vmiws.marfas.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://vmiws.marfas.com/
Effective URL: https://vmiws.marfas.com/
Submission: On September 25 via api from IT — Scanned from IT

Form analysis 0 forms found in the DOM

Text Content


The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review
the Service Description.

 * CancelOrder
   Cancels a sales order.


 * ChangeOrderToTransfer
   Change a sales order to a transfer order.


 * CheckLogin
   Check the login and return customer info.


 * CreateNewAccount
   Create new customer / shipto.


 * CreateNewAccountExt
   Create new customer / shipto, extended.


 * CreateNewWebAccess
   Creates a new web access / contact.


 * CreatePOReceive
   Insert Items into POReceive


 * CreatePhysical
   Create the physical count table


 * CreateRemoteDataSet
   Creates a dataset based on specific SQL.


 * CreateRemoteLookUp
   Returns a sigle record based on specific SQL.


 * CreateShipToEntry
   Create a shipto entry for a customer.


 * CreateWebInvoice
   Create a web invoice.


 * CreateWebItem
   Create a web sales order line item.


 * CreateWebOrder
   Create a web sales order (header).


 * CreateWebPOHeader
   Create a web PO (header).


 * CreateWebPOItem
   Create a PO web line item.


 * DeletePhysical
   Delete the physical count table


 * DeleteShipTo
   Delete shipto info.


 * DeleteVMIImport
   Delete ALL records in VMIImport


 * GetATB
   Get the aging / invoices for a specific customer.


 * GetAllWebCategories
   Get all web categories.


 * GetCompanyInfo
   Get all inxsql company info.


 * GetConfirmation
   Get order confirmation info.


 * GetCustomerInfo
   Get all customer info.


 * GetFreightCodes
   Get all freight codes flagged to show on web.


 * GetItemDetail
   Get detail for a single item.


 * GetItemPrice
   Get the price for a single item.


 * GetItemSearchInfo
   Get all item info for item search.


 * GetKitOnHandQuantity
   Get the available quantity for a kit/assembly/group item.


 * GetKitPrice
   Get the price for a kit / assembly.


 * GetNewOrderNumber
   Get next (new) sales order number.


 * GetNewRemoteDataSet
   Get remote data set.


 * GetNewWebPONumber
   Get web purchased order number.


 * GetOnHandQuantity
   Get the available quantity for a single item.


 * GetPSCount
   Get total rows from previous sales.


 * GetPSListing
   Get listing of customer's prevois sales.


 * GetPassword
   Get the password for a user's login.


 * GetPriceFactor
   Get the price factor to mulitply by (price * qty).


 * GetQtyBreakdown
   Get the quantity pricing table for a single item.


 * GetQtyBreakdownUM
   Get the quantity UM pricing table for a single item.


 * GetQuickOrderInfo
   Get all item info for quickorder entry.


 * GetRemoteDataSet
   Gets a dataset based on specific SQL.


 * GetSOCount
   Get total rows of sales orders.


 * GetSOHeader
   Get all sales order header info.


 * GetSOLines
   Get line items for a sales order.


 * GetSOListing
   Get specific range of sales orders.


 * GetShipFromInfo
   Get all vendor shipfrom info.


 * GetShipToInfo
   Get all customer shipto info.


 * GetShipTos
   Get all shiptos for a specific customer.


 * GetShipViaCodes
   Get all shipvia codes flagged to show on web.


 * GetSimpleWebSetup
   Get all web setup variables.


 * GetTopWebCategories
   Get the topmost web categories only.


 * GetWebCoupon
   Get Web Coupon Code Details.


 * GetWebSetup
   Get all web setup variables.


 * ImportIFWorkOrder
   Imports and creates a new IF WO.


 * InsertNewVMIImport
   Inserts records into VMIImport


 * InsertVMIImport
   Inserts records into VMIImport


 * PackWebItem
   Pack a line item from a web sales order.


 * PostWebOrder
   Post a web sales order.


 * RemoteGetImage
   Get the byte array for a PDF.


 * RunPOReceive
   Read through POReceive and update the Onhand quantities


 * SaveShipTo
   Save shipto info.


 * StoreSignature
   Store the DSC signature.


 * UpdateICCustItem
   Updates customer item number based on item and customer number.


 * UpdateIFWODates
   Updates the IF WO header dates.


 * UpdateOrderHeader
   Update order header data.


 * UpdatePOReceive
   Update Items into POReceive


 * UpdatePhysical
   Update the physical count table


 * UpdateVMIImport
   Update/Delete records in VMIImport


 * UploadPhysical
   Upload the physical count table to SOOrderHeader, etc, and pack