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<form id="hidden-login-form" method="post" action="/login" style="display: none;">
  <input name="username" type="text" id="signin_username">
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Feb 20
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Feb 20

Feb 22

Feb 20

Here’s my PowerShells script.

#variable initialization
$currentTime = Get-Date -Format 'g'

# Define the list of SQL Server instances
$sqlDatabases = @('DB14')

# Calculate the date of the previous night
$previousNight = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1).ToString('yyyyMMdd')

function QueryFailedJobs($servers) {
    # Loop through each SQL Server instance
    foreach ($sqlServer in $servers) {
        # Build the connection string
        $connectionString = "Server=$sqlServer;Integrated Security=True;"

        # Create a new SQL connection
        $connection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
        $connection.ConnectionString = $connectionString

        try {
            # Open the SQL connection

            # Create a SQL command to query failed jobs
            $commandText = "
            SELECT AS 'Job Name',
            h.run_date AS 'Run Date',
            h.run_time AS 'Run Time',
            h.step_id AS 'Step ID',
            h.step_name AS 'Step Name',
            h.message AS 'Message'
            FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs j
            INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory h ON j.job_id = h.job_id
            WHERE h.run_status = 0 -- 0 indicates failure
            AND h.run_date = $previousNight
            ORDER BY h.run_date DESC, h.run_time DESC
            $command = $connection.CreateCommand()
            $command.CommandText = $commandText

            $adapter = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter $command
            $dataset = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
            $adapter.Fill($dataset) | Out-Null

            $failedJob = $dataset.Tables[0] | Format-Table -AutoSize
            Write-Output 'Job Failed: ' $dataset.Tables[0] | Format-Table -AutoSize
            Write-Output 'Number of Rows: ' $failedJob

            if ($failedJob -gt 0) {
                    Server   = $sqlServer
                    JobName  = $failedJob.JobName
                    RunDate  = $failedJob.run_date.ToString('MM/dd/yy') + ' ' + $failedJob.run_time.ToString('hh:mm tt')
                    StepName = $failedJob.step_name
                    Message  = $failedJob.message
        } catch {
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
            $errMsgException = 'There was a problem connecting to and/or querying ' + $sqlServer + ". Specific error:`n`n" + $ErrorMessage + "`n`n Timestamp: " + $currentTime
            #capturing the error message
                ErrorMsg = $errMsgException
        } finally {
            # Close the SQL connection
$qryResult = QueryFailedJobs($sqlDatabases)

Write-Output 'Total Failed Jobs: ' $qryResult

My problem seems to be in this area of the code.

if ($failedJob -gt 0) {
                    Server   = $sqlServer
                    JobName  = $failedJob.JobName
                    RunDate  = $failedJob.run_date.ToString('MM/dd/yy') + ' ' + $failedJob.run_time.ToString('hh:mm tt')
                    StepName = $failedJob.step_name
                    Message  = $failedJob.message

And here’s the output including all the Write-OutPut commands.

1d4aa049-2f5b-4ad9-9859-ccacc30745a1-result.png800×252 79.3 KB

The Write-Output 'Job Failed: ’ shows that it’s able to query the data in the

Best Answer by in post #19

> I think this part may be easy. To my understanding, $($row.message) is the
> only one that should have dataset information. My code was based off of the
> posted code, specifically where data from the dataset was being put into the
> variables. I did not pay attention to the SQL. But now, looking at the …


1.9k views 11 spice ups



read 4 min

NeallyPure Capsaicin
Feb 20

Unrelated to your question, since you are using a function, “$previousNight” is
not defined in your function, that’s a problem as a function has a different
scope. you either have to feed it into the function, or declare it inside the


Explains the concept of scope in PowerShell and shows how to set and change the
scope of elements.

7b8fed6a-6de5-4da4-9176-41d575ea1198-2024-02-20_10-36-05.png694×512 31.9 KB


NeallyPure Capsaicin
Feb 20



Maybe try to remove the “| Format-Table -AutoSize”
Format table breaks objects.
It’s fine in the ‘write-output’ cmdlet, but if you want to further process it do
not use format-table.


Feb 20

Thank you for that tip, much appreciated! I’ve moved into the function now.

So, I’ve made this small change.

$failedJob = $dataset.Tables[0] | Format-Table -AutoSize
            Write-Output 'Job Failed: ' $dataset.Tables[0] | Format-Table -AutoSize
            Write-Output 'Number of Rows: ' $failedJob.Rows.Count

            if ($failedJob.Rows.Count -gt 0) {
                    Server   = $sqlServer
                    JobName  = $failedJob.JobName
                    RunDate  = $failedJob.run_date.ToString('MM/dd/yy') + ' ' + $failedJob.run_time.ToString('hh:mm tt')
                    StepName = $failedJob.step_name
                    Message  = $failedJob.message

And the result is:

ad2c0aa4-9c28-4fc8-8b1d-63058bc83d34-result2.png800×100 37.2 KB

NeallyPure Capsaicin
Feb 20



Maybe I’m missing it but I don’t see the change. Chili
Feb 20

> spiceuser-lny6v:
> > 
> Maybe I’m missing it but I don’t see the change.

I think in the if statement?

if ($failedJob.Rows.Count -gt 0) vs. if ($failedJob -gt 0)

From the screenshot, it looks as if it may have ran correctly. The “Number of
Rows” probably needs the same change.

Write-Output 'Number of Rows: ' $failedJob.Rows.Count

NeallyPure Capsaicin
Feb 20

the problem is ‘format-table’ probably breaks the object so the if statement
does not do what he wants


does that actually return what it should?

Feb 20

This is the changed.

798f89cf-1f85-4f6b-8940-8c375ed122ee-changed.png715×319 37 KB

I used tried both with and without the .rows.count and with similar result.

Feb 20

And if I removed the ‘format-table’, I got the correct number of rows returned
but still getting an error.

4591fe59-3812-4c31-a5bb-adb9eae1e207-result3.png758×284 25.7 KB

And I believed that error is coming from within the “if” statement.

NeallyPure Capsaicin
Feb 20


> And I believed that error is coming from within the “if” statement.

no it looks like it comes from your try/catch and in this case it’s form the
catch statement.

catch {
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
            $errMsgException = 'There was a problem connecting to and/or querying ' + $sqlServer + ". Specific error:`n`n" + $ErrorMessage + "`n`n Timestamp: " + $currentTime
            #capturing the error message
                ErrorMsg = $errMsgException

Feb 20

It is the “if” statement that causes the error. I commented out the whole
if-statement block and the error went away.

Feb 20

This is the main issue, I think.

                    Server   = $sqlServer
                    JobName  = $failedJob.JobName
                    RunDate  = $failedJob.run_date.ToString('MM/dd/yy') + ' ' + $failedJob.run_time.ToString('hh:mm tt')
                    StepName = $failedJob.step_name
                    Message  = $failedJob.message

The $failedJob does not seem to hold the value for some reason, I think.

NeallyPure Capsaicin
Feb 20


> It is the “if” statement that causes the error. I commented out the whole
> if-statement block and the error went away.

but the error is from the catch statement, not the If, so IDK why it would do

unless something in the IF statement causes the TRy to catch it

try to remove the dang format -table

$failedJob = $dataset.Tables[0] | Format-Table -AutoSize

# vs 
$failedJob = $dataset.Tables[0]

Feb 20

This is the result of removing the format -table. And yes, it does seem that
something in the if-statement the throws the error that’s why it got caught in
the catch block.

4591fe59-3812-4c31-a5bb-adb9eae1e207-result3.png758×284 25.7 KB

Feb 20

I tried commenting out some code.

$failedJob = $dataset.Tables[0]
            Write-Output 'Job Failed: ' $dataset.Tables[0] | Format-Table -AutoSize
            Write-Output 'Number of Rows: ' $failedJob.Rows.Count

            if ($failedJob.Rows.Count -gt 0) {
                    Server  = $sqlServer
                    JobName = $failedJob.JobName
                    #RunDate  = $failedJob.run_date.ToString('MM/dd/yy') + ' ' + $failedJob.run_time.ToString('hh:mm tt')
                    #StepName = $failedJob.step_name
                    Message = $failedJob.message

And here’s the result…no error but noticed I commented out the #RunDate and
#StepName. The JobName also has {$null, $null} as value retuned.

748cb679-231b-4b8b-8a7e-1897fdb02b9d-result4.png763×289 32.9 KB Chili
Feb 20

Asking to learn:

Is there an advantage to putting the dataset into the variable and then pulling
information from the variable with:

$failedJob = $dataset.Tables[0] | Format-Table -AutoSize


JobName = $failedJob.JobName


In my coding, I’ve been pulling the information from the dataset directly and it
would look more:

    Foreach ($Row in $dataset.Tables[0].rows)
        $JobName = "$($Row.JobName)"
        $StepName = "$($Row.StepName)"

NeallyPure Capsaicin
Feb 20

> Is there an advantage to putting the dataset into the variable and then
> pulling information from the variable with:

I guess it depends how the data is getting massaged.

I too prefer to use a foreach.

Feb 21

Just kicks, I tried the foreach:

foreach ($row in $dataset.Tables[0].Rows) {
                    Server   = $sqlServer
                    JobName  = "$($row.JobName)"
                    RunDate  = "$($row.run_date)"
                    #RunDate  = $failedJob.run_date.ToString('MM/dd/yy') + ' ' + $failedJob.run_time.ToString('hh:mm tt')
                    StepName = "$($row.step_name)"
                    Message  = "$($row.message)"

And here’s the result below. I do not see the exception error but I’m still not
getting the value out of the $row. It showing up as blank.

fd84291a-fbdc-40d5-9710-576f8a3d56aa-result5.png745×232 5.2 KB
I’m much closer though than before but still not there yet. @ich-ni-san , thank
you for the post. That helped a lot!

1 Chili
Feb 21


> Just kicks, I tried the foreach:
> foreach ($row in $dataset.Tables[0].Rows) {
>                 [PSCustomObject]@{
>                     Server   = $sqlServer
>                     JobName  = "$($row.JobName)"
>                     RunDate  = "$($row.run_date)"
>                     #RunDate  = $failedJob.run_date.ToString('MM/dd/yy') + ' ' + $failedJob.run_time.ToString('hh:mm tt')
>                     StepName = "$($row.step_name)"
>                     Message  = "$($row.message)"
>                 }
>             }
> … but I’m still not getting the value out of the $row. It showing up as blank.

I think this part may be easy. To my understanding, $($row.message) is the only
one that should have dataset information. My code was based off of the posted
code, specifically where data from the dataset was being put into the variables.
I did not pay attention to the SQL. But now, looking at the SQL, it appears the
field names were changed. For example, in the original SQL, the following was

h.step_name AS ‘Step Name’,

The dataset now has a field named, “Step Name”. However, in the ForEach loop
above, an attempt is made to capture data from “$($row.step_name)”. I don’t
think there is a field named, “step_name” in the dataset. The field names need
to match.

For simplicity’s sake, I would change the SQL to something like:

h.step_name AS ‘StepName’,

Or, you could even skip renaming the field and just use the actual database
field name. The important thing is that whatever name is used in the creation of
the dataset is what is used when trying to capture information from the dataset.

Edit: You probably already know this, if so, please ignore. When “AS” is used,
the field is basically being assigned a new name. So,

h.step_name AS ‘Step Name’,

takes data from a field in the database named, “step_name” and puts the data
into a field in the result named, “Step Name”. When you pull information from
the resulting dataset, there is no such field as “step_name”. That field existed
only in the original database.

Best Answer

Feb 21

@ich-ni-san , thank you so much! That solves the issue…learned something today

One small thing, formatting the date.

I tried:

RunDate  = "$($row.RunDate.ToString('MM/dd/yy'))"



However, it only gives me:

RunDate: MM/dd/yy

instead of the actual date.


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