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Effective URL: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0143126563?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_ZGJ2A7YX2NW6HP1X5RPH
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    <p>Cuando un producto es enviado por Amazon, el vendedor utilizará Logística de Amazon para realizar el envío. Logística de Amazon es un servicio que ofrecemos a los vendedores para permitirles almacenar sus productos en los centros logísticos de
      Amazon, donde nosotros los empaquetamos y los enviamos a los clientes. Además, Amazon ofrece servicio de atención al cliente para dichos productos. Adicionalmente, los artículos de Logística de Amazon califican para Envío GRATIS en compras
      superiores a $599 MXN.</p>
    <p>Si eres vendedor, Logística de Amazon puede ayudarte a hacer crecer tu negocio. <a href="https://www.amazon.com/-/es/b/?language=es_US&amp;node=12766669011">Más información sobre el programa.</a></p>
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David Allen (Author), James Fallows (Foreword)
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The book Lifehack calls "The Bible of business and personal productivity."

"A completely revised and updated edition of the blockbuster bestseller from
'the personal productivity guru'"—Fast Company

Since it was first published almost fifteen years ago, David Allen’s Getting
Things Done has become one of the most influential business books of its era,
and the ultimate book on personal organization. “GTD” is now shorthand for an
entire way of approaching professional and personal tasks, and has spawned an
entire culture of websites, organizational tools, seminars, and offshoots.
Allen has rewritten the book from start to finish, tweaking his classic text
with important perspectives on the new workplace, and adding material that will
make the book fresh and relevant for years to come. This new edition of Getting
Things Done will be welcomed not only by its hundreds of thousands of existing
fans but also by a whole new generation eager to adopt its proven principles.

Leer más


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    Penguin Books
 4. Fecha de publicación
    17 Marzo 2015
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    5.5 x 0.8 x 8.4 pulgadas
 6. ISBN-10
 7. ISBN-13
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Precio total:US$41.28
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 * Este producto: Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
   por David Allen Tapa blanda
   Vendido por The Prime Bookshop y enviado desde un centro de logística de
   Recíbelo el miércoles, 21 de diciembre
 * The Getting Things Done Workbook: 10 Moves to Stress-Free Productivity
   por David Allen Tapa blanda
   Vendido por Babs Books y enviado desde un centro de logística de Amazon.
   Recíbelo el viernes, 16 de diciembre
 * Getting Things Done for Teens: Take Control of Your Life in a Distracting
   por David Allen Tapa blanda
   Vendido y enviado por Amazon.com.



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 1.  Comentarios
     Work Smarter, Live Better: The Science-Based Work-Life Balance and Stress…
     Joe Robinson
     Buried by work and email? Get proven tools from the science to crush
     stress, set boundaries, leave work at work, and put real life on the
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     Productivity for How You're Wired: Better Work. Better Life.
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     Dopamine Detox: A Short Guide to Remove Distractions and Get Your Brain to
     Do Hard ...
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     Do the Hard Things First: How to Win Over Procrastination and Master the
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     Want to triple your productivity? Use this simple, ultra-effective strategy
     to get more done in less time!
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     The Time Management Solution: 21 Proven Tactics To Increase Your
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     The Myth of Multitasking: How “Doing It All” Gets Nothing Done (2nd
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     Dave Crenshaw
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     The Checklist Book: Set Realistic Goals, Celebrate Tiny Wins, Reduce Stress
     Alexandra Franzen
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     Productivity Beast: An Unconventional Guide To Getting Things Done
     Thibaut Meurisse
     Do you feel overwhelmed? Do you want to get more done in less time? You’ll
     love this book because it shows how you can become truly productive.
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     Mind Management, Not Time Management: Productivity When Creativity Matters…
     David Kadavy
     Edición en rústica

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    what to do about it; (3) organize the results, which presents the options we
    (4) reflect on, which we then choose to (5) engage with.
    Destacada por 15,669 lectores de Kindle
 2. Getting things done requires two basic components: defining (1) what “done”
    means (outcome) and (2) what “doing” looks like (action).
    Destacada por 15,597 lectores de Kindle
 3. the real problem is a lack of clarity and definition about what a project
    really is, and what associated next-action steps are required.
    Destacada por 12,037 lectores de Kindle
 4. I define a project as any desired result that can be accomplished within a
    year that requires more than one action step.
    Destacada por 9,852 lectores de Kindle
 5. Vertical control, in contrast, manages thinking, development, and
    coordination of individual topics and projects.
    Destacada por 9,483 lectores de Kindle

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“I am a devout, card-carrying GTD true believer. . . . The entire approach has
boosted not only my productivity but also my wider well-being. But what amazes
me just as much is how deeply GTD has taken hold around the world. . . . This is
a genuine movement.”
—Daniel H. Pink, author of Drive

“Getting Things Done offers help building the new mental skills needed in an age
of multitasking and overload.”
—Sue Shellenbarger, The Wall Street Journal

“I recently attended David’s seminar on getting organized, and after seeing him
in action I have hope. . . . David Allen’s seminar was an eye-opener.”
—Stewart Alsop, Fortune

“Allen drops down from high-level philosophizing to the fine details of time
management. Take a minute to check this one out.”
—Mark Henricks, Entrepreneur

“David Allen’s productivity principles are rooted in big ideas . . . but they’re
also eminently practical.”
—Keith H. Hammonds, Fast Company

“David Allen brings new clarity to the power of purpose, the essential nature of
relaxation, and deceptively simple guidelines for getting things done. He
employs extensive experience, personal stories, and his own recipe for
simplicity, speed, and fun.”
—Frances Hesselbein, chairman, board of governors, Leader to Leader Institute

“Anyone who reads this book can apply this knowledge and these skills in their
lives for immediate results.”
—Stephen P. Magee, chaired professor of business and economics, University of
Texas at Austin

“A true skeptic of most management fixes, I have to say David’s program is a
—Joline Godfrey, CEO, Independent Means, Inc., and author of Our Wildest Dreams 

“Getting Things Done describes an incredibly practical process that can help
busy people regain control of their lives. It can help you be more successful.
Even more important, it can help you have a happier life!”
—Marshall Goldsmith, coeditor, The Leader of the Future and Coaching for

“WARNING: Reading Getting Things Done can be hazardous to your old habits of
procrastination. David Allen’s approach is refreshingly simple and intuitive. He
provides the systems, tools, and tips to achieve profound results.”
—Carola Endicott, director, Quality Resources, New England Medical Center 


David Allen is widely recognized as the world’s leading expert on personal and
organizational productivity. He has more than thirty years of pioneering
research and experience as a management consultant and executive coach to some
of America’s most prestigious organizations, such as New York Life, the World
Bank, and the U.S. Navy.



 * Editorial ‏ : ‎ Penguin Books; Revised edición (17 Marzo 2015)
 * Idioma ‏ : ‎ Inglés
 * Tapa blanda ‏ : ‎ 352 páginas
 * ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0143126563
 * ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0143126560
 * Peso del Artículo ‏ : ‎ 10.4 onzas
 * Dimensiones ‏ : ‎ 5.5 x 0.8 x 8.4 pulgadas

 * Clasificación en los más vendidos de Amazon: nº5,093 en Libros (Ver el Top
   100 en Libros)
    * nº11 en Gestión del Tiempo en los Negocios (Libros)
    * nº20 en Gestión del Tiempo Personal
    * nº189 en Motivación Autoayuda (Libros)

 * Opiniones de clientes:
   4.5 de 5 estrellas 6,302 calificaciones

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David Allen is widely recognized as the world’s leading expert on personal and
organizational productivity. His thirty-year pioneering research and coaching to
corporate managers and CEOs of some of America’s most prestigious corporations
and institutions has earned him Forbes’ recognition as one of the top five
executive coaches in the U.S. and Business 2.0 magazine's inclusion in their
2006 list of the "50 Who Matter Now." Time Magazine called his flagship book,
"Getting Things Done", “the definitive business self-help book of the decade.”
Fast Company Magazine called David “one of the world’s most influential
thinkers” in the arena of personal productivity, for his outstanding programs
and writing on time and stress management, the power of aligned focus and
vision, and his groundbreaking methodologies in management and executive peak

David is the international best-selling author of "Getting Things Done: the Art
of Stress-Free Productivity"; "Ready for Anything: 52 Productivity Principles
for Work and Life"; and "Making It All Work: Winning at the Game of Work and the
Business of Life".

He is the engineer of GTD®, the popular Getting Things Done® methodology that
has shown millions how to transform a fast-paced, overwhelming, overcommitted
life into one that is balanced, integrated, relaxed, and has more successful
outcomes. GTD’s broad appeal is based on the fact that it is applicable from the
boardroom to the living room to the class room. It is hailed as “life changing”
by students, busy parents, entrepreneurs and corporate executives. David is the
Founder and Chairman of the David Allen Company, whose inspirational seminars,
coaching, educational materials and practical products present individuals and
organizations with a new model for “Winning at the Game of Work and Business of
Life.” He continues to write articles and essays that address today’s
ever-changing issues about living and working in a fast-paced world while
sustaining balance, control, and meaningful focus.

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 1.  Comentarios
     Work Smarter, Live Better: The Science-Based Work-Life Balance and Stress…
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     Buried by work and email? Get proven tools from the science to crush
     stress, set boundaries, leave work at work, and put real life on the
     Edición en rústica
 2.  Comentarios
     Lanzamiento reciente
     The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Habit Tracker: (Life goals, Daily
     habits j...
     Stephen R. Covey
     Edición en rústica
 3.  Comentarios
     The Productivity Revolution: Control your time and get things done! (Change
     your ha...
     Marc Reklau
     Edición en rústica
 4.  Comentarios
     Do the Hard Things First: How to Win Over Procrastination and Master the
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     Scott Allan
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 5.  Comentarios
     Los Cinco disfunciones de un equipo: Un Liderazgo Fable 1er por lencioni,
     Patrick (...
     Patrick Lencioni
     Pasta dura
 6.  Comentarios
     Productivity Is For Robots: How To (re)Connect, Get Creative, And Stay…
     Corey McComb
     Edición en rústica
 7.  Comentarios
     The Time Management Solution: 21 Proven Tactics To Increase Your
     Productivity, Redu...
     Damon Zahariades
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 8.  Comentarios
     The Time Chunking Method: A 10-Step Action Plan For Increasing Your
     Damon Zahariades
     Want to triple your productivity? Use this simple, ultra-effective strategy
     to get more done in less time!
     Edición en rústica
 9.  Comentarios
     Crush Your Kryptonite: How to Conquer Your Weakness and Unleash Your
     Nate Hambrick
     Edición en rústica
 10. Comentarios
     How to Get Organized and Get Stuff Done: 10 Productivity Tips for Business
     Carson Byers
     Edición en rústica

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Amazon Customer
1.0 de 5 estrellas This picture is his model of how to get things done.
Calificado en Estados Unidos el 10 de noviembre de 2018
The book is him talking about this for 267 pages. Look at the graph. You don't
need 267 pages to understand how to use this.
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Amazon Customer
5.0 de 5 estrellas Great read
Calificado en Estados Unidos 🇺🇸 el 20 de noviembre de 2022
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Really fantastic book. Highly recommend

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Marky Mark - Seattle
5.0 de 5 estrellas Fantastic advice!
Calificado en Estados Unidos 🇺🇸 el 10 de octubre de 2022
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It really is about the basics. Many of the things suggested here I've done for
years to organize, just hacks I've made up over the years. But this book
provides a system, a framework to put it all in. It's easy to get started in the
GTD system while you read the book and see instant results. I'm already
experiencing big changes and relieving stress in my life.

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A 4 personas les resultó útil
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Canadian eReader
5.0 de 5 estrellas This is the go-to book for the GTD methodology
Calificado en Estados Unidos 🇺🇸 el 4 de febrero de 2017
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Self help is not a genre of books I read very often, but I made an exception for
David Allen’s Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity. One of
my goals for 2017 was to become better organised and to be more productive. I
first learned about the GTD methodology through Carl Pullein’s YouTube channel
that I follow. I’ve been working on this for around six weeks now, so it’s too
early to tell, but I’m happy with what I’ve learned so far.

Getting Things Done, or GTD, is a productivity methodology based on a few
deceptively simple concepts. Now, I’m still very new to GTD, but this is how I
see it. One of the fundamental ideas behind GTD is that the human brain is
excellent at processing ideas and being creative, but not a great storage
facility. A key part of GTD is getting all ideas, projects and commitments out
of your brain and into a trusted system or external brain.

There are five activities to GDT: Capture, Clarify, Organise, Reflect and
Engage. If I can take from the GTD website, this translates to:

Capture: Collect what has your attention. For me, this means adding all my
ideas, commitments and to-dos in my list manager application of choice, Todoist.
I really love this application and regret that I don’t have it at work. I try to
capture everything from my doctor’s appointments, to buying cat food for Lushka
to a reminder to ask my husband if we have picture hooks. I’m planning a trip to
Europe this summer, so any time I think of something like oh, I must remember to
get Swiss francs, into Todoist it goes.

Clarify: Process what it means. Here I can’t be any more concise than or as
clear as the workflow diagram on the GTD website:


Honestly, if I take away nothing more from my experience with GTD than the two
minute rule (if you can do it in two minutes, do it now, otherwise delegate it
or defer it) and the discipline to define the next physical action to move a
task along it will have been worth it.

Organise: Put it where it belongs. This is probably the area of GTD that’s least
intuitive for me – I’m not very organised! At the very least, I try to put any
appointments on my calendar, any tasks in the appropriate section of Todoist,
and potentially relevant non-actionable information in Evernote. One interesting
aspect of GTD is the use of contexts. This means organising your tasks not by
priority but by the tools, location, and/or person you need to be able to
complete them successfully. So, for example, in my Taxes 2016 list I have an
item; pick up tax receipt from pharmacy. I tagged that as “pharmacy” along with
other items like pick up Polysporin and drop off new prescription. So when I go
to the pharmacy I just check that tag to be reminded of all the things I have to
accomplish while I’m there. Similarly, while planning my trip to Europe I have a
context of Susanne, the friend I’m visiting. Any time I think of something I
need to ask her, I add it to that list of things to discuss next time I call or
email her.

Reflect: Review your to do list and calendar frequently. The idea here is to
keep your “external brain” current with everything that you need to accomplish.
If you don’t add to it or clear our stale items, your real brain will no longer
trust your system and it will break down. Most GTDers do a review at least once
a week.

Engage: Simply do. Pick the tasks that are available to you based on your
contexts and get cracking!

The book itself is very well written and the edition I have was updated in 2015
to include discussion of new technology (not specific applications) and how it
impacts the GTD workflow.

if you are interested in improving your productivity and generally getting
things done you could do a whole lot worse than to check out this book.

I gave Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress Free productivity five stars out
of five.

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A 105 personas les resultó útil
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Amazon Customer
2.0 de 5 estrellas A retype not a rewrite, punts on digital tool specifics in
favor of generalities, still a good methodology
Calificado en Estados Unidos 🇺🇸 el 20 de marzo de 2015
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Summary: For anyone new to GTD, go ahead and buy this 2015 version, or save some
money and buy the paperback original for $1.50. For anyone who already has a GTD
book, just reread it and take a pass on this one, there's really nothing new.

I purchased the original in March 2001 for use with my Palm Pilot. I
subsequently purchased the Outlook add-in around 2007; and my company had a GTD
consultant onsite and provided us access to GTD Connect in 2008. I've found the
workflow and methodology useful. The underlying original strength of GTD is that
the book not only states "what" has to happen, but through a specific
methodology also "how" to make it happen.

I was so excited about this 2015 update, with my expectations of entry to the
digital age that I pre-purchased in Nov 2014. Just received the book today and
I'm sorry to say that David is essentially punting on digital-age specifics in
favor of generalities. Further, David admits that this is not a rewrite (though
he did "retype the original manuscript").

I'm actually fine with the retype vs rewrite though - as he states, the core
ideas and methodology of GTD remain the same. But the reason I went to GTD in
the first place was that it provided specific workflows incorporating paper and
pencil and Outlook and PDAs - he had done the work to figure out what works and
I was happy to adopt his recommendations.

Since the original release there has been a profound shift in the use of
technology - hardware, software, mobile and cloud. 2015 finds us in much more
diversified and integrated data input/output environment than what the Palm and
MSOffice suite offered in 2000, and so there is a very good reason to update the
"how" part of the equation to manage this new information capture and task-list

In the new edition, the author provides some digital guideline feature specifics
(software outline program should allow for sub-headings, expand/collapse
ability), even more generalities, but mostly just derails the digital
conversation of any 'how' by sweeping particulars under the carpet with a few
ambiguities of "what" needs to be done, not "how" to do it, "Make sure you
create comfort with the [computer] applications ["used for developing and
capturing project plans and collateral"]. It will behoove you to do regular
reviews and updating of this content and keep it current with consistent purging
and reorganizing."

Punting on digital specifics of today's workflow world because, in his words,
“the rate of innovation in this area means that any specific software program
can easily be outdated, upgraded, or undermined by the next new thing", and that
he has admittedly "hopped out of the fray, opting instead to provide a general
model for how to evaluate the usefulness of any tool" is, for me, not useful. I
*know* there is a plethora of digital tool options, and I wanted him to do the
work and figure out what works. Fine, publish a revision when the tools change,
I'll buy it. That's why he and his team get paid the big bucks. But if I wanted
to spend my time figuring the complexity of tools out myself I'd have done that
from day one. To me, this would be like Lonely Planets back-peddling on
restaurant and hotel reviews. "Oh, there are just sooo many these days, let us
tell you what to look for instead,,,, try to find a restaurant with lots of
people in it, and look for a hotel with clean sheets." Uh, yea.

The original methodology and task-driven workflow remains true in the 2015 book
as in the original. The "psycap" and other psychological drivers and
underpinnings are interesting in the new book. But whereas I was confident that
I had a pretty holistic system set-up as a result of the original book (and
actually, as much a result of a smaller digital footprint, and I know I'm not
the exception), I now feel, with this "completely updated" edition, that I have
half a system with a digital divide, a "black hole" as the author even alludes.

I understand all the high reviews, the methodology is still very good as
described, and yes, freshened. My rating of this book is as a version updated
for what we would all agree is an increasingly digital world and unfortunately,
whereas the "what" might be explained, I find the book lacking on the "how". I
agree that it has helped me refine my thinking about how to use GTD in the
digital age,,, i.e., I now think that I cannot rely just on this one book as a
holistic model of how to get it all done ;)

For anyone new to GTD, go ahead and buy this 2015 version, or save some money
and buy the paperback original for a $1.50 and you'll learn the essentials that
have not changed. For anyone versed in GTD, I offer David's statement from this
new book: "...whenever anyone loops back through the material, they invariably
have a response like, "Oh my God, this is totally different information and
perspective" than what they had remembered from earlier, "it was a totally
different book each time!" So if you have an earlier GTD book? Just reread it
and you'll likely get the same "new" experience and fresh perspective as from
this 2015 book, particularly given that there really are no digital age
specifics that many of us were hoping for.

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A 494 personas les resultó útil
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Jenalee Paige
5.0 de 5 estrellas Motivating for sure!
Calificado en Estados Unidos 🇺🇸 el 16 de julio de 2022
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I read this book after feeling anxious about all of these things I need to do,
want to do, and should be doing. I really appreciated how the book focused on
each step of Getting Things Done in a positive and insightful way. I read
through the book at its entirety without stopping to do each step, just to know
the whole process. I now plan to go back through and listen to each of the steps
while I do that. I recommend this for anyone looking to have a better sense of
getting things done in their life and having their expectations managed. It does
take time, as mentioned in the book, to trust the new method. However, I am
going to do it!

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A 3 personas les resultó útil
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J. Whiting
5.0 de 5 estrellas GTD saved my career
Calificado en Estados Unidos 🇺🇸 el 5 de septiembre de 2022
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I think this is required reading for the modern knowledge worker. If you ever
struggle with how to manage all your commitments, David Allen has broken down
the essentials of that problem and provides an effective, comprehensive solution
that actually works, if you do the techniques with the attitudes and
understanding he describes in this book.

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Blas Hernández
5.0 de 5 estrellas good book for busy people
Calificado en Estados Unidos 🇺🇸 el 12 de septiembre de 2022
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I like it I’m applying some of the techniques I learned here and helped me to
organice and be more efficient at my work

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2.0 de 5 estrellas Out of date
Calificado en Reino Unido 🇬🇧 el 2 de septiembre de 2019
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This book was supposedly a brand new edition for 2015 but it reads like it was
written for a previous century. There is so much emphasis on hard copy
documentation, memos and letters that it just doesn’t fit with how work or life
is conducted in the modern world. For example you are strongly advised to buy a
label printer so you can stick labels on all your files. Our files are in the
cloud these days. Where are we suppose to stick these printed labels?

There are some good ideas here but it’s hard to relate them to modernity. Its
like reading Jane Austin for tips on using Tinder.

If you are a historian researching productivity methods of bygone eras then this
would be a good purchase for you.

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A 89 personas les resultó útil
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2.0 de 5 estrellas A great system described in a bloated and outdated book
Calificado en Reino Unido 🇬🇧 el 11 de enero de 2021
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This book is at least three times longer than it needs to be. I think I skipped
over more sections in this book that I have in recent memory. And that’s saying
something, considering the amount of business / self-help I read.

For instance, the author will describe some approaches to collecting information
(e.g. pen and paper, whiteboards, whatever). But then immediately following will
be ten dedicated sections discussing the minutiae of each of those methods. Some
things don’t need expanding on!

However for me, the biggest issue was the outdated nature of the content. It’s
been very lightly updated with references to “digital tools”, but I think it’s
overdue a rewrite to reflect that digital tools are the norm now, not the
exception. This would also cut out half the book.

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A 17 personas les resultó útil
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5.0 de 5 estrellas It's a behavioural change with GTD
Calificado en Reino Unido 🇬🇧 el 3 de febrero de 2021
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David suggests revisiting the book every quarter. I totally agree. I purchased
this book in 2016. Read it once. Skimmed it once. Now, re-reading it again in
2021, I concur.

One-liner: Getting things done is not about getting things done. It's about
being appropriately engaged with a task or an activity in hand.

One-takeaway: In David's own words, Weekly Review is the “critical success
factor” in making your GTD practise stick. So, do your Weekly Review.

Leer más
5.0 de 5 estrellas It's a behavioural change with GTD
Calificado en Reino Unido 🇬🇧 el 3 de febrero de 2021
David suggests revisiting the book every quarter. I totally agree. I purchased
this book in 2016. Read it once. Skimmed it once. Now, re-reading it again in
2021, I concur.

One-liner: Getting things done is not about getting things done. It's about
being appropriately engaged with a task or an activity in hand.

One-takeaway: In David's own words, Weekly Review is the “critical success
factor” in making your GTD practise stick. So, do your Weekly Review.
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A 11 personas les resultó útil
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5.0 de 5 estrellas Great Book
Calificado en Reino Unido 🇬🇧 el 10 de diciembre de 2018
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Highly recommended for busy people who want to flow whilst working instead of
feeling overwhelmed.

The book is heavy going though, I bought it in paperback, Kindle and upgraded
the Kindle to audio too so that I could read it quickly.

An email workflow infographic would have been handy, I'm likely to create these
for myself so that I can embed the theories quicker.

I also wanted to annotate both the Kindle and paper versions so that they'd make
better reference materials.

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A 21 personas les resultó útil
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3.0 de 5 estrellas Yes, but no.
Calificado en Reino Unido 🇬🇧 el 4 de noviembre de 2015
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I desperately wanted to love this book. I had heard about GTD from several
places, and I thought "Yep, this is ME". I think the principles behind this book
are so valuable and could help a lot more people if it weren't surrounded in
such WAFFLE! Seriously, this is the sort of stuff I lap up usually, but I
couldn't get into this. Like others have said, it needs paring down a lot for it
to be something the masses could get on board with. Shame really.

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