www.capitolcorridor.org Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://lnks.gd/l/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJidWxsZXRpbl9saW5rX2lkIjoxMTMsInVyaSI6ImJwMjpjbGljayIsImJ1bGxldGluX2lkI...
Effective URL: https://www.capitolcorridor.org/privacy-policy/
Submission: On September 14 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 4 forms found in the DOM

POST https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/CACCTRAN/subscribers/qualify

<form action="https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/CACCTRAN/subscribers/qualify" method="post" target="_blank">
  <input type="email" name="email" class="subscribe" placeholder="Sign Up For E-News">
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GET https://www.capitolcorridor.org/

<form method="get" id="searchform" class="form-search" action="https://www.capitolcorridor.org/">
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  <input type="text" id="s" class="search-query" name="s" placeholder="Search CapitolCorridor.org">
  <button id="main_search_submit_button" type="submit"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></button>

POST https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/CACCTRAN/subscribers/qualify

<form action="https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/CACCTRAN/subscribers/qualify" method="post" target="_blank"><input class="subscribe" name="email" type="email" placeholder="ENTER YOUR EMAIL"><span class="newsspan"></span><br>

POST /privacy-policy/#gf_1

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        <h4>Please complete the form below. Once your request is approved, we will send the appropriate logo file(s) to the email provided.</h4>
      <li id="field_1_1" class="gfield gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below field_description_below gfield_visibility_visible" data-js-reload="field_1_1"><label class="gfield_label" for="input_1_1">Name<span class="gfield_required"><span
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        <div class="ginput_container ginput_container_text"><input name="input_6" id="input_1_6" type="text" value="" class="large" aria-invalid="false"> </div>
      <li id="field_1_7" class="gfield field_sublabel_below field_description_below gfield_visibility_visible" data-js-reload="field_1_7"><label class="gfield_label" for="input_1_7">Purpose for request</label>
        <div class="ginput_container ginput_container_text"><input name="input_7" id="input_1_7" type="text" value="" class="large" aria-invalid="false"> </div>
      <li id="field_1_8" class="gfield gfield--width-full field_sublabel_below field_description_below gfield_visibility_visible" data-js-reload="field_1_8"><label class="gfield_label" for="input_1_8">CAPTCHA</label>
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Text Content

Please be advised of potential suspension in service starting Thursday, Sept 15.

HELP First time rider? click here


 * Plan Your Trip
   * * Schedules
     * Route Map
     * Tickets & Fares
     * Stations
     * Train Status
   * * Connections
     * First-Time Rider
     * Frequent Rider Discounts
     * Destinations
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 * On-Board Experience
   * * Seats and Restrooms
     * Accessibility
     * Bicycles
     * Baggage
     * Animals
     * Onboard Wi-Fi
   * * Cafe Car
     * Quiet Car
     * Green Travel
     * Health & Safety
     * Rail Safety & Security
     * Podcast
   * * Covid Safety Tips – Your health and safety are important to us. We are
       working to minimize risk and keep passengers and employees safe with
       enhanced safety and cleaning protocols. Click to learn more.
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 * News & Alerts
       Receive service updates and news by email and/or text, or manage your
       existing subscription.
     * News & Alerts Overview
     * Media Room
     * Get on Board Blog
   * * Recent News Read All
     *  * Service Advisory:Potential Railroad Strike Anticipated
        * Capitol Corridor Offers Special Service to Levi’s® Stadium for
          Football Fans
     * Service Alerts
     *  * There are currently no service alerts in effect.
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 * Deals & Promotions
   * * Deals & Promotions
     * Frequent Rider Discounts
     * Group Travel Program
   * * Destinations
     * Sports & Entertainment
     * Amtrak Guest Rewards
   * * BOGO Everyday – Buy one full-fare ticket for travel and you’ll get
       another companion fare absolutely free!
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 * About
   * * CCJPA Service
     * CCJPA Board
     * CCJPA Performance
     * Documents
     * Opportunities and RFPs
     * Contact
   * * Business Plan
     * Vision Plan
     * 30th Anniversary
     * One Train for All
   * * Projects
     * Developer Resources
     * Civil Rights/Title VI
     * Store
   * Close


The CCJPA values its customers and respects their privacy. We collect
information in an effort to improve our customers experience and to communicate
with our customers about our service, contests, drawings and promotions. We
recognize that we must maintain and use customer information responsibly.

This policy describes the personal information we collect about you, why we
collect it, how we use it and when we share it with third parties. If our
information practices change in the future, we will let you know before we use
your information in a manner not previously disclosed in our privacy policy by
posting the policy changes on our website or by communicating directly with you.
At that time, you will have the opportunity to opt out of any new use of your


We collect information such as your name, e-mail, and postal address when you
join our mailing list, or when you participate in a contest, promotion or
survey. We may acquire from third parties names, e-mail and postal addresses for
select mailings. Like many websites, we use “cookies” to enhance your experience
and gather information about visitors and visits to our websites. Please refer
to the “How does the Capitol Corridor use ‘cookies’?” section below for
information about cookies and how we use them.


When you save your information online with the Capitol Corridor, you will be
signed up to receive e-mail updates about news, contests, promotions and service
changes. From time to time, we may also send you e-mail surveys to help us learn
more about your travel preferences and your experiences on the train.

To serve you better, we may combine information you give us online about your
interests and experiences with demographic information that is publicly
available. We use that combined information to enhance and personalize your
experience with us, and to communicate with you by e-mail or postal mail about
our services, contests and promotions that may be of interest to you. If you do
not want us to use your information as described above, please email us at


A cookie is a small data file that websites commonly write to a customer’s hard
drive when a customer visits a website. A cookie file contains information that
can identify a customer anonymously in order to track traffic patterns and add
functionality to the website. The cookies on Capitol Corridor’s website do not
identify a customer personally but rather identify a customer’s computer when
the customer visits Capitol Corridor’s website. A cookie cannot read data off a
customer’s hard disk or read cookie files created by other websites. A
customer’s browser can be set to warn a customer before accepting cookies and
may choose to refuse cookies by turning them off in a customer’s browser. A
customer does not need to have cookies turned on to use the majority of the
Capitol Corridor website, but a customer may need to allow cookies in certain
areas of the site in order to perform certain functions. Capitol Corridor’s
website allows users to clear cookies.


We may contract with third parties to assist us in maintaining and managing our
customer information, to fulfill promotions and to communicate with our
customers about Capitol Corridor related issues. We do not authorize any of
those third parties to make any other use of your information.

When we offer contests and promotions, or join with other companies to do so,
customers who choose to participate in those contests and promotions may be
asked to provide personal information to participate. That information may then
be used by us and by any company offering the contest or promotion to notify
winners or to fulfill promotional obligations.

In addition, when we team up with another company to offer or provide products,
services, contests or promotions, we and the other company may cross-reference
our customer databases to identify common customers. We and the other company
may use that existing information to identify future promotional opportunities
and to fulfill promotional or contractual obligations.

If, prior to participating in a contest or promotion, you opted not to receive
information about or mailings from us, you may still receive information from or
about the Capitol Corridor in connection with the contest or promotion if you
choose to register for or participate in it. You may opt not to participate in
these contests or promotions if you do not want to receive information about the
Capitol Corridor or share your information with the Capitol Corridor and the
other companies sponsoring those contests or promotions.

We also may share aggregate, non-personally identifiable information about you,
such as age and gender, with our business partners to fulfill our contractual
obligations. Except as described above, we do not share, rent or sell any
information we collect online to any unaffiliated third party.

When we join with third parties to offer you products such as special discounts,
programs, or prizes, CCJPA cannot be responsible for the third party’s products.
Any comments or complaints you may have about the product should be directed to
the third party. We of course, carefully select our promotional partners, and if
you have comments about the third party’s relationship with the Capitol
Corridor, please let us know.


Like you, we at the Capitol Corridor are concerned about the safety of children
when they use the Internet. Consistent with the Children’s Online Privacy
Protection Act of 1998, we will never knowingly request personally identifiable
information from anyone under the age of 13 without prior verifiable parental
consent. If we receive actual knowledge that a subscriber to the Capitol
Corridor is under the age of 13, we will remove all personally identifiable
information about that person from our files. Also, the Capitol Corridor
requires that all contest or drawing entrants be at least 18 years of age or


The Capitol Corridor website may contain links to other sites that are not under
our control. These websites have their own policies regarding privacy. You
should review those policies before visiting the websites. We have no
responsibility for linked websites, and we provide these links solely for the
convenience and information of our visitors.

For schedules, fares, trip-planning and train status call 1-877-9-RIDECC
(1-877-974-3322) TDD 510-839-2220
© 1999 – 2022 Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority. All rights reserved.
Privacy Policy.
For schedules, fares, trip-planning and train status call 1-877-9-RIDECC
(1-877-974-3322) TDD 510-839-2220
© 1999 – 2022 Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority. All rights reserved.
Privacy Policy.


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 * Purpose for request
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