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I am a serial entrepreneur, Co-founder of Bläckfisk, happily married for 12
years & a passionate family man with 4 wonderful kids.  Learn More

About Me

I am a serial entrepreneur, Co-founder of Bläckfisk, happily married for 12
years & a passionate family man with 4 wonderful kids.

I spend most of my professional career helping small businesses solve the
hardest problems.

If you would like to chat, please schedule an appointment. I love meeting new
people and learning how we can work together!

Bläckfisk is an evolution of nearly 15 years of
development/attempts/iterations/concepts/tool, resulting in an unique
Omni-Channel ERP Mobile-Web Platform that empowers retailers to excel in
eCommerce and Brick & Mortar sales. I saw a massive gap in the market place
where merchants were left undeserved and lacking the necessary tools to truly
grow their business.

The Bläckfisk Platform automates most of your internal business processes,
reduces employee costs, augments your purchasing & forecasting, globally
distributes your products to many sales channels, and helps you focus on what is
most important, cash flow.

When I am not working on my professional projects, being a husband, or father. I
am expanding my personal project and my passion project And when I have extra time, I'm helping my wife grow her
ministry, GraceUnworthy.

Guided Steps sole focus is helping individuals achieve the life that GOD wants
most for us. It is a customized online boot-camp designed specially for each
user to guide you through each step and every challenge when planning your life.
Guided Steps leverages technology to connect you with your friends and family to
provide you with accountability to help you achieve your goals.

T.O.U.C.H. Haiti was created one night when I was on my first mission trip to
Haiti in 1997. And every since, I have felt called to help the Haitian people.
T.O.U.C.H. Haiti's primary mission is to bring the Word of GOD to the Haitian
People and secondly to provide sustainable living by providing education, food &
resources that outlive our in-person efforts. We want to leave the fingerprint
of GOD's love within the local community for years to come.

GraceUnworthy helps woman unpack their unworthy story and encourage them that
they are forgiven by grace!

My Technology Stack

I am a huge fan of technology, software/web development, and leveraging tech to
amplify the efforts of business.

I will caution you that I am highly opinionated when it comes to my tech stack.
I am able to clearly define and back-up all my statements below. I spend 2-3
hours a day reading and studying any kind of technology news/article/video/book
I can get my hands out, to make sure I am always using the best
concepts/technology/platforms. If you disagree, please contact me and share why,
Iron sharpens Iron and I value your feedback!

 * Linode, GCP,GKE, & AWS EC2 Cloud Hosting
 * Percona MySQL (SQL)
 * Percona Mongo (noSQL)
 * Node/npm/nginx
 * ubuntu (although I highly enjoy ubuntu, I'm a fan of any linux distro)
 * Github
 * Hapi.js (API)
 * Objection.js (ORM-like, it is buggy so as long as you understand this, i do
   recommend over other projects like Bookshelf.js)
 * Nuxt.js (although this is not required for most apps, I do recommend it over
   other projects)

 * Vue.js/vuex (i know react is more popular but Vue.js is honestly a faster
 * (despite the drama a few years back, I still prefer Socket over
   other projects)
 * Bulma
 * Pug (i hate writing boring html. Pug makes me happy & eliminates 70% of my
 * Stylus (less popular to most but I prefer stylus over scss for css)
 * SASS/SCSS (although I prefer Stylus, I always use scss as all the projects I
   work with always implement customization in scss.)
 * CoffeeScript (i rarely use it but it is starting to grow on me)
 * TypeScript (i hate it, i don't understand it. but sadly most of my projects
   require use on some level. If you can tell me why its so popular please
   message me.)

 * LogRocket (a must to watch what users are doing)
 * (a must to watch what users did)
 * Pingdom (horrible app but a must as there is nothing better or cheaper)
 * Cloudinary (the ONLY way to manage images. If you are not using it, you are
 * CloudFlare (the best way to manage DNS and its free)
 * eslint / standard.js
 * webpack (virtually required for any project and highly recommend where

 * Sublime Text (editor)
 * Feedly (I can't handle reading newspapers or online politically bias papers
   so Feedly gives me the tools to subscribe to the exact articles/blogs/news I
   care about while filtering out everything else)
 * Google Apps/G Suite (I use Google Apps both personally and professionally. I
   highly recommend it for your company and your family. Lots of controls but it
   does require you to pay a few $$ to get the tools)
 * Navicat (buggy as hell but it does work the way I work. It is only missing
   one feature that I love in AquaData Studio, svn/git integration for Stored
 * AquaData Studio (I love this app however its beyond expensive. Who can spend
   $1k+ a year on a database tool. The day that AquaFold adds a $30/month
   subscription plan like Adobe Creative Cloud offers, I'll drop Navicat and
 * Adobe Creative Cloud (i hate paying $50/month+ for Adobe Creative Cloud but
   it is what everyone uses. Peer pressure is why I keep the app so i can open
   files from my designers.)

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