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Submission: On August 06 via api from US — Scanned from CA
Submission: On August 06 via api from US — Scanned from CA
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(function( $ ) { 'use strict'; // Create the defaults once var pluginName = "storeLocator", defaults = { store_locator: '#store_locator', store_modal: "#store_modal", store_modal_button: "#store_modal_button", store_modal_close: "#store_modal_close", map_container: "#store_locator_map", map_min_height: 300, store_locator_sidebar: '#store_locator_sidebar', store_locator_search_box: '#store_locator_search_box', result_list: "#store_locator_result_list", store_locator_address_field: '#store_locator_address_field', store_locator_find_stores_button: '#store_locator_find_stores_button', store_locator_loading: '#store_locator_loading', store_locator_filter_radius: '#store_locator_filter_radius', store_locator_filter_categories: '#store_locator_filter_categories', store_locator_filter: '#store_locator_filter', store_locator_filter_active_filter: '#store_locator_filter_active_filter', store_locator_filter_open_close: '#store_locator_filter_open_close', store_locator_filter_content: '#store_locator_filter_content', store_locator_filter_checkbox: '.store_locator_filter_checkbox', store_locator_filter_select: '.store_locator_filter_select', store_locator_form_customer_address: 'input[name="store_locator_form_customer_address"]', store_locator_form_store_select: 'select[name="store_locator_form_store_select"]', store_locator_embedded_search: '#store_locator_embedded_search', store_locator_get_my_position: '#store_locator_get_my_position', store_locator_get_all_stores: '#store_locator_get_all_stores', store_locator_dragged_button: '#store_locator_dragged_button', store_locator_nearest_store: '#store_locator_nearest_store', store_locator_category_icon: '', earthRadi: { mi: 3963.1676, km: 6378.1, ft: 20925524.9, mt: 6378100, "in": 251106299, yd: 6975174.98, fa: 3487587.49, na: 3443.89849, ch: 317053.408, rd: 1268213.63, fr: 31705.3408 }, }; // The actual plugin constructor function Plugin ( element, options ) { this.element = element; this.settings = $.extend( {}, defaults, options ); this._defaults = defaults; this._name = pluginName; this.init(); } // Avoid Plugin.prototype conflicts $.extend( Plugin.prototype, { init: function() { var that = this; this.window = $(window); this.currentURL = window.location.href; this.documentHeight = $( document ).height(); this.windowHeight = this.window.height(); this.settings.mapDefaultZoom = parseInt(that.settings.mapDefaultZoom); this.templateCache = {}; this.markers = []; this.ownMarker = {}; this.radiusCircle = {}; this.categories = {}; this.filter = {}; this.address = ""; this.geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); if(!this.isEmpty($(this.settings.store_locator))){ this.setResultListMaxHeight(); // Check if we have a Modal Button (Product Page) if(!this.isEmpty($(this.settings.store_modal_button))){ this.initModal(function(){ that.initStoreLocator(); that.setResultListMaxHeight(); }); } else { $(this.settings.store_modal_close).hide(); that.initStoreLocator(); } } if(!this.isEmpty($(this.settings.store_locator_form_store_select))){ that.initForm(); } if(!this.isEmpty($(this.settings.store_locator_embedded_search))){ that.initEmbeddedSearch(); } if(!this.isEmpty($(this.settings.store_locator_nearest_store))){ that.initNearestStore(); } }, setResultListMaxHeight: function() { var resultList = $(this.settings.result_list); var store_locator_sidebar = $(this.settings.store_locator_sidebar); var height = store_locator_sidebar.height() + 100; if(this.settings.mapFullHeight == "1") { height = this.windowHeight - $(this.settings.store_locator_search_box).height(); } resultList.css('max-height', height); }, initModal: function(callback) { var store_modal = $(this.settings.store_modal); var store_modal_button = $(this.settings.store_modal_button); var store_modal_close = $(this.settings.store_modal_close); var that = this; store_modal_button.on('click', function() {; store_modal.modal('show'); callback(); }); store_modal_close.on('click', function() { store_modal.hide(); $('.modal-backdrop').remove(); store_modal.modal('hide'); }); }, initStoreLocator: function() { var that = this; // Do not load Map again when Modal gets reopened if(that.isEmpty({ that.initMap(function(){ if(that.settings.searchBoxAutocomplete === "1") { that.initAutocomplete(); } that.initStoreLocatorButton(); that.initGetCurrentPositionLink(); that.initGetAllStoresLink(); that.autoHeightMap(); that.watchMapDragged(); that.watchAddressFieldEmpty(); that.watchDraggedButton(); that.initFilter(); var predefinedAddress = that.getParameterByName('location'); if(that.settings.searchBoxAutolocate === "1" && that.isEmpty(predefinedAddress)) { if(that.settings.searchBoxSaveAutolocate === "1") { that.getCurrentPosition(); } else { that.getCurrentPosition(false); } } else { if(!that.isEmpty(predefinedAddress)) { var addressField = $(that.settings.store_locator_address_field); addressField.val(predefinedAddress); that.geocodeAddress(predefinedAddress); // Default Lat Lng } else { var currentPosition = new google.maps.LatLng(Number(that.settings.mapDefaultLat), Number(that.settings.mapDefaultLng)); that.setCurrentPosition(currentPosition); } } }); } }, initMap: function(callback) { var mapContainer = $(this.settings.map_container); var mapDefaultZoom = this.settings.mapDefaultZoom; var mapDefaultType = this.settings.mapDefaultType; var mapDefaultLat = Number(this.settings.mapDefaultLat); var mapDefaultLng = Number(this.settings.mapDefaultLng); var mapStyling = this.settings.mapStyling; if( !this.isEmpty(mapStyling) ) { mapStyling = JSON.parse(mapStyling); } else { mapStyling = ""; } // Construct Map = new google.maps.Map(mapContainer[0], { zoom: mapDefaultZoom, center: new google.maps.LatLng(mapDefaultLat, mapDefaultLng), mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId[mapDefaultType], scrollwheel: false, styles: mapStyling }); callback(); }, getCurrentPosition: function(useCookie) { var that = this; var ip_geoservice = ""; var cookieLat = that.getCookie('store_locator_lat'); var cookieLng = that.getCookie('store_locator_lng'); var currentPosition; that.maybeShowLoading(); if (typeof(useCookie)==='undefined') useCookie = true; if(cookieLat !== "" && cookieLng !== "" && useCookie === true){ currentPosition = new google.maps.LatLng(cookieLat, cookieLng); } if(typeof(currentPosition) == "undefined") { if (navigator.geolocation) { var options = { enableHighAccuracy: true, timeout: 8000, maximumAge: 0 }; navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) { var currentPosition = new google.maps.LatLng(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude); document.cookie="store_locator_lat="+position.coords.latitude; document.cookie="store_locator_lng="+position.coords.longitude; that.setCurrentPosition(currentPosition, true); }, function(error) { console.log(error); if(that.settings.searchBoxAutolocateIP == "1") { console.log('Getting position via IP!'); $.getJSON(ip_geoservice) .done(function( location ) { var ipLat =; var ipLng = location.lon; if(ipLat == "" || ipLng == "") { alert('Could not find your position. Please enter it manually.'); that.maybeShowLoading(); return; } var currentPosition = new google.maps.LatLng(ipLat, ipLng); document.cookie="store_locator_lat="+ipLat; document.cookie="store_locator_lng="+ipLng; that.setCurrentPosition(currentPosition, true); }); } else { console.log('HTML5 Position disabled'); alert('Could not find your position. Please enter it manually.'); that.maybeShowLoading(); } }, options); } else { if(that.settings.searchBoxAutolocateIP == "1") { console.log('Browser Geolocation not supported! Getting position via IP'); $.getJSON(ip_geoservice) .done(function( location ) { var ipLat =; var ipLng = location.lon; if(ipLat == "" || ipLng == "") { alert('Could not find your position. Please enter it manually.'); that.maybeShowLoading(); return; } var currentPosition = new google.maps.LatLng(ipLat, ipLng); document.cookie="store_locator_lat="+ipLat; document.cookie="store_locator_lng="+ipLng; that.setCurrentPosition(currentPosition, true); }); } else { console.log('Browser Geolocation not supported!'); alert('Could not find your position. Please enter it manually.'); that.maybeShowLoading(); } } } else { that.setCurrentPosition(currentPosition, true); } }, setCurrentPosition: function(latlng, override) { var that = this; var store_locator_address_field = $(this.settings.store_locator_address_field); this.currentPosition = latlng; =; this.lng = latlng.lng(); if(override) { that.maybeShowLoading(); } if(store_locator_address_field.val() === "" || override) { this.geocodeLatLng(function(address){ store_locator_address_field.val(address); }); } // Delete old marker if(!this.isEmpty(this.ownMarker)) { this.ownMarker.setMap(null); } this.ownMarker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: latlng, map:, title: that.settings.trans_your_position, icon: this.settings.mapDefaultUserIcon }); this.drawRadiusCircle(true); this.getStores(); }, drawRadiusCircle: function(inital) { var that = this; var mapRadius; var distanceUnit = this.settings.mapDistanceUnit; var earthRadius = this.settings.earthRadi[distanceUnit]; var selectedRadius = $(this.settings.store_locator_filter_radius).find(":selected").val(); if(!this.isEmpty(selectedRadius)){ this.radius = parseFloat(selectedRadius); } else { this.radius = parseFloat(this.settings.mapRadius); } if(!this.isEmpty(this.radiusCircle) && typeof(this.radiusCircle.setMap) !== "undefined") { this.radiusCircle.setMap(null); } if(this.settings.mapDrawRadiusCircle === "0"){ if(this.settings.mapRadiusToZoom === "1") {; } return false; } mapRadius = (this.radius / earthRadius) *; this.radiusCircle = new google.maps.Circle({ center: this.currentPosition, clickable: true, draggable: false, editable: false, fillColor: '#004de8', fillOpacity: 0.27, map:, radius: mapRadius, strokeColor: '#004de8', strokeOpacity: 0.62, strokeWeight: 1 }); if(inital !== true) {; } }, initAutocomplete: function() { var that = this; var addressField = $(this.settings.store_locator_address_field); var countryRestrict = this.settings.autocompleteCountryRestrict; var type = this.settings.autocompleteType; var map =; if ( !addressField) { return; } var autocompleteOptions = {}; if(!that.isEmpty(countryRestrict)) { autocompleteOptions.componentRestrictions = {'country' : countryRestrict.split(',') }; } if(!that.isEmpty(type)) { autocompleteOptions.types = [type]; } else { autocompleteOptions.types = ['geocode']; } var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(addressField[0], autocompleteOptions); autocomplete.bindTo('bounds', map); autocomplete.addListener('place_changed', function(e){ var place = autocomplete.getPlace(); if(!that.isEmpty(place.formatted_address)) { that.geocodeAddress(place.formatted_address); } else { that.geocodeAddress(; } }); var predefinedAddress = that.getParameterByName('location'); if(!that.isEmpty(predefinedAddress)) { addressField.val(predefinedAddress); that.geocodeAddress(predefinedAddress); } }, initStoreLocatorButton: function() { var that = this; var button = $(this.settings.store_locator_find_stores_button); var addressField = $(this.settings.store_locator_address_field); var currentAddress; button.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); currentAddress = addressField.val(); that.geocodeAddress(currentAddress); }); }, watchAddressFieldEmpty : function() { var that = this; var address_field = $(that.settings.store_locator_address_field); address_field.on('keyup', function(e) { var $this = $(this); var val = $this.val() if(val == "") { $this.css('border', '2px solid red'); } else { $this.css('border', 'none'); } }); }, initGetCurrentPositionLink: function() { var that = this; var store_locator_get_my_position = $(this.settings.store_locator_get_my_position); store_locator_get_my_position.on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); that.getCurrentPosition(false); }); }, initGetAllStoresLink: function() { var that = this; var store_locator_get_all_stores = $(this.settings.store_locator_get_all_stores); store_locator_get_all_stores.on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); that.maybeShowLoading(); that.getAllStores('', '', function(response) { if(!that.isEmpty(that.radiusCircle) && typeof(that.radiusCircle.setMap) !== "undefined") { that.radiusCircle.setMap(null); }; var allStoresPosition = new google.maps.LatLng(Number(that.settings.searchBoxShowShowAllStoresLat), Number(that.settings.searchBoxShowShowAllStoresLng));; that.createMarker(response); that.createResultList(response); that.maybeShowLoading(); }); }); }, maybeShowLoading: function() { var store_locator_loading = $(this.settings.store_locator_loading); if(store_locator_loading.hasClass('store-locator-hidden')) { store_locator_loading.removeClass('store-locator-hidden'); } else { store_locator_loading.addClass('store-locator-hidden'); } }, geocodeAddress: function (address) { var that = this; var countryRestrict = that.settings.autocompleteCountryRestrict; if ( address ) { if(!that.isEmpty(countryRestrict)) { var address2 = { address: address, // componentRestrictions : {'country' : countryRestrict } }; } else { var address2 = { address: address, }; } this.geocoder.geocode( address2, function ( results, status ) { if ( status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK ) { that.setCurrentPosition(results[0].geometry.location); } } ); } else { $(that.settings.store_locator_address_field).css('border', '2px solid red'); } }, geocodeLatLng: function (callback) { var that = this; var latlng = {lat:, lng: this.lng}; this.geocoder.geocode({'location': latlng}, function(results, status) { if (status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { if (results[1]) { callback(results[1].formatted_address); } else { window.alert('No results found'); } } else { window.alert('Geocoder failed due to: ' + status); } }); }, autoHeightMap: function() { var mapContainer = $(this.settings.map_container); var store_locator_sidebar = $(this.settings.store_locator_sidebar); var mapHeight = $(store_locator_sidebar).height(); if(mapHeight < this.settings.map_min_height) { mapHeight = this.settings.map_min_height; } if(this.settings.mapFullHeight == "1") { mapHeight = this.windowHeight; } mapContainer.css('height', mapHeight); google.maps.event.trigger(, "resize"); }, getStores: function() { var that = this; that.maybeShowLoading(); jQuery.ajax({ url: that.settings.ajax_url, type: 'post', dataType: 'JSON', data: { action: 'get_stores', lat:, lng: that.lng, radius: that.radius, categories: that.categories, filter: that.filter, }, success : function( response ) { that.createMarker(response); that.createResultList(response); that.maybeShowLoading(); if (window.history.replaceState) { that.buildReplaceState(); } that.drawRadiusCircle(); }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { that.maybeShowLoading(); alert('An Error Occured: ' + jqXHR.status + ' ' + errorThrown + '! Please contact System Administrator!'); } }); }, createMarker: function(stores) { var that = this; var storesLength = Object.keys(stores).length; var store; var i = 0; var marker; var map =; var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: "" }); // Clean markers while(this.markers.length){ this.markers.pop().setMap(null); } // Create Markers if(storesLength > 0) { for (i; i < storesLength; i++) { store = stores[i]; =; = store; store.position = new google.maps.LatLng(, store.lng); if(!that.isEmpty(store.ic)) { store.icon = store.ic; } else if(!that.isEmpty(that.settings.store_locator_category_icon)) { store.icon = that.settings.store_locator_category_icon; } else { store.icon = that.settings.mapDefaultIcon; } // Label? // store.label = i.toString(); marker = new google.maps.Marker(store); this.markers.push(marker); if(this.settings.infowindowEnabled === "1") { this.createInfowindow(marker, map, infowindow, store); } } } }, createInfowindow: function(marker, map, infowindow, store) { var that = this; var infowindowLinkAction = this.settings.infowindowLinkAction; store.infowindowAction =; if(infowindowLinkAction == "web") { store.infowindowAction = store.we; } if(infowindowLinkAction == "tel") { store.infowindowAction = 'tel:' + store.te; } if(infowindowLinkAction == "email") { store.infowindowAction = 'mailto:' + store.em; } var infowindowLinkActionNewTab = ''; if(this.settings.infowindowLinkActionNewTab == "1") { infowindowLinkActionNewTab = ' target="_blank" '; } if(!that.isEmpty(that.settings.showContactStorePage)) { var arr = that.settings.showContactStorePage.split('?'); if (arr.length > 1 && arr[1] !== '') { var showContactStorePage = that.settings.showContactStorePage + '&'; } else { var showContactStorePage = that.settings.showContactStorePage + '?'; } } var content = '<div id="store_locator_infowindow_' + store.ID + '" class="store_locator_infowindow">' + '<div class="store-locator-col-sm-' + that.settings.infowindowDetailsColumns + ' store_locator_details">'; if(this.settings.infowindowLinkAction !== "none") { content += '<a href="' + store.infowindowAction + '" ' + infowindowLinkActionNewTab + '>' + '<h3 class="store_locator_name">' + + ' <i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i></h3>' + '</a>'; } else { content += '<h3 class="store_locator_name">' + + '</h3>'; } content += !that.isEmpty(store.dc) ? '<span class="store_locator_distance">' + that.settings.showDistanceText + ': ' + store.dc + '<br/></span>' : ''; content += '<p class="store_locator_address">'; if(that.settings.showAddressStyle == "american") { content += !that.isEmpty( ? '<span class="store_locator_street">' + + '<br/></span>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty(store.ct) ? '<span class="store_locator_city">' + store.ct + ', </span>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty(store.rg) ? '<span class="store_locator_region">' + store.rg + ' </span>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty(store.zp) ? '<span class="store_locator_zip">' + store.zp + '<br/></span>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty( ? '<span class="store_locator_country">' + + '</span>' : ''; } else { content += !that.isEmpty( ? '<span class="store_locator_street">' + + '<br/></span>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty(store.zp) ? '<span class="store_locator_zip">' + store.zp + '</span>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty(store.ct) ? '<span class="store_locator_city">' + store.ct + '<br/></span>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty(store.rg) ? '<span class="store_locator_region">' + store.rg + '</span>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty( ? '<span class="store_locator_country">' + + '</span>' : ''; } content += '</p>' + '<p class="store_locator_contact">'; content += !that.isEmpty(store.te) ? '<span class="store_locator_tel">' + that.settings.showTelephoneText + ': <a href="tel:' + store.te + '">' + store.te + '</a><br/></span>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty(store.em) ? '<span class="store_locator_email">' + that.settings.showEmailText + ': <a href="mailto:' + store.em + '">' + store.em + '</a><br/></span>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty( ? '<span class="store_locator_mobile">' + that.settings.showMobileText + ': <a href="tel:' + + '">' + + '</a><br/></span>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty(store.fa) ? '<span class="store_locator_fax">' + that.settings.showFaxText + ': ' + store.fa + '<br/></span>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty(store.we) ? '<span class="store_locator_website">' + that.settings.showWebsiteText + ': <a href="' + store.we + '" target="_blank">' + store.we + '</a><br/></span>' : ''; content += '</p>' + '<p class="store_locator_actions">'; if(that.settings.showGetDirectionEmptySource == "1") { content += !that.isEmpty( ? '<a href="' + + ',' + store.lng + '" class="btn button btn-primary btn-lg store_locator_get_direction" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-compass"></i> '+ that.settings.showGetDirectionText+'</a>' : ''; } else { content += !that.isEmpty( ? '<a href="' + + ',' + this.lng + '&daddr=' + + ',' + store.lng + '" class="btn button btn-primary btn-lg store_locator_get_direction" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-compass"></i> '+ that.settings.showGetDirectionText+'</a>' : ''; } content += !that.isEmpty(that.settings.showContactStorePage) ? '<a href="' + showContactStorePage + 'store_id=' + store.ID + '&address=' + encodeURIComponent($(that.settings.store_locator_address_field).val()) + '&lat=' + + '&lng=' + that.lng + '" class="btn button btn-primary btn-lg store_locator_contact_store"><i class="fa fa-mail-forward"></i> '+that.settings.showContactStoreText+'</a>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty(store.te) ? '<a href="tel:' + store.te + '" class="btn button btn-primary btn-lg store_locator_call_now"><i class="fa fa-phone"></i> '+that.settings.showCallNowText+'</a>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty(store.we) ? '<a href="' + store.we + '" class="btn button btn-primary btn-lg store_locator_visit_website" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-globe"></i> '+that.settings.showVisitWebsiteText+'</a>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty(store.em) ? '<a href="mailto:' + store.em + '" class="btn button btn-primary btn-lg store_locator_write_email"><i class="fa fa-envelope-o"></i> '+that.settings.showWriteEmailText+'</a>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty(that.settings.showVisitStore) ? '<a href="' + + '" class="btn button btn-primary btn-lg store_locator_visit_store"><i class="fa fa-long-arrow-right"></i> '+that.settings.showVisitStoreText+'</a>' : ''; content += '</p>' + '</div>'; content += !that.isEmpty( ? '<div class="store-locator-col-sm-' + that.settings.infowindowImageColumns + ' store_locator_image"> <img src="' + + '" class="img-responsive" width="'+that.settings.imageDimensions.width+'" height="'+that.settings.imageDimensions.height+'" /></div>' : ''; if(!that.isEmpty(store.op)) { content += '<div class="store-locator-col-sm-' + that.settings.infowindowOpeningHoursColumns + ' store_locator_opening_hours">' + that.createOpeningHoursTable(store.op, false)+ '</div>'; } if(!that.isEmpty(store.op2)) { content += '<div class="store-locator-col-sm-' + that.settings.infowindowOpeningHoursColumns + ' store_locator_opening_hours2">' + that.createOpeningHoursTable(store.op2, true)+ '</div>'; } content += !that.isEmpty( ? '<div class="store-locator-col-sm-12 store_locator_description">' + '' + + '' + '</div>' : ''; content += '</div>'; marker.addListener('click', function() { if(!that.isEmpty(store.ic)) { this.setIcon(store.ic); } else if(!that.isEmpty(that.settings.store_locator_category_icon)) { this.setIcon(that.settings.store_locator_category_icon); } else { this.setIcon(that.settings.mapDefaultIconHover); } infowindow.setContent(content);, this); if(that.settings.mapPanToOnHover == "1") {; } google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function() { infowindow.close(); }); google.maps.event.addListener(that.radiusCircle, 'click', function() { infowindow.close(); }); }); if(that.settings.infowindowOpenOnMouseover == "1") { marker.addListener('mouseover', function() { if(that.settings.infowindowCheckClosed == "1") { if(!that.isInfoWindowOpen(infowindow)) { google.maps.event.trigger(this, 'click'); } } else { google.maps.event.trigger(this, 'click'); } }); } marker.addListener('mouseout', function() { if(!that.isEmpty(store.ic)) { this.setIcon(store.ic); } else if(!that.isEmpty(that.settings.store_locator_category_icon)) { this.setIcon(that.settings.store_locator_category_icon); } else { this.setIcon(that.settings.mapDefaultIcon); } }); }, createResultList: function(stores) { var that = this; var storesLength = Object.keys(stores).length; var resultList = $(this.settings.result_list); var resultListIconEnabled = this.settings.resultListIconEnabled; var resultListIcon = this.settings.resultListIcon; var resultListIconSize = this.settings.resultListIconSize; var resultListIconColor = this.settings.resultListIconColor; var resultListPremiumIconEnabled = this.settings.resultListPremiumIconEnabled; var resultListPremiumIcon = this.settings.resultListPremiumIcon; var resultListPremiumIconSize = this.settings.resultListPremiumIconSize; var resultListPremiumIconColor = this.settings.resultListPremiumIconColor; var resultListLinkAction = this.settings.resultListLinkAction; var store; var premiumClass; var i = 0; var content; var filterBadges; if(!that.isEmpty(that.settings.showContactStorePage)) { var arr = that.settings.showContactStorePage.split('?'); if (arr.length > 1 && arr[1] !== '') { var showContactStorePage = that.settings.showContactStorePage + '&'; } else { var showContactStorePage = that.settings.showContactStorePage + '?'; } } resultList.html(''); if(storesLength > 0) { for (i; i < storesLength; i++) { store = stores[i]; content = ''; premiumClass = ''; if( === "1") { premiumClass = ' store-locator-is-premium'; } if(resultListIconEnabled === "1") { content += '<div class="store-locator-col-sm-2 store_locator_icon store-locator-hidden-sm store-locator-hidden-xs">' + '<i style="color: '+ resultListIconColor +';" class="fa '+ resultListIcon +' ' + resultListIconSize +'"></i>' + '</div>' + '<div class="store-locator-col-sm-10 store_locator_details">'; } else if(that.settings.showImage == "1" && { content += '<div class="store-locator-col-sm-4 store_locator_image_container ' + that.settings.imagePosition + '">'; content += !that.isEmpty( ? '<img src="' + + '" class="store-locator-img-responsive" width="'+that.settings.imageDimensions.width+'" height="'+that.settings.imageDimensions.height+'" />' : ''; content += '</div>'; content += '<div class="store-locator-col-sm-8 store_locator_details">'; } else { content += '<div class="store-locator-col-sm-12 store_locator_details ' + premiumClass + '">'; } var resultListLinkAction = this.settings.resultListLinkAction; store.resultListLinkAction =; if(resultListLinkAction == "web") { store.resultListLinkAction = store.we; } if(resultListLinkAction == "tel") { store.resultListLinkAction = 'tel:' + store.te; } if(resultListLinkAction == "email") { store.resultListLinkAction = 'mailto:' + store.em; } var resultListLinkActionNewTab = ''; if(this.settings.resultListLinkActionNewTab == "1") { resultListLinkActionNewTab = ' target="_blank" '; } if(this.settings.resultListLinkAction !== "none") { content += '<a href="' + store.resultListLinkAction + '" ' + resultListLinkActionNewTab + '>' + '<h3 class="store_locator_name">' + + ' <i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i></h3>' + '</a>'; } else { content += '<h3 class="store_locator_name">' + + '</h3>'; } content += !that.isEmpty(store.dc) ? '<span class="store_locator_distance">' + that.settings.showDistanceText + ': ' + store.dc + '<br/></span>' : ''; filterBadges = ""; if(!that.isEmpty( { $.each(, function(i, item){ filterBadges += that.createBadge(item); }); } if(!that.isEmpty( { $.each(, function(i, item){ filterBadges += that.createBadge(item); }); } content += !that.isEmpty(filterBadges) ? '<span class="store_locator_badges">' + filterBadges + '<br/></span>' : ''; '<p class="store_locator_address">'; if(that.settings.showAddressStyle == "american") { content += !that.isEmpty( ? '<span class="store_locator_street">' + + '<br/></span>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty(store.ct) ? '<span class="store_locator_city">' + store.ct + ', </span>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty(store.rg) ? '<span class="store_locator_region">' + store.rg + ' </span>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty(store.zp) ? '<span class="store_locator_zip">' + store.zp + '<br/></span>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty( ? '<span class="store_locator_country">' + + '</span>' : ''; } else { content += !that.isEmpty( ? '<span class="store_locator_street">' + + '<br/></span>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty(store.zp) ? '<span class="store_locator_zip">' + store.zp + '</span>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty(store.ct) ? '<span class="store_locator_city">' + store.ct + '<br/></span>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty(store.rg) ? '<span class="store_locator_region">' + store.rg + '</span>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty( ? '<span class="store_locator_country">' + + '</span>' : ''; } content += '</p>' + '<p class="store_locator_contact">'; content += !that.isEmpty(store.te) ? '<span class="store_locator_tel">' + that.settings.showTelephoneText + ': <a href="tel:' + store.te + '">' + store.te + '</a><br/></span>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty(store.em) ? '<span class="store_locator_email">' + that.settings.showEmailText + ': <a href="mailto:' + store.em + '">' + store.em + '</a><br/></span>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty( ? '<span class="store_locator_mobile">' + that.settings.showMobileText + ': <a href="tel:' + + '">' + + '</a><br/></span>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty(store.fa) ? '<span class="store_locator_fax">' + that.settings.showFaxText + ': ' + store.fa + '</span>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty(store.we) ? '<span class="store_locator_website">' + that.settings.showWebsiteText + ': <a href="' + store.we + '" target="_blank">' + store.we + '</a><br/></span>' : ''; content += '</p>'; content += !that.isEmpty( ? '<div class="store-locator-col-sm-12 store_locator_result_list_description">' + '<p>' + + '</p>' + '</div>' : ''; if(!that.isEmpty(store.op)) { content += '<div class="store_locator_opening_hours">' + that.createOpeningHoursTable(store.op, false)+ '</div>'; } if(!that.isEmpty(store.op2)) { content += '<div class="store_locator_opening_hours2">' + that.createOpeningHoursTable(store.op2, true)+ '</div>'; } content += '<p class="store_locator_actions">'; if(that.settings.showGetDirectionEmptySource == "1") { content += !that.isEmpty( ? '<a href="' + + ',' + store.lng + '" class="btn button btn-primary btn-lg store_locator_get_direction" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-compass"></i> '+ that.settings.showGetDirectionText+'</a>' : ''; } else { content += !that.isEmpty( ? '<a href="' + + ',' + this.lng + '&daddr=' + + ',' + store.lng + '" class="btn button btn-primary btn-lg store_locator_get_direction" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-compass"></i> '+ that.settings.showGetDirectionText+'</a>' : ''; } content += !that.isEmpty(that.settings.showContactStorePage) ? '<a href="' + showContactStorePage + 'store_id=' + store.ID + '&address=' + encodeURIComponent($(that.settings.store_locator_address_field).val()) + '&lat=' + + '&lng=' + that.lng + '" class="btn button btn-primary btn-lg store_locator_contact_store"><i class="fa fa-mail-forward"></i> '+that.settings.showContactStoreText+'</a>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty(store.te) ? '<a href="tel:' + store.te + '" class="btn button btn-primary btn-lg store_locator_call_now"><i class="fa fa-phone"></i> '+that.settings.showCallNowText+'</a>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty(store.we) ? '<a href="' + store.we + '" class="btn button btn-primary btn-lg store_locator_visit_website" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-globe"></i> '+that.settings.showVisitWebsiteText+'</a>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty(store.em) ? '<a href="mailto:' + store.em + '" class="btn button btn-primary btn-lg store_locator_write_email"><i class="fa fa-envelope-o"></i> '+that.settings.showWriteEmailText+'</a>' : ''; content += !that.isEmpty(that.settings.showVisitStore) ? '<a href="' + + '" class="btn button btn-primary btn-lg store_locator_visit_store"><i class="fa fa-long-arrow-right"></i> '+that.settings.showVisitStoreText+'</a>' : ''; content += '<a class="btn button btn-primary btn-lg store_locator_show_on_map"><i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i> '+ that.settings.showShowOnMapText + '</a>'; content += '</p></div>'; var render = ''; render = '<div id="store_locator_result_list_item_' + store.ID + '" class="store_locator_result_list_item">' + '<div class="store-locator-row">'; render += content; if(resultListPremiumIconEnabled === "1" && === "1") { render += '<i style="color: '+ resultListPremiumIconColor +'; position: absolute; top: 5px; z-index: 999999; right: 10px;" class="fa '+ resultListPremiumIcon +' ' + resultListPremiumIconSize +'"></i>'; } render += '</div>' + '</div>'; resultList.append(render); } } else { if(this.settings.mapExtendRadius === "1") { if(!$(this.settings.store_locator_filter_radius + " option:last").is(":selected")) { $(this.settings.store_locator_filter_radius + ' option:selected').prop('selected', false).next().prop('selected', 'selected').trigger('change'); } else { this.noResults(); } } else { this.noResults(); } } this.autoHeightMap();; this.window.trigger('resize'); if(this.settings.resultListHover == "1") { this.resultItemHover(); } if(this.settings.showShowOnMap == "1") { this.showOnMap(); } }, createOpeningHoursTable: function(openingHours, two) { var that = this; var table = ''; $.each(openingHours, function(i, item) { if(that.isEmpty(item)) { return true; } if(i % 2 === 0) { table += '<div class="store-locator-row">'; table += '<div class="store-locator-col-sm-12">'; } if(two) { if(i % 2 === 0) { if(i === "0") { table += that.settings.showOpeningHours2Monday; } if(i === "2") { table += that.settings.showOpeningHours2Tuesday; } if(i === "4") { table += that.settings.showOpeningHours2Wednesday; } if(i === "6") { table += that.settings.showOpeningHours2Thursday; } if(i === "8") { table += that.settings.showOpeningHours2Friday; } if(i === "10") { table += that.settings.showOpeningHours2Saturday; } if(i === "12") { table += that.settings.showOpeningHours2Sunday; } table += ': ' + item; } else { table += " - " + item + ' ' + that.settings.showOpeningHours2Clock; } } else { if(i % 2 === 0) { if(i === "0") { table += that.settings.showOpeningHoursMonday; } if(i === "2") { table += that.settings.showOpeningHoursTuesday; } if(i === "4") { table += that.settings.showOpeningHoursWednesday; } if(i === "6") { table += that.settings.showOpeningHoursThursday; } if(i === "8") { table += that.settings.showOpeningHoursFriday; } if(i === "10") { table += that.settings.showOpeningHoursSaturday; } if(i === "12") { table += that.settings.showOpeningHoursSunday; } table += ': ' + item; } else { table += " - " + item + ' ' + that.settings.showOpeningHoursClock; } } if(i % 2 !== 0) { table += '</div>'; table += '</div>'; } }); if(!that.isEmpty(table)) { if(two) { var title = '<h3 class="store_locator_opening_hours_title2">' + that.settings.showOpeningHours2Text + '</h3>'; } else { var title = '<h3 class="store_locator_opening_hours_title">' + that.settings.showOpeningHoursText + '</h3>'; } table = '<div class="store-locator-opening-hours" id="store-locator-opening-hours">' + table + '</div>'; table = title + table; } return table; }, createBadge: function(value) { var that = this; var badgeCSS = that.slugify(value); var template = '<span class="store-locator-label store-locator-label-success ' + badgeCSS + '">%s</span> '; return that.sprintf(template, value); }, noResults: function() { var resultList = $(this.settings.result_list); resultList.html(''); resultList.append('<h4 class="store_locator_no_stores">' + this.settings.resultListNoResultsText + '</h4>'); this.autoHeightMap(); }, resultItemHover: function() { var that = this; var resultList = $(this.settings.result_list); $('.store_locator_result_list_item').each(function(i, item){ $(item).on('mouseenter', function(){ google.maps.event.trigger(that.markers[i], 'click'); }); }); }, showOnMap: function() { var that = this; var resultList = $(this.settings.result_list); $('.store_locator_show_on_map').each(function(i, item){ $(item).on('click', function(){ google.maps.event.trigger(that.markers[i], 'click'); }); }); }, initFilter: function() { var that = this; var store_locator_filter_open_close = $(this.settings.store_locator_filter_open_close); var store_locator_filter_icon = store_locator_filter_open_close.find('i'); store_locator_filter_open_close.on('click', function(){ that.maybeShowFilter(); }); that.watchRadiusSelection(); that.watchCategoriesSelection(); that.watchCheckboxFilter(); that.watchSelectFilter(); that.updateActiveFilter(); }, maybeShowFilter: function() { var store_locator_filter_content = $(this.settings.store_locator_filter_content); var store_locator_filter_open_close = $(this.settings.store_locator_filter_open_close); var store_locator_filter_icon = store_locator_filter_open_close.find('i'); if(":hidden")) { store_locator_filter_icon.removeClass('fa-chevron-down'); store_locator_filter_icon.addClass('fa-chevron-up'); store_locator_filter_content.fadeIn(); } else { store_locator_filter_icon.addClass('fa-chevron-down'); store_locator_filter_icon.removeClass('fa-chevron-up'); store_locator_filter_content.fadeOut(); } }, watchRadiusSelection: function() { var that = this; var selectedRadius = $(this.settings.store_locator_filter_radius); selectedRadius.on('change', function(){ that.drawRadiusCircle(); that.updateActiveFilter(); that.getStores(); }); var predefinedRadius = that.getParameterByName('radius'); if(!that.isEmpty(predefinedRadius)) { var options = selectedRadius.find('option'); $.each(options, function(i, index) { var option = $(this); option.prop('selected', false); if(option.val() == predefinedRadius) { option.prop('selected', true); } }); } }, watchCategoriesSelection: function() { var that = this; var selectedCategories = $(this.settings.store_locator_filter_categories); if(selectedCategories.length == 0) { var selectedCategories = $('.store_locator_category_filter_image'); var selectedCategoryID = $('.store_locator_category_filter_image[data-selected="selected"]').data('category'); if(selectedCategoryID > 0) { that.categories = {0: selectedCategoryID }; } selectedCategories.on('click', function(){ var selected = $(this); selectedCategoryID ='category'); $('.show_for_store_category').hide(function() { $('.show_for_store_category_' + selectedCategoryID).show(); }); selectedCategories.each(function(i, index) { $(this).removeClass('store_locator_category_filter_image_selected'); }); selected.addClass('store_locator_category_filter_image_selected'); var categoryIcon = $(selected).data('icon'); if(!that.isEmpty(categoryIcon)) { that.settings.store_locator_category_icon = categoryIcon; } else { that.settings.store_locator_category_icon = ''; } that.categories = {0: selectedCategoryID }; that.updateActiveFilter(); that.getStores(); }); } else { var selectedCategoryID = selectedCategories.find(':selected').val(); var predefinedCategory = that.getParameterByName('category'); if(!that.isEmpty(predefinedCategory) ) { var tst = selectedCategories.val(predefinedCategory); selectedCategoryID = predefinedCategory; } that.categories = {0: selectedCategoryID }; selectedCategories.on('change', function(){ var selected = selectedCategories.find(':selected'); selectedCategoryID = selected.val(); $('.show_for_store_category').hide(function() { $('.show_for_store_category_' + selectedCategoryID).show(); }); var categoryIcon = $(selected).data('icon'); if(!that.isEmpty(categoryIcon)) { that.settings.store_locator_category_icon = categoryIcon; } else { that.settings.store_locator_category_icon = ''; } that.categories = {0: selectedCategoryID }; that.updateActiveFilter(); that.getStores(); }); } }, watchCheckboxFilter: function() { var that = this; var filterCheckboxes = $(this.settings.store_locator_filter_checkbox); var filterSelects = $(this.settings.store_locator_filter_select); var predefinedFilter = that.getQuerystringData('filter[]'); if(typeof predefinedFilter == 'string' ) { predefinedFilter = {0 : predefinedFilter}; } if(typeof predefinedFilter == 'undefined' ) { predefinedFilter = {}; } filterCheckboxes.each(function(i, item) { var checkbox = $(item); if(!that.isEmpty(predefinedFilter)) { $.each(predefinedFilter, function(i, index) { if(checkbox.prop('name') == index) { checkbox.prop('checked', 'checked'); } }); } var isChecked =":checked"); if(isChecked) { var filter = checkbox.prop("name"); that.filter[filter] = filter; } }); $(filterCheckboxes).on('change', function () { that.filter = {}; filterCheckboxes.each(function(i, item) { var checkbox = $(item); var isChecked =":checked"); if(isChecked) { var filter = checkbox.prop("name"); that.filter[filter] = filter; } }); filterSelects.each(function(i, item) { var select = $(item); var isSelected = select.find(":selected"); if(isSelected) { var filter = isSelected.val(); if(!that.isEmpty(filter)) { that.filter[filter] = filter; } } }); that.updateActiveFilter(); that.getStores(); }); }, watchSelectFilter: function() { var that = this; var filterSelects = $(this.settings.store_locator_filter_select); var filterCheckboxes = $(this.settings.store_locator_filter_checkbox); var predefinedFilter = that.getQuerystringData('filter[]'); if(typeof predefinedFilter == 'string' ) { predefinedFilter = {0 : predefinedFilter}; } if(typeof predefinedFilter == 'undefined' ) { predefinedFilter = {}; } filterSelects.each(function(i, item) { var select = $(item); var options = select.find('option'); options.each(function(i, item) { var option = $(this); if(!that.isEmpty(predefinedFilter)) { $.each(predefinedFilter, function(i, index) { if(option.val() == index) { select.val(index); } }); } var isSelected = select.find(":selected"); if(isSelected) { var filter = isSelected.val(); if(!that.isEmpty(filter)) { that.filter[filter] = filter; } } }); }); $(filterSelects).on('change', function () { that.filter = {}; filterSelects.each(function(i, item) { var select = $(item); var isSelected = select.find(":selected"); if(isSelected) { var filter = isSelected.val(); if(!that.isEmpty(filter)) { that.filter[filter] = filter; } } }); filterCheckboxes.each(function(i, item) { var checkbox = $(item); var isChecked =":checked"); if(isChecked) { var filter = checkbox.prop("name"); that.filter[filter] = filter; } }); that.updateActiveFilter(); that.getStores(); }); }, updateActiveFilter: function() { var that = this; var store_locator_filter = $(this.settings.store_locator_filter); var store_locator_filter_active_filter = $(this.settings.store_locator_filter_active_filter); var selectedCategories = store_locator_filter.find('select'); var selectedCheckboxFilters = store_locator_filter.find('input:checked'); var selectedSelectFilters = store_locator_filter.find('.single_filter_filter select :selected'); var selectedImageFilters = store_locator_filter.find('.store_locator_category_filter_image_selected'); var template = '<span class="store_locator_filter_active store-locator-label store-locator-label-success %s">%s</span> '; var append = ""; store_locator_filter_active_filter.html(''); selectedCategories.each(function(i, item){ var val = $(item).find(':selected').val(); if(val !== "") { var text = $(item).find(':selected').text(); var slug = that.slugify(text); append = append + that.sprintf(template, slug, text); } }); selectedCheckboxFilters.each(function(i, item) { var text = $(item).val(); var slug = that.slugify(text); append = append + that.sprintf(template, slug, text); }); selectedSelectFilters.each(function(i, item) { var text = $(item).val(); if(!that.isEmpty(text)) { var slug = that.slugify(text); append = append + that.sprintf(template, slug, text); } }); selectedImageFilters.each(function(i, item) { var text = $(item).text(); if(!that.isEmpty(text)) { var slug = that.slugify(text); append = append + that.sprintf(template, slug, text); } }); store_locator_filter_active_filter.html(append); }, watchResize: function() { var store_locator_sidebar = $(this.settings.store_locator_sidebar); var store_modal_close = $(this.settings.store_modal_close); var windowWidth = this.window.width(); var top; // if(windowWidth < 769) { // top = store_locator_sidebar.height() * -1; // store_modal_close.css('top', top); // } else { // top = 20; // store_modal_close.css('top', top); // } }, watchMapDragged : function() { var that = this; var map =; var store_locator_dragged_button = $(that.settings.store_locator_dragged_button); store_locator_dragged_button.fadeOut(); google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'dragend', function(e) { store_locator_dragged_button.fadeIn(); } ); }, watchDraggedButton : function () { var that = this; var store_locator_dragged_button = $(that.settings.store_locator_dragged_button); store_locator_dragged_button.on('click', function(e) { store_locator_dragged_button.fadeOut(); var coords =; var currentPosition = new google.maps.LatLng(, coords.lng()); that.setCurrentPosition(currentPosition); }); }, radiusToZoom: function(radius){ return Math.round(14-Math.log(radius)/Math.LN2); }, initForm : function() { var that = this; var predefinedAddress = that.getParameterByName('address'); var predefinedLat = that.getParameterByName('lat'); var predefinedLng = that.getParameterByName('lng'); var addressField = $(this.settings.store_locator_form_customer_address); var address = addressField.val(); var lat, lng; if(!that.isEmpty(predefinedAddress) && that.isEmpty(address)) { addressField.val(predefinedAddress); } if(!that.isEmpty(predefinedLat) && !that.isEmpty(predefinedLng)) { lat = predefinedLat; lng = predefinedLng; } that.watchFormSelectField(); that.watchFormAddressField(); that.initFormAutocomplete(); that.loadFormStores(lat, lng); }, initNearestStore : function () { var that = this; var predefinedLat = that.getParameterByName('lat'); var predefinedLng = that.getParameterByName('lng'); var lat, lng; if (navigator.geolocation) { var options = { enableHighAccuracy: true, timeout: 5000, maximumAge: 0 }; navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) { var currentPosition = new google.maps.LatLng(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude); jQuery.ajax({ url: that.settings.ajax_url, type: 'post', dataType: 'JSON', data: { action: 'get_nearest_store', lat:, lng: currentPosition.lng(), day: new Date().getDay() }, success : function( response ) { var nearest_store_text = ''; if(!that.isEmpty( { nearest_store_text +=; } if(!that.isEmpty(response.op)) { nearest_store_text += response.op + ' ' + that.settings.showOpeningHoursClock; } nearest_store_text = '<a href="' + + '" class="store_locator_visit_nearest_store">' + nearest_store_text + '</a>'; $('.store_locator_nearest_store').html(nearest_store_text); }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert('An Error Occured: ' + jqXHR.status + ' ' + errorThrown + '! Please contact System Administrator!'); } }); }, function(error) { console.log(error); }, options); } }, loadFormStores : function(lat, lng) { var that = this; var storeSelectField = $(this.settings.store_locator_form_store_select); var addressField = $(this.settings.store_locator_form_customer_address); var address = addressField.val(); var predefinedStoreId = that.getParameterByName('store_id'); if( (that.isEmpty(lat) || that.isEmpty(lng)) && !that.isEmpty(address)) { that.geocoder.geocode( { 'address': address }, function ( results, status ) { if ( status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK ) { var location = results[0].geometry.location; lat =; lng = location.lng(); that.getAllStores(lat, lng, that.storesToSelectField, { store_id : predefinedStoreId, that: that}); } else { that.getAllStores(lat, lng, that.storesToSelectField, { store_id : predefinedStoreId, that: that}); } } ); } else { that.getAllStores(lat, lng, that.storesToSelectField, { store_id : predefinedStoreId, that: that}); } }, watchFormAddressField : function() { var that = this; var addressField = $(this.settings.store_locator_form_customer_address); addressField.on('focusout', function(e) { var $this = $(this); var val = $this.val() that.loadFormStores(); }); }, watchFormSelectField : function () { var that = this; var storeSelectField = $(this.settings.store_locator_form_store_select); var dataName, dataValue; storeSelectField.on('change', function(e) { var $this = $(this); var selected = storeSelectField.find(':selected'); var val = $this.val() var possibleData = [ 'name', 'address', 'zip', 'city', 'country', 'region', 'telephone', 'mobile', 'fax', 'email', 'website', ] $(possibleData).each(function(i, index) { var dataName = index; var dataValue =; if(typeof dataValue !== 'undefined') { dataValue = dataValue.toString(); } if(that.isEmpty(dataValue)) { dataValue = ""; } var inputField = $('input[name="store_locator_form_store_' + dataName + '"]'); if(inputField.length > 0) { inputField.val(dataValue); } var infoField = $('.store_locator_store_info_' + dataName); if(infoField.length > 0) { infoField.html(dataValue); } }); }); }, getAllStores: function(lat, lng, callback, options) { var that = this; jQuery.ajax({ url: that.settings.ajax_url, type: 'post', dataType: 'JSON', data: { action: 'get_all_stores', lat: lat, lng: lng, }, success : function( response ) { callback(response, options); }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert('An Error Occured: ' + jqXHR.status + ' ' + errorThrown + '! Please contact System Administrator!'); } }); }, // Form initFormAutocomplete: function() { var that = this; var addressField = $(this.settings.store_locator_form_customer_address); var countryRestrict = this.settings.autocompleteCountryRestrict; var type = this.settings.autocompleteType; var map =; if ( !addressField) { return; } var autocompleteOptions = {}; if(!that.isEmpty(countryRestrict)) { autocompleteOptions.componentRestrictions = {'country' : countryRestrict.split(',') }; } if(!that.isEmpty(type)) { autocompleteOptions.types = [type]; } else { autocompleteOptions.types = ['geocode']; } var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(addressField[0], autocompleteOptions); autocomplete.addListener('place_changed', function(e){ var place = autocomplete.getPlace(); if(!that.isEmpty(place.formatted_address)) { addressField.val(place.formatted_address).trigger('focusout'); } else { addressField.val('focusout'); } }); }, storesToSelectField: function(stores, options) { var that = options.that; var store_id = options.store_id var storeSelectField = $(that.settings.store_locator_form_store_select); var html = '<option value="">' + that.settings.trans_select_store + '</option>'; var storesLength = Object.keys(stores).length; var i = 0; var store; var selected; var data; var disabled; if(storesLength > 0) { for (i; i < storesLength; i++) { store = stores[i]; selected = ""; if(store.ID == store_id) { selected = 'selected="selected"'; } data = ""; if(!that.isEmpty( { data += ' data-name="' + + '"'; if(!that.isEmpty(store.distance)) { store.distance = parseFloat(store.distance).toFixed(2); = + ' (' + store.distance + ' ' + that.settings.mapDistanceUnit + ')'; } } if(!that.isEmpty( { data += ' data-address="' + + '"'; } if(!that.isEmpty(store.zp)) { data += ' data-zip="' + store.zp + '"'; } if(!that.isEmpty(store.ct)) { data += ' data-city="' + store.ct + '"'; } if(!that.isEmpty( { data += ' data-country="' + + '"'; } if(!that.isEmpty(store.rg)) { data += ' data-region="' + store.rg + '"'; } if(!that.isEmpty(store.te)) { data += ' data-telephone="' + store.te + '"'; } if(!that.isEmpty( { data += ' data-mobile="' + + '"'; } if(!that.isEmpty(store.fa)) { data += ' data-fax="' + store.fa + '"'; } if(!that.isEmpty(store.em)) { data += ' data-email="' + store.em + '"'; } if(!that.isEmpty(store.we)) { data += ' data-website="' + store.we + '"'; } html += '<option value="' + store.ID + '" ' + selected + ' ' + data + '>' + + '</option>'; } } storeSelectField.html(html).trigger('change'); }, initEmbeddedSearch : function() { var that = this; var addressField = $(this.settings.store_locator_address_field); var countryRestrict = this.settings.autocompleteCountryRestrict; var type = this.settings.autocompleteType; var map =; if ( !addressField) { return; } var autocompleteOptions = {}; if(!that.isEmpty(countryRestrict)) { autocompleteOptions.componentRestrictions = {'country' : countryRestrict.split(',') }; } if(!that.isEmpty(type)) { autocompleteOptions.types = [type]; } else { autocompleteOptions.types = ['geocode']; } var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(addressField[0], autocompleteOptions); autocomplete.addListener('place_changed', function(e){ var place = autocomplete.getPlace(); if(!that.isEmpty(place.formatted_address)) { addressField.val(place.formatted_address).trigger('focusout'); } else { addressField.val('focusout'); } }); var store_locator_get_my_position = $(this.settings.store_locator_get_my_position); store_locator_get_my_position.on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if (navigator.geolocation) { var options = { enableHighAccuracy: true, timeout: 5000, maximumAge: 0 }; navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) { if(addressField.val() === "") { var currentPosition = new google.maps.LatLng(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude); that.currentPosition = currentPosition; =; that.lng = currentPosition.lng(); that.geocodeLatLng(function(address){ addressField.val(address); }); } }, function(error) { console.log(error); }, options); } }); if(that.settings.searchBoxAutolocate === "1") { store_locator_get_my_position.trigger('click'); } }, isInfoWindowOpen : function(infoWindow){ var map = infoWindow.getMap(); return (map !== null && typeof map !== "undefined"); }, buildReplaceState : function() { var that = this; var address = $(that.settings.store_locator_address_field).val(); var categories = that.categories; var filter = that.filter; var radius = that.radius; var queryCheck = that.currentURL.split('?'); if (queryCheck.length > 1 && queryCheck[1] !== '') { var url = that.currentURL + '&'; } else { var url = that.currentURL + '?'; } var url = queryCheck[0] + '?'; var tmp = ""; if(!that.isEmpty(address)) { tmp += 'location=' + address; } if(categories[0]) { if(tmp == "") { tmp += 'category=' + categories[0]; } else { tmp += '&category=' + categories[0]; } } if(radius) { if(tmp == "") { tmp += 'radius=' + radius; } else { tmp += '&radius=' + radius; } } if(filter) { var filterLoop = 0; $.each(filter, function(i, index) { if(filterLoop == 0 && tmp == "") { tmp += 'filter[]=' + index; } else { tmp += '&filter[]=' + index; } filterLoop++; }); } window.history.replaceState('test', 'Store Locator', url + tmp); }, ////////////////////// ///Helper Functions/// ////////////////////// isEmpty: function(obj) { if (obj == null) return true; if (obj.length > 0) return false; if (obj.length === 0) return true; for (var key in obj) { if (, key)) return false; } return true; }, sprintf: function parse(str) { var args = [], 1), i = 0; return str.replace(/%s/g, function() { return args[i++]; }); }, getCookie: function(cname) { var name = cname + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0; i<ca.length; i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1); if (c.indexOf(name) === 0) return c.substring(name.length, c.length); } return ""; }, slugify : function (text) { return text.toString().toLowerCase() .replace(/\s+/g, '-') // Replace spaces with - .replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '') // Remove all non-word chars .replace(/\-\-+/g, '-') // Replace multiple - with single - .replace(/^-+/, '') // Trim - from start of text .replace(/-+$/, ''); // Trim - from end of text }, getParameterByName : function (name, url) { if (!url) url = window.location.href; name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&"); var regex = new RegExp("[?&]" + name + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"), results = regex.exec(url); if (!results) return null; if (!results[2]) return ''; return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, " ")); }, getQuerystringData : function (name) { var data = { }; var parameters ="&"); for (var i = 0, j = parameters.length; i < j; i++) { var parameter = parameters[i].split("="); var parameterName = decodeURIComponent(parameter[0]); var parameterValue = typeof parameter[1] === "undefined" ? parameter[1] : decodeURIComponent(parameter[1]); var dataType = typeof data[parameterName]; if (dataType === "undefined") { data[parameterName] = parameterValue; } else if (dataType === "array") { data[parameterName].push(parameterValue); } else { data[parameterName] = [data[parameterName]]; data[parameterName].push(parameterValue); } } return typeof name === "string" ? data[name] : data; } } ); // Constructor wrapper $.fn[ pluginName ] = function( options ) { return this.each( function() { if ( !$.data( this, "plugin_" + pluginName ) ) { $.data( this, "plugin_" + pluginName, new Plugin( this, options ) ); } } ); }; $.fn.emulateTransitionEnd = function (duration) { var called = false var $el = this $(this).one('bsTransitionEnd', function () { called = true }) var callback = function () { if (!called) $($el).trigger($.support.transition.end) } setTimeout(callback, duration) return this } $(document).ready(function() { $( "body" ).storeLocator( store_locator_options ); } ); })( jQuery );