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This dossier provides some of the most recent data relating to the impact of the
ongoing coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on the FMCG (fast moving
consumer goods) market across the globe. It provides regional chapters that
delve into country-specific effects on edible and non-edible FMCG categories.


 * 1. Overview
    * Growth in edible grocery sales worldwide pre- and post-COVID-19, by market
    * Increases in CPG demand due to COVID-19 outbreak worldwide September 2020,
      by country
    * Worldwide food market revenue 2014-2027
    * Worldwide food market revenue growth 20135-2027
    * Global market value of non-alcoholic beverages 2012 to 2025
    * Worldwide non-alcoholic drinks market revenue growth 20132025
    * Global market value of alcoholic beverages 2012 to 2025
    * Worldwide alcoholic drinks market revenue growth 2013-2025
    * Worldwide tobacco market value 2012-2025
    * Worldwide tobacco product market revenue growth 2013-2025
    * Worldwide OTC pharmaceuticals market revenue 2012-2025
    * Worldwide OTC pharmaceuticals market revenue growth 2012-2025
    * Worldwide tissue & hygiene paper market revenue 2012-2025
    * Worldwide tissue & hygiene paper market revenue growth 2013-2025
    * Worldwide beauty & personal care market revenue 2013-2026
    * Worldwide beauty & personal care market revenue growth 2014-2026
    * Worldwide home & laundry care market revenue 2012-2025
    * Worldwide home & laundry care market revenue growth 2013-2025

 * 2. North America
    * Expected changes to consumer spending due to the coronavirus U.S. February
    * Expected changes to consumer spending post-COVID-19 U.S. 2021
    * Yearly change in what products U.S. shoppers bought by category 2020-2021
    * Weekly FMCG sales growth by major metropolitan market US 2020
    * FMCG categories with biggest promotional change during the pandemic U.S.
    * Expected post-COVID-19 changes in spending on groceries in the U.S. in
    * E-commerce food & bev industry penetration pre and post pandemic U.S.
    * Online sales share of e-commerce non-edible CPG U.S. Feb-June 2020, by
    * Monthly sales of recreational cannabis United States 2020
    * Sales of adult-use marijuana during 4/20 week in the U.S. 2018-2021
    * Share of consumers that bought alcohol during the pandemic U.S. 2021, by
    * U.S.: expected tobacco spending pre vs post-COVID-19 2021
    * Yearly change in Canadians' shopping 2020-2021, by category
    * Past month Canadian cannabis use during COVID-19 2020
    * Share of existing vs new cannabis consumers in Canada 2021
    * Purchase channel share among cannabis consumers Canada Q1 and Q4 2020
    * Mexico: change in private consumption in 2020-2021, by category
    * Mexico: change in online grocery store visits during COVID-19 2020
    * Mexico: changes in beauty & personal care habits of women due to COVID-19

 * 3. LATAM
    * Food & beverages consumer spending in Latin America and the Caribbean
      2020, by country
    * Brazil: hygiene goods consumption growth due to COVID-19
    * Brazil: consumer spending changes due to COVID-19 by category 2020
    * Colombia: selected products sales growth due to COVID-19
    * Colombia: monthly YoY growth of household cleaning supplies' sales
    * Colombia: growth of beauty & hygiene product sales 2020-2022
    * Preferred product categories for online shopping in Peru 2022
    * Latin America: share of alcohol consumers 2019-2020, by gender
    * Dominican Republic: consumer spending growth May 2020, by product category
    * Costa Rica: consumer spending growth May 2020, by product category
    * Panama: consumer spending growth May 2020, by product category

 * 4. Europe
    * Food & beverages consumer spending in Europe 2020, by country
    * Factors influencing food shopping after the lockdown in Italy in 2020
    * Food shopping after the lockdown in Italy 2020, by channel
    * Percentage change in consumption value of selected grocery products Italy
    * Percentage change in consumption volume of selected consumer goods in
      Italy 2020-2021
    * Percentage growth in sales value of FMCG products due to coronavirus in
      Italy 2020
    * COVID-19: impact on online sales during lockdown by category Spain 2020
    * COVID-19: products with the most demand in Spain as of March 2020
    * Growth of purchase volume of basic foods pre-, during, and post-lockdown
      France 2020
    * Monthly household expenditures on consumer goods France 2019-2020, by
    * FMCG categories with biggest promotional change during the pandemic UK
    * UK: increases in edible grocery purchases due to COVID-19 outbreak in
      2020, by type
    * Coronavirus stockpiling: y-o-y growth of consumer goods weekly in the UK
    * Impact of COVID-19 on alcohol consumption in the UK 2020
    * Respondents who bought more laundry detergents than usual in the UK
    * Respondents who bought more cleaning products than usual in the UK
    * Respondents who bought more soap than usual in the UK 2020-2021
    * Respondents who bought more antibacterial gel than usual in the UK
    * Panic buying during coronavirus in Germany in 2020: food retail sales
      revenue change
    * Beer sales change due to the coronavirus in the Netherlands 2021, by
    * FMCG online sales growth due to COVID-19 in Russia 2020, by product
    * FMCG offline sales growth due to COVID-19 in Russia 2020, by product
    * FMCG offline sales growth in Russia 2020
    * FMCG online sales growth in Russia 2020
    * Increase value of food products in Romania during the COVID-19 pandemic
    * Purchasing cleaning products during COVID-19 pandemic in Romania 2021
    * Market value of FMCG segment in Poland 2020-2021, by product type
    * Change in household spedning due to COVID-19 in Poland 2020, by product
    * Impact of COVID-19 on food purchases in Poland 2020
    * Impact of COVID-19 on non-food purchases in Poland 2020
    * Frequency of alcohol consumption during COVID-19 in Poland 2021, by age

 * 5. APAC
    * Food & beverages consumer spending in Australasia 2020, by country
    * Alcohol & tobacco consumer spending in Australasia 2020, by country
    * Major product types to stock-up on during coronavirus in China 2020
    * Major sales channel choices to stock up during coronavirus in China 2020
    * Major product types to stock-up on during coronavirus in Hong Kong 2020
    * Major sales channel choices to stock up during coronavirus in Hong Kong
    * Major product types to stock-up on during coronavirus in Taiwan 2020
    * Major sales channel choices to stock up during coronavirus in Taiwan 2020
    * Consumer price index (CPI) of non-durable consumer goods in Taiwan
    * Impact of COVID-19 on consumers intention to purchase goods Vietnam July
    * Willingness to buy necessities and fresh products online during COVID-19
      Vietnam 2020
    * Growth of retail sales of consumer goods Vietnam 2012-9M 2021
    * Changes in FMCG consumption since COVID-19 pandemic Singapore 2020
    * YoY growth of the alcoholic drinks sector Singapore 2020-2021
    * Growth rate FMCG value Thailand 2020-2022
    * YoY growth rate personal care segment value Thailand 2020-2022
    * YoY growth rate beverage segment value Thailand 2020-2022
    * YoY growth rate food segment value Thailand 2020-2022
    * Most popular products stockpiled at home during COVID-19 in Japan 2021
    * Items bought in bulk among consumers during COVID-19 in the Philippines
    * Discretionary expense among customers India 2020, by product category
    * Opinion on impact of COVID-19 lockdown on purchasing grocery India 2020 by
    * Opinion on impact of COVID-19 lockdown on grocery availability India 2020

 * Language: English
 * Released: 2021


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 * FMCG market in the Philippines
   FMCG market in the Philippines
 * FMCG market in Poland
   FMCG market in Poland
 * FMCG market in Hungary
   FMCG market in Hungary
 * Coronavirus: impact on the retail landscape in Canada
   Coronavirus: impact on the retail landscape in Canada
 * FMCG market in Thailand
   FMCG market in Thailand

 * FMCG market in Singapore
   FMCG market in Singapore
 * FMCG market in Indonesia
   FMCG market in Indonesia
 * FMCG market in Malaysia
   FMCG market in Malaysia
 * Coronavirus: impact on the retail landscape in the U.S.
   Coronavirus: impact on the retail landscape in the U.S.
 * FMCG market in Vietnam
   FMCG market in Vietnam
 * Coronavirus: impact on food and beverage trends in the U.S.
   Coronavirus: impact on food and beverage trends in the U.S.
 * Coronavirus: impact on the retail industry worldwide
   Coronavirus: impact on the retail industry worldwide
 * FMCG market in South Korea
   FMCG market in South Korea
 * Coronavirus: impact on apparel and textile industry in Europe
   Coronavirus: impact on apparel and textile industry in Europe
 * FMCG market in Australia
   FMCG market in Australia
 * Coronavirus: impact on consumption in Latin America
   Coronavirus: impact on consumption in Latin America
 * FMCG market in Japan
   FMCG market in Japan
 * Bottled water in the U.S.
   Bottled water in the U.S.
 * Bottled water worldwide
   Bottled water worldwide
 * FMCG market in Taiwan
   FMCG market in Taiwan
 * Frozen foods market in the U.S.
   Frozen foods market in the U.S.
 * Frozen foods market in the Netherlands
   Frozen foods market in the Netherlands
 * FMCG sector in the Middle East and North Africa
   FMCG sector in the Middle East and North Africa
 * Frozen desserts in the U.S.
   Frozen desserts in the U.S.
 * Functional foods market in the U.S.
   Functional foods market in the U.S.

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 * Online pet care market in the U.S.
   Online pet care market in the U.S.
 * Retail sector in Thailand
   Retail sector in Thailand
 * Nestlé


 * FMCG market distribution in India FY 2019, by segment
   FMCG market distribution in India FY 2019, by segment
 * Revenue of the Indian FMCG market 2007-2020
   Revenue of the Indian FMCG market 2007-2020
 * Economic impact of the U.S. toy industry 2015-2019
   Economic impact of the U.S. toy industry 2015-2019
 * Online FMCG market size in D2C sector in India 2015-2025
   Online FMCG market size in D2C sector in India 2015-2025
 * FMCG market nominal growth in the CEE region 2019
   FMCG market nominal growth in the CEE region 2019

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