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LinkedIn e terze parti utilizzano cookie essenziali e non essenziali per fornire, rendere sicuri, analizzare e migliorare i nostri servizi e per mostrarti annunci pertinenti (inclusi annunci professionali e offerte di lavoro) su LinkedIn e altrove. Per saperne di più, consulta la nostra Informativa sui cookie. Seleziona “Accetta” per accettare o “Rifiuta” per rifiutare i cookie non essenziali per questo utilizzo. Puoi aggiornare le tue scelte in qualsiasi momento nelle impostazioni. Accetta Rifiuta Vai al contenuto principale LinkedIn * Articoli * Persone * Learning * Lavoro * Giochi Iscriviti ora Accedi GOKEYLESS SICUREZZA E INVESTIGAZIONI MIAMISBURG, OHIO 5.291 FOLLOWER WE MAKE COMPLEX ACCESS SOLUTIONS SIMPLE | FROM BOX TO BUILT AND BEYOND Vedi offerte di lavoro Segui * Visualizza tutti i dipendenti (46) * Segnala azienda CHI SIAMO GoKeyless™ is headquartered at the Mound Business Park in Southwest Ohio. What started as an e-commerce business in 2003 has evolved into a brand known by companies and consumers for expertise and personalized service. We are problem solvers! And, as an authorized dealer for DormaKaba, Alarm Lock, Linear, Allegion, Master Lock®, Schlage, Yale, Arrow, Codelocks, Saflok, Kwikset, Baldwin, and many other companies, your product is fully backed by the manufacturer. This lets you purchase with confidence. In a short amount of time, GoKeyless has become the biggest name in keyless locks and access control systems. A BELIEF BUSINESS IS EARNED, NOT GIVEN We strive hard to make every transaction memorable for you. That’s why we pay close attention to every detail of our business from your perspective. We know our stuff so you can get answers now, and we inventory the locks and security products you want, so you aren’t delayed. Service, quality, value, and selection is what you will get, nothing less. Our keyless locks, cameras, and other products are truthfully described, reliable, and easy to use, and you can count on us to always go the extra mile. Should we make a mistake, we will return to form in a heartbeat. As experts in the sale and distribution of access control solutions, keyless locks, and surveillance systems, we consider anything short of courteous and fast service unacceptable. When you use our website to shop, or when you order direct by phone, you will be treated right, so you will want to tell your friends about us. Sito Web http://gokeyless.com Link esterno per GoKeyless Settore Sicurezza e investigazioni Dimensioni dell’azienda 51-200 dipendenti Sede principale Miamisburg, Ohio Tipo Società privata non quotata Data di fondazione 2003 LOCALITÀ * Principale 955 Mound Rd Miamisburg, Ohio 45342, US Ottieni indicazioni * 2053 Lyons Rd Miamisburg, Ohio 45342, US Ottieni indicazioni DIPENDENTI PRESSO GOKEYLESS * JOSHUA STAMPS PRINCIPAL, CO-FOUNDER AT GOKEYLESS, “INNOVATOR, DISRUPTOR, INDUSTRY LEADER.” * DAN ISENBARGER VICE PRESIDENT FINANCE AT GOKEYLESS * JAMES HORTON CUSTOMER CARE REPRESENTATIVE AT GOKEYLESS * LUIS MARTINEZ VICE PRESIDENT, PROJECT SALES AND SERVICE AT GOKEYLESS Vedi tutti i dipendenti AGGIORNAMENTI * GoKeyless 5.291 follower 4 ore * Segnala post What a fun application and use case for the NAPCO Security Technologies Alarm Lock Trilogy Product! To check out more of these products, click the link below: https://lnkd.in/eiRS4TuV Thomas Biondi Agency Principal at BCS Sales, LLC 4 giorni Alarm Lock Trilogy! Access control that works on any / every door! * 1 Consiglia Commenta Condividi * GoKeyless 5.291 follower 4 ore * Segnala post Are you looking for a solution to wirelessly control locks at a location that is out of Wi-Fi reach? With today’s advanced cellular technology, the NAPCO Security Technologies Alarm Lock Air Access product offers a robust solution, paired with any Trilogy Networx lock. This system ensures the safety of your staff, customers, and property by providing real-time monitoring and reliable, 24/7 access control from anywhere within cell phone range, including remote locations. 📞Call (877) 439-5377 to speak with one of our nationwide sales reps about how to effortlessly control your property with the Air Access system. 🖥 Visit https://lnkd.in/dqwvcicH to learn more! * 4 Consiglia Commenta Condividi * GoKeyless 5.291 follower 2 giorni * Segnala post We're #hiring a Director of Finance & Administration! Join our growing team at GoKeyless and play a pivotal role in our journey to success! 🔹 Position: Director of Finance & Administration 🔹 Location: Miamisburg, OH Ready to make a difference? Visit https://lnkd.in/e6cTeXhH to apply for this position today! #Hiring #FinanceDirector #JoinOurTeam #GoKeyless #FinanceJobs #AdminJobs #CareerOpportunity #Leadership * 26 Consiglia Commenta Condividi * GoKeyless 5.291 follower 1 settimana * Segnala post From Box to Built and Beyond, we're dedicated to delivering a positive, seamless, and successful experience for our customers. Our #BuildingSolutions division specializes in cutting-edge access control solutions for the built environment. With a nationwide team of expert sales representatives and installers, we ensure top-notch access control for both new construction and retrofit projects in your area! 33 2 commenti Consiglia Commenta Condividi * GoKeyless 5.291 follower 2 settimane * Segnala post Are you looking for a solution to wirelessly control locks at a location that is not within your wifi reach? Using today's cellular technology, The NAPCO Security Technologies Alarm Lock Air Access product, used with any Trilogy Networx lock will keep your staff, customers, and property safe with real-time monitoring and reliable, 24/7 access control from anywhere. 📞Call (877) 439-5377 to speak with one of our nationwide sales reps about how to effortlessly control your property with the Air Access system. 🖥 Visit https://lnkd.in/dqwvcicH to learn more! 15 Consiglia Commenta Condividi * GoKeyless 5.291 follower 3 settimane * Segnala post Are you a Multi-Family Property Owner or Manager looking for a comprehensive solution for your entire building ecosystem? Discover the ASSA ABLOY ACCENTRA™, formerly Yale Commercial cloud-based access control system, specifically designed for the multifamily market. With ACCENTRA, you can seamlessly manage resident doors, common areas, vehicle gates, guest entries, and perimeter doors all from one software platform using a single credential. Key Features Include: Mobile Capability: Residents and staff can use their phones to access all resident and common area doors, communicating directly with our cloud software. No additional fees for mobile access. Vehicle Gate Entry: Easily manage vehicle gate entry with a convenient windshield sticker. Key Override or Keyless Option: Say goodbye to rekeying locks, key cabinets, and key management. Resident Managed Access: Residents can remotely unlock doors, issue single-use codes, and grant mobile access to guests. DoorBird Guest Entry Integration: A single app controls resident and common area doors, as well as guest entry. Notifications: Receive email notifications for door status, low battery alerts, and more. High-Quality: Enjoy the reliability of ASSA ABLOY locks and HID credentials, both industry leaders. 📞Call (877) 439-5377 to speak with one of our nationwide sales reps about how to transform your property management experience with the advanced, and intuitive ACCENTRA system. 🖥 Visit https://lnkd.in/ewU5pBVS to learn more! * 35 Consiglia Commenta Condividi * GoKeyless 5.291 follower 4 settimane * Segnala post Members of our GoKeyless #Sustainability Team volunteered this morning at the annual Clean Sweep of the Great Miami River in Miamisburg, OH. We are proud to have diverted several bags of trash from the river, contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment. At GoKeyless, we are committed to giving back to our communities and focusing on reducing our carbon footprint. Together, we can make a difference! Zariah Hall Reuben Crane https://lnkd.in/ediCgHyx * * * 22 2 commenti Consiglia Commenta Condividi * GoKeyless 5.291 follower 4 settimane * Segnala post We are thrilled to introduce Ben Elidrissi and Lindsey Farrar as the newest additions to our nationwide GoKeyless Building Solutions team in the role of Business Development Managers. Ben will oversee the South Central territory, while Lindsey will manage the Northeast. Ben brings a wealth of sales experience from prominent companies such as Max Pro Construction, Ace Financial, Elite Cellular, and Meditab Software Inc. His extensive background across various regions uniquely positions him to strengthen client relationships and drive growth for GoKeyless. Lindsey boasts an impressive career with significant achievements in sales and risk management. She serves as Vice President of the Vermont National Women in Construction (NAWIC) chapter and has been honored as the International Young New Professional of the Year by the International Association of Insurance Professionals. Lindsey's leadership and expertise will be invaluable in expanding our presence in the Northeast. Ben and Lindsey will concentrate on providing industry-leading security solutions and services tailored for Multi-Family Housing and large-scale commercial projects. They will collaborate closely with strategic partners, local developers, building owners, and property managers to deliver exceptional service and innovative solutions. Please join us in welcoming Ben Elidrissi and Lindsey Farrar to GoKeyless. We look forward to their contributions as they embark on this exciting journey with us. * 27 Consiglia Commenta Condividi * GoKeyless 5.291 follower 1 mese * Segnala post 📢 Announcement-Yale Commercial is now ASSA ABLOY ACCENTRA! While the name of the Yale-branded commercial products has changed, commitment to delivering outstanding quality remains unwavering. You can expect the same exceptional product designs, manufacturing facilities, and fulfillment operations. Explore the recently updated product line on our website by clicking the link below. 📞Call (877) 439-5377 to speak with one of our nationwide sales reps about the ASSA ABLOY ACCENTRA™, formerly Yale Commercial Multi-Family Housing solution today! https://lnkd.in/ewU5pBVS * 29 Consiglia Commenta Condividi * GoKeyless 5.291 follower 1 mese * Segnala post 📦 GoKeyless Summer Box Sale 📦 Check out our week-long summer savings event on select locks from industry-leading manufacturers! 👉 Click below to shop the sale, or chat with one of our reps. 📞 Prefer to speak with someone over the phone? Call us at (877) 439-5377. 🛒 Use code BOXSALE10 to save 10% on these items. https://lnkd.in/e96bDCTu * 8 Consiglia Commenta Condividi ISCRIVITI ORA PER VEDERE COSA TI STAI PERDENDO * Trova persone che conosci presso GoKeyless * Sfoglia le offerte di lavoro consigliate per te * Visualizza tutti gli aggiornamenti, le notizie e gli articoli Iscriviti ora PAGINE SIMILI * DORMAKABA AMERICAS Vendita all’ingrosso di materiali da costruzione Indianapolis, Indiana * ALLEGION Fabbricazione di apparecchi elettrici, materiali elettrici e componenti elettronici Dublin 2, Dublin * BUTTERFLYMX Sviluppo di software * SALTO SYSTEMS Fabbricazione di apparecchi elettrici, materiali elettrici e componenti elettronici Oiartzun, Gipuzkoa * ADVANT SOLUTIONS, LLC Edilizia Houston, Texas * ASSA ABLOY GLOBAL SOLUTIONS | HOSPITALITY Settore alberghiero Stockholm, SWEDEN * DORMAKABA Vendita all’ingrosso di materiali da costruzione Rümlang, Zürich * WESCO Vendita all'ingrosso Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania * KELLEY BROS Edilizia Syracuse, New York * IML SECURITY SUPPLY Vendita all'ingrosso Salt Lake City, Utah Mostra altre pagine simili Mostra meno pagine simili SFOGLIA LE OFFERTE DI LAVORO * OFFERTE DI LAVORO PER “ISTRUTTORE FORMAZIONE CLIENTI” 85.277 offerte di lavoro aperte * OFFERTE DI LAVORO PER “DIRETTORE ARTISTICO AGGIUNTO” 1.098 offerte di lavoro aperte * OFFERTE DI LAVORO PER “AMMINISTRATORE” 2.003.890 offerte di lavoro aperte * OFFERTE DI LAVORO PER “ADDETTO ALLA SELEZIONE DEL PERSONALE” 321.337 offerte di lavoro aperte * OFFERTE DI LAVORO PER “ACCOUNT MANAGER” 152.491 offerte di lavoro aperte * OFFERTE DI LAVORO PER “MARKETING MANAGER” 145.613 offerte di lavoro aperte * OFFERTE DI LAVORO PER “COORDINATORE MARKETING” 48.416 offerte di lavoro aperte * OFFERTE DI LAVORO PER “MARKETING” 71.124 offerte di lavoro aperte * OFFERTE DI LAVORO PER “SVILUPPATORE JUNIOR” 14.227 offerte di lavoro aperte * OFFERTE DI LAVORO PER “SVILUPPATORE IOS” 36.908 offerte di lavoro aperte * OFFERTE DI LAVORO PER “SVILUPPATORE” 344.797 offerte di lavoro aperte * OFFERTE DI LAVORO PER “RESPONSABILE EVENTI” 47.477 offerte di lavoro aperte * OFFERTE DI LAVORO PER “SMISTATORE” 40.708 offerte di lavoro aperte * OFFERTE DI LAVORO PER “VENDITORE” 273.487 offerte di lavoro aperte * OFFERTE DI LAVORO PER “RESPONSABILE DEI CLIENTI” 87.726 offerte di lavoro aperte * OFFERTE DI LAVORO PER “PROJECT MANAGER” 312.603 offerte di lavoro aperte * OFFERTE DI LAVORO PER “CONSULENTE GENERALE ASSOCIATO” 25.141 offerte di lavoro aperte * OFFERTE DI LAVORO PER “PROCURATORE” 46.207 offerte di lavoro aperte * OFFERTE DI LAVORO PER “RESPONSABILE MARKETING DIGITALE” 26.896 offerte di lavoro aperte * OFFERTE DI LAVORO PER “ASSISTENTE CONTABILE” 35.953 offerte di lavoro aperte Mostra altre offerte di lavoro come questa Mostra meno offerte di lavoro come questa Altre ricerche Altre ricerche * * Offerte di lavoro per “Impiegato contabilità” * Offerte di lavoro per “Sostituto revisore” * Offerte di lavoro per “Junior project manager” * Offerte di lavoro per “Smistatore” * Offerte di lavoro per “Venditore” * Offerte di lavoro per “Project Manager” * Offerte di lavoro per “Procuratore” * Offerte di lavoro per “Controllore” * Offerte di lavoro per “Senior product marketing manager” * Offerte di lavoro per “Executive” * Offerte di lavoro per “Coordinatore degli acquisti” * Offerte di lavoro per “Marketing social media” * Offerte di lavoro per “Amministratore” * Offerte di lavoro per “Marketing” * Offerte di lavoro per “Addetto alla selezione del personale” * Offerte di lavoro per “Consulente per le soluzioni” * Offerte di lavoro per “Entrepreneur in Residence” * Offerte di lavoro per “Amministratore” * LinkedIn © 2024 * Informazioni * Accessibilità * Contratto di licenza * Informativa sulla privacy * Informativa sui cookie * Informativa sul copyright * Informativa sul brand * Controlli ospite * Linee guida della community * * العربية (Arabo) * Čeština (Ceco) * Dansk (Danese) * Deutsch (Tedesco) * English (Inglese) * Español (Spagnolo) * Français (Francese) * हिंदी (Hindi) * Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesiano) * Italiano (Italiano) * 日本語 (Giapponese) * 한국어 (Coreano) * Bahasa Malaysia (Malese) * Nederlands (Olandese) * Norsk (Norvegese) * Polski (Polacco) * Português (Portoghese) * Română (Rumeno) * Русский (Russo) * Svenska (Svedese) * ภาษาไทย (Tailandese) * Tagalog (Tagalog) * Türkçe (Turco) * Українська (Ucraino) * 简体中文 (Cinese (Semplificato)) * 正體中文 (Cinese (Tradizionale)) Lingua Accetta e iscriviti a LinkedIn Cliccando su “Continua” per iscriverti o accedere, accetti il Contratto di licenza, l’Informativa sulla privacy e l’Informativa sui cookie di LinkedIn. 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