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Submitted URL: http://astrosenlinea.com/
Effective URL: https://www.lasvegascriminallawyer.net/paradise-nv/
Submission: On June 08 via api from JP — Scanned from NL

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Being accused of a crime is a serious matter, requiring serious legal support.
When you need the best defense, call Zentz & Zentz!

Las Vegas Criminal Lawyer is your Paradise criminal defense law firm,
representing clients in hard positions, who are facing real legal battles and
are looking for guidance, support, and answers to their questions.

You need a proactive, experienced lawyer willing to aggressively fight for the
best possible resolution for you. We know what the prosecution is up to because
we have been in their shoes as a criminal prosecutor. This special insight
allows us to effectively build a defense that works in your favor.

Combined with our hard work and dedication to your case, our in-depth legal
expertise across many facets of law makes us uniquely qualified to deliver
outstanding results in your Paradise, Nevada criminal defense case.

We handle every aspect of your case, from research and investigations to
sourcing witnesses and building a wealth of evidence to prove your innocence or
reduce your charges. When you require an aggressive defender in the courtroom,
we are by your side, prepared to tackle the most challenging situations.

The Paradise criminal defense law firm of Las Vegas Criminal Lawyer is dedicated
to protecting your freedom and fighting for your right to swift justice.

Call Las Vegas Criminal Lawyer at (702) 602-9109 for a Free Consultation!


Being arrested while visiting Paradise can turn the best time of your life into
the worst. How you handle the situation can greatly impact the outcome of your
legal issue, and your ability to get back home as quickly as possible.

First, keep your mouth shut. It can be hard to resist explaining what happened,
especially if you feel like you didn’t do anything wrong. You are not obligated
to tell a police officer anything other than your name. Many police officers
will attempt to get as much information from you as possible before delivering
your Miranda rights, however, they apply throughout your entire interaction.

Your Miranda rights afford you the right to remain silent and include a warning
that anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. They
can and will use the information they obtain from you prior to reading you your
rights against you during a criminal trial.

Next, if you have been read your Miranda rights, you must tell the officers that
you wish to invoke your right to remain silent and that you would like to speak
with your attorney. While it may be ironic that you have to tell them you are
invoking that right, it is necessary and can help prevent other charges such as
resisting arrest.

Remember, the police can legally lie to you. They can tell you anything they
would like in an attempt to get information from you. They will try to trick you
into talking and they will try to trick you into allowing them to perform search
and seizure of your property. Do not provide consent for any type of search, or
grant them access to your home or hotel room without a warrant.

The sooner you are able to speak with a criminal defense attorney in Paradise,
the better. Keep asking until they allow you to contact Las Vegas Criminal
Lawyer at (702) 602-9109 for smart advice and an aggressive legal defense.


Once you have been arrested, there are a series of events and court appearances
that we will need to be prepared for. Many tourists arrested in Paradise are
experiencing their first brush with the law, and this can lead to anxiety, which
can result in bad decision making. Having an understanding of the process can
help you to not only know what is coming next, but how to best handle yourself
in the current situation. Our criminal defense firm can help.

Depending on the severity of the offense, you may be released with a citation
and an order to appear in court, or you may be taken into custody at the Clark
County Detention Center or the Paradise City Jail, where you will be booked and
processed. This includes removing and inventorying your belongings,
fingerprinting, and mugshot. After processing, you may have the option to post
bail, unless under suspicion of a violent felony. You may spend several nights
in jail, depending on whether or not you have the ability to pay your bond, when
bond can be set, and when your arraignment is scheduled for.

The Arraignment: This is your first opportunity to go before the court. During
your arraignment, you are read your charges, provided the Charging Document, and
have the opportunity to enter your plea, either not guilty or guilty. In most
situations, you will enter a plea of Not Guilty.

Negotiation: This may be done in the courtroom, or handled via communication
with the prosecutor or district attorneys, depending on your jurisdiction and
type of case. During this time, we will discuss opportunities for a plea bargain
or attempt to negotiate a reduced charge or lesser sentence for our client. This
can help you to avoid the courtroom or to receive a lesser punishment if guilty.

Misdemeanor Trial: If no agreement can be reached during the negotiation stage,
and your charge is a misdemeanor, the next step is a trial by judge. Nevada does
not provide a right to a jury trial for misdemeanor offenses.

Preliminary Hearing: For a felony charge where a negotiated agreement can not be
reached, the next stage is a preliminary hearing. During this stage, the judge
will hear arguments and review the evidence presented by both sides to determine
if there is enough probable cause for the case to move to a jury trial.
Preparation for the preliminary hearing is vital. This is your first opportunity
to not only prove your innocence, or to create enough reasonable doubt to avoid
a trial.

Felony Jury Trial: If the judge determines there is enough evidence to warrant a
jury trial for your felony charge, then you will be scheduled for a trial by
jury of your peers to determine whether or not you are guilty. We will
diligently, methodically, and aggressively compile the information, expert
testimony, and witness statements needed to support your case in order to get
you the best possible outcome.

Enlisting the legal support of a qualified, experienced criminal defense
attorney early in the process can greatly impact your final resolution. The
dedicated criminal defense lawyers at Las Vegas Criminal Lawyer provide legal
support throughout the entire process, from assisting with police
interrogations, bail procedures, criminal arraignments, plea bargains, and trial

Whether you have been arrested for a DUI crime, drug charge, white collar
crimes, violent crime such as domestic violence, domestic battery, assault and
battery, sex crimes or sexual assault, theft crimes, child abuse or other felony
offense, our aggressive Paradise, NV criminal attorneys are ready to fight for
your rights.



When law enforcement is investigating Nevada crimes, they do their best to
analyze the facts as presented to them when determining who may be at fault for
a crime. Unfortunately, the police and prosecution are not infallible.

In 2015 alone, 149 incarcerated people were cleared of crimes they didn’t commit
and released, with an average of 14.5 years spent behind bars before justice was
finally served. Some of these innocent people were even on death row. In about
half of these wrongful convictions, no crime was even actually committed at all.

We have no way of knowing how many innocent people have died, been put to death,
or are still fighting for their rightful freedom from inside a prison cell.

When police are investigating a crime and have a suspect in mind, the majority
of their investigation is focused on finding evidence and testimony that
supports the guilt of that suspect. This is largely a result of understaffing
and minimal budgets. While they often aren’t intending to, the limits upon them
may inhibit them from being as thorough as possible, and that is where we come

As your legal defense team, the law offices of Las Vegas Criminal Lawyer will
investigate every piece of potential evidence, testimony, or proof diligently.
We analyze how each may impact your case, and how we can use it to our advantage
or create a solid defense against it. Regardless of your innocence or guilt, it
is your legal right to competent defense, and we will take every measure
possible to ensure you get the best defense for your Nevada criminal case.


One of the most common criminal charges in Nevada, after traffic tickets and
traffic violations, is DUI charges, or driving under the influence of drugs or
alcohol. If your charges are related drug intoxication, you may also face drug
charges such as drug paraphernalia, drug trafficking, possession with intent to
distribute a controlled substance, or other drug offenses in addition to your
DUI conviction.

Whether it is your first, second, or third DUI, we will help to build an active
defense. Don’t trust the half price lawyers you see on every billboard. Go with
the super lawyers of Las Vegas Criminal Lawyer for your best chance at avoiding
license suspensions or a permanent blemish on your criminal record. Our Paradise
criminal lawyers have helped clients just like you get the results they deserve.

If you are looking for a Nevada DUI defense lawyer in Paradise after being
arrested for drunk driving, are facing criminal charges for felony DUI, or have
been convicted of multiple DUI’s, call Las Vegas Criminal Lawyer. Our Paradise
defense attorneys are dedicated to getting you the best results possible.



As your dedicated Nevada criminal defense attorneys, Las Vegas Criminal Lawyer
provides complete legal support and guidance for those handling a criminal
charge in Paradise and surrounding areas. If you have been arrested, or a loved
one has been arrested in Paradise, it is crucial that you get competent,
experienced, and professional legal support as quickly as possible. We can help
guide you through the early stages of the process, and provide support, advice,
and aggressive negotiation and courtroom skills if your case advances.

Las Vegas Criminal Lawyer is ready to help you get the justice you deserve! Stop
the nonsense, call the criminal law attorneys at Zentz & Zentz!

Call Las Vegas Criminal Lawyer today at (702) 602-9109 for your Free
Consultation with a Las Paradise Criminal Defense Lawyer!


If you have any questions or comments please fill out the following form and one
of our representatives will contact you as soon as possible.

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Email Address *



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 * Winchester Criminal Defense Attorneys

 * Enterprise Violent Crime Defense Attorneys
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 * North Las Vegas Violent Crime Defense Attorneys
 * Paradise Violent Crime Defense Attorneys
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 * Summerlin Violent Crime Defense Attorneys
 * Sunrise Manor Violent Crime Defense Attorneys
 * Whitney Violent Crime Defense Attorneys
 * Winchester Violent Crime Defense Attorneys

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 * Winchester Assault Defense Attorney

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 * Enterprise Record Sealing and Expungement Attorney
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 * Winchester Record Sealing and Expungement Attorney
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 * Paradise DUI Attorneys
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 * North Las Vegas Domestic Violence Attorney
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 * Henderson Drug Trafficking Defense Attorney
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 * Summerlin Drug Trafficking Defense Attorney
 * Enterprise Drug Trafficking Defense Attorney
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 * Winchester Drug Trafficking Defense Attorney

Las Vegas Criminal Lawyer

Las Vegas, NV 89101

(702) 602-9109
Fax: (702) 228-0055
9:00am - 5:00pm M-F
Las Vegas Criminal Lawyer

Las Vegas, NV 89101

(702) 602-9109
Fax: (702) 228-0055
9:00am - 5:00pm M-F

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