in simulation, automation, and
optimization of combined heat and power (CHP) and other utility systems for the
petrochemical industry. He has a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the
University of Texas at Austin, USA, and a B.S. in chemical engineering from the
University of Utah.

Giorgio Sulligoi

University of Trieste

>> Biography


Giorgio Sulligoi (Senior Member IEEE) earned the Ph.D. (University of Padua,
2005) and the M.Sc. (University of Trieste, 2001, summa cum laude), both in
Electrical Engineering. Prof. Sulligoi is the Deputy Director for Community
Affairs and Business Relations of the Dept. of Engineering and Architecture at
the University of Trieste, Italy. He is the founder and Director of the Digital
Energy Transformation & Electrification Facility (D-ETEF lab.) at the Department
of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Trieste. He joined the
University of Trieste by 2007, and presently is Full Professor of Electric Power
Control Systems for Energy and Transportation. He authored more than 150
scientific papers in the fields of on-board power systems, e-transportation,
generators modeling and voltage control, where he also has earned some
scientific awards. He has been Deputy Rector of the University of Trieste
(2013/2019) for Community Affairs and Business Relations. Professor Sulligoi is
a member of many technical/scientific committees and working groups in the field
of marine electrical applications. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in
Italy. He is member of IEEE (PES, IAS), ASNE (American Society of Naval
Engineers), ATENA (Italian society of naval architects and marine engineers). He
is a reviewer for a number of International Conferences and Journals. He is the
Vice (and Past) President of the AEIT (Italian Association of Electrical
Engineers) Section of Friuli Venezia Giulia. He has been a member (2012) of the
Board of Directors of ACEGAS-APS S.p.A., distribution system operator in
Trieste/Padua (traded on Milan Stock Exchange), Italy, and a member (2007-2011)
of the Board of Directors of Sincrotrone Trieste S.c.p.A., a joint stock company
of national interest managing the Synchrotron Light Source “Elettra” and the
Free Electron Laser “FERMI@Elettra” laboratories in Trieste, Italy. Presently he
is a member of the Board of Directors of the Maritime Technology Cluster of the
Friuli Venezia Giulia region (MARE-TC FVG), in Italy, where he serves also as
President of the Technical-Scientific Committee. Recently he has been appointed
by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research a member of the
Boards of Directors of CINIGEO (Italian University Consortium for Engineering in
Earth Resources) and ENSIEL (Italian University Consortium for Electrical Energy
and Power Systems). He has been a member of the PNR (Plan for National Research
2020-2027) Committee, appointed by the Italy Ministry of University and Research
(MUR) for the thematic area "Climate, Energy and Sustainable Transportation".

Jianzhong Lin

Zhejiang University

>> Biography


Jianzhong Lin is a professor in the department of mechanics at Zhejiang
University, China. He received his PhD degree from Peking University in 1991.
His scientific interests are multiphase fluid flows, nanofluids, micro fluid
dynamics, turbulence and fluid machinery. His works were funded by more than 40
research projects, including National Natural Science Fund for Distinguished
Young Scientists, Key Project of the National Science Foundation of China. So
far he has published more than 600 academic papers and won more than ten science
and technology awards. He was the associate editor of International Journal of
Multiphase flow, and is currently serving as the chief editor of Mechanics in
Engineering, associate editor of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, associate
editor of Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engineering, and
editorial board members of more than ten academic journals. He is now the vice
president of China Metrology and testing society, and member of council of the
Chinese society of mechanics.

Sikiru Ismail

University of Hertfordshire

>> Biography


Dr Sikiru O. Ismail is currently a Senior Lecturer in Manufacturing Engineering
and Materials at Department of Engineering, School of Physics, Engineering and
Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire (UoH), England, United Kingdom.He
is a member of Mechanical Engineering Subject Group and Centre for Engineering
Research. He is currently Outreach and Networking Coordinator for the Centre for
Climate Change Research, UoH. Also, he is the Lead Guest Editor of Applied
Science/Materials, Special Issue of MDPI Journal. Before these leadership
positions, he completed his Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in the School of
Mechanical and Design Engineering, University of Portsmouth, England, UK, after
obtained his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in the same University, as a
scholarship researcher with prestigious awards such as Paper Publication Prizes:
Best Student Paper and First Place Awards at both School of Engineering and
Faculty of Technology levels. Prior to his doctoral degree, he obtained National
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Technology with Distinction Grade; Bachelor of
Engineering (Honours) in Mechanical Engineering (Production) with First Class
Honours Division; and Masters of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Design and
Production) with Distinction Grade. He was an Overall/Best Student in all his
degree programmes, among other outstanding prizes. Moreover, Dr Ismail has
several years of professional (industrial, research and academic/lecturing)
experiences, having worked in many sectors. His research specialisation focuses
on Manufacturing (Mechanical) and Materials Engineering, Innovative
Manufacturing Processes / Monitoring and Optimisation of Manufacturing
Processes, Machinery and Process Design and Development, ProductInnovation
(Renewable and Sustainable Composites Design, Development, Testing,
Characterisation and Optimisation)and Technology Transfer,Renewable Energy
(Sustainability and Optimisation) and Green Technology, Advanced and Digital
Manufacturing/Robots in Manufacturing, Additive and Hybrid Manufacturing/3D
printing,Sustainable and Smart Manufacturing (Industry 4.0), using Experimental
and Numerical Simulation/Finite Element/Analytical Modelling Techniques.He has
successfully supervised many undergraduate and postgraduate projects. He has
successfully won some research grants/funding and scholarships. In addition, he
has published/presented several articles in local/international conferences and
reputable high impact factor Journals as well as Book, Handbook and
Encyclopaedia Chapters. Dr Ismail is a Reviewer and Editorial Board Member of
many reputable local/international journals and conferences. He is a qualified
Advance Higher Education Internal and External Examiner, UK. He also obtained
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE). Furthermore, Dr Ismail is a
Member, Chartered Engineer and Fellow of several national/local and
international professional bodies. These organisations include, but are not
limited to, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (MASME, USA), Institution
of Mechanical Engineers (MIMechE, UK), American Society for Composites (MASC,
USA), Institution of Engineering and Technology (CEng MIET, UK), Higher
Education Academy (FHEA, UK), Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts,
Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA, UK). Summarily, Dr Ismail is an astute Senior
Lecturer and erudite researcher. He solves several engineering problems through
cutting-edge research, as he is presently working on wind turbine blade damage
detection and characterisation to support wind renewable energy.

Hen Friman

H.I.T - Holon Institute of Technology

>> Biography


Hen Friman holds Ph.D. and Master's degrees from Bar-Ilan University. His
master's thesis investigated the effect of Cyt1Aa on prokaryotes, and his Ph.D.
research focused on energy production from aromatic chemical degradation of
bacteria Using "Bio-Fuel Cells". Since 2012, Dr. Friman is research and lecturer
at the Faculty of Engineering. He is currently the academic director at the
Renewable Energy & Smart Grid Excellence Center at the HIT - Holon Institute of
Technology. Dr. Friman developed an innovative teaching method for a "paperless"
laboratory in the field of solar, wind, and water energy. He also managed the
"Energy Supervisor" training program at HIT. He was part of the team responsible
for developing "Pre-Project and Developing Soft Skills for Engineers" for the
undergrad B.Sc. students. The purpose of the course is to define and improve the
"toolbox courses" that will provide students with employability skills -
Teamwork, effective management of time, risk and quality control, design
excellence, and presentation excellence Dr. Friman's research interests include
renewable energy, fuel cells, microbial fuel cells, water and wastewater
treatment, chemical engineering, ecological education, and academic

Virginie Francoeur

Laval University

>> Biography


Virginie Francoeur holds a bachelor's degree in management, a master's degree in
organizational development (HEC Montreal) and a Ph.D. in administrative sciences
(Laval University). Since June 2020, she’s a professor of organizational change
at Polytechnique Montreal. As part of her thesis where she did a doctoral
internship at the psychology faculty of the University of Valencia in Spain, she
studied human aspects in relation to the environmental responsibility of
organizations. Member of theCanada Research Chair in Internationalization of
Sustainable Development and Organizational Accountabilityand the Research Group
on Globalisation and Management of Technology (GMT), her field of expertise is
related to organizational change and sustainable development. Her research,
which has been published in scientific journals (Organization & Environment;
Journal of Cleaner Production, European Management Journal) shows that problems
related to the environment affect the behaviors of individuals and are a source
of growing concern. It therefore seems urgent to her to understand how
individuals can become agents of change to accelerate the ecological transition.
In 2021, she will publish a book on the subject with Prof. Pascal Paillé
“Pro-environmental behaviors in the workplace” at Palgrave Macmillan.

Stefan Sauer

FAU Nuremberg University

>> Biography


Dr. Stefan Sauer is an Academic Councillor at the Nuremberg Campus of
Technology, founded by the FAU Nuremberg University and the Ohm University of
Applied Sciences Nuremberg. He earned his doctoral degree in 2016 at the FAU
Nuremberg University and his master's degree in 2009 at LMU Munich University.
His fields of interest are sociology of work, environmental sociology and gender
studies. He worked in several research projects focusing on sustainability
within organizations and production processes, project management, and
digitization. He published in international journals like f.e. Sustainability
and World Organisation, Labour&Globalisation.

Gerfried Jungmeier

JOANNEUM RESEARCH, LIFE - Institute for Climate, Energy, and Society

>> Biography


Mr. Gerfried Jungmeier has been an energy researcher at the Joanneum Research
Forschungsgesellschaft mbH since 1993. He has extensive experience in the
development and assessment of systems for eco-mobility, including biofuels,
e-mobility and hydrogen, biorefinery, life cycle assessment, sustainable energy
systems and climate friendly lifestyles. Mr Jungmeier is currently teaching
“Ecological Resource Management” at the Vienna University of Technology as well
as “Carbon Footprint and Life Cycle” at the Danube University Krems. He is also
a key researcher on the “Future Energy Systems and Lifestyle” project at
Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH.

Roberto Siniscalchi

Furnas Centrais Eletricas

>> Biography


Roberto Teixeira Siniscalchi wasborn in Itajubá, Brazil, onJanuary 24, 1967. He
got a BS in Electrical Engineering in 1993 and received an M.Sc. degree in
Energy Engineering in 2009 from Federal University of Itajubá. Mr.
Siniscalchiholdsan MBA from Cândido Mendes University. Mr Roberto Siniscalchiis
manager of Production Departmentof Furnas Centrais Elétricas. He is responsible
for the operation and maintenance of 3 hydropower plants totaling 2,872 MW,
including Furnas hydropower plant, 10 power substations, and about 3,000 km of
transmission lines in 345 kV and 500 kV. He is a senior member of the IEEE PES
EMC, WG-4 (IEEE STD. C50.12), of the WG-7 (IEEE STD. 115), WG-8 (IEEE STD.
C50.13), and WG-10 (IEEE STD. 1110). He is a memberof SPIE-
SocietyofPhotoOpticalIntrumentationEngineersand IHA - International Hydropower
Association. He hasauthoredorcoauthoredseveralpapersand collaboratingreviewerof
IET- GenerationDistribuitionandTransmissionJournal. His areas of interest
include maintenance, field testing, and power generation, and energy efficiency.

John Lam

York University

>> Biography


John Lam received the master’s and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from
Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, in 2006 and 2010, respectively.
From 2010 to 2014, he was a post-doctoral researcher at the Queen’s Center for
Energy and Power Electronics Research at Queen’s University. He is currently an
Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, Lassonde School of Engineering, York University, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada. He is also the Director and Founder of the Advanced Power Electronics
Laboratory for Sustainable Energy Research at York University. His research
interests include high frequency power electronic converters, wide bandgap-based
power conversion systems, medium voltage power converters, energy storage, and
renewable energy systems. He is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on
Power Electronics and a Senior Member of IEEE. He received the Outstanding
Reviewer Award from the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics in 2018, the Star
Reviewer Award from the IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics on Power
Electronics in 2019, and the Lassonde Innovation Award - Early Researcher from
York University in 2020.

Nicolas g. Constantin

University of Quebec

>> Biography


NICOLAS G. CONSTANTIN (SM’2019) received his B.Eng. degree in 1989 from the
École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS) - University of Quebec, Canada, his
M.A.Sc. degree in 1994 from the École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada, and his
Ph.D. degree in 2009 from McGill University, Canada, all in electrical
engineering. He is currently an Associate Professor at the ÉTS, Montreal,
Canada. From 1989 to 1992 he worked in the design of microwave transceivers for
point to point radio links. From 1996 to 1998 he worked as an RF design engineer
at NEC, in the development of RF and microwave transceivers for mobile
telephony. From 1998 to 2002 he was a senior design engineer at Skyworks
Solutions, Inc., California, USA, where he developed GaAs HBT RFIC PAs for
wireless communications. At Skyworks he was also actively involved in research
on smart biasing and efficiency improvement techniques for RFIC PAs, and he is
the author of several patents on the subject. He was the recipient of a doctoral
scholarship from the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of
Canada, and a doctoral scholarship from the ÉTS. His primary research interests
are in the design and test of Analog, RF & Millimeter-wave ICs and Front-End
modules for wireless communications. He conducts research in collaboration with
major companies in the wireless communication and aerospace industry.


ESTIA Institute of Technology

>> Biography


Ionel VECHIU is a Full Professor with ESTIA Institute of Technology, France. He
received the Ing. degree in electrical engineering from Galati University,
Romania, in 2001 and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Le Havre University,
France, in 2002 and 2005, respectively. In 2013, he received the Habilitation to
Conduct Researches in Applied Power Electronics and Control from Grenoble INP,
France. His research interests include design, modelling and control of
distributed generation, power converters and associated control for renewable
energy integration, power quality and weak grids stability, predictive optimal
control, and storage systems management. One of the main objectives of his
research is to use the MicroGrid concept for an optimal integration of renewable
energy sources and storage systems for different applications.He co-authored
more than 80 papers in leading international journals & conferences and works
extensively on several projects.


Waseda University

>> Biography


Hideo Ishii joined Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) in 1988. He was a
visiting scientist in Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1989 to 1991.
He received Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo in 1996. From 2010, he has been
engaged in some major smart grid related National projects in Japan as an
organizer. He is now a Professor with Advanced Collaborative Research
Organization for Smart Society (ACROSS) at Waseda University. His current
activity is in Electric Energy System, especially regarding Demand Response (DR)
and integration of distributed energy resources (DER) including renewable
energy. He has been leading DR standards in Japan. Since August 2020, he has
been a Chair of IEC TC 8 SC 8C.

Ernesto Enciso Contreras

Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Ecatepec

>> Biography


Dr. Ernesto Enciso Contreras is a researcher and professor graduated from the
Polytechnical National Institute (InstitutoPolitécnicoNacional) in Mexico in the
Energetic and Mechanical design field. Currently is working at the High
Education Technological of Ecatepec (Tecnológico de EstudiosSuperiores de
Ecatepec) in the Master of Science in Mecatronics Engineering program.Dr.Enciso
has publishedin several indexed and arbitrated journals, mainly in the
Concentrating Solar Energy area.He has been participating in many national and
international symposiums, congresses and conferences. His main research lines
includes solar thermal energy, heat transfer, fluid mechanics in two phase flow,
eolic energy and mechanical design. In these fields, he has developed functional
prototypes such as: a parabolic dish solar concentrator with tracking system, a
bank of solar photovoltaic cells with solar tracking system, an autonomous robot
for sanitization using UVC lamps and the development of two computational tools
for parabolic trough solar collector designing, the prototypes mentioned have
been registered as patents and copyrights.

Kamyar Mehran

Queen Mary University

>> Biography


Kamyar Mehran (M’09, SM’20) is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in
Electrical Power Engineering and the director of the Real-Time Power and Control
System (RPCS) Laboratory at the school of EECS in Queen Mary University in
London. He received his PhD degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and
MSc degree in Control and Automation from Newcastle University, UK, in 2010 and
2004 respectively. From 2013 to 2015, he was a research fellow in the University
of Warwick, UK and from 2010-2013 he was a research associate in the Newcastle
University where he also acted as a commercialisation manager for a university
spin-off developing disruptive GaN technology for optoelectronics. Before his
academic career, he worked for eight years in industry in a variety of
software-related roles. Since 2015, his research has been focused on the theory
and application of advanced control and optimisation methods for (vehicular,
grid) energy storage, SiC-based power electronics and dc/ac microgrids with over
50 peer-reviewed publications, and several book chapters. He has been the PI of
CI of several projects totalling £1.27M of external funding supported by
Innovate UK, Royal Society, Newton fund, and industry. He is a reviewer for the
EPSRCand several high-impact IEEE Transactions journals. He has been an invited
speaker in several conferences and companies.

Marco Chiadò Caponet

Beuth University of Applied Sciences berlin

>> Biography


Marco Chiadò Caponet was born in Italy. He received the M.Sc. Degree and the Ph.
D. Degree in Electrical Engineering both from the Politecnico di Torino (Italy).
In more than 25 years working in the field of power electronics and electrical
drives he gained a wide experience in this area through a wide variety of
contexts: in teaching (in secondary as well as in tertiary education), research
and practical applications in close cooperation with industry. He started
working as a Project Engineer for Prima Industrie Group (Italy), in the design
of power converters. He then joined the Department of Electrical Engineering of
the Politecnico di Torino (Italy), where he was Ph. D. student and scientific
consultant for industries, doing research on the optimization of the inverter
design for good EMC performance. He was Visiting Researcher at the Institute of
Power Electronics and Electrical Drives of the Technical University in Aachen
(Germany). From 2008 to 2014, he was appointed by the Italian Foreign Affairs
Ministry in Egypt, where he taught Power Electronics and Renewable Energies at
two international technical High Schools (Cairo and Alexandria). He developed
the first project and plant for the production and conversion of electricity by
means of solar photovoltaic systems in a technical high school in Alexandria.
This was the first time that such a project was implemented at high schools in
Egypt. He developed also further training courses for Egyptian teachers at
technical high schools in Alexandria and Cairo. In 2014 he moved to Germany,
where he was Adjunct Professor of Power Electronics and Electrical drives at the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Applied
Sciences of Rüsselsheim. In 2016 he wascalled by the University of Applied
Sciences of Wismar as Full Professor of Power Electronics and Electrical drives
at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.Since 2020 he is Full
Professor of Power Electronics at the Beuth University of Applied Sciences of
Berlin. Major fields of interest are power electronics and electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC). These include power converter design and technology,
control of power electronic circuits, and power electronic components. Other
fields of interest include electrical drives, power converters for traction
applications, unconventional high performance power converters for industrial
applications, renewable energies, various problems associated with the optimized
design of power converter for good EMC and thermal performance. He published
several papers in International Conferences and Technical Journals in these
fields and he is an IEEE Member. He speaks fluently Italian, English, German and
knows French, Spanish and Arab languages.

Md. Rakibuzzaman

Soongsil University

>> Biography


Dr. Md Rakibuzzaman is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical
Engineering at the IUBAT - International University of Business Agriculture and
Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He earned his Ph.D. in Thermofluids and Energy
from the Soongsil University, Republic of Korea in 2018 under the supervision of
Professor Dr. -Ing. Sang-Ho Suh. He has been awarded a global graduate
scholarship from the Soongsil University for his Master of Engineering and
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). In his early career, Dr. Rakibuzzaman worked as an
invited professor at the Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea. He also worked as
Research Engineer at the Future Technology Institute, Gyeonggi-Do, Korea. He
possesses an extensive knowledge on comprehensive study conducted to shed light
on performance characteristics, cavitation, erosion, and combined erosion of
pumps and hydraulic turbines through experimentally and numerically. He obtained
his M.Eng.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from the Soongsil University, Korea in
2015 and B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from the Rajshahi University of
Engineering and Technology (RUET), Bangladesh in 2009. His research area of
interest is Turbomachinery (pumps and turbines), Computational Fluid Dynamics,
Multi-phase flow, Renewable and sustainable energy, etc. Currently, his research
projects mainly include the development of a small hydroelectric power plant
using wastewater from fish farm and development of a high-efficiency submersible
drainage pump capable of emergency response. He has published more than 10
scientific papers. Also, Dr. Rakibuzzaman received the best presenter award of
NCFE (National Congress on Fluids Engineering), 2016 Summer Conference held in
Deagu, Korea, best poster award of ICCHM2T (International Conference on
Computational Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer), the conference held in Seoul,
Korea in 2017 and best poster award of KSFM (Korean Society for Fluid
Machinery), 2017 Winter Conference held in Kangwon-Do, Korea. He is a member of
KSFM (Korean Society for Fluid Machinery) and was a local member of ICCHM2T
(International Conference on Computational Heat, Mass, and Momentum Transfer).

Muhammad Suhail Shaikh

Yanshan University

>> Biography


Muhammad Suhail Shaikh Received the B.E. degree in Electronics Engineering from
Hamdard University, Karachi, Pakistan, in 2013, and the M.E. degree in
Electrical Engineering from Indus University, Karachi, Pakistan, in 2016. He is
currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree with Yanshan University in Control Science and
Engineering funded by the Chinese Government. From 2014 to 2018, he has been a
Senior Lecturer with the Indus University, Karachi,Pakistan. Mr. Shaikh has
published his research work in various indexed Journals and presented the same
in various conferences, and currently, he is the editorial member of different
journals. His research interests include power system analysis and planning,
renewable energy, smart grid, and AI applications in power systems.

Clive Lipchin

The Arava Institute for Environmental Studies

>> Biography


Clive serves as the director of the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies'
Center for Transboundary Water Management where he oversees research and
development projects, workshops and conferences that focus on transboundary
water and environmental problems facing Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian
Authority. His specialty is in water resources management and policy. Clive has
conducted research for a number of international water agencies such as the
World Bank, EU, UNDP and USAID and has been involved most recently with the
European Union's Water Initiative project for the Mediterranean region and the
USAID Conflict Management and Mitigation (CMM) program and the Middle East
Regional Cooperation (MERC) program. He also serves as the Israeli partner for
the USDA funded project - CONSERVE (COordinating Nontraditional Sustainable
watER use in Variable climatEs): A Center of Excellence at the Nexus of
Sustainable Water Reuse, Food and Health.” Clive's research and development work
has recently focused on cross-border stream restoration and waste water
management issues between Israel and the Palestinian Authority and on integrated
food, energy and water systems for off-grid communities in Israel, Jordan and
the Palestinian Authority and the developing world. He is also leading a study
in wastewater epidemiology on monitoring the presence of the corona virus in
wastewater in Israel and the West Bank as part of an early warning public health
program on combatting the spread of the virus in marginalized communities in
Israel and the Palestinian Authority. From 2012-2015 Clive served as the chief
of party for the Mitigating Transboundary Wastewater Conflict project, funded by
the CMM department at USAID West Bank/Gaza, implanting cross border people to
people initiatives focusing on issues of transboundary wastewater management. He
currentlyl serves as the principal investigator for the USAID Middle East
Regional Cooperation (MERC) project entitled Greywater Reuse for Smallholder
Agricultural Development in Off-Grid Communities in Israel, the Palestinian
Authority, and Jordan. Clive, a native from South Africa has been living in
Israel for over twenty years. He received a BSc degree in zoology at the
University of Witwatersrand, South Africa, a BSc Honors in wildlife management
from the University of Pretoria, South Africa, a MSc in desert ecology from the
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel and a PhD in resource ecology
management from the School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of

Vivian Sultan

California State University

>> Biography


Dr. Vivian Sultan is a Research Associate in the Advanced GIS lab at Claremont
Graduate University (CGU) Center For Information Systems & Technology. The
Advanced GIS Lab focuses on advanced spatial analysis, the research and
development of advanced GIS …

Silvia Ruggiero

University of Sannio

>> Biography


Silvia Ruggiero is an assistant professor at Department of Engineering of
University of Sannio (Italy). Shewas graduated, with honors, in Energy
Engineering at Engineering Department of the University of Sannio. PhD and
Doctor Europaeus in Information Technologies for Engineering, Energy and
Environment Curriculum, at University of Sannio. Since 2020 she is assistant
professor of Heat Transfer for Buildings at the same University. The research
activity of Silvia Ruggiero is mainly focused on experimental and numerical
analysis of innovative materials and passive technologies for the building
envelope, useful to reduce the energy demand for heating and cooling, mainly in
Mediterranean climate. She also carried out analysis for optimizing the energy
performance of HVAC-envelope system with the aim to minimize the environmental
impact and to reach the nZEB target. She is reviewer of scientific articles for
international journals and she has been speaker at several international
conferences and workshops. She is co-author of around 20 scientific papers, on
national and international journals. Shebelongs to two international scientific
committees of international conferences.

Mohammad Ali Abdelkareem

University of Sharja

>> Biography


Mohammad Ali Abdelkareem spent 8 years in one of the pioneer labs in Japan in
the field of electrochemical energy devices, i.e., fuel cells. During his Ph.D.
study, Dr. Mohammad developed a novel electrode structure for Direct Methanol
Fuel Cell (DMFC), thereby; the methanol concentration which can be used
efficiently in DMFC has been increased from 7 to 100 wt%. After his Ph.D. study,
he worked on a project for the fabrication of a complete passive fuel cell stack
operated with high methanol concentration based on this novel electrode
structure. As the high cost of the electrodes of the direct methanol fuel cells
is one of the main obstacles facing their commercialization, Dr. Mohammad is
working on the development of nano-sized material for the replacement of the Pt
catalyst with non-precious catalysts. Dr. Mohammad secured international and
national funds of more than 600,000 USD through them he built up two pioneer
labs in the field of the Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and Microbial Fuel Cells. Right
now Dr. Mohammad is working as an Associate Professor in the Sustainable and
Renewable Energy Engineering Department, University Sharjah, UAE. He is working
on developing energy conversion/storage devices such as fuel cells and
supercapacitors. Dr. Mohammad published more than 100 SCI journal papers.

Janet Xuanli Liao

University of Dundee

>> Biography


Dr Janet Xuanli Liao is a Senior Lecturer in Energy and Climate Diplomacy at the
Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy (CEPMLP), and Director
of Doctoral Studies of the School of Social Sciences, University of Dundee. She
obtained a PhD in International Relations from the University of Hong Kong, held
B.A. and M.A. in History from Peking University, China, and also studied M.A. in
International Relations at the International University of Japan. Her research
interests include Chinese think tanks and China’s foreign policy-making,
Sino-Japanese political/energy relations, China’s energy diplomacy and the “Road
and Belt Initiative”, Chinese NOCs and government relationship, and China and
Japan’s climate change policy. She has published widely in these fields and
being invited as keynote speaker at various workshops globally.

Liliana Rusu

University of Galati

>> Biography


Liliana Rusu is full professor at ‘Dunarea de Jos’ University of Galati,
Romania, Department of Mechanical Engineering since 2016. She received her first
Ph.D. degreein Mechanical Engineering from‘Dunarea de Jos’ University of Galati
in 2006, while the second PhD in Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture was
awarded to her in 2009 by University of Lisbon, Portugal (former Technical
University of Lisbon)under the supervision of Professor Carlos Guedes Soares,
IST - CENTEC, University of Lisbon, Portugal.In 2015 she received the
Habilitation degree. She has continued her collaboration with CENTEC in the
framework of a Post-doctoral fellow (individual grant financed by the Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology), currently being Professor
Collaborator.Since December 2017 she is a Member of the marine knowledge expert
group of the European Commission. Also, she was elected as Short Term Scientific
Missions Coordinator of theWECANet project - A pan-European Network for Marine
Renewable Energy, COST Action 17105. From 2016 she is also Member of the
National Ethics Council for Research Activities. Her research interests cover
the fields of wave modelling, assessment of the wave climate in various
geographical areas, assessment of the wave/wind energy, data assimilation,
climate change impacts.She has many scientific publications in peer-reviewed
journals and conference proceedings, her most relevant publications are included
in the scientific profiles http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8179-1347.

Xiao Wu

Southeast University

>> Biography


Prof. Wu received his B. S. degree and Ph. D. degree in Energy information and
Automation in Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 2008 and 2014. He joined
Southeast Universityin 2014 as assistant professor in School of Energy and
Environment, was promoted to associate professor in 2019. Since 2019, he has
been a visiting professor in Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
in the University of Sheffield, UK. Prof. Wu has been investigators in over 20
research grants with funding from European Union, Royal Society, NSFC, MOST and
Industry. He has published over 100peer-reviewedpapers including Applied Energy,
Energy, Fuel, IEEE Trans. Energy Conversion. He has been awarded Jiangsu
Outstanding Youth Foundation, Excellent young scholar of Jiangsu Engineering
Thermophysics Society, Royal Society-Sino-British Trust International Fellow,
Young Science and Technology Talents of Jiangsu Province in the last three
years. His main research area is in Process Systems Engineering for Energy and
Environment, including Process Modelling, Simulation, Control and Optimization,
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI), Power Plants,Carbon Capture,
Utilization and Storage (CCUS) and Integrated Energy System (IES).

Massimo Guarnieri

University of Padua

>> Biography


Electrical engineer in Padua with honors in 1979. Diploma in Plasma Engineering
and Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion in Padua with honors in 1982. Master in
Business Administration from CUOA (I) in 1986. PhD in Electrical Sciences in
Rome in 1987. Full Professor of Electrical Engineering. Former president of the
Degree Course in Electrical Engineering. Former teacher of the Italian National
Electrical School of Doctorate in Engineering "F. Gasparini". He is involved in
research on fuel cells and electrochemical energy storage, with predictive
methods of their multiphysics performance. He works on numerical and
experimental research on energy storage within the Electrochemical Energy
Storage and Conversion Laboratory of the University of Padua, which he
initiated. He led PRIN sub-projects in 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2008. He was
PI of projects funded by the University of Padua (€ 810,000) and Centro Casi
Levi of the University of Padua (€ 130,000 and € 60,000). He has developed
projects with companies, including one financed by the Italian Ministry of the
Environment with Euro 1,200,000. He has promoted an MoU with the University of
Tennessee in Knoxville (USA), an MoU with Tokyo University of Agriculture and
Technology (J) and agreements with MIT of Boston (USA), Vanderbilt University of
Nashville (USA), Fraunhofer-InstitutfürChemischeTechnologie (Pfinztal, Germany)
and Skoltech University of Moscow (Russia). He is the official representative of
the University of Padua in the Energy Storage Joint Program of EERA the European
Energy Research Alliance. He is a member of the Batteries Europe commission
which is supporting the European Commission in defining its funding program on
batteries for the period 2022-2040. He is the author of 278 scientific papers
(IRIS), of which 153 indexed to Scopus. They include 33 books (with later
editions). He has registered five patents and two more are pending approval.

Subham Sahoo

Aalborg University

>> Biography


Subham Sahoo (S’16-M’18) received the B.Tech. & Ph.D. degree in Electrical and
Electronics Engineering from VSS University of Technology, Burla, India and
Electrical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, New Delhi,
India in 2014 & 2018, respectively. He has worked as a Visiting Student with the
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in Cardiff University, UK
in 2017. Prior to completion of his PhD, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher
in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in National University
of Singapore during 2018-19 and in Aalborg University, Denmark during 2019-2020.
He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Energy Technology,
Denmark. He is a recipient of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE)
Innovative Students Project Award for his PhD thesis across all the institutes
in India for the year 2019. He has also won the IRD Student Start-up Award in
the year 2017 to incorporate a company named SILOV SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD.
commercialized and based on his contributions during his doctoral studies. He
was also a distinguished reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid in the
year 2020. He currently serves as a secretary of IEEE Young Professionals
Affinity Group, Denmark and Joint IAS/IES/PELS in Denmark section. He is an
active member of IEEE PELS technical committee (TC10) on automated design
methodologies and cybersecure solutions for power electronics. His research
interests are control, optimization, and stability of microgrids, renewable
energy integration, physics-informed AI tools for cyber-physical power
electronic systems.

Amila Abeynayaka

Tokyo City University

>> Biography


Amila Abeynayaka is an Associate Researcher at Tokyo City University, Japan.
Apart from that, he is an adjunct lecturer at the marine plastic abatement
masters program, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. His research focus is
on the circular economy, life cycle assessment (LCA) of the environmental
technologies, and marine litter. Amila has contributed several book chapters and
peer-reviewed journal papers in the relevant fields of LCA, marine litter, and
water and wastewater treatment. He has been working on environmental projects in
South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Japan for the last 20 years. Presently he serves
as a steering committee member of the SETAC-ACLCA life cycle assessment interest

Volker Roeben

University of Dundee

>> Biography


Volker Roeben is Professor of Energy Law and Global Regulation at the Centre for
Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy at the University of Dundee
(www.dundee.ac.uk/cepmlp/staff/profile/volker-roeben.php) and the director of
the MSc Sustainability programme. He is also a professor at the China University
of Political Science and Law in Beijing and a docent at the University of Turku.
Formerly, Volker was senior research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for
Comparative law and Public International Law, and a professor of international
law at Swansea University. He has held visiting posts at the universities of
Chicago, Minnesota and West Virginia, and served as legal adviser at the Energy
Charter Secretariat. He holds degrees from the universities of Kiel, Heidelberg,
and Berkeley and from the College of Europe Bruges. Volker is the author or
editor of seven books and forty articles. In 2018, he published Towards the
European Energy Union – European strategy in international law with Cambridge
University Press.He is general editor of the Hart publication series ‘Global
Energy Law and Policy’.

Victoria Nalule

University of Dundee

>> Biography


Victoria is an Energy and Mining professional & consultant with extensive
experience working on various projects in the different parts of the Globe. She
is a holder of a PhD in International Energy Law and Policy from CEPMLP,
University of Dundee. Victoria is the Founder and Executive Director of the
African Energy and Minerals Management Initiative. She is currently involved as
a Research Fellow with the DFID-funded, Extractives Hub project, based at
CEPMLP, University of Dundee, UK. She is also the lead consultant and CEO at the
NEM Energy Consultancy. Victoria is an author and has widely published on topics
relating to oil, gas, renewable energy, climate change and mining in Africa. Her
latest four books being, "Mining and the Law in Africa: Exploring the Social and
Environmental Impacts"; "Energy Transitions and the Future of the African Energy
Sector: Law, Policy and Governance"; and another book on “Energy Poverty and
Access Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Regionalism". She also has
a book with Hart publishers focused on Land Law and Extractives. Victoria has
advised various governments on oil, gas, renewable energy and mining projects
including appearing as an expert witness before the Commission of Inquiry into
Land matters in Uganda; presenting comments on the South African Petroleum Bill
before the country's Policy Makers; leading a team of energy experts in
reviewing Energy/Mining laws and policies for countries such as Namibia,
Ethiopia, Uganda etc.

Brabha Nagaratnam

Northumbria University

>> Biography


Dr. Brabha Nagaratnam is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical and
Construction Engineering at Northumbria University. She is a structural engineer
with a sustainable and value engineering background. Her career commenced in the
construction industry working in structural design firms in large value
construction projects, prior to joining academia. Previously, at Curtin
University and Dublin Institute of Technology, she lectured in the area of
Construction Materials and Structural Analysis and Design. Her research focus is
in innovative and sustainable construction materials, green asphaltic concrete,
analysis and design of structures, fire safety and structural investigations,
repair and strengthening. She believes that all future build should have as
little impact on the environment as possible and use as many natural materials
as possible in order to keep wastage at a minimum. She has developed several new
construction materials such as high-performance concrete including quarry dust
and self-consolidating concrete with agricultural and industrial wastes. She is
also an active researcher with numerous publication in Q1 Journals ad is
currently the Editor-in Chief for Journal of Sustainability.

Emilio Ghiani

University of Cagliari

>> Biography


Emilio Ghiani is Associate Professor of power systems in the Department of
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (DIEE) of the University of Cagliari where
he teaches Power Systems Generation and Economics, and he is co-teacher in the
course of Fundamentals of Electric Power Distribution and Smart Grids, and in
the integrated course of Power Electronics and Electrical Power Systems. His
research focuses mainly on the development of methodologies and tools for
decision making processes in planning and operation of power distribution
networks with large penetration of distributed energy resources. He is author of
more than 90 papers published on top ranked international journals or presented
in top class national and international conferences. He is author of 7 chapters
of books dealing with smart grids, network planning and integration of renewable
sources and distributed energy resources. h-Index 17, 1300+ Citations (Scopus
January 2021).

Claudia Masselli

University of Naples Federico II

>> Biography


Claudia Masselli is a Postdoctoral Researcher at Department of Industrial
Engineering of University of Naples Federico II (Italy). She earned the Ph.D
title in Industrial Engineering, discussing the thesis entitled "Magnetic
refrigeration an attraction toward our future". Among her main research topics
there is caloric solid-state refrigeration both experimentally and numerically.
Her research embrace, also, the energy and environmental optimization of vapor
compression cycles as well as renewable energy systems and heat transfer
mechanisms. She is co-author of more than 60 publications among papers on
international and national journals and conference proceedings. She is the
winner of two Young Researcher Awards. She is Editor-in-Chief of two
international journals: among them, the journal Global Transitions Proceedings
(Open Access journal of KeAi ed., joint venture of Elsevier with the Chinese
Academy of Sciences - ISSN: 2666-285X; Scopus e Science Direct indexed). She is
member of the editorial board of 6 international journals: among them, Annales
de Chimie: Science des Matériaux, (ed. IIETA - ISSN: 0151- 9107 print; 1958-5934
online; Scopus and Web of science indexed); she reviewer of more than 40
international journals related to heat transfer, refrigeration, energy and
engineering science fields. She is Junior Member of the Commission B2 -
Refrigerating equipment afferent to the Section B: Thermodynamics, equipment and
systems of International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR). Furthermore, she
belongs to many international scientific committees of international conferences
focused on energy and engineering science fields.

Zeljko Tomsic

University of Zagreb

>> Biography


Zeljko Tomsic from 1991 is working on University of Zagreb, Faculty of
Electrical Engineering and Computing at the Department of Energy and Power
Systems. From 2004-2008 he was Assistant Minister for energetics and mining in
the Croatian Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship. From 2008-2009 he
was a board member at Croatian power Utility - HEP d.d. for corporate strategy,
international relationships and gas business. Today he is full professor at
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER). As
professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of
Zagreb his teaching subjects are: 'Energy Consumption Measuring and Analysis',
'Environment and Sustainable Development '(undergraduate programme), 'Energy,
Environment and Sustainable Development', 'Economics of Energy',
'Energy-Economic Models for Construction of Electricity System', 'Introduction
to Energy Market Theory', 'Energy Management and Energy Efficiency' (graduate
programme) and 'Environmental Impact of Electric Power System', 'Planning of
Construction of Generating Plants in Uncertain Conditions' (postgraduate
programme). Postgraduate Professional Studies teaching subjects: Sustainable
production and consumption of Electrical Energy; Electrical Energy and
Environment. Scientific research and professional activities are conducted in
the area of: energy policy and energy strategies, electricity system generating
capacity planning, ecology and energy, impact of electricity system on
environment, modelling and analysis of energy and gas emissions markets, energy
management and energy efficiency. He is expert in computer programmes for
modelling and planning of energy systems and databases. He is founder and leader
of new research laboratory at FER: Laboratory for Energy and Environmental
Markets and Exchanges-LEEMaE. He is a co-author of two university books and has
published more than 100 papers in international and national journals and
conference proceedings. He is also co-author of more than 50 scientific and
expert studies. He held more than 80 invited lectures on international and
domestic conferences, participated in 6 scientific projects from Croatian
Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, several international scientific
projects and two FP EU projects. He was national coordinator for several
multilateral and bilateral research projects with IAEA Vienna. He was leader of
Work group for chapter 15 Energy of Accession Negotiations for EU 2005-2011,
member of European Union Programme Committee for the Horizon 2020 Energy
Challenge, 2014-2020, member of EU FP7 Programme Committee – Energy 2011-2014,
leader of a power system part of the project Low Carbon Development Strategy for
Croatia 2030, with view on 2050 for energy sector, MZOP/EKONERG. 2015-2017. He
is a member of: Full Member of Croatian Academia of Technical Sciences, IEEE
senior member, Croatian Electrical Engineering Association, HED, HK CIGRE,
Croatian Nuclear Society, KOREMA, and European Nuclear Society. He won numerous
expert and scientific awards. Project leader for the Project ‘Financial Risk
Evaluation, Using IAEA FINPLAN Tool, for Financing New Large Energy Project
Build, Especially Nuclear, in Liberalised Markets for Company with Large Part of
Production by Hydro Power Plants’. Leader of national project 2012-2013 IAEA TC
programme: Identifying and Managing Financial, Economical and Energy Risks for
Nuclear Power Plant Projects in Small Economies - Case Study Croatia
(CRO/2/003). National coordinator for IAEA Project RER/0/029 "Support for
Introduction of Nuclear Energy (phase II)" (2009 - 2011).

Eugen RUSU

University of Galati

>> Biography


Eugen Rusu received a diploma in Naval Architecture (1982) and a Ph.D. in
Mechanical Engineering(1997). Between 1999 and 2004, he worked as a post-doc
fellow at the at Hydrographical Institute ofthe Portuguese Navy, where he was
responsible for wave modelling and provided environmentalsupport for some major
situations such as: the accident of the M/V Prestige (2002) and the
NATOexercises Unified Odyssey (2002) and ‘Swordfish’ (2003). Eugen Rusu worked
as a consultingScientist at the NATO Centre for Maritime Research and
Experimentation, La Spezia, Italy (2005),having modelling coastal waves and surf
zone processes as main tasks. Starting in 2006, in parallel with his activity as
professor at the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati,he has been working as a
professor collaborator at CENTEC (Centre for Marine Technology andOcean
of Lisbon, Portugal. Since 2012, he has also acted as an expert for theEuropean
Commission. Eugen Rusu has published more than 150 works in the fields of
renewableenergy and marine engineering and he received awards including Doctor
Honoris Causa (2015) atthe Maritime University of Constanta, Romania Outstanding
Contribution in Reviewing, RenewableEnergy (2015) and Ocean Engineering (2016)
journals; and Top 1% World Reviewers in the field ofengineering (2018 and 2019).
He is also the President of the Council of the Doctoral Schools in Galati
Universityand of the Romanian National Commission of Mechanical Engineering.
Since 2018, he has been acorresponding member of the Romanian Academy, the
highest level scientific and cultural forumin Romania.

Luo Lingai

Scientific Research National Center

>> Biography


Pr. Lingai LUO is Research Director of French National Center for Scientific
Research (CNRS). She was Direction member of LTEN and the director of LOCIE,
bothLaboratories of CNRS. She was the cofounder and coordinator of Sino-French
Collaboratory for Environmental and Process Engineering and the director of its
successor Sino-French Laboratory for Sustainable Energy of French CNRS and
Chinese Academy of Sciences.She is mainly engaged in the intensification of heat
and mass transfer and the efficiency optimization in different energy
components, systems and processes.She has developed an original strategy on the
optimization of energy systems by a multi-scale approach associated with an
innovative method of optimized management of fluid distribution. Shi is the
author of 2 books and over 125 journal articles.She is serving as subject editor
of Energy Journal, and associate editor of three others Journals.

Aleksandar Rudnik Milanovic

Rudnik Urbanism Design Architecture

>> Biography


and architectural design . As a director of planning in Serbia, his previous
role was to manage the planning team on a day to day basis, including coaching
and mentoring more junior staff, networking to developing new business with a
new strategic approach at the level of UK documentation such as RSSs, LDDs,
SPDs, LDFs, and within the themes such as major public facilities, large scale
housing and mixed-use developments, new settlements and work for major
retailers. He has a positive approach and communicative skills based on the
experiences as ex CEO and senior planner in PE Town Planning Institute in
Kragujevac, Serbia. Awarded at the international level for architectural design,
urban planning and scientific writing. Author of the awarded book with title
"Architectural remodelation". 1998 - Freelance architectural designer,
KRAGUJEVAC, SERBIA 1998 - 2001 Urban planning assistant and urban planning
coordinator, Town Planning Institute the City of Kragujevac , KRAGUJEVAC,SERBIA
2001 - 2004 CEO, Regional Institute for the protection of cultural heritage for
the region of Kragujevac ,KRAGUJEVAC, SERBIA 2004 - 2014 Urban planning
coordinator ,Town Planning Institute the City of Kragujevac , SERBIA, 2014 -
2017 CEO, Town Planning Institute the City of Kragujevac ,KRAGUJEVAC, SERBIA
2017 - CEO, senior planner at "Rudnik urbanism design architecture" KRAGUJEVAC,

Zhanxi FAN

City University of Hong Kong

>> Biography


Dr.Zhanxi FANis an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry, City
University of Hong Kong.He received his B.S. degree (2010) in Chemistry from
Jilin University (China)under the guidance of Prof. Bai Yang and Prof. Hao
Zhang, and completed his Ph.D. (2015) in Materials Chemistry from Nanyang
Technological University (Singapore) under the supervision of Prof. Hua Zhang.He
thendid postdoctoral research in Nanyang Technological University with Prof. Hua
Zhang and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA) with Prof. Haimei Zheng,
respectively.His research interest lies in the fields of materials chemistry,
nanoscience, catalysis, and energy conversion. Currently, his research projects
mainly include the controlled synthesis of novel low-dimensional metal
nanomaterials, designed preparation of functional metal-based
heteronanostructures, and catalytic conversion of small molecules. He has
published more than 70 paperswith a total citation of over 10500 and H-index of
44. Zhanxi has been listed as a “Highly Cited Researcher” by Clarivate Analytics
in 2018, 2019 and 2020.Heis also the recipient of multiple awards likeYoung
Scientist Award (E-MRS), MSE Doctorate Research Excellence Award,and Chinese
Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad.

Weijian Zhao

Zhejiang University

>> Biography


Professor Weijian Zhao is academician of The Engineering Academy of Japan,
University Professor of Zhejiang University, China and PhD supervisor. He
graduated from Department of Structural Engineering, Tongji University, China,
in 1982. Funded by China Scholarship Council, he then continued study in Japan.
Supervised KyuichiMaruyama (President of Japan Concrete Institute, Vice
Chancellor of Nagaoka University of Technology), he finished his Master and
Doctoral degree with the funding fromJapanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship. In
1996, Professor Zhao entered top Japan construction corporation TAISEI and
became researcher, chief research and then presidential researcher of TAISEI
Technical Research Center. He became Fellow of JSCE, registered P.E. (Technical
Disciplines: Comprehensive Technical Management, Civil Engineering), member
ofJSCE Committee on Hybrid Structures, adjunct professor of Hosei University,
assessment expert for P.E. appointed by MEXT. He also participated in the
compiling and amendment ofthe first Standard Specifications for Hybrid
Structures of Japan. Professor Zhao’s research focuses on concrete structures,
composite structures, the application of advanced composite materials in
buildings, bridges, railways and underground structures and development of its
construction method. His work has been recognized by the ‘Yoshida Prize’ of JSCE
and the prize of Japan-China Science and Technology Exchange Association.
Professor Zhao’s recent work is focusing on Prefabricated Concrete Structures
and Smart Construction.

Moe Alahmad

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

>> Biography


Dr. Alahmad is an associate professor in the Durham School of Architectural
Engineering and Construction at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He holds a
BS, MS, and PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Idaho as well
as over a decade of industry experience in infrastructure planning and the
design and analysis of electrical distribution systems for the built
environment. Current research interests include electrified transportation,
building load modeling and load profile analysis, smart buildings,
reconfigurable architectures for energy storage and solar panel systems and
economic and environmental impact of alternative energy and transportation
sources. His research has been funded by a wide range of U.S. government
entities, including the Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy
Laboratory, the National Science Foundation, the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA), and Nebraska Environmental Trust as part of the Nebraska Community Energy
Alliance. Additionally, He has been published in some of the top-ranked journals
in my field, such as IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Open
Access, Energies, and the Journal of Architectural Engineering among others

Asthana Abhishek

Sheffield Hallam University

>> Biography


Dr Abhishek Asthana (FIET, FEI, FHEA, CEng, MEng, MRes, BEng) is the Director of
Hallam Energy and Reader in Energy Engineering at Sheffield Hallam University.
He is the Deputy Director of Doctoral Training Alliance (DTA) in Energy which
has 120 PhD students across 15 universities. He has led 65 energy research and
consultancy projects for industry and government organisations. He is the
inventor of four patents and five energy software packages. He has co-authored
more than 100 conference and journal papers and technical reports. He has been
the course director of BEng Energy Engineering and Chemical Engineering courses
at the university. He is a member of the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERK) and a
reviewer for the International Energy Agency (IEA)’s Renewable Energy Division.
Abhishek is a member of All Party Parliamentary Group for Energy Studies in the
UK’s Houses of Parliament.

Spertino Filippo

Politecnico di Torino university

>> Biography


Filippo Spertino received his M. Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering
in 1995 and 2000, respectively, from Politecnico di Torino (PdT) university,
Torino, Italy.Currently, he is an associate Professor (with full professor
recognitionwithin the Italian Scientific Qualification) in Electric Power
Systems and Renewable Energy Systems with reference to Photovoltaic and Wind
power systems at Energy Department, PdT.His research activities include design,
simulation, experimental testing on Photovoltaic, Wind, storage power systems
and instrument calibration. He was principal investigator of some research
projects,regarding innovative photovoltaic applications with storage
systems,fundedby various companies.He participated to the following European
Projects: PERSIL, SINGULAR, e-HIGHWAY 2050,OSMOSE and EUMONG. He is senior
member of: IEEE (since 2007 and 2018, respectively), Italian Association of
Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineers (AEIT since 1994), CEI
(Italian Electrotechnical Committee since 2007) and IEC, regarding Photovoltaic
Energy Systems and Wind Energy Systems.He organized seminars, regarding PV and
wind energy generation, at PdT on behalf of AEIT.He is author/coauthor of more
than 100 publications: 40 on Journals, 2 chapters of books and the remainder on
proceedings of Conferences.

Hla Toe

Yangon University of Education

>> Biography


Dr. Hla Toe is a professor in Physics department at YangonUniversity of
Education, Yangon, Myanmar. He received the B.Sc (Honours)., the M.Sc. and PhD
degrees in Physics, specialize as renewable energy from University of Yangon,
Myanmar in 1992, 1996 and 2005, respectively. He worked at University of Yangon
as assistance lecturer, lecturer, associate professor and researcher from 2002
to 2019. He moved to Panglong University in 2019, December, promoted to
professor. His teaching and research experiments has started from 1995 until
now. He specializethe renewable energy researchfield such as small scale
horizontal axes, vertical axes wind turbine, hydro turbine and solarcell. He was
setup and still handling 20 kW grid tie pv system in University of Yangon. He
supervised to 25 master and 5 PhD students. He is currently doing joint research
with Hideaki Ohgaki, Professor from Kyoto University Institute of Advance
Energy, which is titled “The Effects of Rural Electrification on Quality of
Life: A Southeast Asian Perspective” supported by JASTIP (Japan ASEAN Science
and Technology Innovative Platform).

Md Shokor A Rahaman

University Technology Petronas

>> Biography


Md Shokor A Rahamanis currently a Research Scientist (RS) in Shale Gas Research
Group (SGRG), cost center 0153AB-A33, the Institute of Hydrocarbon Recovery
(IHR) at the Department of Fundamental and Applied Science of the
UniversitiTeknologi Petronas from Tronoh, Perak, Malaysia. where he received Msc
in applied science in 2020.Healso graduated in Electrical and Electronics
Engineering at International Islamic University Chittagong and received his
bachelor’s in 2014. His researches are focused on pattern recognition, Machine
learning, Deep learning and Metaheuristic Algorithm.

Radhey Shyam

Ministry of New & Renewable Energy

>> Biography


MrShyam is a seasoned, committed team member & Chartered Engineer (CEng.) who
really enjoys the challenge of producing sustainable energy transitions such
that a world-leading organisation is created and a significant social effect is
made and transformed into an entrepreneur with advanced expertise in
conceptualising, planning, and strategic leadership in the RE Sector. Since
March 2016, MrShyam is employed at the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
(MNRE), New Delhi. He has more than 5 years of experience in the Green Energy
Sector and in the thermal power project site, though much of his work has been
in the development of policies and regulations for the Government of India 's
100 National Solar Mission. The key initiatives are 40 GW Solar Park Scheme, 300
MW Defence Scheme, Open Bidding Scheme based on tariffs, Floating Solar Scheme,
Solar Wind Hybrid Parks, Ultra Mega RE Parks and the Manufacturing Scheme to
support the Government of India’s 175 GW Green Energy Goals to be achieved by
2022. During the process, he has also organised technological, organisational,
and financial viability of the projects/reports.

Sheerin Masroor

Patliputra University

>> Biography


Sheerin Masroor is the distinguished Analytical and Inorganic Chemist, educator
and academic administrator. She is presently Assistant Professor in the
Department Of Chemistry, Anugrah Narayan College, Patliputra University, Patna,
Bihar, India. She has conferred all through first class degrees of B.Sc. in
Chemistry (2007), M.Sc in Analytical Chemistry (2009) and Ph.D in Applied
Chemistry (2014) from Aligarh Muslim University, U.P., India. She has been
serving Anugrah Narayan College, Patliputra University since 2017 with great
distinction and dedication. Dr. Sheerin has academic and administrative
experience of both. Her research activities cover the synthesis of novel
compounds, their characterization and harvesting them as corrosion inhibitor for
metals and alloys. She is the member of editorial board and reviewer of
international journals, member of organizing committee, technical program
committees, taken part in national and international conferences. Her
contributions to research and development are collaborative with reputed
national and international laboratories and are worldwide recognized as author
of many research publications, monographs and books.

Bablu Kumar Ghosh

University Malaysia Sabah

>> Biography


i. Doctor of Engineering (DE) from Fukui University (2004), Japan in System
Design Engineering(optoelectronics materials and System) with good academic
record ii. M.Sc in Applied Physics and Electronics from Rajshahi University
(1994) ,Bangladesh and was placed 2nd position in the first class iii.B.Sc
(honors) in Applied Physics and Electronics from Rajshahi University (1992)
,Bangladesh and was placed 1st position in the first class

Venkateshkumar M

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

>> Biography


Dr. M. Venkateshkumar currently serves as Assistant Professor [Sr. Gr] in the
Dept of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering,
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Chennai Campus. He has over 12 years of teaching and
research experience and has specialized in the area of Power Systems
Engineering. Presently, he is also the Associate Editor IEEE Access Journal
impact factor (4.09). He is actively serving as a Chairman of IEEE Professional
Activities and Vice Chairman of IEEE - Power & Energy Society IEEE Madras
Section. He is also a member of IEEE P825 and P2030 Research standard working
group– USA. Life member in Institute of Engineers (India), and Chartered
Engineer CEng (India) by IEI. He has made significant research contributions in
the area of Design and Control of Artificial Intelligence based hybrid renewable
energy sources for on-grid and off-grid applications. He has published more than
60 research papers in International Journals & Conferences, He is a Review board
member for more than 50 International Journals, conferences and Special session
Chair in an International Conferences. Recent he published his research paper
title on Modeling a pumped storage hydropower integrated to a hybrid power
system with solar-wind power and its stability analysisin Applied Energy
byElsevierJournal (ImpactFactor 8.848).He has served as a reviewer of IEEE
Transaction, Elsevier, Springer and other reputed peer reviewed journals. He has
authored 3 books/chapters in Elsevier and Intechopen publication UK. He has
received theprestigious Young Scientist award from Govt of Tamilnadu. He has
also received the outstanding contribution Award from MATLAB, U.S.A for three
consecutive years 2015, 2016 and 2017. He has an international copyright for 70
research simulation projects and designs from Mathworks. He has been holding a
global ranking of 3rd position in Matlab Central Simulation Designers portal out
of 50000 designers worldwide.

Mahmood Khayat

University of Kurdistan Hawler

>> Biography


Asst. Prof. Dr.Mahmood Ahmed BakrKhayat is Chair for architectural Engineering
and sustainability programme at University of Kurdistan Hawler, he was the
Director of SU. Ishik joint M.Sc. Arch. Board, he acted as head of Department of
Architecture in Salahddin University (2013 - 2018), he was cofounder of post
graduate M.Sc. program in his department, and a cofounder of Erbil forum for
sustainable development. He was the founder of Mahmoodkhayat architects in 1990
and Arbil engineering company in 2004 in Baghdad before joining Salahaddin
University in 2006, He participated in teaching at Local universities (of
Sulaimania, Dohuk, Koya, Gihan, Ishik, and the American University at Dohuk ) as
a visiting Professor for limited periods. Dr.Khayat holds a Ph.D. Arch. (2002)
and M.Sc. Arch(1997).from the University of Technology Baghdad- Iraq regarding
Architecture as a communication system. Dr.Khayat has published articles,
supervised PhD. and M.Sc. students in Salahaddin University and co-supervised
and examined one M.A. Student in Brandenburg Technical University
Cottbus-Germany, His research concentrated on defining the vocabulary and
grammars of the local Architecture language, this was adopted as a theme of
design by making use of perception laws in re calling the architectural
vocabulary saved in the deep mental data storage to create an Environment Friend
Architecture that can communicate with the audience. Dr.Khayat has joined many
conferences including (not limited to), May 2014 CRSCAD conference in the
University of Massachusetts (UMASS) Boston,a member of the scientific committee
of April 2016, SU-ICEIT, May 2016 ifpo – AUIS conference at the American
University- Sulaimani, PASCAL Glasgow June 2016,and a member of the scientific
committee and key note speaker for Cihan University International Conference on
Architectural and Civil Engineering 2021 In 2015 he was asked to act as director
of Erbil research centre for sustainable development and also nominated to
become the UNESCO Chair for cultural Heritage at Salahaddin University-Erbil, he
acted as a member of directing board of the college of engineering consultancy
office (2017-2019), in 2019 IFPO (French institute for near east) awarded
Dr.Khayat the title of (IFPO Associate Researcher), he was assigned as a member
of the editorial board of Baghdad University Journal of planning and development
on 2019


Submit Abstract We request you to submit a brief idea or abstract of your
talk/presentation/symposium/workshop according to your session interest
 * Wind Energy Applications
 * Wind Resources Environmental Impact
 * Hydropower Applications
 * Construction and Design Issues
 * Environmental Impact Assessment
 * Solar Cell Technology
 * PV for Rural Development
 * Solar Thermal Electricity
 * Geothermal Applications
 * Environmental Impacts and Sustainability

 * Technology and System Aspects
 * Machines and Wind Farms
 * Turbines and Generators
 * Small and Micro Scale hydropower
 * Photovoltaic Technology
 * PV Manufacture, Testing and Certification
 * Solar Thermal Applications
 * Solar Heating and Cooling Systems
 * Geothermal Heating and Heat Pumps
 * Climate Change

Submit Abstract


Abstract Submission Deadline: January 25, 2022
Earlybird Registration Deadline: July 30, 2021
Standard Registration Deadline: October 25, 2021
Onspot Registartion: March 21, 2022


Have a look at the Scientific Program below
 * Day 1
 * Day 2
 * Day 3

08:00 9:00 AM


09:00 - 09:15 AM


09:15 - 11:00


11:00 - 11:20


11:20 - 13:00


13:00 - 14:00


14:00 - 15:40


15:40 - 16:00


16:00 - 17:30


9:30 - 11:00


11:00 - 11:20


11:20 - 13:00


11:00 - 11:20


13:00 - 14:00


14:00 15:40


15:40 - 16:00


16:00 - 17:30


9:30 - 11:00


11:00 - 11:20


11:20 - 13:00


11:00 - 11:20


13:00 - 14:00


14:00 15:40


15:40 - 16:00


16:00 - 17:30


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Registration Categories
Speaker Registration

$ 749

Standard Registration
 * E-Abstract Book
 * Conference Bag
 * Certificate of Attendance
 * Conference schedule handout
 * Entry to all session and workshops
 * Lunch & Coffee breaks

Delegate Registration

$ 849

Standard Registration
 * E-Abstract Book
 * Conference Bag
 * Certificate of Attendance
 * Conference schedule handout
 * Entry to all session and workshops
 * Lunch & Coffee breaks

Student Registration

$ 449

Standard Registration
 * E-Abstract Book
 * Conference Bag
 * Certificate of Attendance
 * Conference schedule handout
 * Entry to all session and workshops
 * Lunch & Coffee breaks


Conference venue details




Conference Will be Held At:  
Crowne Plaza Dubai - Deira, Salahuddin Rd - Dubai - United Arab Emirates.

Dubai is one of the seven emirates that make up the United Arab Emirates on the
Arabian Peninsula and is one of the wonders of the modern world. It is located
on the southeast coast of the Persian Gulf and is one of the seven emirates that
make up the country. The city of Dubai is located on the emirate's northern
coastline and heads up the Dubai-Sharjah-Ajman metropolitan area. Dubai has
emerged as a global city and business hub of the Middle East. Dubai having
expanded along both banks of the Creek, Dubai is divided into two parts - Deira
on the northern side and Bur Dubai to the south, as well as the top tourist
destination of Jumeirah. Dubai is preserved some of the most intriguing
historical attractions.





Here is the list of upcomming meetings


September 13-15, 2021 Porto, Portugal

International Meet & Expo on Semiconductors, Optoelectronics and Nanostructures

Visit Site


September 13-15, 2021 Porto, Portugal

International Meet & Expo on Semiconductors, Optoelectronics and Nanostructures

Visit Site


September 13-15, 2021 Porto, Portugal

International Meet & Expo on Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications

Visit Site


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 * renewablemeet2022@albedomeetings.com


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