www.miframsecurity.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://miframsecurity.epage.co.il/
Effective URL: https://www.miframsecurity.com/
Submission: On July 21 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from IL

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Text Content

 * Products
   * Anti Ram Vehicle Barriers
   * Portable Shelters & Protected Spaces
   * Guard Observation Towers
   * Guard Combat Posts
   * Fences & Obstacles
   * Building Fortification
   * Mobile Auxiliary Buildings
   * Miscellaneous
 * Solutions
   * Military bases
   * Perimeter & Border Defense
   * Mining Defense
   * City Defense
   * VIP Protection
   * Harbor Defense
   * Airport Defense
   * Bank Defense
 * Vehicle Barriers
 * About
   * Clients
 * Contact Us







Mifram Security protects your assets using advanced Physical Security Solutions.
Product Mobility: Products are designed for ease of handling, assembly and
setup. Ergonomic features: Products are “user friendly” in regards to access,
environment and comfort. Customized Solutions: Mifram offers consulting services
for customized security products and LSSD services.


Ramgan: Guard Tower

Priest 4000: Guard Tower

Guard Post: Bullet Resistant Guard Booth

Mantis: Guard Tower

MVB 3X™: Modular vehicle barrier

Protective Wall

MBS: Mobile Ballistic Steel Shelter

Scarlet: Bulletproof Protective Shield

MSC: Multipurpose Security Container

Ramgan: Guard Tower

Priest 4000: Guard Tower

Guard Post: Bullet Resistant Guard Booth

Mantis: Guard Tower

MVB 3X™: Modular vehicle barrier

Protective Wall


 * Guard Observation Towers
 * Guard Combat Posts
 * Anti Ram Vehicle Barriers
 * Fences & Obstacles
 * Portable Shelters & Protected Spaces
 * Building Fortification
 * Mobile Auxiliary Buildings
 * Miscellaneous


CBRN Attacks Terror Attacks Pirate Attacks Ballistic Attacks Shrapnel & Blast
Riots & Unrest Floods Fires


 * City Defense
 * Bank Defense
 * Airport Defense
 * Harbor Defense
 * Perimeter & Border Defense
 * Critical Infrastructure Protection
 * VIP Protection


LSSD Training Emergency Food & Water Emergency Electricity Emergency Housing
Mobile Clinics Emergency Hygiene Emergency Water Purification Emergency Sewage
Reclamation Debris Recycling Asbestos Removal Fire, Blast & Impact Shielding
Emergency Equipment


80,000+ Mifram Products Installed throughout the Globe52+ Countries in Global
Sales and Installation Experience950+ Facilities Using Mifram Products


Mifram Security develops, plans and constructs a wide range of defensive
products, anti-terror protection, threat protection, fortifications, natural
disasters and project management solutions.

Mifram Security’s products combine protective, mechanical and civil engineering
with an emphasis placed on portability, modularity and simple erection and

Mifram Security specializes in smart designs, adapted to the client’s needs,
field and local conditions, unique demands and requirements and cost effective
construction that allows for minimum maintenance costs.

Mifram Security is a metalwork and civil engineering company that is registered
as an unlimited contractor in the “Contractors Registry” in addition to other
engineering classifications. The company is registered as an unlimited supplier
and contractor with the Israeli Ministry of Defense and all government bodies
(Approved Contractor), the United States Army, Air Force and Navy, the Marines,
the United Nations and many others.


Mifram’s Security Division is a leading developer and provider of physical
defense systems.  The vast majority of the division’s products are original
products, designed and manufactured by Mifram using unique technologies adapted
to the client’s specific needs and expected threats. (Mifram’s products are
patent protected)

The company’s products provide unique solutions that meet all required threat
assessments (light weapons, steep trajectory weapons – including protection from
direct and near hits and blast, shrapnel etc. – and, if necessary, Atomic,
Biological and Chemical threats).

Mifram Security provides protection solutions for a wide range of military and
police forces and “first response units” as well as civilian bodies,
international integrators, and law enforcement agencies and critical


 * Development and design of technologies to protect critical infrastructures
   (new or existing) and border protection.
 * Managing, training and supplying equipment for dealing with large scale,
   unexpected sudden disasters (LSSD).
 * Provision of universal, mobile solutions for physical protection,
   humanitarian work, military bodies and other large bodies.


During the development of the company’s products, and according to the demands
of Security Forces and the Ministry of Defense, the company performs dozens of
tests, in cooperation with the IDF, the Ministry of Defense, and Home Front
Command, the Engineering Corps as well as international laboratories.  The
company’s products are approved by standards institutions after a successful
testing period. Mifram meets a wide range of international standards including
ISO 9001.


Since its establishment in 1962, Mifram has been involved in building and
protecting the country. Mifram has more than 60(!) years’ experience in the
provision of comprehensive solutions for both security and industrial needs.

Mifram’s engineers and product developers are international experts with many
years of professional and operational experience. All development teams come
directly from the field, with each member being intimately aware of the client’s
needs. This enables them to provide exact and precise solutions for ever
changing threat scenarios.


Over the next decade Mifram is preparing to enter new technological areas and
new security markets whilst continuing to develop new technologies for existing
and future threats.

Mifram sees all of its clients as inspiring partners that help maintain the
company’s vitality and improve the quality of products and solutions needed to
meet future threats.


Join Us


contact us  at +972 72-392-2515 or fill in this form and hear about our launch
prices for the newst models!


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Call us anytime at +972 72-392-2515

or fill in this form and we will contact you soon!

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Mifram Barrires Catalog

For the full catalog of barriers, please leave your details in the form below

6. Choose the topic of interest ☟Guard TowersCombat PostsVehicle
BarriersFencesPortable sheltersBuilding fortificationsMobile auxiliary

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