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URL: https://www.mindsumo.com/contests/millennial-banking-experience
Submission: On July 12 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

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POST /solutions

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    .chosen-drop {
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POST /accounts/signin

<form id="User_Login_Form" action="/accounts/signin" accept-charset="UTF-8" data-remote="true" method="post"><input name="utf8" type="hidden" value="✓">
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POST /password_reset/request_link

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ATB Financial Next Challenge: Campus Analytics Challenge 2022: Determine
Transaction Categories Using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing

What is the ideal Millennial banking experience?
business customer satisfaction banking continuous improvement technology
customer experience virtualization customer engagement banking industry ideal
See more like this check out our active challenges
top 50%
62 months ago

In today’s competitive and rapidly changing world of finance, banks must predict
customer interests and adapt early to new technology. Catering to the
expectations and preferences of millennials is especially vital as this
influential group continues to determine the future direction of banking.

Millennials have already led the charge towards increased online and mobile
banking, but there is much more on the technological horizon. We at ATB are
relentless in making banking work for people. It is imperative for us to
understand YOUR ideal banking experience and make banking work for the most
important person: You!


We are interested in the ideal millennial banking experience. Specifically,
please answer the following:


 1. How long have you been with your current bank? Why did you choose this bank?




 2. How often do you do the following:
    -Visit the physical bank location
    -Use the ATM
    -Use online / mobile banking
    What is your preference and for which banking needs?


 3. Please describe your ideal banking experience. What bank features available
    today are most important to you? Is technology an important factor in your
    decision on where you bank?




 4. Describe your ideal banking experience in the future. How would you like to
    see technology improve your banking experience? Consider advancements such


    -availability of third party apps



    -virtual reality



    -voice, touch and facial recognition



    ...and the list goes on!


   Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
 * Meets Deliverables
 * Creativity
 * Clarity

Reward Tiers

Top 10%
will share $1,000

Next 15%
will share $400

Next 25%
will share $200
Actual individual rewards will be based on the total number of eligible

$25.00 Paul Reed Pomona College $25.00 Andrew Percoco University of Central
Florida $25.00 jordan.ripley University of Central Florida $25.00 Richard
Papenfus The University of Oklahoma $25.00 Rishav Bose Christ University $25.00
Danielle Smith The University of the West Indies $25.00 Shawn Toney California
State University, Chico $25.00 Hayward Chan University of Toronto $25.00 Aubrey
Haskell Clark University $25.00 Connor Wildes University of Wisconsin - Stevens
Point $25.00 Tyler Nakaya University of California at San Diego $25.00 Joshua
Anderson University of Central Florida $25.00 Josh Lyman University of Oregon
$25.00 Daniel Chibuike Bells university of technology ota $25.00 Bindia Hallauer
Univ of Bombay $25.00 Evan Kosinski Michigan State University $25.00 Shweta
Chopra Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi University $25.00 Arvind Prakash
Coimbatore Institute of Technology $25.00 Joanna Jia 42 $25.00 Maxfield Green
University of Vermont $25.00 Dr. Janelle Christine Simmons Liberty University
$25.00 Ervin Aguilar University of Central Florida $25.00 Nolan Blodgett Trent
University $25.00 Savannah Ashley University of Central Florida $25.00 Cheyenne
Harper University of Central Florida $25.00 Josef Khargi University of Central
Florida $25.00 Chee Hsin Yee University of Oxford $25.00 Sarah Jones University
of Pennsylvania $25.00 Samantha Sorkin University of Central Florida $25.00
Nicolas Khoury University of Central Florida $25.00 Fernando Cortez $25.00
Stevie Fishwick Lakehead University $25.00 Stephanie Sobolewski University of
Central Florida $25.00 TianShi Ning University of Waterloo $25.00 Meagan Hanono
University of Central Florida $25.00 Natalie Campbell Johns Hopkins University
$25.00 Skylar Clarke University of San Francisco $25.00 Ajay Sharma JAMK
University of Applied Science,Finland $25.00 Haley Ortega University of Central
Florida $25.00 Mason Pramod University of Missouri - Columbia $6.70 Francis
Daniel Santia Harvard University $6.70 Wellalyn Tabat $6.70 P K Cornell
University $6.70 Joseph Stepakoff University of Central Florida $6.70 Cody
Carrino Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University $6.70 Shelby Ratliff University of
Central Florida $6.70 Gindrutis Zaliauskas University of Central Florida $6.70
brandon wakil University of Central Florida $6.70 Forrest Popoff University of
Central Florida $6.70 Narindra Singh University of Central Florida $6.70 Jordan
Klein University of Central Florida $6.70 Natalie Thomas University of Oregon
$6.70 Nathan Moore University of Central Florida $6.70 Drew Rangel University of
Central Florida $6.70 Jonathan Van Dalen University of Central Florida $6.70
deleted account Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College $6.70 Marsha Joseph York
University $6.70 Harrison Costin University of Central Florida $6.70 Hunter
Holland University of Central Florida $6.70 Nicholas Anderson University of
Central Florida $6.70 Kayleigh Jerdon University of Central Florida $6.70
Nicholas McKennon University of Central Florida $6.70 Thach Nguyen Century
College - Minnesota $6.70 Jean Tu University of Southern California $6.70
Brianna Powers University of Central Florida $6.70 Deanna Pazo University of
Central Florida $6.70 Olivia Kurtz Georgia Highlands $6.70 Kamarunnisa Ismail
National University of Singapore $6.70 Ellie Karayan Chapman University $6.70
Yarenis Bratta Penn Foster $6.70 Sierra Davis University of Ottawa $6.70 Oanh
Dao University of Virginia $6.70 Rebecca Wu University of Texas at Austin $6.70
Nicole Bamonte Pennsylvania College of Technology $6.70 Deleted $6.70 Shivam
Miglani Delft University of Technology $6.70 Eunice Mwei Moi University $6.70
akash gupta heritage $6.70 Siddhant Joshi Delhi University $6.70 Karina Valle
University of Central Florida $6.70 Andrew Southammavong University of Central
Florida $6.70 Jason Nowik University of Central Florida $6.70 Zach Reddy
University of Central Florida $6.70 hayley ullman University of Central Florida
$6.70 Travis Trantham University of Central Florida $6.70 Kyle Bokuniewicz
University of Central Florida $6.70 Haille Ausher University of Central Florida
$6.70 Cristian Rivera Tapia University of Central Florida $6.70 Natalia Sierra
University of Central Florida $6.70 Tyler Specht University of Central Florida
$6.70 Tanika Simmonds University of Central Florida $6.70 Camilla Mann
University of Victoria $6.70 Josh Burg University of Michigan $6.70 Phillip
Hedayatnia Rice University $6.70 Benjamin Young Simon Fraser University $6.70
v.arakelian $6.70 Jessica Giden University of Oregon $6.70 Mary Kaitlin Des
Jardins University of Central Florida $6.70 Jimmy Morris Gonzaga University
$6.70 Hunter Boleman California State University, Dominguez Hills $2.00
Algonquin Voth Capilano University $2.00 Ada-Jean Stover Penn Foster $2.00
Sumana Mahata California Institute of Technology $2.00 Carol Truong-Cat
University of Guelph $2.00 Annie LI University of Massachusetts $2.00 Spencer
Campbell Brigham Young University $2.00 Aleka Dey Clemson University $2.00 Katie
McMullen University of Wisconsin $2.00 Thereza Rodrigues Florida Atlantic
University $2.00 Olivia Lewis University of Virginia $2.00 Vinam Puri Rutgers,
The State University of New Jersey $2.00 Kiersten Wilde University of Michigan
$2.00 Seth Vance University of Central Florida $2.00 Alexis Escobar University
of Central Florida $2.00 Alysa Ly University of Central Florida $2.00 Keaton
Leslie University of Central Florida $2.00 Alexander Brown University of Central
Florida $2.00 Hector Hurtado $2.00 Mike Surdis $2.00 Brandon Sebree University
of Central Florida $2.00 Claire Pewitt University of Central Florida $2.00
Cyerra Johnson UCF $2.00 Katya Stambler Brown University $2.00 Joseph Rubbo
University of Central Florida $2.00 Joel Smulevich $2.00 Noel Brownback Tarrant
County College District $2.00 Tom Belderbos University of Central Florida $2.00
Vincent Manzo University of Central Florida $2.00 Alexander Denham University of
Central Florida $2.00 Travis Abbott University of Central Florida $2.00 Dallas
Scott University of Central Florida $2.00 Gabrielle Thompson University of
Central Florida $2.00 Laura Robinson University of Texas at Dallas $2.00 Yasmin
Molune Assumption University $2.00 Anthony Lenahan University of Central Florida
$2.00 Diego Hoganson University of Central Florida $2.00 katie king University
of Central Florida $2.00 Elizabeth Whipple University of Central Florida $2.00
Marsha Baptiste University of Central Florida $2.00 msmithlott University of
Central Florida $2.00 Ryan Campbell University of Central Florida $2.00
Guillaume DVX UCF $2.00 tompassero University of Central Florida $2.00 Joseph
Rivera University of Central Florida $2.00 Shiv Reed Minneapolis Community and
Technical College $2.00 Katie Heindell University of Central Florida $2.00 Celia
Sanchez-Zelaya University of California at San Diego $2.00 Gabriella DiPetto
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University $2.00 Patricia Fuentes Penn
Foster $2.00 Andrea Barrera Penn Foster $2.00 Christina Shipley Penn Foster
$2.00 Kayla Bubalo George Brown College $2.00 Tanya Simpson Penn Foster $2.00
Rachele Burtenshaw $2.00 Sarah McCabe BCIT $2.00 Merrily McCarthy fresnostate
$2.00 Michelle Stolzoff Northeastern University $2.00 Frankie Ngondji Georgia
State University $2.00 Gimhani Uthpala University of Moratuwa $2.00 Jacob
Schwing University of Central Florida $2.00 Sayantan Ghosh Jadavpur University,
India $2.00 Grace Escueta University of British Columbia $2.00 Benjamin Kuo rush
$2.00 Hoshedar Bamji Northeastern University $2.00 Rei Thielbar University of
California, Irvine $2.00 Jessica Gillan University of Central Florida $2.00 Mark
Sinclair University of Central Florida $2.00 Audrey Neal Wellesley College $2.00
Nicole Winch University of Central Florida $2.00 Richard Opitz University of
Central Florida $2.00 Dallas Scott University of Central Florida $2.00 Kaicee
Wrigley University of Central Florida $2.00 Alyssa Ciliberti University of
Central Florida $2.00 Christopher Trocine University of Central Florida $2.00
Marciel Clyne University of Central Florida $2.00 Macarena Lopez University of
Central Florida $2.00 Michael Rudek University of Central Florida $2.00 John
Monte University of Central Florida $2.00 Nikandros Mavroudakis University of
Sussex $2.00 Josh Rosenfeld University of Central Florida $2.00 Cody Grant $2.00
Vincent Paolo University of Central Florida $2.00 Aden Martinez University of
Central Florida $2.00 Jackson Risley University of Central Florida $2.00 Andy
Barszcz $2.00 Rubymar Camacho University of Central Florida $2.00 lathe
University of Central Florida $2.00 Matt Krueger University of Central Florida
$2.00 Noah Hardesty Gra $2.00 Sarah Habernal colorado Mesa University $2.00
Raven Dominguez Michigan State University $2.00 sashalee scott centennial
College $2.00 Theo Grabiak University of California at San Diego $2.00 Jatea
Saunders unknown $2.00 zak tebell Purdue University $2.00 Melissa Zuloaga
Saddleback College $2.00 Jesse Chiu Polytechnic University of the Philippines
$2.00 Karl R Georgia Institute of Technology $2.00 Omar Rossi University of
Technology Sydney $2.00 Deepika Paudel

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   Why can't I copy/paste in my submission? To reduce plagiarized submissions,
   first-time MindSumo users are not able to paste content in their submissions.
   Once you demonstrate quality submissions of your own work, this feature will
   be unlocked for you.

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