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Submitted URL: http://www.gls-spain.es/en/privacy-policy/
Effective URL: https://www.gls-spain.es/en/data-protection/
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Effective URL: https://www.gls-spain.es/en/data-protection/
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ESTA PÁGINA WEB USA COOKIES Las cookies de este sitio web se usan para personalizar el contenido y los anuncios, ofrecer funciones de redes sociales y analizar el tráfico. Además, compartimos información sobre el uso que haga del sitio web con nuestros partners de redes sociales, publicidad y análisis web, quienes pueden combinarla con otra información que les haya proporcionado o que hayan recopilado a partir del uso que haya hecho de sus servicios. Usted acepta nuestras cookies si continúa utilizando nuestro sitio web. 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Esto es beneficioso para la web con el objeto de elaborar informes válidos sobre el uso de su web.180 díasCookie HTTP_grecaptchaGoogleEsta cookie se utiliza para distinguir entre humanos y bots. Esto es beneficioso para la web con el objeto de elaborar informes válidos sobre el uso de su web.PersistenteAlmacenamiento Local HTMLrc::aGoogleEsta cookie se utiliza para distinguir entre humanos y bots. Esto es beneficioso para la web con el objeto de elaborar informes válidos sobre el uso de su web.PersistenteAlmacenamiento Local HTMLrc::bGoogleEsta cookie se utiliza para distinguir entre humanos y bots.SesiónAlmacenamiento Local HTMLrc::cGoogleEsta cookie se utiliza para distinguir entre humanos y bots.SesiónAlmacenamiento Local HTMLrc::d-15#GoogleEsta cookie se utiliza para distinguir entre humanos y bots.PersistenteAlmacenamiento Local HTMLrc::fGoogleEsta cookie se utiliza para distinguir entre humanos y bots.PersistenteAlmacenamiento Local HTML1.gifCookiebotSe utiliza para contar el número de sesiones del sitio web, necesario para optimizar la entrega de productos CMP. SesiónPíxel de SeguimientoCookieConsentCookiebotAlmacena el estado de consentimiento de cookies del usuario para el dominio actual1 añoCookie HTTPGAESAwww.gls-spain.esEsta cookie se utiliza en el contexto de carga equilibrada - Esto optimiza el índice de respuesta entre el visitante y la web, a través de la distribución de la carga de tráfico en múltiples enlaces o lectores de disco. 30 díasCookie HTTPgls-cookie-policy [x2]www.gls-spain.esEstas cookies nos ayudan a comprender el comportamiento de los visitantes en nuestro sitio web, descubrir errores y proporcionar mejores análisis generales.1 añoCookie HTTPwpEmojiSettingsSupportswww.gls-spain.esEsta cookie está asociada con un paquete de cookies que sirven al propósito de entrega de contenido y presentación. Estas cookies mantienen el correcto estado de fuente, deslizador de blog/imágenes, elección de color y otros ajustes de la web.SesiónAlmacenamiento Local HTML Las cookies de preferencias permiten a la página web recordar información que cambia la forma en que la página se comporta o el aspecto que tiene, como su idioma preferido o la región en la que usted se encuentra. NombreProveedorPropósitoDuración máxima de almacenamientoTipomaps/gen_204GoogleUtilizada en el contexto de la integración del mapa web. La cookie almacena la interacción del usuario con el mapa con el objeto de mejorar su funcionabilidad.SesiónPíxel de Seguimientopll_languagewww.gls-spain.esEsta cookie se utiliza para determinar el idioma preferido del visitante y configura el idioma correspondientemente en el sitio web, si es posible.1 añoCookie HTTP Las cookies estadísticas ayudan a los propietarios de páginas web a comprender cómo interactúan los visitantes con las páginas web reuniendo y proporcionando información de forma anónima. NombreProveedorPropósitoDuración máxima de almacenamientoTipo_gaGoogleRegistra una identificación única que se utiliza para generar datos estadísticos acerca de cómo utiliza el visitante el sitio web.2 añosCookie HTTP_ga_#GoogleRecopila datos sobre el número de veces que un usuario ha visitado el sitio web además de las fechas de la primera visita y de la más reciente. Utilizada por Google Analytics.2 añosCookie HTTP_gatGoogleUtilizado por Google Analytics para controlar la tasa de peticiones1 díaCookie HTTP_gidGoogleRegistra una identificación única que se utiliza para generar datos estadísticos acerca de cómo utiliza el visitante el sitio web.1 díaCookie HTTPcollectGoogleSe utiliza para enviar datos a Google Analytics sobre el dispositivo del visitante y su comportamiento. Rastrea al visitante a través de dispositivos y canales de marketing.SesiónPíxel de Seguimiento Las cookies de marketing se utilizan para rastrear a los visitantes en las páginas web. La intención es mostrar anuncios relevantes y atractivos para el usuario individual, y por lo tanto, más valiosos para los editores y terceros anunciantes. NombreProveedorPropósitoDuración máxima de almacenamientoTipolastExternalReferrer Meta Platforms, Inc.Detecta cómo el usuario encontró la página web al registrar su última dirección URL.PersistenteAlmacenamiento Local HTMLlastExternalReferrerTime Meta Platforms, Inc.Detecta cómo el usuario encontró la página web al registrar su última dirección URL.PersistenteAlmacenamiento Local HTMLIDEGoogleUtilizada por Google DoubleClick para registrar e informar sobre las acciones del usuario en el sitio web tras visualizar o hacer clic en uno de los anuncios del anunciante con el propósito de medir la eficacia de un anuncio y presentar anuncios específicos para el usuario.400 díasCookie HTTP_fbp Meta Platforms, Inc.Utilizada por Facebook para proporcionar una serie de productos publicitarios como pujas en tiempo real de terceros anunciantes.3 mesesCookie HTTP_gcl_auGoogleUtilizada por Google AdSense para experimentar con la eficiencia publicitaria a través de las webs usando sus servicios.3 mesesCookie HTTPNIDGooglePendiente6 mesesCookie HTTPpagead/1p-user-list/#GoogleUtilizada para rastrear si el visitante ha mostrado un interés específico em productos o eventos a través de múltiples webs y detectar como el visitante navega entre webs - Esto se utiliza para la medida de los esfuerzos publicitarios y facilitar la tasa de emisión entre sitios.SesiónPíxel de Seguimiento#-# [x2]YouTubeSe usa para rastrear la interacción del usuario con el contenido integrado. SesiónAlmacenamiento Local HTMLiU5q-!O9@[#COOKIETABLE_ADVERTISING#]nbsp;[x2]YouTubeRegistra una identificación única para mantener estadísticas de qué vídeos de YouTube ha visto el usuario.SesiónAlmacenamiento Local HTMLLAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEY [x2]YouTubeSe usa para rastrear la interacción del usuario con el contenido integrado. SesiónCookie HTTPnextId [x2]YouTubeSe usa para rastrear la interacción del usuario con el contenido integrado. SesiónCookie HTTPrequests [x2]YouTubeSe usa para rastrear la interacción del usuario con el contenido integrado. SesiónCookie HTTPyt.innertube::nextId [x2]YouTubeRegistra una identificación única para mantener estadísticas de qué vídeos de YouTube ha visto el usuario.PersistenteAlmacenamiento Local HTMLyt.innertube::requests [x2]YouTubeRegistra una identificación única para mantener estadísticas de qué vídeos de YouTube ha visto el usuario.PersistenteAlmacenamiento Local HTMLytidb::LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEY [x2]YouTubeSe usa para rastrear la interacción del usuario con el contenido integrado. PersistenteAlmacenamiento Local HTMLYtIdbMeta#databases [x2]YouTubeSe usa para rastrear la interacción del usuario con el contenido integrado. PersistenteIndexedDByt-remote-cast-available [x2]YouTubeRegistra las preferencias del reproductor de vídeo del usuario al ver vídeos incrustados de YouTubeSesiónAlmacenamiento Local HTMLyt-remote-cast-installed [x2]YouTubeRegistra las preferencias del reproductor de vídeo del usuario al ver vídeos incrustados de YouTubeSesiónAlmacenamiento Local HTMLyt-remote-connected-devices [x2]YouTubeRegistra las preferencias del reproductor de vídeo del usuario al ver vídeos incrustados de YouTubePersistenteAlmacenamiento Local HTMLyt-remote-device-id [x2]YouTubeRegistra las preferencias del reproductor de vídeo del usuario al ver vídeos incrustados de YouTubePersistenteAlmacenamiento Local HTMLyt-remote-fast-check-period [x2]YouTubeRegistra las preferencias del reproductor de vídeo del usuario al ver vídeos incrustados de YouTubeSesiónAlmacenamiento Local HTMLyt-remote-session-app [x2]YouTubeRegistra las preferencias del reproductor de vídeo del usuario al ver vídeos incrustados de YouTubeSesiónAlmacenamiento Local HTMLyt-remote-session-name [x2]YouTubeRegistra las preferencias del reproductor de vídeo del usuario al ver vídeos incrustados de YouTubeSesiónAlmacenamiento Local HTML__Secure-ROLLOUT_TOKENYouTubePendiente180 díasCookie HTTPLogsDatabaseV2:V#||LogsRequestsStoreYouTubeSe usa para rastrear la interacción del usuario con el contenido integrado. PersistenteIndexedDBremote_sidYouTubeNecesaria para la implementación y funcionabilidad del contenido de video de YouTube en la web.SesiónCookie HTTPServiceWorkerLogsDatabase#SWHealthLogYouTubeNecesaria para la implementación y funcionabilidad del contenido de video de YouTube en la web.PersistenteIndexedDBTESTCOOKIESENABLEDYouTubeSe usa para rastrear la interacción del usuario con el contenido integrado. 1 díaCookie HTTPVISITOR_INFO1_LIVEYouTubeIntenta calcular el ancho de banda del usuario en páginas con vídeos de YouTube integrados.180 díasCookie HTTPYSCYouTubeRegistra una identificación única para mantener estadísticas de qué vídeos de YouTube ha visto el usuario.SesiónCookie HTTP Las cookies no clasificadas son cookies para las que todavía estamos en proceso de clasificar, junto con los proveedores de cookies individuales. NombreProveedorPropósitoDuración máxima de almacenamientoTipoNjBTb3Y1YVR4QWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lmdscy1zcGFpbi5lcwwww.gls-spain.esPendienteSesiónCookie HTTPwebchatbotuserid_908-4110e579-38fd-11ef-b2bf-42010a840092webchatbot.aunoa.aiPendientePersistenteAlmacenamiento Local HTML [#IABV2_LABEL_PURPOSES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_FEATURES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_PARTNERS#] [#IABV2_BODY_PURPOSES#] [#IABV2_BODY_FEATURES#] [#IABV2_BODY_PARTNERS#] Las cookies son pequeños archivos de texto que las páginas web pueden utilizar para hacer más eficiente la experiencia del usuario. La ley afirma que podemos almacenar cookies en su dispositivo si son estrictamente necesarias para el funcionamiento de esta página. Para todos los demás tipos de cookies necesitamos su permiso. Esta página utiliza tipos diferentes de cookies. Algunas cookies son colocadas por servicios de terceros (Cloudfare, Cookiebot, Facebook, Google, CloudFare y YouTube) que aparecen en nuestras páginas. En cualquier momento puede cambiar o retirar su consentimiento desde la Declaración de cookies en nuestro sitio web. Obtenga más información sobre quiénes somos, cómo puede contactarnos y cómo procesamos los datos personales en nuestra Política de privacidad. Declaración de cookies actualizada por última vez el 28/11/24 por Cookiebot Skip to content * Search for: * Spain * EN * ES * FAQ * MAKE A SHIPMENT Clients Login Toggle Navigation * Sending parcels * Shipments for companies * Shipments for eCommerce * Premium shipping solutions * National shipping * International shipping * Optional services * Fulfilment logistics * Shipments for individuals * Make a shipment * Sending documentation * Burofax * Registered letter * Customer information * Customs * Packaging tips * Receiving parcels * Shipping tracking * Redirect parcels * Returns * Parcel Shops * Pick up and ship at Parcel Shop * I want to become a Parcel Shop * Point Locator * Career * Vacancies * Press * Press releases * Press archive * About Us * Our Facts * Our Responsibility * Climate Protect * ThinkSocial * Compliance * Certifications * Our History * Our Partners * Our transport partners * I want to be a driver * I want to be a GLS agency * Sponsorships * GLS Informs * Brexit * Security advice Toggle Navigation * Sending parcels * Shipments for companies * Shipments for eCommerce * Premium shipping solutions * National shipping * International shipping * Optional services * Fulfilment logistics * Shipments for individuals * Make a shipment * Sending documentation * Burofax * Registered letter * Customer information * Customs * Packaging tips * Receiving parcels * Shipping tracking * Redirect parcels * Returns * Parcel Shops * Pick up and ship at Parcel Shop * I want to become a Parcel Shop * Point Locator * Career * Vacancies * Press * Press releases * Press archive * About Us * Our Facts * Our Responsibility * Climate Protect * ThinkSocial * Compliance * Certifications * Our History * Our Partners * Our transport partners * I want to be a driver * I want to be a GLS agency * Sponsorships * GLS Informs * Brexit * Security advice * Search for: * Spain * EN * ES * FAQ * MAKE A SHIPMENT DATA PROTECTION DECLARATION OF GENERAL LOGISTICS SYSTEMS SPAIN, S.A. Data Protection declarationuser_develoop2024-10-02T07:10:26+00:00 * STANDARD * STANDARD Download Privacy Policy General Logistics Systems Spain, S.A. General Logistics Systems Spain, S.A. (GLS Spain) is a subsidiary of General Logistics Systems BV. GLS Spain performs reliable and high-quality parcel services GLS takes data privacy seriously. For that reason, personal data is collected solely according to the applicable statutory regulations. The latest version of this privacy policy can be found on our website www.gls-group.eu. In the framework of action of the General Regulation of Data Protection (GDPR) and the Organic Data Protection Law and Digital Rights Guarantee 3/2018, of 5 December, we inform you of our policy regarding the treatment of personal data. GLS Spain processes only your personal data in order to provide your services and always does so with extreme care. The purpose of this policy is to describe the way in which GLS Spain handles your data. If you have any questions or comments regarding the processing of personal data, you can contact our Data Protection Officer: Controller of Personal Data processing: General Logistics Systems Spain S.A. C/Ingeniero Torres Quevedo, 1 28022, Madrid (Spain), You can also contact us through the email address: protecciondatos@gls-spain.com You will find additional information on the GLS website regarding the protection of personal data. You can contact us at the indicated address. Likewise, you can consult any question related to data protection on the website of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection: https://www.agpd.es/portalwebAGPD/index-ides-idphp.php Personal data Personal data comprises particulars on personal or factual circumstances of a specific or determinable individual. This includes for instance information such as name, address, telephone number and date of birth. Information that cannot be linked to a specific or determinable individual – such as favoured web pages or the number of users on a page – is not considered as personal data. Personal data is considered: any information that allows the direct or indirect identification of a natural person. Personal data include details about personal or factual circumstances of a specific or determinable individual. This includes, for example, information such as name, address, telephone number. Information that can not be linked to a specific or determinable individual, such as preferred web pages or the number of users on a page, is not considered as personal data. They can also be considered personal data, including information such as the workplace and the profession, as long as it is linked to a natural person. Information that can not be linked to an identified or identifiable natural person, such as the most visited web pages or the number of users on a page, is not considered personal information. TREATMENT OF PERSONAL DATA It corresponds to a processing of personal data any operation or set of operations carried out or not using automated processes and applied to data or personal data sets, such as collection, registration, organization, structuring, preservation, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, diffusion or any other form of provision, reconciliation or interconnection, limitation, deletion or destruction; As part of our business, we are obliged to process your personal data. Please note that we always limit ourselves to the data strictly necessary for the implementation of our package delivery mission, such as name, name, address, telephone number, email address or the completion of our legal obligations. The images taken in the aforementioned special services are proccesed only for the consultation of the client who contracted the transport service or to attend to claims about incidents in the shipment. The retention period of the images is, for the purposes of extrajudicial claims, one year from the reception of the data. The basis of legitimation is the performance of the transport contract in the terms requested by the clients. If no photograph is allowed by the consignee, GLS will not be able to deliver the parcel. For more information, you can email to protecciondatos@gls-spain.com. SECURITY OF PERSONAL DATA GLS Spain is a company that provides postal services to the public or contributes to the provision of said services, respectively. With respect to postal services, GLS Spain is obliged to access postal privacy and is subject to the regulations of the Spanish Act on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights 3/2018 and the General Regulation of Data Protection (GDPR) 2016/679 of April 27. All employees of GLS Spain have committed themselves by signing to comply with the secrecy of the data. Through technical and organizational security measures, GLS Spain makes every effort to protect personal data against loss or misuse. Personal data is processed only on systems that are protected by adequate security measures. We will modify our security and privacy protection measures to the extent necessary in the light of technical progress. We will also update our privacy policy if necessary. RIGHTS OF THE INTERESTED PARTY: As part of the General Data Protection Regulation, you have certain rights with respect to your personal data and its processing. To exercise these rights, you can contact us. Below is a brief description of your rights. The rights of the person whose personal data are processed are the following: · Right of access and data copy: recovery of stored data; · Right to rectify data: correct data; · Right to delete data (right to be forgotten): definitive deletion of data, except legitimate interest that justifies conservation; · Right to limitation of treatment: treatment may be limited for certain reasons; · Right to data portability: transfer data to a third party. In the case of such requests, you must prove your identity to enforce your rights. II. CONSIGNEE CONSIGNMENT AND DATA: Transfer and processing To carry out parcel services and, therefore, to fulfill the contracts with its customers, GLS Spain needs the data of the recipient (name, address, postal code, city, country, as well as photographs of the ID card in some premium services; optionally phone number and email address). The data of the recipient transferred to GLS Spain, as well as the documentation of the interface (scans of the plots in different places) and the proof of delivery (POD) are processed and recorded by GLS Spain. GLS Spain uses personal consignment and consignee data only for the fulfillment of its contractual obligations. Any subsequent use is not allowed. RESPONSIBILITY: Compliance with the applicable legal regulations on data privacy is an original duty of GLS Spain. Additional services such as FlexDeliveryService and ShopDeliveryService use the recipient’s email address or telephone number to inform them of the status of package delivery. We received the telephone number and / or email address of the consignor who ordered these additional services. The shipper is also responsible for the proper collection of this data and especially the recipient’s consent to the transfer of their email address and / or phone number to us. If you have questions about this procedure, contact your contractual partner (the shipper). You can revoke your consent also against us. INFORMATION AND DATA TRANSMISSION: In general, only the sender and recipient of a package are entitled to receive information about the package. GLS Spain provides package information to third parties (for example, government authorities) only on the basis of legal regulations. Retention and deletion Proof of delivery, consignment and data of the recipient are kept in accordance with the rules of legal retention. The archived data is recorded on storage media accessible only to authorized personnel. After the legal hold period expires, the data is deleted. RETENTION AND DELETION: Proof of delivery, consignment and data of the recipient are kept in accordance with the rules of legal retention. The archived data is recorded on storage media accessible only to authorized personnel. After the legal hold period expires, the data is deleted. III. TO TRANSMIT INFORMATION BY EMAIL: If you wish to contact us by unencrypted email, please note that the confidentiality of the information transmitted can not be guaranteed. Unencrypted emails can be read by unauthorized third parties. Collection, Processing and Use of personal data on the GLS website (1) Each time a user accesses a GLS website, data is recorded in a log file. The following data is temporarily recorded: Date and time of request IP address or DNS name of the requesting computer Requested page (URL) HTTP answer code Client operating system and version Browser and version · Date and time of request · IP address or DNS name of the requesting computer · Requested page (URL) · HTTP answer code · Client operating system and version · Browser and version (2) To use the websites of GLS it may be necessary for the servers of GLS to set cookies. These cookies are used for the technical administration of the website. Every visitor can configure his/her browser to refuse cookies. In this case no data will be saved on the visitor’s computer. It may be that you cannot use all functions of the website to the full extend when cookies are disabled. (3) The GLS website is divided into open and closed area. The closed area partly serves to fulfil the contract between the customer and GLS and is only accessible after login with an individual user name and password. Among other functionalities the open area provides a contact form, Track and Trace functionality and the Parcel Shop search. Personal data entered in the contact form such as name, street, postcode, place, etc. is required for processing your enquiry and will not be passed on to third parties. (4) The stored data from (1) is anonymously analysed for statistical purposes. Statistical reports are used to evaluate the usage of the GLS websites. In particular, the order in which the pages are visited and the path taken between pages is shown. This is intended to give GLS an indication as to how the usability of the website can be further improved. (5) The GLS website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses so called “cookies”, i.e. text files that are saved on your computer, allowing an analysis of how you use the web site. The information about your use of this web site, generated by the cookie (incl. your IP address), is transmitted to a Google server in the USA and saved there. If IP anonymisation is activated on this website, your IP address is shortened before transmission in member states of the European Union or other contractual states of the agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases the full IP address is transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. Google will use this information in order to analyse your use of the website, to compile reports about the website activities for the website operator and to perform further services that are connected with the website use and the internet use. Moreover, Google will transmit this information to a third party when indicated, as far as this is legally mandatory or as far as a third party is processing this data on behalf of Google. Google will in no case connect your IP address with other data of Google. You can avoid the installation of cookies by adjusting the according settings of your browser software; however we would like to point out that in this case you might not be able to use all functions of this web site to the full extent. Furthermore you can block the registration of the data created by the Cookie (incl. your IP address) and related to your use of this website and the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plugin available under http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en. The GLS website uses the Google Analytics extension „ga(‘set’, ‘anonymizeIp’, true);“. This ensures anonymised registration of IP addresses (“IP masking”). Controller of Personal Data processing: General Logistics Systems Spain S.A. C/Ingeniero Torres Quevedo, 1 28022, Madrid (Spain). You can also contact us through the email address: protecciondatos@gls-spain.com The GLS website uses the Google Analytics extension „ga(‘set’, ‘anonymizeIp’, true);“. This ensures anonymised registration of IP addresses (“IP masking”). CONTROLLER OF PERSONAL DATA PROCESSING: General Logistics Systems Spain S.A. C/Ingeniero Torres Quevedo, 1 28022, Madrid (Spain). You can also contact us through the email address: protecciondatos@gls-spain.com Collection, Processing and Use of personal data in Progressive Web App (PWA) and App My GLS The personal data processing already mentioned in the previous sections for the transport of goods and in relation to cookies are applicable to the PWA and App My GLS. Only the personal data strictly necessary to comply with the delivery of the packages and provide the information required by the users will be processed. Said data includes name, address, country, telephone number (to inform you about the delivery status of the package and access your profile), email address, identity document and, when the user requests to know the nearest ParcelShop, the geolocation of the device. GLS Spain provides package information to third parties (for example, government authorities or collaborating carriers) solely on the basis of legal regulations or for the execution of the transport contract. Outside of these assumptions, they will not be transferred to third parties and the personal data will be eliminated in accordance with the legally established deadlines. You can contact General Logistics Systems Spain S.A (Data Controller) at C/Ingeniero Torres Quevedo, 1 28022, Madrid (Spain), or to the email address protecciondatos@gls-spain.com Likewise, you can consult any question related to data protection on the website of the Spanish Data Protection Authority: www.aepd.es/es Processing for video surveillance purposes: General Logistics Systems Spain S.A. has video surveillance systems (CCTV) located in all of its facilities in order to preserve the security of people and goods, as well as its facilities, as recognised in article 22 of Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and the guarantee of digital rights. The Data Controller of your image data is General Logistics Systems Spain S.A. (GLS) with NIF A61441523, and registered office at C/Ingeniero Torres Quevedo, 1 28022, Madrid (Spain). You can contact the Data Protection Officer at the following address: protecciondatos@gls-spain.com. The images captured are processed based on GLS Spain’s legitimate interest in preserving the security of its facilities. The recorded images will be preserved for a maximum of one month, unless they must be blocked in order to be made available to the competent public authorities to prove the commission of acts that threaten the integrity of people, goods or facilities. The recorded images will be accessible exclusively by those responsible for security and access control and, where appropriate, by the Security Forces and Corps or other competent authorities who request it in a reasoned manner, with no further communications or international data transfers foreseen. You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, restriction and objection in relation to your data contacting to protecciondatos@gls-spain.com, accompanying your request with a document that proves your identity. Remember that if your request is not satisfied, You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency at www.aepd.es HELP * FAQ – Send Parcels * FAQ – Recieve Parcels * FAQ – Parcel Shops * Contact us JOIN GLS * I want to be a GLS agency * I want to become a Parcel Shop * I want to be a delivery person * I want to become a customer * Vacancies LINKS OF INTEREST * Shipping tracking * Shipping for companies * Receiving Parcels OTHER SITES * Royal Mail * GLS Group HELP * FAQ – Send Parcels * FAQ – Recieve Parcels * FAQ – Parcel Shops * Contact us * Privacy Policy * Terms & conditions * Corporate information * Disclaimer FacebookXInstagramPinterest Go to Top Notifications × PLEASE CHOOSE YOUR COUNTRY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Austria * Belgium * Bulgaria * Canada * Czechia * China * Croatia * Denmark * Estonia * Finland * France * Germany * Greece * Group * Hungary * Ireland * Italy * Lithuania * Luxembourg * Latvia * Malta * Netherlands * Norway * Poland * Portugal * Romania * Spain * Serbia * Switzerland * Sweden * Slovenia * Slovakia * Turkey * United States * United Kingdom × YOURGLS LOGIN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Extranet * YourGLS * Customs Portal AEB