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Find Your Right Scooter


Save $50

Ninebot S2

Your Next Step

As low as $549.99 MSRP $599.99

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Save $90

Ninebot KickScooter E2

12.4 mph | 15.5 miles

As low as $279.99 MSRP $369.99

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Save $100

Ninebot eKickScooter E2 Pro

16.8 miles range at 15.5 mph

As low as $499.99 MSRP $599.99

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Save $200

Ninebot KickScooter MAX G30P

18.6 mph | 40.4 miles

As low as $799.99 MSRP $999.99

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Save $400

Ninebot KickScooter Max G2

22 mph | 43 miles

As low as $999.99 MSRP $1,399.99

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Save $1,500

Segway SuperScooter GT2

43.5 mph | 55.9 miles

As low as $2,499.99 MSRP $3,999.99

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Save $1,500

Segway SuperScooter GT1

37.3 mph | 43.5 miles

As low as $1,499.99 MSRP $2,999.99

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Save $500

Ninebot S MAX

Maximize your adventure.

As low as $699.99 MSRP $1,199.99

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Find Your Right Scooter


Whether for work, getting around, or just for fun, the E2 Pro has you covered!
Segway-Ninebot's RideyLONG technology extends its range by 20% without needing
an extra battery, meaning you can enjoy longer rides. And thanks to the Apple
Find My tracking function, you'll never worry about theft.

$599.99 $499.99

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Whether for work, getting around, or just for fun, the E2 Pro has you covered!
Segway-Ninebot's RideyLONG technology extends its range by 20% without needing
an extra battery, meaning you can enjoy longer rides. And thanks to the Apple
Find My tracking function, you'll never worry about theft.

15.5 mph Max. Speed
16.8 Miles Range at Max. Speed
Rear-wheel Drive with Max. Power of 750W
Up to 18% Easy Climbing
Anti-skid Traction Control System
10-inch Air-leakage-proof Tubeless Tires
2 brakes: front drum brake; rear electronic brake
Built in front and rear indicators for safe commuting
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$599.99 $499.99


 1. Ninebot KickScooter Max G2
    22 mph | 43 miles
    As low as $999.99 MSRP $1,399.99
    Shop Now
 2. Ninebot KickScooter E2
    12.4 mph | 15.5 miles
    As low as $279.99 MSRP $369.99
    Shop Now
 3. Ninebot KickScooter MAX G30P
    18.6 mph | 40.4 miles
    As low as $799.99 MSRP $999.99
    Shop Now
 4. Ninebot KickScooter E22 with Seat
    More effortless riding
    As low as $359.99 MSRP $649.99
    Shop Now


The Ninebot S2 offers the perfect self-balancing scooter experience for riders
seeking both style and comfort. Whether teen or adult, users can easily adjust
the knee control bar height to achieve a personalized fit. The RGB wheel lights
and taillights can also be personalized to reflect individual mood and
personality. With a built-in Bluetooth speaker, riders can sync their devices to
pair the perfect playlist with a smooth ride.

$599.99 $549.99

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Details Shop Now


The Ninebot S2 offers the perfect self-balancing scooter experience for riders
seeking both style and comfort. Whether teen or adult, users can easily adjust
the knee control bar height to achieve a personalized fit. The RGB wheel lights
and taillights can also be personalized to reflect individual mood and
personality. With a built-in Bluetooth speaker, riders can sync their devices to
pair the perfect playlist with a smooth ride.

11.2 mph Max. Speed
21.7 Miles Typical Range
15º Climbing Slope
10.5 Inch Tubeless Pneumatic Tires
Adjustable Height for both teens and adults
RGB Ambient Lights
Bluetooth Speaker Play Music
Gokart KitWorks with Gokart Kit
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$599.99 $549.99


 1. Ninebot S MAX
    Maximize your adventure.
    As low as $699.99 MSRP $1,199.99
    Shop Now
 2. Segway Ninebot S-PLUS
    A smart and obedient scooter.
    As low as $699.99 MSRP $929.99
    Shop Now
 3. Ninebot S
    Truly portable, exciting to ride, easy to learn
    As low as $599.99
    Shop Now
 4. Ninebot S Kids
    Balancing innovative safety & fun.
    As low as $499.99
    Shop Now


Drive, game, and ride on the Segway GoKart Pro 2. Boasting a top speed of
26.7mph, compatible with PCs, and reassembled into a Ninebot S Max, this 3-in-1
device can be enjoyed not only outside as a GoKart or a self-balancing scooter,
but also indoors as a racing game controller. 


*Note: not compatible with PS5.

$2,299.99 $1,999.99

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Drive, game, and ride on the Segway GoKart Pro 2. Boasting a top speed of
26.7mph, compatible with PCs, and reassembled into a Ninebot S Max, this 3-in-1
device can be enjoyed not only outside as a GoKart or a self-balancing scooter,
but also indoors as a racing game controller. 


*Note: not compatible with PS5.

360° Haptic Feedback
Auto-Centering Steering Wheel
Paddle Shifter for Seamless Gear Shifts
Manual Drive Mode
26.7 Mph Max. Speed
15.5 miles Theoretical Range
1.02G Max Acceleration
Adjustable Chassis
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$2,299.99 $1,999.99


 1. Ninebot GoKart Pro
    23 mph | 15.5 miles
    Shop Now
 2. Ninebot GoKart Kit
    Convert your S or S MAX into a GoKart!
    Shop Now


The C2 Lite is the perfect electric scooter for kids. It has a top speed of 9.9
mph with plenty of range extending up to 5.9 miles or about 70 minutes of run
time. The kick scooter is also equipped with solid tires which means no flats.
The Ninebot C2 Lite ekickscooter, is the perfect choice for kids.


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Details Shop Now


The C2 Lite is the perfect electric scooter for kids. It has a top speed of 9.9
mph with plenty of range extending up to 5.9 miles or about 70 minutes of run
time. The kick scooter is also equipped with solid tires which means no flats.
The Ninebot C2 Lite ekickscooter, is the perfect choice for kids.

9.9 mph
Max. Speed
5.6 miles
Range at Max. Speed
70 min
Run Time
Recommend Height
Solid Rubber Tires
Ambient Lights
Easy to Read
LED Battery Display
UL2272 Certified
Battery Safety
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 1. Ninebot eKickScooter ZING C8
    10 mph | 6.2 miles
    As low as $179.99 MSRP $249.99
    Shop Now
 2. Ninebot eKickScooter C2
    9.9 mph | 6.8 miles
    As low as $199.99 MSRP $249.99
    Shop Now
 3. Ninebot eKickScooter C2 Pro
    12.4 mph | 9.3 miles
    As low as $249.99 MSRP $299.99
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 4. Ninebot eKickScooter ZING C10
    Kid-safe balance & coordination practice.
    As low as $169.99 MSRP $299.99
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 1. Segway Portable Power Station Cube 1000
    1 kWh Capacity
    As low as $799.99 MSRP $999.99
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 1. Segway Dirt eBike X160
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 1. Segway Dirt eBike X260
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Segway Kids Helmets, XS, Orange

Superior safety, peace of mind.

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Segway Helmet, L/XL, Black

Designed to keep you feeling breezy.

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Phone Holder - E110A

SKU: AC.50.0000.39

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KickScooter Storage Bag

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Additional Battery Kit - E110A

SKU: AC.50.0001.69

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Rear Folding Back Hanger - E110A

SKU: AC.50.0000.17

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Pedal Brake - Gokart kit

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Extension Rod

New levels of convenience & portability.

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