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Raspberry Pi Imager now supports Android 14 for RPI 5 Learn more * Products * * Android * Android OS * Custom Android OS * Android OS updates * Devices * Device management * Supported hardware * Resources * * DISCOVER * Blog * Newsletter * Resources * Industries * Success stories * LEARN * Knowledge base * Discussion forum * Release notes * API reference * Company * * EMTERIA * About us * Partners * CONTACT * Contact us * Pricing Login Start for free Book live demo * INDUSTRIES * Manufacturing * Retail * Transport & logistic * APPLICATIONS * Digital signage * Infotainment * Vending & ticketing CUSTOMIZE, UPDATE AND MANAGE YOUR ANDROID REMOTELY FOR VEHICLE TERMINALS DIGITAL SIGNAGE SOLUTIONS POINT-OF-SALE SYSTEMS KIOSK SOLUTIONS VEHICLE TERMINALS DIGITAL SIGNAGE SOLUTIONS POINT-OF-SALE SYSTEMS KIOSK SOLUTIONS VEHICLE TERMINALS Start for free Book live demo * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CREATE A UNIQUE ANDROID PRODUCT Customize and build your Android™ operating system to fit your product requirements. Designed as a foundation for great products, emteria provides automated and scalable solutions for all your Android customization needs. Combine the advantages of Android with extended industrial settings and additional enterprise features. "With emteria, we found a partner that offers exactly what we were looking for - an Android-based operating system for our hardware." PROF DR LARS GROSSMANN - Managing Director Explore your Android OS KEEP YOUR ANDROID PRODUCT SECURE Over-the-Air updates are the fastest and easiest way to keep your Android-based products secure. To build, deliver and install OTA updates to your Android products automatically from your browser, emteria provides a reliable cloud infrastructure. Protect your devices from online threats and provide the best possible user experience. "... everything was up and running in less than 3 hours ... especially setting up our update process was a breeze." GABRIEL BUTCHER - Head of IT Discover emteria OTA updates * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * LOVED BY PRODUCT TEAMS Organizations worldwide choose to provide their devices with a professional Android experience. This allows them to develop modern and secure products and realize a wide variety of use cases. Book live demo WHY OEMS turn to EMTERIA ENSURE SECURITY AND LONGEVITY OF YOUR ANDROID PRODUCTS CUSTOMIZE ANDROID OS Define your OS requirements to fit your hardware and target customers' needs. * Wide hardware support * Long term OS support SCALE SECURITY AND AUTOMATION Automatically build your image with every new patch and feature. Update Over-the-Air! * Reliable OTA infrastructure * Automatic CI/CD pipeline MANAGE AND MONITOR DEVICES Access and debug your deployed devices no matter where they are located. * Robust cloud platform * In-depth remote control * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXTEND AND ADAPT ANDROID EVEN FURTHER We are happy to offer you a comprehensive all-round service to build, maintain and customize your secure Android OS even further. We build customized AOSP solutions since Android version 1.6. Our experts have many years of experience writing Android HALs, low-level drivers and framework extensions to support custom board design. Extend your custom Android OS BUILD UNIQUE PRODUCTS, BOOST DEVICE PERFORMANCE See why emteria is the chosen Android™ customization & management platform for OEM solution builders — and what it can do for your customers. Book live demo Already have hardware? Start for free NEWS AND UPDATES FROM OUR BLOG Previous ROM UPDATES: 3 EASY WAYS TO UPDATE YOUR ANDROID.. Many reasons exist for running a custom Android ROM on devices. For private devices such as smartphones, custom ROMs might offer additional privacy, p... Read article ANDROID AUTO VS ANDROID AUTOMOTIVE DEEP DIVE As more cars come out with Android Automotive OS on board, some people might feel confused about the differences between Android Auto vs Android Autom... Read article ROBUST MONITORS AND INDUSTRY-READY ANDROID OS The new year starts with solid news: Android OS now runs on the robust and compact POS-IQ-PRO panel PC series by FORTEC Integrated. Read article ANDROID TEE: HOW TO UNLOCK THE VAULT OF ANDROID.. Android is the most popular mobile operating system in the world. This popularity is not only shared by users but also third parties who seek to explo... Read article ANDROID POS SYSTEM: A GUIDE ON HOW TO BUILD A.. If you’re considering building your first point of sale (POS) system, it makes sense to base it on Android OS. Android-based POS systems offer a smoot... Read article WILL ANDROID 15 RESTRICT SIDELOADING APPS? The release of Android 15 — Vanilla Ice Cream — is expected for September/October 2024. The upcoming Android version will introduce a range of new fea... Read article ANDROID SECURITY: FEATURES PROVIDED BY AOSP Now that over 3 billion Android devices exist in the world, any severe Android OS security flaw would prove catastrophic. Naturally, Android security ... Read article ANDROID SECURITY UPDATES: FROM VULNERABILITIES TO.. The larger the codebase, the more likely it is that code has vulnerabilities. Android does a fairly good job at keeping devices patched based on the l... Read article WINDOWS SUBSYSTEM FOR ANDROID: A SHORT-LIVED.. Microsoft has published a statement announcing that they will no longer maintain the Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA). Support for WSA, in cooperat... Read article ROM UPDATES: 3 EASY WAYS TO UPDATE YOUR ANDROID.. Many reasons exist for running a custom Android ROM on devices. For private devices such as smartphones, custom ROMs might offer additional privacy, p... Read article ANDROID AUTO VS ANDROID AUTOMOTIVE DEEP DIVE As more cars come out with Android Automotive OS on board, some people might feel confused about the differences between Android Auto vs Android Autom... Read article ROBUST MONITORS AND INDUSTRY-READY ANDROID OS The new year starts with solid news: Android OS now runs on the robust and compact POS-IQ-PRO panel PC series by FORTEC Integrated. Read article ANDROID TEE: HOW TO UNLOCK THE VAULT OF ANDROID.. Android is the most popular mobile operating system in the world. This popularity is not only shared by users but also third parties who seek to explo... Read article ANDROID POS SYSTEM: A GUIDE ON HOW TO BUILD A.. If you’re considering building your first point of sale (POS) system, it makes sense to base it on Android OS. Android-based POS systems offer a smoot... Read article WILL ANDROID 15 RESTRICT SIDELOADING APPS? The release of Android 15 — Vanilla Ice Cream — is expected for September/October 2024. The upcoming Android version will introduce a range of new fea... Read article ANDROID SECURITY: FEATURES PROVIDED BY AOSP Now that over 3 billion Android devices exist in the world, any severe Android OS security flaw would prove catastrophic. Naturally, Android security ... Read article ANDROID SECURITY UPDATES: FROM VULNERABILITIES TO.. The larger the codebase, the more likely it is that code has vulnerabilities. Android does a fairly good job at keeping devices patched based on the l... Read article WINDOWS SUBSYSTEM FOR ANDROID: A SHORT-LIVED.. Microsoft has published a statement announcing that they will no longer maintain the Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA). Support for WSA, in cooperat... Read article ROM UPDATES: 3 EASY WAYS TO UPDATE YOUR ANDROID.. Many reasons exist for running a custom Android ROM on devices. For private devices such as smartphones, custom ROMs might offer additional privacy, p... Read article ANDROID AUTO VS ANDROID AUTOMOTIVE DEEP DIVE As more cars come out with Android Automotive OS on board, some people might feel confused about the differences between Android Auto vs Android Autom... Read article ROBUST MONITORS AND INDUSTRY-READY ANDROID OS The new year starts with solid news: Android OS now runs on the robust and compact POS-IQ-PRO panel PC series by FORTEC Integrated. Read article Next * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 info@emteria.com +49 241 47597530 Oppenhoffallee 9-15, 52066 Aachen, Germany ABOUT EMTERIA emteria solves the challenge of customizing and maintaining Android OS for off-the-shelf hardware and industrial platforms. Our users operate and update thousands of devices running a modern Android operating system on one management platform. SIGN UP FOR MORE INFORMATION We will notify you about important product updates. You can unsubscribe at any time. By submitting this form you expressly agree to store your email address in our database. * Sign me up for monthly emteria News. * * I agree to the privacy policy. * * Company * Home * About us * Careers * Partners * Contact us * Pricing * Product * emteria Android OS * Custom Android OS * Android updates * Supported hardware * Device management * Industry solutions * Resources * Blog * Newsletter * Download resources * Success stories * Learning center * Documentation * Knowledge base * Discussion forum * Release notes * API reference © 2016 - 2023 emteria GmbH | All rights reserved Terms of use Privacy policy Cookie declaration Legal notice