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Home Description Price & Features Documents Photos Area Info Map Request Info Agent Share 15810 MANOR TRACE * Home * Description * Price & Features * Documents * Photos * Area Info * Map * Request Info * Agent * Share 15810 MANOR TRACE MILTON, GA 15810 MANOR TRACE, MILTON, GA 30004 DISCOVER UNPARALLELED LUXURY AND TRANQUILITY IN MILTON! Luxury and serenity await in this exceptional home located in Milton’s Hampton Manor community. The home is a WOW for your car enthusiast, nature lover and chef! The custom home sits on over an acre lot with wooded views past your saltwater pool, covered patio, grilling area, firepits, and level green space. The interior is spacious with multiple living areas on the main floor, plus a large office and an incredible kitchen overlooking your keeping room. This chef's kitchen is outfitted with a Sub-Zero refrigerator, Wolf range with a wok burner and multiple wine refrigerators. No one will be left out of get-togethers as there is plenty of room to gather around the enlarged custom kitchen island. Head upstairs to find four spacious secondary bedrooms, each with en-suites. However, the real wow is found in the enlarged primary suite. With a separate sitting area and coffee bar, there is no reason to leave. The spa-like bathroom is met with a beautiful custom closet with multiple display cases. The newly reimagined terrace level not only features a bedroom and full bath, but a gym, recreation space, movie area and more. And let’s not forget about the car lovers! The three-car garage is climate controlled and features Hi Lift garage door rails, plus a four-post car lift mount! That means you can park all four cars inside, keeping them cool in the summer and warm in the winter. While there are too many features to list, a couple more worth sharing include an elevator shaft and three fireplaces (with the ability to add a fourth in the basement). The home has been maintained with meticulous care both inside and out, plus keeping your security in mind. Schedule a showing to be dazzled and see for yourself! 15810 MANOR TRACE FOR SALE: $1,799,000 6 Beds 6 ½ Baths House Traditional 6,374 sq ft Lot 1.01 acres Year Built: 2008 Property Tax: $9,943/year Association Fees: $1,000/year DOCUMENTS Disclosures Special Features Hampton Manor Covenants PHOTOS Launch Slideshow Viewer 43 PHOTOS Swipe to view. Touch to zoom. Previous Next No neighborhood or area info has been added for this property. MAP & NEARBY PLACES * Map * Schools * Parks * Bars * Restaurants * Coffee * ATMs * Gyms 15810 Manor Trace Milton, GA 30004 6 Bed | 6 ½ Baths REQUEST INFO THANKS! Your message was sent. We'll be in touch soon. Send another Your name Email Phone Message Send Message ANDREA CUENY Realtor Ansley Real Estate Mobile: 404-695-7040 Office: 770-284-9900 View Bio Web: thecuenyteam.com Blog: g.page/r/CcdjNmTTP6anEAg/review -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BECKY SUID Realtor Ansley Real Estate Mobile: 770.712.7679 Office: 770.284.9900 View Bio 15810 MANOR TRACE SHARE THIS PROPERTY ON: * facebook * twitter * pinterest * linkedin MESSAGE SENT OR SEND TO A FRIEND: Missing required fields Send to Friend Send Again Done Home Description Price & Features Documents Photos Area Info Map Request Info Agent Share Ansley Real Estate 31 Church Street Alpharetta, GA 30009 ANSLEY REAL ESTATE 31 Church Street Alpharetta, GA 30009 770.284.9900 Kathy Vaughn, Managing Broker. All information is believed to be accurate, but is not warranted. Offer is subject to errors, changes, omissions, prior sales and withdrawals without notice. Privacy, Cookie & Web Accessibility Policy DOCUMENT NAME Please enter your contact information to view View Document Thank You Click to view Document DOCUMENT NAME Password Required For Access View Document Thank You Click to view document Document X 15810 MANOR TRACE Milton, GA 6 Beds • 6 ½ Baths For Sale: $1,799,000 MESSAGE SENT Close Missing required fields Send Message VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSE X THANKS FOR YOUR INTEREST ! We look forward to seeing you at the virtual open house. Your online meeting info is below. A copy has also been sent to your email address. Please join us online: Meeting link: Close Please enter your contact information and we'll send you instructions on how to join the virtual open house. RSVP Missing required fields X ANDREA CUENY Realtor Ansley Real Estate Mobile: 404-695-7040 Andrea Cueny began her real estate career in 2003, after formerly being involved in the marketing and advertising world of print advertising sales for magazines such as House & Garden and The New Yorker. To date Andrea has sold more than $100 million in gross real estate sales. She leads a remarkable team comprised of fellow agents Nicole McAluney, Jennifer Bienstock, Becky Suid, and Angela Miller and includes dedicated Cueny Team marketing consultant Eileen Hardison. The Cueny Team is known for their expertise, experience, professional service, and vested interest in their clients. Each agent possesses an in depth knowledge of the local available inventory and current market conditions. They offer sellers million-dollar marketing for every property and the best exposure for each listing, while offering buyers the best resources along with an extensive combined market knowledge of metro Atlanta. Utilizing today's technology coupled with tenacity and determination, The Cueny Team is poised to achieve optimal results for their clients.The Cueny Team also maintains an extensive digital marketing presence that includes their Facebook page and Instagram. The Cueny Team is proud to be a founding partner of Ansley North. Close X BECKY SUID Realtor Ansley Real Estate Mobile: 770.712.7679 A resident of Milton by way of Decatur, Becky Suid has lived in the greater Atlanta area for more than 20 years. She comes to the world of real estate after working in the professional services industry as a human resources and talent acquisition manager. With extensive experience helping professionals transition into the right career, she now assists clients looking to explore their next chapter - with a new home! Working as a REALTOR® has allowed Becky to combine her passion with her profession: developing relationships with people as they experience change and new adventures. After graduating from The University of Georgia, she spent many years as a recruiter of college graduates and entry level professionals, as well as the placement of senior level executives and the corresponding relocation of their lives and families. Her leadership proficiencies further qualify Becky as an agent for both first-time home buyers and experienced buyers making a change. Her familiarity with the Atlanta area is also an asset for those relocating to the city. Real estate has been in Becky’s family for many generations. As the daughter of a custom home builder and a real estate agent, trends in homebuilding, staging tactics and effective marketing strategies were frequent topics around the dinner table. Now, she offers a keen understanding of the market and its dynamic trends, extraordinary marketing, paired with the global exposure only offered through the Sotheby’s International Realty® brand, and effective communication and negotiation to produce the best results for her clients. As a wife and mother of two daughters, Becky understands the importance of finding the right home for you and your family. When she is not working, you can find her shuttling kids to tennis practice and theater rehearsal, and when she does have time for herself, she is on the tennis court or corralling her Carin Terriers, Jack and Arnie. Close X ANDREA CUENY Realtor, Ansley Real Estate Mobile: 404-695-7040 Close X BECKY SUID Realtor, Ansley Real Estate Mobile: 770.712.7679 Close WE'RE IN DEMO MODE YOUR WEBSITE IS USING SOME PLACEHOLDER PHOTOS AND CONTENT. To exit demo mode: Upload at least 1 photo Add price & features Assign an agent Tip: For a great looking website, enter as much info as you can about this property in your admin panel. OK