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<form data-v-96c11c78="" data-v-f521c71a="" aria-hidden="true" role="search" class="search-bar-desktop search-bar-elem" aria-live="polite" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><svg data-v-96c11c78="" xmlns="" width="24px"
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<form data-v-650becfd="" data-v-454a0ad1="" action="" id="orion-registration-form">
  <p data-v-650becfd=""><span data-v-650becfd="" class="required">* </span>Denotes Required </p>
  <div data-v-650becfd="" class="form-fields">
    <div data-v-ccd91f82="" class="form-field input-field"><label data-v-ccd91f82="" id="emailLabel" for="Email"> Email <span data-v-ccd91f82="" class="required">*</span></label> <input data-v-ccd91f82="" type="text" name="Email" aria-required="true"
        aria-labelledby="emailLabel" aria-errormessage="emailError"> <span data-v-ccd91f82="" id="emailError" aria-live="assertive" role="alert" class="validation-error hidden"></span></div>
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        aria-required="true" aria-labelledby="firstNameLabel" aria-errormessage="firstNameError"> <span data-v-ccd91f82="" id="firstNameError" aria-live="assertive" role="alert" class="validation-error hidden"></span></div>
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        aria-required="true" aria-labelledby="lastNameLabel" aria-errormessage="lastNameError"> <span data-v-ccd91f82="" id="lastNameError" aria-live="assertive" role="alert" class="validation-error hidden"></span></div>
    <div data-v-ccd91f82="" class="form-field input-field"><label data-v-ccd91f82="" id="jobTitleLabel" for="Job Title"> Job Title <span data-v-ccd91f82="" class="required">*</span></label> <input data-v-ccd91f82="" type="text" name="Job Title"
        aria-required="true" aria-labelledby="jobTitleLabel" aria-errormessage="jobTitleError"> <span data-v-ccd91f82="" id="jobTitleError" aria-live="assertive" role="alert" class="validation-error hidden"></span></div>
    <div data-v-ccd91f82="" class="form-field input-field"><label data-v-ccd91f82="" id="companyLabel" for="Company"> Company <span data-v-ccd91f82="" class="required">*</span></label> <input data-v-ccd91f82="" type="text" name="Company"
        aria-required="true" aria-labelledby="companyLabel" aria-errormessage="companyError"> <span data-v-ccd91f82="" id="companyError" aria-live="assertive" role="alert" class="validation-error hidden"></span></div>
    <div data-v-ccd91f82="" class="form-field input-field"><label data-v-ccd91f82="" id="workPhoneLabel" for="Work Phone"> Work Phone <span data-v-ccd91f82="" class="required">*</span></label> <input data-v-ccd91f82="" type="text" name="Work Phone"
        aria-required="true" aria-labelledby="workPhoneLabel" aria-errormessage="workPhoneError"> <span data-v-ccd91f82="" id="workPhoneError" aria-live="assertive" role="alert" class="validation-error hidden"></span></div>
    <div data-v-f98139dc="" class="form-field dropdown-field"><label data-v-f98139dc="" id="countryLabel"> Country/Region <span data-v-f98139dc="" class="required">*</span></label> <select data-v-f98139dc="" name="country" aria-required="true"
        aria-labelledby="countryLabel" aria-errormessage="countryError">
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="">Please Select...</option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Afghanistan"> Afghanistan </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Albania"> Albania </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Algeria"> Algeria </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="American Samoa"> American Samoa </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Andorra"> Andorra </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Angola"> Angola </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Anguilla"> Anguilla </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Antarctica"> Antarctica </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Antigua and Barbuda"> Antigua and Barbuda </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Argentina"> Argentina </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Armenia"> Armenia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Aruba"> Aruba </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Ashmore and Cartier Islands"> Ashmore and Cartier Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Australia"> Australia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Austria"> Austria </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Azerbaijan"> Azerbaijan </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Bahamas, The"> Bahamas, The </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Bahrain"> Bahrain </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Baker Island"> Baker Island </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Bangladesh"> Bangladesh </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Barbados"> Barbados </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Bassas da India"> Bassas da India </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Belarus"> Belarus </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Belgium"> Belgium </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Belize"> Belize </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Benin"> Benin </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Bermuda"> Bermuda </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Bhutan"> Bhutan </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Bolivia"> Bolivia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Bosnia and Herzegovina"> Bosnia and Herzegovina </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Botswana"> Botswana </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Bouvet Island"> Bouvet Island </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Brazil"> Brazil </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="British Indian Ocean Territory"> British Indian Ocean Territory </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="British Virgin Islands"> British Virgin Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Brunei"> Brunei </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Bulgaria"> Bulgaria </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Burkina Faso"> Burkina Faso </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Burundi"> Burundi </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Cambodia"> Cambodia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Cameroon"> Cameroon </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Canada"> Canada </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Cape Verde"> Cape Verde </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Cayman Islands"> Cayman Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Central African Republic"> Central African Republic </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Chad"> Chad </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Chile"> Chile </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="China"> China </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Christmas Island"> Christmas Island </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Clipperton Island"> Clipperton Island </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Cocos (Keeling) Islands"> Cocos (Keeling) Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Colombia"> Colombia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Comoros"> Comoros </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Congo, Democratic Republic of"> Congo, Democratic Republic of </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Cook Islands"> Cook Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Costa Rica"> Costa Rica </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Cote d'Ivoire"> Cote d'Ivoire </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Croatia"> Croatia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Cyprus"> Cyprus </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Czech Republic"> Czech Republic </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Denmark"> Denmark </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Djibouti"> Djibouti </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Dominica"> Dominica </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Dominican Republic"> Dominican Republic </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Ecuador"> Ecuador </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Egypt"> Egypt </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="El Salvador"> El Salvador </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Equatorial Guinea"> Equatorial Guinea </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Eritrea"> Eritrea </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Estonia"> Estonia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Ethiopia"> Ethiopia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Europa Island"> Europa Island </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Falkland Islands"> Falkland Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Faroe Islands"> Faroe Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Fiji"> Fiji </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Finland"> Finland </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="France"> France </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="French Guiana"> French Guiana </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="French Polynesia"> French Polynesia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="French Southern and Antarctic"> French Southern and Antarctic </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Gabon"> Gabon </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Gambia, The"> Gambia, The </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Gaza Strip"> Gaza Strip </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Georgia"> Georgia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Germany"> Germany </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Ghana"> Ghana </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Gibraltar"> Gibraltar </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Glorioso Islands"> Glorioso Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Greece"> Greece </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Greenland"> Greenland </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Grenada"> Grenada </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Guadeloupe"> Guadeloupe </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Guam"> Guam </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Guatemala"> Guatemala </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Guernsey"> Guernsey </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Guinea"> Guinea </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Guinea-Bissau"> Guinea-Bissau </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Guyana"> Guyana </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Haiti"> Haiti </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Heard and McDonald Islands"> Heard and McDonald Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Holy See (Vatican City)"> Holy See (Vatican City) </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Honduras"> Honduras </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Howland Island"> Howland Island </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Hungary"> Hungary </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Iceland"> Iceland </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="India"> India </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Indonesia"> Indonesia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Iraq"> Iraq </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Ireland"> Ireland </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Israel"> Israel </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Italy"> Italy </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Jamaica"> Jamaica </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Jan Mayen"> Jan Mayen </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Japan"> Japan </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Jarvis Island"> Jarvis Island </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Jersey"> Jersey </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Johnston Atoll"> Johnston Atoll </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Jordan"> Jordan </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Juan de Nova Island"> Juan de Nova Island </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Kazakhstan"> Kazakhstan </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Kenya"> Kenya </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Kingman Reef"> Kingman Reef </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Kiribati"> Kiribati </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Korea, South"> Korea, South </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Kuwait"> Kuwait </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Kyrgyzstan"> Kyrgyzstan </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Latvia"> Latvia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Lebanon"> Lebanon </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Lesotho"> Lesotho </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Liberia"> Liberia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Libya"> Libya </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Liechtenstein"> Liechtenstein </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Lithuania"> Lithuania </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Luxembourg"> Luxembourg </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Macedonia"> Macedonia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Madagascar"> Madagascar </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Malawi"> Malawi </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Malaysia"> Malaysia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Maldives"> Maldives </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Mali"> Mali </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Malta"> Malta </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Marshall Islands"> Marshall Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Martinique"> Martinique </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Mauritania"> Mauritania </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Mauritius"> Mauritius </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Mayotte"> Mayotte </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Mexico"> Mexico </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Micronesia, Federated States"> Micronesia, Federated States </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Midway Islands"> Midway Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Moldova"> Moldova </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Monaco"> Monaco </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Mongolia"> Mongolia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Montserrat"> Montserrat </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Morocco"> Morocco </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Mozambique"> Mozambique </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Namibia"> Namibia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Nauru"> Nauru </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Navassa Island"> Navassa Island </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Nepal"> Nepal </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Netherlands"> Netherlands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Netherlands Antilles"> Netherlands Antilles </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="New Caledonia"> New Caledonia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="New Zealand"> New Zealand </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Nicaragua"> Nicaragua </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Niger"> Niger </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Nigeria"> Nigeria </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Niue"> Niue </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Norfolk Island"> Norfolk Island </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Northern Mariana Islands"> Northern Mariana Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Norway"> Norway </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Oman"> Oman </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Pakistan"> Pakistan </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Palau"> Palau </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Palmyra Atoll"> Palmyra Atoll </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Panama"> Panama </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Papua New Guinea"> Papua New Guinea </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Paracel Islands"> Paracel Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Paraguay"> Paraguay </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Peru"> Peru </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Philippines"> Philippines </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Pitcairn Islands"> Pitcairn Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Poland"> Poland </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Portugal"> Portugal </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Puerto Rico"> Puerto Rico </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Qatar"> Qatar </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Reunion"> Reunion </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Romania"> Romania </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Russia"> Russia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Rwanda"> Rwanda </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Saint Helena"> Saint Helena </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Saint Kitts and Nevis"> Saint Kitts and Nevis </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Saint Lucia"> Saint Lucia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Saint Pierre and Miquelon"> Saint Pierre and Miquelon </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Saint Vincent and Grenadines"> Saint Vincent and Grenadines </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Samoa"> Samoa </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="San Marino"> San Marino </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Sao Tome and Principe"> Sao Tome and Principe </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Saudi Arabia"> Saudi Arabia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Senegal"> Senegal </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Seychelles"> Seychelles </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Sierra Leone"> Sierra Leone </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Singapore"> Singapore </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Slovakia"> Slovakia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Slovenia"> Slovenia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Solomon Islands"> Solomon Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Somalia"> Somalia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="South Africa"> South Africa </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="South Georgia"> South Georgia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Spain"> Spain </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Spratly Islands"> Spratly Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Sri Lanka"> Sri Lanka </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Sudan"> Sudan </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Suriname"> Suriname </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Svalbard"> Svalbard </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Swaziland"> Swaziland </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Sweden"> Sweden </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Switzerland"> Switzerland </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Taiwan"> Taiwan </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Tajikistan"> Tajikistan </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Tanzania"> Tanzania </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Thailand"> Thailand </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Togo"> Togo </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Tokelau"> Tokelau </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Tonga"> Tonga </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Trinidad and Tobago"> Trinidad and Tobago </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Tromelin Island"> Tromelin Island </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Tunisia"> Tunisia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Turkmenistan"> Turkmenistan </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Turks and Caicos Islands"> Turks and Caicos Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Tuvalu"> Tuvalu </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Uganda"> Uganda </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Ukraine"> Ukraine </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="United Arab Emirates"> United Arab Emirates </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="United Kingdom"> United Kingdom </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="United States"> United States </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Uruguay"> Uruguay </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Uzbekistan"> Uzbekistan </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Vanuatu"> Vanuatu </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Venezuela"> Venezuela </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Vietnam"> Vietnam </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Virgin Islands"> Virgin Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Wake Atoll"> Wake Atoll </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Wallis and Futuna"> Wallis and Futuna </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="West Bank"> West Bank </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Western Sahara"> Western Sahara </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Yemen"> Yemen </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Zambia"> Zambia </option>
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 1. S&P Global Market Intelligence
 2. 03.16.2023 - A US Banking System Under Pressure: Understanding the Liquidity
    Crunch (On-Demand)



Three banks failed in the last week, including the closures of Silicon Valley
Bank and Signature Bank, the second and third largest bank failures in U.S.
history. The closures ended a long quiet period in traditional bank insolvencies
since the Great Financial Crisis and came after the institutions faced a
liquidity crunch. The run on the banks that occurred prompted fears over other
banks' deposit bases, which in turn led to a broad selloff in bank stocks.  

However, regulators responded to the situation with unprecedented support, by
backstopping all deposits at Silicon Valley and Signature, and placing the
institutions into bridge banks. Regulators also unveiled a new bank term funding
program aimed at shoring up confidence in bank deposits. Many banks have
provided intra-quarter updates touting the strength in capital and liquidity and
new sources of funding they have secured as well, but institutions have still
faced pressure in the public markets.  

Join us for a panel discussion featuring leading banking industry advisors on
the implications of this historical event and where the banking industry may be
headed from here. 

During this webinar we'll discuss:

 * Were the failures of Silicon Valley and Signature idiosyncratic events?
 * Will more regulation come to the $50B-plus asset banks? Could we see TLAC
   applied to smaller banks?
 * What have banks done already to calm fears, assure depositors and investors
   and what actions do they need to take going forward? 
 * Does the recent turmoil in the industry represent a buying opportunity for
 * Does the Fed's decision to backstop all deposits at Silicon Valley and
   Signature essentially guarantee all deposits at other banks?
 * Will the Fed's Bank Term Funding Program sure up confidence in the banking
 * What metrics should investors and regulators assess to determine if other
   banks could face pressure?
 * How will this change regulatory exams? Will liquidity stress-testing become
   regular practice?
 * Should banks dial back growth goals?
 * What is the outlook for the industry as a whole as a result of the recent

Watch Now



Principal Research Analyst

S&P Global Market Intelligence


Managing Director, Co-Head of Financial Services Investment Banking

Piper Sandler



Alston & Bird

Mark Kanaly is co-leader of Alston & Bird’s Corporate Area and Banking Practice,
and previously Mark served as chair of the Firm’s Management Committee, as well
as the chair of the Firm’s Financial Services and Products Group. Mark focuses
his practice on the banking space, where he assists his clients with mergers and
acquisitions, IPOs, public and private capital raising transactions, corporate
governance, and a host of related regulatory matters. Throughout the economic
cycle, Mark has worked on some of the most innovative and recognized
transactions in the country.


Managing Director, Head of U.S. Bank Research

Keefe, Bruyette & Woods


Principal Research Analyst

S&P Global Market Intelligence


Managing Director, Co-Head of Financial Services Investment Banking

Piper Sandler



Alston & Bird

Mark Kanaly is co-leader of Alston & Bird’s Corporate Area and Banking Practice,
and previously Mark served as chair of the Firm’s Management Committee, as well
as the chair of the Firm’s Financial Services and Products Group. Mark focuses
his practice on the banking space, where he assists his clients with mergers and
acquisitions, IPOs, public and private capital raising transactions, corporate
governance, and a host of related regulatory matters. Throughout the economic
cycle, Mark has worked on some of the most innovative and recognized
transactions in the country.


Managing Director, Head of U.S. Bank Research

Keefe, Bruyette & Woods

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