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Submission: On December 05 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

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Publication Date: 11/11/2022 Publication Page: 5 Subject: QCC opens CNA testing
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Online: Other
Get your great news
on your custom plaque
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Get your great news
on your custom plaque

We can have this plaque to you within 10 days, all with a no risk, 30 day,
unconditional, full refund guarantee. We'll even take care of the return
shipping for you, no questions asked!
Wood plaque shown $237
Select Wood
View Lucinda and Metal options
Not the article you want? Click here to get a free preview for an alternative
Key Features of the Wood
 * Mahogany, Black, Oak, Walnut or White
 * Plaque edge and border: Gold, Silver or Black
 * Personalization Plate
 * High Gloss finish

 * Classic style
 * 3/4" Thickness
 * Any size up to 40" by 40"
 * Keyhole slot mounting

Katheleen Conti

Massachusetts Department of Public Health

November 2022

Change your personalization plate text in the cart.

Over 300, 000 Plaques Sold
We provide the most elegant, highest quality plaques available anywhere.

Base material used.
Material: Aluminum
Plaque thickness. Metal is super thin and light.
Thickness: 1.25mm
Free replacement in the unlikely event the plaque fades within the guarantee
Guarantee: Life-time
Color of material on which articles are mounted
Color: Brushed Silver, White or Black
Plaque surface finish
Finish: High Gloss & Brushed Silver
Hanging method. The metal includes a spacer making the plaque appear to float
above the wall.
Mounting: 1/2" Wall Float with keyhole slot
High polish and super smooth edges on Lucinda Premium. Not applicable to Wood or
Flame Edge: N/A
Plate with your choice of text. Such as your name, publication and date.
Personalized Plate:
Select Metal $289


Base material used.
Material: Wood
Plaque thickness. Metal is super thin and light.
Thickness: 3/4"
Free replacement in the unlikely event the plaque fades within the guarantee
Guarantee: Life-time
Color of material on which articles are mounted
Color: Mahogany, Black, Oak, Wallnut, White
Plaque surface finish
Finish: High Gloss
Hanging method. The metal includes a spacer making the plaque appear to float
above the wall.
Mounting: Keyhole Slot
High polish and super smooth edges on Lucinda Premium. Not applicable to Wood or
Flame Edge: N/A
Plate with your choice of text. Such as your name, publication and date.
Personalized Plate:
Select Wood $237

Lucinda Premium

Base material used.
Material: Acrylic
Plaque thickness. Metal is super thin and light.
Thickness: 1/4"(2x as thick)
Free replacement in the unlikely event the plaque fades within the guarantee
Guarantee: Life-time
Color of material on which articles are mounted
Color: Clear, Black
Plaque surface finish
Finish: Scratch Resistant
Hanging method. The metal includes a spacer making the plaque appear to float
above the wall.
Mounting: Stainless Steel Stand-off
High polish and super smooth edges on Lucinda Premium. Not applicable to Wood or
Flame Edge:
Plate with your choice of text. Such as your name, publication and date.
Personalized Plate:
Select Premium $199

Lucinda Basic

Base material used.
Material: Acrylic
Plaque thickness. Metal is super thin and light.
Thickness: 1/8"
Free replacement in the unlikely event the plaque fades within the guarantee
Guarantee: 1 Year
Color of material on which articles are mounted
Color: Clear
Plaque surface finish
Finish: Scratch Resistant
Hanging method. The metal includes a spacer making the plaque appear to float
above the wall.
Mounting: Stainless Steel Stand-off
High polish and super smooth edges on Lucinda Premium. Not applicable to Wood or
Flame Edge:
Plate with your choice of text. Such as your name, publication and date.
Personalized Plate:
Select Basic $169

Lucinda Basic Lucinda Premium Wood Metal
Select Basic $169
Select Premium $199
Select Wood $237
Select Metal $289
Base material used.
Plaque thickness. Metal is super thin and light.
1/4"(2x as thick)
Free replacement in the unlikely event the plaque fades within the guarantee
1 Year
Color of material on which articles are mounted
Clear, Black
Mahogany, Black, Oak, Walnut, White
Brushed Silver, White or Black
Plaque surface finish
Scratch Resistant
Scratch Resistant
High Gloss
High Gloss & Brushed Silver
Hanging method. The metal includes a spacer making the plaque appear to float
above the wall.
Stainless Steel Stand-off
Stainless Steel Stand-off
Keyhole Slot
1/2" Wall Float with keyhole slot
Flame Edge
High polish and super smooth edges on Lucinda Premium. Not applicable to Wood or

Personalized Plate
Plate with your choice of text. Such as your name, publication and date.

Select Basic $169
Select Premium $199
Select Wood $237
Select Metal $289

Not sure on the right option?

Watch Lanny as he shows you the options and how to pick the best style for you.

Not sure on the right option?

Watch Lanny as he shows you the options and how to pick the best style for you.

Watch the video
What Our Customers Are Saying
Our products are featured with price on the walls of some of the largest
companies and for some of the most famous events and personalities

 * Very quick shipping! Love the personalization on the plaque. Would definitely
   order again :)"
   Hillary S., AB

 * The Product and Service was Amazing. I would refer That's Great News to
   Anyone Looking for a Professional Plaque. I Will be Doing Business with Them
   Stainless A., CA

 * Product looks great! Exellent shipping with good protection, and mounting
   instructions. I'm very happy with my purchase."
   Dr. S, CA

"Very quick shipping! Love the personalization on the plaque. Would definitely
order again :)"
Hillary S., AB
"The Product and Service was Amazing. I would refer That's Great News to Anyone
Looking for a Professional Plaque. I Will be Doing Business with Them Again."
Stainless A., CA
"Product looks great! Exellent shipping with good protection, and mounting
instructions. I'm very happy with my purchase."
Dr. S, CA

Still have questions? Call us today at 888-715-4900.
Our article framing experts are happy to help.
See all close ups and plaque styles on our samples page
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All of our plaques are custom made to order and will ship within 7-10 business

30 Day money back guarantee on all purchases



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*Color of Plaque:    Acrylic-Black (Free Standing Mount $9 Add'l) Acrylic-Black
(Wall Mount) Acrylic-Clear (Free Standing Mount-$9 Add'l) Acrylic-Clear (Wall
Mount) Lucinda Basic Metal: Black Gloss (White Background) Metal: Brushed Silver
(White Background) Metal: White Gloss Wood-Black Wood-Mahogany Wood-Oak
Wood-Walnut Wood-White Border:    Acrylic - Lucinda Series Wood-Black Wood-Gold
Wood-Silver Personalized Plate - Line 1:    Personalized Plate - Line 2:   
Personalized Plate - Line 3:    Personalized Plate - Line 4:    Misc/Changes   
TT File    TT File Name    Is Add-on    TT Material    TT Material Amount   

All of our plaques are custom made to order and will ship within 7-10 business

30 Day money back guarantee on all purchases

Do you have a question?
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Please provide your reference number "6509335792" to our representative



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Publication Date: 11/11/2022 Publication Page: 5 Subject: QCC opens CNA testing
site to assist with shortage Direction Source: Outbound Lead Source Print:
Online: Other
Get your great news
on your custom plaque
Click to enlarge
Not the article you want? Click here to get a free preview for an alternative
Get your great news
on your custom plaque

We can have this plaque to you within 10 days, all with a no risk, 30 day,
unconditional, full refund guarantee. We'll even take care of the return
shipping for you, no questions asked!
Wood plaque shown $237
Select Wood
View Lucinda and Metal options
Not the article you want? Click here to get a free preview for an alternative
Key Features of the Wood
 * Mahogany, Black, Oak, Walnut or White
 * Plaque edge and border: Gold, Silver or Black
 * Personalization Plate
 * High Gloss finish

 * Classic style
 * 3/4" Thickness
 * Any size up to 30" by 40"
 * Keyhole slot mounting

Katheleen Conti

Massachusetts Department of Public Health

November 2022

Change your personalization plate text in the cart.

Over 300, 000 Plaques Sold
We provide the most elegant, highest quality plaques available anywhere.

Base material used.
Material: Aluminum
Plaque thickness. Metal is super thin and light.
Thickness: 1.25mm
Free replacement in the unlikely event the plaque fades within the guarantee
Guarantee: Life-time
Color of material on which articles are mounted
Color: Brushed Silver, White or Black
Plaque surface finish
Finish: High Gloss & Brushed Silver
Hanging method. The metal includes a spacer making the plaque appear to float
above the wall.
Mounting: 1/2" Wall Float with keyhole slot
High polish and super smooth edges on Lucinda Premium. Not applicable to Wood or
Flame Edge: N/A
Plate with your choice of text. Such as your name, publication and date.
Personalized Plate:
Select Metal $289


Base material used.
Material: Wood
Plaque thickness. Metal is super thin and light.
Thickness: 3/4"
Free replacement in the unlikely event the plaque fades within the guarantee
Guarantee: Life-time
Color of material on which articles are mounted
Color: Mahogany, Black, Oak, Wallnut, White
Plaque surface finish
Finish: High Gloss
Hanging method. The metal includes a spacer making the plaque appear to float
above the wall.
Mounting: Keyhole Slot
High polish and super smooth edges on Lucinda Premium. Not applicable to Wood or
Flame Edge: N/A
Plate with your choice of text. Such as your name, publication and date.
Personalized Plate:
Select Wood $237

Lucinda Premium

Base material used.
Material: Acrylic
Plaque thickness. Metal is super thin and light.
Thickness: 1/4"(2x as thick)
Free replacement in the unlikely event the plaque fades within the guarantee
Guarantee: Life-time
Color of material on which articles are mounted
Color: Clear, Black
Plaque surface finish
Finish: Scratch Resistant
Hanging method. The metal includes a spacer making the plaque appear to float
above the wall.
Mounting: Stainless Steel Stand-off
High polish and super smooth edges on Lucinda Premium. Not applicable to Wood or
Flame Edge:
Plate with your choice of text. Such as your name, publication and date.
Personalized Plate:
Select Premium $199

Lucinda Basic

Base material used.
Material: Acrylic
Plaque thickness. Metal is super thin and light.
Thickness: 1/8"
Free replacement in the unlikely event the plaque fades within the guarantee
Guarantee: 1 Year
Color of material on which articles are mounted
Color: Clear
Plaque surface finish
Finish: Scratch Resistant
Hanging method. The metal includes a spacer making the plaque appear to float
above the wall.
Mounting: Stainless Steel Stand-off
High polish and super smooth edges on Lucinda Premium. Not applicable to Wood or
Flame Edge:
Plate with your choice of text. Such as your name, publication and date.
Personalized Plate:
Select Basic $169

Lucinda Basic Lucinda Premium Wood Metal
Select Basic $169
Select Premium $199
Select Wood $237
Select Metal $289
Base material used.
Plaque thickness. Metal is super thin and light.
1/4"(2x as thick)
Free replacement in the unlikely event the plaque fades within the guarantee
1 Year
Color of material on which articles are mounted
Clear, Black
Mahogany, Black, Oak, Walnut, White
Brushed Silver, White or Black
Plaque surface finish
Scratch Resistant
Scratch Resistant
High Gloss
High Gloss & Brushed Silver
Hanging method. The metal includes a spacer making the plaque appear to float
above the wall.
Stainless Steel Stand-off
Stainless Steel Stand-off
Keyhole Slot
1/2" Wall Float with keyhole slot
Flame Edge
High polish and super smooth edges on Lucinda Premium. Not applicable to Wood or

Personalized Plate
Plate with your choice of text. Such as your name, publication and date.

Select Basic $169
Select Premium $199
Select Wood $237
Select Metal $289

Not sure on the right option?

Watch Lanny as he shows you the options and how to pick the best style for you.

Not sure on the right option?

Watch Lanny as he shows you the options and how to pick the best style for you.

Watch the video
What Our Customers Are Saying
Our products are featured with price on the walls of some of the largest
companies and for some of the most famous events and personalities

 * Very quick shipping! Love the personalization on the plaque. Would definitely
   order again :)"
   Hillary S., AB

 * The Product and Service was Amazing. I would refer That's Great News to
   Anyone Looking for a Professional Plaque. I Will be Doing Business with Them
   Stainless A., CA

 * Product looks great! Exellent shipping with good protection, and mounting
   instructions. I'm very happy with my purchase."
   Dr. S, CA

"Very quick shipping! Love the personalization on the plaque. Would definitely
order again :)"
Hillary S., AB
"The Product and Service was Amazing. I would refer That's Great News to Anyone
Looking for a Professional Plaque. I Will be Doing Business with Them Again."
Stainless A., CA
"Product looks great! Exellent shipping with good protection, and mounting
instructions. I'm very happy with my purchase."
Dr. S, CA

Still have questions? Call us today at 888-715-4900.
Our article framing experts are happy to help.
See all close ups and plaque styles on our samples page
View Plaque Samples

*Proof Image is a digital representation of the article. The printed version
will feature the full article in clear resolution.*

Not the article you want? Click here to get a free preview for an alternative


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 * Call Us:888-715-4900
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