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 * What We Do
   * Our Core
     * The Inovalon ONE® PlatformOur Platform brings together national-scale
       connectivity, real-time primary source data access, and advanced
       analytics to power 100+ cloud-based solutions that enable improved
       clinical outcomes and economics across the healthcare ecosystem.
     * Learn More
   * Key Solutions
     * Data Insights SolutionsDrive meaningful, deeply-informed action across
       healthcare via applicable primary source, real-world data.
     * DataStreamImprove the patient experience and care coordination with
       comprehensive, patient-specific data at the point of care.
     * Quality SolutionsImprove quality of care and health outcomes through
       patient, practice, and population-level insights and reporting.
     * Pharmacy SolutionsDeliver better patient care via data-driven,
       cost-effective, and cloud-based processes.
     * Revenue Cycle ManagementImprove revenue cycle efficiency, accuracy, and
       ultimately, speed to payment with streamlined, SaaS-based workflows.
 * Who We Help
   * Who We Help
     * PayersImprove member care and outcomes while achieving greater
       performance with sophisticated analytics and dynamic business
       * Payer Solutions
         * Converged QualityDiscover how our leading HEDIS® software and deep
           industry expertise enable health plans to achieve high-quality
           performance in today’s data-driven healthcare ecosystem.
         * Converged RiskEnsure compliance with advanced analytics and flexible
           member engagement solutions enabling efficient and accurate
           documentation of member conditions.
         * Converged OutreachCustomize and coordinate integrated,
           patient-specific intervention programs and outreach for better
           patient outcomes and economics.
         * Converged Provider EnablementTranslate organizational goals to the
           provider point of care with shared insights into patient care
           quality, documentation, program performance, utilization, and custom
         * Electronic Record On DemandExchange data with more than 750,000
           providers connected to the Inovalon ONE® Platform today to access
           relevant digital patient medical records 10 times faster than manual
         * Consumer Health GatewayGive members quick, reliable access to their
           health data, enabled by a secure, compliant solution.
         * SDOH Market InsightsIdentify and address social determinants of
           health (SDOH) to drive better access, higher engagement, improved
           outcomes, lower costs, and equitable healthcare.
         * Health Equity Index DashboardData analytics to help Medicare
           Advantage plans understand their performance on the new CMS Health
           Equity Index.
       * See All Payer Solutions
     * ProvidersOptimize revenue cycle management, care quality management, and
       workforce management in one single-sign-on, easy-to-use portal.
       * Provider Solutions
         * Revenue Cycle ManagementImprove revenue cycle efficiency, accuracy,
           and ultimately, speed to payment with streamlined, SaaS-based
         * Care Quality ManagementOptimize reimbursement and CMS Star Rating
           performance with enhanced post-acute quality reporting and care
         * Workforce ManagementStreamline and automate the scheduling process
           across teams, job level, and locations. Track licenses, credentials,
           staffing trends, and more.
         * Strategic PartnershipsWe’re better together. Discover how a seamless,
           successful partnership can provide your customers with endless
       * See All Provider Solutions
     * PharmaciesStreamline pharmacy operations and improve performance with
       automated processing, real-time data exchange, and electronic decision
       * Pharmacy Solutions
         * ScriptMed SpecialtyReduce time and cost to fill with real-time
           healthcare connectivity, advanced analytics, and automated
         * ScriptMed InfusionScriptMed Infusion provides unmatched patient
           clinical data at the point of care leading to optimal patient care.
       * See All Pharmacy Solutions
     * Life SciencesOptimize your strategy and unlock insights from Inovalon’s
       massive, primary source dataset.
       * Life Science Solutions
         * Real-World DataAccelerate research and improve healthcare outcomes
           with longitudinally linkable, deidentified data.
         * Data SolutionsPartner with our research and analysis experts to
           answer the complex healthcare questions of today for a better
         * SDOH Market InsightsIdentify and address social determinants of
           health (SDOH) to drive better access, higher engagement, improved
           outcomes, lower costs, and equitable healthcare.
       * See All Life Science Solutions
 * Products
   * Inovalon Data CloudDrive better health outcomes and economics, informed by
     diverse, longitudinally linkable data.
     * DataStream
     * Real-World Data
     * Data Solutions
     * SDOH Market Insights
     * Health Equity Index Dashboard
     * Converged Healthcare Data Explorer
     * Inovalon Consumer Health Gateway™
     * Learn More
   * Payer Cloud
     * Quality Measurement, Reporting, & Improvement
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     * Converged Risk Analytics
     * Electronic Record On Demand
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     * Inovalon Consumer Health Gateway™
     * Converged Provider Enablement
     * Converged Patient Assessment
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 * The Inovalon ONE® Platform
   Our Platform brings together national-scale connectivity, real-time primary
   source data access, and advanced analytics to power 100+ cloud-based
   solutions that enable improved clinical outcomes and economics across the
   healthcare ecosystem.

 * Data Cloud
   Drive better health outcomes and economics, informed by diverse,
   longitudinally linkable data.

 * Payer Cloud
   Improve member care and outcomes while achieving greater performance with
   sophisticated analytics and dynamic business intelligence.

 * Provider Cloud
   Optimize revenue cycle management, care quality management, and workforce
   management in one single-sign-on, easy-to-use portal.

 * Pharmacy Cloud
   Streamline pharmacy operations and improve performance with automated
   processing, real-time data exchange, and electronic decision support.

 * DataStream
   Improve the patient experience and care coordination with comprehensive,
   patient-specific data at the point of care.

 * Real-World Data
   Accelerate research and improve healthcare outcomes with longitudinally
   linkable, deidentified data.

 * Data Solutions
   Partner with our research and analysis experts to answer the complex
   healthcare questions of today for a better tomorrow.

 * SDOH Market Insights
   Identify and address social determinants of health (SDOH) to drive better
   access, higher engagement, improved outcomes, lower costs, and equitable

 * Health Equity Index Dashboard
   Data analytics to help Medicare Advantage plans understand their performance
   on the new CMS Health Equity Index.

 * Converged Quality
   Discover how our leading HEDIS® software and deep industry expertise enable
   health plans to achieve high-quality performance in today’s data-driven
   healthcare ecosystem.

 * Converged Risk
   Ensure compliance with advanced analytics and flexible member engagement
   solutions enabling efficient and accurate documentation of member

 * Converged Outreach
   Customize and coordinate integrated, patient-specific intervention programs
   and outreach for better patient outcomes and economics.

 * Converged Provider Enablement
   Translate organizational goals to the provider point of care with shared
   insights into patient care quality, documentation, program performance,
   utilization, and custom initiatives.

 * Electronic Record On Demand
   Exchange data with more than 750,000 providers connected to the Inovalon ONE®
   Platform today to access relevant digital patient medical records 10 times
   faster than manual retrieval.

 * Consumer Health Gateway
   Give members quick, reliable access to their health data, enabled by a
   secure, compliant solution.

 * Back-end Revenue Cycle
   Improve back-end revenue cycle efficiency, accuracy, and ultimately, speed to
   payment with streamlined SaaS-based workflows.

 * Front-end Revenue Cycle
   Enhance front-end revenue cycle workflows with accurate patient data
   collection, automated eligibility verification, and reducing uncompensated

 * Care Quality Management
   Optimize reimbursement and CMS Star Rating performance with enhanced
   post-acute quality reporting and care management.

 * Workforce Management
   Streamline and automate the scheduling process across teams, job levels, and
   locations. Track licenses, credentials, staffing trends, and more.

 * Strategic Partnerships
   We’re better together. Discover how a seamless, successful partnership can
   provide your customers with endless possibilities.

 * ScriptMed Specialty
   Reduce time and cost to fill with real-time healthcare connectivity, advanced
   analytics, and automated processing.

 * ScriptMed Infusion
   Access meaningful clinical data at the point of care to enable better
   treatments and patient outcomes.

   Converged Healthcare Data Explorer

   Converged Patient Assessment

   Converged Population Health

   Converged Healthcare Data Explorer

   Converged Patient Assessment

   Converged Population Health

   Converged Healthcare Data Explorer

   Converged Patient Assessment

   Converged Healthcare Data Explorer

   Converged Patient Assessment

   Converged Population Health

   All-Payer Revenue Cycle Management

   Medicare Revenue Cycle Management

   Patient Payment

   Revenue Cycle Management Analytics

   All-Payer Claims Management

   Patient Statement Management

   Medicare ADR Submissions

   Medicare Claims Management

   Medicare Billing

   Medicare DDE/FISS Connectivity

   Patient Registration

   Insurance Coverage Discovery

   All-Payer Health Insurance Eligibility Verification

   Healthcare Propensity to Pay

   Medicare Eligibility Verification


   MDS Assessment

   Payroll-Based Journal (PBJ) Reporting

   CMS OASIS Validation & Analytics

   Infection Surveillance

   Universal Billing Claims Management

   Healthcare Risk Management & Reporting

   Healthcare & Nurse Scheduling

   Healthcare & Nurse Staffing Analytics

   Healthcare Time & Attendance

   Healthcare Credential Management

   Physician Scheduling


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