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Submission: On March 10 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from DE
Submission: On March 10 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from DE
Form analysis
1 forms found in the DOMName: form — https://forms.nicepagesrv.com/v2/form/process
<form action="https://forms.nicepagesrv.com/v2/form/process" class="u-clearfix u-form-spacing-28 u-form-vertical u-inner-form" style="padding: 10px" source="email" name="form">
<div class="u-form-group u-form-name u-label-none">
<label for="name-5a14" class="u-form-control-hidden u-label">Name</label>
<input type="text" placeholder="Enter your Name" id="name-5a14" name="name" class="u-grey-10 u-input u-input-rectangle" required="">
<div class="u-form-email u-form-group u-label-none">
<label for="email-5a14" class="u-form-control-hidden u-label">Email</label>
<input type="email" placeholder="Enter a valid email address" id="email-5a14" name="email" class="u-grey-10 u-input u-input-rectangle" required="">
<div class="u-form-group u-form-phone u-label-none u-form-group-3">
<label for="phone-2758" class="u-label">Phone</label>
<input type="tel" pattern="\+?\d{0,3}[\s\(\-]?([0-9]{2,3})[\s\)\-]?([\s\-]?)([0-9]{3})[\s\-]?([0-9]{2})[\s\-]?([0-9]{2})" placeholder="Enter your Mobile No:" id="phone-2758" name="phone" class="u-grey-10 u-input u-input-rectangle" required="">
<div class="u-form-group u-form-message u-label-none">
<label for="message-5a14" class="u-form-control-hidden u-label">Message</label>
<textarea placeholder="" rows="4" cols="50" id="message-5a14" name="message" class="u-grey-10 u-input u-input-rectangle" required=""></textarea>
<div class="u-align-center u-form-group u-form-submit u-label-none">
<a href="#" class="u-active-palette-5-dark-3 u-border-none u-btn u-btn-submit u-button-style u-hover-palette-5-dark-3 u-palette-3-base u-text-active-palette-3-base u-text-hover-palette-3-base u-btn-1">Submit</a>
<input type="submit" value="submit" class="u-form-control-hidden">
<div class="u-form-send-message u-form-send-success"> Thank you! Your message has been sent. </div>
<div class="u-form-send-error u-form-send-message"> Unable to send your message. Please fix errors then try again. </div>
<input type="hidden" value="" name="recaptchaResponse">
<input type="hidden" name="formServices" value="8a3e85a1244355ac6a3ab8a6662d6447">
Text Content
TURN YOUR BUSINESS TO AUTO PILOT Document workflow management and process automation is the future of the business. You have to automate your recourses to save time and money. Learn More CLOUD BASED Entire system is cloud base and no need to install any software on any system. MOBILE FRIENDLY The system can be controlled and update from any mobile device without any installation. WHATSAPP ENABLED The system is WhatsApp enabled and all updates and reminders are collected on WhatsApp. SIMPLE CLOUD BASED The system is completely cloud based. No need to download any software. It is completely mobile friendly and you can update anything in this system through mobile. WhatsApp and email notification once there is any progress or update in the system. learn more USES OF THE SYSTEM IN THE INDUSTRY This system will automatically send reminders to receive payment, to upgrade services or to complete a task. The system can be used to generate more leads by referral tracking. The main use of this system is in CRM where you can manage your customers in no time. You can also use this system in HR leave tracker, and material stock management. NEXT STEP We will generate a Google sheets based system which completely runs on Google server. Entire system is been prepared on Google sheets and there is no other subscription required to create this system. learn more Google sheets is the best way to collect and analyze data. You can collect data in google sheets from your website and inform the data sender and owner through WhatsApp and emails. CONTACT US Name Email Phone Message Submit Thank you! Your message has been sent. Unable to send your message. Please fix errors then try again. OUR MAIN OFFICE MUMBAI INDIA PHONE NUMBER +91-9867416045 FAX 00-000-000 EMAIL navidanjumce@gmail.com