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Submitted URL: https://www.thermometershop.com.frontline-safety.co.uk/
Effective URL: https://www.frontline-safety.co.uk/
Submission: On May 24 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from DE

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 1. Detection Devices
    Gas Detectors
     * Single Gas Detector
     * Multi Gas Detector
     * Photoionization Detector (PID)
     * Area Gas Detectors
     * Portable Gas Leak Detectors
     * Fixed Gas Detection Systems
     * Flame Detection & Simulators
     * Gas Detection Tubes
     * Drager Chip Measurement Systems
     * Calibration and Bump Testing
     * Gas Detection Accessories
     * Gas Detection Spare Parts
    Temperature Measurement
     * Industrial Thermometers
     * Temperature Probe
     * Accessories
    Air Sampling
     * Personal Dust Monitors
     * Environmental Dust Monitors
     * IAQ Monitors
     * Dust & Aerosol Monitors
     * Breathing Air Quality Testing
     * Flowmeters
     * Air Sampling Accessories
    Noise Monitoring
     * Environmental Monitors
     * Workplace Monitors
     * Noise Monitoring Accessories
    Drug & Alcohol Testing
     * Breathalyzers & Alcohol Detectors
     * Drug Testing & Drug Detection
    Shop Gas Detectors
 2. Protection Equipment
     * Escape Sets
     * Smoke Hoods
     * Escape Masks
     * Self Rescuers (Oxygen & KO2)
    Face-Fit Testing
     * Breathing Apparatus Testing
     * BA Test Equipment Accessories
    Respiratory Protection
     * Face Masks
     * Respiratory Filters
     * Draeger Safety Worksets
    Protective Clothing
     * Chemical Protection Suits
     * Cool Vests
    Breathing Apparatus
     * Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
     * Long Duration Breathing Apparatus
     * Powered Air-Purifying Respirators
     * Compressed Air Cylinders
     * Telemetry Equipment
     * Communication Systems
     * Breathing Apparatus Accessories
    Fall Protection
     * Harnesses
     * Lanyards
     * Connectors
     * Tripods & Winches
     * Fall Arrest Blocks
     * Davit Arm Systems
     * Lifelines
     * Fall Protection Kits
     * Fall Protection Stretchers
     * Specialist Systems
     * Fall Protection Accessories
    Shop Protection Equipment
 3. Fixed Fire & Gas Systems
    Shop Fixed Gas Detection Systems
     * Fixed Gas Detector
     * Fixed Gas Detection Controllers
     * Sampling Systems
     * Fixed Gas Detection Sensors
     * Fixed Gas Detection Transmitters
     * Fixed Gas Detection Accessories
     * Fixed Gas Detection Spare Parts
    Shop Flame Detectors
     * Flame Detectors
     * Flame Simulators
    Our Services For Fixed Fire and Gas Systems
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 4. Safety Centre
    Gas Profiles
     * Ammonia (NH3)
     * Benzene (C6H6)
     * Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
     * Carbon Monoxide (CO)
     * Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2)
     * Chlorine (CL2)
     * Ethane (C2H6)
     * Ethylene Oxide (EtO)
     * Hydrazine (N2H4)
     * Hydrogen Chloride (HCl)
     * Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN)
     * Hydrogen Fluoride (HF)
     * Hydrogen (H2)
     * Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)
     * Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S)
     * Methane (CH4)
     * Nitric Oxide (NO)
     * Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
     * Nitrous Oxide (N2O)
     * Organic Vapour (OV)
     * Oxygen (O2)
     * Ozone (O3)
     * Pentane (C5H12)
     * Phosgene (COCl2)
     * Phosphine (PH3)
     * Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)
    Popular Blogs
     * MSA Altair 4XR & Altair 4X - What Are the Differences
     * How to Use the Drager Accuro Pump
     * BW Clip - Disposable Single Gas Detector from Frontline Safety
     * How Do I Calibrate the Crowcon T4 Multi-Gas Detector?
     * Legionella Testing for Landlords
    Application Notes
     * Construction Industry
     * Dangers and Hazards During Shutdowns, Turnarounds, and Outages
     * Facilities Management
     * Gases in Distilleries
     * Gas Detection in Pharmaceuticals
     * Gas Detection Required in Swimming Pools
     * Gas Hazards in Breweries
     * Gas in the Marine Industry
     * Gas Risks in the Telecommunications Industry
     * Hydrogen in the Energy Industry
     * Legionella Testing
     * Safety Risks in the Agriculture Industry
     * Safety for Offshore Wind Turbines
     * Safety for Onshore Wind Turbines
     * What's Involved in Wastewater Treatment?
     * Working with Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT)

 5. Our Services
     * Portable Monitor Servicing
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     * Frontline Safety
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     * Miller
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     * RAE Systems
     * Scott Safety
     * Trolex
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Gas detection is at the forefront of Frontline Safety’s product offering.

Additional help can also be offered to you by our dedicated service and sales

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The products are ideal for extended breathing durations and instances where you
require a more advanced emergency escape device over a standard escape mask.

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Take action with our range of respiratory protection from MSA and Drager Safety.

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 * Drager
 * BW Technologies
 * MSA
 * RAE Systems
 * Crowcon
 * ETI
 * Abtech Safety
 * Industrial Scientific
 * Watchgas
 * GMI
 * Scott Safety


Drager is one of the leading brands in Gas Detection, Breathing Apparatus and
Personal Protective Equipment, providing reliable products to suit your
requirements. Choose from both single and multi gas detectors, escape devices,
self-contained breathing apparatus and a wide range of face masks and filters.

Drager X-am 2500 Gas Detection Kit Ex/O2/H2S/CO
£418.79 £348.99
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Drager Saver CF (Hooded) Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus (Soft Case)
£342.00 £285.00
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Drager X-plore 1700 FFP2 and FFP3 C and CV Single-Use Facemasks

From £51.24 £42.70

To £211.92 £176.60

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Drager Gas Detection Pump (Accuro)
£537.06 £447.55
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Frontline Safety are an official distributor of gas detection equipment from BW
Technologies. Their range of gas detectors are both robust, reliable and are
great for darkened conditions due to their bright yellow exterior. There is a
choice of single gas and multi gas detectors and also the option to include a
PID sensor for detecting volatile organic compounds.

Honeywell BW Solo Serviceable Single Gas Detector
£260.39 £216.99
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BW GasAlertMicroClip XL (2 Year) LEL(F) O2 H2S CO Gas Detector (Rechargeable
£432.00 £360.00
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Honeywell BW Ultra 5 Gas Detector

From £1,971.60 £1,643.00

To £2,160.30 £1,800.25

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BW Clip 2 Year Single Gas Detector

From £147.00 £122.50

To £284.40 £237.00

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MSA Safety has a range of gas detection, breathing apparatus and other safety
products designed to suit many different applications and industries. As a
trusted distributor of MSA we supply gas monitors to cover over ten different
gases. This includes industry-leading single gas and multi gas monitors. If it’s
breathing apparatus you’re looking for then we can provide escape masks, escape
sets and a selection of self-contained breathing apparatus.

MSA Altair 4XR Multigas Detector (LEL/O2/CO/H2S) Charcoal
£596.39 £496.99
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MSA miniSCAPE Escape respirator
£65.94 £54.95
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MSA ALTAIR 5X Gas Detector (Mono)

From £2,552.40 £2,127.00

To £3,515.62 £2,929.68

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From £1,747.20 £1,456.00

To £2,378.40 £1,982.00

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We provide a range of gas detection instruments from RAE Systems. They are a
global provider with instruments which are able to detect a variety of toxic
gases and volatile organic compounds.

UltraRAE 3000 (Model PGM-7360) Monitor & Accessories Kit
£5,518.80 £4,599.00
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RAE-Sep Benzene Separation Tubes by Honeywell for UltraRAE Series Monitor (box
of 10)
£120.00 £100.00
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MiniRAE Lite Monitor (PGM-7300 Series) & Accessories Kit
£3,888.00 £3,240.00
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ToxiRAE Pro (PGM-1860) Gas Detector Wireless

From £950.40 £792.00

To £1,098.00 £915.00

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Shop now for a huge range of Crowcon Gas Detection Equipment. Choose from a wide
range of gases, disposable monitors, serviceable monitors and area monitors.

Crowcon Clip - Single Gas Detector

From £115.19 £95.99

To £119.40 £99.50

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Crowcon T4 Multi 4-Gas Detector with Cradle Charger

From £336.00 £280.00

To £764.40 £637.00

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Crowcon Gasman Gas Detector (Non-rechargeable)

From £262.50 £218.75

To £1,041.42 £867.85

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Crowcon Detective Plus Transportable Area Monitor – Pumped

From £4,400.40 £3,667.00

To £5,653.20 £4,711.00

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We are an approved distributor of a massive range of thermometers, probes and
temperature measurement devices from Electronic Temperature Instruments Ltd
(ETI). The range of monitors offered by ETI is suitable for various industries
including catering, industrial applications and food processing.

ETI Legionnaires' Thermometer Kit
£131.99 £109.99
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ETI Penetration Probe (3.3 x 130 mm)
£37.80 £31.50
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ETI Ribbon Surface Probe (15 x 130 mm)
£54.00 £45.00
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ETI Protective Silicone Boot in Black
£9.60 £8.00
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Part of the Cresto Alliance, Abtech Safety are a leading UK manufacturer and
supplier of fall protection equipment designed for confined spaces and working
at height in a wide range of industrial applications.

Abtech Tripod/15m Fall Arrest Winch/Bracket & Rescue Harness
£2,286.78 £1,905.65
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Abtech Restraint Lanyards

From £27.91 £23.26

To £46.87 £39.06

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Abtech Rapid Response Stretcher c/w Carry Bag
£529.12 £440.93
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Abtech Rescue Harness
£72.31 £60.26
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Industrial Scientific Top Products 

Industrial Scientific is a new brand here at Frontline Safety and is one of the
world-leading brands for gas detection. Globally, they provide gas detection
solutions ranging from single gas to area monitors and have industry-leading
connected technologies compatible with their gas monitors.

Industrial Scientific Ventis MX4 (Diffusion) Multi-Gas Monitor

From £884.40 £737.00

To £953.35 £794.46

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Industrial Scientific Tango TX1 Single-Gas Monitor (Diffusion)

From £318.00 £265.00

To £496.80 £414.00

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Industrial Scientific Radius BZ1 Area Monitor

From £7,479.60 £6,233.00

To £8,166.00 £6,805.00

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Industrial Scientific Ventis Pro 5 (Diffusion) Multi-Gas Monitor (Orange) Lens

From £1,286.40 £1,072.00

To £1,939.20 £1,616.00

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Watchgas supply a range of single gas detectors with bump testing and
calibration stations helping you keep your gas detector fleets efficient.

WatchGas SST1 Maintenance-Free Single Gas Detector

From £100.80 £84.00

To £226.80 £189.00

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WatchGas SST Docking Station for SST1/SST4/SST Pump/SST5
£3,099.60 £2,583.00
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WatchGas SST 1 Serviceable Gas Detector

From £206.40 £172.00

To £452.40 £377.00

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WatchGas O2 (Oxygen) 2 Year Single Gas Detector
£100.80 £84.00
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Shop now for a huge range of GMI Gas Detection Equipment. Choose from a range of
gases, disposable monitors and serviceable monitors.

GMI PS200 (IR LEL/O2/H2S/CO) Pumped Multi Gas Detector
£1,179.60 £983.00
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Hydrophobic Filter (c/w Gasket) for PS200
£9.12 £7.60
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Filter Cover (c/w Captive Screw) for PS200
£6.44 £5.37
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Teledyne GMI Protege ZM H2S (10/15ppm) Single Gas Detector
£118.14 £98.45
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Scott Safety manufacture a number of high quality products including personal
protective equipment, supplied air breathing sets and air purifying respirators.
We're currently offering the ELSA escape sets on our website. Contact our Sales
Team to find out what else is available.

3M Scott Safety Scott ProPak Sigma SCBA (V2)

From £944.27 £786.89

To £1,162.60 £968.83

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3M Scott Safety ProPak-f EZ Flo (V2) SCBA

From £1,597.63 £1,331.36

To £1,829.14 £1,524.28

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Scott Safety ELSA 15 Minute Escape Set
£334.80 £279.00
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Scott Safety ELSA 10 Minute Escape Set
£322.79 £268.99
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Our main aim at Frontline Safety is to offer you the upmost level of protection.

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Hiring the gas detector or breathing apparatus you need from Frontline Safety
could not be easier. 

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With over 50 years’ experience in the service of gas detection systems,
Frontline Safety has industry specialists on hand committed to providing
exceptional customer service and support.

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Complete system overhauls or modifcations to systems can be carried out by
Frontline Safety using original engineering design data, material
specifications, and our manufacturing expertise.

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