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Submission: On December 05 via api from IE — Scanned from CA
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WE GROW TOGETHER We've worked hard to create an environment where every individual can keep learning, keep growing, and enjoy a rewarding long-term career. WE HAVE GREAT PLANS We may be the number one name in logistics. But we're always exploring fresh ideas, and exciting new ways to extend our business in different directions. See more OUR BUSINESS UNITS POST & PARCEL As the national postal service of Germany, we transport 55 million letters and 5.2 million parcels every day. Find out more EXPRESS We're the specialists in international express delivery. Find out more GLOBAL FORWARDING, FREIGHT By air, sea, road, and rail, we help customers get things where they need to be – when they need to be there. Find out more SUPPLY CHAIN We deliver end-to-end logistics solutions that make life easier for our big-name corporate customers. Find out more CORPORATE CENTER Our headquarters in Bonn, home to our Group Management Functions and global teams from each of our business units. Find out more ECOMMERCE Connecting buyers and sellers around the world, we help businesses grow within – and beyond – their borders. Find out more GLOBAL BUSINESS SERVICES We bring together many of the central support functions that underpin our organization across the globe. Find out more slide 3 of 7 SUPPLY CHAIN We deliver end-to-end logistics solutions that make life easier for our big-name corporate customers. Find out more LET'S HEAR FROM OUR EMPLOYEES "There is a strong harmony among employees in the company, both between the divisions and between the countries, generating a friendly and positive environment for teamwork that breaks even international barriers." Office worker, Gen Z Global Forwarding, Brazil "Everyone at DHL Group works with passion, which really makes the goals of the company come true. What motivates me the most is knowing that we connect with society and save lives! I make my mark by always trying to criticize the processes to improve them even further." Office worker, Gen Y Supply Chain, Brazil "The unity between employees that DHL provides fosters the exchange of experiences for the best progress of the services. This is reflected in customer satisfaction. It is impossible to be a DHL employee without this feeling of togetherness." Office worker, Gen X Supply Chain, Brazil "I was with DHL Group for 25 years and it is with a heavy heart I have to leave the company soon. I had a lot of work experience before joining DHL Group, yet I only started to grow and enhance the skills I never knew I had, travel the world, and make my best friends in DHL Group. It has been the most rewarding 25 years." Frontline Worker, Baby Boomers Global Forwarding, Ireland OUR LOCATIONS We’re the world’s most international company, operating in more than 220 countries and territories. A career with DHL really can take you anywhere. 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