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              <option value="GW">Guinea-Bissau, Republic of</option>
              <option value="GY">Guyana, Republic of</option>
              <option value="HM">Heard and McDonald Islands</option>
              <option value="VA">Holy See (Vatican City State)</option>
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              <option value="JP">Japan</option>
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              <option value="KI">Kiribati, Republic of</option>
              <option value="KP">Korea, Democratic People's Republic of</option>
              <option value="KR">Korea, Republic of</option>
              <option value="KW">Kuwait, State of</option>
              <option value="KG">Kyrgyz Republic</option>
              <option value="LA">Lao People's Democratic Republic</option>
              <option value="LV">Latvia</option>
              <option value="LB">Lebanon, Lebanese Republic</option>
              <option value="LS">Lesotho, Kingdom of</option>
              <option value="LR">Liberia, Republic of</option>
              <option value="LY">Libyan Arab Jamahiriya</option>
              <option value="LI">Liechtenstein, Principality of</option>
              <option value="LT">Lithuania</option>
              <option value="LU">Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of</option>
              <option value="MO">Macao, Special Administrative Region of China</option>
              <option value="MK">Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of</option>
              <option value="MG">Madagascar, Republic of</option>
              <option value="MW">Malawi, Republic of</option>
              <option value="MY">Malaysia</option>
              <option value="MV">Maldives, Republic of</option>
              <option value="ML">Mali, Republic of</option>
              <option value="MT">Malta, Republic of</option>
              <option value="MH">Marshall Islands</option>
              <option value="MQ">Martinique</option>
              <option value="MR">Mauritania, Islamic Republic of</option>
              <option value="MU">Mauritius</option>
              <option value="YT">Mayotte</option>
              <option value="FM">Micronesia, Federated States of</option>
              <option value="MD">Moldova, Republic of</option>
              <option value="MC">Monaco, Principality of</option>
              <option value="MN">Mongolia, Mongolian People's Republic</option>
              <option value="MS">Montserrat</option>
              <option value="MA">Morocco, Kingdom of</option>
              <option value="MZ">Mozambique, People's Republic of</option>
              <option value="MM">Myanmar</option>
              <option value="NA">Namibia</option>
              <option value="NR">Nauru, Republic of</option>
              <option value="NP">Nepal, Kingdom of</option>
              <option value="AN">Netherlands Antilles</option>
              <option value="NL">Netherlands, Kingdom of the</option>
              <option value="NC">New Caledonia</option>
              <option value="NZ">New Zealand</option>
              <option value="NI">Nicaragua, Republic of</option>
              <option value="NE">Niger, Republic of the</option>
              <option value="NG">Nigeria, Federal Republic of</option>
              <option value="NU">Niue, Republic of</option>
              <option value="NF">Norfolk Island</option>
              <option value="MP">Northern Mariana Islands</option>
              <option value="NO">Norway, Kingdom of</option>
              <option value="OM">Oman, Sultanate of</option>
              <option value="PK">Pakistan, Islamic Republic of</option>
              <option value="PW">Palau</option>
              <option value="PS">Palestinian Territory, Occupied</option>
              <option value="PA">Panama, Republic of</option>
              <option value="PG">Papua New Guinea</option>
              <option value="PY">Paraguay, Republic of</option>
              <option value="PE">Peru, Republic of</option>
              <option value="PH">Philippines, Republic of the</option>
              <option value="PN">Pitcairn Island</option>
              <option value="PL">Poland, Polish People's Republic</option>
              <option value="PT">Portugal, Portuguese Republic</option>
              <option value="PR">Puerto Rico</option>
              <option value="QA">Qatar, State of</option>
              <option value="RE">Reunion</option>
              <option value="RO">Romania, Socialist Republic of</option>
              <option value="RU">Russian Federation</option>
              <option value="RW">Rwanda, Rwandese Republic</option>
              <option value="WS">Samoa, Independent State of</option>
              <option value="SM">San Marino, Republic of</option>
              <option value="ST">Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of</option>
              <option value="SA">Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of</option>
              <option value="SN">Senegal, Republic of</option>
              <option value="CS">Serbia and Montenegro</option>
              <option value="SC">Seychelles, Republic of</option>
              <option value="SL">Sierra Leone, Republic of</option>
              <option value="SG">Singapore, Republic of</option>
              <option value="SK">Slovakia (Slovak Republic)</option>
              <option value="SI">Slovenia</option>
              <option value="SB">Solomon Islands</option>
              <option value="SO">Somalia, Somali Republic</option>
              <option value="ZA">South Africa, Republic of</option>
              <option value="GS">South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands</option>
              <option value="ES">Spain, Spanish State</option>
              <option value="LK">Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of</option>
              <option value="SH">St. Helena</option>
              <option value="KN">St. Kitts and Nevis</option>
              <option value="LC">St. Lucia</option>
              <option value="PM">St. Pierre and Miquelon</option>
              <option value="VC">St. Vincent and the Grenadines</option>
              <option value="SD">Sudan, Democratic Republic of the</option>
              <option value="SR">Suriname, Republic of</option>
              <option value="SJ">Svalbard &amp; Jan Mayen Islands</option>
              <option value="SZ">Swaziland, Kingdom of</option>
              <option value="SE">Sweden, Kingdom of</option>
              <option value="CH">Switzerland, Swiss Confederation</option>
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              d="m233.19 264.26c-2.042-.236-2.946-.3-4.346-.3-11.046 0-16.634 3.788-16.634 11.267 0 4.604 2.73 7.547 6.98 7.547 7.945-.001 13.666-7.559 14-18.514zm14.179 32.984h-16.146l.367-7.663c-4.921 6.054-11.5 8.95-20.421 8.95-10.567 0-17.804-8.25-17.804-20.229 0-18.032 12.591-28.542 34.216-28.542 2.209 0 5.042.2 7.938.571.604-2.442.762-3.487.762-4.808 0-4.908-3.391-6.73-12.496-6.73-9.537-.108-17.395 2.272-20.629 3.322.204-1.226 2.7-16.638 2.7-16.638 9.709-2.858 16.121-3.93 23.321-3.93 16.738 0 25.604 7.518 25.588 21.705.029 3.82-.605 8.512-1.584 14.675-1.687 10.725-5.32 33.725-5.812 39.317zm261.38-88.592-3.192 19.767c-6.95-3.496-12-4.921-17.407-4.921-14.551 0-24.75 14.058-24.75 34.107 0 13.821 6.857 22.181 18.183 22.181 4.8 0 10.096-1.492 16.554-4.677l-3.42 20.75c-7.184 1.959-11.816 2.672-17.226 2.672-20.976 0-34.05-15.084-34.05-39.309 0-32.55 18.059-55.3 43.888-55.3 8.507.001 18.562 3.609 21.42 4.73m31.442 55.608c-2.041-.236-2.941-.3-4.346-.3-11.042 0-16.634 3.788-16.634 11.267 0 4.604 2.729 7.547 6.984 7.547 7.937-.001 13.662-7.559 13.996-18.514zm14.179 32.984h-16.15l.37-7.663c-4.924 6.054-11.5 8.95-20.42 8.95-10.563 0-17.804-8.25-17.804-20.229 0-18.032 12.595-28.542 34.212-28.542 2.213 0 5.042.2 7.941.571.601-2.442.763-3.487.763-4.808 0-4.908-3.392-6.73-12.496-6.73-9.533-.108-17.396 2.272-20.629 3.322.204-1.226 2.704-16.638 2.704-16.638 9.709-2.858 16.116-3.93 23.316-3.93 16.742 0 25.604 7.518 25.583 21.705.034 3.82-.595 8.512-1.579 14.675-1.682 10.725-5.324 33.725-5.811 39.317zm-220.39-1.122c-5.338 1.68-9.496 2.409-14 2.409-9.963 0-15.4-5.726-15.4-16.266-.138-3.281 1.437-11.881 2.675-19.738 1.12-6.926 8.446-50.533 8.446-50.533h19.367l-2.259 11.212h9.942l-2.646 17.788h-9.975c-2.25 14.091-5.463 31.619-5.496 33.949 0 3.83 2.042 5.483 6.671 5.483 2.22 0 3.938-.217 5.254-.692zm59.392-.591c-6.65 2.033-13.08 3.013-19.88 3-21.684-.021-32.987-11.346-32.987-33.033 0-25.321 14.38-43.95 33.9-43.95 15.97 0 26.17 10.429 26.17 26.8 0 5.433-.7 10.733-2.382 18.212h-38.575c-1.306 10.741 5.569 15.221 16.837 15.221 6.93 0 13.188-1.434 20.137-4.676zm-10.892-43.912c.117-1.538 2.059-13.217-9.013-13.217-6.166 0-10.579 4.717-12.375 13.217zm-123.42-5.004c0 9.365 4.542 15.816 14.842 20.675 7.891 3.708 9.112 4.812 9.112 8.17 0 4.617-3.483 6.7-11.187 6.7-5.817 0-11.225-.908-17.467-2.92 0 0-2.554 16.32-2.67 17.1 4.42.967 8.374 1.85 20.274 2.191 20.567 0 30.059-7.829 30.059-24.746 0-10.18-3.971-16.15-13.738-20.637-8.167-3.758-9.112-4.583-9.112-8.046 0-4 3.245-6.058 9.541-6.058 3.821 0 9.046.42 14.004 1.125l2.771-17.18c-5.041-.8-12.691-1.441-17.146-1.441-21.804 0-29.345 11.379-29.283 25.067m398.45 50.629h-18.437l.917-6.893c-5.347 5.717-10.825 8.18-17.967 8.18-14.168 0-23.53-12.213-23.53-30.725 0-24.63 14.521-45.393 31.709-45.393 7.558 0 13.28 3.088 18.604 10.096l4.325-26.308h19.221zm-28.745-17.109c9.075 0 15.45-10.283 15.45-24.953 0-9.405-3.63-14.509-10.325-14.509-8.838 0-15.116 10.317-15.116 24.875-.001 9.686 3.357 14.587 9.991 14.587zm-56.843-56.929c-2.439 22.917-6.773 46.13-10.162 69.063l-.891 4.975h19.491c6.971-45.275 8.658-54.117 19.588-53.009 1.742-9.266 4.982-17.383 7.399-21.479-8.163-1.7-12.721 2.913-18.688 11.675.471-3.787 1.334-7.466 1.163-11.225zm-160.42 0c-2.446 22.917-6.78 46.13-10.167 69.063l-.887 4.975h19.5c6.962-45.275 8.646-54.117 19.569-53.009 1.75-9.266 4.992-17.383 7.4-21.479-8.154-1.7-12.716 2.913-18.678 11.675.47-3.787 1.325-7.466 1.162-11.225zm254.57 68.242c0-3.214 2.596-5.8 5.796-5.8 3.197-.003 5.792 2.587 5.795 5.785v.015c-.001 3.2-2.595 5.794-5.795 5.796-3.2-.002-5.794-2.596-5.796-5.796zm5.796 4.404c2.432.001 4.403-1.97 4.403-4.401v-.002c.003-2.433-1.968-4.406-4.399-4.408h-.004c-2.435.001-4.408 1.974-4.409 4.408.003 2.432 1.976 4.403 4.409 4.403zm-.784-1.87h-1.188v-5.084h2.154c.446 0 .908.008 1.274 0 .575-.338 1.113-.888 1.317l.941 2.236h-1.319l-.78-2.008h-.87v2.008zm0-2.88h.654c.245 0 .513.018.729-.1.195-.125.295-.361.295-.587-.009-.21-.115-.404-.287-.524-.204-.117-.542-.085-.763-.085h-.629v1.296z"
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 * Compiled By Colin Tate colin.tate@mountaintimes.com
 * Oct 5, 2017
 * Oct 5, 2017
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The following wreck reports have been released by the North Carolina Department
of Public Safety in Ashe County.

Sept. 15

A single-vehicle accident occurred on NC 16 at 9:22 a.m. on Sept. 15 near
Jefferson. According to the wreck report, a 1994 Kenworth, driven by William B.
Staley of Millers Creek, was traveling north on NC 16. The vehicle was pulling a
piece of logging equipment. A tire on the piece of equipment blew and the
equipment traveled off the road to the right. The equipment then overturned and
struck a guardrail. The estimated cost of damage to the Kenworth was $1,000. The
vehicle was not considered drivable. A lane control citation was issued to

A three-vehicle accident occurred on US 221 at 11:53 a.m. on Sept. 15 near West
Jefferson. According to the wreck report, a 2003 Toyota, driven by Bradley W.
Jordan of Jefferson, was traveling north on US 221, while a 2016 Subaru, driven
by Patricia B. Still of Morriston, Florida, and a 2009 Kia, driven by Tina J.
Powers of Purlear, were traveling south on US 221. The trailer attached to to
the Toyota separated from the vehicle. The trailer then traveled left of center
and struck the Subaru. The trailer then continued north and struck the Kia. The
Kia overturned and traveled off the roadway to the right. The estimated costs of
damage were $3,000 to the Toyota, $3,500 to the Subaru and $6,000 to the Kia.
The Toyota and the Subaru were considered drivable, but the Kia was not. A lane
control citation was issued to Jordan.

Sept. 21

A three-vehicle accident occurred on US 221 at 9:08 a.m. on Sept. 21 near West
Jefferson. According to the wreck report, a 2001 Jeep, driven by James T.
Austin, Jr. of Fleetwood, was traveling north on US 221 with a 1998 Jeep, driven
by Kevin W. Rominger of Deep Gap, and a 2014 GMC, driven by Ronnie N. Stafford
of Newland. The GMC slowed to a stop in the travel lane, and the 1998 Jeep
slowed to a stop behind the GMC. The 2001 Jeep failed to reduce speed and
collided with the rear of the 1998 Jeep, which caused the 1998 Jeep to collide
with the GMC. The estimated costs of damage were $900 to the 2001 Jeep, $900 to
the 1998 Jeep and $900 to the GMC. All vehicles were considered drivable. Austin
was issued a citation for failure to reduce speed.

Sept. 22

A single-vehicle accident occurred on US 221 at 2:48 p.m. on Sept. 22 near
Jefferson. According to the wreck report, a 2016 Harley Davidson, driven by
Garrett J. Adams of Front Royal, Virginia, was traveling south on US 221 and
lost control on gravel in the roadway. The vehicle crossed the centerline, ran
off the left shoulder and overturned down an embankment. The estimated cost of
damage to the vehicle was $10,000. The vehicle was not considered drivable.

A two-vehicle accident occurred on US 221 at 2:08 p.m. on Sept. 22 near
Jefferson. According to the wreck report, a 2014 Honda, driven by Kimberly B.
Barnes of Crumpler, was traveling north on US 221 with a 2002 Mercury, driven by
Logan G. Shatley. The Mercury stopped to make a left turn and was struck by the
Honda. The estimated costs of damage were $1,000 to the Honda and $3,000 to the
Mercury. The Honda was considered drivable, but the Mercury was not. Barnes was
issued a citation for failure to reduce speed.

A single-vehicle accident occurred on Windy Hill Road at 3:58 p.m. on Sept. 22
near West Jefferson. According to the wreck report, a 2016 Nissan, driven by
Alice M. Durham of Warrensville, was traveling southeast on Windy Hill Road.
While completing a left turn onto a private driveway, the vehicle drove into a
ditch. The estimated cost of damage to the Nissan was $1,600. The vehicle was
not considered drivable.

A single-vehicle accident occurred on NC 88 at 6:40 p.m. on Sept. 22 near West
Jefferson. According to the wreck report, a 2004 Chevrolet, driven by Lora E.
Garcia of West Jefferson, was traveling west on NC 88. The vehicle ran off the
road to the right shoulder and struck an embankment. The vehicle then
overturned. The estimated cost of damage was $9,000. The vehicle was not
considered drivable. Garcia was issued a citation for failure to maintain lane

A single-vehicle accident occurred on US 221 at 2:48 p.m. on Sept. 22 near
Jefferson. According to the wreck report, a 2010 Harley Davidson, driven by Troy
L. Kirby of Front Royal, Virginia, was traveling south on US 221. The vehicle
lost control on gravel in the roadway, crossed the centerline and ran off the
left shoulder. The vehicle then overturned down an embankment. The estimated
cost of damage to the vehicle was $10,000. The vehicle was not considered


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Tournament Scores
 * (17 of 17)


Final TBD 16 Texas Southern Texas Southern 76 16 Texas A&M CC TBD 67

Final TBD 12 Wyoming WYO 58 12 Indiana IND 66

Final TBD 16 Wright St. WRIGHT 93 16 TBD TBD 82

Final TBD 11 Rutgers RUT 87 11 Notre Dame NDAME 89


Final TBD 6 Colorado St. Colorado St. 63 11 Michigan Michigan 75

Final TBD 4 Providence PROV 66 13 South Dakota St. S Dakota St. 57

Final TBD 8 Boise St. BOI ST 53 9 Memphis MEM 64

Final TBD 1 Baylor BAYLOR 85 16 Norfolk St. Norfolk St. 49


Final TBD 3 Tennessee Tennessee 88 14 Longwood LWOOD 56

Final TBD 5 Iowa Iowa 63 12 Richmond RICH 67

Final TBD 1 Gonzaga Gonzaga 93 16 Georgia St. Georgia St 72

Final TBD 8 North Carolina UNC 95 9 Marquette MARQ 63


Final TBD 5 TBD TBD 63 12 New Mexico St. New MEX St. 70

Final TBD 2 Kentucky Kentucky 79 15 Saint Peter's St. Peter's 85

Final TBD 8 San Diego St San Diego St. 69 9 Creighton CREI 72

Final TBD 5 Saint Mary's (Cal) St. Mary's 82 12 Indiana IND 53


Final TBD 4 Arkansas ARK 75 13 Vermont VMT 71

Final TBD 4 UCLA UCLA 57 13 Akron TBD 53

Final TBD 7 Murray St. MUR ST 92 10 San Francisco San Francisco 87

Final TBD 1 Kansas KANSAS 83 16 Texas Southern Texas Southern 56


Final TBD 7 Ohio St. OHIOST 54 10 Loyola Chicago Loyola 41

Final TBD 2 Auburn Auburn 80 15 Jacksonville St. Jacksonville St. 61

Final TBD 3 Texas Tech Texas Tech 97 14 Montana St. Montana St. 62

Final TBD 3 Purdue Purdue 78 14 Yale YALE 56


Final TBD 2 Villanova VNOVA 80 15 Delaware DEL 60

Final TBD 7 Southern Cal USC 66 10 Miami MIAMI 68

Final TBD 6 Alabama ALA 64 11 Notre Dame NDAME 78

Final TBD 6 Texas TEXAS 81 11 Virginia Tech VA Tech 73


Final TBD 4 Illinois ILL 54 13 Chattanooga Chattanooga 53

Final TBD 2 Duke Duke 78 15 Cal St. Fullerton Cal St. 61

Final TBD 1 Arizona ARIZ 87 16 Wright St. WRIGHT 70

Final TBD 6 LSU LSU 54 11 Iowa St. IOWAST 59


Final TBD 7 Michigan St. Mich. St 74 10 Davidson DAVDSN 73

Final TBD 5 Houston Houston 82 12 UAB UAB 68

Final TBD 8 Seton Hall S HALL 42 9 TCU TBD 69

Final TBD 3 Wisconsin WISC 67 14 Colgate Colgate 60


Final TBD 1 Baylor BAYLOR 86 8 North Carolina UNC 93

Final TBD 1 Kansas KANSAS 79 9 Creighton CREI 72

Final TBD 3 Tennessee Tennessee 68 11 Michigan Michigan 76

Final TBD 4 Providence PROV 79 12 Richmond RICH 51


Final TBD 4 UCLA UCLA 72 5 Saint Mary's (Cal) St. Mary's 56

Final TBD 7 Murray St. MUR ST 60 15 Saint Peter's St. Peter's 70

Final TBD 4 Arkansas ARK 53 12 New Mexico St. New MEX St. 48

Final TBD 1 Gonzaga Gonzaga 82 9 Memphis MEM 78


Final TBD 4 Illinois ILL 53 5 Houston Houston 68

Final TBD 2 Villanova VNOVA 71 7 Ohio St. OHIOST 61

Final TBD 2 Duke Duke 85 7 Michigan St. Mich. St 76

Final TBD 3 Wisconsin WISC 49 11 Iowa St. IOWAST 54


Final TBD 3 Texas Tech Texas Tech 59 11 Notre Dame NDAME 53

Final TBD 2 Auburn Auburn 61 10 Miami MIAMI 79

Final TBD 3 Purdue Purdue 81 6 Texas TEXAS 71

Final TBD 1 Arizona ARIZ 85 9 TCU TBD 80


Final TBD 1 Gonzaga Gonzaga 68 4 Arkansas ARK 74

Final TBD 2 Villanova VNOVA 63 11 Michigan Michigan 55

Final TBD 2 Duke Duke 78 3 Texas Tech Texas Tech 73

Final TBD 1 Arizona ARIZ 60 5 Houston Houston 72


Final TBD 3 Purdue Purdue 64 15 Saint Peter's St. Peter's 67

Final TBD 1 Kansas KANSAS 66 4 Providence PROV 61

Final TBD 4 UCLA UCLA 66 8 North Carolina UNC 73

Final TBD 10 Miami MIAMI 70 11 Iowa St. IOWAST 56


Final TBD 2 Villanova VNOVA 50 5 Houston Houston 44

Final TBD 2 Duke Duke 78 4 Arkansas ARK 69

Final TBD 1 Kansas KANSAS 76 10 Miami MIAMI 50

Final TBD 8 North Carolina UNC 69 15 Saint Peter's St. Peter's 49


Final TBD 1 Kansas KANSAS 81 2 Villanova VNOVA 65

Final TBD 2 Duke Duke 77 8 North Carolina UNC 81


Final TBD 1 Kansas KANSAS 72 8 North Carolina UNC 69

View Full Bracket

Auto Racing
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Kansas City Star. August 15, 2022. Editorial: Republicans are supposedly good
with money. Why waste it on Kansas abortion recounts? After anti-abortion
activist Melissa Leavitt called for a recount of the recent statewide vote to
keep abortion rights protections
AUTO RACING: Harvick wins again, becomes new title favorite 18 hrs ago

Column: Harvick seizes momentum ahead of NASCAR playoffs Aug. 15, 2022 12:23 PM

Harvick wins again; NASCAR playoff picture remains muddled Aug. 14, 2022 07:32

Antron Brown races to 1st NHRA victory as team owner Aug. 14, 2022 06:29 PM EDT

Today in Sports: Felix Hernandez pitches perfect game. Aug. 14, 2022 10:01 AM
Chandler Smith dominates in Truck Series win at Richmond Aug. 13, 2022 10:52 PM


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