faucet.subwallet.app Open in urlscan Pro
2606:4700:3031::ac43:c4fc  Public Scan

URL: https://faucet.subwallet.app/
Submission: On January 10 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 0 forms found in the DOM

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Eligibility criteria?
PARA in the faucet is still available.
The address hasn’t received PARA from the faucet.
The address has 0 PARA.
The address has either DOT or cDOT-7/14 on the Parallel network.

This faucet transfers 1 PARA per 1 wallet address to cover gas fees on the
Parallel network. Connect your wallet and check eligibility to receive PARA.
Connect wallet
Crowdloan unlock, then what?
There're multiple ways you can play with your unlocked DOT, such as native
staking, liquid staking, or lending. Check out SubWallet Dashboard for curated
options with competitive APY to earn yield on your DOT.
Rewards: 18% - 24%
Earn with SubWallet Dashboard