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Access and Benefit-Sharing Clearing-House Access and Benefit-Sharing
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Convention on Biological Diversity CBD
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01 Dec 2023



10 Nov 2023


Hosted by SCBD & DSMZ

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National Records

177 ABS National Focal Point 146 Competent National Authority 289 Legislative,
Administrative or Policy Measure 27 ABS Procedure 5 National Model Contractual
Clause 5065 Internationally Recognized Certificates of Compliance 59 National
Websites or Databases 84 Checkpoint 177 Checkpoint Communiqué 101 Interim
National Reports on the Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol

141 Parties to the Nagoya Protocol
0 Ratified, not yet Party
57 Non-Parties

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National records



05 Feb 2024 Mr. Belal Qtishat

CBD National Focal Point | Cartagena Protocol National Focal Point | BCH
National Focal Point | Emergency Measures (Article 17) Contact Point | ABS
National Focal Point | SBSTTA National Focal Point

National Focal Point Jordan chm-nfp-jo-209846-9
02 Feb 2024 Dr. Jumamyrat Saparmyradov

CBD National Focal Point | Cartagena Protocol National Focal Point | ABS
National Focal Point | Clearing-House Mechanism National Focal Point

National Focal Point Turkmenistan chm-nfp-tm-210352-20
02 Feb 2024 Madame Saida El Jai

Cartagena Protocol National Focal Point | BCH National Focal Point | ABS
National Focal Point

National Focal Point Morocco chm-nfp-ma-266505-5
01 Feb 2024 Ms. Moriana Philips

CBD National Focal Point | ABS National Focal Point

National Focal Point Marshall Islands chm-nfp-mh-209223-8
01 Feb 2024 Lao ABS-CNP/AKLGU-BG224

Human serum samples of 0.2 ml were collected from 3,052 adults aged 18 years and
older that was conducted in Lao PDR during March-September 2019

Internationally Recognized Certificates of Compliance Lao People's Democratic
Republic absch-ircc-la-266491-1
01 Feb 2024 1-14


Checkpoint Communiqué Japan absch-cpc-jp-266490-1
30 Jan 2024 M. Mohamed Ali Tmessek

CBD National Focal Point | ABS National Focal Point | SBSTTA National Focal
Point | Global Strategy for Plant Conservation National Focal Point

National Focal Point Tunisia chm-nfp-tn-252809-10
30 Jan 2024 Bruxelles Environnement

Checkpoint for the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol as well as other
instruments, mentioned in the Law concerning access to genetic resources and the
fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their use in the Brussels
Capital Region. It is also the competent national authority for the Nagoya
Protocol under the same law.

Checkpoint Belgium absch-cp-be-266474-1
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Reference records



29 Jan 2024 The role of digital sequence information in the conservation and
sustainable use of genetic resources for food and agriculture: opportunities and
challenges. (Dec 2023)

This study discusses applications of digital sequence information (DSI) that are
relevant to genetic resources for food and agriculture (GRFA), including DSI
that is not derived from GRFA but nevertheless contributes to their
identification, characterization, use, improvement and conservation. DSI is also
fundamental to the characterization of other components of biodiversity for food
and agriculture and is an important tool in efforts to make agriculture more

Virtual Library Resource absch-vlr-scbd-266469-1

Mwanda Thabalaba Community Protocol contains information on the community, its
genetic resources, how its traded and how the community intends to maximise
benefits from trade and utilisation of Thabalaba. Specifically, the protocol
aims to: Provide guidance to all stakeholder that intend to access and utilise
Thabalaba from Mwanda Community. Providing procedures for sustainable harvesting
of Thabalaba. This document is intended for use by different stakeholders
including but not limited to the following: • Bio-traders • Researchers •
Providers (Thabalaba Committee, VNRMC) • Local Government Authorities

Community Protocols and Procedures and Customary Law absch-cpp-scbd-265955-1
23 Nov 2023 Protocolo comunitario mushuk yuyay (nuevos conocimientos) para el
acceso, uso o aprovechamiento de los conocimientos tradicionales asociados o no
a la biodiversidad (recursos biológicos y genéticos)

La Comuna Jurídica “San Antonio”, somos una comuna de sabios y sabias,
curanderas y curanderos, parteras, comadronas, aprendices y habitantes que
vivimos en comunidad, sabiendo que es nuestra responsabilidad cuidar y proteger
estos conocimientos. En este camino tuvimos la oportunidad de conocer sobre el
Protocolo de Nagoya, que trata acerca del Acceso a los Recursos Genéticos y
participación justa y equitativa de los beneficios que se derivan de su
utilización, otras normativas nacionales e internacionales y herramientas que
promueven la protección de los conocimientos tradicionales, pueblos y
nacionalidades indígenas, pueblo afroecuatoriano y pueblo montubio. Gracias a la
gestión de la Fundación Maquita Cushunshic (Maquita), se realizó el acercamiento
con el Ministerio del Ambiente, Agua y Transición Ecológica (MAATE) y el
Servicio Nacional de Derechos Intelectuales (SENADI), quienes brindaron la
asistencia y asesoramiento técnico, a fin de que podamos sentir seguridad para
el buen cuidado de los conocimientos tradicionales, pero sobre todo,
sistematizar en un documento que apoye con la gestión nuestros saberes y
conocimientos tradicionales y que permitirá que las futuras generaciones los
conserven y atesoren para mantener viva a nuestra comuna. En este protocolo se
encuentra la información relevante (procedimientos y requisitos) para el acceso,
uso o aprovechamiento de los conocimientos tradicionales asociados o no a la
biodiversidad (recursos biológicos y genéticos), alineado a las normativas
legales nacionales e internacionales que protegen los derechos colectivos,
garantizando de esta forma respeto para la comuna, la naturaleza y la
distribución justa y equitativa de los beneficios que se puedan obtener de la
utilización de estos conocimientos.

Community Protocols and Procedures and Customary Law absch-cpp-scbd-265931-1
23 Nov 2023 The impact of the Nagoya Protocol on Foot-and-Mouth Disease (Sep

Since 2020, several key stakeholders involved in the control of foot-and-mouth
(FMD) have expressed the view that the way in which the Nagoya Protocol is
currently being transposed into national ABS legislation has the unintended
outcome of placing constraints on the control of transboundary livestock
diseases, including foot-and-mouth disease (FMD). Acting through a
Multistakeholder Platform on Vaccine Security for Foot-and-mouth And Similar
Transboundary (FAST) animal diseases, the European Commission for the Control of
Foot-and-Mouth Disease (EuFMD) has prepared this report which identifies the
practical impacts of the Nagoya Protocol and related ABS frameworks on FMD
research and development, presents a problem statement on these impacts in
relation to FMD control, provides an assessment of options for possible
solutions, and proposes an approach for stakeholders to develop a preferred
solution for FMD in the context of a wider consideration of veterinary

Virtual Library Resource absch-vlr-scbd-265930-2
22 Nov 2023 Communication Strategy for Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) in India
(Nov 2018)

Communication Strategy for Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) in India: (From the
booklet) The Indo-German Biodiversity Programme provides quality ecological and
economic solutions to public and private partners in pursuit of participatory
conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, to support livelihoods for
future generations. A key component of the Programme is the Access and Benefit
Sharing (ABS) Partnership Project commissioned by the German Federal Ministry
for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The project is being implemented
in partnership with the Indian Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate
Change, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and
National Biodiversity Authority with three pilot State Biodiversity Boards
namely, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Uttarakhand. Its objective is to strengthen
the capacities of relevant authorities and stakeholders to effectively implement
the Nagoya Protocol on ABS in India. This includes developing communication
tools to raise awareness and enhance stakeholders’ understanding of existing ABS
regulations, compliance mechanism and procedures.

Virtual Library Resource absch-vlr-scbd-265922-1
22 Nov 2023 The relationship between intellectual property rights and
small-scale farmer innovation (Apr 2016)

Table of Contents: I. Introduction II. Key Concepts Small-scale farmer
innovation systems Informal seed systems Supporting and incentivizing on-farm
innovation with IPR tools Disclosure III. IPRs and their relationship with
small-scale farmer innovation Patents Trade secrets / Hybridization Plant
variety protection Variety registration / Sui Generis PVP systems Trademarks
Geographical indications IV. Conclusion

Virtual Library Resource absch-vlr-scbd-265921-1
18 Nov 2023 Myth-busting the provider-user relationship for digital sequence
information (Dec 2021)

Background The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) formally
recognized the sovereign rights of nations over their biological diversity.
Implicit within the treaty is the idea that mega-biodiverse countries will
provide genetic resources and grant access to them and scientists in high-income
countries will use these resources and share back benefits. However, little
research has been conducted on how this framework is reflected in real-life
scientific practice. Result Currently, parties to the CBD are debating whether
digital sequence information (DSI) should be regulated under a new
benefit-sharing framework. At this critical time point in the upcoming
international negotiations, we test the fundamental hypothesis of provision and
use of DSI by looking at the global patterns of access and use in scientific
publications. Conclusion Our data reject the provider-user relationship and
suggest a far more complex information flow for DSI. Therefore, any new policy
decisions on DSI should be aware of the high level of use of DSI across low- and
middle-income countries and seek to preserve open access to this crucial common

Virtual Library Resource absch-vlr-scbd-265864-1
18 Nov 2023 Reflections on possible methodologies for ABS headline indicators
(Nov 2023)

The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework adopted in December 2022 sets
the ambition for an increase in fair and equitable Access and Benefit-sharing
(ABS) through Goal C and Target 13 of the framework. Goal C and Target 13 both
call for an increase in benefits shared from the utilization of genetic
resources and traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources and from
the use of digital sequence information on genetic resources. In Decision 15/5,
the Conference of the Parties adopted a monitoring framework for the
Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework which includes two headline
indicators and a binary indicator related to Goal C and Target 13. The COP
established an Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group (AHTEG) to continue the work on
these indicators. The Goal C and Target 13 headline indicators are: C.1
Indicator on monetary benefits received and C.2 Indicator on non-monetary
benefit. The global indicator based on responses to binary questions which was
further developed and is included in SBSTTA25/2. Although these indicators were
agreed in principle there is currently no global approach to monitoring and
quantifying monetary or non-monetary benefits from ABS. Furthermore, information
on regional or national quantification is very limited. The SCBD, the co-chairs
of the AHTEG on Indicators, the Leibniz Institute DSMZ, are organising this side
event to exchange information and ideas to better understand how monetary
benefits and non-monetary benefits are shared by users and received by providers
and how this information can inform the work of the AHTEG on indicators. The
side event will present a panel discussion on how benefits can be accounted for
at the national level, how benefits are monitored under the ITPGRFA), and how
some non-monetary benefits might be monitored at the global level. Based on the
panel discussion, attendees will be invited to contribute their own national
experiences and any new ideas. The discussion and output of the side event will
be incorporated into a study led by the science policy and internationalization
department at DSMZ, thanks to generous financial contribution of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Virtual Library Resource absch-vlr-scbd-265863-1
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