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PARTNERSHIP NEWS Andrade Gutierrez + ALICE announce partnership to transform
industrial construction with AI

Construction optioneering for capital projects

Explore numerous potential ways to build your project – before you ever break
ground. With ALICE, you will reduce risk as you plan, bid and win more
profitable projects. And if things change during construction, ALICE will help
you get your project back on track.

Learn More

Trusted by leading project owners, general contractors and consultants worldwide

Rooted in generative construction, the ALICE platform gives scheduling and
planning teams the horsepower to create and optimize schedules that traditional
scheduling tools lack.




The Future of Construction Scheduling


ALICE Core harnesses the power of optioneering to find the most efficient
construction paths, all based on your existing Microsoft Project, Oracle
Primavera P6 or Primavera Cloud schedule. Here’s how:
 * Upload your existing schedule (.mpp, .xer or .xml format) and begin
   optimizing in minutes
 * ALICE Core intelligently simulates scenarios on your uploaded schedule,
   generating optimized solutions that align with your specific project goals

Get a demo of ALICE Core


Customer Story: SCS

"Using ALICE during the execution phase of our work on the Copthall Tunnel has
enabled us to identify opportunities to work even more efficiently during the
course of the build."
Raymond Moloney Project Director, SCS JV

Customer Story: HDCC

“When we do a traditional schedule, we really only do one scenario. ALICE gives
us the ability to explore other options that we couldn't possibly go through and
see if there's a better way to build the project.”
Paul Silen VP Commercial Division, Hawaiian Dredging Construction Company

Customer Story: Align JV

“What traditionally might take a few weeks to develop one or two alternatives
will not be needed anymore - we’ll be able to look at every possible solution
quickly and choose the one that we think is best.”
Nick Podevyn Innovation & Improvement Manager, Align JV

Customer Story: Parsons

“ALICE has allowed us to be more competitive in the bid and more efficient
during the project's execution”
Elie Homsi Senior Vice President at Parsons

Customer Story: Build Group

“ALICE challenged what we thought was a solid construction schedule. ALICE beat
our original plan in an afternoon -- and then helped us to find a much more
efficient path.”
Mike MacBean Project Director, Key Accounts


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17% Project duration reduced
14% Labor cost savings
12% Equipment cost savings


For contractors pursuing design/build or alternative delivery projects, ALICE is
your secret weapon, helping you to explore a variety of construction options and
create the detailed, resource-loaded schedules you need to pursue and win
business profitably.


From feasibility studies and production planning to scheduling, ALICE enables
you to quantify the impact of different scenarios, helping you to make informed
decisions and get to the best plan.


During preconstruction, use ALICE to analyze options and create your optimal
project schedule and resource mix. You’ll know that you’ve modeled for all
contingencies. And if your project falls behind during construction? ALICE can
help you to mitigate delays by generating corrective schedules automatically.

Stay in the Know

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 * What is ALICE construction scheduling software?
   ALICE is an AI-powered construction scheduling software designed to optimize
   and de-risk capital construction projects. It enables users to rapidly
   explore numerous scenarios and surface multiple feasible schedules. ALICE
   integrates construction schedule, cost, and scope into every generated
   solution, providing a unified platform for stakeholder collaboration and
   enhancing project control. The platform enhances project delivery through the
   use of advanced algorithms and data-driven insights.

 * Who uses construction scheduling software?
   Construction scheduling software is widely used by construction professionals
   and stakeholders involved in construction projects to manage timelines,
   resources, and workflows effectively to ensure that a construction project
   stays on time and within budget. Key user segments include: general
   contractors, project managers, construction managers, owners and developers,
   construction managers, consultants, engineering service providers,
   subcontractors, project controls teams, government agencies, etc. Overall,
   construction scheduling software is essential for anyone involved in the
   planning, execution, or management of construction projects.

 * Why use ALICE construction scheduling software?
   Our users use ALICE to optimize, de-risk and recover their construction
   project. The ALICE construction software platform automates schedule
   constraint resolution and what if generation to significantly impact a
   project team’s efficiency. General contractors, owners and consultants, use
   ALICE to deliver assets to market faster, cheaper and with less risk.

 * What are some of the benefits of using ALICE construction scheduling
   The ROI (return on investment) of using ALICE include a 17% reduction in
   construction project duration, 14% labor cost savings, 12% equipment cost
   savings, improved predictability, and increased team efficiency through
   automated scheduling and optimization.

 * Can I import existing construction schedules into ALICE?
   Yes, you can import your existing or baseline project schedules built in
   Microsoft Project, Oracle Primavera P6, or Oracle Primavera Cloud into ALICE.

 * How does ALICE construction scheduling compare to other options?
   ALICE differs from traditional or legacy CPM scheduling software by
   automating the creation of optimal resource-loaded schedules, drastically
   reducing the time needed to explore and reschedule alternative scenarios.

 * Does ALICE offer construction scheduling templates?
   ALICE generates multiple feasible schedules based on your project data,
   constraints, optimization goals thus allowing you to explore the time and
   cost impact of various solutions without relying on static templates as are
   typically provided by other tools.


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 * Construction Optioneering
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 * Intelligent Sequencing
 * Optimization Presets


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 * FAQs


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 * Tunnels
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