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Submission: On July 06 via manual from US — Scanned from DE
Submission: On July 06 via manual from US — Scanned from DE
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<fieldset class="CandidateField CandidateField--customQuestions[104]">
<legend class="fab-RadioGroup__legend fab-RadioGroup__legend--required">Are you legally entitled to work in Canada without future need for visa sponsorship?</legend>
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Text Content
Privacy Policy Job Openings MEDIA BUYER Canada Marketing · Est Or Cst, New York (Remote) Für diese Stelle bewerben -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Come As You Are Your gender, your gods, your love life, your skin, your abilities are what we celebrate at Aria Vent! We are progressive, open-minded and value diversity of thought as we know this is what pushes us to do things better than our competitors. If you are good at what you do and work hard, we welcome you to come as you are. Don't meet every single requirement? Studies have shown that women and people of colour are less likely to apply to jobs unless they meet every single qualification. If you're excited about this role but your past experience doesn't align perfectly with every qualification in the job description, we encourage you to apply anyways! Tell us why you think you're the right person - you may be just the candidate we are looking for. About Aria At Aria, we are on a mission to reimagine mundane unloved building products. We make building products sexy and we’re bringing a new school approach to an old school industry. We create a work environment where you can excel at the things you're good at, experiment with tasks you love doing, and challenge yourself to learn new things that are outside your skill set. We are building something extraordinary for the long-term with our team and customers. Don’t believe us? Ask our team members - they certified us as a “Great Place to Work®”! The Opportunity The Media Buyer is our in-house expert in paid media. Aria has experienced 7 tremendous years of growth by bringing something tangible (+ patented!) to the market. You’ll have the opportunity to feel your impact, get mentorship, and create a legacy in an eager, scaling team. Fundamental to our success as an organization is building scalable processes. Make no mistake, while a strategist in nature, we all still balance planning with tactical and there will be a lot of execution responsibilities for this successful team member. We want a Media Buyer who knows how to impact consumer behaviour and improve the process by analyzing the right data. What you’ll be doing: As the “only in role”, they are the internal maestro, responsible for growing D2C revenue by strategically planning paid media campaigns across multiple channels. A specialist in media, while also a generalist in the types of paid media we need to pursue - they will drive sales performance by optimizing the customer experience and executing a sound promotion strategy. This role works hand in hand with our content team to launch successful campaigns through aligned communication (content x calendar). The incumbent is expected to execute and manage new and existing media advertising channels. Job Responsibilities: Media Planning [60%] * build comprehensive paid advertising strategy * build and optimize paid advertising * maximize CTR and CPC on all digital channels * identify and execute new paid media options eCommerce [20%] * grow revenue by: * capturing new customers * supporting promotion strategy * increase quality of website traffic and interaction Content Planning [10%] * work with content team to produce required marketing materials * on brand and on time Brand + Culture Values [10%] * Know and live Aria Vent Inc. company values through inspirational leadership and leading by example. You’re a good fit if you: * have worked in Media Planning and eCommerce for several years, specifically: * strategic foresight * know the business levers and eCommerce KPIs that make impact * managing projects, media budgets and vendors * love analytics, specifically programs like Shopify, Google and/or Facebook Ads * other media research tools [website data + reporting] * are comfortable with technology like GSuite, Salesforce, AdobeSuite, Microsoft Office, Mac OS * are an effective communicator and are comfortable with negotiation * are comfortable in a scrappy start-up environment where resourcefulness is key and you know you will make mistakes to learn from * live for organization and finding better ways to do things * take pride and pleasure in producing high quality work * like to have fun (we take our customer experience seriously, but not ourselves) What’s in it for you? Vibes: * Open concept, bright, dog-friendly office vibe (our furry friends can’t wait to meet you!) * Fully stocked kitchen with snacks and fresh fruit * Extra long summer Fridays (May - October) * Cool peeps * Great Place to Work® Certified * Member of Ontario Disability Employment Network (ODEN) Flexibility: * Hybrid work options (we want you to be comfortable and we also want you to get to know our team!) * We have a reliable, tight-knit team structure to make all work environments professional and comfortable. * Strict “No email/slack on phones” policy and “No email/slack outside of office hours” policy - we value our personal time and are committed to protecting this for our team members. Show me the money! * Competitive compensation (all of us have a base + bonus structure, even our warehouse team, because we value our hard work and want it to be recognized) * Employee Stock Option Plan (see, we are like a tech start up!) * Modern employee benefits, including: * $3,000 paramedical health (no per practitioner max) * $2,000 for mental health support * $2,000 Lifestyle Spending Account to be used on “anything that makes your life easier” * Plus vision, dental care, drug coverage, and travel insurance * Dependents included! * Great tools including a Macbook Need More? * An opportunity to develop very rapidly in your career. Super-immersive learning environment and the opportunity to develop your career with us * Access to professional development training with leading educators such as BrainStation Our Company We get people excited about mundane, unloved building products. Sounds wild, we know. See for yourself, check out our Instagram. We invented the first modular air register that can be customized to any surface material. Although air registers are our flagship products, we are quickly diversifying into new categories. We are a small (30 people) team of ambitious, creative, boot-strappers led by our female founder. Our company culture is centred around collaboration, humility and the discipline to work intentionally. As a high growth business, we are constantly evolving and scaling. We create a work environment where you can excel at the things you're good at, experiment with tasks you love doing, and challenge yourself to learn new things that are outside your skill set. FÜR DIE POSITION BEWERBEN Vorname Nachname Emailadresse Telefonnummer Adresse Stadt State –Select– ZIP Land United States Lebenslauf Datei auswählen Keine Datei ausgewählt Frühestmöglicher Eintrittstermin mm/dd/yyyy Gehaltswunsch Webseite, Blog, oder Portfolio LinkedIn Profil URL Are you legally entitled to work in Canada without future need for visa sponsorship? Ja Nein VIELEN DANK Your application was submitted successfully Für diese Stelle bewerben Submit ApplicationSchließen Für diese Stelle bewerben -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Link to This Job Standort Est Or Cst, New York (Remote) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abteilung Canada Marketing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschäftigungsstatus Full-Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minimale Berufserfahrung Experienced -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vergütung $75,000-85,000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Datenschutzrichtlinien · Terms of Service · © 2008–2023 BambooHR Alle Rechte vorbehalten. 👈👋