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URL: https://www.radware.com/underattack/
Submission: On July 12 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

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            <h2 class="title title--size-s text-center m-b-1">Simple 4-Step Onboarding Process:</h2>
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                <h4 class="feature-card__title"><strong>Step 2</strong>: Service Registration</h4>
                <p class="feature-card__text">Protected assets are registered</p>
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                <h4 class="feature-card__title"><strong>Step 3</strong>: Set-up For Diversion &amp; Clean Traffic Return</h4>
                <p class="feature-card__text">BGP and DNS-based traffic is set up for diversion and a GRE tunnel is configured for clean traffic return</p>
            <div class="feature-card p-b-1"><img alt="Step 3: Traffic Diversion &amp; Active Mitigation" class="feature-card__image" src="/RadwareSite/MediaLibraries/Images/featured-docs/under_attack_step_four.jpg">
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                <h4 class="feature-card__title"><strong>Step 4</strong>: Traffic Diversion &amp; Active Mitigation</h4>
                <p class="feature-card__text">Traffic is diverted to the nearest scrubbing center</p>
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            <h3 class="modal__title" id="modal-label">Service Description</h3>
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            <p>This service protects against an unlimited number of DDoS attacks and sizes for a period up to seven days (subject to terms detailed below).</p>
            <p>Service provides protection for up to eight networks (per data center) and up to 4Gbps of legitimate traffic.</p>
            <p>Service is provided on a best-effort basis with no SLAs and/or KPIs since it is an emergency service provided under attack.</p>
            <p>This is available to new Radware customers only.</p>
            <p class="m-t-2"><strong>Service will start once all the following on-boarding key milestones are completed:</strong></p>
            <ul class="blade-bullet__list m-l-2">
              <li class="blade-bullet blade-bullet--size-xs"><strong>Service registration</strong>: Customer will receive an on-boarding invitation to Radware’s Cloud Security Service portal to register protected assets.</li>
              <li class="blade-bullet blade-bullet--size-xs m-t-2"><strong>Traffic diversion set-up</strong>: FFor BGP-based traffic diversion, customer will sign an LOA for BGP diversion. Radware will submit this to the upstream service provider for
                approval. For DNS-based traffic diversion, the customer will change its DNS record to direct traffic to a Radware scrubbing center.</li>
              <li class="blade-bullet blade-bullet--size-xs m-t-2"><strong>Tunnel Configuration For Clean Traffic Return</strong>: A GRE tunnel is configured for clean traffic return in the scrubbing center and on the customer’s network.</li>
              <li class="blade-bullet blade-bullet--size-xs m-t-2"><strong>Traffic diversion</strong>: Traffic is diverted to a Radware scrubbing center.</li>
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            <p>Service Fees are $33,000 USD per each Customer’s data center.</p>
            <p>Service Fees are exclusive of any taxes. Customer will pay any sales, value-added or other similar taxes imposed by applicable law on the Services ordered by the Customer, except for taxes based on Radware’s income.</p>
            <p>Radware will invoice the Customer upon Service start date with ‘net 30’ payment terms or as agreed upon between Customer and Radware’s authorized channel if not purchased directly from Radware. Payment will be made in USD.</p>
            <p>Service fees will be fully deductible from any future purchase of Radware’s Cloud DDoS Protection service annual contract if purchased within a period of thirty (30) days from the start date of the Service.</p>
            <p>No fee will be charged if you decide not to proceed with Emergency Mitigation following your interview with Radware’s ERT team.</p>
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            <p>Each party shall treat confidentially the terms and conditions of this Agreement, all information relating to the Service and the transactions contemplated under this Agreement and all information provided by each party to the other
              regarding its business and operations. All confidential information provided by a party hereto shall remain the property of the disclosing party and shall be used by the receiving party solely for the purpose of rendering or obtaining
              Service pursuant to this Agreement and, except as may be required in carrying out this Agreement, shall not be disclosed to any third party without the prior consent of the disclosing party. The foregoing shall not be applicable to any
              information that is publicly available when provided or thereafter becomes publicly available other than through a breach of this Agreement, or that is required to be disclosed by or to any regulatory authority, or by judicial or
              administrative process or otherwise by applicable law. </p>
            <p>Radware shall not be liable to the Customer or to any third party, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, lost profits from any cause
              whatsoever, loss of or damage to information or data, interruption of business and any other damage or loss, arising from or in any way connected with this Agreement or the Service, even if such party has been advised of the possibility
              of such damage or loss. Without derogating from the foregoing, in no event shall Radware’s liability exceed the amounts actually paid to Radware for the Service. Notwithstanding the foregoing, none of the exclusions and limitations in
              this section shall apply in respect of (i) liability in negligence causing personal injury or death; (ii) liability for fraudulent misrepresentation; or (iii) any other liability which cannot by law be excluded or limited (as
              appropriate). The foregoing limitations and exclusions apply collectively Radware and its affiliates, suppliers, sub-contractors, and sub-processors.</p>
            <p>This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Israel. In the event of any dispute or difference arising out of or in connection with this Agreement the dispute shall be submitted to the
              exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Tel-Aviv.</p>
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            <h3 class="modal__title" id="modal-label">Terms and Conditions of Use for the Radware Website</h3>
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            <p>The following terms and conditions of use apply to the use of this Website (the "Website"). Read these terms and conditions carefully before using the Website with or without logging in or downloading content from the site. These Terms
              and Conditions of use and all other legal notices on this website (e.g. specific Terms of Use of password protected zones and Privacy Policy) may change from time to time at the sole discretion of Radware and will become binding
              immediately upon posting. By accessing or using the Website, you are accepting and agreeing to the terms below and to any changes thereto that may become applicable from to time as indicated above.</p>
            <p><strong>Terms Applicable to Specific Content and Areas of the Website</strong>. Some areas of the Website or content provided on or through the Website may have additional rules, guidelines, license agreements, user agreements or other
              terms and conditions that apply to your access or use of that area of the Website or content (including terms and conditions applicable to a corporation or other organization and its users). If there is a conflict or inconsistency
              between these Terms and Conditions of Use for the Radware website, and the rules, guidelines, license agreement, user agreement or other terms and conditions for a specific area of the Website or for specific content, the latter shall
              have precedence and control with respect to your access and use of that area of the Website or content.</p>
            <p><strong>License.</strong> Subject to the terms and conditions herein, RADWARE hereby grants you a limited, nontransferable and nonexclusive license, subject to the restrictions set forth below, to access and use the Website, solely for
              informational and non-commercial purposes, for internal use and/or for the purpose of using, managing and supporting RADWARE devices (the "RADWARE Devices") owned or controlled by you (the "License"). RADWARE reserves the right to amend
              the terms of this License from time to time without notice, by posting the revised terms on the Website.</p>
            <p><strong>Copying and Reverse Engineering.</strong> You agree that you will not: (i) copy, modify, create any derivative work of; or (ii) reverse assemble, decompile, reverse engineer or otherwise attempt to derive source code (or the
              underlying ideas, algorithms, structure or organization); or (iii) remove any copyright notices, identification or any other proprietary notices from any of the software, copyrighted content and any proprietary information in this
            <p><strong>Intellectual Property Rights.</strong> You acknowledge and agree that this License is not intended to convey or transfer to you any intellectual property rights or to grant any licenses in or to any technology or intellectual
              property or content, other than as expressly provided herein. The content contained in this Website, including, but are not limited to, software, product information, technology information, user guides, white papers, analysis, trade
              names, graphics, designs, icons, audio or video clips and logos, is RADWARE proprietary information, protected by copyright, trademark, patent and/or other intellectual property rights, under US and international law. Third-party
              trademarks and information are the property of their respective owners.</p>
            <p><strong>Disclaimer of Warranty.</strong> Although RADWARE attempts to provide accurate and up-to-date information on this Website, RADWARE makes no warranty with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information on the
              Website. Information, software and documentation provided on this Website are provided "as is" and without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and
              fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.</p>
            <p><strong>Limitation of Liability.</strong> RADWARE shall not be liable to you or any other party for any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, any amounts representing loss of profits,
              loss of business, loss of information or punitive damages. In any event, the extent of liability shall not exceed the amount of US$20 or, in the event of software purchased by downloading from this Website, limited exclusively to
              replacement of the software purchased or refund of license fees, if any. The above limitations shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by law.</p>
            <p><strong>Links to Third-party Websites.</strong> This Website may contain links to third-party Websites. Such links are provided for convenience only and RADWARE makes no warranty, nor does it assume any responsibility or liability in
              connection with the access and use of any other Website.</p>
            <p><strong>Access to Password-protected Zones.</strong> This Website includes restricted zones which are password-protected for employees, customers, partners and other registered users. Access to such restricted zones is limited to
              authorized users only, and unauthorized access may be considered a criminal offence. If you were provided a password, user ID or any other form of authentication by RADWARE (the "Password"), you agree that the Password is considered
              confidential and proprietary information of RADWARE and may not be disclosed or transferred to any other party. Some downloads require a RADWARE device serial number. The serial number is considered a Password for the purpose of this
              section. Registering to, trafficking into, or otherwise using password-protected zones to profit in bad faith from the knowledge base made available in such password-protected zones, to gain an unfair business advantage or competition
              against Radware or for business espionage, are against the law and are strictly prohibited.</p>
            <p><strong>Termination of Access and Use. </strong>Radware reserves the right to modify, suspend or terminate the Website and/or your use or access to the Website for any or no reason with or without notice at its sole and absolute
              discretion. Radware will not be liable to you or any third-party for any modification, suspension, or termination of the Website, and/or termination of your use thereof or access thereto.<strong> </strong></p>
            <p><strong>Privacy.</strong> Information submitted by you or collected by us in connection with the use of this Website is subject to our Privacy Policy, the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference.</p>
            <p><strong>Export.</strong> The information, products or services available on this Website or any part thereof may be subject to export or import controls under the laws and regulations of the United States and/or Israel. You agree to
              comply with such laws and regulations and agree not to knowingly export, re-export, import or re-import, or transfer products without first obtaining all required government authorizations or licenses.</p>
            <p><strong>Governing Law.</strong> This Agreement and any action related thereto shall be governed, controlled, interpreted and defined in accordance with the laws of the State of Israel, without regard to the conflicts of laws provisions
            <p><strong>Safe Harbor.</strong> This Website may contain forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements include,
              but are not limited to, general business conditions in the Application Delivery or Network Security industry, and other risks detailed from time to time in RADWARE's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including
              RADWARE's Form 20-F.</p>
            <p><strong>COPYRIGHT © 2023, Radware Ltd. All Rights Reserved.</strong></p>
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            <p><strong>Collection of Personal Information</strong>. Personal information may be collected in one of three ways: (i) Users may submit personal information (such as name, email address, telephone number) while using this Website for the
              purpose of registering and logging into the Website, downloading software or information, applying for a job, requesting information and other uses; (ii) when entering a product serial number, the Website will be updated with the
              applicable customer information. Information referred to under sections (i) and (ii) shall be referred to herein as "Personal Information" and the information referred to under section (iii) shall be referred to herein as "Tracking
            <p><strong>Use of Personal Information.</strong> Personal Information is not used or provided to any third party, except as outlined herein. By logging into our Website and/or by providing your Personal Information, Radware assumes you
              are interested in obtaining more information about our company, its technology and our product offerings or job opportunities. Therefore, Radware may use your Personal Information solely for the purpose of (i) providing you with
              products, services, upgrades and additional offerings available on our Website; (ii) providing you with information Radware believes you would be interested in, such as newsletters, product updates, special offers, campaigns, service
              renewals and additional promotional materials; or (iii) answering your questions and inquiries. Radware may also provide your contact information to Radware’s affiliates, business partners or other third parties acting on its behalf in
              order to (i) provide you with Radware’s products and services or provide joint or bundled solutions; or (ii) provide you with joint offers and complementary information which Radware believes may be of interest to you.</p>
            <p><strong>Use of Tracking Information.</strong> Tracking Information is used solely for statistical, web performance and analysis with the aim of improving the efficiency and performance of our Website. Radware does not provide the
              Tracking Information to any third party and do not use it for any purpose other than as stated herein. Radware may use standard technologies, such as cookies and other HTML tools, to collect information about how you use the Website or
              to record that you opened an email marketing message, solely for analysis purposes.</p>
            <p><strong>Help US Keep Accurate Information.</strong> Radware understands the importance of maintaining accurate records. Please help keep your records accurate by contacting Radware with any changes or corrections to your information at
              <a href="mailto:datasubjectrights@radware.com">datasubjectrights@radware.com</a>.</p>
            <p><strong>You May Request the Modification or Removal of your Personal Information.</strong> You may request to modify your Personal Information or ask not to receive additional offers and information at any time by contacting
              <a href="mailto:datasubjectrights@radware.com">datasubjectrights@radware.com</a>.</p>
            <p>Radware supports your "Right to be forgotten". You may request to remove your Personal Information at any time by contacting <a href="mailto:datasubjectrights@Radware.com">datasubjectrights@radware.com</a>.</p>
            <p><strong>Links to Third-party Websites</strong>. This Website may contain links to third-party websites. Radware is not responsible for the privacy practices of such websites.</p>
            <p><strong>Security of Your Information</strong>. Radware, as a provider of world class security products, takes the security of your personal information as a top priority. Radware encrypts your information when it is transported or
              stored. Access is restricted to Radware staff members with a need to know. Radware monitors its technology platforms to protect against unauthorized access to your information.</p>
            <p><strong>Cross-Border Transfer, Processing and Storage of Personal Information</strong>. As a global organization, Radware may transfer your personal information to Radware in Israel, to any Radware’s affiliates worldwide, or to its
              business partners or other third parties in Israel or worldwide acting on its behalf, for the purposes of processing or storage of the personal information pursuant to this Policy.</p>
            <p><strong>Children's Privacy</strong>. Radware is committed to protecting the privacy needs of children and we encourage parents and guardians to take an active role in their children’s online activities and interests. Radware does not
              knowingly collect information from children under the age of 16 and Radware does not target its Website to children under 16.</p>
            <p><strong>Disclosure of Information as Required by Law</strong>. Radware may be forced to disclose Tracking Information or Personal information if required to do so by applicable law or by a competent governmental or judicial order to
              prevent any illegal or harmful activities.</p>
            <p><strong>Data Retention</strong>. Radware keeps your personal information only so long as Radware needs it to provide the products or services you requested, fulfill all the other purposes described in this Policy, and for other
              essential purposes such as complying with Radware’s legal obligations, resolve disputes, establish legal defenses, conduct audits, maintaining security, detecting and preventing fraud and abuse, enforce our agreements and comply with
              all applicable laws. This is also the case for anyone that Radware shares your personal information with and who carries out services on Radware’s behalf. Retention periods can vary significantly based on the type of information and how
              it is used. Radware’s retention periods are based on criteria that include legally mandated retention periods, pending or potential litigation, our intellectual property or ownership rights, contract requirements, operational directives
              or needs, and historical archiving. When Radware no longer needs to use your personal information and there is no need for Radware to keep it to comply with our legal or regulatory obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our
              agreements, we’ll either remove it from our systems or depersonalize it so that we can't identify you.</p>
            <p><strong>Disclosure of Information as a Result of Reorganization</strong>. Radware may also be forced to disclose Tracking Information or Personal Information as part of a corporate reorganization, restructuring or merger activities, to
              the extent required to consummate such activities.</p>
            <p><strong>Amendment of Policy</strong>. Radware reserves the right to amend the terms of this Policy from time to time without notice, by posting the revised terms on the Website.</p>
            <p><strong>Questions</strong>. You may contact Radware with any questions regarding our Privacy Policy at <a href="mailto:DPO@radware.com">DPO@radware.com</a>.</p>
            <p><strong>COPYRIGHT © 2023, Radware Ltd. All Rights Reserved.</strong></p>
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Complete the form and a representative will contact you within 24 hours


Protected assets are registered


BGP and DNS-based traffic is set up for diversion and a GRE tunnel is configured
for clean traffic return


Traffic is diverted to the nearest scrubbing center

Radware Customers: Existing customers should call the Emergency Response
Team/ERT immediately during an attack/P1 incident. Contact information for ERT
can be found here: support.radware.com


Our experts will answer your questions, assess your needs, and help you
understand which products are best for your business.

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Security Research Center



This service protects against an unlimited number of DDoS attacks and sizes for
a period up to seven days (subject to terms detailed below).

Service provides protection for up to eight networks (per data center) and up to
4Gbps of legitimate traffic.

Service is provided on a best-effort basis with no SLAs and/or KPIs since it is
an emergency service provided under attack.

This is available to new Radware customers only.

Service will start once all the following on-boarding key milestones are

 * Service registration: Customer will receive an on-boarding invitation to
   Radware’s Cloud Security Service portal to register protected assets.
 * Traffic diversion set-up: FFor BGP-based traffic diversion, customer will
   sign an LOA for BGP diversion. Radware will submit this to the upstream
   service provider for approval. For DNS-based traffic diversion, the customer
   will change its DNS record to direct traffic to a Radware scrubbing center.
 * Tunnel Configuration For Clean Traffic Return: A GRE tunnel is configured for
   clean traffic return in the scrubbing center and on the customer’s network.
 * Traffic diversion: Traffic is diverted to a Radware scrubbing center.




Service Fees are $33,000 USD per each Customer’s data center.

Service Fees are exclusive of any taxes. Customer will pay any sales,
value-added or other similar taxes imposed by applicable law on the Services
ordered by the Customer, except for taxes based on Radware’s income.

Radware will invoice the Customer upon Service start date with ‘net 30’ payment
terms or as agreed upon between Customer and Radware’s authorized channel if not
purchased directly from Radware. Payment will be made in USD.

Service fees will be fully deductible from any future purchase of Radware’s
Cloud DDoS Protection service annual contract if purchased within a period of
thirty (30) days from the start date of the Service.

No fee will be charged if you decide not to proceed with Emergency Mitigation
following your interview with Radware’s ERT team.




Each party shall treat confidentially the terms and conditions of this
Agreement, all information relating to the Service and the transactions
contemplated under this Agreement and all information provided by each party to
the other regarding its business and operations. All confidential information
provided by a party hereto shall remain the property of the disclosing party and
shall be used by the receiving party solely for the purpose of rendering or
obtaining Service pursuant to this Agreement and, except as may be required in
carrying out this Agreement, shall not be disclosed to any third party without
the prior consent of the disclosing party. The foregoing shall not be applicable
to any information that is publicly available when provided or thereafter
becomes publicly available other than through a breach of this Agreement, or
that is required to be disclosed by or to any regulatory authority, or by
judicial or administrative process or otherwise by applicable law.


Radware shall not be liable to the Customer or to any third party, whether in
contract, tort or otherwise, for any special, indirect, incidental or
consequential damages, including, but not limited to, lost profits from any
cause whatsoever, loss of or damage to information or data, interruption of
business and any other damage or loss, arising from or in any way connected with
this Agreement or the Service, even if such party has been advised of the
possibility of such damage or loss. Without derogating from the foregoing, in no
event shall Radware’s liability exceed the amounts actually paid to Radware for
the Service. Notwithstanding the foregoing, none of the exclusions and
limitations in this section shall apply in respect of (i) liability in
negligence causing personal injury or death; (ii) liability for fraudulent
misrepresentation; or (iii) any other liability which cannot by law be excluded
or limited (as appropriate). The foregoing limitations and exclusions apply
collectively Radware and its affiliates, suppliers, sub-contractors, and

This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of
the State of Israel. In the event of any dispute or difference arising out of or
in connection with this Agreement the dispute shall be submitted to the
exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Tel-Aviv.




The following terms and conditions of use apply to the use of this Website (the
"Website"). Read these terms and conditions carefully before using the Website
with or without logging in or downloading content from the site. These Terms and
Conditions of use and all other legal notices on this website (e.g. specific
Terms of Use of password protected zones and Privacy Policy) may change from
time to time at the sole discretion of Radware and will become binding
immediately upon posting. By accessing or using the Website, you are accepting
and agreeing to the terms below and to any changes thereto that may become
applicable from to time as indicated above.

Terms Applicable to Specific Content and Areas of the Website. Some areas of the
Website or content provided on or through the Website may have additional rules,
guidelines, license agreements, user agreements or other terms and conditions
that apply to your access or use of that area of the Website or content
(including terms and conditions applicable to a corporation or other
organization and its users). If there is a conflict or inconsistency between
these Terms and Conditions of Use for the Radware website, and the rules,
guidelines, license agreement, user agreement or other terms and conditions for
a specific area of the Website or for specific content, the latter shall have
precedence and control with respect to your access and use of that area of the
Website or content.

License. Subject to the terms and conditions herein, RADWARE hereby grants you a
limited, nontransferable and nonexclusive license, subject to the restrictions
set forth below, to access and use the Website, solely for informational and
non-commercial purposes, for internal use and/or for the purpose of using,
managing and supporting RADWARE devices (the "RADWARE Devices") owned or
controlled by you (the "License"). RADWARE reserves the right to amend the terms
of this License from time to time without notice, by posting the revised terms
on the Website.

Copying and Reverse Engineering. You agree that you will not: (i) copy, modify,
create any derivative work of; or (ii) reverse assemble, decompile, reverse
engineer or otherwise attempt to derive source code (or the underlying ideas,
algorithms, structure or organization); or (iii) remove any copyright notices,
identification or any other proprietary notices from any of the software,
copyrighted content and any proprietary information in this Website.

Intellectual Property Rights. You acknowledge and agree that this License is not
intended to convey or transfer to you any intellectual property rights or to
grant any licenses in or to any technology or intellectual property or content,
other than as expressly provided herein. The content contained in this Website,
including, but are not limited to, software, product information, technology
information, user guides, white papers, analysis, trade names, graphics,
designs, icons, audio or video clips and logos, is RADWARE proprietary
information, protected by copyright, trademark, patent and/or other intellectual
property rights, under US and international law. Third-party trademarks and
information are the property of their respective owners.

Disclaimer of Warranty. Although RADWARE attempts to provide accurate and
up-to-date information on this Website, RADWARE makes no warranty with respect
to the accuracy or completeness of the information on the Website. Information,
software and documentation provided on this Website are provided "as is" and
without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied, including, but not
limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose and non-infringement.

Limitation of Liability. RADWARE shall not be liable to you or any other party
for any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, including, but
not limited to, any amounts representing loss of profits, loss of business, loss
of information or punitive damages. In any event, the extent of liability shall
not exceed the amount of US$20 or, in the event of software purchased by
downloading from this Website, limited exclusively to replacement of the
software purchased or refund of license fees, if any. The above limitations
shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Links to Third-party Websites. This Website may contain links to third-party
Websites. Such links are provided for convenience only and RADWARE makes no
warranty, nor does it assume any responsibility or liability in connection with
the access and use of any other Website.

Access to Password-protected Zones. This Website includes restricted zones which
are password-protected for employees, customers, partners and other registered
users. Access to such restricted zones is limited to authorized users only, and
unauthorized access may be considered a criminal offence. If you were provided a
password, user ID or any other form of authentication by RADWARE (the
"Password"), you agree that the Password is considered confidential and
proprietary information of RADWARE and may not be disclosed or transferred to
any other party. Some downloads require a RADWARE device serial number. The
serial number is considered a Password for the purpose of this section.
Registering to, trafficking into, or otherwise using password-protected zones to
profit in bad faith from the knowledge base made available in such
password-protected zones, to gain an unfair business advantage or competition
against Radware or for business espionage, are against the law and are strictly

Termination of Access and Use. Radware reserves the right to modify, suspend or
terminate the Website and/or your use or access to the Website for any or no
reason with or without notice at its sole and absolute discretion. Radware will
not be liable to you or any third-party for any modification, suspension, or
termination of the Website, and/or termination of your use thereof or access

Privacy. Information submitted by you or collected by us in connection with the
use of this Website is subject to our Privacy Policy, the terms of which are
incorporated herein by reference.

Export. The information, products or services available on this Website or any
part thereof may be subject to export or import controls under the laws and
regulations of the United States and/or Israel. You agree to comply with such
laws and regulations and agree not to knowingly export, re-export, import or
re-import, or transfer products without first obtaining all required government
authorizations or licenses.

Governing Law. This Agreement and any action related thereto shall be governed,
controlled, interpreted and defined in accordance with the laws of the State of
Israel, without regard to the conflicts of laws provisions thereof.

Safe Harbor. This Website may contain forward-looking statements that are
subject to risks and uncertainties. Factors that could cause actual results to
differ materially from these forward-looking statements include, but are not
limited to, general business conditions in the Application Delivery or Network
Security industry, and other risks detailed from time to time in RADWARE's
filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including RADWARE's Form

COPYRIGHT © 2023, Radware Ltd. All Rights Reserved.




Collection of Personal Information. Personal information may be collected in one
of three ways: (i) Users may submit personal information (such as name, email
address, telephone number) while using this Website for the purpose of
registering and logging into the Website, downloading software or information,
applying for a job, requesting information and other uses; (ii) when entering a
product serial number, the Website will be updated with the applicable customer
information. Information referred to under sections (i) and (ii) shall be
referred to herein as "Personal Information" and the information referred to
under section (iii) shall be referred to herein as "Tracking Information".

Use of Personal Information. Personal Information is not used or provided to any
third party, except as outlined herein. By logging into our Website and/or by
providing your Personal Information, Radware assumes you are interested in
obtaining more information about our company, its technology and our product
offerings or job opportunities. Therefore, Radware may use your Personal
Information solely for the purpose of (i) providing you with products, services,
upgrades and additional offerings available on our Website; (ii) providing you
with information Radware believes you would be interested in, such as
newsletters, product updates, special offers, campaigns, service renewals and
additional promotional materials; or (iii) answering your questions and
inquiries. Radware may also provide your contact information to Radware’s
affiliates, business partners or other third parties acting on its behalf in
order to (i) provide you with Radware’s products and services or provide joint
or bundled solutions; or (ii) provide you with joint offers and complementary
information which Radware believes may be of interest to you.

Use of Tracking Information. Tracking Information is used solely for
statistical, web performance and analysis with the aim of improving the
efficiency and performance of our Website. Radware does not provide the Tracking
Information to any third party and do not use it for any purpose other than as
stated herein. Radware may use standard technologies, such as cookies and other
HTML tools, to collect information about how you use the Website or to record
that you opened an email marketing message, solely for analysis purposes.

Help US Keep Accurate Information. Radware understands the importance of
maintaining accurate records. Please help keep your records accurate by
contacting Radware with any changes or corrections to your information at

You May Request the Modification or Removal of your Personal Information. You
may request to modify your Personal Information or ask not to receive additional
offers and information at any time by contacting datasubjectrights@radware.com.

Radware supports your "Right to be forgotten". You may request to remove your
Personal Information at any time by contacting datasubjectrights@radware.com.

Links to Third-party Websites. This Website may contain links to third-party
websites. Radware is not responsible for the privacy practices of such websites.

Security of Your Information. Radware, as a provider of world class security
products, takes the security of your personal information as a top priority.
Radware encrypts your information when it is transported or stored. Access is
restricted to Radware staff members with a need to know. Radware monitors its
technology platforms to protect against unauthorized access to your information.

Cross-Border Transfer, Processing and Storage of Personal Information. As a
global organization, Radware may transfer your personal information to Radware
in Israel, to any Radware’s affiliates worldwide, or to its business partners or
other third parties in Israel or worldwide acting on its behalf, for the
purposes of processing or storage of the personal information pursuant to this

Children's Privacy. Radware is committed to protecting the privacy needs of
children and we encourage parents and guardians to take an active role in their
children’s online activities and interests. Radware does not knowingly collect
information from children under the age of 16 and Radware does not target its
Website to children under 16.

Disclosure of Information as Required by Law. Radware may be forced to disclose
Tracking Information or Personal information if required to do so by applicable
law or by a competent governmental or judicial order to prevent any illegal or
harmful activities.

Data Retention. Radware keeps your personal information only so long as Radware
needs it to provide the products or services you requested, fulfill all the
other purposes described in this Policy, and for other essential purposes such
as complying with Radware’s legal obligations, resolve disputes, establish legal
defenses, conduct audits, maintaining security, detecting and preventing fraud
and abuse, enforce our agreements and comply with all applicable laws. This is
also the case for anyone that Radware shares your personal information with and
who carries out services on Radware’s behalf. Retention periods can vary
significantly based on the type of information and how it is used. Radware’s
retention periods are based on criteria that include legally mandated retention
periods, pending or potential litigation, our intellectual property or ownership
rights, contract requirements, operational directives or needs, and historical
archiving. When Radware no longer needs to use your personal information and
there is no need for Radware to keep it to comply with our legal or regulatory
obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our agreements, we’ll either remove it
from our systems or depersonalize it so that we can't identify you.

Disclosure of Information as a Result of Reorganization. Radware may also be
forced to disclose Tracking Information or Personal Information as part of a
corporate reorganization, restructuring or merger activities, to the extent
required to consummate such activities.

Amendment of Policy. Radware reserves the right to amend the terms of this
Policy from time to time without notice, by posting the revised terms on the

Questions. You may contact Radware with any questions regarding our Privacy
Policy at DPO@radware.com.

COPYRIGHT © 2023, Radware Ltd. All Rights Reserved.




 * Cloud Application Protection Services
 * Application Protection for Any Cloud
 * Bot Management
 * Cloud Web DDoS Protection Solution
 * API Protection
 * Client-Side Protection
 * On-Prem Application Delivery & Security


 * Business Impact Calculator
 * Bad Bot Analyzer
 * Bad Bot Vulnerability Scanner
 * Application Vulnerability Analyzer


 * Cloud WAF Service
 * Bot Manager
 * API Protection
 * Client-Side Protection
 * Alteon Integrated WAF
 * Kubernetes WAF


 * Healthcare
 * Financial Services
 * Open Banking
 * Education
 * SaaS
 * eCommerce
 * Government
 * Gaming


 * End-to-End DDoS Protection
 * Multi Layered DDoS Protection
 * Cloud Web DDoS Protection Solution
 * Encrypted Attack Protection
 * Advanced Cloud Network Analytics
 * Cloud Firewall-as-a-Service


 * Cloud DDoS Protection Service
 * DefensePro
 * Threat Intelligence
 * ERT Services
 * Cyber Controller


 * Healthcare
 * Financial Services
 * Open Banking
 * Education
 * SaaS
 * eCommerce
 * Government
 * Gaming


 * End to End Public Cloud Protection
 * Application Protection for Any Cloud
 * Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)
 * Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM)
 * Cloud Threat Detection & Response (CTDR)
 * Public Cloud Application Protection
 * Cross-Cloud Visibility & Reporting


 * Cloud Native Protector
 * Kubernetes WAF
 * Bot Manager


 * Healthcare
 * Financial Services
 * Open Banking
 * Education
 * SaaS
 * eCommerce
 * Government
 * Gaming


 * Application Delivery Across Hybrid Environments
 * Secured Application Delivery
 * SSL Inspection, Offloading and Acceleration


 * Alteon
 * Alteon GEL
 * SSL Inspection
 * LinkProof NG
 * Cyber Controller


 * Healthcare
 * Financial Services
 * Open Banking
 * Education
 * SaaS
 * eCommerce
 * Government
 * Gaming


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 * Cloud DDoS Peak Protection Service
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 * Threat Analysis Center
 * Live Threat Map
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 * CyberPedia


 * Business Impact Calculator
 * Bad Bot Analyzer
 * Bad Bot Vulnerability Scanner
 * Application Vulnerability Analyzer


 * Solutions
   * Cloud Application Protection Services
   * Application Protection for Any Cloud
   * Bot Management
   * Cloud Web DDoS Protection Solution
   * API Protection
   * Client-Side Protection
   * On-Prem Application Delivery & Security
 * Products & Services
   * Cloud WAF Service
   * Bot Manager
   * API Protection
   * Client-Side Protection
   * Alteon Integrated WAF
   * Kubernetes WAF
 * Free Assessment Tools
   * Business Impact Calculator
   * Bad Bot Analyzer
   * Bad Bot Vulnerability Scanner
   * Application Vulnerability Analyzer


 * Solutions
   * End-to-End DDoS Protection
   * Cloud Web DDoS Protection Solution
   * Multi-Layered DDoS Protection
   * Encrypted Attack Protection
   * Advanced Cloud Network Analytics
   * Cloud Firewall-as-a-Service
 * Products & Services
   * Cloud DDoS Protection Service
   * DefensePro
   * Threat Intelligence
   * ERT Services
   * Cyber Controller


 * Solutions
   * End to End Public Cloud Protection
   * Application Protection for Any Cloud
   * Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)
   * Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM)
   * Cloud Threat Detection & Response (CTDR)
   * Public Cloud Application Protection
   * Cross-Cloud Visibility & Reporting
 * Products & Services
   * Cloud Native Protector
   * Kubernetes WAF
   * Bot Manager


 * Solutions
   * Application Delivery Across Hybrid Environments
   * Secured Application Delivery
   * SSL Inspection, Offloading and Acceleration
 * Products & Services
   * Alteon
   * Alteon GEL
   * SSL Inspection
   * LinkProof NG
   * Cyber Controller


 * Solutions
   * DDoS Protection
   * 5G Protection Solution
   * Security Managed Services (MSSP)
 * Products & Services
   * DefensePro
   * DefenseFlow
   * Cloud DDoS Peak Protection Service
   * Alteon
   * MSSP Portal
   * Cyber Controller


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