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Lose Belly Fat
Renew Hair Growth
Real Antiaging
Success Stories

Lose Belly Fat
Renew Hair Growth
Real Antiaging
Success Stories
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Apple Poly®
"Nature's Premier Antioxidant"


Scientists in Japan announced that lab rats lost large amounts of organ fat, and
dramatically increased their muscle strength, when fed this mysterious nutrient
as a fraction of their diet.

The scientists don't exactly know how or why these effects occur. What they do
know is this: organ fat is directly linked to obesity, heart disease, diabetes
and aging.

And that only one other thing has ever been shown to reduce organ fat. Exercise.


And that was only the beginning of the incredible news...



The Houston Chronicle reported that a specific apple polyphenol triggered
"crucial" cell processes in laboratory animals.

And the good health news just keeps coming. Forbes, ABC News, CNN, Science
Daily, and WebMD, have all run the stories.

But... it isn't "an apple a day" showing these remarkable health benefits.

What these scientists are actually using in the labs and medical studies are
highly concentrated extracts from apple skins...

The pure, powerful apple extract now available in Apple Poly®

When you need penicillin, do you eat moldy bread? Of course not. When you need
an antibiotic, you take a standardized, purified, powerful extract. To assure
you're getting what you need to take care of the problem, and start feeling

And that's exactly why we offer Apple Poly® - the purest and most potent
standardized, concentrated extract in capsule form.

In November, the news broke on Alzheimer's Disease...



Researchers at Cornell University reported that "a group of chemicals in apples
could protect the brain from the type of damage that triggers such
neurodegenerative diseases as Alzheimer's and Parkinsonism."

And again, the headline is "An Apple a Day."

But don't be misled. These scientists are not testing apples.

They are testing very concentrated extracts from apples - apple polyphenols.
These potent extracts are now available to you, for the first time, in Apple

In May 2005, researchers at the University of Washington rocked the scientific
world, with the announcement that they were able to extend life span in mammals
nearly 20% with catalase, an antioxidant enzyme.

The story exploded across world press. Overnight, thousands of people went
looking for a "catalase pill..."

Unfortunately, there is no catalase pill. But there is a way to safely and
quickly raise the levels of catalase in your body: apple polyphenols.

While the news from UW is exciting, it pales in comparison to this announcement
from Russian scientists four months earlier:



The Russian researchers reported they are able to "routinely" extend the
lifespan of mice over 50%, without genetic engineering.

And you'll love this: they're getting these results from feeding the mice
apples. Lots of apples. Specifically, immature green apples. Apples far too
bitter for humans to eat, but loaded with a special phytochemical compound.

What is this secret Russian compound returning three times the lifespan gains,
without genetic engineering?

A safe, natural substance:
apple polyphenols.

Confirmed in Over 100
Medical Studies

Apple skin polyphenols are tested and proven safe in human and animal studies.
They are anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic, anti-bacterial. They are the single
most potent water-soluble antioxidant ever discovered!

In fact, apple polyphenols are the subject of over 100 published medical
studies. These studies are available to you right now, at, a research web site.

And in all of those studies, no harmful dose, or side effect, or complication
has been found. Apple Poly® is pure, concentrated goodness from the skin of baby


Retail Price $48.99
Sale Only $39.95


You can't buy this product in your health food store. Your doctor hasn't even
heard of it yet. Or your neighbors, or dear friends, or family members who may
be suffering and need help. But now you know...

Listen to what users of Apple Poly® are experiencing*:

"I've been taking my Apple Poly® now for 3 months and I will tell you it is the
most amazing stuff I've ever taken! I have lost 10 lbs, I have an energy level
comparable with my friend's 4 year old! My hair is stronger, my skin is brighter
and my migraines that used to come at least every two weeks have stopped! I did
make one mistake though, I was a week late re-ordering and came off of them for
almost 2 weeks, I started having my migraines again, and my energy level
plummeted! Now that I've been back on Apple Poly®, my energy level is back up,
and I haven't had a migraine in over a month!"

-- Suzanne K., Colorado Springs CO

"I began taking 2-4 capsules per day about a month ago. This year at
Thanksgiving, instead of gaining 4 or 5 pounds, I lost 5! I have had increased
energy in my workouts, and noticeably diminished appetite during the workday.
This has been the first year in several that I have not gotten my usual cold/
flu spell, even though my girlfriend has been sick for the last several days."

-- Rick E., Littleton CO

Update: Rick called to say he's now lost 12 13  15 lbs!

"One of the first things I noticed was the tremendous energy increase. My energy
level is so much better than with anything else I've ever taken - and I've taken
inches off the middle!"

-- Jan B., Hazlet NJ

"Remember when you were 10 years old, and you couldn't wait to go out and just
play? That's how I feel every day when I take my Apple Poly®."

-- Nikki V., Nebraska

"I wish I had found this before I had to have my bypass surgery. Now I take it
every day, and the doctors are amazed at my recovery (I'm doing much better than
the other patients). My blood sugar dropped 40 points and stabilized, and I
can't wait for my next cholesterol test."

-- Joe George, Denver CO

"It works - that's what I want to tell you. I've lost over 5 pounds and one
pants size, and I'm not even trying to lose weight. And the thing I like best is
I'm sleeping so much better. I'm advertising for you, you know. Do you have a
discount for 6 bottles?"

-- Myra M., Morrill NE

"Apple Poly® has made an amazing difference in my health and overall state of
mind. My appetite has decreased and I crave foods that are healthier. I feel
stronger and more alert despite how stressful my life is. There is a sense at a
cellular level of extreme well being. I feel as though a weight has been lifted
from me! The only thing different in my daily routine is the addition of Apple

-- Melinda G., Golden CO


Apple Poly® is a much more potent antioxidant than Vitamin E. It's 18 times
stronger than Vitamin C in new lab tests. And it is proven to powerfully
stimulate the activity of your own body's age- and disease-fighting defenses.

You've heard about the health benefits of red wine, and green tea, and even dark
chocolate. And you may know that it's the polyphenols in wine and tea and
chocolate that are responsible for those benefits.

But there's a big difference. Water-soluble polyphenols are quite rare. Apple
polyphenols, in this unique extract form, are water soluble. So they are much
more bioavailable than most other polyphenols.

But the real proof of Apple Poly® is in how it makes you feel when you take it
every day. And we want you to try it, entirely at our risk.

Order a bottle now. Take it as directed, with some pure water, for 30 days.

If you don't love it,
we'll buy back the empty bottle

If you don't agree that trying Apple Poly® is the best decision you've ever made
for your health, you will get a cheerful, no-questions-asked refund of your
entire purchase price.

The regular retail price of Apple Poly® is $48.99. But if you order today, you
can try a month's supply for $39.95.

Now, it's up to you. Read the research. Talk to people who are using it with
glowing results. Order Apple Poly® right now - risk free through our secure
server- and see for yourself why this brand new formula is making headlines

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. 
This product is not intended to prevent, treat or cure any disease.

Your Satisfaction is Always
100% Guaranteed

Privacy Policy

Apple Poly LLC, PO Box 732, Morrill NE 69358 1-888-APPLE-FARM © 2005 - 2024
Apple Poly LLC
